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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jul 1911, p. 8

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LAKE COUX14Y IN1IEPÉN1IENT, YRIDAY, JULY 21,ý 1911. I__XNews of Waukegan and the North Shore OUT FOR REVENGE two against whom information an flot tiled by States Attornley Ralph i A.tterburY TrieS to Close The_ Dady, are alleged ro have beld a secret meeting Sunday atternoon in atres and Cigar Stores Eagles, Hall 8 At that meeting, it is caimed, thee Otrength of the bold of the Sunday saloon keepers adopted a formai reso- "aOons on Co)mmisioner Cati Atter- ltion outlining their canipalgflagalulat9 buaTor the department of publie the city, or rather the law abiding i bWuth and safety was trongly Indi- parn of the city, and lagainst I ea*ied Bnnday wben the commIssion- Staes Attorney Dady, and agaîflat 41 actlng in a spirit of petty res-enge the commissioners In general. t «~d spite atter State's AttorneY Railhifl ledth hesonkepr9 . ady otsfo Sud the closd toe the- assed ani nformai cesolution which1 saloon.spol aundaysulard rthm, lihe stated, ifla ssaid, that if the saluonsc .tent thptool and eelltard iolca u31vewere com pelled 10 keep loaed nextt *Mt.. at, oabd etramtaesignalesfromSunday, and Sundays thereatter. whilet tie dalchpoic fomasina roathe theaters were allowed ta remain hés alchlic arty" open. that ail saluons of the cty, ex- Wblle tier. was evidence that At- ce pting the. sanle two. j&nes Nicholle. lerbury catemplated the revenge and Thomas Gradys place, woutd atep Saturday ntght. lie did flot aet close tiseir doors permanenlîN.and mtil Bunday morning, when helisued the h-eepers demand that their lîcense orders ta Assistant Chef of Police lie gisen back. Thomfas Tyreîl ta entorce bis orders, States Attorney Dady, backed ln the and himselt set about dong if also. ghbyer odciznofWu No attempt was made to stop the tiglit J'aesry gindbitiznsen csfau h ettret arsor he ortwesernrai- .saluons must close, and If fthe city vos th lae wveswer unolet- police, headed liy Commissioner At- ed, and fthe stars were permitted toitruysl efetocsebinn ngu wibou paersbeig srve ontheit uown hook, the slales atiorney them.wli file1ifor mation against every sa- - Saloons Claaed Tighf. . bu keeper Who opens his place un, The ove in he ay o a omea ns Sundav ' and each offense will back designed ta get bsck at States cntueasprt votinfth Attorney Dady, failed to affect the lawt ieo $90hnigoe Sunday saluons. 1 bis head, Âccording to bet Information oh ýMondav înornlng subile1mnan ut the taiuabte, flot a salon Vas open es-en1, a minute in cther Waukegani ort Nortb Cicago Sunday esery unel well that a burglar wculd hase liad a hard Job Jimmnying in. Back, frunt snd aide doors and windows and trait noms were tucked for the first finiet i many years. Moreaver, in moet cases the inside gtsa duors were open and screens fld rurtalis were sboved art so tbîat ail might look Into the interiors. Msny men packed liottîein their hip pocket. What fhe Police Did. Atterbury. imself, luscd up ais Uigth street pici, suspending ail the, sports and games, even the doIt snd cane racks, and stopping every- thing that came f0 is august atten- tion as giving the people a chiance fo bave a gond, but beerlesa time. Thle Varnamo Marknuad Vas flot moteted ai Etectrir Park as this a- faer, wbichb las attracted attention by lil.excellence, was ouf of the rit y Uimita and beyond the Af ferbury luw. Asistant Chief ut Police Thomas Tyrrelt at Atterburys ordera dlrectcd ai the theaters ta close in flic atter- noon, and tffive cent theafers aliey- ci, aendiag their help home and los- lng tbe usual Sunday affernuon harveat. Thle irdomnfot glvlng ffernuon performances, di nof bave fa close. Manager A-A. AFrudetifeld outhie Barrison theafer prolested against d.osing. which woutd entait a bs cf $200 ta hlmn, and was allowed ta gise a performance as usuaIin flic affer Doon. If Visa tlnally agreed tîsat allih theeters aold open In the evenlng anmd le permitted ta give fhler shows but that tliey shaHI close without faIt & Il day nexf Sonda>. Thle managera are 'holding spint- coferencea and may sgree 10 dclv the City to close them. The pool nooms, closci at Als- burys ariers, sare openci aI once aI flic direction cf May-or Biddiltger. Most at thcm reopenci. Do Not Serve Papens. Afferbunt- falci to serve suit- ta pers Be sii, as dii officerB, that there ls s state Issu and a city ondin- sac proviiing for losing of the places namei. As a mat fer of tat thene la no clîy ardînaîsce untesa une lias been sippei user thaf renvens the Bunday rloslng o pacea lite f hose Indicated, and attorneys, somne ut thora, 15sf niglt stafei that there la no tate law. Corporation ('ounsel Arthur Buliley us not ln Waukegan and If la bletevei tbat flic commisioner arted without advitue o attornecys or the maycr on a majaity ut the commissioners. aid tried fa put aven a splendid f luise whieb moast cf the theater managers refuaeci f akIe serionsît' Fow Peope on Streeta, 'Pler. wcre few people an flic treeta wlien fhe commisafoner of flic publieliesifli and safetyt' tok bis dratic action, and ftle step talci to have azy sensatianal sequence, bing taule lu the ertu'eîe. lu parsuance wtl the arien 0f fbina whlcli previlci lere Sun- daLy, sud pursuaut alsa tui the condi- tioas whidli savons of miduigli cx- tierulona tromn bedroons tu kitchen. kitelsen ta parlor, and parlor back agbju ta the kitchen wtli a crying imd»t n t hein arma, ssvoing of pau'c- Sre teethlng rings, aund nursing bat- ti, tihe miou keepesa of fhe city, uý4k theiexmetSm, It ilesii 0of te cil iuaîothlngou t i, ihe citi suas frcvafedew10 the igbt ut une of fbe1 tratugesl, aîîd mtiafsignitienul lar- aîles inisbitory. il sas uuf li-e lice iCbarge ut the Lieut Brigade. lil samure luke a possession -Oaci the bulst 10the Pour Bouse, althougli insfead of the pont beuse, the destin- aion ut the seary plgrîmasuas the cuurt bouse. Sesenty-fis e, or mure saloon iseeli crs ut the cify, tormed lu a Une t Eages Hatl, and narched in a body up f0 the court bouse, shere tbey furnisbed bonds.'Pliere waa no band f0 heai flic possession. and os-cc the "blîls to ftbe court bouse, tbey wendcd their weary sas>" There was nu appescance, lu the le- gaI phrase, fthe men being merely compelted f0 furniai bonds for t hein appearance lefare county court onJ Juty 29. The bonds wene al flted wlfb Sberlff Green, esch saloon keeper, as he walted u to the court bouse teep- lng lits baid on bis pontet wbcre the money for bIs honda were stored. In flic fean thaf in somte marnner If miglif lie bst ln the abuffle. .lust befare the liattle Nonday, the samoon keepers anesii ta have held another meeting lu the Eaglea Hll.ItAf thia meeting fthe men de- maded that. the nases lie fouglif to the higbest courts If necessasry to justify tbem in their open violation ut the laV, and decici fbhat al expen- ses Incurent upon f hein ugt lie born by the liody. They base liced suc attorney, George W. Fied of Wauisegan, and Vien thse nases ruine up in count y court thene la a liveiy baffle expenfed. If Is rlamed fliat thc decisian Sun- day ta cther demani to lie allosa- ci Wa teep open, or 10 demand their muney back, was starfcd by a saloon tectier wbo is allegesi to bave come fromn North (Chicago and ta hase been one alconiagaiafInfurmation Visa filci BHe ila rlamed îu bas-e tatei that once in North Chicago flic chunches oft tafify sfartcd a nom- palgn to close flic saluons on Sîînday, hut that the alioots ie.pers ut that ify bandesi fogether and lurîci an uifimation t Iif fhcy Vere ciosci on Sundat', tbey suuuld close al the time. anidastheir money liant This he la alleged f0 hase sfatei sutceci- cd In sfopping the fgtîglagainatthIe saloons there, and le expert cd Il would wort the saute bere. 'Ple theaters dlaIm thaf an next Sonday, if flic police gis-e aciers to close. thaf thet- wiIl romain open iiu deflance ut the order, snd if force la uaci in ctasing them up, tlsey salt dlaim damages against the city for fh lecnforced, Illegal, ctasing. There le nu taw whafevcr un the afatufe botk 0f Illinais covening this matter, if lie- ing left ntirely to i cly andinances. No ordinance couli lic tauni cos-ering the matter, and flic theater oa'ncrs dlaim fisat thcy arc ling wrongei in the matter, aidfliaf they salt figlit the Issue ta the last ditrli, Notes of the Oay. Tiiere la camplaint tlist Elentrie Park aiifst-ainewere tcft unia- turhed lut if is not shown thaf In- toxicants Viens soli flicre. Thlre ironis sare tlie police griaf af Buusiay and une out flese is said fa have licen a hangover tram Batuniat- niglif. One stary ls that Frak T. Fowle, Peter MeDerînotf sud Samuel Scliar- tz are ta tarf a newspaper, a fhlvi tu th flad Badge building t flic cor- ner ut Genesee and Washington streets. What Happened to I!rudie. Manager F'rudenfeld, of the Harri- son tbeafer, the moat agressive and enîerprislng manager ut a theater thse city ever had, was the principal matna- ger wbo resufed ta close bis theater witbouf seeing why lie should close, the law on the matter. He went ta fthe police station and the Atterliury office witb other mana- gers and demanded to know wliy. He was nof shown, the clauses«uoft1 ordinance quoted at the beginning of this article lieing the sole authurýIty that Atterbury had for acting. Attorneys agree in stating tbal even under the weak authorities wbich he advances Afterliury could flot close a theater. a pool or billiard ruom, cigar store, or oflier place, as the ur- dînance gives him the power atone ta malte arrest and impose a fine on con- viction, flot ta close the ptaces Indi- cated. Thus the commissioner again wuve the traditional rope with salichfo bang blmselt polificallY. publically, and shamelessly, Seen Here and There, Saloon keepers, thelr wlves, bar- itenders and porters ail bsd a holiday 1outlng Sunday and miost ut theni -if n'-g ai]. shoas-d their joy bs' ysrnlling rand appearing lu have a tirsi rate good tinte There arc titis that buoze wasa sold n bofis Waui5egau aud North(îl i Ccago but the tames uofn places are men- ,ined. ,calt-,,,h sousa Rashait one MINES ITROUBLE Draws Gun on Men Who Came for Hay He Sold Micbael mines, the John Dietz of Lake Bluff, sprang Info fthe limelîglit again asat week, wben, lt la sald, lie afood guard over a bay field and, it 1a claimed. drew a gun ta detend bis ai- leged possessions. R aPPears tramntbe tonles told now that Michael Mines wbu uwns a valuale farm at Leake Bluff, bad soid thie bay on a pece of property ta the firm of A. D. fbepliard & Sons. deal- ers ln lisy and grains ut aIl kinds, Thle deal, fif la saad. waa made fliraugli the agency of John Grifflth. Last week employees ufthte Shep- ard campany Vent 10 the bay field, lu- tending ta maw, rake and baul away the crop. Even before tliey reacbed tbe field wbere tbe bay was grown, lt le sald, the men bad a éliglit clash witli Mines over the tact f bat tbey wauld bave to drive os-er bis property. Mines, If is alleged. ran ahead of the wogsn and refused tu allow it to enter the field, and when tle men on the wagon attcmpted la force an entrance, if la lslmed. lie drew a gun and tbreatened to shoot the mien, if they set foot an is ]and Wben affaira tîo-k Itis itrn,it tl. clalmed. the 'men returned tu Lake Bluff witbout tlie bas, or wîtboîuf bar ing set foot upon the 'Mines land. The deal for the sale ut icbas, t la said, was constîmmaled anhome time sgon.tise mones- naid dosan. or at least MUSIC FOR EVERTYONE North Shore Âbounds in Music o! ail Kinds Now Music for a Il sorte and conditions of men. wumnen and chIldren Io provided now for resîdents of Waukegan and sIl along tlie nortli shore. If you like rag; time, you bave the $tungry I'ive, wblnh cormes to this City every few days, and enfertains tlie people ut the city with "When the Hases Bloaom Agaîn," etc. If you want classical, you go toeIRs- vinia Park, and bear flic Thomas or- cliestra play "Faust and selentions tramn Mendelssohin, Wagner and att fthe symphoanies. Naval Band Fine. But when you want resi stirring ,music wliicli makes yen dream of flie glanies of land and Boa, music wlich wlll set the blood ta flowing faster In your veine, or In ilie veins oft any thing but a cold blooded lali, ftlin yoh visit flic naval training statian, and lisfen taeflic naval band wblcli came te fliat Institution tram Norfolk abaut the firat of tbia montb, Thle band le campased ot 18 pieces ,wlIicl are played hy men wlio have Vracticaliy grown up In the musical circles of the navy, and wbo can play the national airs as they neser were plsyed before. The W, it.F a rela t). R. ly nir 1 -Tl- could gel ail flic bouze le wauted ounla part ut Il, and thecnontrart suas supi E. Market streel sud inomie iplace ini posci lu lie closc.i hunes' attitude Washington sîreet, nu namesgîsien, in the maffer, if is said, came as a wbile otîcra sas- Ibat Norths Chicago surprise to tlie 1uuraser (If the boy, t. Vins upen. subu lad no ides ufthlie trotubte lun t. These saaemeuls are nut geuerally store for hlm. r credlîed and il sa thoughf Iliat the Michael Mines, it su llbte remem ber- Tha lîd Vas on itgltly iii bath cties. Ircd, la tbe man wilo s allegcd lu hase the It wss not, each offense entails a finebot MarehaI Waiîioa Pedersen lu crs. cf $200 for ecr Sunday, sud it is ake Bluff aome lime agu wben thc the1 noî heliesci Ibat the Sîînday slon marshal was in the acf ut serving an ilafE openers arc loukiug for mure trouble, eecfment writ on Mines. sîder as feu counta againat eacb already Now Mines lias been maie deteni- mean flues ut $2,000 on conviction on ant ln a suit lirouglif hy Arbur Mec- Ni cadih coutf ker of Lake tForest for the asie cf aari spiril 10 is also clalîned that drinks suas tract of land ownei ly Mines. If is val1 sold at une or twu pienica There lu ,laimed liy Mr. Meeker, owner ut Ar- anfu nu pruof ftered uft f is fact. nady farm, that Mines entersd Into a spd If Is reportei tbaf cirnulars are lie- cnrcsicth ae fte ad ado i ing spread broadcaaf, "If yuu take the then refusBed ta maletei deat. T%19 the1 SU les so) t"Like thîng lias-e hast suit Vas lidin Chicago. ruar failed. outit Tell Faiaehood About Compaign. M YE R Emari In moat outhte Chicago papers it la FORT SHERIDAN 'PI earl) stated Rev. Thomas E. Quayle offlich- suhl, Lakse County Law aid Order League, Tom QUayle Prects Hot to hb headed and touglit the Suniay clos- Times if Change is Made airs, lng campaigu.va Quayle suas tiot eren a spectatur The future arrangements of the milt itary forces uft fhe United States la LOS and did nt tnnw wbat Vas iuing un-~ to lie Info Iirce, sayastfl icHghland Tý fil if atually happonci BHe bas bad Park Pressain a Quayle letter. Thc Appear and Give Bond@. Eastern, Western and Central. The the' AIl of fhe saloon keepens excepfing licaiquarters saut respecflvely lie Newu yeat »re etfor aperedIn hecoutyYork, San Francisco and Chicago, cago Bore to the minor pot valuable tamc court Monday mornlng cand gare fIe Vilen flie Itîdians Verepasmenace, are bonds asisci, $30 Oin each nase. to lie iiscarded, and a renonnenfra- and May Ptead Guilty. tion oft the Iroolus with an innneased and The ext hanc whch te saoonrea PPorfionnîcîuî at these tlinee great late TIcnex clnnewbnh licsaloncenfers Is f0 alte their iplaces. To lu08t keepera bave ls to le July 29, wben if meef flic necessîtis of thflincreaacd la probable that the greater number of fonce, wilist aume addltiunat land wîîî Ti thens will plead guilty and take f hein bave f0 îîurclased, an enormous numu la n: medicine, aîthough fhe assertion isalier of buildings will bas-e lu le erect- W ycd and the planus are now for fhirty- staf( naw maie that fliey will figlit eveI7 cîgbf of fliem. case fa theend.I1lias-e heen lnformed that Fort Shen- theli Meantimte, States Attorney Ralpb idan la to lie tIc home ut a full divi- was J. Ddy nver ad agreaer nmbea8 In af United States soldiers, Infan- thal J. heady hneyerhad a govilreafer numbr y, nsvaîry, artitîeny, t11,000 ms-n in tak, thf beant landaiales, jovia lapiosunatl insfeaul uf i,100 as now.as fli laisanisînereconrauatins, This wili hase a very decidcd andan t han naw, and la ling commended on radical influence upon the Lake Shore thai att aides for bis frmness in flic maffer as a residenne disfrict. There Is a certain proportion of tlie soliiera rom- 0 of the Suniay salouos, the people rail- posed of wiîd vsoung men, perliaps one- rent ing bim up, sfoîîîung him un the tentb and Ilese create wbafever 0F. sf reef and even writing hlm of thein trouble tle ucrîlishore bas had trom n apprenlaflon utbils Intention lu en- that source.Tise rcst ufthfli men are farce thc lawsB_ e ia the popular liera. asteady, laYaI tellows, glving no troub- le f0) the officers and neyer necessl- fer af any phase ufthte game. tafing diselîsîlue Thle trouble Ilat usei fo exist at Hlgbwood sud la now franaferrei, Rescues Child From Death bowever, It a muni lesser dcgree ta Frlday wlien four year old Gladys Narth Chicago and Waukegan, flie Staneydauhterof r. nd Ms. . siglit af tlipsy soldiers an the cars, flic Staneydaubte afMr.aniMra <~disgustlng sud oliscene talk Vihichl a- J,. Stanley offlie Victa ide, Vent wlth dies are somefimes campetled ta tiaf- lier ses-en year aid brother Lester ta en ta. the lenîptation ta sei whlskey view a valualte iog which liad been ln shacta ln ftheroVina and villages lilled by the electrir cana an the west sourcehe resers-at ion. ail ti fluains Its ior n lesIlian 150 men. But side ine. ber tiny foot bename cauglit multiply iis by ten when a farce of lu the caffle guard, so that she couli 11,000 men present tliemselves and not ext icte if, juat as tlie Mlwaukee yOu have a prolern thle serainaneas Limited Visa approaching. Lester, the 0f Vhicli csnt be exaggorated. lnthefic owns befween Highland brother, pulled sand tuggei at the tint' Park and Evanston tliey are aa'oused member ln vain- Maforman Lit ch- fa flicserlouaneas ofthflicsituation field oftheflimited luckily saw the and arc nasing a targor tond, taoen peril of flie tint' tada and managed te, force exlsfing ordinanceu and lama, se Blowdow an stp bs cr I plntyas tfa elin readinesasfor any des-stop- slawdaw ai topbis ar n pintyment ufthf e future, of fime, wheui he 'got the dhli'a foot THO.MAS R. QUAYLE. tramn the cattle guari and sent her home ln saftfy. It wu tfhe narroweat Mms Markspu Dead escape of rerent dayssdMr and .. itI andaaMrisnwf Mrm Stanley were ovcrjayed and of Andnew Marisson, of George avenue gratefut. died at lier homo Bundat' niglit. fat- loVing a seniaus Illneas of several Fuie y Kiiney Fille are com doeodflwceks donation Bbc Via 26 yekrs of tingredienla apecialyIt ated fo.r arage. corrective, liealillg, Ionlc sand timulat- Ing affect upon the kldneys, bladier snd Thse tunerai Visa held at 2 anarsck Y îritiSi paasags. Tbay ere autlfepi Tuesday atternoon at the.home, 2111 antillthic anid a uie "su sivent. Sl George avenue, Pev. Sars-cita offilciaf- by aIl Drngglata. îng. A fen minut "trggle' lu wntint jCultivate a peroaas prtde lu yoC- 7* erfy as aura sa-taxes! COMPLISH THINGS ýe nasal buand la cumîuuseul as foit S. Aihatigh, master, L. Murtland, iuusîrian firsl lua-. l,iainan, firsi nlasa, H. Meyers 'u. Rusa. whu, b> the a u s 5nul atis eoutAdiniraiRuoss C. tIentiinger B. 'ulcDuonoiigh A. Hanions , a buus uuplrîclî utt, Lmmcd. A. Migaut F. Rogers N. Fritz F. licîslet R. Neluharuit Ilartntait A, Kaster ed Chbambers, he latter namcd lnir nibcrc aie ail clansofuthîe serutud casa. ,ur yare tartfromtlceiug seconîd rat Tbey are rated according lu lengîli ut service in tbe lcand, and acoording ta abilît> 'uVere îleý d hy abllity the3 wuuld ait he con ced flrst cîass. Play Martial Aurs. iwbere on tlie tare outhte earts national airs piayed with the samE t as li3 these muembers ofthIe ns band. Tlie are men who bav( alsy seen service tunder the Start 1Stripes, and under the leadersbil Master Alliaugli the straina of ma seem fa lieflic spoken feelings on men. You could almost lîcar fli xof the cantion in front of Santi )tbec rack of the rlies, fhe wblstl4 he minies. and îhe tread oftlb4 mies in the istands. re hand pisys every atternuon an( y evenlng and It were well wortl e for anyane to taise time, and g( ear flic martial straina of nations sas played lis the Great Lakes Ni Station Band. e- 'e 1p le le le id b0 ol st Chlld in Good Family rhere suas a sabote lot cf mystery in r ase of a lttie chIli, a boy Dft 2 rs, bast au Fosa Paris North Ci- so on July 4, takecn into a good lt, Ihat of fIe Vidotais, Victoria JThirteenfl afreefs, NontI Chicago Jnot nlsimed by bis parents up ta e tonday, altoughli ie las tîecn tfon nesct> tsuu aecls, let dlaim that the lîlfie strunger OVi back lu bis home. Xbeu luterviesac lthe Vidotsis ced that the chili Is a member ut r oVin tamily, froni Chicago, aud 8lett with lhem, but oblers assent it e is a stranger, ltiudly lîeing cn rare aofIîy tle Nonth Chicago- 'PITe Vîdolsisis sa that tle Lthe salole affaîr ila s uie. )nc ofthfle places advertîsci ton itodat' woutd mate YOUR KIND A HOME. perliaps. ADMIRA]L-DÂDY ÂEROFLÂE"FO WÂUKEGÂN DÂY Mise Virginia Admifrai and Arthur O). Dady Xarried Can Get Guaranteed Fllght for Buin of $1250 Saturday uccurred the marriage ef Miss Vrginla Harringtan Admirai tea Mayar Bidinger lias îlot beeti sleei, Arthur 0. Dady, tarmerly 0f Wauke» ing oath te Watfegan Day plans. gan, Dow connected wifb the Mfinne- On the contrary, lie bas heeîî the apolis Nielter car Cumpany litlionns. buiest of anv chairman Ili i bltoi3. apolis, Aftnn. getfIng advance arrangements pier The wedding wass retelrated ln lbe fecited before lie appoints is aide. presence of only the Immediate faut1l and open& roceedings lun1roper terni lies and relstives of thie couple. Thle, He Visa in C'hicago Friday try ceremony was quiet and Impressîve. Ing te arrange te get a wliopping big and Immediately after the ceremony feature in the way of sn aeroilane the coupule lett for wedding tour on fliglit eitber ln Wankegan or trot the Great Lakes. atter the completion Waukegan te ChicagV and bas suc ot wllcb tliey wili reslde ln Mlnneap- ceeded. depending on the attitude th- alse, atter September 1, people take towards the proiect and The groom is wetl knowan here. le terwligeat ooeae was born ln Watikegan and lias resid- The Mayor la offored an asco- efi here ail hig lite up te a tew monthla Plans exhibition for this city, in- ago when lie left te take thie position- luing Ien avla<or and an actuel iln Minseapolis. lie was graduted flîght for 81,2M0 freinithe Waukegan higli scbool, and I t la juat poambi. that this May attend the University otIlîlinois, tak- mci ude a fllght fromn Chicago to ing a meclianicat engineering course Waukegan. ai tire latter Institution,'Pliere ls nou uustion tluit tisatIif tIl Suri literleaingtheViiNorityofamatI saumoi-anlbe rslsa-d thl, Iiglit .11 Soonallr lasin tie Uulsesut ~ aie Ia e e lue, as th lig tîlsielut i, tllinouis, MIr.llady accetted a îposition ,l bcart auged a 11h Ibhe uternatloiiu. as traseliig salesman and demontra laini- aae.a bfa, tor for the -Pta 1ust1i e hl Electrical I ati and there lm riso clanue of a fali utowr ed l tisilustIo n lntît leasing ih, iurli fis lite hi-eru- utcIbdi bas drassu lu his ide tissus tasit rleîudsj '110o s ah luuuu tai lie huîpîuless t lure i. olua a. île s a cdean. rilit suluug mtanu, silliail the- s iltes aind tesuofuthtle taîtts a lirligun n mati- ut- thei ieaIs ung Ampiie lau tian, 1li- us cciar bcained, energet lu. a-Il euu i aied .atndia îrumîsiuc s uîuug mecu li aI euuieec Thle lbridie, a hie luit -ous usaIt iiis luee, s aanime auman cul USuIslaie c luit f clurtctcr anut tersonalit s Sue ir îalenied. sucn a -IlIstîano i-uc als inirllago. She bas nmade muan, fast iueud.s ln ti al u uts aîîd also aill te fruenda and relaluses uftihe groom In Ibis cils -she usaucultss aud highIs rc-sîucied ir ait]a bu liss couic inoroiitan*t all ber. The ruiufc - auîlresue in in tneaîj. 0 lis, and aitiI)hueaI honte iiltat itcli aller Septeuuther t Rug Swindler Cails A rîug aain lIer stade ralils ere a uitIle oser a nîtb agu, maya the An- tiorli Adevrtlscn. stating lIaI le relu remented a flrm in Chicago. In near y es-ery cas3e le demanici sud ce. cela-ci part lîsymrent In sivance and and mauy au ou ncarpet sud rug whischi ;ta a single scar agu sn as ator d- nuatcded S1t0,410u0 for a single uguarai (edMflight ic ti uIscils sud sc usa il-- Thliefligut. If îuîuudu. a it nuoise Il. date four uaiufegau das tet ai-eut Ani. 12, lîs-h uioculthlui ihicagîtt a.11d île 211)(1,. ac'lais.aUl, hic ic prculalth e latta-r, At Wsrk on Bridge \Ias cc ttdicnîýr anud clu ia1 , uliiagu uanudt liIaaib - .îil ucu uîcera4jig ic ceiaci cV 0c hliscui '11111 tut t he l iu )uitjl u iii, l u ulu li ftitsrit), docstnot a ih tic ruahi- and bicîlît a tuesaSouluthî-ea trsii-- buridge sud Ih-ai cthue c îcîîî îaîis -i a I, ut u4 ut 1 Cernent Gun Big Invention The rceuet cun :s anuiiîvenut in i slgued tu du awa> liti h- aiswile.a,i and isaisurnîne lirualu, bbccernent au-t ilaster Irossel snd s tew uther tlIng. ut a similar iiatire It l, la elesii, laleat nuetlodoifutalp1in îg costhtîg> W cemnent, limue ta luSuIIRuaiciothen 1ciaatts niateciais lu structures lnntueci cul r, tain, sud of puulting utit he uoriginal atis of sscI structures eculîre.P noed le. In other words. îlecenent coafesi or roncrete house ut the futur-- acema destinedi obu e iteralîs i.isu' Visa ta tic cons-crted ituunew, bas teftt trorn -a con.The dca uf ah olliug these bparts salîhouf es-en gettiuug lacis , use, nof bu lues-es, huîîl togel li lu the owner. 'PIe agent demanici usat-souic id anînid, butî t a s %e i the fîtll rice if maklng oser the rug rememher fIat tIs us asic sec Wi ln aisance, lsbut otîl lake shatever scienfifir miracles.,sahich couce alîîo.f le roaid gel'Plie swiniier uaed a, as fastf and as tini as lice fluasi. horie uandiwangon lu onset- tbe plutu blat sîriîtg uttuafler an Apit abowù- der lu a shitppîng place andiun Ihis 'sud as- cealla abusubi Icc(tlie siirîcrls.t nuiantir île nome of tle flrm orandaiat ausîlluug lisaftcî,cucs -Teclinlu dress wîilprnhsluly neser hiclearneci Wortd. 'Phe febtosa operate intutnearît-e-rs foan of tle counfy sud reapei a hie hanvst.c A Icîter directe- ta Ithe flrm If mat' nequtre a short nsrnpalgî. in Chicago for a Iich the feilow said cf Vauf advertliing to fSud tfli k be suas worltung bnotgli a nePî-lY 0110cf Vian you're lotking for. But it tley isues nothing of tise man a id would require s LONG campaign o' tîntlite cniocîuîedîs sas s taiese-oinl any othen sort ot "taoktng," Noiw im fhe tîme f0 have Ycuur nepaîr The dlue to wbere t-au are f0 wort ng dune. Af tI-saanme turne lef us ohi for a long time f0 comle may lic touni your iarness for yîuî. $1.00 per u-t for -If youre lotatng for suri a dlue---jdoubls barnteas We guarantee oui' In toays Help WVanted ais, wurk, 0. f. LUrcF & t'u. 24-il NORTH] SHORE TRUST COMPANY 1CAPITAL $îoo,ooo SHERIDAN BUILDING - - HIGHLAND PARK Makes a Specialty of I NVESTM ENTS lending its f unds exclusively on improved property and farina in the North Shore territory. Applications for loans acted upon promptly. Having no checking accounts and demand liabiuities, it wilI issue tirne certificates of deposit drawing 4 per cent interest. Officers and Directors J. FRED McGUIRS, Preaidatat, McGuire & Orr. Real Eufae, Chicago CHARLES A. WIGMAN, Vic..PresidenL. Chas. A. Wightmm a& Co, Poemi Eaae, Evanaton AKRTHUR W. VERCOE, Casier. Formsely S.cy. and Trea& Rosalsill Censeteî-y Co. IRA J. GEER Cousitl Attorney eti Law R. C. KE 1ER,- Vice Pre.ddJent Colonial Trust & Savioga Batik CORRES5PONENCE SOLICITED vol C4 0 n 0 a e ý

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