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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Aug 1911, p. 12

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LAKE CONTY IN PI NTrF'RTT)AVY 1RDAv AUTT 11.l -1911 NEW WOOL BILL WILL REDUCE PRICEI ON DRESS GOODS Men's Ready Made Suits Now $15 Wili be Sold From $8 to $10, Accordl ng to Ta rift Schedule K, Incorpora ted ln La Follette Wool Bill, Is Passed By Congress President Taft May Yet Sec Fit To Veto thé Wool Bill of the WisconslnrSenator If He Does Not, There WiIi be Whoiesaie Stashing In PrIces 0f Ail Wooi Goods tFro WencnaisSUN f Congress pald lis reopecis t0arbceti ule K< when Il passed the L.aFîllette irool bilI Presidetît Taft salit seheil ule K iras 'lndefensthl-p"Duitecmaý veto the L.aFolleiie mcol bll If lie does îlt Ihere aIl Dc a glet eo tt sh lng of profes 1looli Nlens read " Nmade ue tshosliî,,,s $15, nent stoter $8 la $P)l SuIts nons $18 ail l hc$12 tla $11 Those now $20 selon $17, Atnd $2,î salits for $18 tao $2). l q i aIN . t Tailor matie suifs; ail reduceci $7î h. $10. $25 sitit.,;$18. $30 oit,, $22-50, $35 suts, $30; $4tist, $M5 andîti stts from $45 t0 $60 eai Il abouti $111 los, per sutl. Wotetis suitea cheair, toi, il $15 suifs for $10, wamn's $20 siti cul to $12 and $15; $25 suits tl, $lS and $20, $3, sulta tb $25,atnd $211)$2 sults for $4t-all 10 dîme if thol.iOý Follette bill Is signed hy Taft. A perpelual argabo sale ta he flaig urated by ail stores- If Taft alloas if Challîs drens cloth tow 60 cents oe $1 per yard cultîl10501 t 80 cents. Flannel now 50 cents tai $1 a yatd, 10 te 20 cents per t'qrd elteaper. Woil voile, nons from $1 a yard iii to $3. wll De 80 cents t0$2a 1 And lanketa, irarifi llankttkc'foi for next sinters cold nigia -tht. $7 klnd noir ml bc o 0,alloaing flic usual Jobers anti reîailer's profis The $4 soins mIl casi ut $21.20, Carpets and rugs a bc hoeeper. ie And warm undermear won i rasi ne Much. In general, 3ot'Il ley oanais 60 cents miere yoîî nons pay a dollar for underwear. The first >ear of te lA Follette woisI tarif, if flot setoed. atlshow a Baving te the coIutry of titîta rds (it $200000,000. Best of alil Il ipt real Waal on the poor mans back next wiîter anti let hlm sieep etircen ceaI sol l lat kets a i nlht. ndcr tlic Puvit-AIIj rlch tariff biII there arce hia1,lîMari kets. cheap overcoats, i beal, nulle But th.e loth la irool skeletî,n filil, cotton shoddy-poor proîs-etîlin agtîns' cold. rTe La Follette hilI v ill drv4 aho)ddy fromt the market. ......... + BORN ON FARM, DIED 3 + WORTH $25.000,O.0.4 .. John W.tates was,; outuon +3 + s prarie farm h fera \Ve-ý +3 Chîcago noir stand,;in ~. 3 + At taa-nts.le ad liii .hardware store +3 «'Discovere<t Do taite..1)4 + Layng, then gescroul uuatauu 3 + of te Chicago & Norutn 3 +3 ern rallroad. irho tidtlti utoft +3 the poasihulles tif a ondiai +3 saleanianshilî,for larber!-tirti 1 + Became a salestitan of aire.3 +3 ad farni fenciog Iii 1878,4 +3 coverlng tie enire ,;outhwest .3 +3 Organîneti the Soifieîrui.3 +3 Barbet i Wre cortpaîts la St . + loOta 1In188>, sud itfe t iiusoiii.3 + dated Seel ',ire tiollatiy iiin 3 +3 1884..3 +3 Ifecante a market plîlinger + ..andi eperailor andtin 1h58 iii! ..tfirough tbe fanitonîs couip +3 mhlch gave htuu le loutîsolIte4 + & Nashoillie rtrorai f scit + ~ ~~i $18fiOOdatiisu anid .3 + cleanied a piroitu . u +îiîic +3 from $2.000.000 toi ,>, ym,î,îp. + on the dpal. + + Organlizedti he $qooi.uodii uie. +3 American Steel andi %Vire eii + +3 pany lu 1898, the itut ofilihe +3 great aîîbsîdiary compnîîauea +3 afernards msde into f ue + United States Ste-l (orluora+ +3 tion. +3 Bucke t he Standard Cl + Company' in Texas in 1910, + organlzînz a $12.000.000 ltide- .3 iralenr ompant' +3 Stlcken In JuIt'. 1911, aIffi + a comiplication of dseases. + Hw'rSed ta consuit upeciallsts + Itu Parla. dylag there Asgust I9, + 1911.+ + left a ortune esUmated aI ... ++.. .. Their Secret By EDWARD TURNER Cofyrlgiit fi Amerlean Prou Ame- 1, beng a clergyman, wasacalle uîîoo asat summer 10 marry a bOt mt about (Jfty 3 cars of age tO a wu man o0f thiirty-flic. The man waas i bachelor. the womaui a wldow wlth hs son about sîxiteen yeara old. .Are 3OUte isecond busbandP 1 asked the groom after the ceremony. *"lot the seconîd or the third. i'm flot sure whfllb," ho replled. a paiaed ex- 1 . Draperies Reduced Colored Curtain Scrix- 36 and 40 invlhes widie, val- ties fî'riî25e)( to 29c, twilt11 prioevard ...L ..1 4'c ORAPERV SLKVervAtus- frousîs q taIil y in beautIlful florial tpatterns,. iiaterlals prl-ce. 3ard 319 SAMPLE CURTAIN ENDS Sam- pipend codf Noiîmcflam lace cor talus, nolîr cholces file 5 they last, ech. . ....15 Our RoundmUp Sale Bargains Are Value Leaders Get In On This Sale Saturday pression îarsaig over bila face. I1si- ed filmanute exlaln uft lie seemned re- luclant ta do go. f oas about ta turn away front huiii iren he salt: "Youre a clergyman and a gond mate coufeas to. If you'll keep thse secret l'Il tel] 301.' 'DIo as yeu fîlensa about telllng me. If t'on lttrtist me alth the secret I shall certiîiily keep il," "When I wss about as old as My sife la now. PLe Dean. 'she a-as a th10 slip ef a girl, ail arma and legs. lîke a colt. Buît site -sa poty, ail lhé ,orne, and sîoît affer that filleit out. There iras a mlglify aoft spot lnoty hluert for her luit 1. hs!u a [non or i trît' unil sue s silullof fiteen. I wofli't 'fi' sid unythlîîg about it for ihe ltggeftt sîli tîtat fiui(ss1I asu- ci lfier gronotit. tthikîn'Itt when ste gul oIbr I1olîglîii tinuter uî) cour- age te atk ler tu marry me. But ta utis>tiig gaI lîke finat theresa a hesp ef Ilie nimkîn' befître sheas even fao-cl ly. 'lier faiteor had a feller plret out for lier His tîsme a-as Pilnhiry- Jaick l'illlbury-a mlghty goîîd yîîîîîg man. lie wasaicol mate of s traîmp. aînd et-rytIme heconie lu fions a rrîîsi' lie lrought honte a ot of nion- eyl lts nest îlot herewasa unoher feller the ltle galirantei. sad e, anted lier. Itut NMsjgge-iflata hlerj namewasalngiit3 fond of ber fatiieri and a-as tt o oin'Itafat fie wsnt- (,d lier te île She shlîîpel Jîi l- diinthe feller sabe loved, snd marrled ta(;kPilllslur3. Jaikliehokelt in glii'to 0st-snd si) tid Jîtu Jlm waons fi eut up t lîoi'litflîiggle and wouldn't marrt' 003 011,r gal. Slite aas soeilI snisfied woitît Jack atît also ys lookied for bilm o conte tîsck front liii erulsen Bul ufter anshile lic vn onti 1) S rulne ihat le tilîlol coite hack front. le osas ile ln a 3enr, Itut ilîre years passeti1 and lie ftildnt show up. Alir awhlîle. mîteitIl looked ms if Jacek must lie uest te shîi hebcsalied la wasanevîr hennI frî,m-Jlm Holden legan to poster Slagie 10 nîsrry htm. "lile held out for a lonîga-hilefint at Liat gIse ln. Tiey vwere marrled. and teboy you Rom, jIt ow orncoe éaong. Jaîck aîîd Naggle tIlîlol have sot' chîl- 'dren. Ms8ggle asapîîpy wth Jlm. cxcept tot site a"as always worryln' allantt not knowln a-fletfler she dldnft hîave ta-o ltîsiands Yeusece. ale dIldn't know lioltIvoe irlelfer Jack mas dead. snd If lie wasnt site oas living aihsa ot hat mile waa'tmIarrled io atîd the boy iram lllegltiltate. Ail Ifis linte 1 was dio'TBirlendly ttîlngs for the aoilnan. shecflot kutoW- ln iitytlilng about low 1 reslly felt toirard fier. Site gs e me lier con- tldence and tohl ite a-haî trouhledl ber. One îîîîy lier a alerta a lot o' noreeage comle ln a-lll several dead bodes. I1ali n t in my bioatnand sans Maggle beckinlî'te1 me front the1 beach I oent ln ta s-berssfic vaas stnd saw that ailewasa standîn' Dv a biody. fihewasa the -sretchedet lok- lng sromltif I ever sRw. "It's Jack,' she Raid. Truc enougfi. there a-as Jackt come back dead I tank ln hebiteatifon nt once. Mhaggle.' 1 salîl. "theres mt one vray te 1kecp 3 eutfrîot hein' knoui as a woman a-Dî lia', Ils cd a-ll a man noho wa-îto lier lt-gaI Dosiand tatd 3 our boy front kuoiin fesinllegitl- mate. flotît yoîî say a word about tiîl. P'Il ake the body out In My test and gIi e It s sea hurlaI' 'il thInk Il a-as sparlng fier iioy pn and diagrace ifiat leldcd fier. At sot' rate. she consentpdI.1put te body laie My boat. tank Il ont Into deýep ira tertlied oty sncor to tht- ankîcsasnd hoisled il overboard, No ane ana- me. snd If st' orte hsd 1 dont reckon It woîld have made sot' dîfference. for Il irsanteverybody Ishoot tere that nould have remembered Jack onys-aY. "Maggle a-sasa good defl eît up about the matter,.fnot knowlng whether Ilhle bail doue riglîtlnb ssyîng nothbng 1tafier liîusaad You ses, Itotade a horrible secret tieta-cen fier sud hlmi thst a-as always on bier mlod. I relleo-ed bler as wecl as 1 cold Ut' renandlug fier Ibat. * hoîîgh If mlgft 001 hurt Jlm speclslly in1 knoa- the secret,.a-c couidn't tell *exacily hila- fie a-oîîd feel about fier sud my actionbIn he mltier.1 dîdn't secol, otsIt svould bellp maltera to tel hlm. 'Jlm died saboutteu t'esrs agIo, ant Toc a-alted snetîc hen f111 a feir rmothsaugo ta itel Maggle my part et tile story. We fiatibeen drin sun 3.tisethe, Ds ftfe secret that Itaasn't 3.mucfi (if a surprise to fier when 1 saîi wha 1ral h ad f-i sy.And 1t lfink the iecret hýiîI Itule ogel fier. 1 ast to knon ohat -if 3ot bactlust'about it Do yonî.Iotdent ,j s"? -"Ao iith li on Ido] of vt'Irtr olse 1 rîîi led.I n siil> uoîîtmleuit ft ne. Inl yolir actiont i s" noîîîîng te cou- f deun - -111i go flnd ft-li ir tit' lie said. f greutln-rii- c " Illmoi.e lier tee'. f uîîîrc eîîm tort o býP ici .,ît Ilt ihon aIn. j.the secret came betimreca us.' MIRROR A 7x9 Inch glass nsth1 îîak frai,,,. salei prît-e . ... ... 1 c 1 M A G AZI1 N Ei RACK -Missioun finIsh, fias 4 deep shelves. a $248 seller aI - .89 CUPS & SAUC- ERS-Large ize, heavy seml-por- celaîn. plain wrhite, pair -....5c Round-Up ofUnder- wear and Hosiery WOMENIS FINE GAUZE VESTB 8c and 10e values. Iaped neck. a-lng- cd leeves. prlced for thel, Roundup at ............ .... 5 WOMENIS FINE QUALITY GAUZE UNION SUITS-Spiendld fittlng, for- merly soîd at 25c, Round-up price ... . ...19C BOYS' BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS- Re-inforced seals, beat 125e garments, reduced for the Round- [up to. per i arment ......... ..19C COMBINATrION SUITS 89c Da-inty garotents of fine sofi finiafied nain- sook. dranser or skIrt ci.ubnation, lace and embroldery ýtrîmnied. $2.00 values at .. 9 50c Corser Covens at.......... 33c 35c Corset Covers nt ... ......23c 25e Corset Covers at----------.15e CHILOREN'S GOWNS -Fine quallty cambrîr. tucked yaks. Irimmnedti îf embroldery. alwaya hinng < haIt a dollar, sale ^rlce ...U39C Men! You« Can Buy $12.50 to $18.06 Suhts At the Cut Price of $9.95 1 1ia', e tîî lîcard about fuis lllîaî'% ehutîîS Roîînld îî sgait'of il0 i I's sililt s a t $9.95 ?It 's t114w htîtit t f1-1c',er mîade i Wall- ki-gasn. .1 lsit hiîîk of it, sulits Utha Nve $12.50, $1 b 1'.halldsofi sti It'oandi ','ihl t I ltîfoi.ov ... 9.95 DRESS SHIRTS -PlaIn alyles-made of gocîd qitalili percale. fite and 75e Roun op ric . . , . ý 1. .39C MEN'85 WORK SHiRTS Ina bIse ch anlîra. i, black satecas and heavy drîlling. regîlar 5(w 39 oalutes ..39..c. Mon% Tresseo s leduced IIler-e goes ail] oui- $2,50, $'-.î5 anrd $3.00) tî'oîîsers at aîu as- toîîishingl * y lov figur-e, seini aînd full peg st ' les, hand- som'l v tailoi'ed of the new- stiips, ýove ... .85 MEN'$ SOFT SHIRTS -Wite and tan gruunds. mîflu neal figure affects and sîlnlpes, collar sltached. 39 sotcuils. spatial .. MEN'S HOSE fBLack. tan aund fanry colora ln a ifull range of gisea. Round up lîrice, pair. . _.-6é ]Round-Up of Foot- wear ANV "ýRJD CROSS- OXFORD OR1 PUMP SZ65 Our stock la large and t'onwillfInd1 a good selectien of styles. although9 flot every BIze ln each style, ait leatb- ern are represeated. $3.50 and $4.0 values, Round up prie 2.6 pair ..ý..................20 MENS OXFORDS SHARPLV R EDU CE . Youlil find lu tis iaImmense lot a big1 varlety ni styles. IncludiIng the ses- son's beat $3 (0'. $3.50 and $4,00 values ln patent colt. gun-metal and veleur caîf; s lirmîted nuothar of the fainons Douglas malse are included, sale price, pair ..1.7 Special for Saturday 01117 Womcn'a Oxford& sand Pumps, $300 and M5.50 values, 4Il leathers. »Il sorted out on on.e table 10 at, pair ................10 Notions Cheap SILK SELTING -AIl colora, sale prie, yard .21'1,c COATS THREAD - Per dosen apeela . .... 55C C L T HES8 @RUSHES - 13o od bristlea, lard wood back ion ...........10e MHAI1R PINS - Fine criunpIn- visible, 2 pack- ages for... 50 HAlIR PINS Fine quality. as- Borted aîzes, box of 150 ion ... 50c HAlA BRUSHES - Gond bristle. setlu 1alumnium. bard wood back. for ......... 25e SAPETY PINS- Ruât proof, per card .........20 You Can Buy Furniture Cheap Buy Your Boy aSuit at the Round-Up SOLID OAK DRESSER-A dresser of PARLOR SUITE - Lange massive )r$0an$.0boswolutsgo Beat$9. A itrong constrnuction sud gond appear- frame, In mafiogant' inuilaOrn300ad 350- 0.. uisgoo sl a 1.5 ance. large plate mIro-or Ioosecuslions of panne 275big î-ariety of lively patterns to cuoose fron, '0 % $for0 dresser...........7 plosit, sale price.... in strong durable materials, ages SIDEBOfARD -Largses MATTRES -(lotOion 8 o1u- 7, sale prie... aize, strongly bulli of1 top mattress, covered Amerlean qu a r te rd with a good grade of oak lîneti drawers for etaple tlcking, tufted, silvera-are amd closet ail izes .I f for lînen. Bf f ale pice..I0 sale firme. .371 STEEL RANGE-Sise RED ROOM ROCKER 8. bas a Iigb warming -solid oak, cane seat, cioset. duplex grate $2 rocker IA sale price. , for ........ J 48 only ...... l..... 5 MRON BEDS-A matct-j AXMINSTER RUGS- es opportunlty fo boy 1Sisîe 9x12 ln an ex- a good ited cheap, theY celiant varlety of cornein ail 48 patternis c0os, Price ... 1. 8 Isiale pri. 19 7 Boys' Kuee Panta-Knickerbock- er, styles in ehleviots and ca58i- meres, 5 to 16 years37 at, pair ................37 BOYS' WASH SUITS - Te "Mothers' Friend" maIt. negligeo style.,1.95 piques. percaleg, pongeesa and 0 poulIns. $3 to $4 values at ....1 BOYS' DREGS SH(RTS - The 'Mothers' F'rlend" malte. negligee style, whbite and tan grounds, $1.00i values St .............65c -rii . - pa.f v nmî T h at Brings Crowds of People to the Globe Department Store In every department wherever a line of goods is broken or small, we have made prices more than pro- portionately small. These extraordinary values pre-. pared this season have plcased everybody who saw them, they'll please you in the fullest measure. Corne in to-morrow. Don't delay. Here is another bit of convincing evi- dence to thorouihly satisfy you that CHILDRENS WA&H HATS -miade nf fine matertals, Values Up la 12 060. -li ghtiy aotied. choire 29 a 29 TABLE 0F FLOW ERS-Ineluding a Isig Nanltit. 'valuîes 10 75c. ;îer tbond, .... ..-loc * Fancy Limets SCARFS AND PILLOW SHAMS- A lot of bcarfs and sham. lInciud- lng talîtesap I o c. hematltched ilul 511h on@, row of Merlean drawn %.ork, ch ir .. . .. .. .. .18 C AT4cDret-ser sce.. pi1 low shame- and -renier plaes., wih _î3- roWs of eia diiÏi-wonwrk, vle O tl Il()o, ch6ice .... c This Sale Brinis Dy Far the Lowest Prices On Ladies' Wearing Apparel Wash Dresses at $1.88-A Wool Suits at $4.98 Tis heautifull seleetion of styles prices tiositi vel ' . itat a at t his priee, enmhraeing val- thing wme have 1' ver' îîtlereil. ties îîp to $400, miade of ex- lit this lot vou ,'Il tinil sîlits eeptionally fine gingham and that sold at $10 anîd $12.501. lawn, ail sizes, prie- 1 .88 Take vour vll 4.& ed fo r t he Rouind-t p1 fo r o ..... $20 îî0 fo $3000 sllk dresses made of l Silk Wash Coats $2.89 spot proof foulards, hig S clasa models, nows......1.75 Potigee eoats, fii l leîîigflh, plain tailoredt, iiilî'îs w tIl Handsome messaline. stafeta and fou-sl ! tîlri oiiîîtl lard dresses. $16.00 snd I $18.(m) valte,_now .. .69 vî'<dor i', hîne auto t' ai s, lii se fi ttiîîg, beed Cl eot, valules Beatîtlftîl silikponqee drensBes ln fi o$(iRoîi tirai color. $1000 2.98 $6.00)Roi(' - 2.89 valuesa, now ... ....2 9 p pse . . . «0 '0s -Xie Au ult iIp Id- t- g ourt à S ad tbi ih sioa ý"acoerdl up firti fit wml paur eto Ciru Jîadge dtlowne Lake. Ing ln 4p«dli fwot at tbd Cp.i éThey Bardamn Leaders in SiUR and Dress Goods 37c la ailtire ank for anv RECEPTION CRÉPE-36 of Our 24 lnch slk foulard,; inch receptlon crepe In thbat alwa- ys soid at 50c; teel gray. celi. bois-de- large assortment in a vasrose, etc. original prîce rlety of gooti ahades and was 5;0c, Rouind- patterns ai, ,,, per yard ... .29 a yard .., . .. 3 c 49c Iî tîhe final crui prie F R E N C H NOVELTY on ail silk foulards. 75c VO0ILES-:t6 Inches wlde salîtes, 26l aches wlde; ail In t an, cadet and navy, a desirable shades and pat- material that irece aold icrus ln dot, fresden and aIl season for 79e arolefects. , sale price, yard . ..42 sale price, yard..49 PEARLINE LAWNS 221'2c -45î Incites aide, fine Egyp- flan merterîzeti yarn, very soft and clîingo-, 2 30e atid 4(w qtialilles., sale prîre, yard.....2 * WHITE GOOS AT 17çj Thîs lot Incîtîdes linireaves, dîmîlles, and walatiîîg madras of e xeci tienally fine qualiles regutiar price 25c, noir..17 TABLE DAMASK 57c- 70tlnch bleached i lnen damaslk, best value ever shown at 70c, large asaort- ment of patternas, sale prîce, yard...... 57c Reëmember-Tb.IÎ sale is ging to Luat AUl of I4xt Wéék,-To-o. £À£XJLlkau %J"UÀý%ýLJL lu Bas eme't Bargains SUGAR AND CREAM ER Ger- mani china. regu- lation ine. dec- orated lu floral desig n. sale prîce - - - i19 GO.CART --One motion collapsal large sizc, tphol- stered seat anti hsek, $6-501 and $700 values $4.15 1

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