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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Aug 1911, p. 4

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>18« etfo4e ie . i. PlIors éUdmaee I lete.. Seo. 1141. 4be.flviIl....bîg *~ectsi l" PoMIMabée 1 Lbirytl. l.. as 8eg»dtOum aiMatet -- WMKLY. aursamtw im AIW M aoU COn A PLiAt0i.- SSUBSRIPTION PRICE 8.0PER, YEAR STRICTLY IN' ADVANOE ÇFRANK M. JUST.........1.......... ........... ..... .......... ...... .Edttor RAY L. HUBISARD............... .............. ...... City Editor FRIDAY, AUOUST 11, 1911. VACATIONS F05 WORI< PEOPLE. The newapapersa nnuaily et titi tinte contain articles îiqi.ntly urglng their readera ta adopt a practice taO euWlaroliday. Thuy repat theo Iýlmax- lm ,which la not withaut much truth, te the affect tht "The min who nover '. takes a vacation, takea ant ail the tinte." And mneanwhie the tv/o largeat industriel clasaeaofititis country, the far- mira, and the factory and miliiwarkera, have as a genêt-ai thlng no regular4 vacation habit. ln the latter caae, the literai obedience ta theae aditorlalg preachmenta would be cijuivalent ta handing ln their permanent risignation.i No doutât one rosace why men break clown aa eirly le aur manufacturIng1 Industres la the lack af adequate reat tlmes.,î, No human being cet work 5211 weeks ln a year without auffering samo physical docile. At 60 yeara of agi tht giet majority af aur busineas and praioaalanal mon are putting In theîr11 bit Ilcic. But haw few men of 60 yau find in the machine ahop ia th. The- workingman viho goes aiang year aiter year withaut hMe Interval af re- t Cuperution accupiez a position In life like that af the man with a amuit inveat-1 id capital, veho breaka in on hia principal ta, pay hie ai-dînai-y expenaca.t t ht theary af 'workng close" ite la that there shili be children camlngt ~ ~ alang Weho wlll support the aId folk*afater the phyialu capital la exhautd. ~' Usually there are. But ln how many cases where chidren die, art aicli ar un- eucceaafui. or nover corne, la there heart breaking pavertit for the humîn mi-1 rchine cat ta the scrap heap befare Ita tîme' Hors la a condition brInging ecanamlc lous ta the vhole peaple. If thet people wha do the solld wark of aur Industriea graw oltd ton yeara before their time, the total production of aur people la reduced by an enarmoua percentage.à -. To this, the ordlnary manufacturer replies tht vacationa for work peaplef moen heavier and prohibtîry manufacturlng cete. . Nevrthelesa, we venture ta prediat that the time wili came when the pro-f duction of aur peopfe wlI be lncreased by a gýner&I agreement of productive1 industriesta t tun flot ovor 50 wttks in a year. THE SUMMER GIRL. Thte la a standing joko gaing the rounds of the paragraphe"s at thIa tinte of year, to the effeat that tht Summer Girl ia a craature vu-y eailiy ap- peoaohed.. The funny pipera print cartoons eettlng fprth her lonelineai lnt afiuiTy deaert ai Wpetticaats, lier mouth s11ost flxed ln ane perpetual ya*". Thon fa.lta campanion plece you are shaven tht tumuit af the week-ends, bavewtihi girla chirk up a* the min coa down for their Sundaya f ra h tt wItng.afilte, have thoy cluatof a&round each neve arrivai, compte witl, terI- nildC vellu for thé exlusive use of Mis Masculine Lardaiiip. And ho la butt i rWlgnumeratur vehen dividud amang tht large denamnator of surplus. Tho talieWa whé rmskc thuet mart plcturea, however, jielrupa galnd their *Impressions fram that type of hatel vehere yau eu people by thir front name th. eeesi4t day. It la net thug in thasu *ielnt halle of suspicion, vehore ltait otitemust guard thoir skirti tfram contact with th.e ver preeent social limbur. Titie4oe. fot men thod; summur girlhoad la not 1nsesid ln Yeu. $he la'Vér diep#y Intfeeted., At saine careft9lly chitein = t. edemcandea and carotully Inspecta the hatel register. If >ii cama tram iaci 1ta thei 1111,0 inhabitants, thora, la a prima fadie case agalnat you. This la est as coanvlncing evidence as It was 10 years «go, hocasait lea lewly bel- ?00Àlfig good tarin talive ln the aountry. 1î4 tht humber of people tram t iattowns who lind soci prestige increased by rtgltiring tram tite nearest bl# oty, Int.ad ut from their ownt eeuf'tgy home, la stilI quite considerablo.ý 16 mlii lemaine truc titt yau cat ait jut mas claie ta tht Summnar Clrt gypr ln thse hammack, provldid that yatt are prapurly introducu4. 1h16 yau knoo-w lte corret people, and have an air of familarity with the waya of the ~tsmuit SeM.BU*t bevears af the people wita.e acquaintance you seek on the fIdays, ot your stay, for 18 la exiaInation day for yau in tht oye, ai the b< umnier Girl. $h., la testIng yau ln delloate balance*, ln thicli the mast trifi-1 fni ndications af association and social history are wtlghty conaderitions.. EUROPiN TITLE 'TRAFFIC. ..Representatlve A. J. Sîbath oi Chicasgo laid hi5 hand an a sorei spt vhen be liofferesi i Cangress a reaiutlon, lnquiring as ta, the purchasse oifaawrign1 titie. by Amarîcmn veoinn. Hoe Bis venti ta knaw have mucli Americand Mon.>' ln stockeanmd bond a l in Luropean cftfers. owing ta the hîgli coet ail *uo . ittIti d refera aise ta tht l'erg" oi the huat made riali vho are ouf- tîrlng tram chronic titiets!" r.'abath may be jailng. Or If mrlous, hi vell be everlastingiy jollied, Thetf4medyter thirosiZk:vil la net to asb.faund le acta ai Cangrues, yhlch ~oud tend mrl omk tht sald tMlinmart attractive etill, a bing faor- biddon fruit. Muanwlioe, ail Europe, fram Liverpool ta Naples, le datted wth farmirly suintS 041i1:e« that are naw reglided witht American money. But veiat doue European society reaaiy thînk of the newcamiera? Thte Contsmporary AcyveIndicates the point ai vieve by romarkine. t ~ 'Who vinaiS arer'hear of the Amurîcan ln Eturope oxcept for their gireat «oM»t? And in the society which thay have ittined, where do they repre- sent any moral or poitical faite?" The bargain counters ai Lurapean nobilley are loaded up wlth dlaaluti Mihpovî.ih.d noblemen, uaually aitracizod by thiait avn ciez, vhas fami- le art only too ticklod ta tell theni for Amarican coupons. 'Teproceas Impovrlshes aur home land ibth ln maney and prtmonallty, it case neyer bu stopped by any logielatlon. Of cours* tht-s are a girot many International mariliges the are hippy. But In the attfrquent cates whoe S a titis la squsreiy iveapped fer a fortune, the Amarîcan girl andI her capitali 'istie fatitor ought ta bu made ta reaila tht they Sp rat qgît a bai-gain. Tivey have baught anS pald for the article they vanted, but they have net gt thi goa0da. Why? Not motter have attractive te girl May bu, a n Amnerîcan alit usu- eliy hlia rallier picturffque lndividuailty. This ahocke thé social raid tap4 énS conventianallty ai Europe. Suie la pranounced quier, erratlc. 5h. ru- mains on tht frîngesof i telr society. She thouglit'she bought a floor tlcki% Soral admission ta the gillery, pntitling lier te stand up et the rear and laa-k *ver tehostdeof et tnativea. "VELO" 246,559 44784 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION Mlinois Stallion Registration No. A3625 renewed. Velo -la a black boee weighing 1900 and of unusual quality. Heie l abi;olutely sonud,, sure and bis getare of the very -10hi.hot tyPe Of draft ànirnals. H1e is a' horse that has Ne -oawilli Mate the season as UBual at the IIANSO 1N STOCK FARM 10t0AIE VIEW, ILL. MILWAUKEE ROAD -FEE $12 to insure and~ *fh Lath xIevién Iktg f* dWht -Win b. l edust «r to Two 4 I*isia tive afflProb- The passage b>' thteliaited taten atiate of the.- bill Ptoviing fer mn ln- ca-omitla congpeamo it ii undouhi- edly rosult la a change ln the eloventh disfrict wvehw1v1l litel>' horeduceti t. tht-tecnattes insteiti af four, ms et pi-aient. Gossbp i fheimo thmt tht remIt- port-foameat mter vas hotore 'con- ai-essltaint oer sald 18 vas probable that 21cHllary caunty voulti ho t&keý troum that district andt tated on tht Lakte district. Anothor rumor had it thît Will vaulti ho aubtracteti ironi lte Eleventiand atidedt taont ai the davn a st districts. l3ath ofi these are ont>' aur-mises, havever. and mat vitl l hodons viil oui hoknown until the leglalture couvertes ln Oc- lober. The bill givea llloali tiraaddition- ai congressmen. A provision it-o- duceti ta Senator- Burton and adopted b>' the senate. W ashingtonî dlspatclr- os s>ay, ii pet-ont gert-ymsndet-lng. ItA la thte efect that tht redistriat- iag bie acconuplliaed ti tht mannet- pt-escr-iod b>' tht laws oi tht State and ini accordirice with tht provision tht t aritdistrilct ho made oai con- tiguous andi compact tqrrtlory. Ina lUinole the prospect la tht te two atidittînai represtntativei viii ho eleeted atimt-rgeýitoxt yoar. They wlit ho unlees the legislature redîsticts tht stalo. If the districts should ho dhanged behor. the f1ing of nomina- tion petîtbans nert FoIruarty al aniti go weii. But there vouiti ho comipli- cationi f the change vert net madie untillmter the prImat-y. It vaulti be necessat-y thon ta held a special con- gresalOitai primat-y. Whether redistrictlng cau ie sac complilhed before the primat-y viii ho àioermined b>' deveopamoots vehen tht illature regumes la Octobtu'. It la a special session on the witotway and- Attorney Genet-il Steatilucide that tedltt-lctlng cannt ho dded ta tira - ea. Another epeelal Session wosfflàgi e necessar>'. A majort-Itofa fls8ropubUoasitleaders fayot- eloat- lng thetwto cangreasmnnat large. To Croate Sanitary District The malter ai the at-atlit ofai huge sanitaris ltrict tota Inlude mil thetowevs andi cîtles aioag lte notI shiore irom tire natth lineofa Waîîke- gin township ta lte count>' lIteait the Southt,vll l e put up ta a vôto ai thie people, accordtng to, the docia- Ion oi a meeting hett i a Nort h Chl- cago Friday niglit. Thea. H. Dut-st ai Wauktgaa vas chosen prosîdent of the meeting. At tht moetinq a&Irtitian vas drîven ut, ,vhich wl ho citculateti among the toveni on the laite short, calltng for ma special election, tht elecUIon la de- ter-mine vhthor or not tht saitar> district shall ho tstabliihed. This petitton vii li e put out for signratures la a fev days, and thteeation date viii ho set b>' County Jutige Pet-sons as acon as lte roquisite aumbor ai ames are obtainoti. Ont pla veht as preseated ai thte meeting vau1t- uit a huie coa- artoe sevor aloag the shortelino ai tht lite, tramt the north limita of Waukogai totatht couaty lino on the South,.and theaceonar, and emptyiag lisfotheit drainage canal. Titis sewer isatent vauld nat Interiore vîiththe Suvertaifcities vhicit nov empfy loto the laite. Lite Forest, Hlghiaad Park at-e os- pecially axous to have tht district estabulshod. ZMon Cit>' ishes ta iqin la ii the others. but oving te tite long dtat hof fat-mland bhtteen Waukegai sud ZMan It vas tletermin- ed f'ridty aiglit dîd aet include Ibat City' as yet. Disom oLàneolu's VIit -"Linc@Isl'sVîsilta oWaukegmn. un 1860' ia the. tofialau t.ecnt-remt Isse ai tht Journal af the iXlncie State 1*15- lot-cltSociety b>' J. 'Beymaîur Crtteu, on the bus of facto guthereti fran local pipera b>' a Wukegaa youag vomatu. Lncoin vialtoti thiactty and made a speech it a Wiuhlagtqn att-oit hall, long Sirice burned daven, Âpr-I 2, "60, and oit the aliIofaieii in l the mtdst ai bis speech a fit-e alérol aauiud m" eat-ly hreaklng up ai tise ses- Mlan, Lincoln golag vitis the rw te figt thlirbte. "l'h. original star>'lit tht aid Gazette ai the 'S'" and tihe SUNIS Lincoîn Cetenrsdlsertes of Lincoin Storleç ln 1909, are quatetixl t4e passer, lnitvlch the amaes of -Yn> Waukegauites 00mr. peso, Cam Fom.rly Mi!d st Tân oi wa " ato Ne $W1& emntly Sod fîo, Twulvg ; Ud Tifton, - IIow ?lftun and Twehity. Substitution of the figure '6" fo t8he Cîplier in île advertlsieeta oi10 tO set «dposandI 10 cent cana of tomtais. togethor wlth -tht diaappear- suce af the. sIgn readlng, "Twenty poonda af augar for $1," yeterday marked a rtatmn of the liugaboo of 1910-tbe lilgh cost of living probleni --alang tisenarth shore. As la tonnter years. the houaewife wlth itIited moans willîbet fit.chiot sferer, ai the most pronounçed I-a tromit. la conta are schodulod toa f- fect the taietit priced food commidi- tien an temark-et. A retaller ln apealinof food prices saki': "Tlere wilulibe no 10 cent cana af Ipois sold, by retallers titi year. au tht Wheloesals, prîco las advanced 5nonma- tertally that grocera isili flot lie able t0 rotail ausy for lesst Ibm 15 cents a Cali. Tht -Io cent tornato veli also ho replaceti hy the I., cent cati. Sugar Up 60 Cenits a Hundiftd. "There bas been a bulge af clase tb 60 centa a hrrndred paundB in tht prie, . graunlated sugar wlthin s feve days, andi we have been farced ta charge 6 cente a pound stralght, vehereas we bave been ln tbe habit of retaillng engar at about 6% cents à opund or twenty pounds for a dollar." Other faod commoditien whieh have made a big upwa,-d juiap In pt-b. lif two weteki Include salmon, 00w roti!l- cd at 22 conta a pouad ciii for a fair- griile of bah. These blh tpria.. are attrlbuted ta a curtailmeat la the pack, due ta a short catch afilb. Here In WWgukregan salmon aald for 12 conts Io nove 15 conta, andth le cana formerly rnafrked 15 cents areo nove 2 catits ln many places. FIant- has adivanced 20 cents a ba-- roi thus voit, and thora has been a sîmlar retut-n la thteveholealo prico of corn l.I barley anti other cet-- sais. Dry, hot wetîther at the tltne ct-opa veute lnaturlng la boid t-tapon- siblo fer the. sdvanced pt-bei of ta- matOes, pea anmd coetoua, wehte titi uptura ln sugar quotatiansinlaattrlib- utèd te a sitortago la arallahie sup- plies ai Cuttîn and E'uropoan raw su- gar. Park Loin* Up 4 Centf. Meat pricés have also developed soarlng propensities wlth a feve days. Park loins, whilèh sald at 14 cents a tiound tvea veetsa ga, are now held at 18 cents a potiad. Haha- coa, lard and other park producta have maide proportionate gains. Patatoes have réspooddte t more f a- vorable climatia condiIons for tht growlng crop wlth a drap of 10 conta la tht retailiprics. Wlioleîale values of coal have made a gala of 25 ta 30 contesfi tont. To Ëave Pewer Peuat Days The motu proprio bat lassuetby Pope PlusX. ln the intereat of Oun- formlty ln the Observance af holy days of obligation la the Cathalle chut-ch Applies chileWta Hurapeait counitries, and viii not mette markeiq difference la tht nuaiber ai sueh days observed In this counttry, according te Rev. Berntard 'Praudt, Milwafukte, ciiencellor af the arclidioceade. "Owiag ta the. dîffweneaonla urcoaa- ditious here, the nunaber af days of Obligation lias long been lIsantihe 'United States tisai abroadL" sald liatlier Traudt. T4emoto proprio gves ase th.eu- son for the mction the speclal air- cumitancea Ocil te ge, uîying, "Ia- crouseti commerce and the atitltbns demanda af business seoid ta iuffer 109s from th, deli>'caumod by to.ý Quent feant days," andalad "TPh. dcii> lacr-oaing Cost of the. necemalsof lite mare it 'addi=ally dirgble that the servile work ai tho e ho gala their living' by l1abor may not be too oiten interrupW.od , Henceforth, ae<irdAg té the mot-tu proprio, there iam te eho na eeekdar 1.0l1hdays aobligation tliroughOut thre chut-ch except thoce of Chrla.r»n day, the. Circumsion, 'lýoipbany, AsStatoa; Immnaculate conceptiinAitumptlan, Bt. Peter and PaulI and Ail Saints, and ln countrie. 'where ta>' ot thes" hiave been llgtilatîly stappl'eaacd or trau@fot-retiby oaclalatll # 4ttl1aty,. bheY are ta rematà traaaferred or stw'ý i)reSsedodutil the HoUy S5e ducide athervlse. Thetofasts or patron salis arc ao longer holidays ai phîlgatlot, tutIPo>- -ansion la give lto theordJnîwlus 10- transfer thet etusulal ount>'ta theux ta tue iollovht ug sona. 1 ýsuidhy wfth aU OCoud!. Are Maltanty ;;î î Li *Couty sat- thorities jabla; forcets ta Clame U Pfie pettans la Suadayioad rld the' twa cunaties ai blind pigalornca the Me- lHent-y PlaIndeiie. TitiIola aquestion thet Io hein;ak- ed b>' many these days. The mimner la whlch the Laike coun- ty authoritci have houp going afttr tior aonaniteacon 15Ma lIent-y cauntY »atbortlos begma te point l intat direction. Wsukegan. Lake aaunty's largent and niat prosperons Oit>', an~d ehlch for years lits houa a witie-pea tovea. wai closed up tva veeks aga andi the Piaf twa Sudaya nov the saons in that clty closed up air-tight. Libertyvîlie and one or two of the amaller villages are the oni>' places ltat vert runnlng open la Surudav andi by aext Sunday It la expected tht ail ivill ho closed - Pal4owibg the actiouns of the Lakte couaty people licHent-y calnt>' ur- county people NMcHeary couniy author- Mtes are aow beglnnlng ta show thoir bond. They have started la vifli the McHenry saloons and tram those veli are keeping la toircit vit fhe move- ment or te authoritien vo are la- iarmed that tise Sundmy saloon law wiii be rigiy>'eaforced la tht future and that tise blind plga vili aiso ho closed uis. McHent-y pausetiont at the dryest days la ita hstory laiaI Sanda>'. Whtle It la mlegeti b>'saine that eue or tva af tht saloons of tht village ver, do-' in& buin.ess. 'The Pîmîndealer la lb- atite ta vot-iiy thse report for thte t-s son that the vriter did nat visit aiw ai them. The MffHenry saloon keepers beld a meeting an Frida>' aiternoon oi liet veet and asnong allier business t-unn- acted 18 was decidoti ta Close their placea ai business aocording ta ln- stractlOns fromn the village attorney'. Tht cltizapa aof.McHenry1 au velI as tht sommer reoattrs aZ vstdhlng witis Interest the resîuît tht tht Sun, day closing vIli hring vitl it18 Tht the Ut-Heary s-aloon keepers are not satiiotidta close their placés of business and thon stand hyand se the dozon or more aperatars or bllnd pîga dolng buiinees la a certaint>'. if aur village attorney and the police of- Scoere enforce tht 1mw thal has been laid downb>' the village board It cet-- tail>'moins that lIcHent-y l hbé dry on Sundays and the final recuit vell ho that every blnd plg along Pont river, Jolinshurg and Pistaitte Bmay wili lie ciosed. Over at Waukegan twenty salooo- keepors have signJlbed tisoir Int'ýntIo% af quttiag business and lamnia8th. local option forces viien Iheir lilcnseo expires. Theit saloon keeperas de-i dat-e that tht>' cannaI exiat unal the>' art allowed taoopéraist on sun1t shys, WhIh dittiys they declaro are thetr'higgost buasinees getters. The aiMas thing applies te McHeary. 18 la commun knowlàe tht the sa- loon teepers ai tht village. especlal- ly those la the east end of taira, de- pend largely on theîr -Sunday bar for a lvihhaod and wlthout that privilege thé. sommer business would net amarjat tarancht. 28 hba een entimateti- tuaIt t1sa- laons ai MaHenry 'bt-lai thausanda of dallarstot the village anaually. Thte hoieatmono>' derlie~d fron tiieé Paes as petittthe rur£nlpg expeniet af the village andth îbunt themraua an- nual tax of no less thona six tirouioati dollars vould ho placoti upait the ahould«et ilte ta Payera. The vw~trham looked inta the met- tcr lat. toougluly ant i nes thattce feeling la quit. evtîy ii lvidui. Borna aie-ofa t*eo apn atut thi e oon ttcepei' a miouiddbemadtie oah't lwavs ai&tWMdava tetalle, vhilu athers agréé, tht they abould ho givun the, Men.pilvieez As a the Pont. 'Pluape vebo are fl atar ofail.tting the saea soperute Dot Bundays déclare tirai -tise loeing up af 'tb*"iesplnes veatitti"km' tii. tovut mea summer t-i» mort, %vii t ip -othet- élément easyo ttiat Ii wIll bh ii surce of bringis; a hotter clasi ai people ta McHfenry. The laaitassertion Thse Ptinideicr. betioves la an InjustIce ta thant nov ownig nmmer homtes alongVPm river,.as8 ie dat-e0" 'tilt tthé beeçit-] et. aténg thi. rIver narlu and nsa t ,f MOROMury-art matie np ai lulgt>t-e- spictableutoole and tse vile OQUtd not viest )ur a botlt-r 0.«. e M ain btore taeati tiher sommera asIW as their luardeaniMct ast vitb.*d busineSs mon. I car fillh f.*ts fian*k.. shoqN à~.rBrown, sbhoaCo gW"lk SLO..& dé IKWMhk, ?**.nd l4K" Shirts. B. y. . b WlrUmmo.anai two V pitis P~odwI Unoewoeunion »0d two piété Nelige. Shirte, Meus Hab a and i Caps, tit 1">.ol m e * Ne4kti.s and Colla>', and al kintis 0@ of Gobe's fuwuisjigs.. Cur fant andi wâger liune of, Smuil.front th. lizemutl Tilodag Co. wilI varive in à f.wClay&. jE W. PARURST SCHANCK BLOCK Buy a Honte'ancF Stop Paying Rent We ondIol«eus nmonaethi>' psym.nte, aisi- à aspyia sat. W. aeu lots on amati pauats at leur putes m withua±inter* s Limai made eat camt lrates. rialis s'faor loi- sil acus-id on VîlaIU"* tdfaim poupmeti,. UtAccienctand Fise Iawrmac »Ullc" ba"eandolihcdmu. DYMOND & AUSTIN Plie..26 OtfIila G«i Offie. Demonstration OF THE - Ruu Instantaneous Automatic Cas W--ater Heater WILL BE GIVEN AT THE <lia Comýpany's office DURING THE WEEK 0F A ;~ t14 i., k lA -l .1

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