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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Aug 1911, p. 10

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-S-40..Aýc O»er "- rb ei'sbllto elanes fi>, QAMOPLANE.-A tbeaver-than- 0 * air acine tbat supports it. 0 self on wlngs ater rislng by Principal Business of Rock 0 thte Impetus given'by Rle en-Q River Cenference to Bc o gue. tld ut Joliet 0 AILERONS-Miovable wInge or CD _______________0 or wing tifps on botit aides, by 0 mOving oneS of wbiob the aviator AnnRuai Conference 01 M.thod- 0 recovera bis equiblibriumQ list inister Opes O(k wbett cau>'bt ln an airbols. Septe ber 2th 0QAIRIIOLFS (or itocket)-Std.Q Septe ber 2th tien upwarti or downwarti Our. Q 0 renta of air tbut cause aero- Q Dr. . 0 sheardof Clce * 0 Planes to stdclenly tise or 0 Dr.W. . Seprd f Ciceo0 fal thus uipstting tîceir eq- Q ls to Be Formel Candidate 0 uîîîtrîum. 0o For Blshop 0 AVIATOR-Tbe man who files 0 an seroplane. 0 BANKN-Quick turniug by 0 Deication of Monument teo 0 tlslng the ailerons tocepres Pioweer Methodiat Prench- 0 the lutter enti of thé planes 0 et One Aim 0 witet turning, thue arresting 0 0 te frwarti mOvement of tbe 0 0 aeroplane by prsseuting the 0~ (FYom Wednescays SUN.) 0 tomn surface Io thte air resis- 0 Vmie principal business or pttblie lu- 0 lance.0 t~~s ai te coming ûonferengce of thte 0 BIPLANS--An aoroplans witb 0 110thWdust (burettes of the Rock Rver 0 it.x-tîke double surface, o1 ittrisètia n lJitet next moittît.will 0 CLIMBING-Risling by imeane of ID bu tbe election of seven minîsters antio - the elevator. 0t sevren isymen to reltresent the confer- Q DIP A sutiden clip foliowed by 0 eces In tbe general confereuce of the Q a climb, uaually avolti obata- churcit at Minneapolis next -MaIY. 0 ries or to get out orlairlioleg.' *t Titese positions are regardetibhàb>' ELEVATOR (or contrel) - A 4DJ minîsters anti laytuen as the lgbest 0 smaîî fiat plane surface exten- 0 compliments tjat caui be itaidti lem gD ding forward or back of tbes tg anti therge wili be delegates from eaeb * eroplane ,euabling the gaviat- Q district representeciilnte corference. or to direct tbe ise or falI ofQ A Candidate for Bichop. h is machinte by cbanglng tbeQ 0One mnme meat mntutonecl for min. Q Inclination of ts contrel end CD O Isteriai delegale lu tittof Dr. W .0. presenting wind-resisting sur- 1Q libepbercl, of thte North Chicago ds- * face. t trict, vito vili bie supportet ln te gen- *GUÀDING - Deaeendl"g by the let ai conference liv the delegales frotu means of the levator anti ail- 40 tbls district for eiectinu as bisbop. As* erons after tbe englne bas 0Qe tbis dilstrict bas fttrnisitet severai been shut off. 0 te blabops (o (theciturcb lb Iinffair 10 sup- *HANGARS-Sedle Or tens In 1Qf ptost titat ils candidate at this tInte * iicit eropianes are "stai-t- " sili rIeceive fair consdération. Tbe * led." C Oniy namne tins far mentionei ln tbe * JUMP - A short flighti macle 09 Jollet district lot! delegate le (bat Of * wilboul turniug. eIl be Rev. R. H. POOle', te pressent dis- *g PYLON - A wite target on * e tret superintendent. 0 post to mark limite of course. qea Candidates Front Joiet ChUrehes. * MONO>PL Jl-Aeroplane bav- 0 it inasaidti Iat boih tbe Ricbards * g single surfaces Ilke thte 0Q xreet anti Ottawa streel churebes, Jo- whgofaete lt. vîlInt'esent unas of candidatfeabesie ;; for a>' elegates. Prom the Richards *treel eburci thte name et Judge George W. Cowlng anti C. E. Wilson bave been mentonseti. Prom tbe 01-. bâaa treet churc n naine bas thus. far been brougitt forwarti but that of ý&ffviu S. Monroe le receving fsvor' «Wmention b>' members of te cont- gregation. 13edieâtion of Waker Minument. VTe dedicablon of temonument t 'Paighge1d to theo mernor> of te Rev. Jdss Walker, te Pioneer bMethotiht prscler et this section, vii lie oue et th Plpeaalng oveuhd cfrte oulfer' esus seo.Te Rer. E. G. Citter- »Sole, treasurer 0f1te1usd bas a-*-wbedgedtse remei f f$300 for Um tafuni snd b. says he bas at least $150 lmors ln sighL. The nortiteru »aadins, espeolali>' ltofet be st. l[AUai esateee glt upen tse3Izitl te conîribute et lat $150 o u he mon- SUinnt tu". CeOfe-ee Opens Sept.27. VTe se.iD of het icostlerence pro. Per viilOPeu SePtembar 27 vitit DlsbOP John WL Hamilton iuntte chair. 'l'h.exantination 0f candidates vil! cromenece Monda>', Septemiter 25, sud Tuestisy evenlng tiiere viii b. a Te- eepuon % te members of tbe couler- aesx%. Etertalumeîtt bas tuns far been Provîdoci for about 2w0, anti as- am'r»uce la giventhbat lodging anti bretkfast vili b, furnlsbod toail vito attend te confereuce. MÂLE CHORUS, W=L BE HERE SUND"Y, O igoMaennierchor of St. Michels Church wm l ing IMssat St. joseph, roi- Iwdby Barbecue. The St. lMIchaelNileenner Choir, te- maie ebor of St- Miebels ciurchin l Chticago, ws-t i lg second mass ai St. Josepha citrcit bers next Suntiay. Poilo-iug te ihitreit services ut te loalcai ttre ,tise aetncr choir bave arrngeti for a ieip titrong thlie naval station aI Norh ('hicago. A tiluter nl be servet by lte No. hart Broters 10 techoir trnmed:aîeî.y aiter thb. services in Nohemaun Wet. zel hall, aller yul-h ail sill lest t for a tour tbrougbtheltsnaval saaon. -AcrOse te restifrota te neyai stit tien, BL Jçaepi'setturcit bas arrangeci for a linuge barbecue to b, iteld Iti (he voodsa. A bal gante buasalso ,eer, Unrangedti tatake Vace lu bbc ater neen. Tise entertalnuient la u Inte itai of St Wiiams' Court, 1262, C. Sfpeclai Cars bave been arrangeti for Over tbe Chitcago antt Milvaukee RIsc. tie rOadt luig te Maenner choir -asti fieonda ta titIe olty. Thte or ManIaI of St. Millcaelsa churcit, Chiti gséo, vUIiaccem»aaY ltsechorus bers.; L. Frank Baum et »lruln, Ho-, toi Mas Typowrfter -and Two suite Ail Ni* WIzard et Oz Ventures Latliy Have Fallmn Ait Ut Ssen Change eofIlesiduaoe From' lier, te Les Amples Dit No sod Pppr.od by -Debti, Ailai am Creator of HNesrous--Flg- iraseis'tb ourts (PrOM WednesdaY'a SUN.) LM.o Angeles, Cal., Aug. 15.-A sec- ond bandti Ypevriter, two suite cf voru clObtheS ianging lu bie rocin, HollYvooti vers solseaseselistet lui the tUnited States district court Ioda>' lu beltaif or Ih Prsnk Banniof High- landi Park, artist anti autitar, taooffset unasettreti cebte amountlng t10'$12, W0. Eleven second baud books of leference veres seleduleti but nol val- usti, anti ail Proerty vas cîimedti t bc exempt under the Ioderai stabltes. Baum thebiteicago vrller ematiIl. lumîrator wbo sotsalears ago creatid btse wiialscai "Wlzard o! Oz" serbes of llluetratedti tetebes. Vthe>' baia great vague ut lthe tinte. Balit loi- iowed Lisent iti t Oier productions siong bite saine lnes in vttîcitlatries and litoigobiius ran rot. He btteoted 10 have bis ptctnrea r@ePrGIfced b>' a moving pletunsCein- pan>' of ('ýicago antIltitis le a credjtor to the extent of $1 '500. Laier Baurn attempsti 10 have bis efforts stagei. btat tsatw-as net a s-muer and a pnint- ing andi engravlng compost>'of Chsi. Cago sutik $1,150 ln the business. Au- other lient of liabWitie s ua imitia n-nt9 ])Y,!EtinuntiW. Pottie of itIs' el> lnutie stiperior court foir mono>' t*dvancctcl Baum bo float bis produc- tions. Abotit a year ega Saut came (o Hall>' sood Ito take hie future hite lu Califat-nialButIite vas 0ppW555. stib> lthe cebt.4 contracteti trylua le exryloltbis ereetiaus andi soughtthUt rAet of lte bankrupte>- courts. IsPrýey to Drog HBit whioh le Wreçkdii g Pech Na- tion Today, it Bbe Saloons, of -city, 1gost of Them, Have ,rug on Sale comnnonly, Police- SaUsfied Kautenbergi did flot Hann Black Girl or.Another. Believe Now tha.t Luring cf Girl WBB a Prank cf Ah- siflthe Jag. PW v tr kt il, l c U. Y, et Pt re ed til la th sh (2 AGREES TO WOOL 9ILL Sentt. Pute Natfteur UP tePrffestt -By t18 te Ob vota. Waqbiitt D. C, Ana. -V sonate agree ooth ie coufarsuce re- liotrstlte vool bill b>' a vote cf 3S te 28. Te bouse bavlng prevlousi>' agred thtble'repoért tto11), <er ha 44 lta b miutib>'tu #.lfes eitclit ikut Bveahker Llark-'stilge te Pj:rosidenî Taft ant i vli undoubtetil>' h.returu- dit( tgre I VWibb a 'rSo thmtege. Thé. report vas igreadto alytl~ ocratle asti .ltaurgalt etict voies. Ne Dlorpt Voteigl«4w t. The insurgent. Republilens vototfor IL: Bnlatew. ]Broyn, <BavPP, Crsv- tord, Otittnlaso, La Follette, Polndit. e ' andi Worke,-S. 'flua follng in- sursaut Republieans -reteti ageinel t~ereport: Dorais, lturrs anti"flIXOD Movag-lotr.Shows la 14-1Ls la B*reona tii. movlsgplctf elde O<tthtom riSitis fr ISer t"llte hetcuri ileàloit. (umahaAthisoilo Asso@oi stiesAlttemptHêeWmo 'Un-bon Foliowtd-Wuu ?#en WiII Box ln open Air lit Exilbiion Go. ln eKuftioh Noxi Saturday Afternàonï Pull ohIqssbo, Naval Cham. #wïb, and Tony Ca#onl, of Chi. cage WiII Box Thon Othar -Soxing Bouts WiliIF111 List Last Ovor Throo Meurs of Day (Front 'Wetinescluy'a SUN.> The Kenosha Atltetie club' la plan' ning (o offer a real noveity ln boxlng fanis on next Saturday aflernoon vbeu a matin" bittlg show viii be gîven at Ranabler park. Ths arena viii bé! pitceti dlu tite open air andi for b fist tlift elu Wisconsin flgters viltl rmeet under te same conditlorIX as ln tb. groat boxitîg ss given on thei Paelfie alope. - ThteItiret open air show ln Kencoaba promises to bring one of tbe best, carde of hoxlng conteste ever seen lu t this section of te state snd tbe main'~ bout of tbe day, vitici 1s net for five o'ciock lanlte afternon yul1 be atat round go between PhIl Schlosbr citaumPln of te ULnited States na53' andi Tony Caponi. the Chicago Italien. The. twa men are weli matchoti and~ tite> vitt meet at 162 pountis, velgh' Ing lu ai ton oelock lu the morniug, Te match promises to be one ofthle best ever puileci off lu Wisconsin andi it la certain that titere wlll ho a great crovti 0f boxing fans f ront Chicago, Mlvaukoe anti other cilles. Witb theo vitole'hall park ase a setating place forc tbe fans, the proulters of the. shov vili be able 10 takte case of a crowd of 'Î ten thousauti people and It le expectetij titat at least haift tiis number viii b. on bandi belote thte main bout ls calieti. M aw oh ttiicP, lb. boys iittiXigi 1183,Ounis. '-lte second bhlltkm Xertz Of Iteneeba viii box Six rounds vitit Phîl, Harrison '0< Chicago at 138 pogtlds: Iu tbe sentl'wlndup Dunny oodman, oee flte boit'133 pounti boys In the country' vill me et, Jack Ïtoberts of Chicago. Te bout pl'otis' ea to b. one of te most excltlng of tbe day andtihie boys wiil go elgitt rounds. 'lTeinterest lu the Schlossberg CaPeni la keener on account ofthbie tant that lte vinner yull be matche with Biliy Papke. It le probable tbat tMIS battIs vill also be ptlieti off lu Kenoshu If lte matines figiung proVes a suemiseful businest venture. TPhe cartiof0f Igittirl attractIng a lot of attention ln Chticago ant i I leex- pectodti iat a crowd dupIllctlng lte Ptrowd at thte Forbes-Coulon lIglit wll corne 10 Kenosha la witness te bouts. totPmit 01W 7M* - I jAdedln licavery of 1 tsdlO'1 tbat ut Po teorded. mhe solile vho ar esklzlg bei tb «crte as guards WY 'aside theur Êtes andi heain te belabor et Sua in lab. sali' rfthes lis higkstUkqb. Wb*e cii. Inloîieet isOutw, isui b ek idâ lllvsa-hW .&mes -e' ibletasp4e-p purp*0. bxt.-Mr: ' l*aO e vs» iseeul: Tii.>' my e>' i over-h *t-ot5111.,bl 1111 lauuauuo gocolduiaIIê*We Sinn In lrIs, Wblch 1lta i the is oaRi siroM eoi taie45n*ttn vm og~ard u ii her. ,%liéo ý s <5575 Mr. Ncwman Dougflas u ireng 4we'l bro"kgit o liasions ssi. lbon Wite l.allOvai ersa«It te b. elotb«4; 00t couli soin titrési andt te . d VA gmanait v.d le a ares; a*. glierebai ao kstal 01e26 laa- 'tahber tau ovu tou ese ab*e renlumite ( hé sor à» Malons Use of il. "Tbere Is Do us. givlog lots e a citc, My dean. MY booacaoouat leaorsi- gire . Il Itte lme anvay Gworge SAnd, aaY, asSait. ler'$bM 1 vOUt - 5U4 It oul et i=y' sb<pplg hsg viii Net losy. "Wbat Ila tebanieet werk you deo "ihi> art yen"r." replIai istlç serghum, 'tu trylng olo ok fflSe01 Spbogrmapbt sud talc Itho My' eliecba *be 1ie get bock Io My boum .WIij-. An casy 'rosit. "Pa. wvit le a philogopher?" -À pbUlOer. ut>'boy, la ouaevis> teilealter peopisl tahst ir'teftble dttn'l emeuant le muchi'.DetrpiîTne Proem*.1 FOR @EST RESULTS USE TaiE INDEPEfiPENT ÀVthui àéttaf or, l ü lft$ -oi4àon otrLr. and Mro, WIlhea* ner, Who vas liàte t0 hé JAib hlse oapit$l . bturdky a vas Ilrougit baek bonis Iat 1119111, hope 0hl* reoovet'>' yb.lag ab.WtItii lUp to early tis mornins the. front hui er. ¶aobbasgl. lira. Zl IL LepuIO sd soit, 0flr1, $peut yeselrd'ay lax1'lcago. Mir. andi lur. subp i) ~ tertalng ;ýout of-,t9vu file4%4 'ruk 'adnlay boenw' 4i. ýiI. tage euflaisy.qtuy >esterday, Mr. John W.ls 1ofti yetel'd*y t a vieilivitit relatives lu Gsry, , md. Mllss ci, iiatnbas» stu. front ber YScaùoette .pasb te« dff boing »Peut l Ii, eage vîit fylelid. lire. Al red Jobuson LMd IkUe daugttsyhave returnedte ta it>'ho# alter a vsat vtit Cicago reo4Ujyse. Corse & Cao,of ftielue, -î oam building thte brile a5000e1. tp f: thte bluff te ts roof et tiie.rpowk >01 e t the uLval twaiistatgtogi. Tb$is ll lb. laat of Corsé's conta ta the stiti<>n. . 11 Ui. ClarencesOouyo enterwan"-. the Ramblers yesterday, lunchsolà bé iug oérfod at Posi Park. 'i4bo 1.4W. soin. flteell, hat a ver ' en»oyble Mine Marthea Jensen bas returuod ta volit aller a weekle vacation. Mn,. H. B. Mclaru aud soun.lier. bort, anti daugitter, Jeane, let tti mcruiitg for several veeha' filet 'WItIa rlàtlvo, lu Piper City, Ili, 1 Mm MnL H. Davis, lire. T. H. ioKIa. ne>', andi Miss Locy MeMOn.>' ver Chicago visItons Ioda>'., George Gebrln ug vs abusiness ,iti. tor lu Ciîcago yesterday. 'X. E. Suncla> achool -of titis cil>'are to boidti itir annuel pieule ai pues Park tomerrow. Mr. Peter Bielman of Hebital. Mlob.. le vlsffing A. C. Carlson. li'M. John Nelsonr le elsitins vîit ber hushauti, *Mn. John Neison and dangbter of tiris elty. lira. Wiwam Kapheftn andi lre.,W. M. Sebîrllna have roturneti frenme»v- arsl do7z' visit witb relatives, at Ar- hinerton HolgitIs. 1TKTHE $Tffl UNION TdEERAPH Q$Y tt 000 OFF#CrU i4 AMePlCA. CAMllE "I'Fvicc Tu ALL:. V o" «V UOUEA1C 405 5LtV C15E5Bo4..fl.isM &j,.. (Prom Wetineeclay's SUN.) Hearing of Albert Kautsnberg at tse police station titis moruing tievel- opeti the factl hat absinthe, tite tiru Wiette o ureof lte Ftrencht na- tion andi vbicit bas vrscked millions, la on genet'ai sale lunttis cît', tai the saloons, as lte police assent titat Kali- tsnberg le an absinthte drinker sud vlctint. 1rautenberg was fineti $200 anti cosîs, or fort>' cisysln thte colnt>' hall, titis m0fuing ou a charge tif dlsorder- 1' cosdclut, bis offense betng that yes- lerda>' ou promieof S doilar (o at- tend babies viticit vere ntlssing front bis home on Nortit Jackson street, b. suticet i eght Year aId llaabelb Slar-k ta bte tveiliug anti kepl ber titere front about 10 claek lunbtse mOrung ta near 2: 30 lun te atlersoon. Once befors lie la saidti lahave su iceti a girl nantetiWhite ta thte tiel- .ing, viten a uei.gbbor voman eav thte îitilcl anti matie har go itome. He Is aisa aaid b>' btepolice ta bave titreat- tned to shtoot itis neigihbor anti on one, occasion, bis vile. la Net Rbe"sible. Bot tintes ICauteuberg la cburged wllb entiu'ing girls ta bis htome bis ile te saidte tahave been aia>'., fibis not belleve t iat ite la rspon- sible, due to, absinthe, andti ters ans tomes of btepolie vio dam inttatbe tses soute allier tmug occasianal>'. feeteria>' vien ha vas pîseetilul ts ett>' jail ho iay lu a state of cama, bis pupils enlirgeti, mnoloulesansd speechiossand ha voulti stare fan long perlotgIsbt tee yresof thte officers questlilubletm vîloul llincing or respoitding to questions. Absinthe Selci Hors. Absinthe las ait! la be solti lunbts aloana boeslu an>' fort, raw, lu frap. pe, or lu a bunoper of wike>' to wlps out llag offets aoflthe Jag the nigt be- fore anti gir. a umon au appetîts. Viiere are muid la ha several "btugs" of abitnlthe ln lte cil>'anti i la daim- el that lb bakea a yoar tlaeaquIns the habit, aller vitici the bapless one l0 nu tse glp vhlch vltb Its uses 'and euls lu action bas been atie kuovn ta Amerlean readors inlte Ma- lse Corelli navel, ",Wormvood," viticit sa anotietobrtu far lhe tinag. Te deug la a menace t an>'Mtn and t0 au>' nation lunls nervoos vrock rocucing cualitîes. anti lu the tact titat tha greater number of itz usera, If ha>' use il babilual', ]andi lu a mati bouge- Police anti officiais general>'umades efforts b ilidout viebter or ual Kan- tenberg itarmedth le Siack girl anti gre aitsibtedtiitha t itinot ln au>' va>'or itape ruollest ber ln lthe ieaut, Or an>' ote ois, tite iurfilg of thte girl ta bis dveliug belng merel>' a prank af bis absinthes Imagination.- Wbllesoume tien>'ltaI ite even boit b.e l1t11e girl lotothe bouge, ite hlm. self andibte girl admtbit taI site vas Iu tho bouse, -a Sale Items Beow X~ lengtb llght tag~ covert coati for scbool. not this seesous saoat, but a goond service- able coat for bard wear, sold for l--k es mucb as $7.50, nùw only ... àaJ% Chlden'a Coati ait Hall Priae. You con choose frotuIa very unugual as- sortmen-t nfot ail sizee ln any one kind. but a gond assortment g styles, speciai at ............ HALPF PRICE aud just the tptLng for bouse or stegt wear, I-morrow only hait price.......................9 c Every Dt'ess ln our entire Une of 'Wah Dresses bas a narlocti cown Pie. Taffela Siik Petticoats ln many colors, be- sicles te staple colora, brown, bitne andi reti. There are albo aomneblack unes ln the lot. Choose any ons of titese $3* 98% Petticoat. for ........ Coloreti Linen bkirts, that belougedt ie- .en suite (bat solti for $156.0 are markecl to lear at...... Ail $4.t0Linen and other Wasb 'g Skirts mnaricedti tonly ..... $3.00to Vlle 'Waists, trimnmed i wthc6"ée etniroltiery, specialiy lried at....... (71iidren's Coqts of wbite pique, wide q4llor cullar, en»yoldereti on the collar andi on tho cuifs, Uregular;3.60 ...... uafon.y......... 1:9 This, Reduction Sale Ils the final cleara nc' e sale of adl spriqg and svmmer stocks and brolcen Unes. Therer are only a few of such offeriq«ssao t is best to be early. Get your share cf the savings to-morrow. 35c anti', e cêlofeti Curtain Serina vitiz border and «îplain or idlitver coenter, the. Prettieat Iatterns, wbile they .9 last at, a yarcl....................9 Coiored Madiras et Half PrlceEvery plae of Madrtas that solti for Soc, or- 49e is.a baîf price. Tho 69c kind for s 34c, andt he 50elnd at a yard. ....X 1 CURTAIN REMliANTS AT HALFPRIGE -«Mil pieces of'tbe best sellers et h*If the, ReWnatit Prias.. iColrfaist -Mattina - -ths mattiug tbat l0 guâranteeci flot to, fade ln sunligbt or in water, tise Most-voucierful mat- -àe tlng matie, speclal at, a y&rd .....ý£ lic Parquet F'lnering that la 24 luces v ide, usoti arountdiruer-I& the beâvie»t oibloth mae,and atbis sale la oùly a yard....1......... f>* Loo0k overt4cee Ipn! Dlsl tftrluers thet bave a bruce for eacb plate, regiarly Iiie eacb, I tbis naue for ............ TMt Cup. (bat ltold neari> * pint, exc ..... A bottie of I.Awn Mower 011 'W ge Meaauring apofgass wltb square glass bandle, a gSoti avlng at .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 'lýumbléî% that are usually I C 40o a diben, now ........... C Germen Importeti Cup anti Saucer.ddeuit êd with bjue stencil tdesign, 9peciai value at ............. 1 liquld Veneer, the best duster ant ifi4~h~ -4dell large bottlé for'46c; médliusiseti bottle qt.t .. 46é 'rnbaeoo Jar@ for elcars or, tobabLO, no w 911..l ...... i6c Preesed.Glass Water g IibttI@. spécil a t.......... Aluminuin. »riuklng Cups titat fÔjd up, ii5el.......................C IPLY 9PATTERS tbat you bave ta paytOb for anywbere os, apeclal at................................. $2.25 Gpss Ovens, ..laa ............. hco anti eti b Di Bon bati set -suie aud trou £mil Or trial1 tetx rose (r>' hors becs pov @ver Ti. tri suci maId thin .off glus mua tho plat ýha goui -1- 4&~ Lê4 d~ ~ ê~o~aj~ 4 L&~4~ 44/L~~L~ i IL u u t: 0 a r il t 1

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