IMU .w. Iher munfly a&né beduial emper'amnent iitil about tbre yga' ago, whben the jdeatb ocflber som, (MMee. adtiencd he life anti pavedth te fii a ner- asbrealdown that camfgri'ilýj' ghSe was tic daugter of 0l- lie Ca <DL : R ~fl leb A. MontgomnerY, Ibe tirs( ian lu ,oebislife fr&ô.the Nînef, li liii noie ln the-War of the Rd i l as thie first Wandkegan matr to 'h war Hie wa a lieuteflant uner p ariniiA. Z.i 7 Blotigef t ln C'OMPsîîY ia flrsi 1111 ecnant anid died ln a iiusiîa hav ît er warndedi. ii f j mile ' autoninof leownprs ILandI reaIi i Mdrs. Fred L. Mturray Identlfied Thisý.~mitn oaanjie AftemeGn by Frlends; Edward Ch es- ý nî 1 'l ter, Smoll Boy, Fou'nd Body Caugh itsi n.wto ad Rockefellcr, gouth te, High- 'and, castIo t he lk rr n OuBreâW-wàter. qettbeUHeldi,"ogteba alongthe each LaeThis fen n at Kenosna. e"rci"gh the elswo5 a L.G V uded epcts ofth eny Along the lake front and i! tot Body tob-b Brought to ýWaukeganeNrhstn alodfO w 5k.W t io ;v ýr ne:,icf the round bing co.crcd (From Wednesdays St N.) ':i,ý oronera, ofies. II<rffi < by spread out watch' rs. The remnains of the fate lMr%. Fredi -11(e ofilceru eal the b,Ii i;c; A long 'ie clectrfc road, bt" là. Murray were identfied by Wauke ifuaftiqf lir., IlIrTrav. rd wffbr' brirc:,ea, and aior.g th Nati- Bas friends et ICciosha tSis ataernoor, proitpincbsa the ne;s lias Ilrausî,iif'ri weaern and2Ecit fins. ils'11UN reporter bing cf the partir. iWnke Ii ai the terrible cr Evr1frn osea! îen£e The ltoquet was ctLfor 4 o'clock j(11 de ibil ocal rIiA, -in ithe zone autlincti cas visitCd thle AfteeOnoont 5the Mishier and bavaeiecn lahorfug. a î'î lic hewiîui" andi inquiries wcre fhadte. illoinionrooma. and nanacof the Wau. e'flî, ;,ifaci, fnigbf u-me fIo<m. end lEvery person on the ronds was 104an relatives wiil bc needed; Ed-laven wit<i 50nioufiui an ainnoiifce, stoppeti and Iinquiries matie. %Mrd Chester, the boy who found the IneniA thati Mrs Murray no longer The scarcb was maile b sosnie ofn nousains, being the chief wtnes. 1eiliveti. f001, one or iwo oun motorcy<'i5, <pr- la 14 yers of &ge andt h son of a ldeýntilicauion %vas matie compîiîetefies in automoôbiles, piar es wif b tanner reidling near thie spot whoe tbrougb descrfiption@ pubiishad ln ftbe horse<s andi buggies or carniages. par. thse body was founti. Waflkagan anti Cnicago newspaiîers.j fies on tbe street c9ra and ti rlroad Identification w*'umade completeli Pire Whistie Telle News. trains, and bv arrangementl by wh byj à business card of ber huiban i n' Just as scon as the description of foot waikers went a certain distance thse lts Mrs. Murryl. poclcet bock the dead womn andt iat of Mrs. %fur- ont tram tbe city anti wore carrieti anSd by hsr wsdding ring, lnsribed ray were foure n fa fiy. word was back by automobile, or vire versa on the inner surface -Te Soifi, frcm i given Io' blow fbe city lire wisile, The aearcbfng îîartv crgsnlzed at Fred, Feb. 13, 1879.' 1wbirb calfed in from ail piars 0f Lake 9 ocioek Iis morning ai the mce The Waukegan party returnetiste cofity anth e nort shore more than of Geneaee and Madison siref s liv titis afteiori. a hundred' searebers for dlues tc, the Assistant ('bief of Police Thomas The Waukegan searching party in nalsing wormau. wbo left at 9 o'clOcii Tyrreli and NIrs, pret il rra!, bus- quost of traces of Mr*. Fred L. Murray thi, norning. Tbey came ln from ail baud of ihe miBssng womnan, was f b rerth of this city, hoaded by Chares quartais sud at ail timtes tii aftcr- largesi, most sioutiieoiis., most lrar- IL Kittrige was starUsd, when, lileur coca. nome of tbem weary and foott i cal, anti moat ailfIng ever organizeil Urisner roati on the north cty limiteasoie from long trotiges tbrough corn in fbis iiv, anti waii constantit sugt near h 1.1<, Mr. Kittritige discov- fieldis and cooti land, menfeti duiîng the day by ctizens enad the marks cf a comame shoes ln Town Wid With Excitement. anxious to0end th, suspense of reis ine santi. He calied the. attention of Tbe eut was aiid wiib excitement. tises anti frientia of %Ira. Murray, wbe Edward Erbta the discovery andi thon The central telePbone excbange wui cas a womîan ituom' rar nnt i de il, pT«eeded ta, near the mouth cf th. gluifed witb rails, as were newal>aper this ciii foîr ber generoslty. ber lind Big Deati river on the point.,cisere offices and tbe poli1ce and lire stations. lineBs, lcfiertouglatfffiuess for otiîrmi ather traces of the lilce nature were Tlindreds o f people gaibered b-efore ant iehfr îîîany warm beearteti qoalfîles fotind. 'îte great bulleifus in the SI'N office Laeso oePris itles the bellef of lise Party that Mis. jafnd resd the sati newsa euh tense Muray tried te ford the 8ig Deati aS faces. Amrng leaders of tbe varions liar the mouth, on the Point, and wu& 'rowd.' ontinuedtet coleci anti dis- tics were: dpowfssd, tht the norlsest întis euesa the fiud ail afiernoon. Assistant ibief of Poice Thonmas koot ithe body lmprisoned ter. for Descriptions Talfy. Tyirell and PlocesNMaistrale Walter »o daya, and that thon the undertcc Tbe followint tdescripiîon, gis-en a Taylor. siib soiunieer aides, sab, tuaittitheramins andi caiee chers IlSTINreporer by tbe poice anti mor- went uît Wasbington treet and Iller] the point south of Kenosha where gue olIcials of Kenosaa andi supjîiied circîcti about aIot$ tbhé country lane-, found. fia relatives of tbe misuing womau bock tu oLake Bluff.s This asouiti do acay witui the theory. bere. madei deufifcaiiofi positive, anti William B. Smitb anti paty, wc fluai.ana-i .ewenuaouasWa'hington sireet. meiii of reafives let iniithe t'. FP Ni,iigoii,-iy disappeareil i n i IY< lie çl mcot.Atflii iieo iloii Nirlîîls iboys s5aw .1<1 dii h hiî Years afterwârd a \aiî.n! î-Iaitineti io bave seen fîlî fin Si iis anti that NI(MtgonTelrl I dhlm j lie a, 1s lt out of a bosijitl ofîîr a l ii fe i er and was goul g fin Ile uici r got boire, If the sf01 f wa adc aie, and h is dissppe-araîîue vuiaisînaa i3For ien, 0this day. aili îigf bils îiif 1ier urganized a semircu fîiia amed fuir ciiad that Includedif ipirifigi in eN,r> Western nflIala i îu f ili port Toie lie also was 'if : i n fis et fil temiperauacflt, no i cn ci 1 glocuni Tho, ]aUe Mi. Miiray olîr-iesithe, oid Watikcgan flouge fo r the ate (lar- ence Mfurîray for 80miboar. and , ftcr his deatb witb ber bushand's a.ssfst- suce, mâsnagad hfe *<vtale for the d*utîîghter, MistA ôtis. The survivors besade thei grief- a ttirck'en hbiesd ,*rMii". Robert M ingaiis anti Wiliam' C, Murray. t.- hget er wiîb h. D~ Ms orts Mur- 7ray. Tbe MurrlyUld fide in.aspart- dnients ln the Mi4ay block, Madison1 Ianti Geneisee #treeta. C Waa Noble Woman. d N. aobler 'or"bb4ted' wOman ever Iîveti In this At-idthe kte frs. c Fred L. Mlurray, aaliebr ûntimef y end Is tbe sisiject of wloespread grief ibrougbofit the City. Poss Record Good. (FPromn Wednenday's SUN.) There wcre 109 working days lu the Congresslonal session Kt Washingt on. Four represeatatiVe5tram Illinala iver, abîsent niore than a thîrd of Ibis ime andti he majority af the delega- ion of iwenty-lise IMmbers Were away more tbafi a tcnth of the limie, ecbtfaregardeti as ltae minimum of asence Ibat sbotild lie 'excusable wlîbout sperlal iierminxion by the bouse. The record of absences Wulte by the- Ilinois ujembers of th, bouse failowsa: Paya. Jobn A Sterling, Bioornlingtoi, rep. .39> Charles E. F1'uiler, BeivideTe, Tep... .38 Jeortge W. Prince. CGalestàrg, rap. .37 Wm. B. McKinley, ('bauapaln, rap.36. Edmunti J. Stacit. Cbicago, dleza.... .29 lames T. MeDermnott, ChIem«o dem.28 Wm. A. Rotienherg, E. St. tîiis, rep.27 T'homas Gallagber, ('biflao, dem. 26 Martin B. Matiden, Chifcago, rep ... 26 Adolph J. Babatb Chicago, d....... I7T fi. B. Fowler, EiizabetbtoWfl, diem. .13 N. B. Thistiewood. <'aira, tOp...12* Lyden Evans, Cbicago, dem ....1 Ira C'.tiopeiey. Aurora. rap ....Il John McKeuzie, Elizabeth, re.... .10j Gecorge E. FPosa, (ffg ..... 9 Hienry T. Rainey ('arrolton,-&dem.. 9 w. W. Wilson, ('bicago. Tep... 8 M art ln i). l<osier, dema ............i9 Jamnes M. Grabaîn. SpringtllOid, dem i2 Josepb G. Cannon,. Danvilia, rep.. .1. PRAYER CIJRED. L.AXEWAMIT18. Zion City Man Gaawêtto City, Drahk - < l y 'an Wenit Home lu,' to be Cured by 'Prayer. (1-rom Wednesday's SUN.) The foilowlng aPPeared ln Iisà week's Leaves of Healing: 1 aiso wiab to teain to a wonderful' healing Ibis sommer. When ln Wau- kegan on business on July 3rd, 1 drant< a goot deal of tbe Lake '#atar. The day waa very bot anti 514er J came bome anti bati n>dinnier 1 went 10- fng there 1I sat falen * n vr> severe pain in my simÎtb. I soon bogsn 10 vomilt anti was ver>' sickitai ltae evcning anti kepi gIb*àg corsa. At about midnigbl I bega'lo get coiti anti numb ail over îny body 'anti il sectietias If ever>' breati -wouit bel" lbe lasI. At about onaeb<lock we calleti for Brother Fîidea 10 balp us igbi the baIlle, anti ce ilbo'tiepboa- édti th ie <eneral OOrM . (Cod beard the cries ta Ilisu thai 1 be lucai- cd, anti before long I1tient ta alee>,- anti b>' dylight 1 WSs 'i, Ibut quita 'wak. JÔHN a* I1&RT. ar as Ch 'hrles B. Kittritige andi parI!, who Nlie uSOfU r andi mci i ln U'nion )ne of tbe e ('ounty. k ('ounil, i by tbe e rroposeti trie t. andi Nortlifielti. ihat the of Union lue of the .ake Coun- 'ooit Couatn c 1111h day t tbe hour lo0l Hou&As obections uififcationi aie ln aalti tbe classi- b>' George elter, anti arI iculariy tbe nortb Vest Quar- rly of tbe 1 fleridian, excef i lu aien as a fi-t, matie e piiif')O hInefifa ln ici ion of a or drain- anid wbere igi.t* A. U. 'ZLi. AN. oissioners. Cient. il ln Drain- f the Town y, Illinois, e ctiiblne i bai- the f Drainage eF Town of m1ois. ciii Self ember f '2 o'ro-i liouse lu oijectiotiî asiicsatioii cale ln salit <nuissionera sessmenia of the cou- uuineti sys. ftrit. when .andi make igst, A. fi.. 'A Y. ialtionera. erk. A SchoI Is Saurday's Bigi4st eature Here you'll finci listeci the strong- est, popular prited Unme of child- dren's Wearing Apparel. School Dresses A stîong lîr id ofîsmart îptciae l es iniexcellent waî.li Siti Nv'oîîL rnaÉterials, Nvî'il tî-iiimi-l aidl îslc ;d at pri<'es .ýi rta&nale that yoit will agre t!fiat it \ ii lst luax YtIonakethein. 'WO<> Dese ss sailot' st.\lî'S, made of nar';, and wine ecolored wool serge with large' sailor collai' in eontrasting coflor, novfelty bruid trirnmed, w'ithi 1,ilt buttonîs, ethîci' dresses iin blaek and white shepa.rd check with red sailifr sîllaî', sevected stYles and vervy9 reasonal)le at-------------------------- ..........3;9 Pereale Dresses-luiilciat rhleek designs, dark gnyiinds. triniming and pipiîîg ini eantrastiiîg <olotrs, soii(le drsses Nvith sailor cîulhuv. anduù siilor 'kiiot, plaited skiî'ts, ahl sizes, eaehi 98c Shens for SchoO!wea'r IBoya' Satin Caîf Shoea--Solid throîîglî- out, sizes 81/.,' 1:31/-' lace styles only', pair' Gingham Dresses-In large coin- hination plaids and smail checks, inî high favor foi' late sumîner wear, triînmed in solid eûlors to miatelî and with buttons, bo.x ilbiled skiýrt, especially prieed. at, eaeh Boys'. Satin Caif Shoes-Walton make, blucher styles, sizes 81/-, to 131/. at, pair oizes 1 tii 6, pair $1.50 Boys' ButtonShoes- Strongly made, god" up-to-date s tyl es,. sizes 9to 51/ at, pair if h 154 Girls' Shoes -lIi vieiikid anîd Misses' Shoes-In viei-kid and box raif leat lais, bîîtton and box ralf leathiers, button and blt-' lace styles, sizvs - c her styles, sehool heels, siËes' Il ~'. t, ~21~to 51,', worth Sizes 12 ta '2 at paii.....$1.25 .$2.25, pair ..... ... 75#; The final cut on .11 Oxforeds id Pun" intc1 has tbeeu ideïto eE -!iÔute t4. This - idudes, ai1l dl« oud:,Méi%-Lwt 17 Qt. gray granite Diai eas, ,I19 650 vaue at one to a Cantomer. No telephone or mail ortiers aooepted. None wili be ,,old ie- fore.<:00 a m.WAUKEGAN'S F'ASTmST GROWING S$TOML l'un "s Pui that she ended ail. A furtber hunt ciii be organizeti to 1 Ingals automuobilie ai once for Kano- scouredthie flIts t Mon CiY. ment w ssl if her colt of blue cannat b. found $hia.lî mae the niailci more certain. belie poaleti ln such a manner as tu0i near th. Point or narth of lt. T,0ifsrri lit ion of the desti woman. cover everv foot of grounti. The ectrie rondi ticket founti on îblhi-Re e i aale'.eafs il Perrine andi parI> cent nortb Il Mi. Muray'@ person runs only as fer mwllb he a qarance c f '%lrs. Murray 'iiiZiou('il>,tc. »s BIsSe Line station, hence il la bit- on the 'îugb lot thie disiafiearaiite. ex- Party that weul 10 Evereft, Laktej liewet ai Kenoshe that slite got off aS p Il bat a lof'g lii i t ci whlcb site Forest, Deertielti. Haif Dai, Highland the eiectnlc station ut tate Lino andmore in misslug: Park anti Wbeeling. wàlked ta the lake. ar that site paiti a Ilacls loispaient leuihcr siiocs anti Party fbai went 10 Lake Bluff onM cash fare te Kenosha, a piocors wich blacks %forilîniitieei 'car anti waiketi bacit aiongEi ber ticket wouiti fot5show. Light walat wiiii tunnel bangfng ceetrf c rond anti laite front. J The opinion at Kenosha se that she'. down front. Party fithatiook boat oul on lake antIl prcbebiy cadeti or jcamped lot tht Back anti whf 1" cheeket i sl.rt witb renewed draging oîierallons.T lake et Waukegan or- 8111e Lino.. six loch blackt bandi aro'un ti a{ioin, Dfel Dotîglasa, wsubi cii molorcycle. I Xiib tbe indng of fie fbody o! the band bearlng quilfe large buttfons. rosnd s4Cfg elecirir roand anti kepithrA onathe breF.wah.r ft the ot oaukegan Pour or ive biuftons aroîrnd caai sb arîî lookoat for traces.1 onre rieur ereakae t o h1 Pliain bandi ring (in lefi band. If. S Bai num anti parfy ebo matieN atref narDiîkc aret. < Kno Pocitet book black anti four h> ties-gneral tour. sba. Win . Iis inornint'. one of the fuchesl, ronlalnfngbeweecn $1.810 anti R il. ugails anti îarfy, ai fite ant i mont periflexilat tiiaa.pecraui-e im" $2 lu cash anti varous business cartis 'long laite front.J teries Iis edlv has ever bail canie 1 Carda Inchidted one wilîbnafne o! Wiifiani C. Murray andi parti. courtn thce satitcet possible endintheb(.11i1[Big ('reek ciilit'ýry onîîIl anti wltb trY vcrs1and ti of ii forcet concuilon f bal the laie 5<m naeIf [ Fiid L.Mturray as repreouen- Every possible direction ant ili, man of îrominenceabai rasi lierseil fafve feirboosis-as covereti as far as t cas loto tbe laite deibeattely. (anti wilhiifuimfer ~tîpon uf, witbfn humain fmiana 10 do so. <irrilmstaucfl l em t 10f Iel ie f oferwise blank. Am*ng UteSaorchers. J tat sipe uber test heriel! mb Ilihe Street car tickets on edctcl u-ati. Among the aearcbcrs, il iilinhîi,s laite frontî une of the iers of Waike s-il 1ifncbes ta Laite Forest. Hfih- wre tue foliowilîg. thelilst nof bulng gaîî bai sicanti tben v-as arrieti . aleind Park, ilibfiaril Woods, (Ilenci . osullete by any meanlis mouruful fiurdi-ri of the tîdus. îo a gv a ukegn a tsale Line, the Wis- Mlessrs. Tyrreil, Wiifiani, I. I,ou, pint goli of Kenosha barbion, or.(Ofiîî uais lIn,.tation north of Win Tir. Darieifa Hime Kurker. IWaler tis tbeory faf lug, that sbe candereithro1i Iarhior anti cent. Taylor, <Charles Dairslow, John P'ope, frontthue ceat ida lectrie roat i 51Culrent May' Have Swept. Paull Ott, H, Dubinger (Guy Ifltirnore, State UeLiieaation eatwardti o ibe Il la deefaredt tabe îpossible wifb ('barleaGorham R. T. Penýne . PVW laite andt iere entiet ail, the' wailS ibe b'aî'y tîde on Lai teibigan. andi Eb, W1lia B. 9mtî fllm C tekîngthîe lbody anti carylng il 10 Kc cfîb strong aindti'.iat lb, body cas >Murray, l<red L. lurray. R. 'M. In- noBba. Rwet ftram ibis cil>' ho Kenionha. or gatis. William P. Weiss, c' F. Ingaîfs. Smail Boy Finda Romainss. that the curnents l inta city tanding John Reasman. Coin Horn, 13. E Ar- Edward Chester, 12 yeans olti. a sanibward but beyond the 'point' noldi, Jeff Kirkpatrick. C. B. Kittritige. Kaneba maîl boy. wboIlives witfiln northward, woti baie sweilt ber ('harles L. Wbyte. Webîster Green, twanty feet o! were the bodyr waa front Stale Li" to laic o iint wbere Mfartin Abboti. Wite, AI Berry, J. W. founti. mate ie e ifscver>' bts en 11 ahe cas foiiid. Tennsnl, Pillas anti scores oîf otbera andi, 11: 15 t ii moring. The bodiy gave indications of baving wbo cent at various perioda tuing The lîov sigbteti the burden orfie beu ini tbe valr for ire or four tbe day. wavelsa sa I came lu. Iîtvins eauîgilt days, sbocing that dealb nîust bave Flve AutonmobilieVeuterdeuy. lu the tmber s-ont of the pier. wicbhute Friday nigbt. Ticene cera five autiomobiles on ftb, ath foo ! C hia aireel jults oul sacer utearcb yegtertiay aflernoon. parties aboit fo"f vfeef into the laite,,andtIn hch md nurlsa au tbare belti. se (t il n'aas h>' re- one 'louiti bIsaifroni lbe tire s-ielle bouses anti beattilt ail ftiic stirrounti- crivereti. ail ihe li raterrcorkn. agrpe i upon kg countirycif bout gamnie achie. The coroner. the Kenosbii poli 'e, tilmornlug bv Assistant <'ief of Prieads, anti acquiintancea o! the afid Mischler anti ltratto)n. iinder!aiX- Police Thonmas T " vreli andthIe feati- Mfurray laml>' came torward no- ers.,c'ere notiieti o! tbe ftnit, and tbf rs o! the searbifg parly for ftraces ily ant i ong ail wfbln humun poweci body cas removeti troin the c'er o! Nîma Fi-etiL. lurraf- announcedtu 10gain a trace o!fitbe misslng woittBi, anti tafien la te Msclier anti irat-fibat thte misalng isoman hatifaeen swile citizen@ iln general, paîting ton rooma. chere il roPosoti toila>. founti Ibemnelves lu tbe place ofthie aux, petding îhe ln(ilfiet, after whfirI Ail o! tbe seairching partes, leaders loua unes, anti tunIng to siîb a igt cilie fa o n oi 114l8sciii. anti menbei"; reporfedt a Ifile ice9ooti cl, and i adlng ralienil 'N. - dentif> Ronmaines at Once. sation chatever trace' or clue tho>- Theres havai bas been suitl a unuitid Juet ai; oon asnftho pri! v-ilcb fÔond of tbe iingwoman. anti thorougia moîementInb suri a ,;'am -e4 taeibodiy frrnmthe watt-ri Betweun s'eiity-filue antiaa bundreti case. : rea- iched thse tata front aI Kenoaba, 1lad by the it>' police, priv&te latilvi Was Siïster of Major Montgomery. wor S hool isting fabries inthe sbard fifll8 tcol orng'.i ail sizes, haî'd finished worsteds, cheviots, and snootli finshed cassimeres are found in this lot, and.yo 295 ean bux- theni to good advantage at, ecd.............. Ilandsome Suits-Of fine worsteds and casisimeres, recoinmended l'or roughest wear, ineluded in this lot are bine serge suits, aul full cut . meat, padded shoulders in sigle and double breasted 5f-W stvles and also Norfolk efferts, serge lined, thc e neýwest styles and coiormngs, sizes 6 10 17 at, suit........ Excellent clark eýolored knicker- Better mnade and of better mater- bocker trousers for school wear, jais thaiý capîs that umullysz made ini the hest po>ssibleie n at 25c, large 'rainge of dolo"i'n ner, large assortment of colors uenotrc-- and styles, sizes 6 to If) À.- mitrete-ot rc at, garieut .. tical for school wear, eah. ' bealrm- rei can't your vis- .btred. li ater ~cSUN . . n 111 t