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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Aug 1911, p. 2

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sete PmaIRlEoeW Roye. jamd lre EBM. IJmhach are Ibi@ Wesk startainlng Mi"a PunI Bain Of Xt Myrtle Richarde vsited Misa Mary Hook nt Rollins Tueaday and Wednes- 4ay of, lnt eek. 1 Ur. and lira. M. W. Kuedler aude Ted visitdAnoras uuday and attended the Aurova Chauaqua aI Fox River Park, going via Aurara and Elgin electrlc. lirs. A. C. Richarde vaa a Lîbertyville qiop41 loc'aer calter Tuesday. gr,. Wlnkleman ai Chicago, epeul lb. qrîs; assu ivtilhie vite, Who la viftitiug h« tousin. Mie Laura Spragne. Mm. Frank Mithell is quit.e ick st Fessa1 vltlng. heing rontined to ber bd sIuc ionday. lir. Peter Stein is viiting relatives and friends lu Chiago this week. Mm. B. 0. JFritch aund motber, MrB. 6O uzer ai Bighland Park, 'ieited Mm. M. W. K04enTueoday. Un. and Mm. E. B Imseon and TeddY bad a enioyable auta ride, Mr. Quetan tisg lheeu overland ta Elgin, Arora, e%éàvUie and cîher pointe of interet faumai nle~. Z v.ad Mrs S. E. Kuedier and child- va tokt an auto ride ta Nrthfield Sun- 4.1 eea_ Thuraday Jue Richard. ~ 1(~ionVa.ionnaariving Mondai. A ib Shrd* la 78 yeara ai âge lb. long ~It*~dov ama quite au undertaklng b ihe alsanmd h.arty. tlb.trip l sa injoyable ana for hlm. Bis b~Ier, lire 8. L. Tripp, and Ume h pIfhS It ockeiler. 'came davu to me gati4elins. J. A. Masaon l.t Salon. fr ms oaleast. B.Y., ta aittend ta *eA..a- easupanaal. ElelsBut tlIa> vflf lietbr pointa of Intemta. '~.4K.Prme ai tic. Village Ion, &WpapepdeaI tRiviTer Ya*Pata 11* JK.dler mast Bieathla lmBin1 1 twdmowtm bdrismunImmie.oplcla1 ~dt.a.0d mgbN, lre. meaofa W.. SVieOmmdlRla vellImg la aa. m eniadati cop inet-b 1I* . Gama Llla, vho lasbeau vlali- lýi be * eb, lire. Pani Pegélot-, lor IOW dmper, .xpecla ta, "ve zoos fort Vhgso viesme ah. ifi teacl b. *AO@WentmeteiMg ibe hdalu as wu toutinla haitw ie Y'I.v beg ,Wamy evim Ani. Bo, anti .Ga*SlMR over tva Sodal.. A asieellIe.*nre turing lhes.miesegm vin E b.ooge maic. A&Uant cordlaly and uugsuatif jlvitelleo attend. P1RA014T. *#w moiqq dwg. wee a tgAambcet Ml iauImlés Spoeela cChlego, ipet k« lva*eltIilM. antdM.M d Wmger lin.&MainM. J. Hetiaeni tTusadey Miles 0cuter. CWUarsaumd Mabel lnh.ckrot Oelagoi M»qvmuato af M. anti Mn M.Fe ~MrinW"be«peut Suutiay aI Long Uir. andtirMe. AmtrevBorcar of i*kutP* RlHoWt, peut Suda, attisa. Mary Pâotalsf ai hengb, @pont Bsn- dayv ith it. sud liru. Bd Wgne. Q"it.a lkvtromisabetoa intles how ai Round Lake Suda, eveung. AIl -pgort a gootI lt.m. LONG GROVR I mo$e.d Sunday Sciiool Picale. L- Trlppf We ameglad %0reporti. Ci W. Myer ,a ahle tu b. out &gain alt.r big recent »raere illnewn. 1lire. Vickery and n"ec attended the aviation meet Friday.,. Mrs. Florence jFarn(àworth ut Mday ifair, epit Tburada.y mmd Frlday with ber sont, idra. . . Chmanerwal. Uir. and Mmre John ehoperd wore Waukegaflviatora lasi wéek. 1ev. Ziegiet'. ile and baby -daugbter visilai their nid frieude ber mautweek.i On Friday evening iheY ver item .a gurprimeparty aIlb. borne of Mr. and lir. Frank Dolpil. About lily people were pressaI and ail report a gond Urne. Mian Ada Kuwl*.einlaspeding aveek'. vacation metirnimer resurtiln ichigan. M ise Avis and Gladyo-Pique iaok a trip 10 mmeapoue and et.. Paul the latter part of leat week. Mmr. Carl Drdier and Misa Dora apemi Saturdmy mternoon lu Wankeu. The beuevolence comunttes ci the ehurch will give a aocal M theb.homne n Mir. and Mr. Jacob Becketsveiler, on Fnlday evecing, Aug. 25. A, cau dy bootb will b. a fature af the .ysing. Ice cresani will ha ald ln con. mnd b7 tbe dlah, atldveand tencentaieupeetlveli.. Lot everyone corne out and have agood time. Mr. and Mm. Willla4d Beach 'enter- tained tbaîr son Do vard and famlla week. On Wedunay tbey al attended a farlly picnic at Lake Emrm, and on 1eiday vert Zioli CitY viaiora. lira. Belen Radke and aonus Earl and Stanley, and lo. Tanner and sous, a" of Chlcabga, are the gneata of Miesa Emma Ràdke. Mir. and Mmr. Miler ni Chcago,,opent Sunday at Frank Smith'@. Mrm Orpbm Hrding and daughtera of sioux City,lowa., and Mis Barriet Braluard nf Watertowu, NI., carne Bat. urday tu a d a few week's vith Mr. anià Mm. Braînard.. George and Enily Bateant Waucanda, ver. lvanhoe callera Sunday. MW% Myrtis Kuehkero! Waucondm, vlalted relatives hem@ Baturday. À1 laràme nimber ai aur tavuepeople altaudat i tIiaviation oe nss uChicago. C. B. Boston loft Tne.timy fot Waukegal ob. go". acouple af veels. lilas Laura Muik i fHighlandi Park, la tiaitse bar ictarirm IL. 11. Vant. lir. andtI M. Amget 1No.lreg a Hlgbland Park, vil tere lattWs parants Ssunday. lir.1. M..Raba and eblîdron are lu Baringson attisn the lb. cheeting. lire. o.blat of Waukegam, la viltg ber dauglt., lire. 8P. Buichineon.« Mr. ad mmdlie.<betet Weelng visitil viiiMt. aMm re.ahîn raenlly. lit. and Mm. AI haogie bave reateti tb. Peter Zalen boume vbch vms recemtly pureaus by U. Vant. Mr. and idre. Henr.,e.nter of Chicago. ae vimltlng M. sd litr. John Euder. A larg prtly froue Chicago '60ata basetpianle ln WillsImGrave lmnt Suaday. Bora, ta M. n.md lir. Md. Ksak, a baby girl on Monda,. Mms. Kualandi dautbtet Biloda are visitmmg lu Chicago. Che trm 10w *lt Onaouai aof aid agi, avuat vigie ta oeil big flue 170 atm firne ville- gooti 7-room bousge, ctone celar, goot bers Ilt vaI tone bammenolstable, grmmry, Ihot hanse, cana cnlha. l ibouae, etc. Ail bulJd»ug la gond tapait, 2 Rooti valu, pleuiy vater, otehantd a at*" tram. Fatum la locatat Inl Laie Cor-aty. I., haimle frtot Long Grave village, largle ramey, stow, &hop, @t, on gondi gratel rati, automobile rouie itons Chicago to Fox Lake. . 80b mile. itame clty. Soln la gooti, blaci maud ysl 1v >am., vory produeliva, lu hlgb siet of Cuiilvatiom. -About 80 acres la IlambewMeisd malese is let patn .ge lantii. conniny. Prlif suad terme tory reeseeble. ApplY ta Bzvua & Movent, RasA Halike aAgents.. Phlone 824, Anîluglon R.lgbte, IIi. XIthe igLt teant la *otlacllae la »eel your yppty. ma. Fou proety mach tige tensiget sroui C&MejIM gaet etsmiwed evorelg R. F. Rouae. Vice Président. hvng 8£-Payne, Gambie. TuE'CIT:IZENS' BANK RO«C!IUIR, IL, Wbai. m ml aCeMmimmi...1Dae* "Wab"g llree P« cimialtee. W* ego*% t"iL. ge etae md&"acemmicil meet .1r.- o m " a m « n pe of o dea. be&B.n fa in e m d é i w.g PARTNERS AND DIRECYORS: 1,- rlp. R. or. c ,e s .Mille. aJ. h.Taler. Irving E. Payne. J. 0. Grimly. maNemgab4ulyr Arflimately 0100,000.00. ,LER 1WMN . .SWAN. c mpodu m . s M&bel Nbrlich @pet Euuday wlih Jeaette Candl itaIben home veet o!f Lake Nina Rous a asMelltihomme let Fnl- day b he .llluas-oi er uWi"hm" lra. J. J. Bouse., lim. gouam " owinch lneproved Ihai I!lum retureedtiutaber vork Monday. Kgýtbrlua Ilobaek, vbo bas bean spemdling lie put month vllb 'ber! concuIn. B. . W" et aormedtc, abha hom umi Cicj agoSarday. Mmr. A. J. 41ug md baerpoiben, Mms. Hougleinu of Wmmada, Wl Fridmy nlgbt lot Wausao. Wia,Vor a vda vltb MM. Kiog'a el&"siman Joe, vho le emplayed i vtb the C N. W. Ry. et tbat.plce. . AUl ni aur local templOro.i1th. Foulds Mllllg C. ventlh the crovd ta Fax IL6aeluit Piay nlgbt vb.n that compmay gave l@e eeplayees thaîr aual Outlug. Thara belug no cbutch services h.r lust Sutiay ulgbl ovlug ta the absence! of Ras.. Carn. ummy vaut La LIbenlyville and altended services Iber.. B.aiph Bouse. 10k a trip to, Wieconalu lasi vsek ta punphaze a loir of catile, relu ruing eanly ale eka. The avIation meet in Chicago drev many inoni hem lait week. an0mmm>' in tact chaI epece ailI ual permit individuel mention. Fan mosl ot us Ibis vas 'he firetisight nf ibese air crail and Ibaraînre a novtl>. About the husiesl Ibing arounu these parts juet nonv lathe neviy created Board ai Local Improvement. They ar at pnment engagedtu lagalheting lacIs aud figures relative ta tb. Installation oi village vaten cycteme andthisl neceState. a personal inspettaon 0othle systeme useti b>' atjoluing *villages. Toeeas th y took acroos country jaunt lu Palatine for Ibis purpoaa andi ver. tery couteosi>' reSlevd by lb. officila oatlplace.Tbeacllviy a it aboard la excoedingl>' gratltying toa ai public apiritedctimcinud harrlmg lb. poaiblly aiofsu aaly r4t yau neeti ual ha t all surprse.d to avake nme flua mornnlugta findth Ie val., plant la .fll loan. gturday D 3c *&taon, Art Hapke andi Justin BlOueki vent tao Gbicegusied vatche thelb.bint mien la tb.a, ternoon thon vent to, Rivervew Park fon 1h maioréiyý raie. i tenIng. J. h. Irving ha. Jeet compleleti E. . Payne'@ mev houm. an hale mreet. 111e &iD oi cerent blck ad la a beaulitu plece ni.vok. Mrnmd lira. Turubal aif Wanmcoda, *peutnt ieiurand Sonday viîbthoir daggelr. Mm. W. A. Shaw. Est. Carr retueti Tueaaay ironi bis viil lu Terre Haute and Iber. viii ha drvicas next Sunday l . enuai oahuts. LZELIZ Mm. WUIl Arm", md )Mm. h. Lo.k vialt.dhberosnty.11 Ur»t. 4Mmdra. B. Amnanuneained Gien. Am-n an d daouhterc iro liait Day, Juse Amemmanmd Heury Bateaua frnip aga"mIAFa, Mr. nad Mm John nlm*ouB Ceter and' lit. adMm ie 14 mh Aidm us. qarrestom. NM\gŽd Wamer, MdiéseDorothy Bahai aoiUd liaMnie Spoarlime raobicagof %MpeetPdm l lb lira.Amanumd daughisr Barer Dloa Amas w&4 a C.hicago caler ana day taIval Est. Lanflebuffretepntonue day last ve.k at ber home lu Long Gant.. Mms. M. Cook la eulsrtlng eompmnY funm Cico.1 Mu. Pet. Meer sud lire. Eharlla Fmree & at aimuIy vietoatireltive. in W&uakm Sonaa. John lipe eroffa av timy"s ln Chkflaorecsliy. Quise$aumbet itom besealteadt b. dame. ai Round la TicaitiaY mlbt 1 Ail repot a Ood lima, Grand inaKngg amaalneday 1a1 wveel vth ber demngt.n, M Lre 119--ar Br. Mamm Une.0. I.L P smm, vWho hava bees apeadqg a week *10er"l liv., lir. rot=*M.dtaeMielshoue lai Lombard, Th-nmdy. a"Mn mmUeW. VIlle Mmd On- Xm.H. llpp 1«t fnldaymortioF, fon Essomwe aseiii 'refle a Wb#$ih~ -Imkln m ofr. i er eltet, Un. Ubsuanl whio la ve ik. Qwe ptpud parents ad a baby boy, bots -AU&, 15. -Mma.Lh.D. Sohivrman aif'Cbkmgo, la. Y)Otba wvitle rlalivea ber.. e à. . JUnitisutack asti iaugh1 daim Msd Mm EO. Undmao* wlth M lr. sud Mm. Kubuunh mJxr*» lileolevIa bdly kug' Woom&w ly ven bo.cut l bisooi viii M. &D mat ir.Menti ofCube tavnahIpt islietid* Mrli. &"Mm Yir .C liaing aubjecl, "Mier o! lb. Wter ni hile" sud lu tb. eveanug "Molatu &cme." John Knigge ati iauilly letI1maI Pnlday for ochard wbete tbe'Y vili apenti a eel vlaltug. ààr. Fta.cie Bavan sd danithter ai Chîcago,' vlaisd laut week vllh ber ftbpr.Na ej. Bnamdb.ad. John Rouses antiife arniveti iroan Wisconsin 1mae Wednesay andi on Thut'ta tegdna* vesk 0, r«»>p lion vaa held ai Ibehameoai lb.graom'e parent*.ilui hir lionor. Nonutolrela litesapd p ev .inlmate friends vers pretmmad sa vety pleasaut evening "pntl Mr. and Mm. lielluni and a friandi a! Hubbards Wood», are visitlog vilh . 8. Wo-ad. Mrndmd Mm, Wmt. Dunu of lRia, IlL. vlalled "wavdiy tis eweek aI Ibe home of Rat. Cary. A. P. Saeldon'amd Party lat Buuday la lbe auto lot 11vYorkî itom vera tb.y, wllI leave eeniy nexI mouth ior Engimuti. lira. Auna Lathrop waesureaed laut veek vb.u ban daugbter Forence, carne tram Chîcago andi quletly infarmed ber that ah. bai heen xnarrled aince.Iat May; l von eripactedti iat ah. vnuld b. martied ai honi. soirneibis 1ma I but tb. yoang inîkaerideutly could &0, n reanforio tilay and an tonk tb. alep on theiron va t.piifityr. Ber many friannde joie lu vlablon tb. younx coopte joy iu thoir uuion. Florence., thal la la ay lins. Arthur Jolineonoandi humband apent a ev timys vib lMre. Lmibrop mnd i'elunned ta Chicago Bunday etenlng. Th» aufatend cit Maple St. ili under- gnlng a Prnons eof reconstruction. Il la beinq vidaneti ad vhen complteatI e'U hem atertiable boulevard. Mn. Shaldate la havlnirltha votk doue. Il la rumored ihai ibere ia ahortly ta appean Mi local leaMe ailady hall Player but io fer l haa.esmirposaible ta gel a Net 01 lhe menbrçth~ ie gammaithay bave nchedoeiedý AilIlat l ie Imovuin thal tbeay hdd 4tM ceensal>l'ueai algît but awipt itheface deat l va. Seec tii. a«4iis i necceeesil lW maalgrs. Fnle'Informoln viii ha gitan Whuvben abibe. The gains.,1ai' Sliado w ith he. Dnrtl'ài t *». Mohile. iance. ln tb. fltatplace het caine ovet yul .Mx mm andi h"d.o Olu i b louai etalant. The fluaI ecors vai 9 tu 2 la aur lavor "0t Le vis sasien eveu n th ie score iedleate. J. Dorden, pitchédanmd lb. reglar tivrIer playeti short. .Naxi Suaday leam goel taOratatina sud viii bave te play ballil f lby vani ta Win, Mdm Myrile VanVeankean md son have returnad 10 thein bomea lu Wliona, Iima. Bora, tua M. n.dmd lin. Bd Tlmenuetnme, aý langhter, receuily. Congratulation@ exiendati. hretn is ucncla, J, Jakppanët set. Praf. astId m.lamenu9ç levo is week forn heir nev home la A&mou, Iowa. mise. MatilaHodgkla sud emater ai oellMr etvre gueof i beir mont, mb. Ana Andenman, the.Pst week. m" MatIle Robet. loft for Aceilga, Wl., Satunday star a very permam time. Spt ber. vlthfilen, tb. pat W. h. Simples anti son oTennemaa vlating vitb relatives manti rasde ber. M. Simples 1.11 Palallu. ssventsa years 10. Tile proest vîsit la lb. tri nmi mie that lime. Mms. T. Catlow ant ibMise Harleti oi Mvamtom, visiteti relative. &adi iieuda bhve the.past veek. Dicd, abiehaoame lu PaItis, early W.tiu.sd m rndtg, Angual 16, lire îMaryLalsbanggu evé aciy-loOr préam 7b»W wu vasSturtia, alieroon et et, Jau'14church. Tus d rthue l.W. M. C. gave ms .Den0*m.a onaoai bmelnugbee', a0uI vIl" PmT*iay ai lb. puai *"Ve iamia )aVa. for AMUba n u MW iiines lire. JamesYoung la .ué r1Ig n sied lire.Gow iomi De".i Thé ises SBarah Voeua mè4. imwma GtidkIàdIýt aeun kmgisei"9 uoa Kibann.Cipy, Win. The K. Ik Suuy sc11ol gave lIai picol i*ai. keZurich, Ai.&n4 - lay F~.arAsthmm e r imiitColda. Ïw uaiharelieveti oq'fr'O*Cfliea A 11111e Waat Ad vilSdél it IL, WllWAo " md age S'Wlfor thele boi. lu Ret'yey.III, mti veali Td lir.a. R wniteahsrg' 'aabas hee tery-aIckoi thles lai vesk, la Imptovb .ng Cins..)IV. Andreawa bougbit mobe autombile lu Chicago 1maI veeh, bici mml. be thtrd ou nblasgarage. Jamés~sne thélb.ovmer of a ueW a ¶<eobIlaend vaexpect Jamo. 5a xlv. tee ae asa.scion as ha ibluka ls, AbertI ooli haugili a lot ai Jaill RMsta n auii. e Heery mati for $800 &bd lceends puîblng opa réaidenece 111e MAI W . vi lea"ve hafatm amp. Stmpla. Cofre ala lb. aprnmanmd *move boe ta atart a bmcinae @hp, hbaM»llg larme huplemmna aifail knds. - la vlng vlti barcounl, IlilasBatil HWmanm, ai preomai. 8h. expacla ta, sa.r a coupla 0f1vaske -Mr. ead Mliao.. Saip of Palatina, visited lber. Mpnida;y. A big cvoviatatied tb. hall gainé betwm vesu .Waueoudaleanmd Laka Zurich la.t lSundmy. Wauconda boat 11 tof6. Ths w» thea OrsIgame ofa, serlasof tIbm., lt.hexc zgamn.to ha as Waneonda next Bunday.ë Our boys vîli a&a plat uone gaine aI lbe Libertyvll!. tain. The Athietie Club haldti Ieir régulan électon lut Wedneaday. The iollnvlag alllrer e ve e lecteti: Walter Prehm.. prealdent; Otto F1rank. vice pra.ldent; Fred Blain, »cetary; J. D. FIn, trenaurer; Gea. lchmaua, bouncer. >tayn 1?. P. Clark and i vie 11loft ra ten' deys viil ta Oneida, N. Y., Mdr. Clark'& borne. Qulte a number frani hare vent to Palatine faut Friday to help lay the ral railanti tiseautbenev aliroati. Thare las anceoaimn et ah ork nov every day ând,. Ihau le na doubt but ihas lb. raad vilii b. lnopeyaîiau la Lake Zurich tibl falI. The maeou, are at wark nov puttlng ln acoumreali froue the inlet of the ai t b. HoefI propert'y alaag lb. LtC vay, whieh viii bea great improve- meut wh.n couepleteti. ýrb*WboLmd.Id a,Rond Club la *tWi bu.y gstslag subecriptoma for a weed cuiter on th. latt. Rvenybody oughst 10 ^"esita obelp çlea up »1e lakp i est es by douallmg tthua tasu. Mail Yrmkhlmtaken lb. agaacy lot the Atmea Lii. Inaurance Co., And vilf ha <lad ta gel your buainea. lun tiraI lime.. Uaenry BlIansurecrlveti a line ahilp mantuo i llk cave 1maI vaek, vblc beh la aelling as privai. sale at Lake Zurich. Tha larniars l lnascammînuty are ab-out dama lbreebimg mmd mccordIug la taponte thair grain lurusti out faiuly well. lit. mmd Mm John Roua ni Bock. leller, our formner echool principal, vms iu tovu liauday looklng fat living lira. Win. Tonne vent ta Palaline Tuesday ta baomaodentl wovrk dou. IL WAW(ONM j Thegalmerent aiflt.emaison wl ha thedioldW»t'»md Ballot.' 'içmloc max W$&"esday"md Tliuady. Dan'i nli ihehbia tnra. lit. and Mm. il. E. Mama ver. 1W gueteof Mr.ad lire. 13arryGasrr ai Grayelake, udur. 1Quît. anmaber oi ont cltlsnaattanded the mailoatimeeting at Palatine on Wadneday evemnmg. A mille af iel. md rails bav, nov beeee laid aI tb. Pilotim end end <roat authnalaam la haing dIa plm.yad ln the preleci nov ibat thé "PeOl@ M» tb. tart of the Onel coin- plallon of lie toati. A ysar and a hait mgo vhen th. vosd vas Oirsi praJact B" 1.fai$li va. mnlleald >y a majorty of aur people wha ibalagbt the under- taiag Imposible but' thrb hei natliig frtt ni the pnmhotem, Meusar. Wysn and Orvi. lb.enaad 14asailaat ta bea reelly. Mmr. . .Davilie we Iha locky vlumo "ma W@dm.aday ain.B. LMineaima ohtiosi.Th% *esaothat 10 dlum 0"t yil b. givm M d mexi wek an 800 *%*1w élock. DoaI Miné. yOut oppar. btt-te gje t 0f Iof . flamPrim. Wm os ie 4iOou iid O? t b.uPen>" pnr*de. trnmy ou# due Curts muet WU y otlie the. wingier cmaxtrWéedeay 'Mr. m*W Mm R. J. Behali end Mr. mdlùe. P. J, Cleany 0f1 Mofmny, calleti Oe Ma'miour vIlilge Suday. .W. T. Dali tma ettibuala e ela ChcgWaedwai. Maaya <e#.dnfl W0mean 1»e e lico m reltvqs mmd irIènds boe lb. Po," weak. Lloyd Williaina and Robert ,$gllitW for »atia,1a huraday aller' marveàk' vieil ville lMr. mnd ~ âtre.P. Luakcandalatair £Wul Wallon se 9 1bavaday lo.Chleago. 0 W 1»La. usom eut.ptt.Jha4berfriand. MWis Ft horcbill, of IeryIla TbumredMymd nq. Mlb Iert Kutmuburngi. Waukagan, vlslted lier parenté bers a fv days lut Ilaury BladUid mandW. Slibeawr* ObleaO ivatore Wedeadoy. . Mm r. o.Walto iitalitdrelatives lua Chlcega, baturday,, Mre.,Jtae Cauvatue #,ewompamled bee home Bond"y evmlug. 'Amn..Robert Paddock te @ow. betn attis bla e.llng. A tralned urs.e rai cicega ti coeug onfur .r! lira. Bert Paddock mud Mnm. Will Union attouded tb. aviation meet la! Chlcmo$turduy. lire. Rxia ad dmmhter, Mms. 00.' Kéoblena ells, -eof u ata John Rchardaùu'a over Suieday. RoatPaddoek mi Charlevoix, Mlch.. vlaled bIs neotier mmd .other reatives the puat vaek. Mir". Ueo. Biter oflRemll,'villted lira. Yoong lent Thurodapv. Mn. and lire. T. IS. Gray aMmlr. Lspach tank a trip -to Chicago Wednee- day. Robent Bralu in baving hiesbous. ne. abinledst. lin, anti Mn.. L. W. Wakèfleld are avay on a tva veeke' vaca1ioa. Georçe Daîziel sud Ni'! Lamb &peut Baturday and londa inlu lc Henry. A nunîber ni aur tpeople atteudd elb bilg aviation Mest i Chicago ltanv eek. Mmdr. Young sud tiauiter Venus spent materai timys lust veek vlth final Rucine. Mn.. Nelia811e. oi t. Paol apeut lhe latter part oi lent vaak aI Wili MicClur's. %AS lORE If thme ovuens af Tobey Inn., a cumi mgr hoselry at hLke Matit. IM., citer igau hve t. he o4c. beve a laire *bd îd raid fram voieutaer lire filbtera W hîcao, Iey iii Oight tlb.tire tors sand lot the dlamas neage. Co"reno Lo*s. The botel was attacke4 'by. lire and tolunteer lire iightrm Saturday mata. lus it vti iremuit: 14« hy ftir...................$7 L40as throogb drefighterà....7 1»". af mental equîlbrliem'.. .......Ptmoted later- Âccri ouat Information ob-. Walan u verbeateti eleak leaued ft the cook tove totahe eandtofai long venanda. The porcil sotia uae' la ffares. Les"iathVolienleen Thon Ritdolph Ilmk, 8727 North For Ittt avenue, bave ia alghl. Mn. Llnk recaaly aslated Inlufighilng a lire that dettroyeti Ie, store lu Chîcaga, ai. Mai a causequence, consîdered i bmeelf ompetenlta b ead Vie volunteer tire figltae. "The. vay ta do it l la l eur thre porch dovu." b. abouted ta thé aller The gueste tollovedti ieir leader andi bcd anccedet inluremovi tlys- ty six itet oai renda betore e e. a an aIo the place euccr.edcd In nemaingr Orvis Drives FirsîSpïke Attorney Justin K. Ortie, of Wmukè gan Thuraday on lbheline ai the Wan kegan, Rockiord andti Bgiu Traction compauy beween Waucouda and PlI. atIne. In the preseuce ai iour bundred people place Inlupoasiton the. rsi Il.. utralghteued outthîeilirai rail. andi dreva the ral epike lula the île ro isalen the rail amiti 1laudlts o ni , eoaay cîectatare. The contrnct biai beau let ion tb. laylng oi the ties sud railsonu tle reander oi tbe ivelvP mnlIe route, wblcb vîlIl e ruchei la couxplellon. audnt i ll ot be long be- fore gasollue cars of s famîlianr type, wilI Wa' unnlug over the splendid ight oni v. Offce véiber nearly alwaya se Loos of Tima Means Lois of Pay cune tiritpositions tbrougb advrtia. -f tobeaidte ie ibed la doue, mont awaya, lu a '*mMe Kiu v stob rd lt p1111 ma" a Va,." . viklag mai'. M. Baieni, 1214 LIetle ______________P«anast..Stratar. MI., vas an ba.d More peopla, mien and ovoman. go irob kiluey sud bladdar rroxibI. that be. uffosnlg rom kidnay ad bladdr ould ot vork. but bh a eys: '-ltook :troubl# thm» ,rbtdptt &Mmde"claye*r Paiy Kiduay Pilla for ouly a short lin.. moreof5IEm'Wk1t lk rafla md i-a- -eeiiuly .a md aMsce àable =eramnt beeait ianIe?. y'uKldmyey og ack ta work aud amn feeling veil Uaind"Y, wvh bas rven itasf ta bu and healthier thon bote." Faley ou* of theng~ oenactlve remalles for Klditey Pille are tordc in action, quick la kidma mmd JbbauMer aliments, "ht resute--a gond fiend ta hie vorklag enadial science hba doviat. For slaman aor voananwvbo suiffefront kldney aumi Dnmjlt. id. lFor sala b! ail Drouista. jjailli 20 Rewons Why You Should Buy Tii. Moeit FIwer & Vegt&Mbe Cd*s. Sto&k 1. = :cane Isbusinss.. le tra4ranmd humntelbusinesa. 2. ta us i ess me., a hsiai of = Ing lb. necesile ni1 Dis. 8. Beeom., lhe products alOnehmebave ne ver béeaequal t 0 tb. 4. Bécanes, the lime bas corne vhen va canuat neiy on lb. natunal élaémenta la pratioce aur aacesttle tie re tome v.are cacpelled 10 rasant to artiIeW lpropogatian, artilliciel huéatidatifiéal Irrigat<in. 5.,B e ma v as contrai tisla slîficlal propagation aI aIl seana, by toralng vinter loto nommar, unden glas. 6. Becamme, thar. boasmater beau a green houa. corporation kuavu 10 litU nader conservatve managemnt. 7. Bacana., IbIs Oompaay Guaanteme tu retond every dolliarto Inve.l v1111 thons, vithiu 8&) deys altritn en anotice bai been given tbaI ,»0! tacemeafo,8 O..W eyGUARAXItRE, T7pe cent lutereai fromi lb. day of tiapoai. uMlO tXet . ltl41owi.' 0. »ssaus, tg ljbithar q gr, @*Svice Bak, paylng 7 pet cent ltea»t, vbetw 1h. aaîy 8 'apet cent. ,0. Dcu. o a uha0Emln am re. vblcb vii cQuot Yom $10,00 aMeL. 11.- Becauïe, yoeu mprclimeas mny obéreate.aisaueasyou vial 12. Becaus, yon ilsvdama vota lot evaty share yau bld. 1. Becan e are ofiag nfrSieCa troin &JIBankean bau lne hdueselae Ldiblyîlasmta ont reapaablltr.. 14 Nommésa, almoal evary buasiess mimon uhihartyville hm a aea stock. Ya; hbave mai, btol yonam So gala l, to-day. 15. Becaua,ve ara oflalg pou prafertt.tion treasury stock ai par, 010-00 lier chars, vblce la onffleable, bearlug 7 pet cent. 16. Bomauestbe propositiom o! Gt.aa bouée investinente aretlboast on lie. markelto-*day. 17. »soames, aur plant la ev and yl l h ave la ha rebulît ion 20 yea*s. 18. "BOecausaur by-lavm are sucli. tthal lb.Boardi af Dirclors ma lt I PImes ay Id;btetieos lau e toolpdts, baycemthlespan vaine of seettock. TIhe rentdont or M07msr mmol place muy llabllliaae onth 11. O Mtbsla a co.ojetilve tiMi" narmd e tckbolder VIII sliequâl te lte number oaiebam, bu 'or li Marhaa= 20.,ilOPause, it la prome.t.d y Ibim oa lrge périence lu lhe B~ooubuips..= eeIallIWthe McRMU l onUmlyTe be.~e Oh Oroias B*m lmai ter luamitons, Ibat are paylnggond dl ds Mmd aels aksIemae onnidt ta naim, m»y of Whla1gbcbssntully 11110 edit flowe & Visagm CO. -"ELO"'ý 24659 44784 IMPQRTED RfRUCIER ON STAWON Iinuôo sStallin Regiotration No. A8625 ren.wed. Velu la a black horse ,welgblng- 1900and of tinugeifl quallty. 'jl iabeol.utely- aoumidî sure and bis get are of the very blght. type, of draft animale. 'He la a hors. that bas :eowlfl »M'e,~ season as uwial at the PR.AIRIE VIEWa ILL MILWAUKEE ROAD -FEE$1 to insur ebW dm ," <m vitd W II l.i a 11 1.111 . 1 . 1

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