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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Aug 1911, p. 4

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OFFICIAL PAPER FLAE COUNT ~Ulee 'TelephuneP N' .1,L Re.ideuce Tetepboene No. 1141. Llbertyviiie REchasse theedu(e P at ls 5Lt>ersseilie. I., as Seeoad Clam MaSer 1ýUEÂ> WE.KI. ,5t(.Y RTC MADIE KNOWW ON APPICATION. SUBSORIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA14CE FRANK H. JUST .... ..........................................._...Editor RAY L. HUBRAR....... .. .... .......... ....City Edior FRIV)AY. ý\UG18TT 25, 1911. DOWNFALL 0F THE LORDS. The historic surrender of the English House of Lords, to the demand for' the abolition of their veto power, mark* a new high tidle.for cdemortio feeling ln England. While aur Senate sa often caled a House cf Lords, the difference botweerr the two houseas enoromous, showlng that though England sa consldered a democratie country, yet aristocracy se far more deeply thero than with us. The abuses tolerated In their upper chamber could neyer have lastaed here a- dey. At heuart the Englishman has liked the lords pretty well, with thoir sober dignlty, their many substantiai virtues, their great intelligence and culture, their lustre of heredtary descent, and their solld obstruction te change. At an ordnury session of the Lards the Chancelier opens the day's work by sittIng on the woolsack ut 4:45 p. m. A few peurs Came dowdlinqi. A tanguid quetian or two ls asked cf the gavernment, Then they adjaurn ut 6:15. Thé herts of the peers are clearly an the cricket field or ln their stables or shotting covers. Wbcn a cr!ta ar srs atsent lcrd are suummoned 6Y~ teiegruph from evcry icater. lr aC3;nn jrc 'an: cf their faces are zo unknown in thse House thât the doorkee72rs YrtrecoCne thcnl. A doorkeeper a6ked a high dignitary anc day, au ho was trying to'entor the charrber, "Are ycu a peer?" "Woc[d 1 come ta chis hle If 1 wasn't," vise the repl1y,., This le the only logisative chanbor ln the Engllsh ap.sking world in whlch nearly every test la held by a mian because ho l the son of h1a father. For about sixty years previaus ta 1894, tha tradition was establtshéd that the lards wre ta yield ta a popular mandate. au clearly expreaad by the Houas of Conamons. ln that ycar the tarda dçfiad thse Mus. of Commons on the Nome Rule blt. ince thut timte they had deflantly used a power net enjoyed by titenifor two genertions, precipitatisia the histaric truggle that haluit ended. RA-N FALL. la thse cuttlng cf Amrican forests affectlng général raînfaîl? If thse tlisory of aorne scientiste la correct that thse réduction of foret arausahat cauaed general raintailtotadécline, public wter supplies wili prove Inadequata. PMo. Wilu Macre, ehiefof aithe weathcr bureau, threw a warrisoine bamb- *hus1 all t te camp cf theaooCeriervatianilots, when ho. ald that foretit utting la hot arotly affecting général rainfaît, but ho in-nimîzes Ita alleged tendency - .q ectheru~te ln apring, wlth a corrasponding émail run off of water ln Nt s~itta tmtane srespeceafrothots wucas stignM1cqt.than l was gener- 94 regMad t tU i te.> Prof. Moare tock thse grousid that sIt undar ag. rteultttr*e.cutivutioli may relaie water just s well as soli aupportlngan #an- eWtrou iserowth. Ho producad figures frona the vati.y of thé Sein@s caver. lng votai Centurias, tsnding ta support hie vlew thut déforestation did Vpet o hve tis unfavotrable reaultt. Y . heo Snditions ln tise Seine vaitey, ane of thse gardon @pot* cf the wortd, are, la.tqrr ifdféent from Uic. prevalling !n aur country ýwll*n h. timber Io re med. l'io thirfty Frenchs pasants, ane can weil Imagine, malie careft use o. f the deforilétsd aresa for farmn purpasea, and the piawed and f.rtitlzei [andi quite likoiy may rtain moisturo au welî as the troc grcwth. In oui' country wsoui à forest lo removed it la qut likeiy te graw up msrety ta raugh untilltcd bruata tand which one would think would net retaîn molaitue m w auasthse aid foroat. The observatian cf IndiviUuais living alang thé groat river. is been dur- la rcent years that ln sprInq tise waters reacis portions cf tise sanrks nover * oucled befaro, whlte ln summer, Islands nt befere accessible, can he reacheti aion cornes fronm thé ctaude cf moisture druwn up from the vaut ocear icastas te the sauth and sautiswest of aur uhores. Untilthtieu dry up the suppy will equalize in long périoeuof ycars. One of the bout rainfai records in tise country ha. been that cf Samuel Redmon and hua son cf New Bedford, Mas*., kept frcm 1814 ta 1900 For the llfly yeuaro froni 1814 te 1864 1hls showcd an average cf 46 incises a yeur, and from lfflta 1900 an averuge of 47 inciset. îtl spte of thc dforestation le the Ohio valley, ralnfai figures t Cincin- nati from 1871 ta 1889 showed an average f 41.3 i,àchez, and fronm 1890 te 1908 of 41.8 tache.. t seemà unlikely that Il wilt become unnecsary for tise human race to drink runi Îxlusively for soea tue yet. MLLNOIS RANKE HIGH to the judgment of thse men vho ane nov engaged ln thse business. Crop Profits Are Large. la Âmng LO&diflg Produclflg Durlng thse heigilt oethIe lndustry Staté of Union at Thomson, bayera from thse metro- politan commission men of thse cous- try make that place their headquart Illinois nov rankB vitis the leadlng ers and ship the fruit as rapIdly as I watermelon producing states of!thlis loaded Into tihe cars. Two te 11ve union. Thse harvest has commenred carloada leave Thosmon daiiy. Thos and viii continue ail through thse Oriit, one of tise heavy grovera, e:. meetis cf August.lets 10 realize $2,500 front a thirt:. Only witisin tise past few yeaseblas fisc acre field. it beconse geooraily knovn that the Thse season la ustualiy at Its heigit sai cftIlinois la adapted btiste about thse mlddie of Auguet and thE grovth of vatermnelons. White near, tmelonis are kept going to market un ]y every country in central and soutis tii the weatiser hecomes chiliiy. ero Illinois produces a large number_________________ of tise Juics fruit or the vine. lise ban- ner conttla t arroll. and thse banner village ih Thonsan-5,There Ila isafld 't rîIdge arrsa York townshilp of wiicls* Thiotson is thse enter, where water- melons grow lister than crn. Every Year tise gmmsers lrrease thse sire of tiseir melon bearing trats. and th"'s yerdspite thse drougb f a>an Joue,thie crop plrotmises tu bieak l I records, Foeed Melons Sugar. I1Il' Thd eurelois5iritaIhiTse nseo grovwera of Thotutîs-on J bleu o! augar and vater 0-O -- Pîh inelaus that give promise uft antuE WILI, EXAMINE leg a good ire are given this treau ment viici coaîst o!cutîng it 555(1matchOfvourtuani tlliivon j eSt rmnie o rncsvie rohtiteose in ý t li is tecesary 10te, edonc acula-bat il runne or ranc vin neae8t h i, osi1pt t. . ttr melon and lnerting tise ed lto t ai bottie ef vater whtcb bas beense vet-I Perfect Running OrdBr ened vitS sugan. This concoction tu î ien you aea ica cor not, au you pleaae. takonu p rapid>' and restilta. iu a rap- In ail lantds of repaîr vont. ve do oni>' Id gowt Inetz andswens ioftise very Sest work sud you 'Ieesi bave ne * 14greth l sIe su swetnes O Iîestaecv i0 tcavtog tise fineit article ie -l.melon. Soine attain a weighfi O u ur care. Mw acre ofpOu oil.wviliproduce - A. ÎIUSS about 2,80 melons. *a o ther crap JEWELER vl! prodace these ame amount of 1*o0ty la tise samo timo, according ibertyville Ili --q"'., t 1 * i i eàà'np ganM'tV Rev. Byant ofZMon Tllsof Thse C» ~aandiu ~ ~ Woza Neýals of Nativea of Afri- pany mini tise Costrecticien. 371 .I hb r8 can Country. l'sny of Blon Cty bave beltibeen Gurfle Plan -Puti a. * vns.cklog their braies tise Pest f0 w Was MLsaionary to Land for days, th find sexue way te lovent & Kvqut W411 b. Hfeld;lu Wood- Several 'Tomr and Urges trelght - carrylng, air shlp, whti cau hms Hanl, Septemnber 27 yoUng people to Work reach et1 elr factory. Accordlng ta rM- ansd 28, After Big Fair. O Porta front Voit Cty, wiich réarlaed, (Jhildreni are 0Oljnoring for bore, theaIr wo comnpanbes vili EXhibition of Ail ProdUctaO Learnirng and Beek True don totransport freighî ta and.from ,0f ROS, Rollinig Pin and,* Religion, He'Says. thl, ir tatarles.1 Needie to be Shown. , *, -t la oct te be bellevedl that ZMon 6- Writes in ZMon Independent City' lu vitisout rail facililes, ln faci Attractive Prizea StliuWse Asklng for Money to Stajrt thsee pliomte la true. but as far as Scene of Activity now in School In Basutoland. these tvq companlea are cencerned, Gurnee Houzeholds. O tisey mugit as we e l ocated tu tise - "Tbe need cf Basutoland, Arfîca," heai o! a vLloanoeln tise ?illtpluie Wiets aeConyFsf ab sîa Overseer Hamili Bryant of Zion Islands. he thLarkile e pCut. S rlt e l0 City ln the editorisilu the Mion City Bae oe ierai Overseer Vliva Oh- clusive, will be the officiai fair for tilla i Independent, 'is a scisoot where yeung tained cltrol. cf affaira of Zien City, county, Gurnee, tise littho village te W women cao ho educated sud th.noby tnse recelvers gjranted te thse Ceairythe Iv'eut la t. have a sert of a fuirail11 become intelligent Christian motisers; White Construc1tion tcomipan'y, Lad. tise oftheîr ove, a litto visile after thse where' young hien Cao ho tralned tu Cooke 10ectrlCal ccini)aeles tise ri'glttfair at Uhortyvîlle closes. bec'ome vise and Oodly chiots;:chiera te construet Iheir faclarles atiZVon 'lie tair viii ho held under these i- as Christian fatisers, skilled workmen, City, and tu tise Norlhvestorn r'511rc5.d pinsof Guruoe camp, 4140 M. W. A., generaily furnished vwIls an edttcattou te caustrtsct ail necesary aide tracks, an Arbutua camp. 2042 R. N. A., et that wiii fit thein for lite ln Boeetto- snd avitchez necouuary ta tisese tac- the Woodnhallif aturni, Sept. land. SÙch a achsoci weuld qulçkiy tories, i7 ani h. The bail viii b. decorsled wln tise confidence efthtie chieoth ie Bul nowv whle the rails of tise track ln tria us tesyefrts yn.a~'4 land and open tise vay for tise futher ]have .hei laid, and trelght has sa]- usas> e stle rtise v fexts. 18 sprcud of the 7el-r-lu Gospel of Jeas ready passed over the, aide tracks. sand entertalimosat vl lie previded. uhrst, The beathen muet see aur iÛeneral Overeeur voiva han effective- Novr overy farmers vite snd daugia. ariscOss nouisre ln order to tînder- iy biocked ail furîher trAffic dn th"'! 1 er 'a tise régioan fer Yilles about Gui'- '!;ard crieHlrIts. Fystem, by çoatsructbng a isuge teace ue.. ore practIiî n ,oti:o caltsasndo M "We have asked Cod to e *ca-oss 08tise tracks, and refaBs gta re- -candievich is ii be sisowo and raisotise funris. Since we began ta o 0 tise obstruictionl. even tise farineras lad l3 ta elter ans tray and plan, vo have fond Qur- Tise tracLs are lad( dircrfl>- ocreas exisibit ln the nierdiovoris de"artmen. toises la roronîcation vith a ainm-land ov-ned by the gcncrttl oversoor sowlng tise oeva- le svIswIcrisbas. ber of finely trsain teacers vitis yoara and seo5au50onas thiogs ihapod tliem-I uatcised bis overalis, andi dar-îedie sa of experiesic o, ieo belleve. vIIi selve% te tise proper proportions. Volt. ascets. If - make-tise sacrifice and bave homo, 'uÛdeclded ta advanco tise interoutti cf, Ever>' fariner la lon;ýiig for elec- friendsansd everythlng loved ln home science hy cooapolling lise tva factor', ricîty. whlcis temu>' turu loto bisi land for tise work o! Christ ln Iis ta- les ta, Install an air fine, carryiog filds and Incrosse thâ aide cf tiseI cinating country. Excellent building freigist teý andi frem tise factorisa, yedcf1t roe lilrt1is es tone la tiero ln tise mosntains linvisicis ty tise vay, as a more incident, cd adolted at the Samuel Insli tarna abundance and aight at band. Tise are centrolled hy tieseOc caliod inde- et Libertyville, eud every amateur building atone la very ieautiful visite pendeiita. pisotograpiser le naappng plictures at lime-atone and vould be eagerly Tise fence vas censtruitted., and evei-y turuofa!tise ruaiaud hiettag sougit lntise erection of cisurcis or comPieted frîda>' afterncon. 'ris thenaselves saale th ie danreauso te <ollege buildings ln aur finest cîties. fence la about six foot bisihi and aboutt develop tisea. Scores of natives viii eagerly respefid flfty foot lIon& and extendu about 'Thce xMlslto have been divideri loto 10 tise cail for manual laborea-s. twenty test on escis aide of tise tradks, elfe clausa, with pizes ranging frem O "Upon oee occasion at a meeting succesafully lockbec tise entîre, right $15 ho 100 offererinletise vsrloua wo vero conductlng vo put tise ques- o yo!ft>'e! iraiiroad. classe. Clinsu AvlUshow tihe grans; tion te a company of Bastl lads, __________ ieat cocrn, harle>', sergisu ansd Hov many of yen vQuld like te, go ___________________cier produets of the fields. Claus B; ta sciscel andi ho educated se tisat ycu fresis fruits, barries. Clans C; culot. ceuildr preacý tise gospel of Christ?' u nar>' vert. broad pies, cakes. dougis- STise question for tise lime broke 4p ivany aiM anlrauts, Juiaelta. Clas D; candi., et al tise maeeting. Tiley arose vitis a about. tiodu. Clain E; canneri fruits sud came lesplng aven tise benuches, sur- (>w e -ls uc eus vegetabbes. blase ; freai vegeta- rouiided un lite a avaria of bies, hieu. Ci»s G ; needlework. Claas H; caugist iold et our lalhlng, puiied usn t potted pasnts sud tise tant. Close j lu bore and tisere begglng fer a chance. thç U1 lD48.MAIJ.g devoteri tu thle troductu e! tise came. Tise Basuta chieit, Kumalo, sald to us, ras at tise iband& oethtie amateur piso. 'Our people are but children, We are ofiabouse ticause il lîu serrasi tega-phrs.o mîst emerging frein centuries e! dark- M au aeiso sad kept hum In a Tise affaîr lae oc to behocaled a fair,o nos, and tiseviite man muat pint us straigisr ii- aîîulaussy, pou- but vîi be termer tise Harveat Home tise wa>. Ho la cur onl>' hope' Ais. it>y. roni the iunaîiy "getL-hei festival, sud viii endure for tise tva rtise white man! Hov man> ef tisons quiek" urhomes aliihl arnes@0 daye, Septomber 27 sud 28. Compe- 1bave gene ciere vilslilquor, lobîcco pleulîlul todav riuel - li-h Pe etten tent Judgeesud attractive prIzea haveo and imînorlilty. 1h sl e!t fer the min- meau riviseanis yfor rtismootis been provitied, and It la tise plan of 1icnari.es o! the (Crosi ho deoIln IBasa- tuuugu.-i îoul .1--i- t-reel. B lise executIve cemmittee te niake thia 0at ond viat tse>'have hoa 10 o ale învetng IN4 yOUR HOME ocee iarvent home outtrip al etherO l ahiohrns,-nyhev sa ne vieit . TOWNyu are deala wisvaîuee attemptsaiat urnee er syan' iier d 0 darknloe andisy tisysso tI n anii sd ýpelvtis vioan yoiiare place. nomivs, lovtmd riaity o! liseir, But e.quaiuted-eople wu> are in- The territory from whlch tise exhii.o Ilwoteas Bautand Zreu>'l peopte tereotpud Inuyour voilais be- Its haflot rentricted, itlàlusald. Hereo tne l ft se e a nur t nd Zuu e oIe cause your @,cese eaist e a a chance for snim e ef tie Intensive c1- eltse red r witeac ye of t thete about yon, and farmons of Zion (City' te pull off some o ensbryo tisere l la isin ttmny otn o tneeouucsfuct u0aîw t iepizavts iepcdcso ea great Judge, a statosman, aa clen- temore uoa n f tise bote a o Ofter 1esnr, rit hspud egtabof tigt, a ireacher, vaiting fer un 10 pan viii)lieAitis te lber va p ve taer lte erfutadvgabe 0Ou tua tises whst Ced han lent to na ru uer-yArds vas ubrW a e ine that tisey mi>' becomne wiat Chrintian- tise vuevaordgiviug ur carsers Biryte am ne * !iY as mie us.isinot values, sud visen yen de- At Enld, Okia., On Wnday, oid Hamn- ., Tisese people are oui' neigihors andi cide tuu huild vo vaut te, tell you mr ietv oce.vs!rai brotisers 1n a moet rosisud practlial mrmbu u ehoa ubd er.té o kcgr, avevs 1,000 senso. Today vo muet Judge distance mrwaouatchthd. iog, Isea dymbgraveog a g1,aut( 'y b>' tur nsd Basutoland la nearer tenthg he7 blei aWalr 1.us tisse Maine vas te Illinois & can.Thetioelsgunut denaaud neo fe mdians haumer i voOd sud ots.thlrty nt®yago. Lttera fron _tur brotisor, ize bouses, (et ba>, have eue ready t oot long and ton foot hlib. The tu- .t. taor ahu nJs n o'b o alsl.8 neral car vas a truck and a ieadatouh itbu Mifon, res sl e uat 0 entis, vont oven tise grave vils tise lnucrlp. ,e cOudifb is vers l direwintroosvo LibertYtuilie Lumber Co. lion tisat oid Hammer bildided fri. 08. id cibe hlm fn a hslua !eofheur PHONE 47 overvorit. Tise cilons are nov unit n "e reanclg scs ciolr f ur Down b>'tihe Old Depot e udviihost x- Sonda>' Scitool. and eacb membor or e n ilbOt Y.Or cisurcis and congregallon te malte -______________________________ as larqe a nsionthly offerlug as pesai- it ble fer thia work lunlBasutoland. And lu is e naine o! tise Lord cf tise vIne, n. yard we do piosd ihs afl whe road Ibomo wordu to aend un Ihoîr nainesr - and tise amoont we ma>' expect ois_______ ____________________________ i ns cul Pîctîure visatIt itvli mean 10 pot uD Thse wist fsrm&er ne langer builds with wood-lcfr weod) Ibis fine school building lu Basutoland burns, decays ansd affords hiding planerfor ookice, ratsanmd vr- and ond teichers fromasour nidst, in lepots hia ine and tuet oto building Tise news vîli go ail over tise land. ont' fer aI iwth "Càiaiugo " Con'crai Chefs wiiil ait lb over. Tisey vill The firetst cfofdontedîr-naay be a littde mer seod thtr rei ntiv or eh ~-j ,-ty lbc a big gainer ln thse end if yc mueansandamivis>'lbla being dono. l > în wt wiii be dlscusuod b>' liousande of u - - peotle and tise va>' pened for a îhghy proclamation efthtie Gospel. - Since pressing these ftcha on our people, numbors have spoken tae, us regîrdtog glvlng their lives fer bile verk. We have tour or five ,ln vew vise are cempetont to go te farelgu - landus and vo purpoue, Ced vîîîîeg, t6s<I oti tU M* aoaîd aone out ea htie cloe ofetthtr . -it bléJOfdt slurrz' year. Bewveon -no vanri thon w ,by-13 yera.of Iline 0on thine i. hope te raiso several thlcuaaad dollaze 60 Zrw ilQ t: D çr4 lapo for tise vert that vo ina>' b. ready; finaucial>', vien tisehosur conMa. 'W e pSamcrièr.CliCi Ad-rosSera ileomo soso.wse h o~rhon ~ a mater of course-for tise>' GUMD. w PROPOSnxIN lins SO!rr>i p ,J"faeyrhI tise> LE ARN tbIsngs about rosi asIate. ' r LM TY U . We lime, e Them in school Bo!gs Double Breasted Suits trop Mue i, known ckid, for bog affl* , Perms'oret Pdke RWg&Waod T.1in eGoo0i $tWI A Co.bMui#,.-Of Good Peut. AUl crowded lu a Boue' Suit SUiT E. W. PARKURST. SCHAM B LOCK Duy a Home MW dStop Payi Rom W. sa kmhnseson mouthly payannts, some au psy'ian MOLW. s»Uilots *IL eau Epaymmts Ot km prie., am wituesut illenau Losm adecsl at curant rm4i. ivat mfe s for. ual. scured on vNag sid fam papeL-. Ç, Acddm* ndaâFim Imuumace seLcsceu. Rorting and teclieeu. DYMOND & AUSTIN Ph~..24 oui"e las"offlea W-E'LL' BRING ITgS a laey1è o I 'YSu waaîgood deanç bendledwitliout "dcSto That'. Our Way 0 aid we solicit a trial orderO omeLumber Co. Libertyvilie, M *O~(@@OOO,~OO04~O.*, 2Oth CENTURY Manure Spreader IS THE BEST MONEY MAKER ON A FARM .IJU A NUK BRosi. tRY ouR "'WATN AV" OLUMN l PAYS@, I i o o o o o o i i O o O O I o O 1 ý

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