A ~~j4i-~ 1~ or 4 ffi - ________ f S ..-~--.-~---~- -.- NONE flIOJivaO 'Wrn' IFOR LESS TItAh 25 CENTS J~ + FOR SALE + FOR SALE-YOIIflR attiei JAItI GaJIo%, ix J mAuOtbwýet of Wttul- gan. p-48-1 FOR SALE-& -laotfleboinewlutfr dOheist, eunable for teed. Yeided 40 litaîhel to the acre tht. year. Ap 1 H. E. FLOOD, Gurbee. 111. c-- wJiNTE"tïV for geeral work, three in faully. Nb cbildre'D; plain co'îkîig H. KzzxE. Ofroco., tiI. Phonte 95. 9 P-48-1 FOR SAL.E-JaIevill gang Plow in V od condition. Will 'MUi CheaP. Cal FOR SALE OR RENT-larrn of 82 aere., ree mle northwemt oI Liberty. Ville. In jnlm 0f Mus. EDITII WAnUUF, STORE FOR SALE-The Entîrprime, t4 bet potal card. noelty, coutee* tmmery aMid toy %tur, jn Lafie For-st. WIli hi sld reaeonable fior cash. Cal aay time duriug day oreveiigatiore, WAN-onuf to vire Belooyou declde ta haie yur houai red lot me gl'r youMy lgure. tatiefaitOb guarauremd. U@r&.jJf 11. ýBoz 95, c481 WANTEDý-î§mallfarua ,uitoslle for 1% Sommer home u gond Lake. Addrese mr.tioldmau, Il. tW 2 irayuiake, 108,. WANTU-YOtiiCwooeaflwitb babjy wlhapoitlau abouaekeper or bouge vovk lun privat4 s miiy. Home more objet than- waee. 8- ood refiereuce. Addroés Bôz 116, Lbityviiie, 111. P-48-1= WANTEOý-Woman or girl for gonoea balle vork. No ehilreu. luquire tbf. *tee.' c4" WAN~O4~ijMta do by ontlrant. Workgusaa&~d.Addre.e Toit N. Beoautr.io Lieti litI., or phous@ Uertyt------8»c-88.t-il WAN~DHoamta lip Wt1il îlfor thmn m"dolretura anl pize atoan.. Phmn 15J, lma.H. Kos. c-26-Ul -- - - - - lYANTà1ý-oO4*ifl fru lbot woor. Une Who undersaats onm-e-ilin about eooking. laquire at J,.PF (luthe'. Hal iayouDiaPwais river. Fourt Ulltou ro&4. c-ol-tf 4LOST and-POUND FOR SALE-Nis. high building lots, ~4444444444444 6mOuilS; nothasiuutb front, n the .......v miel di-irabli, lhuataimui l intawn, the Oemusuhdivioion. Sewer, mater aînd LS-raiivieicsk ae graSail ln and paid Ion. No- s<isim h OTablt.,Inurd l rued 6tepa ibi JiOt.e luihic,. igiutit' .E &Wur. u office p 47-l1erDd o h Lam i Bdg. Lfberiuvte. offce.i-1il F LOST-Wliite Fii terier, 1-maie, la-k FOR SALE-Siuw, iotIerni uptoýdate &ant an iîackud, naue Tape>; îu& uPeilî ouin boume, lot '-0127m1, on t3üd luinsccidanmt uecr, Lilientir'shle.ý ieiln Ave. 'AiI i -Il o a îuuitiliti phono,4)283 WaukegXaui. (wnr will Imquire o!1 (m). S. BONDsi. Litertevillua, psy expoieir. îu4S-l MI. t-3-tHf_________________ FOR SALE-a lcrae wîîriimar.es Addr.p . CM. MAt F iiANkL. ira3 mIaie, lit hone1011 tia> ~Le. c.2tf FOR SALE-An ijeborne grain lundir. irt ri, eiaui)diion. lleasopahle.N. SArIEuRT, Litertyvîllo. Puoone.278141 e-4 1-ti FOR RENT-A'ivp >rgom fiston NiA- btty avenue. 1-..E. tsi. Libertvville, III. e-48-1 FOIIRENT-Ono').d matl houme wih LOST-Monday niornînga iulie rack and music between aicoud sireet and HUrlhuttcaUit L.îbectyville amd ebeldofi- huret Fluder return ta J. T. DàTte. Liilertyville. and rteneive reward. LOST-Betreen Diamound Lake @tore and Il. Bartetta, gente gold wateh,huut- ing rate, luitailà A. P. S. en case. UtAbi rneward vîlIl be palol for return to A. V. Steang. &LiJi. Basntt'mvWet mborlg Diamonol Lak. _____________________LOST--SeolcIaCalla dog. biautk, gable sud white; ront legs slilgIty curved; FOR RENT-Nite in lunnlmfemd noom muiecerstot lIame otMaior. LUberal w1thaor wisitant board. Inquire aI J reward wilI ho pali 'or information or W. (tout. outhamet mmrer Park sud ýreturu id dog. P, A. Lzg555, Llheriy- @wweant avosui«, Libenlyntîle, fil. f ville. 1II. Bout- 2. p-4F3-2 c-li-l _____________________ FOR RENT- Pive room fit on Slouth Park A ve , fi rt houai eetof Mi4vaukee Ave., one minute. waik f rom i eet d.p.t. AUl modeOr improvemnnts. 1Inquire attbimoffIre. c-47-2 FOR RENT OR SALE-A 9 room modern boume of Diviion ànit: sien smonefurnture for gale. Mai SAaÂN Du.icsua. -c46tt +. WA2NTMD 4 .... ...4+ +.+.. WANTED-Li orme Puitable for delivery1 wagon. Wu. Wsî,soanD. Liberi!vvillg,1 11L P-48.1 .............4. +. MISCELLANOUS 4+ .............. NOTICIE-Liberty ville Lodge Kighie of Pythias taka notice that une.. their hall reft due the M. W. A. la paid ta date>andmre arrauemeate madte for jetoring parapharnalia on or before Seprember lut, 1911. garn ifiUl hi old ta psy torage. c454 GOLO FILLEO SPECTACLE8-wltb caroful tait includeol for 81.00 andl np. Bave your primutent eem elîaoged or have nia frarncîý for your promut lentes. iyumeme that hold with camio, rom $100 and nu. Mackenwl'a 4rug str ihe Bexasl Dug store, coruer Gînei et., ano MOWlon Wakegaa. fil. f,29 Obarlas Dean Iiurd Te Aid uailmay Non' Home Pci In., Aug. lS.-Deteat. of fa, Conductors on te Nrhetr voritesansd uumeroum accidents ana rairoad ùye promotiug a plan for Ob upfela yene feature of th third daY's tainiug t leasî $25,000 for the support rs.cing at the Peoria Mle truck, Of Uie of the home ln Higlland Park for aged Great Western circuit. Th cotete an d dlsabled raliroaji emPloyes. The were inteuaely intereating and held noney la ta be raiaed thrangh the the crowdm until darit. smesof au llustratedl album, iaaued by oui of thei queineat accidents came the conductors employed by the cer- lu the upeet of Driver Chaife Dean, pa mi andal members of the «North- or Palatine, behiad FIB(*IClay. Ini wetern familr ame belng urgea ta ecorlng dawn psst the judgee lu the apend a dollar In buying a caPY. apsnlng heai of due 2:14 trot, the _________ borge gappsd on i quarter boot and James lverson of Lake Fare-st vw» throwing bis hind quartera up Into sntence o. tafSty desys iu cotant> the air, tornhed a complete momersant, c<unty jail ou the charge or vagraiicy ellghtlng tpon hlm ,back. -Dean vau thrown tventy feet atait the fOnce, sutaing a llght. injury vhleh l MAdjudic.ationUUNot. pm'eent hlm fom dolving for mnY PuAicjqo dc a tIon No1tc e S wieks.ie. UIO P>elbft 01 t n u tt uf ffl ci sua P. Bun& ge WW= ta oemmond.a or Mx b cnmasIt J& Charges and coufter chargea bris- ICI Epm ISIIg mu 0040M .an tied he!ore lthe Leke oeuty hourd of j~~ tProbanm «Meaa tg revev Tuaady e a skegan i wEN 7. amcki the erlug ofthe steW asemaments i on ZIOO City xptTy, in regard to AdjudlicatIon Notice. wblch WlburGn' eusil , Who eg pbe04M 1»s im rb «1"2 MM Ib.4 b o ltered the co-uphlt. charge thet bis Da"ib008000d . UI ~îu onitet, h llt1detm, Mked u'a«* t tu uhe p.., , __Woeag =he hlis aauýtng , the À« etateen,0006* $290,000 wbillathe »,duced thir, own.»abt Thé eppe beaing uendy l". eMS te mailOuâ tfer ed until nmon,. ttiW. Hurd Clendefl xL SgUÂMBONE<uio * nia, . W. erIe,'=4iAttoneyi WIl- Waukga,.ARM llu 04"91 ,iam P. W4iuer0gtïr. tle Vollva and 1 .T -aDÇK; mAtéfrEM * witb esre l>I H.Syre, amse- C .NYeKU O ty e e mac.sudO. . ?b~lj, ii. idepnd- Adjudlsiloft Notice enta, Who aokst th*1ti~ U 12 105, 1906PublI - met . ibm u &M 1007iiitheée ý *ere so loy- ber A di E ofteciJoli cp" titeOMt fthlie buden of Omi e* t reM= b.t1 deta m tir theÛ, W theo on4e. Wbews maetIR hé atb. hezju. J~Ày,_QUNTYIND ý T,_FIRIDY, IUGÙST 25, 1911.- mdai 84"d of sh.rthbd Mmd W. Too* the 1sh.rthamd Do You Want a Position?? 'WAUKEGAN BUSINESSS COLLEGE tan qualfy you fr a position BullServi« and hi-hp you gel il. Il bas beiped hundreds and la helpîng more uow _________________ A Word to the Wise W E do riot claim ariythinig mare ihari we rtslly are, but we do claim to give a malt ihorougil, hloh grade, prartîcal businesà and ahirthattd oducitcin, anq give It ta you honestly. We net only tesch BUSINESS ETI-ICS snd GOOD HABITS, but thetetochera themnatîves are living examples of the very emece o whst they teach. CObIMON SENSE ln our course of tudy has a very Important plus.. Many deaka have heen reserved and the proepecta ilier tbatI willI b. the larget anroliment ln the his- tory of thé uhoal. Have a deek eserved NOW. If yem can taise man'a .arnuig power *10, ih laequal. te gl1ulng hlm $2.000Il cash, alnce $10 a month le Inter- est aipt carin on 02,000. The Waukgan Business College tralned student*t gescw-*4.h#boat positionsa ln the counntry. If you have ai commet> açheel educatlon yau are ready for aur .upratoal training. MESSAGE JOYFUL FOR THE SIN-SICK ,Tb Master Speakelh Bam For WounddHaarls. CUMFDRT FOR SORROWIiNG, Pasier RlussaiIl Say* That Whmus Tran- hI. Comm, Few Doubt the Existence of Godi-Hiuman Sympmthy Alone la impotent la Ceentthe mSun-inn- dened Soiat-Eternal Sîmîcuna Fol- io-* lbe Actmptsuca aifItmenivinm Commanci-Scriptunaa Misiundeviai-d. Btîc hrookblyn 'ifauLe r t exttok an tht nuLeit tyour heuont bce troubleti: ye ho- liese in iud. fui tieve aiu.uula bîut John liv. Ih. A.. usýual thi-r- T% cs olgood t-roumu end 1eitbu-tuîtu-- clan givesm thnongh eut, The speaker aldtInlupart:- The marîid iai-m Wiil td Ii-ip up a i-hienfui. ouimanti demeanon-to ~drive duit cari- away' tateheaet of itsa chu' lly. Neritrthelecs. lIi-eetlegreul force anti ciiight laIoi.l Pnuic monda bu thi- effect tiîat "the mliole t-notion 1N gronlng atinaicsaillng Iii pain îngeth- er. walingn -fîun NI-sla'9 Klngtiom sud lia loting- pnom li.d bIuings te ICIt the curai-ofuit n andi tiat h anC te ne- se te tmatLindthe uhti mli-o! the Fa- thers tfarer iliamontaough thi-i May tat theni I-i uo Pensanal GOti-thaf thi-ne la merely a blinti get of nature. mn evotliaoni force. etc.. neventhe- lez&. deep deuva Iu the huart. men h. Ilui-ie thibe I-nM a oO&d.Almaut un- Coacleusly the mmnd ottrlbtates te Rita Wisito= .Justice aud Payer-bot hIite o! Love or syrnpathy miii bum.* and lis traltie- Thia very Intuitive Icuovt.dge ai <loi la cloxely nesoclate i vICIa mny humai trioubles, As ttc noat o! near- ly ever trouble- pentaps deep hi-low the ai-fatc. lma in-diaabedincte- i J recognized lîninciplea ot nlghti-usitis u- nd a tearful looklug fto e itrIbu- io in. and uneertalir yas te What Il yl Meaî. Tht. il tnt-. ni o IY oe t»sity Chrlistians. but tri-qui-oUi mU'e ala" et alliera tho have matie no pro- !.e*lou, vito bave Inken upan tileul no salesn nvoire a! abedience This l-aubleti heartnt-ttditli o ue Dotal aaishgoiw open Ihe surfae. Sounetimea the troubluti hiartlula Inthe theSlre te tny te fonget [ia troubles. sametintea lse amuir lelatuiti-tutti mtafuul pieasare-siekng. lu endeavon i drçon»Me bsuntlng grief. fie itinta reoBot la uanght threngh lutar ca#4in t4uu' or narct-ollc; sometime -lia utiehde SomiUnua the troubled eue la on tise stage. onu cannaI mue ie ly' knov tisai 1h. Merri Ingb ami wlllj joltesa" citeery maug Ce net cofraitrl li troptiedheuart. We are sure tiii làej d0, lu Malinstomances. for fie qie;'etitlase, visabave bienuInduit b- In$ In lUterriant have ceMMIntted sui 01 " a tes tovisiante. thereafler. Imavis lt01ua jbt theibuiearis lied bei or burdens'L vile autandi or * bve oucis smpïUtbilltisth- 074T uobowlsemherts. As arace r 1= aSl Utliougit "the voilercd 041"unitsni vihave usmladur.cd *4hglO.di"pgointumst bâissdci 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e ett ,t'hé~le uUeibay a ik, .m~eonh did, thteT Md; mti -tbef. t tal ou' bor n J Iawyers alil secure thtir office heip ai our office. THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS. More than 300 cf our siodents arc empioyed as. tenographera, book- keepers, clental work, etc., In this tîty alone. If you wani ta join this happy compan>- cali ai the office, or ttephone Prof. Munson, 636 or 5512 and he wil l l yau how you rnay do it. Our Employment Bureau has recently Iocaied students wlth the fol- Iowing firme: Amerîcan Steel & Wire Co., Chicago Tel. Co., County Court House.,City Office, Republin Fente & Gaie Co., Aishulir Mfg. Co., North Shore Electric Ca., Shetdan Schoci. Wisconsin Mitk Ca., Burlingtan, Wl.; Ben Miler, Attarney, Lbertyvllle; Baldwin Music Co., Chicago; Blatchford Food Co., City Office N. Chicago; Butler Bm.s., Chicago; Man- shall Field, Chicago, Atwaiîr Mfg. Co., N. Chicago; and many others. NOW la the tUme ta get in action on tiî most Important question. FALL TERM OPENS Sept. Il. Be on hand the fint day. Waukegn usines Colag Ita Good School Keen Discrimination EXERCISE keen discrimination in the selection of a busin es% and shorthand achool. Threq factors are necessary ta a higli grade colage. Progressive and judicious management, atrong, frte demn courses, a sufficientlY large and strong facu*; ail these antdoCher Important featares yau wlli fifiâ at the WAUKEGAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Promn the bcglnning we ascertain wliat a studenta knaowiedge cansiste of and whatever hlm previous education may be, we begin ihere and teach accord- ingly-the fact la we malte an individual case ai ach and eveny student. That la what prompts the ques- tion that la being asked taday, "Why ia a graduae of the WAUKEGAN BUSINESS COLLEGE n mudh more succeaaful thari thome f rom ailler schoim?" (t I. jumi hors that the W. B. C. excelsa-Slme at a clef- Mite point-SUCCIESB. Young mai, y>ung woral, wtaakind of a position cari you secure If you have not a good, thorough practîcal bilisîiema and hrthand, aducatiofl? An- swer It yourte If. irvat- theti-greht Ene:;iîv, c titi nas ir sent or (iod. lui equaiiy i-lbauttii-sS.Ji-sus ('tîrîsi.If 1-1i, îlaî'i o-%iir Iti-ey vie boni: au opparnitiy or alnu-adiv soalwed up 'tsî'îîy Ilionîîî oundless-uftlci-ltt for ail your needs. wlllî Ilîm. îhaî ii- nii v :I h.- II, g!i- rlslng ont af tfoleconditions of dogra- moud citlîiiîc of dur ra 1bii hat lit If you wlli utci-pt of thîs. th )vOeil dtogethler- îR.i'îîi i l. t7i Tiecui dation.,nIa. pp. alt. ta full perfecttea Divine ipeimission. beçoî;-.î.Ilare-sini arrangement ilirough Chrivi y who iiru-auu.htL-b-is -r--itd sli ar i- Oof ntuire. end ail Ihat vilamst beroughL nu-r niid lu-iuise sîî ru't titiru î heurt troubles mayblui- u n end. iXou 1lonigen -ri i i;liv wîî tuil ae Adame sdL-iuhence,. Thîuis wo-k or. - svortbt utfeserlastlng III, l s*ili lime trouiblesntiiIhe fQi-ia. ioubie, from ito ii-- îîidi. rciii-vaild iDIiIne Grnce. we aie, fteta tb.e iecmv * TheFoni- th L.. -iuessess. iivli- mpain.. bot rouir ItiheAdi -'ar) - l,îîî Iilîtht-,y bilve plicu foîr tu;e wurld durlng the Me- Ili mr troubîlesu vi. -i , r ini . h-airt il I,, îvyu I anil lapîpy lia a rtjoltiig IîTh, o- ro 4;i.d ,' lith amuie Are. si-leu Chr-listnn the Eleci lia, lut-k t hrctîîiililî liîîîi- w OIiitiie Piiîlr, jim -tiaii. î-.1.,rla Cbort-b mli constitlitî <aoirs Hing. o r ah u-t I II ,i ' T h.un - .d o i n . ' s t b n o w e r i i r f g r e i u i C l a r y t s f oui llIaue we 11, 'l t t.î ',11; kHci-t e lt G t he P.aeao . 1 111tIlle it- I Ilcoit î'l I i. - iit,,,y tebesn ftew r to lir i u iator lni 110;l ii 'f Itîlii Ali: ays s uele. 1Ihbu es e hi-u ioi- God i I, Leui -i It î. I.iii ilii ivill. _____________________________ ruiii l. [1rtw Coutil I ho 't '. ii - (1,and or .1i-ss und of tt he i- o Un~Tt vl - î-,îei- l-as <td Xi 1e.ta uft. "i l,-li'i- a ri-o«liautoi. bt kiîî nii ioir10Christ caii rI-e'ctit ii- Ni-wCii- Praposaîfer Local Imnprovomett Cl Hui i-i r uaL10 ii,' AI.i ur-tr Tu ivliom chuill i go? 110w t.r-.5 . la 1Muilui- l d. î idý Office of theî Board to!Local lmptroolé- for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i lId iici nr tiz nm -m eo- Iu l uiiii4-uIlle Ai ii u-îrrle menite Li bertyvilu, lMinais, Auguat 11, Jii,ý i:. vleii ruc ulfru oit 'i î'i i ta inc Illei I. *i,,,d aIi 'iuiie. fl-y - as t e i:,,l li,uîu IDgs. the- oiri "t i"ii arte turgîi-rii I ou'go andi sinlieîîo reîv. lc tc i,-iit iitIn'. il'i I-i'5 zleuted prlIor;alts will lie reoilveti by f. I o id bu' t i LIt lithe l li bi :ciîI I joita' 'ui atat nid lti-Ite,! .-. ai t " t Of t itouril ii Loci)eà i r vttat lt 'l.. i <'i501w 1 il liiiiliteru-1 ie-t iiut sdai 1 IL.iu-l-i-iuS faien -i i,W~'îioiî A Village uif Liyiit-, takc Con*y; lit r i- for scth a ci lrîi'f thlii dot Finvi oiiail. uit- lui ilber, or ister. aiaa- l a ta te o 1I-uuuiro -, l llthoi,uA. i 191, aioei villnage ll a, hi fuu.lsI- tîmuef to bit 14,-iouldlîtow me to re-le îith yo at Yu frota" , oi t .1 iitut lt-Iook ut-lit)ici -,ym have con ýe 111h, the condition where gvthn t alhîit n I i d.Theiud î - c mad viag e llîbingtiur l'- -i lilti:1 clI; I7the <ourse o uitr seIn adknocking frteflocorteae CItl.. h jj etitatiaf iha iolowlug.fup-!' .u-llsinc yu reuteuiîgcii to tegie l ea covliAt ii, Ii-fcîb e teas a stem e o let ie ae 1.lu lilie rni-ognîtzevînrt-hi-c oit lieo oeulag ouithlii- torelîoase uot Divine fuWi e Ju ted :'iew Cîîîîîî tî(e. ibi-plyA cauetgo ytW it f gstiron vlsu h,îîl ininlufuîtls-Ievof the- Ait Seelit- ai-or, hi-cause 'lIe t tOtciiIci-lbalI lïd %dt hmvh «., ohitshhDivine willl uîd lia treuon endluavrar îhft offvalves snd a&II otiier aeemfty 'Tu fior t ht ordi-itli- u-gn i lun ." onti n-. th.10satetak-ithebe ody undi-ta be tIiad adjunctsanan pe(Wolaui ssl ao eau- "Thefev oftheLor isIll hPLlnlie pend."Coninu. teute eekta the Seat ind ta the woci unnd te etraudu td laid in, .loffg andifonder uiitt i 'idoinY la thitiiiruul ?t--uand to kuiock andtI si-yuoon the bleus- hi-live ta tlb ilîl uit Cd. Eveny day MilmîeOkLe Avenue, frtDu'Ib pea Ma t- Fiicely many. have Ibis lu-gin baga mlii hi- youns. Sie. tirai. vhether sPudMlen oealen e otentriu 1tsir t 13llz 1 -lilm am . hei t r etyo aeseeklng tepoe lu.Ceturea anti more duad aas oIC ri--tructedaiolo tf e uai trou wm peuinIint uhein ll;esmejpei-ieiave But tng. Tata mont torgivenuvt u ofsethat mpptuIercmt fai.u.estsî su-ha i-i i ie IgIteir-ion13ntyare pasi.toneumont the assurance a!of t!5.stppli pipes abâi» ruainorsb"hPl w ben I lends the fe glul n eltetitist ivinevavesrnecaas.Yeu wÂt theM ilw aukee Jsve li v , hum rn wheî tlu-di he e~fl n-t- t grat ivie lveant cai. atavau ute totifyiog or deadonai th e est 0 t@Urd along o, lisa i-r crrfulues of living and t te iitde Hi-uveuly Shepherd ta tike îotatn ui engqlkndo u.gSdmdf ui aio eo brdeep sirfr n the. Hevenly Funihenuu appres one- of Hiasbseep aud look afttr etar or matie alive lu spirit.Titis la lte Mlwaukee Avenue an islo iIl c ai. If thIs hi- the ietilng otthe- ft-an interalts. bath temporal anti iternaI. reetrrection promu lfor te New Crus- Libertyville. LskeCeuaty lnosàp Ilit ndleu the- precusar ot. thu- le-ud If sa. gooti. Youlire si-i-ing the vern ture--tie deatit praces for tihe old 111117 deécribe l un su erdiaauce îu * i-n10wldunaAs- prnter ftPar nu ru- hn hlGçll s-ue aglve. csetti Itin a ~matr, a.s téA o-andi apiartveti bythé e oaofToois~ er to. wasdthe Village tait God Iovpilnsed t i 'erence for the-Mtiiirbtv camp-i1lu.it Many are seei-ing viamithltlg else- Seoo-pofith. et rejolcing1lu tribulatIon.9' &ce it- a retu mm urion Mu Hiltesm aii-bng te have tome or self-wili andti pausofroing1rblton on the l7th dayof AIrit . AD.)'19~i~ knuwingitat the traiaind5tId u irî -eînivlhsmlahdl W te make onu- more thtaxaghlfut. more sulPe uofGoda a-il. sorne of in and !tcpisn re niirGd o.e.xitiec a sal it vila oSigefftlhb tomerai, more teouvtlnaut khey ferka va ient-e, are morktng out foi- tbe falli- lvîanasaowmeat for.es»Id tmpuÇ%tu cabttrful. mr ls, uleg o sn untîl. linuirty of hi-art. iheî fu 1IRa mre ln thal "fer more excesl- menti, illetI lu ihe officeeofth» gs- bfde b omitter N r vstv ay ii k i at w l h C o I la w l l g t ie n g a n ti ete rn al w elg t o ! g lory 1 p ro u'- th# C o u nhr C o u rt o f L a k e i O w ty , Comahy te Natit uy. Ail uof Godgifla unre hy grm-ilsed ta the EHI--the B ide of Christ- MlinoasJoue 26,1911. and iackuelU Jeas aaddressed the voda o! aur Noue of us civld c'hmathem on te Ib elnte K t gdom vltic- shrtly, mald iturt &- LberqjrIlié BuUde txi te Jema irbo. undteitartat- groanada uit iie ornmirit. Weetaniàot titrough thte pover eftihe Fit Resur- ismlmntem ofaer . pm bl. tien Of titi-Law gisuen hi Moe". hall keeip (hidi pentu-rt Law. îîat hicause hrttn.wl ieatt agosdlriS isem opft atcOipW>es a . heanet etDivnerlgtaaamca atiluton00exacting. but hicause we are dominion aver the nurtb. Thia ilafile and peifleax-ioosnov aiou flslaintise- the Divine no.atiemesofS a il ihose taluta We mer, houlu in. ehapen sîtla et arhttlwlh ia-afn f Iipiueta b w 1 Ice vauld cael i nmenjr t nb hi uiuty: lu aiu dld Our mothll-ncou- lng Messlah'» Reign e! a thoumunii Local lmuprveitete of " mmiivlli* -recagnizet ist.Justice. They vire de- aur fi-ah la weak, The DIvise arrange- lears, l i bleusfail.an!,titi eanth bûtinsi d .fsast a string ta hi- Hia pi-opte; they saii her ment et thia Gospel Agi-tla edaplti to lUlatians III, 29t-mul r itioafuea y ef Jeas; t t-ey hadltraveled pub h lm dtasi-nry condition enCdiiiaopen for We ceranot gin- tlasmessage la temn r t he offiî 1k.co U t eNlona au ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Hi icpe.I eirlmi he oist-hearti-t, the îoi-r- peul- vorn.i-en as Jeasa couiCnutdo se. BUdIr. ,,UbtVI@4,Il e4, - titiy hillevet inluHlm. To a large de- lenta. týti-oui-s tully determinedif- ll ite for lb2,h iu hi rpaqame maaeoipa t- ge iacptiU» cttro- rlgliteouaneaiîKtasn lathl' eauti or he wrtblti theis bla.nk ig u at . mae . Pm. k iffiudtteam risit a fnet*ei eoffi Von etiiiut.a h lerne d o ecenslderable degree. Thoe villaare tu pacesendi hé dte s adiffcuiyt aererle a "nu omsat nethu.t h-iate nl.g athe Most dangi-nona positioîn, perbips. ai the Board ait cLaèI lnprtoms u Preubi ti-n ae mim latile tha e IiFatber. ta se--rt-t.ln prît-ut-. Go are te ones&stho bave ne troubles La mAlai villaP. 1840 111 ru5d e attitude o! mimd lodaY-Ueu'IM IbIS set Ilu sr eon ome on menit onthe present Ile a nd.t. ierefare. o- Wtrgo detfl yaudience anC sorn n luIe lurgeroutil- worth. but lui the murît ofthéI e- ltcenIre ta si-ik the great 8rd . e"su w oir a i. r 9wmn o mno e mIllons wbIhh yl ieréeache de-mer. Go Su-tyuurali. clilmlng HUlem ndtlls hpw U Ibm ltertealofmtvetnsnuol1ttosiu0k Ifb itisht si-tatou ln the publIe ja-sa. 1 es your Advs-acte and apliuling LuI iraengli Hlm.wiu.ai o! te alet Loal 1 ofor an aus n aqI, mim"tstw< venu ue t ho-r hoe sion IeRis Naine for the fçrglst-nucs îuîoviddIno yen tuiat are rit-hi foriye bave ne- cen of the sggre*ste piI<o«Lv h- earts of tacilse t- e erHeasage ltiat hi Divine menty-la os cr ailitiltsin, ceivet yîur consuîltan. Wae aunio Bida allîho opineti by 1 lib$ard.ài. Jessisgave a thoe vkebeerd fil tthe rastunîd pravidi- fur ir]uîhli liyou that are ful! tr ye baIlbunKeir. Local ImPrevementu aOps atsm aVoici: '«Let net yonr heart t lrauhled;.piertionc unwlllingty youins ft eiiWoe unte ion that langis nowl a ,for clc py.,Ahiae2,191t l: ye belleve ln Cati. behivealoo inU*K.' ftture---n te the-end of thie way aaî aruaive o uays asiC VIllgoe Bllai MW -uklfl etOc tbl or n ee.WeutYDLibenijuvifie, Lake Cnat#,Illa Heur RHlm aytig ta unu odai. Ton I inng tbns.-mutas I'uIDet- -3iuunwheu ail min mhsîî speal veli of you! c ttr U ieplb<~CI alrsd bel-u t lmeOrelo su Hm Puet.your Advocatu wih t he- l-atbiur fr aidIhi-Ir fthera te the tan sueesment vwraatu1 pýayoI i*tdof fJustice. iotu alreuidy bave th. river- ..Wi- hove an .'dvocatpi- is'tlhile lFaproPhets" (Luke vi. 24-M8. làhrtyvill. Ope" olh sese N-o. 4,. ~ i- Sita ia.Tnnrardar aHe.Jsu(ibI tiliiiOt cripti'ma Mlaunderuiood. confirmued Ana 5, 1911, tepmebig odram near te Geul ion bave heund John IHl.1).Ltu -li ne sIthi u'ottvtue At the presuttiîm. vebave*l ayble lu one lntlhmsi. tisaI He bas sent Hf. tan Intoia tahe e'hmu utgrî iiluci-mîv'l. TtBoard of Local Ilprov*.55t world. Yeu bave beard thst tilde la a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rserv obRnmryst id i il nWO 4l 4p esto h odrerethe ighl ta rejt "auj"ai -#A vorlt. ionhave i-aidlitaIthi. am o taiment-v i-n (Il lnt viaui- iilui-tp6). re valit bitse Lar. nii dmi tereies bide as the icbtard amy eWt. e.manifestationuaf Ilis tl"avend sym- iayUneo i--l"tlIr-bil.11 ave laid ne apportutio! rispotui. Corpsneaoratcinubidîlna V pstiti fon yot. Ye bveboti v at il i sny 1tet uit- lt.tber il*.a 1 4 le hleoae baehadIt WhtIng ta taI cali. WIib h@sethougbtthelb. ivdual nui.ofaille m wleyuaecaudi-mned as Ilap«etcl.yen present yourmelt ln -ho- naine uoif a rvieifo elre.tsIcmalu ieeîpa rSi ni ll nott tUtllt.Jsa.d n uin a Jrserl-i Hm ibse unualleti millions are doome4 letabeir respective mdrtaumea@- toi f Diieproaviin bas boes inaUs for tisai yen are it-k ofsit ancdtideatinouns eeultrur.mttertii MSsans iu lle frue. ,. oui-rot-ovin ubhrougl h b$Budeemer. o!fHils rlghteontnee,,luni-ver> aai. pol aebe e~ cei~R. P. CHItAmBEIuEv Piau ni As yen beliive lu the ltd's Justice Tell film ot your appniclàtli-o? b a ud l%àa eaye rai _________ es t Cloriui au a-wsll i~ ons queiities etfElae Chanact! 5.and'1aabluatin ba dental,- of svertblng ii 1 boe îu a a 159 ý, lit yqiun deire ta lie au mut-h confort»- pertainiug la Clr>ati faItL. Al mai. of lii,. ont o! Lobe "_as untortiti 0ffilaRis t, eïo *-me i e d ta thal Oharactir au posmible. Teliagree tisaI ilt oulho ""vt nrusmo- crutcuto ei o~y Hi-VS silolu Me. 8he Mb.Hm thaltaeu nweu onhave ntiUOU <,able for lise Critor o! thtoe12 00- toier ltom A. D. 111,. at te R it aeul e. yon v tist orihY Of Ris cOuderidit. excepi' 000ta exrposeei'ta tisedasnger a! Pabst Breala. Cummni. a '. a.iding. Behieve thai 1%,v os Yeu. vhIch viii be tise covatic8t- fo ilghtstaiofpotuiity. fart &rW etDamaisH. MiuSilt. Auf e. uang fasfils Justies 'boeyt.bat j'Our prection.- Te»l Rm hi t Y 7U bise only terma of alvaties franc st. O. PuttiN. b»n iché ~ ila ll Umtce mud Lave Wtiti cParaitspr-mtent ymuraue ta litfied l>bfat. But then te gai tise correcttise NWOts£Csis fe rryour etarnul comofl 5ma blemmBltt ltite muit o!Christ ut bhél111191- Sriptural view Of tise tuttgr, MOU iLe"11Lst fdvlkab en If YOU yUl 5ccPt ttei »'P t«M eii; that ion desire te a i lig sac- taI lie penalty tapon tie" 1.20. Th le, qbt M&vtby" Uy Lun wlei 'iul rffle-to be faitul unie <bth ta oc Is, -"yiua bilscusalt di%." ud U06tte athenie* b«W Tite Fat-ber ktmyOls ro iu- HID, ta 1H1m Mesage lu thise and ihat 40 titipardUt-tal ai iyau.ret isdi«du N» bie, fie vishea ltaé, Ms= ta ho ta ail tise are, itis ioutaeklwisg la dfferenlt romt heir fathevu s t au.àmo&i CoMpbsfjiMmat t thers lantil yen shadh .SWid ta s lsthe flood wtulelte fitgiiotu. under. tiese mnecurese rsouescet îiîllf compltut la - 09 welt-unUil YODn miaitbec tfliii tu> Daily Dyng-Daity Lvng. dmt--he Adsi cdenaa. tise Cisauen mMe - Ly CYtab RiMt» Uit iOU -u»m 4dk Thses vha have scted uL4 hitots eseta iSrpuem tb lti mn otv eau, trouble&d, sd bpurqtse4&.unge- &aove dixuectioum o! Uie lmrds Word eDur Lord Jeunes "lii tishec et lGoCt a net e. ilg m tiinmtug er n.heusssn as d d wbo have thuslaieon accapte aOf tmted det1aitfor every maa-"to fie dydesulig ecoicilatioD' 14 MM- theitueFather, and begottan af thte f017 teseftilu due tli'e"(fielirevu14il». txie iouigy t ve Malle oifilo race. tjem Iîh 4c6wuteii Spirit. are ihincefortisNew Orestulie1 Timatisi Il, 6). Jesua, therefSr,lieuse a t- f~ pi a ~iip o lU pce tefute n Cris Jeus o tean"ou Ibuig sted deatis for ail tison ,2fl,00iO Cqut. i l M »làakIu9 provsion for Y11,; b 11111- have pameiiaway and iai tilnebave sud foraIsl tisir focmitlieu. e hbu br .Ix, et, Mt odilaml y our ueeiis,' XIW ê Iaginga, bit-amenet." Thier i8008 au DM 1givein tise rsntpxee ftolr gu? ansdmuWbi"lSeOpi au 10 ournecfliheHihéft ~ead Pi- ratblmii, lhcaume tbeY have lDRU"é as vell m faor c, ea.tiaChtura, suit amis b* vdd fle lth ter.wt*n4# Migiti ta 1tram deu!A unie f , framMi» Dth.dW reenitant blsasiug muet corne taeu' Wahpuulabm8w ne mye. If DivineJule .aatu ta favor ta Divine relalionaitp. #Au » as peU as ta nu. A.1s lflh. à* lhe 'a isguee, bbele5 *«M Dvine o! Go&-end "11cisllreittith in, Tih. comng bieslng laas cuseau A.laim . peq bp L»Ve.-aU ueO.sMtd,6 ls * iedet- bienOfaiGOpiand iOlut-helii iiith thîe rln-and-dA,'t!h c-=22= soller. - 1 -ý 21, 10 1