M, .~ 5.LI I ARE RAIL WORKER 0%aiid of Oblef of Hsrrlman Linos Ma.y KXun onu mental Strilie. Union Leaders Holding New Serles of Conférences to Decido. Eailways Willng OuIy te Deal, wÎth Pive Unions Sepately Involynd os INVOI.VEO IN MEETINGS IN : - SlAN FRANCISCO. j~h9~.W50ulf0ton Ral-road oý »d twgatonCompany, c Orsqaashort Lime., si andl.Terxas.Central. Ca e.......... .....12,000 * *Mbschinlue ..............70000 4 qoetwefms a.... ........ 0 e 81#wMmlthe .............2,000,c * Seet matai workers ...1,000 a TOtal...............,05,(M chi-ego sert. 2. - Tullus rtrutt Ocbltt, vice presidant of the Tinioù ?j*Cifto-d Sotieri.PPcifie rallroids, Wsn*Chsc that the ariman Unes wili »t dm1 wth anr federation o! shop Whether a trlke of the 25,000 thop. ýMegrs of the Harrman Uinet viii re- muteta wth th presdenti of the 4Erutionai jrjons Involysti. wIo ews or Mr. Krtteebntts gls*I retched Chcago the situation muha3v. te tifhélol1s1central waa ldâr o far ss the. threatened trike ahop mechanica vas con- gW execepfiat a coiferenre Poe- OM *' y bolheMner Tnaadav b&- tW*m ubon leadiiirs anti Preaident ýaOaMss ta»adhar attdempt Oc reach Mc. Krugsclintt's tateenent carne * ,sfsreàSof o!threheur and tiosyMiutes <fth cie! officiais of 00 aeitluc'nso Mechanicai era. 'Mis bIr cbttàins declInLe t tmake eus easmuet. Th.yattende" a meet- *0, saaterward wth olIcIaIs o! the gotoesihmet isop -mpulyeon the 1*051b8Ulie. t vas iaid bu, of- Illeil f.the 8outbazm Psiflc.how- MPW ,t *a MW ysibjec i dszased ldIâ r.sutlbntt vas recogiiton 4Kýth SiliraicsTho. demandfor 89 bm» lavages andi botter vork- « 5 400= won 1lgoesd. Viuift ler, wbo conferreti Ur. Kritsobaitt Vers J. w. o*9bisekauftika, J. ÂA-F'ran- *'t tbe boilemahars, . IlRucha.- M st t e shabbdnta1.P. Ryan or soix M »d ..P.Crans f h * matai oeÉers. They bave ne sine the blctn1ng of the. wureMs te avi a airike anti they mow am s*Oetua Miea eta, efeet, if bI_ýa compromisae, lu suau unoi ther rimdz tg as CA entral ha, refuseti demanda f£ 11i1ls'11011siopemployai vho have è0sa a tribevte.ý Iferuv.ern h a refumedt 10recog- Mm fedoratlon of 10,shopvorkers. OdaIof Rock Ilanad are holding deilY conferences wth representatives « Xff500 aop eniployeg gotng over ni;opcsed new achsetles Item by item. lfb" eloyils of t Paul ro,.d ar coorieutsgorgansation uoftiteir fader- atUM thb plan f demnanding recogni. C#WENT4S1ON_:RACT is LuW Wisconsn WoricnNo, Are sure of -Pamaffl If TIi.y Art Injureti. àMRdiso. VAS., sept. 2. - Testerday miaRzred. the. eginuing of the op)eration utb~e vorkn'au'5 compeisation lav lai Wiconsin b7 wich UN1 tate be n#Iée a system Of cornpulsory Indus- trial insurance. UPte tbis tlime sxty-oue Indus ral Cesecernis throughcut the mtat, lin- ilhyluaapproXlmately 20,000 men, hadt atpIed &aclýPtatnce of the ian'. Un- E e laR wolkrnen are madie sure ti f opsaiory damages ln rase or laffl yanti their dellendentas ure of li..eftta ln case of death. *i *The Ceet Btl or reileve tbe Chiid whoe *P ChQbblg on the iece o pidone $*mse.. Se soon madie hlm cuugh np «Xpv rlered the fattier must have *Tes; . ti octor matie hm eough tir tbe dough too.-BaltimoreAÂmerican. Tht W., iffs,.snt. *1 hope YOU viiibeliers me viien 1 f41 rou t yenarm the only girl 1 The autminn scason opens with a large display of the newest styles in a wide range of the favored colora and patterns. Iu anticipation of an eairly demand wc are prepared with the season's newest style ideas. Every department iii ur bright and busy store is ini tunle with the spirit of- the coming season. By ail meana cpme and roarn around, every section shows new ideas full of interest to .you. FailCoats surpassaI Pces. 54 inch long twoadcloth coats made of fine grade chiffon broadcloth wvith guaranteed yarn dyed -silk lining, finely tailor- ed, latest model, cornes in navy, gray and black, special at 1500 AUl WOOI Serge Coat -. Made of-fine smooth fin- ished, flrrn-grade sergè that will wear well, sat- in lined throughout. 54 inches long, plain taior- nmade, in n a vy and black onlv, ail sizes, special ,at - 9095 il* orme. Coôme and(lsee thern and get an idea of the beauty of the style, and the striking individuality . the designers have giveni to evcrv uine; the dresses are made of e±tra quality of més'ialine silk with beading or silk lace trirnming, :4 hlee igh or low neck, ini a evening150 shadeB uiéluding white ait, each. ............150 Beautiful cmhbroidered or coxbination trirnred, ail wool dreses, plaited skirts with plain panel, high waist effect, kijnona sleev'es, shown in al colors and 995 l sizes at, ceach............................. 1.9 A lamge assortment et wômen'as elrtii madeofo serge, fine pananmas s.dndile,, soin. .01k embroldered: .9 othersnBeatiy trimmêdeowla.teach...... Neëw FaUl Styles i ii Sweater Coats Women 's ail wool sweater Ail WooI Worilted S1weat- coat s knit of higli grade or Coat-In ail the new- yamsin painand ane est, and nîost deslirable ~a~s i lainan facy shades and weav'es, with style, high neck or shawl large tumn over eollar or coilar, the îîew fail shades, shawl collar, extra heavy, special î1098 at.............4,98 at .............. t... Cbfldren'a percale and gnghcm dresses, noeiy trtmned and 9c well made. sizes up t 14, specia ai. ecc .......i.......i8 Ciidren's new fali dresses. dark colore ln a great varlety of styles and patterns. ail zan -_ _-.9 at. each . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .1 4 Cblti' ail 'wooi serge dresses, niceiy made, perceft fittIng. 29 ail eliss, speclly prlced at, each ............ ...... ...... 2 9 DeeI dComct. Ladle's Serge Suit - Made frorn the finest grade of serge, with guaranteed satin lining, finest of workuianship, perfect ftting garments in aIl sizes and Moors, coat and skirt are ratherý simple and quite tailor- ed looking, mipecially îrieed at, cavh 16V58 Broadcloth Su i tsa Strietly tailored of Uine iîiportcd chiffon broad- eloth, lined with, guar- antecd satin, decided el- cgant garnients that will suit your fancy, large range of colors to choose frin, very sp eeci a at, 1 0 each ...... 8 Attractive New Stylps in Misses' and Chi1dren's Sweaters Flu Dresslai Sacques Made of fine fleeced velour Ilannel, mediumn colora in the latest design, at, each . .. 49c Misses' new style sweaters in golf rcd, oxford 'Ail wool sweaters for the littie girl for school gray and white, all the la t-t wear, with hîgh or shawl collai', est style ùnprovement&,, - ail colors, wcavcs and sizes, spe- 9 c pniced very speeiat at, each ..... eial at, each.................... Congt Cever Fine naisook mualin corset covers, lace triin- O mcd, special at, each..io New Hand BaSadiFi Fower511 im dlreS,50C Opportune. Ofoetngs laAt. ia s,,F I F o w ar'ad75c: tractive New styles Ladies' Red, Cross 9bSo - Large assortment of ladies' W ar na8rmn Large assortment of seal, lKnown as the urost <lomf ort- new fail shoca constructed the carry and assorteno walrus and alligator, leather able and stylilh shoe, made fom ail different kinds of tenwstudceratn licdhndbaa al h lt-[in ail leathers and styles lethrewt coh rcafgirdles for your chooi lndhn s, l elt with high and low heels, new 0.vahr iheot rcl n.elty avr srn est shapes and,,~ tops, plain or with tip foe, ~~g hr savr to -1--i - a - 1 ____ -e *J- styles at trom l$1 to 5.-0*%"' Beautiful New Satin and Velvet Bags-Nicedy Iined, with inside purse, richly trimined, round and square, front 75e up NEW SVEDE frANP SAGS-ilIk em- broirered lu tan, brown, gray and black, round shape wlth vide round trame andi silk cord baidie, apecial at, eanh ........ 50C ready ý%t, pair .... 4.UU Our Une of ladies' $2.50 shoea 18 the beet and largest in the county. In thia lot you'il find the latest lasta ini patent and duli leathers, button and bin- 92M50 cher style at, pir.. also in silk, velvet aud su- ede, ail sizes, spec- iaily priced at, par3efW A la r ge assortment of misses' shocs, low aud med- ium hecd, in ail leathers and styles at, pair from $1.25 t o...30 of. g deuiand for these beautiful articles with long ailk .tas- sels which give a touch of el- egaxsce to every gown. Yc>u w il11 flnd every possible shade represented in this as- sortment. The tbest hune shown anywhere at,75 each 50e sud ........75 Fat 19-11 -SiIks, Dres Go.ds and Suitiuýgs A Showihg that embraces-,ail of the Latost Style Ideas Black 51SUR Corec t Stifor Fait and Wliate ALL SILI< MESSALINE6-36 inches vide, extes heavy, aot 'gti fine peen-de-sole finish, deep Jet back, very special yard ..... ..........10 SATIN DUTCHESS - 36 in- chas vide, a great favrite with Porlsla.a dressmaiers, beautiful nlcii flnlah lu jet black. nquie for vearlag gneayard ...1.25 SILK JERSEY CLOTH - A speial beavy fabrlc sultabla for cocU anti dresss. 8lu- che& vide, very soft.,vith ine peau-de-s. finish. vear% veilianti looks wIvei WWIelaî yard ..............15 $#ka 811k poplin tg one of' the favorites lu alika, tlisifi». .11k warp fa'rie vith iilgb lustre finish anti trong firin véave le bounti ta menit your tau satisfaction; colora are just splendid andte 0'0efoun I lji a vide range o! the latent faiS shade; vldth 27 lu- ches anti the. pece extrernelY ff loy at, yard................... 50C NtADOLA POPLIN-Ha, leea favoreti dur- Ing the put aaan for- Ils unuenl vearlag qusllies anti sutabillti for street a, WIBll as evelng Wear. t la a comblnAtion veave o! fine vool ant i 51k vbh givea It estrenoth anti body. Il bus ltse afpara=0 eOf!Ia Pure silk fabric, la soittand pliable, 42 laches vIde, anti cornes ln aua desirabie aew -fali anti eveing shed«. , . yard ................... e5 AL.L SILK MESSAILINEU-.f courae, viii he aboya preferace for party MAntive- ntag dressescome nises thi e jtafu Uln. o! 217inch afne satin Dutobmea eti mes. salines; a large range of the mont desirahie colora, lintilng Hetty Green anti oor*i shades, uo popular for trimminfli OW -best quaity ever ehovi in at. yard ...................... 1200 Speclaiattention la buytng vwu given 10 the lins o!ftires. gootis that oel t $1.00 per yard anti vo have procuredtheii best Pou- sible aIl vool fabrica la 42 te 54 inch ii itha to h. had on the .ipaket. Hsavy storma andi coatlng serges. tshe et you ever mcv for the money, -gi stand aur corniserion. Ouir beavy stoçk o! FYenth serges, panamas. at- lu soiles: mohairs. dolnals, auna veil- Ing, satin prunella andi voiles, ase noveltY fabrlcs, whlcis repr«ect practlcallY ail tiat le aew in colora, veaves andi finishlaunusur- passeti la quallty and velety aI th prie.. 42 inchiwooi taffetas Are vorthy o! aPeo. lai mention tbers. Thia uew fabric hau h.. coine very -popular fer Ils splendid vearlug qualties. ,Itla1 very bard ftnsie.vIishedi tiie tant alcely, dosa not wrinkle, iciily fin- laheti, autabie for diresaes anti mlta, ahôWn in 'bisc, navy, maroon, cadet, tan6 Yd. 451= Neyer before wau there shova a larger Ws sortint of ail yood fabrics, 86 luches vide, andi la go vide a range of dIffrent ftbri0g anti colora as v. are shovins nov.- This prix. lot comprises huntiretis o! Pieea loi ail yood, mohairs, Freach serge, tor serges, panamas, vool batiste, cashuee etc.. etc., n an aimost entiieas varlet.y oi feu abades vhlcii enables una tomeet 0 every damant; prcet at. Yard oaiy.. Trmhg Our stock of new fal dresatrimmingtiscom- plets uow. 811k fringes iu &11 colore, -beaded fringes aiid biund. bail fringes, 011k embMil- dered bande lu1beauti- fui uew detigm are the favoritem, for, oxng corde 5411 ho usd ex- tensively. It yul psy you to look ov -ou lino before buylngyôur fali1supply.' N6derate Prime W~A.qu. end M".t8f, L Yolu early personal - inspnection is -wcl- comed without importuning to purchase. t. - 't - la lia w BRU ]BU bave cri vbo >re Fox lake te murd Chicago tounld lu morning. Tlhe là hile i.hl * as ita I *ly Thoms ticeti b> ibdIng the Fox George the Fbx mobile i cO0unty m Mse oaui t.fr ne entier % a Chlci -t-* sy the *car bai * days tl * roundeti station. lutsta victeti à Hows imard, C etrom r nersîro anuderst te the ha las8 leu. eh a varri Iading jIng a Vas nc A na to othe esUeti mn r Wlw Suftiags New Scotch SuitingB, rough weave, two ton@ effecto in gray, wine, cata.wba and other new colora, very elegant for new coat euita, 54 inches wide, at yard, 1.25 and............ 1,75 Fro.ach Aoeplame Suitini The lateet produot in soid color rough weave suiting, thiB fabric iB very flrm, though rougli and heavy appeari.g, colora are navy, maroon and hunter 's green, 54 inches wide, mode-Qfl eratly price at, yard ....2 0 Imported Irudeloth Imported chiffon broadcloth, 54 Inches wide, short nap, *ine, French fIlnuhb, hown linblak and nvY 'bine offly, an eztraor4ipary la value et, yard .............. .........2 5