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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Sep 1911, p. 4

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l nb»Ke No. 1. &tftors eakeabM ý le10 P. lf. Lý Xî. u neg SOMRPTION PRICE 01.60 PER YEAR STRICTILY IN AUVA14CE Wý-f KH. JUST...................................... ............... .... Editor, ",IY IL. HUBBAItO......... ............................................. City Editor, FRIL)AY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911. CHINESE STtJDENTS IN CONFERENCE. The niajority of our readers wouild be vastly surprised If they couid drop ln some dlay on the sessions of the Chinese student conference now being held at Piinceton, N. J. The Amrcan impression of John Chinanion le derived almnost sotay from the I&sunci-ymnan. who shufies aiong the streets ln hie wide trousers with, thle silence and furtiveness of the Oriental. The type of Chînese atudente that ne s&cs t any cf our large universities le as diîNerent tram thi. as the ordi- nary Harvard univorsity boy la trom the average Polish farm hand juet over trom Rnasia'a 'plaine. Nearly aIl the laundrymen corne trom the mout struggllnq lasa of labor- are ln a few provinces of China. The atudents are mestiy the sons of wolthy moreh"ant nd are backed by pielity of money. Conacquertly the Chinese student le very muçh cf a dandy. He @ponds 1!,Ï"cy lavishly on our choicest tasllera. He ha* Epcurean supper parties tj qiit i taurants where he touches elbowa with the dress coated QmàsK Set. 1 .lKe18piiysicaily as clean a type of manhood as you could flnd oiotalde a ma*ssurists parler. Every hair. le brushed Into Ita proper settlnq, the aharp tises..of hie trousera are direct front the tallor'a frIm. With this màrked dudi-hness, there goes, as la not cormmen wlth Amern. anyoth, an intense serouanéesaln werl. »The Chinose student la not an athicte. He came te this country, not to knock littîs balle in tiie air, but to ;ýt«ke baek rich cargoes ef American scisntlfic learnlng te maire hI* country4 ,4anig again. -And se whiie hie American lasmate. are runnlng bases and ittlng in ham«mks ut aummer hotels, John Chînaman, Bachelor of Science, le readlng !80nmn papers et the Princeton ronference on modern learnlng. Hie audîtara IlMnIstetntly, sated ln solemn route, where they took thoîr places on the sec- ýwnd that the cdock mnark ed the hour. tln spite of t ha fsct that thsy have %Vpalthy fathersa t'home, thesa tboys Q4klîke dItch diggers. Tliéy combine culture and industry, two qua[Mo* 1 ,--WiIch whon unlted curry a man' yery fer. '. QYAL ELECT91C COFFEE -MILL- " t i.. jutiRw.bv ELEOTRIO <1 FEE MiLL. ii magâla s laeqipW witi s"stelhva whluèý Ct thie bersy li eimo ly ul lA Ud CreslaNM ,as hee ou i.ý mleutae t cat, sewug ilhe Con DaIt&oe, thas imaipsiag tiMm » yhiuw poeocs t»a* .0tiab. roé W, esuuteposutid tCa (1ýk thés rabdma ite fine., rich. aremaLtie Raives.' ijis u. orn se 9-wImwy a pound.M in eff bse m' a isud viimsa* feues, do' M. e fen bpsmor e fastutI wày. 2. vaca"<.22 Rs Ili h.qs% ia$ésofs ai h »Ve er ftouainli 4Arnidieteaof thmis llar il b" ave Cuffaebt as fiasse tise finsat*Msuf t i. vho adaptable for percolators DngCffýee potO. Try a pound of our çoffee cut on a Royal Mil1 id.we &now yen 'viii 1e pleaaed with the resuits. Vin W lron, Liertyville, Vm W I Lnd LINOIS 'Poftid! zwit ai lesmebtr ranao end linerlani bns èéy n n remnto firats ogr cont- - _d "TA.80RB.t TAt Cà , .Mde" We waoîyat e kuowthe sanidon ahat want té e "suIdA 2= -t o m utslk orenmt te esud tive yen soi" Hom 5,vber Company LIYETVLL, jILLINOIS 10 oila hsOfc' and. Wb.,lK isto bêeOGfy sucicesior cf t Many Ornain.ite U in fthe Hair Dux Chales Kursman, a Ne liuer, '.ho alwi.ya con*& Paris altlt detalled liten the thinga acin.eaivar, day on the Kaiser Wlbl blithe narrative et thé are ta core.né.e unfetti tbat tItis fan, vé '111b thé Split stdrt. wblcb ls trérne trorn tbehébbi down thé front that reve thé anklés andi glves nee attention to hoaiery, anc faîl gowua, hé sald, are tc rélereuce te curves. TI Ue bas départeti. Fuira anti Ises,] quoth tashion. al] hé ,ancb Vélvita trlmhéed wltb I vérsihié plada wul bhéth fer morulng wear, andifoi partie". Velvet ou sat with gelti and alîver. aIl rect thing for atternaouuo évéhiug thème' '.111 lié vêt on satin or mousson elaborately trimméd gold tissues, cçx»hnlud 'lth br toneorbéada. Mtadams train wlll poitd, and thé aboIee te get a simnple, rloli, ei nation las whlch thé hîza etrlklngly rnlssing. Fur hé éverywbéte. Large vélvet hais, tr ostrlch téathers, are al vogue- 4iccerdion plattéd or Plecés are to hé In evîi large band bag. le ahi mové the funture or a« Upen occasions Win] stil -Milady la tu give s tion te ber hair. She banda. çrowns, caps and méats in wbich cloth ort ver 7111 bavé a pr(,miasént Proteot Food Prc Food that laeéxpositib foodi soretimes hécomnea thé hOiaé unless cane la1 tect It. frotu thé danger dlnt. This. la eapeclally1 Nian>'cases eof.lntatj iamonig babIes are due to cornes dangerouls anti n -alter thé eUik»Iafi hati 1 dean. 0f course, thé ira, Its' Iles aitb thé dalr, ceuntry anti- thé dealer But asaurngn that both c vie, M s itoh ki, tî& forpemer lrnqwht, ýo be Worn i rlar rllgbcte l ring th an t 0oit to' ýfflpUP the Pue, iaU Ming thebt wtrnA ta lire oueliWtlee.~ »011. Thin hO.»tol»* perbapa becs.uae,,, - thInoé hi )lWi 4Wman lt wned-imü]6 Ze'. York JXil- out a watch 9sasys: inatinfabut ««y dun't I"w abat politîca imarnas returneai te- m o- terIl i atb a 7h54 l Ii iu. He doean't agt tashlons that.ter a '-hgx* ypu', but boîtea Wyl* éd the secret a Q ie " Ind le &one. have '.lth ns duldpt thé other ex- Justt abat Rcréaentative Shurtléft Il la a spl4t poltical stfbitioisf are, no ooé ne ms veala much oret xcf1y. Last %»ek, dnrlng thé poli. td tor spécial ci shoes. Alitical p6v Wala at Camp Deneen sd te hé eut wltb thé races, ait ]a»e= asin bai rhe, strnght was. launelictite mrn State ful! tiRichard J. Easy fr governar. ILts lu épys et t.athered, sq»i UtW» said, by a lea rurs, anti ré- tien frétu Mtiuiénry couoty, and thé, te reai thlng schém$,,w sjwhlapered, was a "teel or automnobile ér, te asé, WhMtbeBarr mlgbt net hé, tin, trimmét derce frm técogsina il1 ba thé cor- 1ercefo h cnrsoa z. And ln ttie race. Thé wlly ones lookéd aise anid, brouaded 1i.-hI- hpereti: lite, or elsé "Shurtleff bas cougressional ambl- I or horcaddtiltos jrIlant rhîoé- ns Shnrtleff hlmael did net attend thé hé long andi Pea aw es at Véék, but bie t!ténde effort '.111 hé aéré numbereti arong the Woedateck leffaut cembi- dli ir bats a e te "What la thème ta this Mcliery trimed ithcouAty boom to mun Barr for geveru- lmm ed witu or?" thé fermer speaker wasa akeét. 18e ta é lu 'I kno'w notling about l" he ré- ruizieti néck Pilld. «'Sainad le t8It.' ance, andi thé "la diète auiything ta thîs report leh oné iii» that yen mnal rua fer congrénasr a m"eet >fit Neyer.béant e1 It Den't teow that b.ela vitt . 1amn seing-te rue for anythiex." ie '.11 wcar "Will yen support éltber Barr or il ather ern a- Cepley'1 !gold Pail.1- 'l do't know abat politics meaus.11 It Partlc.nrly eive htRers ýom Dit etative Sharteff, whether or net lé 1 te etréet dust time, ailb, a candidate for n-déc dagéros Buttien ai thé aprlng prlrnarlee. A bitter takea te pro- but uinauccesatl- figt waa inmti eus kindu ef againstt hlm by the Deneén-Coplay trui ot mIalk, forcés .at thé lust primrales andGcar- 2mal dilseases ndlsebsbrétrley mll that: be- ednt shoeeriry ifit tom food F'rlénda of Mr. Shurtîéf ln Elgin loft i; at thé salti that hie vsit wasa iurely a huai- et résPonaibll- neas one. He caléed ou' teprogent.- rymaa la thée "e la thé cîty. tv . .Shephérd bitai'., hé [oIt tse of ti.ue have city.- 1 one thlr tuil dty snd havq deliver- éd the mut dean and sale t Tour déor, It thon becomea yonr duty te 1t"p It ne. Here are nomne of the thngi that yen ahasulfi do te proteet Your owa mllksspply., 1 PrsOvlde a covered box ln a cool Place where the milk wlI be protected frem Sua and files. Id-"warm weather take thé botules ln as gSon as possible after delivery. Wash the cap and entslde ef the bottle wth dlean, coidwaSter. Thon place ln thé Icihox which Shoffld be kept dlean ain the time. Do net kiep onloin, Rab or othér tood Products ahlch lmPart thoir bavor to milk ln the same compart- ment, DO fDot remnOve th# mllk troin the IcebOx until Yeu are ready ta, use it. Takéeout abat may hi needed aud te- .Piace the bottle on the Ici at once,. Wli he i lk bas been uned. w4sh the bottie Ln botins '.51er, and keep In a lesariPlace util takén hy the dealer. ,MII& absorba ltnpurles of aIl knda andi cOUects bacterla wherever it la exposed to the air or placed lunu.- clos" vessels. Sorne of these mayu hé the bacterla of certain contagions dis- eases. otiiers may cause the digestive troubles whlcb kil go many babies durlng the Summer montha. The dan- geroun germa thAt get Into milit cul- ttply wlth aiment Incredltable rapldlty go long as thé milk rémains warm. KOePlng saik cold retards or délaya thelr grewth. This meaus that thé twc Important thîtlF n lu ring a sal e milk are tant it must be kept clean and cold. A LivelyGoitoat Théerail and tic laytng content St -l" txew ralîrSesIat Thuiday caned 00alderable, éxitément. go.much se la tact -that thse juilgus htftatoti te anheunce thé wlnner but et the igat moment gave thé honon'. eC.,H. rat- ten. Thé other contestant, W. R. Comtort iéd a prcots and thse pr«,- dent flot wlll$gg tp put ln atuotisér Snch otrennouà'day»bas 1cosesnted tui divîtté thée-honbra bictetaat rvit bad the honor ef laying thé birst tie Sud rail and driviug theé tret spike. 'rwo carloaLis ef rails have bien laid td spktballastlaécgpcésd ddtuamatérial Ioamsrini tially whicb la costlssg the censpany $1,000, a day .-Wauconda Le-adér.' (3ood-bye, Grant! Thé éditer et an exchange, wbo bas héen toîlewlng Uic printing huai. mesfer usany Yéars. had thé folloa- îng te sas: -The boand cf Lincln will probably appearon thé ne' siIver hait- dollars. A huit of Cleveland on the nDew ten dollar golti oertîbleat, andi that Of Grant on thc fitty dollar one. W. hope wé wlll sot slght or Lincoln Doea Spgd thon, snd may occsaloeanyi scrpe acQuaetance witb Cleveland,. but good-bye. Grant, andi Qed blésg Y"u.., OnBR X ORGECff Detective Departlnspt o! the City Believes Organlzed Gang Has Arrivkd That a, gang oS cléver torerg have Invadéti Joulet, aed liai they are pro pareil te, flod thé City wilh bogns paper, le thé billet eof*'thé dtetIve départmeet (et that City -Mdthé esait o! Complantets iIsafterneomlt liat thrée We ichecks hati beén tacelvéti by the Italien Unien club,. CGl4»is strét. 'Rays thé Jollet lieraIt. Thmee men paséd the checks réa- tértia>'attirnoon. -1 E lxtensive Opratians Plàasned. Thsy had provide th«tbsnsséw ath. a snet fruhhér tamps ad altus thse" bad. placed théenana e tt *lsiMOPrls- Reynoldis toostructl,0 tStsllIsy on. thé bsks. Such a-, epa.y 'J i Ut- know'a bre and ne. Scacr et that namé bas tunds In thé ielit National liant upan ahîch tsat é wfl dra'. It la not tacan ahether tiser liécks wéré casheti or net, but'thé police dé- Ilivé that additioual cemplaints ivil be recelved. Warning la lpmtad. -Thé tact that thé men uléc a mub- ber stamp ludîcatés te L, b. police that théy bail planuetit eaéhem oui a large seale, nsing 4l.amatis 0f dit- férent.irma ta éuélony It [s hélleved thée13155k cWs waé» Oecureti but ,lt 16héllay>d tat théy ware stolén tram the lbyb of theé 19. cal Institution. Chief et Police Daje rti $? nnue lauéd a wa-PM»& M 5 muen of the Cty to tbewa hâlt eut for Cheécks of tutuS sert' te ofi toeu cahanyunutîl teyar.saurG that thé>' are good. Ilold'Annu-al Pionlo Witli thé llght eoftlse di y1a Apu»6 thein andi rocallîug stfrit liclist eoftisé early history o e h bait I idérnbers <o! the OId Swttlér'> ich, e Kanocha Ceunty gatheké4,t adt flckýo 1+1î» Tharaday 'ofr 4hil'qlbié1l- uiin.. Wbé w thér jaa aptiod h tise réunion thîs yeal- sud 15 bon S' 07élit, raofetpeoplé5 papb5SqO.ty élit)W frthé anual reimjçe' It*W -4Is Ot theé largéast road.l~ h,-. ao thé>éqiaou hégrovxd tPruitietiIbni sélesiîthé &tctthet tb*yl'~bs 4éesi o f ethécoutpy és 5or ep e Staty yéa rsPt*ieél± eOS*t éVery toan n lutý» Çkphty 1'q Izý atodance andd c y ou»'rn b 01 dstmilés te al$m14tétii* éeT. ibre aas a l ijte ala pfa rtrta Racine et té crly settlers ~ Q milty dLakecou, 1,s* e'tr fer thé day.-K04b"ca t / ]Rea 4e they nu malte li penn. rmmaanel whéré do they ani.'? lit'là a Queistn évenT moiber t bas tI tijslted Wtlsaboas héardanti«o.;- the -ltter halt of ahîi, 't lia- xbslcb hothéra ovethse aufltle*pi -We othe peals go l!Ws kowas? tu.iUnote Rtam bgnra iscqbroute pennies in 1364, wle ýiéSA nearly luis million ef then T-he hav'emcbact ln bin foi y coltitlag cotir a lutteé ovér thirty egt Ilcesnsesôeohené ln thé w I th t*e1i,816,483»56 bronze penala, toi luS Itgivos an average of 20 pénal-ies; o 4ity Mart, w0vntn al a ebilîtihtnii. Ugled States. . We have«n't eythlpg lIke 20, po. eais splee. o thé concluiotn Id that very uaany et thènse mlslg penuiet, are hoeleaaly lest. Théy bave dils- aPpeared, lité the pins. »Ut asher the lest.peunileaare Ilia thé babIees' lants or thé néasbays' pockets, oir ahether thé babies bave oaalowed themi I la qually lntereat- estleg te ane how'OnIjcle Samn matn, facturés thé toua&Cof pennies hé tuus1 eut évéry year. Théeidio t of'PblIadelpli, . mont of the pfaies:aremaoie, buys1 ra'. coppér ln lnoes.or pige and i alIs of zinc anmd tin. Eech penny la threq tourths-cepper andi one-fourth 511Wt of zinc and Otn. Thei métala ara 8utý laaegraphIte orucîble la tItis r', portion antimelteti. ilin thse Penny métal la penréd lnto mnoulda te bar#- en lute Ingots about thé ase ansd shape of pouud-cakes. Thé Ingots are taten colti anti fiai- ténéti la rolte, abence they Cone la strlpa -just as tblck as a penny, four1 JnChée aieandi twe test long, Thé strips are thon ron lotos stahnp- loir machsine ahlc cut out round plécés ot moitai est the siséet a pen- ny. Thé plécis ent ont are called blanta Tlhe next operation le te put rima on1 ,thein, wbic la donc by a presing xns' chine. The rîrnied bîsata maT hé taralals- id and I drty by thia tîint, se thé unet thleg te do la to aasls thétu. This ls doue b>' chémicals atidla calleti an- neallng.11 Thé brlghl, nea blanks are nea réati>'te hé stampéti as Lincoln Pen- nies. Thé duata are shovéliti Into a bepper whlch ots -lIté a hora os pleut>' narro'.lng down at thé botteun oe thé blanks dan go bute thé pr.egs Coty one at a timé. Thé steel diés aldi Jheb. hck andi face design* on thin. prises togéther vith tha bisais betaéia thern anti thé bit o etsétlil squeézed loto thée'.old of thé coin- pletéti Penny. Prom tlIaI stausplug machine thé pennies go upon a travelIng belieo couva whlch -movesa lewly aieag tayels, aI whlch it thé sortlug girls. Thésé girls Pick eut théelrnpirtéct pennies. -Thé final opel-atlon la théecutn boards." which are arrsngéd '.ltb paralel chaunels lu thîrn.. Thé chais- nets are just as aidé as a pénny andi mast as deep as a penno- Io thlck. Thun men shovéel thé penie on thés. boards, eslng a actteslug mo- tion. One on twe duft atrokes, anti a shate or tac, anti al thé chainéels are fled. The pennies letIone top are sli off anti thée, Isard la lével tuil ef. Pennies. Bacht boardi boldo exactly 1,000, or $10 wortli, These are dump.- éd Ipt< baga holding froin $10 te $50 ln PennIes. tieti op anti are ready tb sénd out to hanks. Look tur thé bla black tee t-The Lyr Theatri-on the Fair groundi. J. T. At-readers oomehoine.ewnersas a mnatter of course-fer théy GET IN TERESTED INT H11 PROPEaTy, ,PE<W98171NB IN TRIS CM, Madl tWIfICl.ERN, thinga about maeaastate. 010 E WR I S0iNCK BLQDL fu a Ho" »ad, Stop Payktg R.ei Pegens a 1e pleas su« d wiobmqa itr sud f-- ppr -. ue. bAmmoiew, ud Fi"s. lahm DYMOND & AUSTIN Ph.... 2 010e. lS l Gu Offis* WE'LLBRING IT! s arge oSderof Coolwiil bc I ~IIIIMmes Our Way im esolicitsa trWaiorder fi= you. IHome Lumb ér Co.! 1iS"MM 2Oth CENTURY M~rureSpreadeir LS THE BEST MONEY MAKER ON A FARM FROM iANC )M.týNk itTo k Blunlai,; mQlti.ucb"it Wbla"a!,tyen a-e zsg ié hil If yo totmobile neétia pera.. Wî '.11repaîn il se that it la * -0Od as' U0a-',W. gns4etés Oeur srk Our cnateesers arealunai' alia- #.d wlti out aé*k anti wlih our priea. 'o alflb.stistetil you, sentiyonr rrt hé.', bhiésca vo deunly gobai Vin. Layçock, Co. eil oMm*43941 RR~S* J i. v TRi Q - YNTAl GLM

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