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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Sep 1911, p. 5

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Libertyville lng this wssk at bis bome bers. Hdolo (Il £U y Ô6infbet * k ,,g i ~~a.ké ~ ~ liOve Tiffany of Antioeh, la vsit- H el-Io, O leta ~1o? Y~ s p~ A N pIe ~ * ~ S 5 W V d W 58 4 0 W f4 g W n ' t lna t t ie hom e of M i ss M abe ls H igg n s W e edgonl. I 5 VVih ' b~e I4 gs oW, Iht~ ounlet se ofweohe*~*a flqs iI P-e .1s1llClark of Urbrna, Ili., arrivsd Where have Yon been the last five "Op bar ,, bail somel war,si7 fiow o s fator of he ouldsfttIqa Coinpang at dai 8nday fora tisa week, visit with roia- me.ain ctivo. boers. jours. kno is no number on hou@.' .mpaov mode raffge Earl Bntterlleld of Springfisld, III. la ,0,av ban op bar noti)akota Wer o o bI'o, r>e* .... ... ... ... eWeatiîei. Borut tSM44mgeW ldIltiiwi, (o 'ndiDg a tiweeks vacation wih bis 'Oieredoyu u ju e ,wouId not ije ifficul Iyou Iomnisji, #noiWitI. reports each dag wiithe Iorecast of parent@ bore. ~~~%ej '~re iomn Ve wegh<r for thie coming tweaitgufor Iiours and have wtbr.Wifas oayraaM.v iddtnyo lcea wîh. ft18r0I.... th. Wiî.. a cofletu t et i4. snd at 0. F. Butterfieldaà. taiink.' vuRy L4sy W* r*Iprýduehors a cut of each flag and balow show wvhal each flag indicates Misses Estber Hui and Ada Poile o ai l Haidd yo t 'Why don't you trade wlUsM(ufqaM to keVra îtok ofMet. linteii,"0'Rt ayo a )day ban no gon o 8 ndiav and Fre&ericls-Tell yaiiwhatyonwaiD ~i~tprl od&d No. 1.ý No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. South Bond, lad., isere tbe gnemsof Mr and MrÉs. H. J. Poile dnring thre past ianyuu do; try a ponnd of our colmi bat! , yeU tle rlor. But to keep week.r togloune .*à1 en~ka' od tbronihgb ifiut In a raiiy tîat n*tted beve runn in the "Da tiret jar da rain and bail eut j iIthere il thât CUTS thie eoÈ1sé,. Deq o gut6 laa slgbtb anlnth inninge, the Ilmblers avery timg off da ground. Crei.jFe ih 1 but In J..-..li..Jbeat theo Wanlkegau teainlast Bunday. ýcIt 4Fe"d -1 W@ >4&Smart pltcbed a very creditabîs gamo 'Da second yar d'a damn grasshoppeem' lair if dem nt uSaut Dakota. tt't' Whte Blue White and Blsck Black and for tbe Ramblers, oniy ivo bite helng Yump da dlaim. .n utiufite? 1F Ffag Blue Flsg Fiag White Fleg made off hlm in spite af thre poor supportintW n e-* No. 1, alone, indlcates fair weather, stationary temperature. bo recelved. The score: "Ay gay ta may ilie, dailàat , 'es, anly the ane nows" No. 2, atone, Indicates llra or snw statioisry erau.M . Iwth No. 4 above tl,ndicates fair wsth.r, wArmer.kHtt-Ramblere aine, Waukegan Oive. lallers and ay tell dais ta mav waïfto N1. with No. 4 below it, ndicaies fair w«th.r, Colder Errore-RPamblers eight, Waukegan A8YtuhmwegtoIlniad Phone 25 PIone 3 N. .witli No. 4above it ilcates ain or snowi warmer. Svè. otRubessx Wuea A a abnw ot liosadgo to C etadFredericlc.and b" li No ,wtl No. below tf idcales ano snow, colder.Src u-abesixWluga we go ta Libertyville, isat bain da, best Poundi steel cnt eoffee and Il dett bias No. 3,wth No. 4 above it, ndicates local rain or enow, warmner. ten. town an da map; ay flarclar bain gain god drink, ay skal be tta. 3Owlub No. 4 below i, ndicatea local rain or snow, colder. Bases on bslls-ltamblers four, waute- ta be big fair ln town an ay ban goli Yonrd; trnly for ail tam, - Thos. interested in these signass we wossld sbls. Cutting oui this piece gan ive. 4 ta 2, tbis ratites a ils game end wliliOEXU M pathmper and ke.p for future reference. Two base bite-Johnson, B. Bock, U8W, Tbree base is-MeM&annig.r Battorles-Itamblors, Smart and L i B E RTY V I L LEnoB RIlE FS JobuiBg Wnkean The Best Dressed M en &VL._ A D_______________TI___NThe R di' DidntA nd DIt Ri h on the, Fair Grounds To imeurs publication in the Indepen- o Ar.LMdr.an ,d at3II sek goi-waopredta dent, copy must b. in ths office no later o Marengo Anioed thruugb Lihertyvillo tbe katydld bail cblrped and tirai six Buy T heîIr Clothes, than Tuesday of each week. Adver. Sninday and lncldentally stopped off weeks bence the tiret taet froatnlb .ug o oaata cont might" hiea iere and caflson frien41.b xetd ha ijek xlre eug IUt 1 tr u com tnrespecielly. are asked ta takel eepce.Tstmxiek xle S hoes and Furnishloos priua oie oti fet Mrso. Faulkner and sister, Miss Enrigbt Yesterday and evidently the katy-dId this bank _______________________ ofa Chicago, returned Monday fromi falled ta didld . Yeqterday mornlng at ur tor ~. ~ M.~lb vsi~in iri~oHolly fBills, Wl., where they bad reon theimereury isasaet 42 aithte m&iiý last wsek. Mm. Dolph Ohard and Mrsi. Eh Mlarris grees fromt a frost under the candi- IF 'tU DONT YO OUOIT TO rs. . W Fllervisitil f iend at tages aks ad Me.'ddHooft and tlons tbat prevail now. Tis nd .ko ouwnga . eergt àdmC. ' ullr vdieilfrend atofGagsMake ndofMGre Ekc tud e bemercurystad et 50 degreesan Gryaak Htnda atenon. witb tbetr brother, Howsard Mason. A I eblee htwr sahr1 later on-You nftd lji servic e w a Miss. M. b~avis o g l.,i iaiigjlly timie anti I5f5t with cuvers aid for camlng hack. ber aiter, Mie.. M. A. Pratine. wnytoWydb m o. There isas frost yestermiay mornîng render-tht we DO >rmnder i. al&B Mm. E. P. Bnbhard ai Harvard, te Thi. marks anotherlfamlly reunian. in Points lu Wisconsin. The katydl4 customera J. B. M O RSE31r & Co . visiting relatives bers tbis iseek. tbat dld not do it may bave heen from Re.Wm. J. Kînsla is entertaining Marshbal Lîmberry wi8ibes ta annaunice Wisconsin. Everythlng for Men bis Miater and famlly tram Chicaga. tbat 8flY01e, DMan, isaman or child,________ s. ~~~~Mr. end 1r1m James ai Waukegan, appe5ddcryn addrlso Lieryv ll, Ilin iseent Snday with Libertyville inds attemptiog to,dlscbaireaifle Inaide Subject to Taxation ]L A KR E C o u N [J LrnertyvîlDjennlMargentCrah eeofi d!ntiea&ortloil 1an accident whîci ar dpstInpsa .vnsN ATIONAIL BANT1 L visitîng wtbr.ani Mrs. A. C.Mrray. occurred Monda4 wben a bailldisb.bag n taane opinit on taxatenI acc ord. M . W. 8. Doebler, of Lancaster, Pa.,.tromn a rifle plezeed a wlndaw of a by AttorneY Oeneral Carmody to the aitl ls visiilng Mr. and MAre. Henry Doebler. I aggage car og, di. 4:58 train and estate board of tax commlsslaners. 'rTe. r zan rft attorney general bolda that only state M.Franik Nichas and Mr@. Chas. barely mnsped sqtrdg the express agent. savings batiks' depasîts are exempte&. Kiddle spent several days lest Week in Sunday niicbt a beated dispute arase Offclîsof tbe ipont office departmnent ______ usti. btisen te cndueomo tb 7:0 trin etocnt lu Washington about Austi. beween be enduçtrolmthe 707 t a n esîng .,thre opinion by Âttorney H. B. Eger leit Sunday morning for on the Iit- Pauland coInpleofforeigners Geiteral Carmody of New York that 2Minneapolis, Djinn.. for a iseeke vlit as ta tiEre igbt o! PiIesgere to drink Postal isavinga banka' deposîts are witb elaivs.intoxicating boveraée onhbe rajn and subject ta taxation. This la the tiret ad_ reonit Depnty Sheahl Linrbrrywisiro tme tbat the question bas been dSrvices as nouai at. the St. Larna brought ta the attention or tihe de- m YOVR, BABY We b fappened to be on t49 train ,aming partment, and It la fei thdat Mr. Car.e WillInd is. PHOTOS taken Episcapicurcb at 2:810 P. M. 8nnday frain Foi Lake, weas ebngd juMn ta mody bas ralsed an Imprortant Isue. now 'the warm weaiher ln here Mettant at 3:30. tk aso iedsine. n ieyNo one isas fonnd willng ta dispute tair ear of he iecubffl ad teybis contention. NE~~ 8TYLES MSre. i. C. BUxidge sud daugbter Mit iere removed iram tihe trais et Lberty-______ I ~ oh a n d amaTY L iES SmAinday or s, tisa weevks iait t their ville. This id tare ind YOo f aithe n aise A & AJ Bt lrg ndsai sxs f former homei u Ontario, Canada, lais forbidding P8sasuger. ta drink Sohool Disoipline [ j PHOTOS we can show e ai Mr.a ,foe n hdrno ntolitug lt]uor Ou iSiiroad trains. In no respect bas Ainerica's educa. lO Chicaugo, sare vitiug ber Parents, Mr. lMonday Fred Town« 01 ai flm n oai system sbown greater progress PICUREFR..KE an Mî. ieran au atLnd ke, sisore outr »t agaju tbtan In the develoDimeut ai lie public havTUe PRAMES MartiniGeretsoiiCn M.yer, anddatand A. et tb tedicii.er aitinae in hveput0, h W. avjutrecoived a nsw fine tue fair. Muan Gecpret inu 0. tt aodsa d rAp oin eteaiaer by tepng ii ofpcue rm oldnsad M iss Louise Cate r, asis tan t principal wbicb le rented by ToWInar, cargîng tinlilîs In paralyzed subWetion. Iny0u =,f can framne your pictures on short ln the Libertyvilie niglu sehool rettuned thoraisitir trespassingMostnopears t ise uj ctpivee er ainptie notie. dturay tainau e teded ripthrogh ntered tbeisoods andpitehed tiiir tente autborlty. Tbe up to date school thde West. without tbe consent 09 BsiyOne and pro- teazher eeldm commande or dictates BESJCXS SUDI . IBETY ILL Ms. lbei Knkebf lat wek orceeded to appropiate Wood M.T in uan autiioritative manner. The ebîl- Schnaebele & W ktee BEI bnsbOLMRYVLE mAIdwobsbenlctdtet o'aig apOe.WhpOdrd dren are taugb ta thlnk and to main- Houston, Texas, shoe sre ln illijuin ber bail cnt andunec t for Iii. linpose Of ti re o .e eea ado lI >-l usB d fz.u _______________________________________________ unsionetime pasi. vacate tbey refussd ilth 11» rm îts above@tated. Tlîey w*boughibefore Moviug pictures and illustrated songe Mn.m F. (G. Cleveland rturned laet Justie Beeisick and ftned 03.00 and at.the Lyric Theatre ut LakE, Connty week train Prairie du Chein, V eweecuets, ane PaSing, tiie otbsr tisa being Fair. lVIeet us at the s~~~~eliheau enfor ber teatb, isiichid uetaken taWaakegau In defantf apy.._______________ M e sa th u improvsd. ment. Mise tislen Carrol returined Stlnday M a n y a M a nrit w e s " ar Sk ey U a e a ;f 'rom a three isseka trip tiroughir o.t oso ite hnawntb hugto i!t~l4 -White there slle attended the weddîng ai soft coa,if , good c00e); iithont te iLtsoiite hnswnt etogt fate GREAT ~~~~~~~~~~a friend. anynoo oo Oe i uc iue G s=4 make.JusI C Tbe Ladies Aid society ai tire Presby- give tLe Ore a very llt«I air on top. -HSEY UonSaluLse6 c Mrs. George WrîgtTbnrsday aiternoon, losely. Use Pyroflie Waled Nut. You the uildng .Ga=uxeig ai 22 1-2c at 3 for.W c ~ 1K e ( O . I"<Sept.r14. au get it iroi tire Houas Lumber Caon,. of a haine because it iras served FINE SILK STOCKINGS, 1lc u ao, Mr. and lAre. C. &. Pugir retnrned pany. It bcd, lel(-Y', but Ilgbtly, aud as an auciror and kept film in a LWse beste end tope. et ......... .... L a e (. F rday erenlng front Madison, Niesavea enough air epacs te liteOr ta straigirt lins and aivay, posa. JRONMNS OE.EcSm adoe libers h. bas been studviig during the maltegeatatWldtiesîe lyrantc ay'etlb New IlaWd Barrettes, st ................... sOammer. make dont sud smak.. 16-tf qnick" sciremes wlîich are sa - W-I -i fI C d - Tii Mises racesudEthe Whsler Red omb aca liali le bat fr pentiful today and ihebo often AUTO VEIs «s CARFl i V", qitut4 Th5deesGâean te helr Rd obhetI Mte étfr mean riches onîy for tho smooiub and OXFrMS, Speci .Bargaimsl bt L.~ww4% \Ii 1-' Iii Ni Kif Il Il i 1flt1 I ul I asd Bessie Bntièr Isare tietiseoffk Frlday laying boens makes effg a better lao.poooeteeo.B ' n msw frDeKab, III., Wbere they Wil ttangued reos eef.B I..'LitJ..i.4UJandLI 8II Mi N I sJolhe oigya. atend Bold only by LUBERTYVyL u mrig LtrMBKR ua - a OtS w SM wt haMlttht uoui mb" he f Tn yeNy aven areN aîîng sHOMEanas dF. P. and cms give you s desireabl.Modsý b and people sith wbom you are rgt Uofheawausok' - acquainted-peaple wiro are la. UNDBRMUSLJN' sd SILK PMTCOATS See ourgoods and take some home THE POSTAL SAVINGS BANKtesediyorslnu cause your garcees meang thean Now open la tliis city issues nontr&nsferable cerificates of 4epoa4 encceoe ut otbera about yau, and OrGoeydprm*.e h ot tricssp& Don't forget to visit our plant t pUrons of teLibertyville Peet Office, bearins inte rea 'u ts h mr uesuctheenOurtoui oS u ide , mtet he lout S t c m u c s1 prcent euboasa8tirte better place i whlle in tow n-it's rlght payable aun"uay. 'Mis shoulel attract ail hoarded uaomW eut of isili be. Ail tire lunîber iso bave Home Table- FaR lW=11. hii1 a sc dpoit regursîec h tsesvermen. inla ur yards isas pnrcbased witb 'rRY OUR 40e TEAs, AL.. VAWERI1S THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK IS AN OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY the visis of giving Our c'utomori at the old depot. VFDoRnOTL.AGSRNS UD i.. bno vle, n.....oud.- LOOU 5 CFE * -.E.i A

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