t N S ?Rm.~X. 8WPEM~BER 8, 1911. I. - & X es: i bersyvilIe. ,+ ++ . o4 9-ti FORSALE-à qaepluoamachin- ii. loquire WP. its istbe; ner20b.ànili. [iquire up- III. piO- tblse Ie etEbetsvillf. WAN-D--<~,,j. o wire &cOTT BÂrn Ubo~,vlILL Box 95. e-48-ti WANn[>D-OOod laneekeePIng Magal *tu qýsi"i w l,eso! a reprnenta' X~~uàbWrJ>- o- look aftur shooiptfn~'uw~ ansd 10 extend dedhlàIoby *.eiatslboda whieh bomep y mi~a o uel. faLSlary sud emmlukl. Prerlaneexperlie desbua but not "o.sWei. Wbole time '«* 1 tiie- 4dre", oith ftferbnms, J. eP= iiý dod ou..ekeep lnz ra1~ 8 ourth Ave., Nov Yor WAMT8O-Bo oaClIP. Witt cat for tb@W,04 Otom any place in town.. Phono15u,. Ogo. B. Koxe. C-264l WANTrtO-Kan pet 80 wilh bore. sud buggy 110 ail stock pwdcr inLu lco Cuu86Iary $70 pur montis-. Ad- ilr'aSwol UnIty Bdgt. Indianapolis, Ilad. +- LOS? and FOU»D + LOSIT-Kev ring sud c"an itii 0ns asy nsibutton book au ring. Flides PW.aet ruot oie. t!oo ý+ .ICLARU ,boy pr4w,.*»d Tu* FQxp"lçý WON, vin ebe pbo» pool ~ uiworhwsto bps' = gU« ,&,M »tt l Wsme, a~0t ~Ii$A i.E-TE sntrpre. p Stlcrd, novoiti. c060W.' resuil frLaei oreil fo' or. lu. Poss dnrlug deyorevsnlllg t store. *, -WÂ-hei -buliding lot 8x25; noth sd sostb front, là tI mes dsiabs lion in towu, M Bamines stallu. lewer. water si Orusaitltulud lp&M ffo. Now la I tlme se buy. BSi*sE a&WB3V.L Lue. ldq,UIÀertyvill. c45.tl iuw i; FOR SALL-New, udertu, np-to-date s.V.Ilron hanse, lot WIx278, ou Lneolu Aie. Witt seiI an easy ernis. llqulfe of Gxo. 9. o, LilieryvUile, l. c-7t FOR 8ALE-8 Jsrgs work Mar"4. Addr-u.oe . m. FU&RuAN. Gra>ulske M.~ Phune10111,Urayelake. e-82-t1 FOR SALE-Aun Q)Osoue rIn bîni. Firet came conditkon. ~aoalN e4-iGOLO FILED SPEOTP.OLE8-Wllb --leu, tes, inclnded for81.00 sud tip.4 ;7 ;7++ + + + + ave your pregent lesftehangeod or1 + ~+ baie nw humes for your prsenat b + V IR M *rruaauthat hold with cofeort, frm1 . . . .. .. .+ .+.. . $lOOmnd i), Iack.nWs.d torea1 the fali Drug @tore, coýrn FOR RENT-Nk%- afry furniS110d rOPUIn --sudMgdl.<>flw5ukO#&. fil. 1,»9 witbor wltbot board. luquir@e01 J.1 W. COL, .out.liu'it corner Park and NOTICE--GeL your hou#ee wlred n"w titewart avenues, tabertyvllle, 111.t sad gt a fi ne fiture fras. Ail wnr c35i-tfguarsuteed. e-0-1 Âu~oicsu Lèges Ohoee tate efut linoi, County pi Lake, as: * Aweto, W..,Lus 18-Aerla's Circuit Court of L~ake Coufty, Oc- AppltonWin, Au. 18-) ober term A. D. »Il1. lmeut eheose. w.igbfg 12.00- poumds Pabst.Brewing Company, a WscOu- was nmade ber. today in the presence'sMu corporation, va. Mary Murphy. ot dalry dignitaries frorn this and Sur. DelilîHB.IMurphy, August Beuson, G. rouudug aaten. The0. Prusaa Emil Ficke and Kirchof rouningstaea. The ,ýese -asNewbarth & Compvany, fn Cbaiieery. amde by Nicholaa Simon. formerlyiNo 41 owuer of the Waikegau Produee Co. The requislte aMfdavlt having been V-aukegan, Ill., assinted by agricul- 1 ied. t irai itoparment heaz In colegs Notice la titerefere hereby given 10 fi) arios sateg Thechese wll e a aid defendants that the above lu arins f.aes.Th chesewi! b~j aued Complalunl; eretoforc flidIts ofa the promneut exhtbitsata the 1 Bill of ComrlaInt ln aaid Court, ou the V4oal dalry tiow to be held ln! the <bancery aide thereof. and that a Cicago f roni Oct. 29 10 Nov. 4. Ten summOBB thereupen Issued out of sald Court agalust the above narned de- thousand cows furnlsbed' tbe mîlia fendants. returnable on the fIrst day1 wtilcb went iio the munoster cheese. of the term o the Circuit Court of The rlrcîîmiferaîîce of the houp cou-1 Lake County, to be beld at Uie Court Houoe Ilu Waukegan in sald Lake Liiillng til lwellty-sevefl feet and its1 Couut'Y, on the l'irst Monday of Octo-1 dlarixter la mos t laisseven led. ber, A. D. 191, il.a eby isw requlred, and wbich suit lea si!l pendng. LEWIS . BROCKWAT. Clerk. One oif1the place advertlaed for Waukegau, Illunois, Augiit tt, rent today would mû. TOUR KID A. D. 1911. OF A HO0ME. perhaps. William C. lou Corplaluant's Solcitor. It may require a short "campali" Before you Reach the. Limit oi wpt advertlslng to ftid the klnd 0 hscilcdrueadwleTu of wark youre looklng for. But It OndhItinla ed urabe, ta le Fqlay would reqire a LONG campaigu or jilu Pille. Thpir qnick ation and sel othea. sort of *Iokl& ."pcelLlve resulta wlI I elight Ion. For Tii.s.e-to-tar vaatiolatmaybbekachez, nervonanes. rbhmiBitlOU Lsud The »ly .e stextvs nit &U > kldney, bladder and urinary Ivoubht.. tuadylug toda's ads MIlIlIlI ilItlm id ffi e Rosebud =~d Pine Rklge. .501M DAKCOTA' 466,562a eeOunit ot tieln.1 h ùb US. Goveniment. A. phScefor 10 b» fM ntaI maji o«t in a sregion adapted to b4kWldo agrculture and rang roue luia:1.'eso0-oorn, wh.at, ry.,bsrly, oa, upelt I~g.any day-Octobsr2 ta 7.,1911 at Chamb.rWu ocrRWpd City Milwaukee st PaüÎ T1 M&IftTSTUP4 C T I%-RIU8EVA11ONS On 01 i*417 roun trip balt0wkarO tickto wui hoon sj iol~I~*betiab sud MaMlO 0Mg*01Y uduoed farce. sou Il oruation.wlU b. lne u , + t' 05111117 Titi. & 'mout Ca., Abstracto ofaI 'tle. TiîtiesOnarautecel glasortis'Temple ldg. Waukegau. iII. .jeui@ L. (iueitZg. liecy. John Roberla and wlfe ho Anne M4cKeougli, «st bait of lot 2, blockt 38 Hilghland Park, W. D $1. Aunis M?. MçKeougi. wIîow, ho 1Mary S. and John itobertsa, eat hall of lot 2, blok 38. Itlgiland Park, W.i Di IL Cilca&o T. & T. Ca. as -trusle 10 Mary A. C. Pirhurst, lot 15, resub blocit 17, lAice DIU&f Q. C. D. $1. Mary A. C. Paritiouirsansdhushanil to Chilcao T. & T. Co., trushees, ail of plat of. res*b et block 17. ex lot 15, Lake Bluff. Q. C. O.- $1. Cynuus Ae Newoomh, Jr., te Jalub Dû. I16ts 21 asud 22, block 49, Wssh- bur part, W.orth Chicago, deel $280. *Tho. H. DuraI aud wvUe 10 Petert & Iva Keller 2 acres lu lie souli.t ~ 4noqurter.o! secloua29, Wsukegar.t W, D. 86,500.c Peter Keller aud wvue ho Tico. ILI. Duret, Part ai lot il, Sunderlua lun the. goftlwet quarter of section 28,. Waabbgti3. W. D. $2.500. ibe IY. Wslt and wie lu Mary C. Pilmer and Wm. H. 1-estca as jout6 tensats, 30 acres lu tie northwesta quarter of section 5,. Fremoul towu-a ship and 80 acres lu tise souticastc qliLt. 0f section 32, Avon towuship, W. D. $1. Lynu M. Colby aud wife to l.ylc E.r Boud, part o! lot 20 blockt 2, Newbcr-o r>5a addition to ierîyvllle. Q. C. D,t $200.t John 3. Kelly sud wlfc 10 George B.c -Xelley. -160 acres ln sactioue 2 sud t,Y Niewpor towunhp, decil, $1,.2000.8 Athur Lang sud vife to Oliver Hook, 103.rccs lu the sonhheat uar- ier o! section 12, Avou township, W.t D., 1400.L italpi J. Peck sud vIle un Owen J. Mfuit, pari of thc norticaet quarter o! section ?4, Chicago Hittilantis ('uba township, Q. C., 1.600.6 F. >àlseDousîti Love sud vIfe lu Ar-1 thiur E. Blughin, 85 acres in tieC southbest quarter o! sectionu21. Deer-1 field township, W. D.,;$10.f Edmunti A. CumulInge andtilwIe 1 Antan Dudeit, 7 iota lu E. A. Cum- mîngs esuilsion, Non-lb Chicago, W. Di., $450. Harriet A. Wilson, widow, to Tios. H. and Tieres Coule>', lot 12 ilocit 2. Wlson's subdivision ou Long Laite,t W. fil. $200. Join . Morse andti wfe et al to El- tzabeu sund Chare F. Sscitmao. Iotaý 2 anti il blockt 7. %JcKay's additionÉ un 1,1111e Fort. W. 1),.Si. !uamnci Scwian sd Wl!. to Jeu- nie E. Gosie. lot 8 of Sctuvacîz resuly- division ou Nor.tî avcn..e, Wauhcegan, To Improve Fort Sheridan Consideraile îîew vomît leunder way at Fort Sheridan, III., lu charge of Construction Quartermaster J. R. Me- Audreele. The lover portion af lie large exciauge building la beiug ex- cavatedt o a grealer depti for thic se- commodation of larger bolIers for lise new teani lplant, tu bave amptle borne Uower to olîcrate thie new lectrical plant wvilchisleontemplatet lu tic fu- hure. To provile propur draft t!.e ni uiuehy-fot brickit -imue>' la beiug re- placet i vth a new stacit of jolutedtirlie- brick 140 feet bîgi, rounleti 80 liat tiee. yl bc Do fiat aide preseutedt 1 tie vinil andl ornameuted St lulervals vils modefu .desîgua a!fnasour>'. Armsy Ordera. Col. William n Piteber, *27thi lui., la relieved a! furtier dut>' aIthe"e batasquarlersansd viii loine il.proper station, Fort Sheridan. Second Licul. Amirose R. limer>'. 2711e Iuf., la detalieti fbm dut>' as lu- spector-lnstructor of the mltia o! Idaho, sud vihi proceedti teBaise. Idaho. Leave for lwo mouthsa. about Sept. 6, 1911, le grsuted ta Captain William C. Rogers. 27hIntf., Fort Sieian. NasieaTWnferrud. Orders have been Isued for lie uidrawa inluthc nesr future af lthe marineas sal.laned at New Orleassasd P saaanaval stations. Tic le- tacisuenta viii be ditributeti amona OUstations. Lieut. Thoma E. 1~2er, Jr., U. S. M. CI ucD 0<teNew Orleasa etacimeul, SLieut. Robert E. Adamis a! lie laui delastiseut. This move- lSint of th.emarinesala carrylng out 1 c o ec«retary Meyer for the ! t!qlal alismeut o! stations -a1 sÇwOlansansd Pensacola. ooeCounity 2aJr On, >Plgii have been cosupicled for the 'Oftgseoeld suuual Doane 00unt>' Var, to b eiMd aI. Belvidere, Sept. 5, 11 1 and 8. Arrangemeut& have bee n A4 to maite thil year lie banner ' ge9 and. ail irst cîsses atractions 'ý5 b. v b secured for lie (aIr. +h# 'els pmner attraction wlli bc lie eues 0 ouine of tile foremait acro- -itàa Évoraflys Thursîs>'. Gov. Doeecc Foss Takes Rap at Taft Boston, %a-,î. 3.1..-ýP*owln tie lt-ad Of Speaker (lntqi.p iClakf tbet'cbouse o! repre-sentatit e,sanotiern inocra--t ie le-îtlr-r orittional i eovsI"nui- tooli a rap nt PresWidet Taf. He le GOvertior EueIte N.onas o! Na-ta- cisusclus. atdtiiitaSsharp Interview ùe accused te 'residasit o n nnîtt encý andi danterolis tonzetVatilm. in order 10 te effective progres elve reptîblicans MtuutCorne lo thie d ernocratie rauks." s9" tie guvernor. "Tic speeches o! P.resdnt Taft and Senetor Lotige ou tbu Iarl.ff atthie Es - sex Conînt>' Republ.eam outlug oniî serve 10 vidcu tIse brencilu tise e- publican paru>'. ."Presideut Taft la absolutel>' mnu- sisteut. lHc eayBe ie OOI sud cotlon scisedule are iudcfsaghble, yel he aI- tanks lie democr"e e ndeavoriisg 10 remedy tiese aliUWTic tariff commission. on vwibt'he president viii base hie reomoo'lon for ne- vision, le nothisng a WtM>a abody 'of clenksansd absolu4i0Y .WtloUt power. It la ual for tisedeoia ta attacit Prealdent Taft. Thse r*pabllcas wil shav hlm up. "IW. are rapidy -'uoilng thc stage vbere ve art çI'* to have a nev poiticai ailgu]$Mt latus ooun- Ir>'. It viii he s ItWil part>' agaist a ounservative vluW.#»& te progres- sives sud demnora vii Une up 10- gelien. Tise extreIap e.aaervatism is ai dangerous ai eu"ý rad1calism."' VaCinate Fqeyphold Iu regard in, the tliA1s6 Utles an>' requlremcsul of va4cgin aganst typid lever, of!, UW 14,00 men at the San Antoio ~amneuleis. but one iad the lyphol.sand tht cale a clvii- tan. Of 16,000 soldiere -saceiuaed for lyphol Iirec yee>'eMA but six bal lie rever sud lies. W Ilgilly liat It wua hardi>' uotcsbkïWle of 401 t>'- piold cases lu t fth 1e ami> lirty or fart>'uI4>Twa men of Baller>' C, thii. lU,'vuLa bvaccin- ated vien lie proeesgtakes place at Fort Sheridan, au4 ëLt ip~orks vel wîtih em al af tis hea* i mlils men yll fsufer lie sam e ,tre%±îuent. Tic visole proeess ln reg4ed viti Inteér- eut lIn bIs Cty', sere its'applIcatIon may do aiiay vils gM Lever entIrel>', viere now liere aré scor«et 0 cases e.,ci yeux. THESE MAYWIED. Jeuse J. Ketchaul. Sie»rvilie -... 36 L4SMane ou>, uret* .............40 AuasI Puiai, eut ...........9 LAu.. DaiSsanie ............... 21 I avid Jlac. Iake çwost.... 25 10«I I . ranult ,Mmb .....I N - $)t. CAPTURED Two Dobet-ves and Special Agent of Road Catch the L4ea of a Gang Reco,« $1,000 of Merchan- d"s P* of that Stolen WttilnTwoWeeks. John Anud Edward Kellar, YrormW Ei-Conviçt, gre M« Captured. Ex-Con*iie, When Taken, Three*ed Suicide, but Io Prevented. Speclal AEet W. F. Rley of tise Chicago apd Nortbweeteru rallroad aud Det.«ete Morgan and Strit ai the Chicago detectilse bureatu arrcsled two aleed Mmnbers o! a gang of freigbt car tbWleeeTiursday and re- cavered 11,000'Worth of merchandlse part oi about $4,000 vorti uf plunder stolen fram cars of the railîoad duriug the lat two IWeeks. Tiheumen a'ieted are Jobn and Ed- ward Keller. be'otbers. wio lve at 6212 Prairie. avenuie, Chicago. They are sald tai b. relatives of Adami Ort- selfen. weatby benter sud formner cit> treasurer. W" Convîcleil Sefore. Joints Keher'tthe' e' c-say. waa ar- reeted seversi years ago on a char'ge of stealng merciaudise freni cars of lie Peu.nylya" a na rouud and sen- teuce- t wo yera lu tic bouse of orrcectIo.. ,Wi'lie via arrested yeeterda>' ha threalenod to commit suicide. To preveut -bise from vcarryirîg out lt ths'cat Delctlve Sark iîîrrîcd bIne te tie Central station whcre be le being closely watehed. He wan sTrexted as he cas golug Int the iotUge.at the Prairie aveuue addtress wherè bIabrother]ilves. A short lime lator Speciai Agent Riicy, D)etectîvesMrg" n ad Starkt and tva oticr raiiroad delectives veut toei Kelier horne and fouînd two trunks filled vitls sllks, vooleus andl otber merciandise wvIici are said toho ave beeu lhrowuii' ýfm a Chicago sud Nortiswesteru frelit car on M.%oiiday nlgit. D4eteetve Saw Theft. Austin McCarthy. a railroad detec- tive eaw thie tIsu ad 1usd a revolver figit viii one »! lie tileves. sabo fied. Icaving $100 Worth o! stolen punu- dsc alougalde tie, tracks. %IcC'arthy ldentfied 1onKtetlr et' lice muan viti whdým hhaledlte fight. &. Y~1111 F l 10 RACINO PRORAM" r TEN CREAT rSPEED lEVENT*,S Best Haif Mlle Treek ta- thMii #W* ,000 Head ExhIm blI Sk frm m rb in hmWi ,000 IN PRERUUS, fflpu "eN w*1~ Hlgh Cloue Amerlo' A't F. M.POTStSeear p o~ s s a 1- ____ Dootor Glves Good Âdvue ftendent Effie Adm arn fot a reildent 'lo ait parta" owalr g Mtu " lu a recent Interview oue of the of the Stat ut iîlola, so that pro-DriIllge DistrietiNumb, physîlanswho l-e utrodclugt celas cannot be seî ced upon ber bar-y. ul u NritlCo maritabie ewIle "Toula Vita' 1Ilnosad0othed tie &mericanîpublc,.lbait this îo say«:lng lbsen fllcd inthe office of tke Il1nOIsa whlch W,,, h.o f. "The manDer of living lu the larger Cierit of said louri Icomblued systent 0f drinM ritles of the Uuited States la muni Notice la thereforI, glvfen to thce ald to be construcled 19 0aid that perfect health 19 almost IMPOasi E dmedfndî'neaorîî George I...Sefe' ~ ble;e tdamshudeae manioaswilIrnetiCnCook Couuty, lIlinois. lttru han stron amahier day wuith ls liat the eboe enaineli( onflhllaflault oti are iereley nol.lded tô teand y cotnu aaili engaape y eeafr ie i 11 I 'uulîîDrIae omesnea <.s thealconstantinoutybinaIrain.Ired ular l sad ort, ou thbis1311 er mpaine Drainage DIstrit NuberOr theostan eu sly aten fn. Ic ear InereofCsurtI aonîne ous îeraet1 Droa o!e stit ND.sr 0" aors ruh of ltye ar te wlar rf adl eruTy vs f Weso t anil ne&& "$W'0a aresh oîlefor ty e m eeamgoun uIpsued out of aad Court agaluaet' tyIlloialndîî mNt r a thê 1 ro di laeseforaiimese!te tamounuuud enat, r tîli 0Illieno r.i.s . 1911, kon t. ofresenlt geers alol eple or ahe tneabo ihertday fenate îrm ti -of p mb, A.Die Wtlt dowu' cogeuerton. aebityla r aed, lal te rci Court oftLeitenyof oflup.id.,iairt the armote everwberendiona f i:la opled ecIn teCrutCuto aeCutt r adDsrc oha sreetcrs. re etaraplea1tera, orbe beldi at lthe Court House lin\Vauke- liat may be madie ta lie street cars, LrestCurantsou tise Firor of lands on the gradnaf.ed n*4e, on the treet. are uumlstakably lua ft i a 551lu ou ,onte District aud partlcularly te -- debillfated condition, wth their uer- Monday of October A. D. 1911. aa la ficatton of the lands owne 40 v.ea lu aucb a state Iluat tbey aliher by law requlred, aud whicb suit lae sil L. Soeflier, Henry L. wsi te ýic down aud rest or rusha a-' Louis Soefiter, Jr., pore ter nome excîtenuent. pendiug. ILdecried ai ihalt rt 0 "Auyone who bac met a cStitant LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, 'halt (N. 14) of lie North e~ treami of nervous deblltated people, Cierk. 'ter IN. W. 14) lylug Weotty as t have Ince.I bevati my pregeut Wauitegan, Illnoia, September iiud. rîght of way of thc Cb"egço,' worit eau fell a mau or woman ln this A. D. 1. , tkee & St. Paul) iliway condition at a gîsue I wlSh teucoui- lof Section Four (4), Townashl pbtiCily tate tiaI 1the numlser etf LESB P. HANNA,- twa (42) North, Range Twel*, debllatsd people ln tie larger A'Serl- ('omplatnant's Solicîltor. !Eaut of tic Third Principal cau cties, ln appallue. sept. 2-9-1(t-23. lunCook Couunty. Illinolil, ec " 'Toua Vte,' tie medlile I amn__________ tiat part of sald lands alciet hclplug ta lut roduce la to comîbat this !tlght of way for Sali Distr&cta.W condition. 1I leleve It te Se the bSateoIlios otye ksabthCmmaonrfrteflm preparation ever before solto tche aeolIlîoof aulpoeLieas t Coms.aloo er fort.pî publie, ln tisat It ls irnmedlately effec- Circuit Court o! Latke CouiutY. Oc- eauseqnance of thie constructIon oe, tl-,c lu cases of debility sud olier t ober Terni A. D. 1911. proposed coulned systeniaI of 4 trobisdses tatg. bn i an ihjoseph Gould vs. Carrie Hagdeu. age for sald District wheu and àbo you c au Dot hope te enloylilfe or Tieodorc Weod, GorgeWood,, ou cau appoar and imite ,o0%.cI ineet wti mucb success If ,ou are* Charle Henderson, Arthur Heas>er- Ifattii.th 24th day of,,Auglkt, Ait tired ail tiseulime, have little ambition,;- son, Leouard Henderson. -carie' 1911. sud fest coutluusIly duireseee ln amnlut BrikNl minI and body. Every bat ralcit alin ?iule Bric, eU.GON GITH. GTBL woruout man or woman, owes îî 10' Woodward, Mary Showers, Cynthît TIIOMÂS CAR0UL»ý themsmelie andti ser ramlly, to trv pFatilg, Gertrude Showers and Draiuage CoisIhco0q Toua Vite." fts ol ee O i~ od, tie uuknown beis t-e Atteot; Fred I. Meyer. make 111e more worti living, and Stsw, devîsees or legaleas of Josepbh! brlng back the beatiy, energetiei spirit, that la now lackiug. tie Pre 1Mloon, desceased, and tie unlowovu To ail parties owulng land ki- le refundeti. Conrad Holoitein ba owuers of the real estate lu le iellII&ge District Number Que 0< tihe ageocy for "Toua Vita"lu Wau-lo! Complaînt deacrlhed. lof Verson. Lake Countyt kegan: aigu for Lee's Risubari Laxa- Tic reqielste affidavit isavîng beaunwhicb r 111 bc affeetel by the'> tive, tie pureet and best famlly taxa- tid. ystem of- drainage Pt'OPO :@. tive comilpscted lui Sald ilut*tq - tieon lie market. Lee's Rtiubari Notice la tieretore berebY giventtej r'toare heolyntfe Laxative viil ot inJure1the umont dcli- cal coetiuton.il a Ie fo cii-tise saId aboie uamied andi unknown: DraIvage Cansfltlaloners et: defendau ha tisa tfie abc"e usmeilDlsiltNme'(Iea ____________ IComplaînaul heretoforefilitdbils Bill Vernaue. Lake County, 1 ~meet on lie lGt1à,dasy o of Complalul Iri said Court, on tic, A. D,. 1911, et th h4pr Nom le the lime 10 bave ytunr repair- 1Ciaucerit side ticreoif, sud liat a PÉ. M~. &t the LYoua 8àco ug dlons. At lie caieme neltt al iS lI summous tiercupou lssued out of salI sald District1tu ea' sei your baruelse for yen. $100 parsl lfor C'eurt agaînat tue aboye naineti- de-, hatîuay lie maletael. double bernes«. Me guarautee Our feudants, uturnable -on the iraI day of lauds on the griimt. work. 0 . .LuCE &Co. e--6-if of tise terni of tic Circuit Court o!f îfln Ilu Laite Couiy, tu La belli at the Court1j for the parpions, of &Po" 1 amn always gladtu, îieet my finc House ln Wanitegau lu sald Laite for bnieuIfitalu oon$qViMët aud tisirIrieuid. lt ie s t a liLyrie C ,o teFrtModyoC - srco fapôob Theatre on tic Fair groutid-.. "To te.' Cnuy uts Ia odyo citt'llom o f ilretdot »M taber A. D. 19211. u as l >aw reulred, f tin ! dinge ot sair Stete of Illnois, onut>' or Lakee. as - ad wiîcisuit la sutilpendlug. Ojection fe yao ,dwmit 1' Circuit Court of Laite Counly. October LEWPIS 0. BROCKWAT, Dated this 24th dir of AUM,.s Terni A. Di. 1911. Clerit. 1911. JesephIl1. Baker va. Effie Adame an Waukegau, Illinois, Sept. 2u1, Xk. P William O. Mille, lu Cisancery. No, I11911. L 545.WMi. H. FABRYI, M Satisfectory affidavit tiat lie de- Complatanit SollultOt'. Attest Ci C. ii'-ý7-ý iý ý i - c m- - tae ý ýý - twý 1 1 i l' go âL la - ý - 0 0 .11 =F ý 1 91 1 r. 1 -,