Ni r~ IIBBIIIs'AMDfWUT I,*II U 'Our advance sale le verY im-Portant to etery woman who cares to be posted on correct; fasion.. We r how9n in our large and up to ~\ dte tot a imeof armnt~that iclude all the newbst style j4ea now belng featured Ï& New York and Paris. Beautiful simple clôtes create a pleasing impression which retVlzw eve1û wheu vo who *Uar thern are not present, and such clothes are oiily te be had at Hein's. So don't fafi to attend thîs advancefill saie. /~~. ri Ai £soi ANew Fa/I Szts & Sults...Sults--Suits Goals >~PLAIN TAILOREI) S3UITS AT $10-00 These are ail worsted suittnga in asorted colore. Coats plain tailoreti off ects with satin lining, skirts plain tail- ored model with panel front and back 4j and in al ixes; special for 10000~ tis Advance sale................. $20.00 iNEW FALL SUITS FOR $15.0 JCompare these suita wlth anything offereti elsewhere for the prico. These are the best tailored suite we have ever shown and they corne in fine quality cheviots and tva toue effecta; aiea al vool serges M 13,9500, many colore, special for this Ativance sale at......................... New FaIl Walsts Pretty tailoreti manniah shirt waista made of a good quality linon with pearl buttons dcvii front aid neat aide pocket and vil fit and launder perfectly. Just tise thing for early fail wear, 9 for tin sale at ....... ....... ......« 9 C W--eesilktafféta vaais, black, blie andi white, butten in hock and trimmeti I front with silk brali in new designs aidhI long aid short sleeve effects, tu4 vaais vire nover sold at se extremely low a price as 29 for tbis sale, opec"lat ......................29 New Fal Sldrts Ladies' fiue pauama ikirtai pleated, or plin tailored. 1.79 effecli ait bdivre"tsale ,.................... ............... Lradies' and ni"sè' àhirts isiae Up inf Ine serges and mixtures 29 ii &Ul colors, values up te $5.003 for ................29 tu"l' aid misses' handiomo mixtures, voiles and panamas; some 4.48 ln hlgh vaint effects, values up te $7.00, special for .......... one spedmalbargainini ladies' hous dresses large asserlanent of pat- ternsanad stylas, values up to $2»0, for tis sl specialat 79c Gzoat bargaino in ,fuM. leugth coats i ligbt aid mnedium welght ibis lot entaine odds andi ends 0et hlprice cMti, spa. cWa for tbis sale at 4.98 Messaline silk- petti- coats at $2.48. Special lot of fine grade messa- line petticoats in ail col- ors, positively worth $,I for this sale speciai at 2,40 C~~~~~~~~4 hi- e,' N wd *fs iDese OKILDRZN'S NI W PALL Coats--Giris nev fanl coats corne in serges cheviots aid mixtures, sizes 4 te 14, special for this Ativance sale 2è95ï EXTRA SPEOZAL One lot of children's coats in ail mev niodels and materials and worth $300 at 1.79 Girls' nov fail schcol dresses, hgh neck aid long sleeveq," pleated shirt off oct, core ne checks andi plaids vorih $2.00, for tin sale at Heatherbloom aid sat- een petticoats 89c, over 500 ta select froxu in fine soft ustling quality, values up te $2.00, for this one hour Thursdayi mornig sale ai 89c, S»ýecza I/y Reduced CoatsmmCoatii*.Coats MMi TAILORED COATS AT $850 An ext"usve aasortrnent of man t.allored styles in coats that ev«y vonian wants; 54,inches long, cornei black broadcloth and mixtures. This coat in positively worth $15.00, for this8 Advance sale at .................... CHIFFON BROADCLOTH COATS AT $1298 + Importt rodlthcas le ihguarantieed satin, valueseill pieorAvance sale , I.19 NOTICE-We have engaged an expert ladies' taflor te take charge of our alteration department and vo vfil do ail necessary alterations free o! charge and guarantee perfect flttlng or your money cheerfully refundeti. 8 t New, FaliMuSnt Ail our millinery cornes froin our own workroom. We have a large force of expert trimmers and makere vho are turuing ounmre beautiful croations i nev falniillilnery. Our modela are in beautiful shàdes and colorsanad we have them in pan d fancf effects. Everythlng you can think of that in style in nov lau hat.s can ho founti at tis big store at pries fromn $30.00 to................................95 New Fail Dresffl These dresses are madie vith a .11k waist and a serge sirt effect beautifgUly made and trixumed i wth pretty Dutch colW and .i buttons, also icuding our lot of dresses with high neck effects. Your choice for tis sale at.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..5 8 Ail that ie left of our suymmer dresses ofai "s'grade French ginghains aid lingeries ,values as lugh as $7.00, $800 An 0, special for thiÉ sale....... ....... . ........2 C EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' f'ull length flan- nelette kimonas worth $2.00 for tis sale at 9c EXTRA SPERCIAL One lot of black petti- coats trimmeti with Per- sian trimming flounco, worth $1.503, specla at t79c Women 's me hshoos - Mjatie of patent leather, dui caîf ekin aid vici- Idd in a largeassort- ment of stylos, lace andi bUtton, Worth $4.00 andi $4.503 for 2 ito Boys' School Shoes - Every pair matie o! sol- id leathor, full o! coin- foxýt and service, stout double extension sole, vorth $2.75, for Girl's sehool oh, Matie o! goodq gun metal and cal leather in buttoa lace styles and $2.543 at e Extrà spouua Beautiful silk hosiery, worth $1.00, for 34 Loadies' muslin drawmrespecial 153c at .............. Ladies' knit drawers lS speciài at pair ...... Percale andi flannelotte dressing sacques will be off ere& 3 during this sale 39C- for ............. hoos - EXTRA SPECIAL quailty One lot of children's ,If ski shoos l in g h grades o! )nan leather and inia large an assortiment o! styles, Worth juet the thing for school wear, specia for tis sale at OhetIanàvvous erneé i aIl côlors,4 speialai......... a' AN&2D B 91A8lîîeÉ ÊW~A lot o! high grade corsets aidasiereM. Oune ~ot (ofosets Worth ýý0eoe ~oa ai......._ CW#iimted Rendmron Iorrect Porzncotset IL at $1.5t) Md ..$...... 4P Forin fittig brassieres, specWa ai tuis sale att 98c, 79ýand .... ....4 c, to Nie Amotier South Land w Who ++4 + or Raý +3 At 1 + and ( +3 clude +3 land +. you% + On + at 9 +3 One-91 +3 priçe +3 The + (n a +3 14 m( + tente + V0e + làktt +3 the t, + land + Toi + .home + son 1 m + Bo0 + .ably + .servi +3.sine* +3.orph + agen + ero0 + .prn' + .Jilds + .Latu + C. + Ai + .er +3.for + .land + NI + .heai + .Istet + .are + R + .coin + at Art Do y- Thes tribe. 1 and Pi Daktota Tarins, ateadel Regi tlme a thpi r Bapid comm4 of the be giN be opw la WO And 1 until by th, tinie » the t the t' entri< 1, tf make ignat The jiof01 Ttl Advano Sb of New i FàU 5h.. -------------