LÀKE COJJNTY INDEPENDEN'T, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. Xli.-NO. 51, PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., :PRI.DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1911. FOUR PAGES. MU uPE~YEAR IN ADVANCMS Welrd Rites Said to Be Per-, formed by ScantilyClad Men And' Women. Leader Dropped Dead Recentlyand, Evelyn Arthur Sec Seeks to Lead Colony Now (Prom Wednesday's SU ', 1 joe 0<the ueiglhbora last nîchi ho a Cliing that lte police of Zion OUN rePorter, Brother Benjamin, it l8 Cilty bave been unable to obîali2 evI- tbougbt akes tie lamp ln hia haî44, douice agaluat lthe alleged free love and leada Ihe way to the upper ro ont colt et Zion City, thé People of that 'Sapho-lover Ilke, tie rmen, il n la lin- it>'. of ail fatious are tfIle Informa- ed, s1eze the women about tbe valat. tion against hem ln County court, o&cd placing one band helow the. kiees lu sy aitercout l sbi contycarry them to the upper loor, up the vIwte juriedlctiout la accorded, claimr» gt0 laranig Itetpo the people of that cil>'. in within Ithe their vol-es nOet tan tisys.' if the cuit bas Dot shak- Outaide the bouse. ih la clainied, the oe the. dMtof ZVon City' front thoir lomatea drens th" saine as other peo- teos, nover ta returu. pie, but as &cou as lbey gain tbe re- Cut In Lttle Mou"s. cesses of the bouse ail robinga are dis- Wati signa pontet] ail over the City, cardaid. and the men and womn per 'Zloim C'ity-A Clean City for a Clen foi-m the work of the bouse elati ln a PWojsW" asesuos luescriloalle are ~behappy ouile, and a holy ligltit b eir1 las .ntactod every day sud uight, l laeyee, clabeod ln a 11111. tar-paper covereti To Mother From Chidr. back Usear 37th treet. )uet eait o! The Ocui1t, il la claimeil. hait been tie C£lisoasnd -41Ilwaukee electrlc 1lrying for the pàt fe v eeks andI lime. l"ourteen vounen and four men.,pparenlvhanlisucceeded, ln drawing ft l0 cialumd, ar. bonset! ln one abacli. te mother 0f rive children away front wh>ch cot flot at the mont have ber offaprlng lto thelr practicea. The moe thon six rooma. and *back 10 womnan, who residea on Oneida street, naure" atunts, Il la sald are pulled In Zion City has Byvee citdron. fone of cf In tbat hon. al day. sud often ex. wbom la married, and the othera tending ferit theti night., range f rom nine years downý Therel soli Noms Not Kflown. lare0Do ebdren aliowed lu the cuit,4 Wbat the. resi name of the cuit la, the members cîainting that children - ta not knowu, but Itlel said that ie' are'or ni y ln ati, aud that the>' arej beu. becu kuown tu style tlsemee îve. 1ithout ain>. tho 'iotlisess Love" cuit, but wbat- The cildren. If la sald, wi11 lie1 @vesrthe. naine ma>' ha, the resideuf O af that section o! thé cil>' daim. their pis-cUO are o! anytblug but a boy nature. Cali Even Fig Leaf Vanlty. Mon and vomen, itlslasald. dressed la the . uuform 0of Adam n sd Esc. oven befare thie serpent eniered Eden sud dlscardlng eveu thse formail ic les! as a Ivanity %of fashion, perforus strage anti-a lulte rooma of thé dak ile h1.bouse. 1 Tw. Or.gies DsiIy Cimed. 1lteldon lat a ight Ila seen st the s omo after dark. During lbe daytlmmee@tings are beld. or wlld orgie, as the ueigbbors terni thon. et 9 a'clock lu thé narnlng and 3 o'clock lu thé aflérnoon. The after- 150095 meetIng la said hoelie the worstf of thse tva. Prompti>' ah 3 o'clock, t la said. the mem sud vomen descend tie staîr frons the.rocrm on the upper floor. dresaed ln nature's ovo garb, 0ne f inu, aald ho e Brother Benjamin. stands lu thé middle o! the floor o! thse perlor sud prays lonig and loud, turing vhlcb the alter tnmates per- farm thé weird rites, tumbling about the lsoor daulini unseensî>'dan-es sud %houting ah thé top o!flisir volcea. Ottesstlmms, as these pirit noves tisaithe men snd thie omen roll on tise Sor, hum handapringa, unhaus- peri by blble, or ant> other klnd of suirt in laasif, it onthie floor, sud abat at the top o! thir vol-es, lua a trange ongue, éven more woîrd anti iair ralslug thanthie languageo0f Vue Glft o! Tangues cuit. Imhitato SaBsiTower. gometies this afteruooo meeting igs w ay Jtoethéevw« amalhourao! ais mornlng. claim thie résidents, dis- turbing the. leep of the nelgbbors, antIi tlng Icose s regular Bedlam, ho ~whlcl>thée'rover o! Babéltrcket couldti nold ta candle. 1h la ouI>' vison théso orgies are carriod on a!-1 ter' dark thiat.à aàup la llghed In the. bouse, and lie néigbbors cRw se. vitl la galng an ingie.. ÂppairentIy no ahhnpt la mate tg ide' tie allegefi practicea et tis cuit. , Thitn lace - curtalna adoru tise viaaav, but the blinda are let ulti, &and a clos> vsv of thsé luherlor eq ~o btai tie MAU tUnes. Duvlng 4~q@curta sé «eé ,ParatOti 'Z eWwitM!s;it. ,vl.v atI cared for by neigbbora, If the mother beaves lieus The cuit vas îtri founded ae',eral yearo ago, 1) Sister Neilie Norrîs, who. i1h bsclaimed. vas driven froni lier homei- l lavenport. lowa. by lier ber huaband. %Ira. Norris ciaiuied at the lime that Il vas ber relg- loua blief. and tiat ber buabsnd vas an infidei. bei-ause lie obWetod to ber practlclng ber bolinesa rites. Quite a foliowlng flocked around thie standard of Mma. Norria, who becamne known as itter Nelle Two montia ago Sialer Nellile dropped deati. Il la sald. iu Ibe midat of on. of ber ser- Vices. A farm, or colon>'. bad been purchased on the outskirts of Daveo- Port. il la saiad das partiy pald for. Ilpon thé deatb of Sistor Nellie. the cuiIt lila clalmed disrupted over the mtter of a new leader and tbey final- IF' lefI (the COloUY at Daveoport and acatter.d fa varions sataes, the foutr men and six women comlng Io Zion City'. Since tbat time eight nev vo- mon convorts bave boom added t0 the cuit, maklng fourtoen vomen and four mon. TPhe four mon t Zion Cty are kuovis as Brothers Benjamin, Robert, Johnson and John. The four womon among thie leaders o! lie cuit are is- lers Nettie, Rebocca, Ruth and Carde, the asat named a nev arrivai rom Davouport and a cripple, Ses Afteu' Colony Homs. Tii. leader of thse Absolute Ufe cuit o! Obicago, Evelyn Arthur ee., la nos negotiating for thse purcbase front thia f ree lové cuit, the t'arm or colon>" near DavonPdrt, and it la saad, thse deal vwilI be cloaed ln a short time. Wbat specfioChargés viilbe made againat lie cuit bý th&d reaidents of ZMon City' la not knowu, - but il la tbought ltaI lb.>' vîli ehacarged lhh aUeIgédIllegai practices. Thé police. lt la sali, made several attempta to,gain Informatian againat lie cuit fpom thelr ovu eyes,- but falied, amene evldently tlpplng the Innates oiftét thé police vere on-their trafl, 'and tise meetings vér, dispeuaed- wltb, anti the. people garbed in 1911 ralusent, Thée people, hovever. are toatep ave>' the. éatis of tho oty Polio».it là olsime, anti put the. untelmd, y0-q la -m e th«oê loe t m %b * 1W, q&ibXrbeno .11 BROOS COMPANY WIN$ THEF COLORS AT NAVAL STATION Congressman Foss Takes Din- ner With Off iciai Staff cf School. Gala Sc.. ai 1h. Competitive dril Announced in SUN Alose. Noiar Admirai and Staff in Naval Uniformi Make Fine Appearasce. Foss Tells Recruits ta Love and SittUe for Fiag'as Did Foraearers. l i ïrom Wednesuiays SI". i The Second Company, lîsîrîictor Brooks. won tlie stand o)f cfflor Iluthie competitive dril at the nasal sciiool today. 3hI comîsanles couîpeted. In the coloraevere the battalion iag o0f binue witb a vwsite ascoiar. and lte words, -'. 'S. Navy Trailng Station,. Great Lake8- ansd the national culot., Congresaman Fosa arrived shortîs* iefore n000 and took dinuer sîlli Ad mirai Rosaý The competitîve dcili sas belweeu 1 and 2. (ongressan Posa aaid in his speech that bic expect- ed the recruila t0 work as hard ont behlaf of the flag that tpey had won as they did winoing it as a picze. Manv lui automoîbleâ attended. thie naval achool band cas e a concert, Rear Admirai Roas sud bis staff werel In complte uniform. and the event vas a gala one. ASK $200 FOR LAKE COUNTY SOCIETY Lake Ceunty illstorlcal Society Asks Board of Supervisera to Donate $200 for Uses of thc Society. (Prom Wednesday's SI'Nt The board of Lake coinnh: supiervi- sors lu meeting et the court hoîiso to- day ver. aaked by Attorney C T Hoydeckor of the Lake CountY Hîs- tonia oiiety tu donate to the bis- torical aociety the suii or $200. to li used In the perpetuation of memorial spots In tbe countr>' The natter was refered to t!îe rom mttee on finances, sud a deriolon in lbe mAtter will lie renderod 10thetK board Iter on. It bas beenth te rule for the supervisora to make a dona- tion évor>' year, but last year this sas omihhed. The bill for the Impi-ovemenis In lb, Lake coufil> jail were aiiowed this aftornoon, after the supervisors bad Inspected helielu esterday. DEATII WAICH FOR ACTOR MARION Arrangements Seing Made et W#t""arc for Execution of NM«eer eofZDon City Girl (Pyrm Wedinoseaya SUN. Wik.ebirre, Pa., Sept. 12.---At a omferent.-beieen 8he'rlff Rodda sud lte- cosint> cammissionera ield toda>', 1tvas decidedt o appoint J. Hayle 01 Rocky ln anti Nelson Kleley, a foi, mer haotel kepr on publie aqus>' as lte déaih vFtcà for George mariais, thisemm co-litthblaJ wManager ' Wli id lai boOdulW$St. 29.' a*0h&s LAKE COUNTY'SFIRST PROBATION ________ fVEI MIIfI~PUD ~WJII~ GRAND JURY WAS UtI iilùiliL MAM D Y STE DAYCLEVER SWINDLER 1 List of Grand Jurors Who WIli Me uaday Saloon Evi. MIULCTS IMERCIIANT dence end of Petit Jurymen Summntd.OUT OF $10 BILL (From Wednesdaî's SUN iFrorn Wodnosday8 s'~î OId Game of Substitution of '1he grand and petluotes for th. B1 ili Worked S'uccerss- circuit court, whicb wlillprobahly thent fuII hboeoYestorday thie tangle of Wauikegan Sunda, 0opeu > ing saloona andtheieon CII1 ai-- ls-ged ijllgal voting cases, vere draw.n ieaterday. The grand jury rep)orts nt South Genesoe Street Clothlng 1o'clock Msonday. Octohs'r 2, Tueaday Mérchant Disov.ns Loss of thie thrid, tnaturlallzatioii da', v.îtb 1 al ti nn Pighty or an hundred lwition4 ho hear $0Eryti onn a id \%ednesday the petit juroureport, -_____L__ for duty. The liste as drawn: Petit Jury. Clerk Remembers Two Mon, I Sumnmoned for 10 A. M., Wednesdlay, on@ of Whom Purchased a October 4. 1911. TreIadklhlf P.Albrlght.. Bouton. he adeclf James A. Foaasland, ii.îîo,i_________ Ja.mbe Densinore. Nesport. !,es Lux. NewWort. Tondered $20 Bill in Payment a iieo B. ;Lewln, Newpiort, ad thon Took that BaCk, a i% W Harvey, Avon. John Campbeoll, Warren. G ivjnag a $1 8111 0 Abner Taylor, Warren__________ E. P. ildinger, Waukegan. Edw.DIMIlenlb1,We.ukegan. Pos etJid~SU neto. E4ý ' (ron NdPedà, ,gVNnî P'eter (ioodb0Ut, Waukogan. One of the oldest swindles or gamea Edmard Ingalle. Waukegan. known 10 police records was sui-ceass-. N% L bux, waukOgaiL fuily morked lîcie yesterday after-b HarveY Larsoq, Waukean. noon. and as s resulî of lie gamte the t John liaynard, Waukegan. W t . O Samîison, WaukegaD. cash rec-ster of one of the .'ouths Henry elgel, Waakegan. <euce stîc1reel clhlng dores was f Rolit Throsei. )WNaukelntn. $Io. short or theî records thîs uîoruîng Ira Wlorsfold, Waukegau. si he i proporielor moade ont is Thoia., Douglas, Sheilda. dally cash sl11) Jens Jensen, Shields. J. Il. Uridîi. 'l.bertyville. The mý stery of the iiiiîsslîig $Io re- M'illiauî Spelîman. Ltbertyvilllc îîîained uîîsolsed outil nearly Io Louis R.adke, Fremolnt. oclock tiIs tiornlug;, when the clerk H. W. Schwerman. Froenot. iiddenly recalled has experieuces of John Gosbelî, %Wauioonda. îýesterday. He tated thîs moriiing H. E. Ilalnîan, Wauconda. iliat shortî 'v after h liadt returned tjeo. Benacl. W1auconda. front dinner )estertlay two atroanuuun Geo. IiouOý, cubia. front dînner yeterday, two men. wbo Arthuîr E. Briioto, Ela. weres- srangers to hlm, came loto the Otto Franik, Mau store, and white one of ltam as try- P. 'UV Meyer, Ela. lng on a sweater' coat the other pur- J. H. Fisher, Vernon. ci ,edtitree handkerchlefs, the val- Jý IL Brady, leerfleid. lie of the articles lîeîng 2 conta. XVm. Cummninga. Deertield. lu payrnent for the laiankerchiefa Grand Jury. thie man tendered a $2 bill and the Sumnmoned for 10 A. M., October 2. clerk gave hlm bark bis change, giv-' W. b. Tamblîng e, ton. lng him one $10 note. onie $5, four $1 B. E. Sinsmona. Bl10as. bilîl"and the oliver change. .Michael A. Hogan, Newport. Ail thislime the other in kept Norrs Prctor Antoch.up a running ire of questions about F1rank Bock. Antloch. the sweater coai, askig thie price, George Stanford, Grant. thenmaise and qîîalltles of the gar- Hecnur ke, \k.'Arvon. Ten iola' :rhae h FrenkBrWar e ohlî vn,. iTe n o a un d t Wni C'. Parker. Waukegan. hiindlîerchiefs suddeulv askcd th: Alex N% han, Waukegari. clerk how nîit nîoney lie, bad given John Besley, Waukegan. in payment for the handkercblefs. and Carl E. dRyler, Waukegan. thie c!erk answer 'Twentv- dollars." J. G. Boosa. Shiields. The man then asl.ed tlie 'lerk to take .P. Wenban, Shields. the cool of the articles out1 of $1 bill C. S. KeKir!. bibertyville. ýwhlcbh h pulled front his pocket, andb B. F. Rous. Frement. tendered the change itack. The manr Frank b. Carr, Wauocrnda. bad 001 îlacked the buils 5lven In A. W. Meyer,. Cuba, change in hiu pocket but banded them Georg Hoeft, EIs. bai-k in apîîarently the same way lu Wallace Ritzenthaîor, Vernon. awhI-h tliey were lirst given 10 flmh. C. W. Pettia WVýest.Deerfteld. lbhe clerk handed the man back W.E. Brand, Doerfield. .Ihe quarter first tsald. and then the Chu. Ml Schneider, Deerfield. change for the $1 bill, and the two umen bastily lefI ithe the store. SE KS MO~jy O This mornîng, shen $10 amie SEE S M MEY-TO ing the clerk rettembered that lie hadt C LASSIFY' RELICS not watched te bills closely, and It la tbondit that the $10 bill was cleverly extracled frosu the bundIe. and only LakeCounty Hit0c Society the $5 and four $1 bills given bock. Would buy Caitto end Oct This Io an old gaine and was trled tillstorkai M@teýfWtfo Shape on s everal merchants bore a few ForPubic. '~ ,moth& &go without succeaa. Theo e - .,. v. '_ er deacrlbed as vol! dressed, one (Freti Wed%edWâ4$'8N) short and the other taI!, boîli darkc The Lare CountY I0#.rfcal sociely eomplexioned. Tliey ver. avpparefltly 4as a ptition betcreýct#bosxd of au- strangefis to the city, sa they saked perviaor8 s toIIg foi -0_Çfftbhvi-h dir.ctioua to another place of busi- te 'buy eu« at b saled .ness.t ait tib* P $ 0il , Itorical o4aott.~ktaê ,THESE MAY WED. ~ o.e ~iaue........ ýW Iiari, Ug éu.. .. .2 Former Master in Chancery Probably to be First to Itôki Office Under Beneficenttaw, Which Will Parole on H Petty Law Breakers G of First Offenses. ( Front i W'eduesdav'- SUN.) Ali l ltyof minor offenses t t firMttlime. FoIosing art address before the Al guilt>' of mladomeaucor. L.ake.ý ci n'yîr vsip rsabY Judge. Otaining mono>' under false »'Uî t'barles Wh ltlncy of tie circuit courttoe=e, unit $200. this muornlng, snd 1omerfîul resîîltauî rcn, embezment, mAlle~W, agitation lu fal' or of s good law, itla miachiof, lit $200. likely that wiliit the neat few daysI Burglary, atlemptéd bargisry. _qru Attornev' Elain L. CIîarke fornier mias.,lsry wbore cuiprit la cMight t'odlI4- l'or li hervwviil e aîpointed aff etiand in ail cva Iteom çmî*'-W lAke coî.,y llr9Iatiuhi officer at an not lu business place or dwl~ asinual oa 1lari- of $8Osîî, the amouint The order lu such cases Ïuta'2 asked " and a iiea ers wîll open in this be maltera of public ecar b«F district for the wiiishnient or petty law looks witlilnee'o offenders. mon ospoclally. The nos' law îirovidinc for proha- 1 ttP'ltos~s Ia O ,lprr, a, ttate wide expansion of Il rbti4t, n o &nuette nt Chicago ineasure andti olihavior by achIupg4 od, means, reduced ho ils aimplest der the i-are of.,i*'e te. lermos, that the inixior la breaker wbouî thos' are rés it Muai:, wil be gîveji a chiauce t reform, tb Not leave the atate. . heha.ve.. ratier Ihan to be sentenced I Not -violaté any la1v or o,-W to jaal or prison. reoîlting In tiese aule I ac nPenalty Of going bacit.t sufferying i-f bis fanîlly, evefl to san!, j janl hérpaoe fo0"i a nd the htluilliation of bis inpocentl tt end er notlly reports th. *a. friends and relatives, court and the ProbationoSa".. GIse bond that: they twifl bé uisicofUProbation unc.r. The dattes of the probation officer TO BE APPOINTEO COUNTY'8 FIRST PROBATION AND PAR- OLE OFFICER. AllrTORNEY ELAM L. CLR)<E, Formner Matter in Chancery. by the terins of tht !aw enacted at the reoent legislature and now in effect: 1.- To inveeuigate ai! cases where probation la aîh-ed or ad, visable and render written report. 2. To keecp public records of i such cases. 1To watch probationers and oherv the pirohation rules laid down by the court. 4. To mnake recomneendatlolns and exerrise geueral oversight on timbationers. The salary wl! prohably ho $800 a year and expenses. The probationer bas the riglit of açi- peal to the appseliate courts. The perlod of probation, lbxed by the court, la flot more than six months for city offenders and flot more th-an year for ataite offenders, If the reports of conduct are good at the etnd of these periods the probatloner b.eiîg diacharged from custody and surveil- lance. The following offenders nîay ho re- teased front jal or confinement de- popdlng on theoir good behavior while ,c*y ordinanoce offendera who pleail good. And the court ma>': Reiîuiro reatitutiou for iproWo' ty taken or damaged. Requlre lie defendaut to psy cost. onot tu exceeti dollar a, mon h. .%Tay rovoke the parole. Can reommil paroiod t u >U at any lime h. does îlot do vwil', Can r.quire Ihat defenujt ep.' port those dependent on bMM fr.m bis earolngs aubject tu the dir«- tion of the court. Law i s plendid O.. The law le a splendid oDe, lae.5 tu kéep a vliole lot of peuple ut ý< 1.11 vio do flot beloug. lit JW4ItiW bng pett>' offeuderas Whae "fil>"s$ vays auffers"îýwben tho>' arem le puttlng them n o an bonor pn. vhere tbey wiii bave a chaffl ho malte good. It la aiso going 10 save eomittu'wt mnnand vomen fron becoml« xil litteréd and coinmttlug fuzther cesm- lus tbeir iahred of lte iaw vbtch. mita tinssometimea uinjuati>' to priS. EntIied to One Oflcer. - Lak5e coiinl3 vltb s population g<a.? Iritte over 50,0>00, la éntltled ta -~ probation offihfer. on. te each He serves for on. yesr undetro i. wh-ich lie court spécifles, e Atorneî Ciarke'a characher a~. tainusonts are auci that hlm ss1. lions to fli the office are un"u~~ ed sud there la no doubt a4ueq~ siaidoin o! éIectihim thlmthelié"oUs, 'l Do.« Not Affect Police Ceuew t' The parole systéin shîci viib* mbt oféi-t b>' the. flig of the o! the probation officer by tb*, - vison. vbho viii prolsably il1~è4 $800. does not affect thé citr' magiatrats court ai ail, moe> o! record, sud the polir. court. on as it hbau been golutg,%opçoed$lê an Informai expression from'J Whitlney Who, on being intav a SI'N repsrter, coufirn the tuent that Attorney' lilai 1. wîli ho namoedthle <tasity"Bi g» bah ion officer, . Attorneys snd cîtimene iince agrén that the a Ai torne> Clark. lta thie thlit ho la well ftttedýtm.,. sîtch a aplendit h - aytemI NtISoa - theudgfe Wltt àwtum