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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Sep 1911, p. 11

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&f abot itis COtlIBIy ant ws IS INAI L ýAme o Ot'.0n"Yeat A'go, aai * w'.Wolcomed i*vexh#"tou tu Home ofi Boum ln h itity. $opdid GCe* Vast ç»eto of flot wopibto t 2 s~g~e4~I kld fer Idin#fter b.tid cge e *ot&rw* Ulm ZebufO Ptl-*ue "- - whhd -quk scrted tbut xbe eus te fakir's wlfe. Later lie got juite orne other kbnd o fý#> tî-lpgernlug a 1LUd 4eei, it ms ~lod d,.bA been in '*tt ater le Ç- aInt, te bave- ail klads d liaidicd irQpefty Ulp lu Wiwanosin and~ 15 b.' a rq" ior watti and lelsutre et a tatoe for occultlam. Many bere will recall hlm. GR()SSCUP RETIRES OCTOIeR, FIRSI Federal Judge wlth Home at I1Iutlnd f r& Dtares t. et *1 it ea nd See the World Go 8B/. TO BE EN4INEERS ~I~e Law ses aUiroads to Kua*~i1up Tbuir Present Law Requires that Fireman ShaUilServe Only Rallroads tBeek to Rave Suf - fidtcl rKsfDemanda ofWitBr. anud Ladica' *ew Coats, ln~ su 11,. Iotest amxures iaud, pIplj-biue or biock, 1500 _*msg for Satur. day or Monday 7496 WPoIts" roll stvies, ali Rew puetty effects W*a twenti peg, Traffic on Roc The rapd groW 1903, when Il 1184 per cent, mmONt at whick tJàe -1h.é boeen Mnobble id 189.VTe"sosiü grealest know.sl M lion o e 8h. el* cf lhree per cet freight Cars. lu ered by 1h.fy ut tee the pna694 lueasdneO5r Il faiiing oen.', it galsie te tl te 1904, tweft>f IPl04 te 19m0140a~ trom 1907 te mîlleage ba u I portion t telm Peter S. llrcsacup. Higlshand Park, bith treighat *5 W'. HoRa With Suppose lIl'-, Jtdge of the tltnted.State% CIr- TraMc on, the Natiofial Rail- traile in the'lp4 - fbs atrA ohr cuit court, and aise) a menther cf the was equivalest to Wl!. butLate Ânoher Unted Statrs CIrcultCourt ofJrI, roada s M Vatly Increas- andaonnt j lamed Eelation8hip. jeala. bas aunuouiecd hl% reiggnatiotl e l edn Yas. 273 îston aa tra0M the be0ch. Judgc tlrosscul, mtade dinR- Unax. 2,3 itestatup tbla aut4ortative qgnueunce men t t-tO aedquaeli cvprom 19hdnesdays SjUN.) . 1 Hla resîgnal ion wiii i e!le-tg)<,ho 18ledwr4 - JeMeliua. oua. ' IPt IP.- ycdannlTatI ealy lun(ltober. (8'rom Woduesday's SU.N. oi hewr4 - toumt" Nathco. the Btisdoe eer, A, deuirr ..for more fredotî nu qan '4Wn langeb4ft hehlnd thl bars et j ndlyiti jI and ns a ritizcn*' i. -<one of On accouit o e Ic-w iaw ibatIol 4h. 1Polk codsty Jail. N*lhec, Who the renron! cter]ly .tudy- (ItO,4u '-fretive Jaunary 1, DILt, %*vht-h re- ,sconvcted o mistreatilig a YoUtIg fur. bit; forhroiuîng resignatt'a ,,îIl .qure Ofve ycara' serv.i'e as liti an wurl c m entengcd te the EtIt ai- a4ye, tu: tber. that ho, désirii Io taire lsj-wfe prupotion tueteigiitifer If 1île- nvpenitexilary. Pen4lng'tbe SP'm bisea lace !n the (o*îirîor pîîtie fl 'in ble, al raliroatds are giving 4xaulun 4* bit case hoevins broa4bath fMMLuo on" tLt iso îý;. .,ait tif- ir nýallntons ta as mnny of théir old r itee ii. penitelary tô Dis Maires, B*Adîconi questions or the da- as îosalble In order thut they uiay li i free on eut o d hiMary -~-----have a auffirleut iitîxuher or eiiu -.Joh»so. Mc. Jobnuis laffl nibt AUCTION SALE. ers for te 'aintersa demande. Wltbdrew th. bond terni te clerk of ---iThe preseet tttw oDlY requrea îhree th. Supreme cout. Tb&t heclWs of- IrrckticàK Iopît will aeel ait pbl, e -uea* ervice before promotion ia Pm Wo nol1 , , dNatbo waa e Y ue ute mbighest .and iM't blid- aiowed. and advantage wili ttc tairex tee as ictlley sAd ~atltti 55 - vr, ae bis reidetnce 1 t iles v/e4t of ittt n snayegner1a hn buthoecustodi. We t hertIban deîtot.'anti i Y, milc-o hu n snin nlnesmd l<n*wun IncWaukegan. ost of liverott. ou Thursday, Oct. 5, froin the ranks au tlsey now sandi as hiatho v/as wli hocco tere 1evor lit'emxouitentino O I 'ltd. i.nit., 1laopossible. The law wdli 'ork a bard- Ulleen years sfic vwhen h. tee ed u te tiqllowlng dearrIhe Ieti l ty, le- ship or the men eho If o! a reee-itive bi the social éorii.. Jointg wtb 1 Holstein cew, une miîlkik- S nature In uechgnica. thould btc abie a local cbnrch ho -wua feteel by item- leghorn hena. 2 inovers. 3 plous, i te paas exarinatlon for the pdut ;of itOu, pertermîng private lests a uMax- double harrew, 1 ssigle barrow. t engneer ln tbree yeara. but mut leaimoe ha ce eung ~ Au» btro. 1eed drilîl, 1Halaih j,»w. under the new en&ctlnent, serve te Ktmer a ibi.clme LuIbh. gae potato dgger. 1 cern ahelier. 1 2-oset Itoya- ogri h otad 0m fr aBibe cose LOer o gye laltorm sprlng wagon, 1 2-seat ex- toyaslne ntems ru a show et the old-citera bouse, thon tesinuu top surrey. 1 pîige wagon, 1 nus capacity ot ralîroati work. %Cl] standing, -,81 whlch lie demon- dunp 'a rt, 1 set double fancy harneis, The bureau o! tatistice haA r»- 18ebaset abd. tait p 1nt ]isingle harne,3s, t1 600-lb. pound plat- cently gîven out a recapltuiatiou o! jUatéàe ti tie, a e pa tin smcaltŽs, 1 circuler sac anti arbor, lis work In aacertainlng the growth o! grec betorethem atotilStOil *eY0eOt1i1Manns hond pIower hune cutter, 2 bis audience anild d I ter starîlinl! Incubators. 2 broodera. 1 fonce mn- traffle cxi the ronds ofth1e coutntry, bihnIts. e hIa.. 1 extension latider. 1 2hse cci erixia a perioti trem 1893 tu .1une. Whlch'Was nls,WMD hgrakie. 1 single hay traite. 2 ubaie 4910. cniv4tors, 1 shevel -piow, I!e li. Th eu1aes niiraea Wlîh hlm ai t tg 11 w a a VO- 1 gasol»a.tank. 1 kerosene tank.à" Te eutso@anIces i mon wbom h. clalm.ed as hfis wire ns- l-ousehold Furnllure. . meet beyond bellet. The normai » M ibgtat ahe cws th. daugter of iConisting ot 1 grand piane, 1 col- course of traitlc 1la a coutinuous ut Engllah coonel lu Indin. He aso0.age ergan. 1 marble top hedroom setgrowtb, anti but oee ear bu the icmbineil book case and deali,1uie shows a tiecrease. bhat h- saertea tbMho 8 blsel wonaofethlie gey haîr Cletb saa Icvohsteve. »WhmWt or blgb'e ate and bailhobetsc., etc. lng the year 1883. the fallng off OfMe au e= ~rlate by leavlng Indila. Usual terniofsr et. eaiouatlng 3eteifouteen per cent r jere bIs r of e prinme ccnflned hlm w.-. FREDERIiCK KNOPP, Prop- I comparîson w'th tbe three years i$!be would h804lit,- He decribe.d i 1074 Aucioner. popeprevious, but the tollowing year Fe .1w' wMa. for 8h..! Y 555 5PjSMIUV, 5555e " cent over hak 0flis.predecessor. look afld I mi oer haîtlotMrIAWY& rtO ires d maaMet I 1 geets mves" fad Inreaes.B.colnpany and Il, succeeded by Mr. Kitt- Worth of stock Mid C. d1T>IiII1fiF rIdge, Who le vice president. beet travelling mmfthef17.li' Ce B.-tinue until Tb suceed both of the old compan- terested. mon uê nam hold dailfi 1Teached eighty-twe eI wPerfex (leaner coin . i petbn a nIru* rt wllLlie luicorporated, at the sane i.e - ff rOm 9 t.$6000 aà*r tôt â«44e year, ef 189l, W vIu I Who 4ê*I ure« $36,000 and a wide future Opens their sfteric. '1§1»Y 9"v thbèW sert kInctease bad llret u ~ oM ~ WIth Coq. for lbe grospering concern ces aud mesy'te then*w ênei-n oL&4r the alwnp eof Wltlt Ur. Kittrige well be assoelat- whoWlertedVj. f A igK f ta ofe 1909 vas tif la harge ed probably the largeet owttersq of travelling MMepapelion. ad eaused an nUli- _______ stock, anipjigWbom are T. H-. Dirat, New iheo rprMi palpera 4t- 10 t iit of the roobf H. H. Beach. and Harry Tbacker, lthe led ai once "d aLler "t 10W oiE f.lu locomotives and R as Interested Four Other uresent secretary. cers wiii be elected and an Cd 1 41 the reara xov- Travelers In Deal, Whloh Te Wlll Ke Quarter. ange of the commit. Te elppnywM fo1r the winter 'r ThIeftetored Sacred2Opte., .t a*M an geg Wili soom New<. tainlils pregst qtǶara ai the folt Te p"ose par cent frein 1898Opdeme n Haod andikPmpeg l t w l# l f lotm fr~n. tlaOn isème o8hs ao. have e Wan . ab per cent tram .wlll sh. w Qe1 1*befllved, and hiby IgIItred kItsp. TIàe ct 0fý ti,442 3-10 per cuit teKe.P FaoWy ,at I, 5UlU504tad*r r g, nbe* v/aS the canne of *M sBt- 1910 The railwa'y Capaolty. tiationa now o. .nw.-n h XSàSed, But In pro- With ordera aow ____________ "ree In the traille. slght, the factl<y *111 abveilo 19rrte q psaeuger. The <rons Wednesday's SUN.) P&Dgcîty andi willî, liela ve -$iet Aiment lthe Limit W"« fthe report i nsneofthe .meat important deali 1,000 or more or litmach ieu Mau; - eiy oah. vriles ghameif un- a4 memiles or travel. ln a ma.nutacturing way which bun fnrtured by Outsiders, 0 of Iwo women wtto weflré pek- WI of freight bauled sgeethrougb lu this city In a long Ha@ Worlced Wonder&. iclg .ans* the. Wa3'B 0 Muother. "Wor- stery peraon lu the lime, Charles B. Klttrtdge hansaecured Since fOve or six weeka axo (C. B. rle e be answer. Wby. Ohes çod thM cannot la big coiatrollipg Intereat in thie Per- Kittridge became activelu the cqm- a" l 9b te au*elth" at e L*lhbnbd alroads lez lsuier Mallnfacturuta conpeuy. Psuy, uatiera have moved sftf y N îUV iBref lie{ buylng ept the Intereats cf Justin K. Mr. Kittfrldge han proyen a nuagiclan M vV ri bava 'hIo -, to the nd th.e- ilp 4i ML onf mu -iF 4,wbl S* .W*%oiSweater P17 '-----t -- - - '---J - * -Te Srtnef te AtonmSm.land Coat Lgvclincss reigna in the Suit and Coat Section, No wirnt>der tht Wft octi&ptht new Suits and Colts. Tht <hChr4tter'ý* 't ~~~it4r. simple effective Unes, and suite in 4àlit tle b caitýt tîoring in théir perfect fit, make: the ce4Iect" oe fIl 0 vaàf.-becwming. It Is really qulte altget to e hsfr* u<w Fresh frot» thcf7' wrappingt art a scort of new =iQ" 1tilt çav» ooy y*1. 4y-,snd we realiy belleve you wIII thtnk theas Iatest a«rtvab th#pwtm*o e.- lsgs for Fail. l'lephone your friends to joiri youi in a slght steIz gw sia~Q thét,*'Its and Coats tomorrow. Thc ere' ùftesonwhy yo shim nt 6 seeing these, charmiazg models and pot-them to-t1e u tt * tryuéý. You'l flmd the show, In.g t its but iy-dru*t r witHhe- latest style ideas that wilI hemgft -you Inpamê~oi* thip; Tht junior Coats are quite as interestlng as thonç for Ladie Ti èpartment has been strengthen.d so- that Moips s ,il flnd the tirriéàWt spen t in looking at thte iuny pretty models. ,-ibppig en our second floor is mo f thet pleasures of coming dowan-towfl. The rearrangement of the sections, the prétty pahnos gnd fern*, wlth their soft green effect, adds ta the comfort and rettfulnes of tiç store. We announce our FALL OPENING, /aIuriqg tke besI and la/est /ashionzs for Agtumu and -Winter. onM Sa/urday, SettemhOr 23rd, 19'1. Yoti arecrisk Sinvi/ed to attend//the many Qtenin Diis#4ys &4? sexi wvk. irda - if tMi

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