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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Sep 1911, p. 4

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1* e cs N a4.i i.PaoU: ow st le To'lii.. DL. ai em~. 7rserl xt *Ue8CRIPTiON PRICE *1.50 PER YEAR 8TitioTLY #t4 ADVM#4ôg FRANK( H. JUST ........... .........d................. .. .r .. R" L. MUBeARD. ..... ...... ........r. FRIDAY. SÉPTEMBER , 22, 1911. THIS ANTI-SAL.OON AITATION. The inspiration for this talk of a fIve Mile dry zoe,&bout thés Qev*mninnt Naval Station and Fart Sheridan, cornes prlmeriiy becaut.et repésited flag- rant violations by liquar dealers of iaws and ordiances of North $Shors vit- log.is andcities.. Until saloonlceepers roalize, they au the rest of us, muet *bey the law, until they ceang te deniinate ln poltics, until every problesci and proposition le regared oniy with a view ta Its limitation upen their licencet t Vile lws and ordinancea, untîl then there wil be thîs retallatery agitation, and whlc in i ts growing fervor prolmasec toeilmInate altogether from the North Shore, [n- cudinq Waukegan, the open saloam. Thore la going ta be in Northern Illinois, a there la In the Southern and Central part of the state, ether proper regulatiOn or elc'inatioc, whiaii tact more toast realized by the saloon force. Te the SUN It ceems improbable the Illincois legllaturs as et present kw ooastituted, wil <yen at thie roquat of the Governnient, enact a iaw provid- 4011 fer a fIse mie dry zone about the, naval stationt. Wea look upon the effort, liowever, as indicative of public teciper, ai the grewInq sentiment and retentment repeated ici. violation haa engeiiedored. T lhe saloonkeepera have nome but thomativea tô biame for this, they clone tan stem the tude, and anly by trtt aidherence te régulations, unjer whieh they operate, and praper condiict ef thoir places. MODERN ADVERTSING. On. aof the principal resons for thi. tremendueus growth of modern cd- verfielng la its ucobstruaive efficiency. Saleumanship tlirough the percqnal présence of ene man or wromac taUing te anotiier individuel often suffeia much trqm the. obtruaivo par-, tonelty of tihe sller. It la a fine art te oeil good. Foi ame trainsd te olo Il mjet ight. '~On person icaks the self assurance te puaIt hie arguments te the point epersuasion. Wearied by the persistent réluctane,- of th. opatonier, hie lsnititlve faits. Tii. customer louve. theetore ungàtlied., Lite In a rotai store for thé. elerica la a long sortiof trtyiwgng iotsa The. doubt and Indécision of the custômers, thelr inabi!lty te iUk" *éër o - wn oelnd.ii, tat» the. clcrks. They beoome groucliy. ":i. ustomor gOts In- ~$ djoe an mdtIi.recuit oet he ittis tff lethat the buyer goea o« aagr', ý'q 'utfisble Io that It ia ha d for custemers «te niake apý thele '**0 h« hy want on the cpu. 0 e .momeant. Tiicy aturgIly heeltap 2; fiwce~eiéngMMey.. The saleapeepie do nt Always have »M016Man #8111luig lq<.b>' the nawpaper advartiaemethtashie traiuOndous ode, stt hat tski hun*n perenaiity dec, net affront -tihe perafin uhegepst- po4l~e, aooPetd. The advertispuiont neyerucarie. t*9ecuetesie, anc l »çtw*eI" Pvnors' Ink la nover ,trets« telIlnï OWe atr>'. liftii.prose- 'jéiieatàiiir Iteaitates, ehé can reai ever tie.faste, end figusfer 20 ihgts somele cawlat, 1*0w .wâ0ýWlý tho Clark lu the v'WidhIdbgemimhappfch itlieo la hakt th ii. samque*#en twlce. *h.uwwpajr ~v.ricccutfinis e plinth 1» fo t h d bUOng about O*fThe.'taks up the. paper In ti ithé ol« of IC apphoues;coniffrq t 0e1 1èéi e ee-obtî et their joieurc. l je "fi"eyup ,te tI~ h* rAa -.,IlmtNI5f%t4ffl1 otureli>' te bho poffl are fuIly apie4ted 4,10.c ft hlà »M a large >reportion, 0e04-Uitsé, e e<r mofinds 1,ý1* prancoli te - ié p" h àôflothey 4«»fv..thé ir hoea. sitI*ec= gaaàw ROY4 ELECTRIÇ 0 OIPXE - f4ît.Tu *Ili1is eut 4.ht e.gelU ocar rusi h on tutb B>' thia th.v uqe h. ou41..154) prodmet>, CansetvapeS-te and Iii.coU..e thàa rokmin s i lu, wic-oMtk 9.101e ma its em 4 ,eatL This la eue raieq vii>'4g Pound et. coffOS OUI id this m mj a nU use Er* tweIo te ite.. cap& fo'Qdfull stveuwe4 k V caefte. tisam Win »Ycoff oo mS wtio OU Th ofetGodCoU., e nd Cfe- grouusd in th ordi>,way. AmiSuer feature oft tis aMl i. y e1 have Cafte. cut os fine as the fimest sard &Bd it wili .4111 be froe fre.n tiAs fi. dust whieh la produceit by the oldisiethed eftriadins. You Win, thoserees cways ht" a clear amp ef eoffee lugeai of a mud>' offe--a resaIt eofmsing thse ohd w. style Mei.. Royal Cut Cofftie is al8o adaptable for percolators or French Drip Coffee pots. Try a pound of our coff ee cut on a Royal MII and we know you wM lbe pleased with the resuits. Wr.wairona,'"LN vi1I S * "VtLO" 246559 44784 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION liisStal4iou Rigiétration No. A362Ž5 renewed. Velo i~black liorse weigh1ng-i'dOo and of unusuai quaiity. l.la abgoiuteIy Pound, Pure and bis get are of the very e uhat type of draft animais. H1e iii a horse that has itvnhimself. eeo will make the sQaîton as uëual at the lIANSON STOCK FARM VIEW, ILL. MILWAUKEE ROADý FEE $124 o insure Talcs NigIt ttk (1og and Yor~o1 b One MnSriuy utl Taken toIrela1iy TwO Late oan d i t Vas iearise thbe machine t» vhich the yoithfui joy ridera ma-de their getaway fram Chicago hal b..» stolea froni the gar- age of Arthur fHarris. heait of Artur> Harris Company, doppércmlths and bras.. fouusdra, 1214-16 M arshfietd ave- nue, Chicago. ýI Prom storieâ liesti Monday, It le clahinecithat UieyQangme»a etie o». auttumobile froin (bleago, and ran t about the. streeto wit.hout an>' lampe. The. police of Chicago got an their trail i le issaid, becaîîse tbe'yç vere rua- ni»g Vît-bout llghts, a»d pureued tbem on motorcycles. Tlsey topped at a store lu Chicago to obtain lsertiseie for orne of the lampe, but findlng thbe police close be- hlid, they abanaued the automobile a»d made thelr way tathbe Harris gar- age. ,Tbei'o, prying off t-ha lock. they taok the, Harris machie, snd loft t thicsgo. The ýmachine vas left about a moile forth oft Ubertyvllle. The champion automobile st-or' ai Bll Crek, near LlJbertyville, for Its aettinii Monday morning, acu iv le yeuDg mon vere varicusly hurt, but that ie »ot the story kt ail. . Tb. story [s thatt lji.>'lt Liberty- ville suddenly and vitiioit notie, ef- ter the. French enstein, learlng 1,1- bindi tboin a garage bibi a board bulI. a room, bih, a dpctor bill. andt their automobile, alil acunuulatod cand de- parteit from them i i a day. The. accident took pacea 1 the niorang t Bull. Creek, lwar t-be H. J. Cater place. Tii... la a bhir con- crete brIdge. on th.aceno and sa s bU), vhklah10ma up. 'Fb. autoum- bile seema to bave ho.» rtinte bti m c , t u a v oI t a te a . T h o » z l n s ea I masser, on tIh k1% the.chanffeur let control and thée'zachino v15ved o fa tire, punugeit gvwiathe.emIbe*nkin, t, stan t il Itime, spilng e the'o ove. y0ihng me». It la belioved t tptone, vashart, jationiuittsrnalby, as.i- P as a abest sit » reln aiheoasi q.)?day. One. of th leust Injured vent to a aeigbo-lwsgftaranand teiluopo>d fer ald t-u George Qota- gael Lihertyvlle, thence a bireit car hrought the Young mna teLàhari>'- Ville. Thero Dr. Smith tee stunion- otand the youngme»nv*Mt t-o the Motel Newcastle. Tier e Ucmeaft Oeiicusiy lajured Yo'ung mnu as ýOundtuta bve Internai Injuries. Tva af th. Younsg monor tbree, sp- popar la have le! t for Chicago mosi- day )pOra1g, leaviluzthe injunditmac, Ant a6companian at the hotel. Noar five-t-irty in t-ht- fteraoo, 311a. Wolff, Owner o! the botel, states. Ose Of the' Young men bcokeit at the clock la t-be corridor sud asked viat time the talns left- for Chicago. She tlId hint- ose et as se». 1That vas the last- an>' ane saw of the tva youaig men ictt. Tbey itid flot chahb out of the vi»- dowa, a test impossible for t-be ma hurt. Nevertbeless tht>' ver. t-acedtot thbe St. Pauh depat asnd one of t-be trains. ,Ahi the vay through the Incident t-be Young mn»refused ta gti'etheir naines. Tht.> weo&ai bet-toc» aine- tee» sad t ienty-t-e. ,Tii. accident tore the cotbpe tram their bodies, one man hsing hotu trouser lesso thet he vas gabamodtut appear ont-be etree4#. Hi-iHfie top&ireit of vben, hast ai be vas cenvalescent- <bm a soIf-la. lcted accidentai ouait frein sasab gun Wvh.l h@b. rèed oneur WA40 warth cone ulght rebont-Iy, he incufte<i dread locija, James Monahc.n la Dew about tu leave t-he hospitm , ecevereit tram tetu- atters. terrible hattle. against otis. for ihih cretit làai en 10 t-be uatailing cas-e of the oxcei- lent Inurses at JaneslicAlister bospItal. Anti-taxi» vas admntasteret. - Moue.- banis trouble came wheu s gun whlph le carniet ,truck agalnst a buggy ad exploded. t-be abat tearlag a bois tin his Ieg. Aemlnicence. Tihe boy betrhougbtc bimicif otai grect man>' remsrksbhe thiaga w-IcS ver. net takleg place alil shot Om. '.ad rigbt ubrewdi'. -For he. quti he. vibittaaoo e byabi bic >ears, -sre thaz «e». Wl eed ho vared fenti>' te roali ltuo=We oIt Ot.-puci. The na a i tmoethau mon. 1111 lion meft ta li. Unitedt States,, togetb er w*rh 4àdae «istoyaluthein, ane on file ini the ltay recrnltliig st5tieaïea the. lndiagipOjm, lad, feitoral, bUlild- Ing, Theue are the n4mes of 1"pros- pools," wlth vWbmh the »aydalà I1» eoliciting mot toinolathe sgavy. 'Tho 1 coaaisctioii rtentIr Of the Ced*r0 Rapide publieSt>' headgugerrc itil the 1Ikcit!alsfilesdquartera, makng those la 1004004jIsatise argeet thb navY hasîeut maintaineit, brought about a çOqîIOIdatIon of 4h. niles t thc fces.. bureait Seela Eniltm.nte.t To give tibe millioan Information coziorning the aavy. and te amouse tlielr lutorest te the point where en. ],itmont vii f1ùlOW la tohiea1thé,U publicit>' deper t#Leut which furniahes wvk for two officersansd thtrty-liveJ cailora In Indianapolis. The recordsf wr, Obtalnte4 In various waya, somoe by keePing tmack af'every man Whof Inqisireit conc4rlng the naval enlit-9 ment requlrMCnts, othera ver. fur- laheit hy local sutharitiea ini many t Instaufces, ait.etili others by the men0 on the 91hipe, vho gave ta thenavy thef sanies cf iii friends Who, tbey hellcv- ed. misht ho Iaduced te cast their lot wltlu the n»on thie battelchIpes adt cruslers.t Blauch stations In publicity wers. vblic are imiter the. direction of the ilndictapolilt "ttiens are at tanta. Codar Rapide., Chicago, Cacinnati, Clevelandt, Dallas, Detroit, KÀi.as City. L4e uigls, Mnneapolis, New Orleane, Omatta, St. Louis andt Port- land, Ore. LIVING bON75tàg Beor ud Bouag" oùa Rntomb.d'lx L4'lle Klne for Th#fr Food Westlng on boffna saucage, beer snd 11elcaclea. the three Ik'nntieh min- enc ,ntozmbed alie 350 feetbolow the surface of the earth in the ahatt of the Mornig Star mine at Leadilîle, Colo.. Monday awaited rescue by tn gangb of mie» who have heen worklng witb- ont ceasiwig ane Saturds.y alter- noce». Owing to the amount of debris ta hoe learod away and the dangoretof ad tumbera ln the ahatt'caving lu, the resouers who are vorktng in shafta ot six each, are proceeding slowiy, foarful of startiag à ru» of earth. The three minera, Fred Caaki, An- drew Perle snd ,.athew Jacobsan, are ln gond spirite and bave employed themeelves by sinaing and teiling &taries sdace their entomabment. A three-inch pipe--bas been driven tbrough the debris from the surface. and throyth this the men are able ta converse with their fanillte>. and rela- tives an the surface. Beer, eaflée, tabacco, faurteen feet of sausage, sandwsiches, and numeraus other est- ables have Leen lawered to thc me». AI] three milngra are married andt their wives and ebiidro» bave heen at the mouth of the coaaecting pipe moat of the tine ielne thoir lmprleonmoat. WIE wIlLJ-iý Mt that, vstcb o! yanrg ama tell you utt , tha is neceasar> t6 ho donc sud thatl Il *iii cost t-o put It in Perfect Ruonrhig Order tIen yeucan leave it,,notRasyon pleame 1aai kints af repi vori, ve do okly the ver>' beat work sd e od bave no besitancy>inlu eavingthe flucat Iftidfr it in Our cane. A. Ii$ I5ibertyv Uts th deis te, the farta nierar ât *rt~il ~t erebbai ai d t 0 vwpyiec yeaap lait MAwk is h wstrte t sta L. Wllurd et Mr. fit*e»il crvived b>' Als4, * ow, ttc )OU n i rie r. J. iL. tffl >qri;37 ta., -Staffont, Sili bttoatreiet; ie motiier, tri. J, ee et'Gmage Ma l bisalter, mlid Frp.alca hait brother, of tiavints, George 1. Brogiten iva i eneoft he abAt respecteit snd hiOhi>'hoteorat faraier !tht, eount>'and hatif gs.p- ,ed oonuiierable'vcaith b>' ditof hart l*oti. Ho bad 'but rocientiti glyon .up AUl taori onthe ,farm and vwu pr.- paylng te retire. HMs destb, t*kilo- piot nnexýpe4ed, vua sgrest shoclt Po hfi, Ifrle»s at rlstlvee. The tuners! vil te boit froinsthe home near Liebrtyvilie Monda>', Soep- tem6er1il- Oust Undesirablea Vigilante made up otftihe Indepeu- dents of ZVon City' andt led b>' Acting Mayor W. F. M. MAiller aud marobàj Joh» iboover Monta>' radod the lFor- toct. Lave, f ree love colon>'. near the electric road anit expelled the, cuit f ramn Ilbe ct>' aftor a verbal battle, ta wbicb roistanue vas offred., The ýraId fotiowed a poacotul et- tempt te gel a Mira. Meredith, mothor of tbree chitro» andt a ;rtdow voman, f rom ciutçhes et the free levers, wbom l laWigeidthme 1usd joined snd for whoni it la saidtebeait Iztendeit te 90 te Chicago as s. »"gst. Hep' tlsw-eebiltre» hait b..» placet vtth bar mothor-lb-lav a i bu etghbors, A omittae 0<ofindependents hail visitait tiie coton>' to Persuade thue mambers to give up Mra. Meredth pesoshl>' but the. free lovera d.clared liaI cie vas callet tfroen n igli to aid theiti and refuset to discbargs lber. Ber nUsloua.would have heen te raite mono>' for tiiequ haididar t Mdcight. Bo [t ts t at ater much thimper- ing ant secret comtnfosu, the bond. ef about tveaty vigilantes, seit-conistl- tit, gaberet Monda>' at midaiglt mgcr the. Zion City lire station enit preceedeit to, th alteof tt-ho tar papcr covereit shack vhich housedthe t frès loyers. Take Inniates b>' Ears KuOaidng, the. vigilan tes vere d mittoit te the tvelllng b>' a vomasa. Tbey fount thr.. man, salitto have been beaded b>' Brother BenJamla Me- Kulgbl, ln beits atd four tome» sleep- lag ou tihe floor. Thbe vigilantes sraused tbem b>' lakug thbe men by t-he ears and dragging them ftram tbelr hedc. Thon, tbey assert, the>' secureit con- fessions tromin mrates et the cottage tbat bone vere living lu vedlools, tisat the>' dit not hellove lu marriage or bilîdrea, andit at the>' are ail te b. coasîdoed rIrdes aud grooms o! boax- on, their ot» naine for their sect be- lag the Perfect Lovera.. Escort 40 Street Car. living the lamat-es just- time te pack their gripa, trois, and get resu>', the. vigtlantes, tve aof whom only are known. *tirttb procession to the. electric road depot ln tîme to catch lie firot car , sauth, tickets being baught for Chicago, and the -endt of the free lavera camne lu Zion City. *Ail the va3' tô the depot t-be Perfect Loyer# cioruset ballelujaha, glanlas, aigi amgnoansd chanteit ".rcbing Throughi Zion," ile tbey were proit- ded ta move tasser. Wili Deai *y Alil Secte Like Thtis. Indeplndentà vie boaited the raid asnunaceitTucada>' the>' vould deai ta, ;vfth ail le fanatIcal seat-s wbtib Inato hCity, tiat t-he o>vouli flottelerste aal'hhlng of the nature et the. Perfect Lovers 1lu their midist, andt tbat tbb vigilance soclet>' of the likite- >peddntetswould boreatter ho jut sas q.tv St-hovigilance socitofe!the T*o tomes, the Mrc. Mrédith,a. .14", t1* bave hecome an evangelisb, and ânabier voman ln viiose housô perfoct Lovera madte their hegitw Quartea, &ce romin» taZion Oit>' on 'Thé. so. vaa.foundet [t le roported' b>'t Mras. Ne M orris of Davenpoit. trio troppot demi recentlyIn'taht-b aidat Of' a sermon. No nov leader bas as yet heen, choie», the free lover, Yesnovtng tehZMen City' te make Ilueir. Tiie tiree mon vere at firat thbe onlJ OuMce oted te leavo the. Cit-y, but tihe wemen t-ho» detlaroi t bey weult go too, se al marcued cOnt. Thie Grave Jeke. e As Cg.»OchtiUK b* ritar aofail. i'aund. se 4h. oepo! lé )1 tise. b. ~isaed ,S~ et tItis 41eu - --5 weqOf ,q4" tb 01 MOtst O S laeIidl tbe fo" »t tg Receper of b d.e Ao* ke Eeay i~VV.lEu..Nois Jîlsele saprokided by 1ev., 'MWteduvv1ilý., 1Lspt, 14,.1911. ~gare * r g Wona< Cnfs.g W Oa OUL», hoe t5r . wil av Tem iw BdJs DoublIe Breasted Suits * Sizes, 6 to 16 Vears GoodsM Zde .Naoaqatuk Mille, known (ras MIaine oC= ,« mI asthe buti makers et Icloth 1 for bop# dtWg Patteras Correct. Prkce».Èoad Tr inJGood Sble. A towd t6 AU crowdled in a Boga' Suit i a t E W. PARKHURST SCHANCK BLOCK I.WE'LL B -NG T baon"edt o lur lknA i o * - dfrt. * Tnat's (Our Way * rt ~ ~ -e muudwesola trial ordcr IHome Luber Co. 2Oth CENTURY M'a 1 eSprealeir IS- THE DEST MONEY MMCER ON A FARM IChTC'S1)ý, XUIIANU~ BRUS. -. -i k 'r ---7-

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