1FORt S-AI*.'bMt IDu) a bIte ya B.a»IliLbd brkeys, Aud~ Cta. UsoLuiaWaks 0n lîl. E. >. 2 or honoLibrystll 2O7W~. - plue FUSfiiI.~titUh1i istolePie ,POU "LiQ <ITFamof 181 aori itiasti5$o ilseouth oh9HEL Das lnuqj~j TanLar- ':Si FOW *Al9-Jieé,bigisbuilding lotsr, »StW, SO srth &adtt etisiront, lu tise màosadwrlnsaeîlésu olu tovun, tise %Wis0h loin. he Ver, vatot- Mdi *Ifi .5Imd pat fo. Nov lai» U~au~pçl;As5LE <nO-tf 8ALL&-N, modern. upto-date1 bkuea é olu OuP, lot 50X279. oit luA,.Whi li Uon easy <anus. 2 Zaqsir o liu. 4.Boira, Lîbatyvilla, FOR SALE-hi las-sa wrk Mar"e. ,&titr.osC 1M. MclAI'àsi. ntib. n Plsat 1>(1trayalake. e-4i]tl FOR SALE-Aie Osiori- grain bine. lit'at chOU condtion.Resîuaue OAIZiTscuT. L.lhrtyville. Pititor278WI FOR BALE-Oaa bloOhi matebsti teain. tisce anSd four yesa s ud. svtigt 280);' oue anin wvnrk bau-e., weit 2400. Teto rM soya vlt 21 isusbieeg pige. Boux 56 B.N RPL 1. 1 Autitus-it, Il Piso IH44 h.usse'Villa. p5- FOR SALE-Tiso be-tiug toveu. 1 (lerla oeil tie r. nearl> nir. utîlse gond as Dow. Inquire C. A. Hanns:, Llteéet.xvill, 111. P5 FÇOR RÉNT-Cottuege ousLuk ttaa-et &Pduteix rouons fat on Oscuirt-tuete.. buqeuiratof M»s. EDi'ru WkaumL, hilart- vuilq Jli.c-ts2-li FOR SALE-Oood enione alit 125l par busisal.> ilcklng usuous $01> a bnbo'-isl qulsu DE Wi.Vcas, toe .ll . li k.hane 2631R2 e-52- FOR AL-Fut ortt>' st-aarm-s,[air oisntge', Seort 1sail. pént>' of Irit, lissa, lemcé, II.p-S l- F05SEN-I sus~t elt itr:J. W. Butiar*s Dow sUt. tho lirai t fls>. tpeis us" lIlo it a 55yaar. I have t~ssio tI u aa tishea mdut of a atlu i* bm s idleDamnvsr aud alpeel to-oloso tiea ilde 01oh dt> te "i,e--0v o, esossm le &gouci eh" uc ev à hmodem aew iso-seat a ruw»ooble pio. Tlssboulola 11e muss satIeatrVMay ~bave lis-il te,,sud sud tisanauimums W gmi -52-1l FOR t~NT-Pgbtuiombonse-, one Are. >sqsr tttaOs t521 - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - FOR REWT.- i hfty acr enar ibartIVIlle, Il P. . '8o011iq. 0-52-t FOR IEt4T-Nk Maisy lurnlisat ruoins *"or e, vilaoss boar'd. Inquiesof J W. Can, ot1 é-*thm cnrrPark and 2tewart avenne»., Lihertys-lihé, 111. TENENT WAtTE-Oo gaat-.oun stocked 200 mre umodéra dol r(am tuear Llhty villo. Pisne22 Oit diti'55 X car@e of! isaodie. p-52-1 WANTE-Gii floi' gpaéral huusotrk. ilIscés $7.00 per veck. inqeumii.ut llo usUise. *cMI WAN"'EO-Bou.u" 1ttc ire , spi' Eàv~, UseryviheilI. Roxi 95 iWANTEC-tluretocîllp. Wilulifori tpisée aud nétuvut any place in lowf.. Phono 154J,UGEO. a. koou. c26-ti + LOST and !POUND .+ LOS1-KeY rie g ande) bsin vîtis one ke>' asti button ibook onuring. fl'ldtr ple"i, rtern to 0bis office. il + "e,, ++ olt+a+ GOLO FILLED SPECTACLES-ivitis caredai tet inluida fur 11.00 Andinp. Have. younnprésent en"e'.rianget tir bave ncv fraescf or ',oas.resént lensea- 't'umatisI old vithcomtort. iront qg00 iD n.. l e' ru ,hé Rýiâ~ltDlqme e r .1 ad Madison Wauýn. lita. Ie291 AUCTION SEASON fAuction Bills of ail Description, !xecuted with Neet- mss and Dispatch. et This Office- i rELEPHONE LIBEftTYVILLE No. . IFOR WIIO DISCRIMINA .TE WIIO DESIR! GOOD BUTTER EVRY MEAL IP The butter thet alwaYS gives aati4factiou-. Holand 's 'the moot uanitar butter churned. It han a aweet~ fresh =.ma dit"ie$ >± wn. Niot' a dîty made butter -but chuia" iibe Wco@emb7s where it is only PoWuIiP toma»ke -fine butter tconditions ight-air'mnd surroundings fresh 7 and s.1wet-eui ente the bet-consequrentlÏmort I4ol- I and B-tralIh hcg u surrouinding townh than any ot'herbirand. Sod by nelyall.69%bd'Cl ocers- __________ A1 S K I~. W sCarroll W., alrond Corlett & fçederucks - 18 WAtjKtAN* ea C Mit~a~ Be-o. M.st.nlbhCo. C, . Stehd*wp ~O.W:LIN ~SON, PJ2 L- N, NON£ f"EOflVWo FMP ~ILgag TH-ANf 'NT, nWAY. 8, TfM3R~2 91 'Il am *WM *».]VJýMtDweiiers Tisey're pottInStisa >'Qios-eggei chiekea late tos uvo, reg]iflate, Just tilla tis e a tlia havé. Ia, a nov.. Ides, sgo new tisatflIa isrt OI rvlO' a0ro.uer slndaqt, aiie uipnlyfuhr maglosl>' glflashWbr09ag0afront viicis are tramaiuiteotalutolQd b>' tise ages- pouits->'ralsai', 'riserefore, tisane'e nohilg toc gouti for bisa Atuorlcais iensd t s-uld flo ha ail a sprisluL visai. vllk thé poietry lite, Ir "M sSuon ai to ad- dreu Hler Mjesby as JAss. A. Heu. Muangig, Apartanont, Maguolia Tar, racé, or eba stibiud iaàs>on. i. Mu. A. Roester, 14 Bilf Gardeus, Waokegan. Andi viy pet? No singlé sourca ceetrbutéi mos-e gouomous!y te tisa contenta ut thé Amerlesis pocket book that Mrs. Hen. cm 1408 a-New On*a. Thé OtIde% is a nevnue. Wisera the fautons Philo sstem maires la postitbte lto aise chit-kens. plenby of tison, lu a mighty Suinatl spadb, $Pr*"tonottise Otplan se- duoos bie potn! space b> tise fiai systeal, and,. Ike tise big cil>' des ut the ùdlibuIlding, greva upward, lu- TS.iuaffne meen tissb I le slnthy lits pill albeick«yards anparimpo»cd. oh ai. Tuer. ta a weuttisof nés- Idesin ha ie-Ot systein, and lise> are laS»t tld tln an intervies-wîit tisé in- vénutor, vis a s appliét for a patent for h1. sysean. Thé Ott Pouls-y fiats, vbbcit hava haut gi-eu lise name o!f Bluff Gai-dette, areau onNothiShiierian soand.Watae- Sani, visnca îiscy desire lieir Itamé, and teal axcluebvely l is e ingabam aIrain o! White Legisorn chiiekeus. u'prsetlng foty ys-os fltis sud dovelopmeut on Use part ut baslt'. G. torasiaino!f aukegau. Tise tugnaisan ide et tise ciiciccu ta a large, long baciedet-bs-le bird. capaisle o! makng an egg record, a goud brteodr and & gouti produoes. To lIS chicicu, fainous the vos-Id ces- lise OIt flate add lise muaI favorable conditions, andt tsése you bas-e It. Bul let Ms. 011 telh you ail about Il lu biss cn way. Many ers ef Study. liefore going lmb lise poullry busil- nessa, I atulfid ltfor Ibrée eas, read ai sy magazines, isantreila of ad- vartismeétsansd mny books. 111 wvas not sastliedti thé advestheris contratiietei asch otser, sud int-b cf thé ltérature vas con!osîng. -I thén eut ou à Ions- et inspec- ion; from lise Rock>' aiountains lu tise Atlaintic Ocesu. t visiteti many planle, on tas-ma. aI agriculîcral col- lèges snd lu back yards. 1 sas- two profesealiplans anti théeuillion- aires' display peos. 1 isiteti thé plant cf oeeo! the asgestaI es-isérs. founf buildtings that lias nul béen usai for titrseyars aud learuef tisaI ahi tise btrsesoIflalis te cedulosB w gre brougst lunh-tit tsth as-msaius-- lus. LiseThe nur founuf ltoc mucisbbes- to raise bis ocm biici. Theti 1 bégan tu viil as-wsandti t ~lok t tise birsd. i leamnetihume- tbing again. I vent CÇtlO mles tlu sté lise birsdetisaIwon ut a gréaI national shov. 'i ond tisaI Ibe os-uer itotglit eeO->'bird ho abus-éd andi tisai isaosaî flo'-k veuiti nul wluat a counIs- faim, >el hé sdvértisedtiextenelvéhy. H4e Watt-bai Thinga. 'During ahi IbIs lime i made notes, sécureci phtus-es and matie drawinge of gouti anti bad fealorea o! the plants; vils match lu handib saw bus. long il tock lu lent or s-aIes-the fowst sas-oua plants. 1 notédth ie arngement of buildings. countaf the relta anti, ote th thlime in cering for flocis. dI sas-tise eake antilusses. -Aflér tsen >'ara. I vas convincee Ihat the buainess asiezeerable, tisa pruducta far- Ironsadéquate for te fl5im'a nefs,, sud lise poils-> plante las- front perfect. I léas-nedtIat mont o! tisa bIbi-atome vas out cf data and mucisofut ilfuit of es-sos-, b leas-na that Uer aëa at-hant-e to make son- é) in s cous-utnt plant vhés-e tabor la effective sud easy. t vas 'nulstis- lfted lt.h an>' Soune luspacteti. I !otnd no os-uer wbo vas sallafldc i ItsaIt Iliey-vouhf t-bange tise pianle il thét lied a chanet-élu muibti. Bat-bplIst ttuf lIs merits a escis isdétecta I sonte pare prohibitIvely expeneive anc iwi nées- puy itesest un tisé investia cul Is son»t Ue'vus-k is uo ciiflcui',t t -1e pcasnot ho set-us-éd tisaIla Salie- fanboiy. Imatie a tas-étuiuoteoftheis WvutèofUise asti mney; audtin uan effort ta sas-a bots on mYs own plant Ahsd sange. 1I lanu t lnet-essai->' lu- set eomsntewevbuildings sud dus-lt-ès .ust,-Lika City Fiat. 'Osr poniti-'fiatsarase a uév idea écnMy of space, lime, labos- and *fort, bssiaffont thé muet Sauîtaey idea yt eo-uts-and ses-se a donuble U ar ofo brooter sud bouse coït "Tise lutertor ta Iie a cil>' flat, the eUsicess-are broutiet on six floui-i ni ou aMttisai'aide o! bbecancuoo llig a&0e, vlicis vîdeus imb a tee. 4, t tisa rear. Tis eaeaker àes Seat rou nosupouitr S-> oses -If lvu>'s béén matie iigis and JilotbL "" wutemsbd. Nos- ehickens an gu al o va prosife ieadrontter tié orker lu lb. ses-eu foot alleYl 115*0 sud- a alm)! est vide; but bis liii haSve thraa flous-a lu tisa as kt. poi'tcth>' ventillted. isotis troi lise ail. Msd tisougis caus-m fsaines ln i a± ud aeuré tiseeuenlgisI birouu 180-heovs abtishe aidas. re tsa',la a fend ron l mao dat té tst eauo iaribubeti once wMak. or uuce a motis;and le oas-a tar-ted rons flock t lfock, Wlier vWatar la pipe! lu eacisbouse tisé labo' .of talug cas-eo! a lar-ge nuinilai-1 Iirlu laatlb li himuint. Atearnt oiE oi& hecd t u eoed on a las-ge raniE hueSday, Usubese vatér ha bauloti. - Ts ouses are nuiltt 2x12 tel -l ýj« - 1 1, 1 ý. ý - ï - - , la 1 ý"-i osins the 11Wfloors for brooders, I- K O1% iï eth, ameans employe<te tain «àle ù* * bse l oary brooder for flfty Efeto~p the cime. Certain hIs lathat snr etI tv*e ipit bIr, cata11550,for400bire i IfI~U IVI "Tothiug shall hurt or destroy iiau advewsit. Tbe, uwuitd» , < woul.d be 402. tu Ilits bogeIf cold God's Hlly Kngdom' thus establisheti.wunid repru.et theji org < Ul brQao e wMouad, there would ho a ?Hh lTlf ~ fow speetiliy the world willlthen rnercbmt Prince. s- ore fs iI ea~u ~t ~v shuntireti dollars on ii UiI *IfIM learu i ighteousne,si Now îi doubtê PuUtloallPu--l -Au eu thla téma aHheodEaybroi- IVi N b ~the yery ezistettre of (od. asud <e- eira hr asbe ,i1 er le fil l a mnths a ear, If eitber i iras t1 i aceit i py îtetween the land and the. soi, t4~1 deterieratedgs4 Of door, or ia boused C£ ta fleexs ilepy itlaeom lienl the foustolý,thliérar in a building thai,4 or wo beed to wroiug-duers. Noiv tihe ltStra VOa t lalen botor eWtypuoposes. N aoai. teBe aiwieked il irsh; yen. te3 taIttppt fome ad e two daîà W*i ernsad to =sire the yards when IkSsiah t King ofKtigs<Od are even exaited," us the Scrli>bten i-to ljs Our flots areoued. tured&ociare. But te Nelv Day wiii 1Béetité-the ,»"soi us. btlèà , *As au lbcoJlo n uthe Ott poultry and Lord of Lord$ chhnge ail titis. Illessub '%liit isy witbout proparty. là a evibiw, flot, six 066OI01O from 6 Cos 12 birds rlghteouttnce tthieIlice and justice tu "earthi" elase. those 'shq, us' escb, cn be»td and watered from sone UC lmset, and the huit [Tratiti Présent order, seze. mmd u w etandPiottMildte eggs lic gatbered ta we wy lrfg hiapiuetebleseize f rottethe ffroding ruet as ail n"saare f1f>Y() 1 j la ~,it weprem aw them refugefersa- Tief linsll it O. reveaied b1»'opeaing doors nr lifting TEgu"F (T THku fm lsmpralat xiii, 7. 18>. Tani Te(sotilintliuln, teriodg.of curtlinflu the roar. bg"("àxvli 7 8."he[oilisittos Sg« "A woinan oMm gatitir thse cggs. foed blnd saat Be out of obscurllty. and Instituitons, capltailt edm' and water the lowts wthout enterib s o Rasoi SYB hotorthse dect entreshail ha untoppcd;" national troatiea, etc.), Wifl the 0!11p9 and wlthottt any 01f5 a "Thea knowledge of the glory of thse thiat geat Day of triai tiuDleB2JIPMaB uallY as.sociated Wifi WltflO5e isa vathrow Of Sin Lord shall dii itip viole .arth," outil iand teltlng; thse ehaking, wth poultry p]ale. s»d o.th-Smten Shall Bo S.und, ,N~~sa et ayl i egshr irwo every human '9eh flot bon lits owu feeti ruantsgo mand Divine JwUst .WiliISe £x..sitd I Knowthse Lrd'for ail gisall k oitfoaccord withs tse Dlviiie aw no carryisigI nécessary; tisé trapIo 11the Esath-A sermon tebibe HlM." mente of Justice. fighteuau foors t* TunWfia are oitened wlhi tieftMo.'AGreat Crowd as Usta.Gavttos l ha ll.uSad reoda"; tise cnescrta ixe lu rot Tise préséllt tendeey la 10 patle My déar iscarers. whara le15. Pul e ooi wtt.Nesteore six wtis 05Ml.LaLoie Park. downwlrti, butOunr temt tae Of a re.-tressure? Wlîcre tsg our meecur, ao thf d ro p poid s aer ce m ovabîs, M d.. Sept. 10 h.- versai cft ths oreler. AiL.natIO S u all T illa iong-forotold D ay of theé gld tleu « n.ePY nawhe h Itrntonlten fo rn aewrýor krdizih, The qeatiUme of Troisl : Clen te hu» n tn mnuts. he ocltio ba bea Mony people aoshay u. *je uis go tise was a nation" (Daniel xii, ' rnnways eau ho taken dawn and che holding a 'Conven- OP."Iltlse Kîngdoni. lu Ils Original Ifounr treaisures are opon tishe e« grounutiabout tise. hctise piowed andi ion itèr@ for more etttl vn.e. ili be lseliti@-sud atiour confidence resta Inlu buf«~ soWed wltb catis for sanltation. Ail thboan s w ce k Abraham. luaac and Jacob anti11aithe. ganizatiuoa, thse limé le nser wben VI runwass ç nect ithis ach alter. many ble' speak- propisets will bc matie prince@ ti 9,1ai na be erMw1iug Imb tis Oes. ta 11 when dsiroi, mad wih lise range filaren h:î s e l'e en tise rtit ul'uahm iii'. Xli. sctai sud linaucla pretactive îvswam T d am . t a te 1 f un , on ln é r it l h bii er T ise Je wvi. ustura l]Y. W I i srt lj' t ei m onts, cal Uig upon thom i t h 00V . r vcatigating vas lu lise lrooding ides ' Crilct.,îc It aiI a thefit standard anti egin fI ocOÇ-giSIS proteet un. but thora yul b. se p. As a rate ofple only brooti about discount nmongst liseifulimént of tise propiseis of uld. toction possible, Tise Apoutie three molkti Ma leu r. To bulld an 1 llege Bible Stu- Other ntiouellies will boglu aieWIY jectngthat Day tisaI vuy, expenslve boua. and let ht stand fille dents. TheY cialin te1 retîize the import cf thse gregt. New that eau b. cahut yul b. - niais mouisla luthe >ear la poor ecan- taI Internai harmonies cf tic jewlsl speiaunsalion. Tiseir Ideas and .verytlsing tisat ie.neot u fn aIu~ omy. To osa 0ttoor hrood'rs diasl. blle test ls Divine suthéaticity. Ideils wililibe auagongicer foi' a n.wth the. Divine stana' buliaiire c inteatesorp ba usirAD: it I t ese arnet tatudénts tire Graelualiy thl i tt yul actiséRetilto- dowu lu tise 1s ugo 0uthtis bilirnwi co as ore b.-ustwoIr ts mnc7 wss!xîet onetlime 'wére lulidels. tien bîcati1nga coming te srael. In bar- turé. we shoult setotunr afo~ oulyd cui amr iltc lt They prufeRs gréaer failisfilou ever ruony witis the Divine arrangements tillageabotrue. net on oafth1$ "Thse ld Wu, la ni-iber éconoinîcal la the Bible as the rasuit uf readlug oftfle ttlngdom. Tisen. as Ounr context Tise Master eouuaéls furtheri. "24oja or 11f>'. We mccl ail outflee - i -Pastàr Itusl's hs ote 1 sihcli Msey dec1:ré-. -,aY pel ii "~Y'for youraIel'ectroasuré luii~*W tiens anti mure, If hot brooders are of illuter, tlld hro-ugis bis ser'nous. *C.,me. ict us. go up tg tise Moutain wisenoititer molli nor trut do9b a deslréd, tisé rogolar hoîers Caoi b.e lPstutr flusell wathe iséprincipal Of th,' Lord. 1telthe Hanse of thsé < tpt ni hr hivsdusi attacisetito the. réar or our coups andspeaker trthc Convention loday. île or jacoli: necwili lencli ne [au Weilias 'rouh1nt s"M" tsisé agoueltsaiude d out arrivai durlng tise weék. andi laebcbg thée.tewl tHas iys uauti va[osa ielli If ave beau sg." u5~~u theéats on lng thide ida. ré- ui'ttnedti omaedistance frointtise as tiséy) wihi laru te vaolt is leter lntheéulit , ebigb Ii siU muve ied Ofovssudtet tirs.e îcisPark.,aette Weberrnmîeesouu. Hua-at- e., Il"tlu îuvest wiat littie w. fVe m oy th bo vers, nd et he ird î retta vieiti situ es-ry e nlng. Pastor Bo ts SpIrihual sud N aturail aIra elI influence.' talant an d Ma o " f g r o i r u i n l u a c u a i s t e %w is i c b t h é > - a r e R u s é h i s qn ,e t ' i ec é t o t i s y l a ti t e l ar g e e ,i"héi t r e t e 8 t e s r v c f t e K u f fanmliar, lak ing o t th e broliers a d sud ivrd o e * asbl re it thé p iitu e l It i onleo * t hes a s r Ic ut t i ag cutel' as wuntéd for the marktl. Our 'Adlî'm le eivrd op birisiste.ah Spritul Jrusaeut th cold iroodIiug davicee tan héattacliet i fiurses f row thé léi, "lathelitelst loyer, te earlhly. lTe t.,W iai9the trei ftr he ,au. it, at a coat of ouly about tiro or tbree daye te %Iout:in of the Lords fRouge forth fromtaML MZon [spiritual m lise hereswetsutti.re' dolars par ecoup, or even lésansd allt i hoetibliisetinthé top ni thé thé Messiai-Heati sud Bdy-Bride- viserosi o ntust. *ad of praclicallg te ontire prit-e cf thé flt i moutans. anti ail peple groom sud llia-wlle theé Word et Dboita so tamiisies eau ho saved tlirOngisthée e ueomy of! s lîi 0w 001 I' (IsaaisIL. 2. Ho heLord (tise dlractiug sud tuatruet- .015 aredo it odoo ur. lt one tdea--emWhation use. i üttd lit -lto-rh t ng if]gsa Wertt ermm(h 'oyou gt' te ides? Escis coup Ourige zvitelegofforth freni Jturthe eprethse sf0 luat etls lu tiese prlu< tg a brooder wîtis 100 elto ra éet utéPatriarcbai Princes, Who yvifrapre chisck capacit3'.. ktsch a hot or cold i "aIntI dasî" lb voulti ho a muistaké, saut thé Kingdom].an b boosei', put ln yoor ebiçlks and hère isowPs'es,.tlusupposétaIttesa vordtiaiqAogth etl$ ta aey or Yr tbéy stay outil ready for te market, imply tisendcu tiime or te end cf tish ugn rogts etls aeeryM"&ur p' - table or tisa 14flg seasor cornes. worid. ln thé ordinary sensé. Tho Thé cottlfaiis us tist'tisa slw ponny !b. ad oa*u f e~y tTime. BibI le e4ltré t lt tIhe cartIsabitietis Klu5g, MeÊlgs, viii Induemoest tise tise Lor4', sOstaaequgups, Théma o tsapopltry eraoneda fui'évem» cul Iftels uf thé vunderfult iitDu@I-e.tltigtail tIsé peoi>les. ltdotas, butS aaoesIltO te ait of bis tinta lu caring for bis llci.' heiflg ofn Restitution, Whoien tisa vii ha générai intimat drst, ou i s i avo~ h Ht' cant stop'te blia acarpeuter. Local Lord'a fOolsînol sghah blosseni as theeindividul nal ae ulieoqRUotly. The lns. stand. i> tbt w. iaY, t-apener donutkuw ioi 10ituidi roePuratîime resioreti. Ail this je te thouai intigménts viii me"u CihtiaiOur'bta si prt , poullry houte" éoréctly. Arciitéctain e In flicte "sstisaYs." upon tise nations. Thé demonafra- Us'ry *11ua is avue kttow boir te put up buildings, but Ts! esudrtoitî h ee.tesa h retdotnsgt de u tadhp <"Ie tisev have not atidithéeucedu o! h esudrto httesvl in ftegetdedagt do u i; iirds or caetahors;' for tisat reason 1 day. ut théev.cek. six cf ituior sud tise gréai armies Wlil provOa tis they areslsertky gvéaoou ls wc are building uInealuknocki-down iveah tliofrel, véré typîr-tl of Seerianent lueisé theisa fus-ut. ac sllM ï# FF" êtsumr.A réaérdays ut aititosanti ycars escis. On tise contrr Y, be f*fgiu1o wilib. Catluldtu, bandy man, wlth il boy-to helli, sisdult in In rmoiîy vilttis thougl, somes déeis il gaffer Mos eutsé'agy. ail reat Dey u or sIbO vc t a s Iouse lu one daY. A poultry'- or them tellus tisat wc areliing in moitI earn tisa lascon titt MeslawoissJeans asit"Wateb Y* ouit t"time. as viliU as m businss the Frits-nigist cf thé wortf's istry Ktndom cuM93 not bh isu.MIBu slg accoste4 r»5thytc[emfflpoia n' iit"t. teaiWorths Mont l its bsowu eu ie h ra abt o oebu oteLr' ntt. hfl -igu b !ne Our huses are made in a per - M is lh aascu h ra aial o eé.btt ieLr' .ai~-tigtctsu ppt ret-t i etîtî;,ied phiutiand le large 1utfiteat la about to hoglu tisé thousntielin, tu Uit. ovu appotantedti ure, stand béothe , bec 0*O q lots. 'lTiît uber hlkecuri <irrîYearé Of ieesslas e rgo (te Jewisi Tise leimffsvii lié su80tisei'sighy W*tthiDUg la,10ige« t e " front hýlt'iresîs and-the bouses are dtty hegiinuLnitluntise evéningl. léarne In1 that Day Of Trouble tisatOunr atflnoteO*i, . devehcî>rl andi mtîbatured witis'Thé New Tetament iriterq seens ote ir vilii fores-or cesse. The Propiie un.» t ai$ parétiept" ceuons> st:cId meehaileat siii NoI bave ihafli te saeé hcsgit. 'ritaus: rDus-Id telse Us thît tise mIgbty army of us tisaI nt ssot local mtarkelt isé iiuuoatry conatt ilO- Lord dé.clarai, "My Word aisali juigo tise Lord. timongis Mpeagiai's Hhtlil. Klngdom. bfv otalp t ply tise uatertai sii t abor te erecti y bu u l tst Day." Simiiurly, Mer vwilii vrk bas-oc viti Pro-t ltat- wIt thtie voMt' it mi a thé fief,,; or utaké lht qp Wllés t tisée ltaedeelreti ber faith In tise méarrec- tints. Tiséu "Ho vUIimak vir w s o ivith Otw asgel s. vprit-e we are reu teWquOte. cas neteedi fteIr:0 Ou aew " » e Consténtent Use*sOf du iolate. I lion "of'iber brter. ettylng. "t knuv esstexnotelltisethat tisa attris"T0w ey li hae.v uai!l t "On .éhbr ide uor thé ailey are fitet b h sbttirigce gnIlnIn tht, résurr-e.cooéltei s ia teeflr"h seuts gis-en l t' un 117 MW plodldsird es. twelva' ln u înbe ttît1o. .It li,l.sl Day" i- nienalsahbatIei0vo Aht io-kl e visec, a tbMe' -r tiis d'es eat-ht oop tise apttarattte e p', thé l'-y cf Cirlt-It- tgretit Day 'sas-es aud their spears into puulng tattfufy viilb. eeutl ofhe liedisîtta> coufia saun et IîOutrY whieht iii wltnm!3s thé uvethrow utfiboks; nation saai not lift np %wurd a saore usnu ugin&Ye d shocws- The hirds haire-thiaîrcorners. mn endi deatlt sud thé nipiftng uf bu- agtlluib nation, noliser sabisey boarIn tis amrbIe. 'Eaito Zy> t for séclusion i the raisenou f tise 1nanlty. OfthtgetDyw ed a nMoe-EnBysBraesofyo Ld, "oub# t coup, but te ta eddriak thIli ia iatDyv ed a u-mre sa os rgds <~a od""o I héstidec iYs a a tsreore "lu Hie Day shail te giteona foeur- etc.. théreailes-viii heofeta discoutui over ~~a fé- hia , tt reccîve constant» tu tralnug tisat heis, and évii-tioérs saill be eut Off." Hoan tsrg nt atily ii dtyen ruier os-ar mauy tbluga. i fis tseu-fo tu sisv mom.Tbe 'l'bia Sevet aitDey 1litfrc'uenbiy spo- licter émrttuymaut ih o ouqrlng soit. fomtuiou Os-es- tvo ctî.' :P i tse Ibelr fear sud ahi iéthébcoiceken oftuas 'fhatf ay." autuIudhcatitxg the snscus Utitéii.etc. 1- pets. 1 tinte viténDivine power vitii o0longer- H ding In thea Rocks ~Tisara *tIiiiidéd. be »XW ét "r Esth fiafthibeicore, tu a sales roosa. i 1pes-mit lise relgu Of ain amongst men, Tedsrpinhtetv Yt epe q flh- ýte 3, Tisé birds tisai as-e.,,rimdi. for ts bth essi its g gdom WHu aclIveîy o hT is lai ofp t hers gis-c h WI S h eoplevC lî p s d b r-e A iîn g m a r k .' et i it 1 i nte r v I hPve t r o f S « a , t o is G eb l e ia nd , t hvil s t Wc b . f e ts e t s o i ti. t 4 aine favorable ueIightt«tisa>' otI ner-ia Tseeetrw tSln yte in a ahbis rouim, lovai viLS lise ces i-in tiail 11uorlgisleoosness ivili titn Dbis Gospe géil cof. tisa gréat iflotWi fasIrtUltisa OIgstitet it eiindtheîséspiuded ailtis. ttube place. If la durIng titis Day thitt ay esvsén Moely iab a estg iptioégn T viiinh turtie ave tbuae h Ot evcry .stt tie-e1isei o~ sq~Ithvi 0 piut,îousns .-- hit cO- f the samne gîveun eb oo k of11 Bt-- ilthéheLord and -EU*esltV' il 0, vey pan threnées o b t rilielu4n": Tb let inloion. Isalais tells ns thit ltolabry te thé Ktinutoinas"& at *U M. t. a bouse In as iicis bu aeÎrcgate lt the my- ttha lic destroYel I laeltis.* gohiand tivis-c«hiall ho b#oUMit luanîtbieir portion 11111the ,,t i cock Inaho ie Ott puhlry fiotIleu î Tirugisouîthut gitirlous 1 the~lt usdtépîttobéu iO O ia ra rsh4o ht b- avé an fideai house <or this porpose, raur"îoîrot--e v'iiî hébulu oparus- endiii d ceus eayutroul fsélées helai toul, t bt.o ne witisout a gréaI exPenue., If a singleéeur,-il 1 as ayt ietimple a TeCtsrp zmtt I@, i lea hosîtacéated h otei ebavébsmana.t. ikéauuite the ltérocks, for féar ut thé Lord anti for iludhegInsacernsybesciiould aep hie tnean titin.isaI vasotandEdathsudtUe glory outHaaMajashy (lstahIsLhi. gIhmpousile <or lo'~ li-Indvi-ua ruwa, he hane t keP oc tufti tat ft 'Ot l Een nd 10, 11Y. "Tis e hsfy luokette fMa eue, to as-on t ie5tet oit .' héaltis>'asd normal. -eemet b>' vay of thé Cs-'-l.'>Inutis alll ubE,.ad,,r agt- b' asreyýbab "Wby du so maiY puultry yards entd0fflisése Étaye, or "allc ese w, s.lait lse nml0>,ant thér adgheti- whld. Tla hne flsigdWi b ico o k b a ly ? A re m o l h -g y ? o f tisé r lrag o cf si , G o d p o m s e t L rdf l ertsh a lai t h v e x adu v a n ti li th ae v u s 'iti T b o L r « ~ l A "No, but liséré are tee suanY thînge moite i Ness- Covenant viltistheBouse Dev' (us. 9-11). . lrisgittg about this pet -y te bantilé sud look after on tise nidofIrean thteFusofJdLaymrebubdt je plants-boxés. broodsIs5.dsel, eraw. cfheersoleaniievallaithé Buse ut Jufais l ec.Our fdate looikvWil, lu factarc Usougis misicitihey aslitîliboupifttdand Tse <015 11 sisal ntllya oblait any ore tisubaif t be'autlful. Tise faots. - lu thé Most sud tlb8 bléslng viii 0ev <rom ties Intsudtisse vciarn eth*u «vosaf un te uceo ur-a e V s& los e eouomltl i !u s aacuverai toaal nattons (Jéi'emiab xxxit I l)-'ttub e&ts, r ronithe LordcaMd tine b hnrsr- e a "cIW l , with tise ardinar>' r99gSýgpaper, roof will ho allés- thésé <AYeaiso tist 3t i «tisa aarthtOfaim etisLorvisaliond sur esats t. m ad sides, andi panelg4. WUtlsone Md vIl pour onttaisa Spirlt Pnpou il fuais" <île;a gle oft is 1553.517b, vithé so o titi *ai Q9 id on-bma inhstripE, i MEpligpempen- as sas-se Usa - J- ,2, rh ý1L1-1..Mtec adaIM BrfIcniarly Ou tise sii <thé papes-. - PohtJc Jb~ aaioi esaotris4 h ueti uist i Our texî ln tebushoCOualdrét' r uxit a.fu21.litune eati 0>1 es Nu chéap bar papér tl'Uaid. lbla béat Testn -tmi s bfr ni ~ t oa got qaU>~'a gaypapér, tisstaudPtilt. I ,ntheed fIssu Tsesin pcur lHorsate teor ui l thé 50 I ad pte bisusetRip0eéltO fl u gn:e days., luthe pronmisai DaY Oet Mes' Res-obunvi, 15-17. oaorg-stahlftrii la te54 s- or match bise Sîe ~Ir eat of t ho sih, tise Momnf thbitaLords put thesMountinesetaau- n theUtltauNo Y" tas-n hbultngs. Tisa-Jýu*ÏY8 ehouiti oug shah ho istablithet, fixet, ID liapan t ite m *01ta t helu ise- n 'at ev Md g tia Ie eaisea le paiotod a-t«o*tu match tise the s-emytop uf the muunabu'r tsOtsucettheLt T e tfom bsea ro- Oare 41F disfs05h0, le local sirrounfluggs. . U teasils anti ai] oliser klugduts. Titis la luà W oc tts Lr.Tétugs e i u ~ wt~* u acousorieare lui4d ad thse Place accord si-tithtisé ntIré lenor outhe ft o eu m. bide ns, proteet us. Tise Pk*eear- oIafl in looks bigis bredase vgllasà tisabirse Seritures.A mounuaîn symslllesO aPropiset Malachi ssks, "'WbuosisaliUflqrtith" W"ieet 1 kindoz; ati s tse ropsat tarsibiIluthe great PUY ut tise Les!' o( ts9 urth isurrudr God's Eingtium vii ho tise bigisat Letunmisait é Ahi. tu tand?' la ers tn anti , 9 h . .M.RUNYARID. Atae"er la Duecor.O îîouuvalu; It vi i hoos-ettise top of s ompsta itrahtu.llMTse.ue'vl ce AdjudicatbooW t lce ail othes- klngdums. l i ii hé .b e us-iOur » nd. L t n s uppo . issé, titis nv -pté U r an Pule notice Is Seréis? g- laIt th.Subltahhisat ,or fixidPénssntly abus-a océans, cSsutiatlngt dS«eo.fUia» !teaiesu pta or- scruter. JamesL. fi ayer. SIqeulor nofuiche l-ail utiles- Mastise ets uace, t #pu.n ise t a0usdte v vfia a&d 'ie&t&MuftiOrt Offl p. Wlbu. MsvitegiiKn, IhRS mn d.cussed, wili] atend l'p .etiot couîrt o ef hi, 5 retKng i !Bsm tacheWt mu ud netmd iW=Istamau tastr tal.seh a e 1 le la s t aaiFlecttBridé sut amSocate vitisEl -Il. 5csas ihstproét Wi, ovtt 1*1.e kesse a geth ouit ieuse ltuib u la 55d CouIn. v111i éxercise tala DIiiné POvr, aia isOpeor pepcvt IItlaI.mrse ié*VS on te. rat.19ot eltsiIiepaé tgay !1ltu tho -ebtno o se alder tise nrss. t'