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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Sep 1911, p. 11

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së"m ,I l Sai, Was Té nm, s~y Moth 8 gn o HWevot Are Sald To Kav fI~ uiroYear's Subsovlpttoàof 14.20 %Si fi Sld, Rave Re0elvedi tagMîe. AdianClalm- ed He Playéd Races Ol. toi Nover casI asido yeux frienda it bYj any polasbility yon. eau relatu tbM.1 W. ire tise v@&ekof i pendbrifts If vo letfonue drp e tiroug it iaten-1 tion, or let on. pushait eter ava>', o? f vo ioid aloof ftrtn one Ibrougit pet>' oalouaimî Wid You tisr9w s tyadiamond beeguas tI seratcised you' Oue gond frioud la nul te b@ volgitod agilual btte Jewels o! tit@ Natur.e .5W. 'or 0v9rytins- g tlv* iaisd, 70eu l.é'tsBo Oetitil gla; And for ,*I.fuitufg Yeu gsiu, Ye0- sn otas- l US EN CU4IT It's a. Virus that is Generat- ed in BWud of People Tbat Bave 'Tm. Pas Tbrog:w~ilterl Unharmed. Tb. q ja vriicceCity bas just nmade public la Çollier's I a solid front when thé, stabillty of of the country, Il. et 55 U$O1?I ~ PLAIE, E1~ la etale ment of the purposes of tela lgUmt bsns î n etton of ansd neMwa..Wla.U* t 5h. pr ater belng keçt et a freezing tempe r. - gue The primiar> objeî't, 'îays ir. the country ta in daîigor; and. thirdCillai users of banking fattliUn, tinte, ltte'for' î'aee~y-five hours. Tht' de- f IS141l1 IR iàwl at rn bu hog oacconiplish thia tîttetîgli un organ' monat stak' e 10tls riutust« thit terniud aiela that it pî'otably reltan- IiiE fV IÇ .8AUI4FOR atton whichta titn..iîîloîy îîroteeted 'at-helr needashesould goveco the di loi sonie. of li nfeetivitv 51ftr tmen - uîtted action ofthle bustîeas mîen otaganst inettncia oîttr,,î 1)5 tnt laa-, ion of any national sytWa. rie 13' four heurs ai 15 centigrade.C I1 C CI~ i Il Iparts of the counitry, thl' adopîtion or section antd b nh ei > ach ofpo-niovemen t la rapidly growiagad]t !or legislation Utatt %%i]let""" I. th( ad- IiIcaI Influence te heafiquacters of the lbague bdvy Reai Taikera. -itittei defects ta our i,ett urreni'>- On this piattîrtît til. loigne i going assurances of cooperation and supixit M'ht d 1 neal b th rei ti'.tud baukîng sasatetn s ade tro for ahead wiih ia s wro il i t l;îîtîî le arc being receeved from bumsiness nin 1ers? Wýhy. thSe peoapie wîth îcesh lJohn V. Farwell of Lakelthom Lhconfidenceof the' înîîi iibusiness men of the heo1,ail parts of the country. idjeas. £.t contrse. id penty Ut1 gond Forest Head of National werld study of the currexie>' questtionît tth a _________ warmt Yords ta dreas them n. acts Ths iege e league ban taken its stand on 'view te securing unîtied action in fa, Ie l udciiLos aie a"r Yieid the place of Ilnr lu LJ1ii1 s Age e dl nJdca os conversation. Io ituglta abolit tacts,ýtitree Pirnciiiles: first, titat the inttog-vocr of a plan tilatwili lept the lni Tesgsio !£W'ehjd. but il a taise note la uttered. Con 1 ity of iridtidtîai bankg, both nation- nos needa of ailasesaîdl ita whe presided ai a bree'ç promis cornes the inger on file bey andt tb@; (Finat We&ucda) ",Sir"z î ai andtiaSttc, allit e ia îro-aoced: set- o thte country- Baukers aret heo rni suit, bas arnused the lotegwt of Amer- mani of tacts assaerts lits true igttity Ansitiesident o! helite r vt [ utgaiilz- 1nutiat et uit s s ltiould lie fedýer- ciutsn of busineossmen îlot itinvted toi, aun en and wnînen. The sgMgtIn i bave lifown t4reeof thasse iteit i aealoiinlu ,ttcli a coliratîve mariner az particitîste ii1temoveinont. This. it a finit ehen yourig peopi become en- facti. ai toast. uho cere ut ca Y, t'tiN ittiunul ti izeons' aglu't f'VIf ah ot 10 nai l lpossible fh) carry Itîtît shoot la exîmainea, la not because tif att gaged an agreemenrt to Mariy ahetd formidablç. and ans 01 thîtîtu %as te trading business niait îf titicago mOto ýuro that tuto1l ciodit trasisac- antagoniant to the bankers, but lue_ be drawn up with a clause fflovil4 tyaucl-oms.audie ---on ýFl ýHofhstions of ntitoutnalsoit,',and toelretoîtî caîrseit la feit fluet the business mon daieges If It la broken. nr Modical Sharpo . of EutTrap the Cause of Mealea at Luit. Will Now Experùnent to try I1 to Find Tsua 1 Prevent-f ive IMeasure. 'iie>"vc caugbit n et 'thet t 1 bîug lst causes essies.1 Te couse-oo! mertsies hlîire e-dis-'! cove"tt sn a reauit of a siries or x- permments laisting a year. Th1e iîh>>' tans wlro made te testis aie: tDr .11,jn P, Anderson. dIrector of the iit'gwii laborator>'. Washitngtou. 1).t',, îand passed assistant surgeon Josephlî (ld- berger, New York. Te d[seaae Is ecaitsed b>'a rLic. whieit la In ite foutiA it t[eued of tiiose snffering f rom It. Tisetexperlments were carrcckd.out ville monkets. Titese were Inuclitat- ed vitir biood froru messies paients. and It vas found titat the animais wero susceptibile to the disegse. "These observeras il te,' sas.the MedIcai Record, 'Ibat titeir irst ex- prinent vas prformed on June 8, 1910 vitit some biood obtained f rom a case of mesie, at thes Willard Par- ker booptiai. New York. Two monkeys were Inociated; lu eacit a stIgitt iac lu temperature s'as noted on thte elev- enth day, the significance of witicit was not appreciated et thte tume. A »eCoud attempfîl as made vitit aimlar resuits. More and More Succeis. "On Alril Z8 o! this year a tiird t- teaapt s'as ruade, tbree rebeaus mon- keys bibg Innocuiatedl. Once more sas regards temperature reactlon e- suite ve obtained esseatiaily like those of formrer experimeits. ni ite case of oDne monkey an eruîltion aud other synaptomi resombling ftoxe ofï ueasies occiîred. "On May' 16 lat a fourth atiempf wes madie; tv.o more utonkeys were Inoculated, and ettte saime tine te !uonkey wviicit had exhibileai symp- toma on thte former occasionnvas re- Inocuiited vitit a viev of testing litis Iimunlty and obtainlng igit on te previous reaction. "*Ten days atier inuocuatton thii animal developefi a weii marked erup- lion wbiehIcit o days begace mener- xized, ln seven days titis lied died oui.tDesquamation vas rîoticed oui>' on the scalpt sud templelTe monkey Wicit bafibeen relnoculâted ahowed no reaction wiatever. "Biood aspire f fom tue iteart of the tIvo animais whiîh showed reac- itien vas ued for tite Inoculation of tour fresit thesus nîonkeys. Ail show- ed reaciion to a greater or leas extent. Anderson aud Ooidberg belteve thal i tey are juatilied lu concludiug that titey bave demgutrated te susceli- biiity o! thse ritesus monke>' to Inocu- 1lation viltte blood of human mess- ies drawn froru the general circulation rearly lu the, eruplive stages.-' t Perlod of lnfectivlty. i I~~c*4*44 r'-' <FrontW.duesday's SUJN.) mSvcasaer for magazines, repre- ieting bîmielf ta be a representaflve lit te eltâmed, left a long ]liiio! aiiegodp wfcUl a itis City. al bocause, Ilai $ai&.hbe foilowed thte pones" Sitarlie. i lasald. visted tbe homes o tiis city a Mlte over a montit age, cilming that hocvas couvassing forL tihe Cook Publigbing Honte, and sit- çd that lirevas taktnu suitariptionS t. tlroe different magaines. ail purb-t Ulsied by the sanS bouse. Hi plan ltu brie! vau te coloct 36 cents lu advance for tte tirât issues of tue magazines, tp be deiivered te tlrýe subsritor la September. Ho "tted. Ilin hsaid, tisat bo vouid iire a colecter, vito would maire tite rounds e.ry arontit, snd colet thte 35 cents, or th people couid psy him $4,20 for a year's subscclptioi te the tbree ma-j gazines. Many pieople, Ittg luiaimieai.ratites titan bave the collecter ca t i teir homes. pald te entire sears price dovu te the solicitor, snd valeai for tite fit issure of thse magazines, icisl ho cilrnmed would lbe bere about Sep- tomber IM. No onueas ner as couid ho Iearu- od. bave recelve4 aoy o!fte aga- zines as yel. To one vito subscrlbed. sud pid1 tbe 36 cents.,te muIo laidud have1 admltted tat ho vouid not s.ud tfine nueylb toete coarn>' rigtt avis',9 sa ho -bâti heen jiiaylng te races. and ueeded te moneY.- Several itere bave t&tken te mater up wîit the Cook Publilbiiig compan>'. snd are awaling a reply to teir let- fers. elcaîoibr te 1heur (bat te mari issd nul seunlu It (eorder, or taIte vas nut worklrrg for titer. 4+ HERES8 A RENO PUZZLEK; 4 + BEATS 'HOW OLO 18 ANN?l + J. J, MGrat of Chicago veut te Rern and got a divorce, Titen ho mgrriod again. His irgt vife r.- rualned lun('hicago Whoenu!lcGrait reiirrned te tilstisfty vife No. i oued hlm fr separate maintenance. Judgîî Petit, lu decidirig tecase. >eterday belf] tiat IlcGrati's Reno divorce is uo good in titis state. Problem:i: f N"tratand te tIv womon vent back tf0 Reno, would te 1ev justify vîfe No. 2 If aite drove Wife %,o0 i 1oot o! the bouse?Ifi te>' sbay lun('iicago, cana vife Nu. t oust wvUe No. 2? Foroisem: If te titcee go io Nec York, viii Judge Petits decîsion have thse efi-ct of susponding ti'> luis againsî higsnyý Or if the law agairst blgamY> atili romains lu force, viich tii-a .%tIcGrah la tihe rW-a ?rF , icOralil. Problem: If MeGrat biîlidesa bouge on te ioîidary Une of Nev.ada, vtatl s titere te provent iis maintalu- log wife No. 2 on te Nevada aide of t.e lino aud vile No, 1 ou1fthe Otey problem: Won'f M[oGratit ho clear. 1>' vittin his igitîs Inmatainlut àtirsg. 3iGrath NO. 1 lu Illinois snd )Ts. MeGratil No. 2 In Nevada? Probleru: Wbat lg McGrat auY vay-a bigaitist, a divorce, a marriet min or single? - 210-212 NÔRtTH GECNE WT. Don'tRa 'PI Unless You Want To SaveNoe Tailk about bargains our store is full of them. Réme .m- ber this oursis a Specialty Store. We only sel Ladie and Misses' Ready-to-Wear'Garments, aftd'we sel t9l very Iatest atWricer» so Iow that we are kept busy hand Mý out the goods I day. Bargains for Saturday &Mon*>hy $18 (S amnle Loats~ It is a grand chance you have. to secure one' of these stylish long Coats tfe0()O at such a saving, they arec1 beauties, and for only ............ New Crisp Voile m~rts~ Elegaritly made, newest ideas, a limited ~ \number only of these $10 r~ t /\Srtand for oniy .........IJ) i' Ladies" Panama Shirts In black, Nlue or brown, lafè~ styles, $4.00 values, and for 1 7 only . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . ,7 Blacif Taffetine Petticoats The rustling kind, Persian ruffles, usually seil for 1.50'., 39c. Corses leading mnakes, 50c anid 751 L ....... .. ......... ý tIs&' Ladies' Suits Hundreds to pick from,' al thçi 0w, models, newest cloths, worth $18.00 to $25.00, and for only ...................... Serge and- Panama 5-19es Ail wool, miade up in the mont styles in ladies", misses' and< extra sizes, $5.00 values.. Newest Coats and sut2 A charming variety in ail the, fa#rý Imaterials, well worth $25, this sale only ........... Ail Wool Serge Dresses Serge Dresses, neat nobby3 styles, 10.00 values, for ...C0 26c Ou ilier eprmHIntste tl fth on the most artistic ever shown. Sec our specials 5. 0 ami 2. Ow'CJ ëie Shhit Walsts, elegant assortmnent, a at2' ot, regular 75c and 1.002c Te piyiciaos continued titeir ex- perimests aud discovered titat titere i a perl,,d ôf infectIvIt>' ofte bliod ho- ginang at leasI Ju8t before sud cutn- tinuiug for about iceuty-four hours a£- ter te tiri ppearauce o! the erup- tion. After iis period, te lnfeclivlty of te blod lagroatl>' ceduced. and4 progcesslveiy dimainisites, Not safiallid enticeiy witte re-1 soifs o!theiase expecirnenfa, tire loves- tlgators sougbf tedelermine te exact nature Qf fte virus of messieslthe>' publishes flue resilts of te latter soiles of experkwnus lest Saturds>' lu tite Journal of te Amecîcan Asso- ciation.è Fi-st. fine>'sougit to 0discuter wbetitor or not thte virus woîld pas trougit afilter. lu Iis case ftoey diluted boodserum froru a measies patient ville three imes ils volumre sait soultion. Te wtoie vas iiassed titrotîgi a Berkfeld filter. i'they weîe abletie lnoculate s monkey w t'ftthe resultlng solution, heurte te> cou- tlude taI the virus is capable o!fuas- Ing tit-rugit a Beckfeld filer, The noal expecînient watt tîtder- faken to determîne viter or neftihe virus cotrid te dried. Ttey fond tit It rested deslecation for twenty-four bouts or more, Next. te>'made oxperlmenta b dle- covor ubether or nof iteaf voulai des- lroy the virus. If bat ls infectlvily a! Sr be4itg gtubjecfed to a temperatunr Flannelette Dressing Sacques, 50c kind 2ck Children's Dresses, sizes up to 14, raie value 6lC, Ail wool S.w.eàas * LadiesWh class dresa' Shoes., 30 and 3.50 kind for il

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