INDEPENDENT, il WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN xx . pA",r TWO. LIBÈFTYVILLE, ILL., FRTDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1911. FOURBPAGES. $1.50) PER YEAR IN DÂ( FOR RLISSUE lenérO Hmdo ud Ton Pages te New Laks Couty Athomty dus DIOtlpmshui Editorlalj *uperviuet Prof. J. J. Hasley tlb"s Eveqliuget Values la Las u ty ltery la Centeuts Mlous Wednesdays SUN.) 1Uh.nov 14" CovMyt> istory. the IMMUs.A"udMent Imp~otnt ever Wa ussi. ani edl.d b>' Prof J. J. Hala.>' et 1Lk. Jtwest colela unov entire- ly ooelpl.t.Ô andl lu tyno, Md vIib. lomd vithin tva veols or ton days.. k hbu elgbt. budrd ani ten pauam et eiosel>' set tort aud lu admirabi>' PU tocaether as ta Ilustratons and tirpogmahy. lie a nkup viII b. quet &WOui fL Iet Roontaota tlirough'É tho Baise>' odtor*iv,.armlnentiy aadry as u so tive. Pa»«. Hulue>'ina »w rsdin hxg(e m Yibprooftsou lb. $My, P04"Index, l*t wkc ilobok i hmmntiiu te compile, a" lu. about ready to o«» ewm n d laundthe . bltai *long the not ehore, vier. liiez are scres of ad-. yBikS suberubesu. ConetaArt, Varled. A roumeof et bcouleraiswould ho about su foliow Pbmwon th. birds eofLsk. CeunI>' by IL' IL .Ceaie. ii4hiaud Park,aun r I*P" on tRi om oscf Lake caSnt>, k PtW se u LUSmith, liIgiisMd 1%1 Ou~ n aMthorIt>'. Pager b>'san tborfteon the Vb>'l- mUi opap5Vkor the county. Pape& u thetrails sud ruads O lab O snty on &0 afr.tis ab>' Prof. luihu hlstory of Lake cont>' and ilcilt>'. b>' raisi RL Grever, of Sbeidon sehool, as deecribod b>' the ig ri.A. lF. Sheldon. Mhmiuie farm orpiiauuus, rallroad ,, mos home sud tiier institutions b> feoudSu or officl. e..ds. ia City' mu seon b>' Judge V. V. , Ermo sud tbem ,lacludng un lus- 4epecdent esae>'b> Prof. Hulis. Hmorv Of couuty as a visai., with Ie bondrod select biegr4>Iticl noteS. Migbocf ceunI>' b>'townships. Hhàtd)r>'of Lae count>' Catiseiic PiERJURY lxN'CASE$S INOLVINfi SALOOS Stats u11 Grand Jury Prepar- log te Prssunts Saloon Attempt to Pay- Ghattly Farce May-End la Tragedy of rsop Probation Officer Clarke, Ap- polnted, CGs. First Charge Today (]Prom Weduesday's SUN.) irellowing sasemae ofloua utof etm or>' onutisepart et vitnesues te tel of saleenu ofthIis cty ani Northi Cii-, cageo oeneil Bundayusud vhetasu- lons lb.> visteil, It la rumored that the grad Jury 'wiilst the. Instance et Sftles Attorney' Raîpli J. Didy, re-I tom vsob"eI.ndicînsents et perjury agulnst mone ujt the vlitnesses Naianst visoanthere in ovîdendeofet aleged deliberate falsificaton. cnvction ef perjur>' entalis a sen- teoe la the penitentlar>'of from one. ta tourteen Yenr". Iln lareportei tisaItthite aolasastis- n.d bist et oe of thse bundreti and Ifty vitnetmes ame torgetini snd dedglàg thse questionu dellberately* andi tisataction viii be talon accord- lngi>. An maltera stand no-, ceOrdlng te reports, vîluesuosare ahying and dedging tise questions burioti tthem and mekLing gIYa i'farceOf IaPro- osedlng ln a eam.vier.e etrymanl. vomsansd chid tuovaliItis te ,ga- lou of Waukegan er. en on aua- days, sed liat seme of thom iliii Ofon cm Snudays. al l Ilogaiiy. The saner elomet oethtie salOOn keepers 4eprecate the figisl liat ln belng vugeil b> tislr teliow traites- mon and bellevo lLtisut I vll lead te rulas. Frost to TrY VCOIlV& Cafsa 'Ise chances are. tisa JudgeF of Rockfordviii ho tise n-an viii ail on thse bencis lu Lake Count>'c reem vison thse cases ot alioged splracy andi alleged Illegal î sgalnsl General Ovorsees' 'A Glenn VolIva ansd bis cabinet aret tried. A change of venu. ha. booms trom u ege Whitney, nt trot Lae Count>' court. and the cases ho bourd bere. il la expected Jutigo Prost viii ho the judge wis heur tise cauoa. ctoi'e pelaall irose.Arraiga Prisoners Hulta> et Muonle oelin cesi- A long Ilin.Oetpriioners vera t>. raigneti ln CircuIt c.ourt mi Wokr o tise Rebelilon b>' Charles A. for pieatiiug. Genral Overseer IParti-isg.. va and John Prieud. entier Juile ipsaulis American War, la> Robert fr alléged 1110gaiveOtng dpe£d M. lugals. guil>'. Fred Rosa,.asumed on Tise contents are ot infinte variel> samne charge on lb. same Indict uni man>'ofethle contrbutions Ihave a tid net appear, but vlii plead b cianuof thosir ovn, ville liais mli Jutige Wbilney on Prisay mernîn ara b>' menonvie uexperta on tlir On tisa consPîie>' Indilt subjct.agalust Voliva, Frienit, Waliar aubjech.Clendennln, tise bail vag fkxaq _______________ eacis ah $2000. Chares Baxter, fer aliegetic WIFE FIRES AT lion et a cenfidence gains, vas DOOGINO IIUSBAND c d t $1,000. Julimis Brima, ci vitis alihng a boraS. vas givi -saime umeunt, $1.000. Thie bi StrSt of flah.Aexs Schvartz, for aloegeti bur LN*vew On gte ept Ig.and lareen>', as Bxed ait $500. woëliLest (N 39tb RprtKun: Pis&" G<ult>'; firut .Prob Buât Ne One SUstuIns On lu- Johnu Kuna, ciargd 541h st jury Aftcr AIl bor trom Samniiel Bciwartz, O guiity te larcen>' lnstise ains - (From. Wednesda>"s SU.) andi vag taineti ever le Probali ficer Elase Clarke. He Ia the Accortiiug te, reporta !remn Higis- man to eb. urned ever b>'tise co woo& III., tharo vas a l1h54>' crim- lb.probation elfier. Probal mo&eg15on lb. streetu of thhutdl'yaen.Clarike lu te isvetgala lise ceas tarda>' flerason near 2 'eci. vison anti report later. tie vIfe ot a loal tradesman, vie Johna Coyle pleai gaslIy clinoMthMt b ler babmnibail negioct- chasrgse ofarceny sani vas seat ,ai to repu>'a la 05ta oTerfuthor. drev te apendtitrl'days ln tisec a isitol frem a baby carniage vhIcis Juli and aise te psy a fiieoft$E a wu vas isoling, ani lot. fB>' u tu10e>' Claire Bivards vas app bsubani, vise dodsod uebl>' anti Voîl b>'tise court as attornsey for Jeli One asisala15claiiiid le bave ble.isdelis ani Plix Meera, beldc lrai, wlth ne arpet reached. No charge e! lurceny. amouts la thse cage, anti Il A motion te qauls tise id la b"iled tht thé pai«es hve incO retumned aguistIrvn Hlivîl "éeeian suagreement' serions tcharge vas eased, -a hoe argneil later. Hlm beill v lit $1m0. Cyi DffllyssIl tAeoagiUg te a& Wa*WI vishor(r YDosi*. boMti WUi e 1 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~w 1 s~toue?* sI-~~~~l i Oison 0f Woodstock AT[OIRNEY PAUL MAC GUFFIN of Libertyvilie William Skultizke ver. aise romoud- ed tu a luin defaut ot bail of $500. Tbèy are cbarged Vth larcen>'. No rue.blls were returned b>' bbe October grand jury agaut Frank Jusa ho, Lawrence Scisulter sud Cari Eýker- strem on tis. charge of larcen>' and lii.>' er. dIscisargeil. George Smith dreV a free ticket aItishe honda et ths, grand jury. Ho vos charged i wtb forger>', but ne true bill was returneti. No true tbilas ver aise returued. agulilt James Lacke>' and Milieu War- roa oas chargaetfassaut viti a deadi>' veasasin, Anu"t Dimling being tise ceosiililt sud aise Walter, Hamilton for bqgriar>'. The cail cf lhe omumon law docitet vas tarted t 2 Woceci Is if ter-, nooSI, lise morinng session being taken ap with naturalizatlian. OutaIfethle buge odcbet, visicb l0athie lgeat Iu lbe bluter>' efthoe counI>', eni>'elgist cases bati beon set fer triai b>' lie wlîuevses. wbe ha. been caileti lu. The Sundo>' saleen caucu are new ho- lng heord. Tbe grand jury wiU probabi>' ho lu session ail thse veek, as there la stili a long lst et witneese te be heard. Yestertiay atterneen, thse grand jury matie a partial report ef lia work thus for ln its session. Tbla la the. irat time remembereti vian a grand jury bas made twe repôrts, that body useal- ]y reserving tbe resuls eof ils delibera- tiens until ail vork lu compieted. LAKE COUNW III4. E. CHURCH PASTORS ,Complete lst of ssiguments IIncludln.g That of Chaplain et Mlltary Post et Fort Sheridan. DR.5 WEBSîTER1 lIA», TIIREE W, LATEST IS 1 Confessed Slayer of May Web- ster Marrled May Graff ln 1904 Says he lias Mot Confesscd and rlow Tells Different Story PrIsoner In Oregon Joli Te llu Attorney he Was Forced to $tatemnent Chicago, Oct. 4.-During the time that the at rites ,,ere ieIng pertormoil over the grave of NMrs Deaie Kent Webster In Cahv- ary cemneiery the dlscovery waa made that Dr. Henry' E. Webster, ber elayer. Lad boen aarried three imes lnateqd et twir'e. Betcre biganoul> wedding Zoo arne>y and Beasie Kntj he had heen mnrrled te Masa Mae . Graf. of Chicago, wbe dlvorced i. Miss Graf ani Webster were anar- rlod ln Racine. Win., Nov. 2, 1904, whiie Webster a student at the Ujniversity of Cticago anti waa alao a vouter at the. Hollenden hotel on thse aouth aide. Tise iraI Mms. Webster secureti a di- vorce from Webster ln Chicago Sept. 24, 1907, aller has lng madie serions ai. legations. Webster, I il a t Oregonf. Ilii, de- elared Le never Lad marrled a Misa Graif. Pr. William E. Thoemas,. brotberA- iaw of tise nflrdei'ed voman. vIso R(- comTpanied, the bod7 te Chicago, said ho hati evIdence tisat the uiurder wau mLot tise result a autiden Impulse. "Exanination showed tisat the Led>' lied been eater avay b>' quicklilme,' ho said. Mrs, Z. Varne>' Webster. second vife of tise physician, accompanlet b>' 12er ageti father. have gone te Cedar Rapids, la. Neither tather noT daugis- ter Lad an>' stateusent tu malte be- fore boarding the train. N~O CURE FOR cz &&àà .SdZ%, sr LfAS WEflTER'S VICTIM. WXLEIILRII IVES w man Who W u Murdored b >' CASE TO BE LÀ ST' FOUND 11scmu î~,~ FOR P. S. (jROSSCUà, BayB He Will Hear Chicago &Milwaukee Road Case on Thursday. That, Ho Tels Reporter, WUilProbably b. HMo Laat on the .fEench. 14AC014BER WIYTE TO BE LARGEST ROPE MANUFACTURY. Plans for Kenouha Building ot Firm Whlch was to Locale Here, are Complote Plans Cail for Construction of Largest Building of Its Klnd ln the Cou ntry Prosident Whyto, et Compmny, Returns from European Trip ta Open Plant Work on Ille bulding et, the new mauutacturlng plant fer tise MoCtica- bZý'Whyte Wlre Rope cempan>' aays tise Kenoaha News, la new weU untier ýXwch to Do About Whetbàr Highlsnd Parker viii o WilI net &MIreBenchi. (Frem VWednesdgy's SUN.) Jutige Peter 8. Groescup ofle laud Park for ninoteen yeas aon toderai bonda, viii uubrnft hlh es lIon te Proaldent TaitIons Thut according te hs uasenet »plans. The. jurlut mad the poI~ positive stalemient that bis me' United States Circuit luise auni sldlasg judge ofthtie Unitedi tu Circuit conrt ef 4pi>euis Winend iabéot aseen on lb. condî"~ et tise hearing in tise Cilab Muni waukee .lectrlc fUne .eiv'erubli e". wblch la SMt ter.tiat m nb2& Jndge Go..cup did> net e Vtil $1 Ilpiteti Stalas Crcuit Court ci As peaisvi idicemioveised le iimorau;. - as the. routine buàineof thtie' bail te deovltbfutur.eooiIli foe the court froosuim h about tu retire. Honie t jt other juriste tomororyO, boVOu vison b. vil! cie .up tea VOtk , Ihat court. On Timays> sui b. viii ait mu Judse of lhe UaVm SltatesCircuit Court lu vhat ho : chures wiii b. theseisat case -swuê isear. - Joins Ithe Other juigbe.A FfflI attorney's interenteti. Tbe case et 0viii Larsen vs. Bradley', trespas anti per- The folowîng la a coniplete lilt of SMYALLPOX PlI 1IbI way anti It la deciareti that b>' the Just ben 10 n'tiok yOW"eap cout tnalInjry wustrcke fointhethenely siged iehodgt astrsend of next week tie fundations fr Judge roscup nterei 15 b ss 10con deciot tor vant of prosecutlen. fer Lake cont>'ofethtie court eofupelai, vb«r*,. voting ~~~~~~Antioch ant i ikory-A. 0. Stux- (Prom Wednesday's SUN.) tise plant viii ho cempieteti and theohe mbrofte D* giw Tiese of. e Estale of Hegan v Os- raid. worlt ot ralsing the voila tarted. AI lsrmmes fis-or ilbur berne et a, recelvers et the Chicago "Tie evidence tends to show tisat Chui ol>nitoul ieN rtisian Ci . Bakerfet Iisdiau te ho anti Milvauke<e Eloeiric ralîroati. VOs flamond lAk-J.NI.Kelie>'. there tasne troutuseut knewn to edeil- western raliroati conipan>'be o-lis andi Judge Willim H.L M se # passed tu tise foot efthtietiocket, tLe Gaxes Lake-John Austin. cal science for the cure or rensovai pleied tise swllcis oer the use of telb. gin Win-alresla i s" t ateorne>'sfer tise railroat ingl--Gasai-l.G mth sao i a"comeuspy and uaterlal fer the plant bledi and ver. dessuln tiseir abe, 09 m thk trs t lna acase uew ilu ogslu Hghalade.-. . SAitage. mliox~ e dcsongvnanti lis equipient la nov holug ruaheti ffIce.bsu> nW411 t.dpersa Hglni aktFAiaîae This was îpart o e ingvnte Kenoaba. Shes.ahave beau erectod O 541Chîcag-o. Laite Bluff-J. t. Yoaker.O i a rm i bM«ýt 1tisaI htie aplîlate court ye6tea-day, when anti liteen carloatia et materiai antitd .e iecur !apaso' Down lu tise Cont>' court tLe iaw Libertyvlie-W .. Wblpple. ths fte-or fapeai u Io viii tocket wili ho caldou ind anti Noth icago-A. i ckn t armeti a verdict ot $999 for John equlpusent baheen unloadeti and la floor above tise Jîsge vasie i lisevon etf tise largeet law docket ln Palatine-J. FE Roblan rba gontts r rotmt-hig u npeton. I J»' a remorted. suadsag lb Iîser' ! is Cuuycourt e aueofi.T înenlg tutc anti Dr. Chester C. Voates. Conditions arm nov more tavorabl o rendt iiauuc&ua t -e~~~ or- Laebue> eii ostartoti. Th~e Wuo niVoeB .MKr Roresentatlons isad been matie to for tLe ceaupletion oethlie plant esgig Wttaboienie a o orning cases lns tus court Inelutie raay Zion cher. Grahsam îLot tise pits coutiLdh e- s-eIchetuled lime. Président W'h>te efthtie one-aenlonceobstottela rV94i- indiltment cases, blint i pg cases anti Zon City-S. Ni.iNltDouald. nioved vithout pain anti Le agreedt te scouspon>'. isho a been aisaoad "Ii Bk ls n tise caseet *s0 imt bunt saloon caese. West Ciicago-L 1C. Barling. Ll 15frteetsn. Asl tt>ir sîeuopoei nsm fcs u dMilwaukee Uoctrié Mue-IU, id net The grand jury la stililu ln, n H. C. Gavit. ebapiain U. 8. Arum>, 110e aliplled te bis face biîrned oit the tise greal plants et Eurepe anti pur- Tisurada> morin. end1i tuait a )n tihe and lhe court rous la crowd:7swlthtý Fort Shserian. skin, loaviug a large black scar. chauing lauproveti machiner>' fer lise vii b. my ilut came." otent newi plant, arrivet lu NewvYYek on beore Monda>' and he wil couse tilecti>' tu Emphlessi Word "Think.0, at. spqf5Kenosisa te auperluteuti tise von on meute the plant andtihie Insallation efthtle H. empisaled tise verd "thuat" r anti machiner>'. The plans oret lnpan>' and masuntei tise long masube gt.k. id fer avprovîde for tislge t ln fet is a>' vithe lbuoyanay of a ýyasst-lî J FIlu * nd lu the country', and It la expected tiietrgi he la vilin fixe month&>. of opera- îLot wltbiu a 1ev years I illiibe on. lb. 59-year mark. Aller a bnci ù4>.- bond- ofteflet fnttelret tr eec i olauso eSM ais tie lecîlous are comlug lu veli ou con- wltis Jutige Baker prWad)ng.e * oast cf U tracte for lots securedt t mait.etise ro- Jutige Grossnup returased elsovlttiepateKnobpsi-eratiurd insetou a xnbof bale ut ettisaIivent>' per cent o ouet ie up on bis demi DUNN NG [D PO I NU tise peopie vie sigued tihe contracte lerrupted ne w on long esoll io OvosaIT L O S TIL lv i Nbav~ e ot as yettie asdteIntial ay-mete- &i O Uï t ttbUUeO? plUIU mente. borutivaetfbis fBret. e0frt (rmWensa' U. torlus ratiser tisseii.1'ral ati Nirs. tora Parie. If se coties boe .tracts viii ho pad lu part aetbleut ,îurt t> ensi>aSN. uln uuatin th~ witsrfr u iti rn i-le earlleat possible moment seoliaI lons for reb*Oriaa.Ou*J atiener Petitien viii Le bled betore Jutige trousYorktown, N. J., wblois la tieuht te association wiil be enubleti te moee rt etr aia desi f tillions Oeslas Cecikont>' at Chicago e- >sanit>' wiliimarie tise eocflie gev- are ln the coge, anti mc>'have ta ua e't uehave btla.tme lu lb. ciri 1 usre lsvlh lt' h oibtemua crîminal cage i4tore Cous- tervIew her bîsabanti wbouti se isadtaiaebfr el h l- te lie to- have Francis E. Parie, alieged issonrMarke A. Poot% eroreent- committed le lie asylutu hersait, Tiser. lu no reesen thist 1n tencet ile fthe Wa"- uvkem>gralnaie sspoisonthl'U ceunI>' declsred Incempetent anti comustled Psscu eSgnPtto. I1 a e oivtlua> ae fTHESE MAY WED. Iasdae> $. At ho Dunning amyluni for lise Insane, or Il laoanderuîod tisaI iiiphsysician site ceuses iere, tisIa se will couse -Faty.nlno Casse 1Set Ift e law. . poutd eae ois~iashliheuwhr h w iii aigu the petillon wvIbý v111quies- to bis aid other thai totehelp senti W. C. Bchswartz, Barlingtn, Wi ...21 Before tise circuit ceuxt oft n You- Le talon car. of. tion tise sanît>'o e b mai'aleged te hlm te an Institution. Emil>' E. Zewe, Waaikoga ...19 lie first '<rof thtie mut«sIra*_ On tlue Iî l8u uil1tOOd tisa t hostop )meels have vnltten the $100 HoUtgn-Bmili .Where Wude Wenl Aise. M .Wtebii, lvue ..4admit te prachice la _b.he O1; jî Wtii tise pprovýi ef hie attorneys, biaoitmaliing ltter, and tis tise pe- Rev. J. G. Watie, paslor eft lima cl>', Mr.o J . ....................e 24bon mombeta cf tie br of ictmaent James G. Wclcisandii tterney Claire thton viii esiluil an Immi&te boar- vise smns yeers ugo gel loto trouble Im as.......... 9and ti ler ctie lula be t, On 8, . fUd'wanis or hIbi d>'and oethle iisg, wv!thle commnlliestr.a iatter IL rougi alieged lbItera te boys, 8,I9e Charles Kick, Laite Villa.........l26 cuit, visicis inékie IInaIkè, n iU hl eeral' omfcers, Ciarlies Du Weed>.of cortaint', asu Dr. N. J. >*gbprl of Veut lise Daunlng route, havlng beeu Giadys V. Meadte................ 2 anti Wiscoaselin. sryu oà a Axeti goverument agent ensd BiiOcl .1Ag l u cil>' sud othera are rui& t0 tes- freeti a year or se Itler as careti. Hoeo o ern b'l..ut " ail* szxog LVYlL b tif' is tisenman la luta" s1..wille la nov dogg ainm mission vont lu A. E. Biorgeson, Milwvauke...24 More tIsai eini1* II *#Am. VMped na the5 OU,,-puoot .that ho, eacapei 'ÏgI. Nerris. ChWlago "d&l nxailg a ucoet t. LViola E. lHsath....... ............1tndues at ta E5ll~.~5p~is~* ~~I-Ieuist asi.te lwi, a. .aae uytq iqsy t iiNtTyt eu.Si. C. E. Geerber ...................28 lb.he Ico C ai % XAM00, ;aMigm t it Ô0001, Iso t oý* P& .1 laaiviie a su gtilles m li NtTryptoRduesl[a.n elutino iém 15*4i4ý~ko rhl i s*, aimé d-«W 14" oe0a ou goetui'aây mittui.,ekrts, Attorneys toi- Parie s>'tise>'are netj Minnie A. mlx ..................20 co0 nallotim OW1fýaw se« lé-te a itU Parie e ubook a Icrn et of l£ii bul, 11,000, su tisaI ho cals oh- G. Vrbecks, Nerths Chicago....22 et tise atiena *10 t