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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Oct 1911, p. 1

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TWU'VY P4GEB LIiâERTYVIILLE, LAKE OOUNTY, ILL INOIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,191 ONE TO EIGHT IF 'and although My k IDJDflIJ1Il ar ld stiff for a few dai1 right along 1lu tehool. i fter m other'siîeaiing th cgl n ea hixîg, the Ndethodist peoil, I hwhom we assoc iated would malt "lu H LD P manvier of fun of us, and made our oations very upleasant. They nid to becotue more proud than rand they lived such Inconsistent F. DUSENBERRY BLUGGUD is thal. aftcs- a wbile. va aIMPIY tthpmt My las-ber for a long -e bai proteste! vas-y tanestl>' nst the' renduci of tht church peu- lni gis-mît theis- btcaa-e.oysten tes-s, dancing. cas-i piaytng. etc,. s uen before va bai s-be Xion bhing, ssii atte v a h.!s-te!ull ,eI ttachIng. s-le>' mocktd uis, an.! nvany things an.! va quit trying work wîtb Ihem. 'Ible 1 neye- entirely iost sight G.! an.! Ilis Lpoets- teheti. non Divine ca-eln ev-asy day vos-k, i dr-ift away fs--. Zios intso sini. s-r i vent te wos-k on s-be raliroai. vas ths-own a grat deal antcng ail tses of men an.! tu sea stent >k 10 drink but after soimaliard ex- ences i gave uiv s-be drink ct-an is- years ago. an.! aine tise Lbeving tobacco, only teidom tatlng a lis- whIskey %,ben i fais- sun dovn. ai- mgb 1 emotai rlght aieng untît ly.5o ethis )tar. 'This ptst sommer i ha.! tht tiret es-e ats-ack of sickiuese for tventy s-s, ais-bough t bai suffened more'or i of cas-ans-b of the eba. an.! stnt- hfor s-be paaut six yens; aise i bai adenoid grovs-b lni sht lefts-ide cf Snote which comîletel> ps-avens-e.! epassage cf air for over five yas. il ever been on trial or convcted in aEB aid l ivte tlated h "If you beIieves, fronmthte 'evidence. Staion ai North Chicago by Pr*osr' thttedfnap i 4PbsPlace identuIIu Seýtord*y tonorrow) u 7%e sttua i¶rny la makiiig a I ili Tickdts bave bmm s ued to officiais Wli h t itwh bardflgt tosuat?. lon{c0,na a ti. U S KlUS'the césuty, but these are hA I I Jail n claassewich Ves etted ut 1118 in- - for tests sud imt admisstion. You agace stance. Toel ra u tsei W,&LUKUG&N SÂLOONIST taice, ad i la a rt dh en KYSTEUT SURROUNDS are isvited. Plan te o.eA MOST .REXARKABLEeen. »b" lzv 'UITy O? îIn thedirection of oringthe wru f IlXG oOIPBODY SOBlF E LIG 'e breaklng the iaw w4kh are naid ta T RYO EA IG quit &tyiJY ()PUE jTJ< taoe:place l iWak4u.MONDAY 1)NF(BY FIR YER tm Th lra ruti Wae an. e of tihe CI COOIEAJURSNO ET__ IL. people 0<fthe taté ofIllinois, mean- IIA[ AIHRUPATpe1 saA LIBCS l oon keepe fa politics, powerful MO~N IT R MPA g dom inent fac tor w bi ClI as 0ontOIiY IOI ) c ) f O ~t eac oisIis of tdii.city fors<u long. end gotpE DUfioûtr n ai n ng Juy. ed-In a knockout for the saloace, br Viotinm la Lewis Lentz Em- Killed la Nunting ACCI- Voliv'a's Followers Even didr Detaflu of the Siinday teiep a lsdci> bi ploye of Tomn Yore of oit~ More Faithfiil Than saloon vas hangint ove? fte rois.. OeigCame of thie ripide, fanned by a toweinl Rondout Party* Duck Huntmng and Ever Before of C the banda of his econd. the fRotait Mm. Kcgàberts Wu a _of_ i UÀquor Deaer' Asociation of tedi Th eeofte epl o heSat tae fIlioi.Section meu found the bod -v r cf citoTýa d. Raiph B. McCrergnt came te Zion Aller o Illinos, otherwise the People of the Edward W.Ioh, Edward J, WeilMan on the St. Paul road osetr J.1 ,tYrinClfneawckphs1wi City ocf akegan. agaattht saloon hie omm nd!Edwiwd K. Bain. the e ît. Ogénrsours pace Nonday mos- Charles G. Meftoberis, secently cally, ahout two months ago. cdasi lui politics, opened tsi tba county court trtobredr.wr cvcd<finst a!Ge luet h bDY nmed as assistent tW United State Today hie weigbs more than hie eves- took *rur"y afteffoon.rThe agt lato be kSiLeng teWai lonoe n on a" arme werecrugjed, the face and D&trct ÂttcTseT Wilkerson ad:et did In bie ilfe, andla startingly heal- perl thse iaws cf the.*att$ of Iliînols on verdict after five bouts cf imeted dia- the deacription of the victim: from aihe Twenty-V'iftb ward. was ar and ilus. of tc one aide, vrItthe lity ordinancea of cusilon ln tii. jury rocn. Six feet threé Inches tall. ldentaiiy ehot and kiled Frsiday Its the inet time in ttee entire bir,-det the cit>' of Waukéegati, and! the Illinuolais twustatad Tueaday, tisat the&"rst ilmov pompadour hair. atternoon by "Benny" Cobi, a guide, tory of Zion City thil photograhpe thoul ýItate tquor oaliers Assocationof ballt In tat mot, wheff the hunttngfflc eys.rwase Laneg oe Gashavee, howrhateesobnforebe andea adterer Jul whtch the saou5i of this City are eut of issues weée ut stake. stood 12 Âge, 30 yeare. Asiloch, 111. stages of healing by prayer. - sembers. on the other. for con i . the 0111Y argument b-0e- Welght. 180 pouned. Mir. NICROberts, witb a iarty of Literatly, THE EFFECT8 0F seve Tis btte atitth tlry-igb ng oves- the ipeetton of the number Browa sweater. friends. startedl on thetç ttt l)s-In PRAYER HAVE BEEN SHOWN yesr The buaetiseraipromise it belghtf counta. Bote etood for convictiui Green flangel shirt, wth sttnlues. tht mornlng. MM. XicRoberts re- BY THE CAMERA, belleved to legs u1laeeesprmss oh flelon ail tesn counta la the lndictmieft. Steel colored underwear. maine.! at the hote]. et Bluff Lake go- he a case unique In the world-o acb with flil. clahe between court States Atiasie>' Dady, %aaltd b>' BIack corduro>' ponts. Isig down to tht Waters edge to ese Ncrlb' eaig hc ea sud ctml, fandaj iterrgy.fr h Attorneys Pope, Çceke, Jonies Md Bi11gh asikle tan Bhoca. the ilarty row away. psoves by pictures which lhe hîmseif My1 seicto, cfa ur. wat.!a. were arrayed on on aide, Bisck littie cap. Fiock of Duecao Foun.!. bas had takesi, may not be a miracle tbe1 Arr.>' o Legat Talent. and Attorney' George Peld cf thIS Tue unknown man fousi. dead on ('obb was lin a boat with ',s-r Mcc of priLyer, but if it Ileflot. what le It? States Attorney 1[Ralpis Daily. states Ciy, and! H. Htarisao! riigo. oe i the . Paul, near the As-mous- piace Roberst. Afler biuntitig on Bluff Lake Thr 6rmfotmegdhai>a attorney cf tbis count>', aided Il At- of the 'attorneys ef the State Liquon at idndout, bhs beau identifie.! as5the Party rowed oMer te GrasLake.th Thgesslaoin a or toerte g ens- es-a tonisi).b Jua u C .e.! Dealers as§sociaflon. on the ther. Lawia L-entz. a laborer in the tmploy Here a hock of ducks wat tttfl ('01)1)the to-call ldivine beaiing and Ils botý wsnds le arra>'ed againet Attorniey' 6. Itis tht irt victony for thle people. of Thomas Yore of Rondout. tbrough pn.!dled tht bout t, witbin tixi-tyvards merîts ft W. Fiel.! and. Atorney Hris oft Chf- an.! wiii establIw a precedent whlch the effort of Coroner J. 1 Taylor. a. o. i cRbnet i en citrlbgîlo h ein e L cag. al. t h eu c tt rguartime sud eternit>' cannt break. t in the bottom of the boat and remain trine le given as fullov.v by the Zion for ctony ffile Illinoois State Ligueor was a ulus-y meiing decision. 'Y OL B E T ON ; the-.pole e Dealers' Association. ivelve long yeare. an.! bIorthat. OD NRY SHZPARI> DES. an.! at tel is n ei-e.!. "r tcpetle pray. Tbefrt case oen trial wasî that aie saloons o! the Cty have kept opn1Nta thîDÏ ."l n mogyu flced IC aganetEdrrd'Iyich omerand0frUi~r doce. n Sndy, eelng e-Robens raised bis lita.!. reeiving t-be "W5an>. sick among you? Let no1 erator of a saioon on thle corner Of cure in the beief thas- thoee in power Main Characteristic was Ris fui charge linvIle bacis-ut hie bea. [lie hi, cait for the eiders of the ile WKaa , biingtosi and Count>' tteet s. di- were théir frlends. an.! hepce lieam- LAIte ong Activity in the dis-. instaniti>cu-c;ai ttemp iyslîacroos the street froinths-e lese as far as they vere concerne.!. PoiiinCue Bou Te îavadet ac us0 churmand etln hm with niln Utc th (Oorrt bouse. But tbi'is-power, ua epeitical In- PoittonCus.Bon Ilet n ' rotiaont. Ohr ine us- hi neonighmwihcli the Lor. a Han.! Legal Battis. stitution ltfl0w brokesi. iiere wîîî in Warren Township. o IV rombvoîvarts.g Obb's allm fui ANeof the ord. ER 0F Font the tinte tht twelvt tentative Wlli be snlooon in Waukeganl but be-l]), r,- d 1, be o1pot. (obb ex FAITH 8HALL SAVE THE SICK. mnla juroril were calia.! loto sha box. the thty wyul no longer bce the sneerlng On Tuesday. Ocýt. lith. 1911! ai- his plaineît " e cident an.! bergat the- and! the LORD SHALL RAISE how casie wass ight, pu.zch, weti n!domlinalng force conttoiiing the poli-borne lu s-he town of Warren accus-ced atssIt, t r;Ing hack ta Bluff takvi HlM UP; and if he have commit- 1 tsî.ue throughout. Not a question tc ee icot>'. batering the Ciyo &kcot'sme rptici>'- -wet nfis tte- the dewath of Henry' Shetird, one o of .0nîiilt antI e-scOrtd b>' 'ut. ti ted ins, the> shall ho es-give who which Stas-et Attorney Dady coul.! icials. and trading In the honor of .en, Roent riend vn othier baste. him. t frame wouid meet-tae approvai of At- the City. %Ir.Shepard was torn ulIWarren Wite is Protrats..Cofsyurautteton- o ione Hrrsan! iahs ette dward Weicb. SBr., the cwner of townshiip thiscoeunty. May 30, 1845,3, Ms-s \teftolvs-v wone proanranom thbe saluons cf Waukiegan have ke*t and ecelve.! bis education in eut pub- Wbi h r evre.Set hty a'h tae! h ! a the two niarketithe close of every 0lic schlclie ewas mars-led to e, h >rtRilad.Sea- thty a b el Tee n question an.!In nearîy everyv case the peutheir dnors. on Sunday, feeling Iouie Ch,"ndier, December 18î, 18617 tetidîd the i orovvi s inquet F'rvda> fectual fervent Prayes- of a rlght- 1 i mattes- was appealesi to tht court. secure lens-tle bellef that thos lu pc>w- a.!tht Oldes- residents wiii recalil nightA vît dît of doa caîtsed a, ens man svalleth much."--James rîtl At ont otage of tht gaine. dus-mg rrwee thels-fnletdsand hence bas-m awta interest that -bis twin 94tet icdentailx y h, tii,-vhcas-e of a guii 5:13-16. s whicb tht patienece o!he aitesat-are sala so ha June 25. and Juiy 2. Helen vas mars-led aths-anme tinteIn tht batt., vf Penny Cobl,' t Mvgt attldbs vn sto- tos-ney bha!been teste.! so thtetilmost. <ward Wtich, Jr., anid tht bastan- to Asahel Gage. . seturned, lie s-t sbamsetlbisigwne.!to"y. 'ha ha usne! n.!a'ttd ppes-utifdes, Edwand Bain, vert on.! ity ms-I. anid 'utss..Sbeird hegan theitur: lîbîtsa or nW ie 1,0. u.i t hu selnaoiesotfi"gnes0.îoa h undadak bis plut>tIf mars-ledlilfe on aie fas-ti knOwsi as Nr ,sbr nWs o, bc coutl!undesstand Engilthwhen It of keepins ocun on ane count "ech, "Oak badge." wbes- s-ey have resîd- isigt(n, Nov. 9, l,2 He vas gs-advîavtat - t fed. bnoiie torhtaicîresiO a s-at Of JUlY#2. vhlch date Ont snasaed continuouaiy f.r oves- fors-y-ths-e e.! from Gleorge-c-Washngton unîtes- prodiiceIobts-e are be pn, nd e.sa vealspokesi. teatfle.!s-at alba.! psrchased a Yers. 0f s-is tisas-nage taiesewae sity ili1899,.an.! tas admtëtted ta tht troulil eorere k sio to ad e eti Attoniey'Hanrslesaisi ha belti b ge-l lgbl.psdOf whis- berne oeechIli, Lois. bas-Iln Vi ashingwn in 1900. b Itiû otgeae ihba q8inged batrintie iWesatualgond t in-,1900.ts-tIn('an906 bea It Coulit. baviag been bas-ntui thie coun- ltey an.! lovgrfiet i he Te nturel gcence e! Ms-. Setyhcm o ardsndognz icto nbhcsspoiie . try. an.! tate.!&ac othat haba.! a lvpidste bc f f. .hprds e- un a bcg a iac n uboath cses? îedte.i rlgt a olet s mGiaslie pleaâe.! placee r made huit bath ta take aaiv thtels-ai et Cvbutn & MeRoberts. in tlsi- rgttabeta uhahoArgus Fer' New Trial. Xr.lv rt lu publie affaire. Ht Novemsbet, 1908. bie ioinad bMs law e I: îctlh't50 sh withut skig te prmisio ofthe Argiuents for a tiestrial In 'afl w».beeve;, aiways te ha foun.! out iraltice te that et Chares H. MI.! acCegtsstr sh tates astonney'. spokesi an.!unequlvocaly for wbat sihtelIîî it: La ao ra.case ere lunuedlatia>'enter..!b>'ha toit for the gocd oeths-e contiuit>' c Se verniyasao1hrthado h Law s o Trial.Attorneyt>'Fel.!. sitliotgisWe i l i an.! cf hie.folHcw mea. Ha hail been No oiyfguatveybut Ilterali>' leged tso have - cishic cn- e f rmf I cstu aresDr.l)owit and of Zion. an.! alter- e sp2k,Oî thQ e lo hih raesth ss , sywhteg n e i wtflnd I he! ma"ucteffarm ere ay. Falls on Sidewà1k: Dies was-ds, In tw instances, 1 wau heale.!ta sttt bosoftestate o! Illinois Inpceed. rTe oculction couiti&M In hàbdllag men he foun.! Uiat on A fait on a sidewolk oves- an um- Iiinsswer te praytr. laotrllate booafC-am hcsoe-dte riej* as veil naiute cty, liquor hsella, wile he was ds-ak. It le ho- Durlng the summes- of 1897, short îys 1. n rii n te ams hic oen.!wil t i na of- $800. as the iav Xpt' vas tht grectest evîl; s-bas-mort un- lievei. kiled John Dizee!oflàbes lsts-m ohrba -yie Thutada>' Ataonna>'Harrias tars-e.! shie scribe. thatafins of $200 ta>'holim- appy fas a nd veste.! iltea ne- ville. ry yate ymte a eevda phase of tht fIglt vhea ha ChalesigedIl oneascii coust, Thisala s-he max-l teau4i frosn drink thasi an> otbsar Iixie tuas 45 yessof'ag% has 1)e-,, îas-vtl<lis hesting leuaa-es-to ri '-y tht stta-meti State's Attorney mntBie s a aovue.!b> the lava s! cus- a sort of toan chasacter. ta smmas-itd et and as a conseqvitsce os- Zion teacb Dm.!>'that tise statut boiWs of theth t&&. ss-a »- 'ha ne t atissga nt Stalag tis asm.kwn g l thoepurt an.!makes bis home vIsfshbises teIng, my bet as-tWSses-y mîîcbstouch- Ot tate of iliota expressl>' tatei.! htiss ila Dee s pn!ticutitinsef Isto the prohibition causea a %dss. bemea t<, an.! 1 made u P my min.! to bt aII WiliaeDone oupene tuCort ndIl oritdunlng aIl bis las-en Ini amy ersn orPerOnt r#okoopope Tu"&y.Year. M.hapar.!s ieaai rçeulted Las-e Thurs.!ay afserneonIit la as-es- corne a Chrstian, aithough i maie no i a sippling houat oisi th fl?t ay ' O AfIr tht jus-y returned Into the fsont mnacolr atrophy. Hia min.! s-t.!havas staggarnsg aloig stbe side' open confession, as- 1 tnew what vat d tae wek, nommonlycaed u.! oniS>', cours- roo.the.Iratitme, semalsight vas clear s-a the ver>' tai. alk vhtn le lure.! agant E.W. sht nlght tbing 10 do. T àall upon cnieinlE n. lO for la theiaDaine cf E&vardJ. Woei, i fenil>'. alter antd friands wer~ e wut.!have falon sgs.net bian, 'î-tgS *'Ont dey. whlie at vos-k on a straw1h mon.eshan $200.te sou of tae ovuer vas toun.! an.! vlt& liAn. It lte ird for friaOds to state.!, ha.! noet Dtia@M V«ry out stack cuttîng down an.! forking ous-e Stas-es Attorne>' BIl>'atked onetheisajury rturne.! -o o rrct pi.lart andalaie te give os-ia vos-k wehietsmbseiia te fend the.. aillaz Omanlstrew, I Jabbed wlth tiht pitch fort i jnrn t hafosi., mtarhaavîanc e-s-r. ita tt-., vrdcoraretebellve* to ha cf vital Iimprtance. awa>'. Dixie teul tothe valk. bIl--an.! t glancti asnd thet s-e ssruck a- jure iflie oun, ater he vidnce rro. Ater he-erdct wz Tnd, Mr. Sheard In hie fast bourg ex- ting hie heatl a trenendo<is crack onul n sraîtail Itsih-at a ioiol f tiis 1ev mais>' vise vanspressait Shbok-Statesue w.d the ii an.! hope t s-t onaie Sreans walk, wy5jj W» *-- e sht eMidle of my nlght insea tu akt- bl .!hatacommitte.!, nd!beittlng Attorney De!>'b>' th n.bond . haemiglt rlse to taise up the ent k l ithissthse nain. ing quist a dent an.! causingshetos shie, voni.! ha Bndim; tis eda.ns- guil- "deaaond it . ithe aiýe-aua ng s- vea <icpeile.! to la>' devinan.! tblat MarseaiLimuiens->'tOo1 stesimaniso Intense pain. I vas about s-vo milesh tise>' otil.!muot.! in aboiishlng aie tht village caiahoose vbere the frein home. I was hauliig shetrsaw s.n sy? wviclols .ougt ataist saoon tradi- *VU h hed fuhtseoliard. Astonna>' Marris objecta.!, ttatlng to s or oa' epns!lat-nuilYiviga. on!wus i-ed.!Md.!DWeitleftte oa Ilves-y stable so which I drove an.!t thas-lha dlii net iaat ths.point that -loeriseep. Eas-t>' mort moraussg Dr. Tay- from s-be IlIes-y to our bas-si as abouttu Thejuy hih.tredth csewu The. MD" w ill obeldei. t th*. Ion vascait! again ubes Marshai s-vo iocke, whicb lattas- distanice Iai stare vazsuscb a lav on flie sas-u.T htjre c i.. iacs e~houie, Satarda>at 1:30 P. n. Umber->' alle.! In an tteOmît t covared by holding on sosht shouider "- books, buttat fts, question soni.!compfldO the slfOllwifg: .Tbha $uisrai c! the last Henry>'Suiep- roetetht tan. Tht do& ote-ades-ad o tbthorst wtb my mit an.! hoppisigth bav cos-ane. a s-a-amnt,"ifs-la Jhn ohisoi, Wnkean- ar, Islol vdai>' b>'Lake cmunst>' him removed tso hie bome vdch vwt on ont foot, my os-ber foot ili lav s-s round! 0te sncb InithAs cat." WllliamSrherrik, Llbet->vilte. isecos, vas bei.! fs-cm sth teS- doue, but teman idît. cf te Injuries 1,0 mucb that I cool.!nos- bear to putt Tiis mats-evwa arimed onýt before Wlliatu Calipes, Jr, Ea. det ts IWarsresi township Sas-ns-yIos't the bea.. otegon.Pru h ant i teude ile-h mywstkn E. E. Pasreot, lHighland Pas-k. Waa-1:30s- s-o tt rouni. PrImls-h baarrs- Uta jdat.vticsaieorsArtahtare as-1:30,'clck, is-bhuiki.Its-beboute 1ravit.! on t>' bande an.!a as-ettbernoety Ilie InatsicercfArthur Pur.!>'. infldP. ~-Geta Clue to Ho«» TWeves knte. My font w$vas vn>'bail>' ss-Oe As-tonna obect'. i ndear- Rbursrip, Wuken. Th lilM. Shipard le sth ua- Sheslf Rimer Greten cWantegan tvoiitsi an.! vaever> s-el an.! I coul.! h sons ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bn ovitul.! htobjctInan.ss-t W R lii-sle Wacfer - quetion of the jury xrOceiled. George Cront>', Wauconda. bn.htasse.Lela Sear, trle red as- teoout.y jas-in- nos-tas- aven sha veighs-ofrt>' juo o h GII F . re. lhae!Pat '.r ritadent, cf W. C. T. U. t- Ju.o on te Grill.F. B. Gren, HighlnprPank. yeux-fisie lita portant sev tacs-s vis-h 7.5g$ t ta,-'wî-stocking on It. '-t ec'~ an. "Cool>'," sd.!, e. isret "Ms-beran.! ipra>'e for 1. an. '. Evan>' Juroranm sa 158hales-s fs-ts- H. L. ietohoit, Hghland Part. temParawescelde.!and.!n inlhu-h ieat so ntieCo ut*" h" - « tre "ohrad1 r dfrIadf -- insida sht Jus-y box i l nhbettso tise P. C. Wiiur, Gsayiake. iaM-.Soa-. a i In l r, - i lu>'theraltashougb ver>' painful 1 vents-o lied W.nlatctb' ehaie. H.Mos-nis, GraYulke. e.M.Seadwsbmefan.!- Te t7 froiandt ellasiatp. Tht accident tilcur- b moa rigid e-"-s'- as- a deathosids-o hiitioe sote committ tt5ind ne laabavid 3 cocicuteateno;a S out of the questions atd art: aete arive e eilO ua-o nâ e o odalN l Mc1 a ôdrdao - Do yen own or XWowIt týa-amabooUt. l"pieui <t>' ta the charte of kajilng anato lSsa" fo e or allia er sIt cis,. ve opend a-ua eavtta>',. i s-tiInts-li sireye ii ymatsvi-i shaîa tpi s ou,-n u nd a ~îa>', tb long. wb0ls9mIaMU, swatu~a~mn efcp ~8, loit hllian el sles-n hse ilth -.vWlins- asli e saloonas OWi ie clos- saloon lisepeta sisure , &gain la hhs>,lt buiiati T. Conat~ yldT ri on" reuneve.. ~ î~ n ~ay coui>'court Monde>' t lleUMM oti . st-,Poinrl>~tise* fa.I of sheauaatmm "Ks ti tua 1 l amo 31 trial et sioter of s-bén umob.pson ihr 'r beï Dy riglit aee-oaP ichge.!Y 111 7f t= l ea >W*~1* outn~-uP<.ia> ~ -~!lls I u fat,. s-as-~v , -s vs-vt Jus- - A -rs- in famnîation of s-htessomach andi s. tis "I vas vas-y eick. nnd m>bs-os-ban. o la alto a s-ails-na.! fis-tt&n, came t ee me and be InsIstai s-ba- Icemee Dme as- once s-o mos-bas. As toon ais -oui.! arrange for 5asses, i star-ad, ri on Thussa> s-ht 7th day of Jul>' us-rive.! in Zion City lni a sroi>' sen- vie condition, as 1e oni>' faînt>' awn in ont of s-ht photographe. "For a week aftar gettîeg homt I id a vas-y high fevan an.! vas deis- )usa piart of ts-e tîme. i bai no pas-ite 0ta s-, an.! aven if t coul.! ava esten is- vouli have heen necta- s->' 10 have vashai s-ht food.!dovn, s- ht saliva-y glands vere entîrely le.! up. "Eider Das-ms spent a goc sien>' vus- vith me before s-he t4tl of JuIy tht filsst day s-ts-I t 1aniaian>' cf e convocation meetings. t tav my s-rible condition, andth -e eider ugbt me s-beva>' of tsas-ion an.! aiing mos-e perfec-iy. an.! Itins-are- yrepente! of ailt>' toins an.!trs-mt- Id onu>' lniGo.! s-obeai me. "On s-bt i4th of Juiy the gants-si vestees- prayeti for my healing. an.!, s-bhough i1s-active! biessîng fs-ont be- ng baptisa.!tisa following Monda>'. 1 (CONTfINlUo os Fat Mix) AND ROBBED BY UN- KNOWN MEN THUG ESCAPES WITH $20 Drops Watoh Near Scene ot Crime as He Fleos Tisa quiet lîttie cit>' cf lbortyvllW vas satdThus-sta>' norniug WàaM It vas icas-util s-as- e ci.! p ha.ld . commi-se.!lntn s-lits-isy la-a Mo*" night and! tha-thse aiteail of.! Up' tpan ha! eucape! an.!mtglit y5p i lia wailing te rob ano-he- ,tcti. Fs-ans-Duaeuuerny, viso lit-. a«&b. - fait gratonas lu Ltscryville Wt ",th virtîn cf s-he tack gouday iuuga an.! as a result la laid up wtthk - a ses-as-e vuni lu bia ras.- He bail lefs-tishe bosinau aa eton 9-1 - t-he cit>' about eiavdp oecioch, a«d15 on bhies a>' home, visej, on taI< s-he nev Chicago, lMilvaiskee a. t' Paul Depot, a aân Juaipe! fros: 15*4ý hini a steean.! &s-ruck Duaeany «j t' s-be hem.! wit a asont.- Tise force cf thte1>1ev knocs-d Dili- ser->'uncenSCicom,an.! ulsis le - reccytre!, le diacovercd that bis te- ~ Ballant ha! eecapa.! vish $26 ti nita- Ha made his va>' t0 hi% home anS hits son-bcund uphbislnjw-laean! hoq- thlm te a doctar. on s-eturjalng bteii. î Spot visares-be hIci.!up.vas coin- itled, l!usenberr>' discevene.! Ni vtatch an s-ht si!e-walk a n.!1tit s thoisgbt that s-het shief .!ropped X s s-thart. Ne suspicions cisaractere h$vq. iheesi seau about th isaot>'an.! thé i. t> ' *police hava si c ue as ta tise ldaity clf s-be holdup. - Pay Tribute to igeNamam - Thse fonts-ai ofs-be las-e GeomgeNdë' " Namara, bei.! froinitise MiIl Cr*** < chus-ch, neas- his home, vas s-le jflg.est an.! finest ever bei. frosu tb"$e chus-ch, an.! Pasts- FPoie>'preaelié ont of sht intes- euioglas o!the 44.* tan aven hear.!islaits cauas-y l»0- pal.! tribute te McNaniama » Ma- - friand, ase a pure, devons- ypuaq (luth- olle, acs-vln- itise cliurch, mn.! as* fine. young tan, ts-bettbhoav knav. Ht aisn state.!sbt X*X*a. masa as a naniac. Insane visais * commisted the s-as itel vitelih Ull it, tisas- haneveas- oul.d av so ha.! prnper mafaguards surro*mus4u bina n.! s-as-due te li&a couffitM * ' lnsanis->' sht chureci pas-musahie buai. ' ln hol>' ground. as sana ha voWti.! '- an bava hean a suicidet. Tht prises- aase nied ts-as- MeNamara ha.! liat aiflitcted vis-h an>' chronic aUillesit.-a statent wbicb friands suppoat. Hoit Bound.to GrandJury W. C. RoIs-, heaior tfes-le111Brots. ars' Coe. cf Lbertyvilea. vhblea xv in bankrups-cy, vas taturda> Mc>.. lng bauni oves- te s-he grand Ion>' I s-be sut e! $3.000 hefore Justm »Bue- vîts- cf tlertyviiit, iFre4 d. bbffo compiainant, sbovtng alsgS Uv inoaoat cf bbiise on vbicvihob. bu$- e.! moea>,an.! matlla MoI, a lioeaeper, l4entitylng tUt fites an.! recorda as thls*e cf sbe Hlat vas unable t. si'et %,# vs. reconlmIatt" ita Wanu*ïaà 5.Me di.! ntetes-r a plea. Mie nwieh ies- .! -at me Ilava- aile to Idens-if>' ensrie as miade 1 Hoit, and! Enderlisi ps-euetl eie forge.!papas, as-tiahssind'iftuwb Attorney' James Welcb, ir sbe' tanue, madie a motion s-o dlaStu.4 the grouinds of insuaffCIesit a Thea mosinn van deafle.. .8I~ Ban 'utiller reperee]ttaEndexihis ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT-. Ckt' of Waknh tvu. 4y"44 *j -ulbtt-cilon bniefa Md. ment b lt'RantR. Ckimrbe S Pope for appeflant aisd! e nont for appeta E-ve,>' Ram <0£t >'ou gl eicmce*5it5U * uilcbyou I58 ' "Finally about s-ht 22d! of June s-hIe ar t took sick vith malins-lai lever dIitltammatlon of the etomach an.! i-ais. I vas exavîîned fos- typboid ve b>' tva differen- phytîcîaseltn LJvînia. Colorado, ont a physîcian s-teSans-s Fe s-aiivay an.! a-tbé id otf tht company's hospital a- s-at ace. No typbioii vas apparent at .1 time, an.!. ieifite a bai ceugs,' )tubercuiosis a-as founi. Ont cf e doctors îvsosousiced my troubla as ,set s-vn dca î, an.! shea thars ai.! .1 mv ss-omacb vas out of arien on -ount of dinting excesaivel> e!tire tes- whlle ps-tps-lng, resultlng in VOL XNo. NTYINDE PENDENT WA-UKEGAN WEEK-LY SUN _ -1 1 - -jý li no- fea s-hea liin-, touch uatlt Pieeuay foranuos, s-het-A-fJul>'. *'i vas so emaciatai an.! waaks-ba-c bai s-c ride ln s c4rrîaga s-o anti fs-onu ttetingt an.! vbie s-bars i bai tea ltbolalýerai ap ln a euv5'lonaed rockt ng -hai-. 'Tha- mo-ning s-te s--iuof nev ooi -'ame s-o ni>'body>, foliowcd b>' .. its-risa itaîre for foc i an'i front va- day s-haesaliva an.! apptite re- tut, dan.! sha catarris case!an.! akl enoid growth isappearai frona my cose an 1si cooid bs-tsle freel>' s-rough els-ber nasal passage. 'I ttilb congiai ver> iard, but It vas hecausa cf s-ha cat-arrhal collec- on being temovai front my es-mah, ani. thank Go.!, I continua.! t0:%. prove,ani 1 have regained pxerfsct "f have gaina.! flash an.! ss-s-ligth as- th amaîîng s-att of one poua»i a diY for savent>' iays. 4 «'Au ltaes re for biquor or tehacco iv.î. been remoet-d, P- 'w iici taut Go. a-s tt osai tobpth ise laor ciga fs-ev- nas-uingtiti siigit, s-lita&gain vhen v ota up during s-lie'ngistI oea.! to mokate t rellevo a tlckllng cougis. 'My ba-se.! of ditige forma.! ln pait yeas abas heasi Increased nov tisa-I $1.ý10 PER VKAR iN ADVANCE.

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