We jiiýt receivçd W )sswithwivbte henistitched. CbOIdren's Ôresses, made of SIie)pard P[éIdG ray GIvtgtir 4*, 59é Another lotof handsome Serge Dresses in B ùe Igpd gacik. very cidtcanduùp fo dte, furthis ile 4é:2 5 I..-,- -:v- - -- ~ lv" là order to dispose qû~r eê' e à - .Lad ls', Suls 9-he!pIn *F7èr LôUas f*s Lot 11, yOgut thOke, sfflra tp 1o4.S ........ Lot49 bù chokce, .4d&9 Lpo ,19.00........... We wiliIpiace L6tI,YrtfIcsl»9 ..... ..... Lot 4,9'Yoiwu c h olce, iod49 Îèt*63s 0...4 thi~ sale is bonafïde. We-4 o ui~ lbfgje.EveylW wii, Iretain IttorIaiptrce MÛR Ï,04y9pu can.,buas ccep ar) s your nelghbouür A reguar $OOvlue. Look at ducd ries.. We do this tu de net w1t"wmntre end gans flaMleship Deiawate, Wlci1"ep*ééented Th Uifv i eM s àat ànat" o, aid Scenles Aboard fier Thle United fltates battleshlp Deleware, which represented the United States lu tbe naval ceremonfes at the coronation was the largest war veuel ln thé international fleet that assembled ln Euglisb waters ta bonor Kn George V. and Quéen Mary. The Deaware, cammaaded by R4ar Admirai Vreelaud ani. kaawn as the "ratest of ail Dr'édougbs.' holdé the wrld's naval record for speedy long distancé cruising. ilefore lea.ving America for England and snce lait December the Delaware churned tbrough over 25,000 miles of ocean. a sensatlanal se- coinpUiubmet It w^s the Deaware thai carried . e body of the late Chlean mini%ýer from tbe United Stateg i>ck to his native land early ln the wtnter ai ter a notable cruise in Europeaia waters wtb the other vessels of the Atlantic fJIU. ta éntertain thé natiau's ehief execu. HOW INE AND Itivé. Ih lu thé frot time incé thé cîty 1 1 ýï ý À ., ai Incorporatetibacle ln thé éarly tlàh '30o that B président o! the lUnilti PLAN TO Uties bas over pa.ld thé peoplé of é ~ thia municipalit> an ooclig viit REM IIR. TAFT ~ Presidentas ýÀncolj4 arfed ee landi, ]McKiley andi Taft bave passeti througbhère, but not oneot théin ever toppeti over long euougb ta Nearest Neighbora of Wau- ispeak ovér 100 words. kegan Give This City The people Of ail political faithi sund Bôme Valuable ùliuto . and ,rganizatoTa are worklug ou thé euîrtaumeî, venthougb the pres- dntlony going ta spénti au bour Kenlosha te Tear Looso, even Nü Mt iké other ctios, Racine was ai ed ta gel as much tme as il if Visit Does Corne at rf, ad the people were more than Night. delightel wheu thé président, lu ré- BPsp o a telegram sent ta Walla M'alla ,Waellngton, 1»' (ougresmien (Prom Wèdeways SjN 1 litetirsAllenCîtoope.r of ibis district. Ktaclne, Win., oct. 25. When Près- aîkilîg hlm luta tae a hall hourex 144~tWtt visite Iis cie ou Pnida>' ai teukiiOu, thé tresîdeut tient a mes. t0"on October 27. hée wll lie ré- sage saylag that the requet woultit Ait y c h a vstd on Would hé go planned ai ta give the '~ ~ ej~the circoit" Ex- people mare tinie. ,~, ga mna4 Roosveit SIde Trscketi çiiy, Thé groat trouble wiéhi Raineta that lts not geographîcall' loosiét au' Weil as a town lii Bitm ibouMbtotét attract such men as thé prolféit. la jocateti way ofr lu one ccarnfnthil st&te between two large cis Mad fi sa seldom that such mon 8goEotevelt tbiuk It o! enough Importtance to pay thé tawn a visit, évén il4ough therel a population o! aver 40.000. Whiéh Roosevelt was lu thé sataaYéu $90 hé passed up Racine golug ta .Wflbl ibrougli Cortinas. That was as close @à the peOIle o! Racine evér* gaitt han ordér ta show the preident just what the people et Racins thluk hlm anti bis past sdléiéttioa tli lawu la %ving to tam out enouess tc givé a coetial welcomé. a strong Taft man,,inla obLirinan 01 thé gênéral réception UIhittee wlch bas a métbévsblp of about .111 te', represétln' evér> çaiitlcal tête lni thé tc*wii&e" prote-ilon às men tiomthu vrIsi meregoilie "Y 1 'k - '- - - Ti, xpeotlvo CO9$ittgt Po 'n c 10 ~ îo~~ mittee a ule dosamtte. buan d thé conimItte Will order a wlfie1 Ileen selectel Of ait, thée g-mayora, ton Of red lire which wil hé burneti Mayor <lod"ad, Conéssman 17L A. continnausly turing the trip of the Cooper,, Etate listot Iasa Bisop rsdn. Te wlb oapf and Mayas'Zimmerman af Burlington. Vélet hr il16n pé The cammInttebas gons ta wark te>- laws la Kenosha on the night af the ghther 1k a lot of olti comrades. visit and if but fifleen minutes lo glv- There le nt tbe leait friction. en ta tbe automobile trip, it la the Thé people are making a great deal plan of tbe committee ta give every more taus over the presîdent than one ln Kenosha a chance tea as> that tbéy titi whén Bryan was bore tWO he aaw tbe nation'@ chiot. yém age. The preaidéit lirill ho AMter the automobille trip the presi- acwr~ded the biggest récePtion given dent wlII speak t the Collseum, the any man' lu the eity. largest auditorium lu Konosha, and Plans for Réception, arrangements will be made ta seat There itas greai relolelug when tbe 4,060. congreseman announcéti the president beti decideli to lendbJen bis a>ta Ao il Citizens te Take Part. one full bour. Héeitili hé met at the NýOrthweBteoft station st 5 'clock by 'lWe dont car,- wbotber the prest- jthe réception commttée lu automffo- dent la hère for fifteén minutes or an biles. it la also plaunedt t have the hour." sald the mayor. 'wé are goine cadets at Racine college Uine up on ta show hlm tbat Kenosha lu nat oui>' tbe station plstfarm lu full dress uni- the fastegt growing place in WlsOon* tortu and saite thé presldèflt when sin, but aiea ihai It le thé most loyal. ho stops f rom bis jîrivate train. The Elvery man ln the city, be ha democrat boy' sceuth are a" ogoing ta titra outorpublIcan, bal!*hreéd or populisi, anîd show their good wîîî. wlll1 turil out toalad ln showing lionor It is the intention ta give tbi, près ta thé heati of thé governiment. 1 shahl Mdent a spin arouad the cilta shtqlow isssB proclamation asiking that ev-ý juat wbat an Important. place it l8. ery ballse along the lhue of théelpar- The president wlll deliver an ad- ade, and this wili mean upractlcally ev- drens at the Lakeside Auditorium, a r> bus l ié lly olnshbe building that will hold 4.500 people. dcorated for theevngadth Chie! Baker of thé police départment itili detail twenty men for duty aithie _______________ auditorium and a squad of ten men at tbe station. police will ho station- ed ail along thé mtor route. It itas orginally plannédti t have thé presideut déilver bis atidres at Eat Public park, but as hé dosnot tenehbebre until 4 o'clock ýlu the af-. ternoon andi leavos t 6 aud On se- cunot of thé weatber, it was deeme4 advisable ta bave the président spesk v inl a closed building. Thero wiil hé pleut>' o! munie. Two bande 0f twéety-five pieces eaeh bave been ongaged. There wili b. musIc iat thé station, alOflg the linel 0f tbe mtor trip and 'if the auditorium. It bas not been decided Yet wbo wil l W *troduce tbe presitient. Mfr. g~orlick, the chairman of tbe committée, wl ps'obably hé séllectei for tý&t honor. Cougre&ssin Cooper anti Mayor Gooti- ad Will give sbort atidresaea. Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 25.-teuoBha IR l r i planning to give teprosidt Tf ol thé occasion af his short viai hère o1ý Octobor 27 the gréatéat welI00mOe6v« . . 0 iven te anir public ma 0"luthaIalsory fof oit Soutbport. t lu not àé4ng tu ho a politics.l wéicorne la SnY Wayi - andi Mayor Mathias G. Scbpley, thé dexuocratic mayor of the cît>'. basutrou t *t nainet as bis fIret aide on the com- ..... týtee o farraugéinénta Postmaster Ro> ill-.. 14 ereBaewbo lu thé chairman"I of the répulcali county committe. . Val... Ko lu addition thé commutte will bW lmadie up of ail thé membérs of tbe1 o ommou councli anli fifty of thé leaq...... Ing business and proféssélonal Mén ï ý Kénosha. Arhkày tbh plans for theO4 Mutton si célébration are under way. ifto-Sew .... flvery baud lu the cît>' bansen é- EP fl ..... gageti and i t la planned lemaltathe 5yISAB.... O ughl ane long to ho rémémbçred.FIM Président Tatt w$lI epend just thIr- otj'minutes ilu KéIsiOs ,but the çom, ~1on....... ' i.teplansu tg ake it t4è ballf ......... *Jiqty minutes that the préIdàent Vl bhave ou blé entre trip.B1d....... Méiiy.............. Imhble i UIldtnInlb the efclýI'I 911ai hé In gaia attire. "Iu addition to ibis 1 plan ta, have the bigg;tt displsy of ftreworks evér "eén lu Kenosha. and If fi muet ail be ovér lu fifleen minutes. that Coss. Fond du lac gui loto a peck of trou- bie lu objelng ta thé presideat's achotulé, andi we do notnt inntôt maké tbat mistake. We wlsb thai thé président cauld gwend a wbol. daY iii Keusha, but If hé gives lh mat WCl an hour we ame goag ta hélitRa cordiallunroe'vug hlm s If hé stayeti over night." The repulilcan édeunt>' commîtte wii urge évery voter lu thé cmiltY to tutu out sud lest lu the iteloornta thé président, but it ln ezpécéd that1 thé blÏ feature of thé reeeptloniîli hé arraugeti under thé direction of thé muinicipal comuilttee.1 Engluéer Dixun. lu charge of the naval school barbon dredglng opéra tions. le the nman iho Oxcayated thé Baund tram Waukégmn banr bto1l1Inl thé eity dock teaiug ton or titelVé yeragoa" andi hé paitiEx-Mayor Pearce, at that timé ujayor, a visit lat itlgbt.À La»e Co. Tite a Trm t06 AbebtiSof aTitis. TiSes Oure.= MasoleTempble fh4 Pute.4 oct. 24, 1911. W. 1IL Fransand i Vi ta Sabestimn Krléaat. et ai. pari 0f lot IkiLAk. Fort W. D. $1. ý. Relate o! J. U. Tweed, deeét teIO Lmess, lot 57, 'lwsed'é Plutahé. Il.ke sub, W. 11. $700-,. mu mIelInlwi.r Uitwlie ta Reip iléchées, let 57 Tweeéts Platakée l.Ake mb. W. ). 91- J. H. Goodrlcb ad wl! taPila.. Cent. R>. (».. part çi lot 26, Rinees'0 sdi ta Antloeli, W. P. $1. . Mxcoald L.ove andti wfe ta .21 Il. Lions. (except wVeut, 0 feét) lots 14 andi 16, block 76, llighlanti Park, W. D. $10. JoeiilDelliapé and *Ife ta t.C. ) Lýarionj. oagt 5Q, fet Tet 142 foot, lot 8, black12, Itigbiand Park,,W. Il. w. W. Kl. Nixan to i L F. Béa Ublea. lot 4, block 1, MaterwelFs smb. WU* .&ga.~ D.,.&2.OOs .-_j WAJEG I IJN1 Rockford, Ill. Racine, Wls. Chicàgo, lit. PRICI E Of FER.1NI. U-UftjI i,, Ibr,2 .. .. .. . .....dii .... . 21 .14e.AGI .- . ... ... ......... ai.......... Pgfor en, ....... M~ tOf r- .a- 1 1