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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Oct 1911, p. 11

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T.1fxrL TWr UÇTiF ll4N. WflÂAYCTOBER27, 1911.- f A and Bouther. it was announced, will Vertfied recarde on file ta substan- toceaitate lte recail Of nuineroue tiale tiis tatement alan daliy mllk records open ta Intendlng purchaaers. witnessea, Includbog Shields. Wagner, Thursday, Nov. 2, 1911ý The sale idia was paroled f rini the Penlteti- beng dalry stock onty, ail Intencing at-y, alto las heen summoned. purchaa ehal be an hanS at 11>00 T. il. Sanderson. former sergeant at a. m. sharp. The ber'd constasaf: trima of thte state senate, Whto waa 60 cows, 30 epringera; 20 yearllngs nameS b>' Lieutenant Governor Mar- and pasl heifers. 21 calves, helers is as a witneaa, who could titrow anS bulla, at vîtloue ages. Remember Ighi on te preeent iribery charges, only pore bred reglslered huila useS estitied be liaI no eoch Informoation. for er pa. aiea.bo an _______________Usual Terme of sale. Remember the date anSd e tour. FOWLEIt lARM5. 140w About t? ' miles east of Lake Villa, MI. l majl»ai,>b. lrit-eUmt tt* rOll'attheiSand Lake Fat-m. liree lunch log nO asa<alers no rock&. duning sale. The sftory whicit Wood anS Soth , a er tetIOled bd been given tent >' Regan osa: That Slhields. comlng fram Wash-,I Ington, baS met Regan by appoint-,I ment In Milwaukee. Thal ShieldasaiS te liaS unlimiled t money ta purchase Democratlc memn- t bers of te leglature. oho were la t rema away go that Stephenson'] miglt ho electeS. That Shields vanteS Regan to go 10 Madson tW carryon tede". Tht Ragan refued anS Shields" blmself vent.j Tablng te stand siter tey liaS Continuation of Our Great IPurc-h" aie'Sale Sample LUne of Chlldren's Shoes-- all colors of lea- thër, 1,1gb cut J'cko- Boots $3.00 and $3..50 values 185,9165 nd 95c Wemen's Coats, made of fine ail wool keraeyor broadcloth, full length, ilk exbroidry, self lined, $7.50 n value, tËi âgle ....... 67 OOATS Ladies'I,, miame' and juner co,, man- nia novelties lu aial colora, plain taller- go 0values, 59 Women's plain tïÈdred suite of uovelty fabric, skirt with inertWedplaits, panel back, notch collai', $18.00 10 0 values at ...............10 0 *UITE Wcomen 's man tailored. fancy weave suiti, made of prunella, paniama, serge and eo*elty suitings, 89 $15k60 values .............8 8 $UITE Fie mixturw4ýýer, ges, Scotch tweeds cheviot a 4i loth suite,, n- mense fflortmý $22.W0 value at ......... ...... . GOATS Wometl'a Coato, of fancy mixtures, bUlck br4~th, keraey, etc., Apollo stylet 6 iibby$1&00 iÔ o pp Visit our Ladies' Hairdressing and beaÏtty ?aiit6--in j chtige qL an cgpert. Higir Dreàsing. Shamffl, ýpg, Maf- dsrthg a ma *sk, gît. Std~PU&fsrrradet6mniown CfMï fs~g~ ~r~e I - TURKEY MES Reults of War'etuL±ë Ield by Uncle Samn M~J fO IEACE Will M Ké#t eret From Foré'ign Naval Èprs ITj IIITALV NOW Italy R.ported to be Wllling . Under Cet.in Peace Oçn- '~$<~ , ~ ---- , ditiAZ','o t" M.~~ J. 0F ~ giren titis evidetice, Regan teetlftedJO N S A Z i men; but, ait the contra.iy Woodad KW jTELLS Vt l o aIigmne mT#AN$fEfJ3TO 0F' AUIU PLO't Crge @ RioBckmalliingPlot. ___0_ Father of Tu-o Local Doe- a: Ibers nmre day.' ega." Regan tes- Former Foreman in Local tors i~ PIA éd on Stand i iled, "I was talklng ln the corridor Wr isLae o Stephesoýn inqufry. 1-r go<>w,îom 1 k e oLP a case agaînst Largwr Plait. _____________ Piphenolq. TbMr purpose was to let it be ilnwwn wiiat tbiey were goip to Tels of Étot to Pabricate do, aiid tben. t4trY ta gt WMoifffor 'rranaf erre oT& girming- 1 ot@vli th«lrý,teetimony. Tey diii EWdenoê,Agaînst the nott noe, ui&ora"ceuat.and! no de- ~f1 t o't Isuator. ~cdedto tl t01 r 017 ia.ne-________ .. : Ii ïow1u1017 faise..Shields ___________ buyof teoola urlntd mo neyta WM Visit 1 aCity Eefore Blcm iigPo iie no ddasked me to go ta Madslon ta work np »uftesini Ris ouase B1fau te Ler][Mer for Sepitennon, .l e oiin Inqulry in Mlinois. ..T did mont Wood and Souiher af- ter stepbnsan'a elecion. What 1 îFrin Wednedays SUN ýtl1dta tant stOut was iais: Frank "Mrs. John Statz. formerly of titis <rm Wedne.dsys SU.) T. Wagner bail been convicied and cty wlll leave Brmingham, AMa., thie seuteacud te, thet peniîentiary for per- week for Worcester, Nlasse They willl Milvaske.. Oct. 24-Teetlmony oO0 jurt'for testbfying falsely ln thte legis- meet Mr. Statz at Now York, thonl cernifl g au. *legéd Plot ta fabricate latIvo investigaiatin f Senator Steph- finish their trip wishlm ta iheir fu- evideuce agabnst Senstor Isaac Stoph-. enset,. ture home. lanson and then to offer tu koop t OutI ,et the preent ln vetigation for a mou. boks to Expose Lln NmI It BtikNoes *y enudertin ws gve bYM. I"After Waner itad testibled hie A pair of swaliows of leierbruuu.4 Regmn a Milwaukee busilness mari, l- tor' wag fouod to hoe so improbable la the Tyrol, have toien s numbr of ter of te IDctors Regan of tt i ly.li IU a,, the state înveetigatlng com- tenkroneti bank notes to Ilne tLiaI before the United States Senate e00t- nmite@ could du was to repudiate IL Dens. mitte. today. 'In conacQuence Wagner was convict.- H. W. Wood, a privai.' detectIve, ed. My purpose w"R la put the others and Irrank 'T. otther, bad tIeîII whore Wagner wali and ta titis endl AUCTION SALE. they werc at a conférence wllh Re- i talked ta Souther and Wood. I bld As we are to rent the large fat-m iNo. 2) aon Sand leke1 and broedspure gai whent he ltter told cd a sciterne thin ncldentally 1 bcd received nmre bred reggtered Ho te nsaon the amail whereby R~ler J. Shelds, assoelated teli ro rm Shielda, but ihey were farta (No. 31 we are going ta offer ai In business wth Bdward Ilimes, the in rference ta business. 1 mentioned public acchon ail our lireseut dairy. lumbersnan, lied came from Waehing- nothlng whatever about Shitelds itav- conisting of 102 hlgh grade liall- I steins. ton ta '"huy up" lthe Wisconsin logIs long baS unliimited money ta jurchase As au Index ta the quality of the latr no tht Senator Stepheonson teiegllature.' bord offered. itles anly necessary ta coud tie elected ln Mtrch, 1909. I e oseilon(i tn len eay that the herd far one year past. Rgan wasilo h tn prodnaed at regular market rates for Dene.. adiouroment was talien. lita contra- milk, $9350 each iteides selling many &tary. Regan Dels diction of te taiements hY WoOd calves from $3.50 to $18.00 each, ATTACK ITAUAN OUTPGSTS Turksasnd Arffe Are Nepulsdet 5 *untellent Iprng&pa Rome, Oct. si. - An officiai stage mentl gays thtu on Oct. 23, the Turks and -AabeisUe a combinad attack openthetlie " slatoutposts noir Rumli- ana Siprings. They surrounded te outpoats, burt vere rcpuised by front anS rear attacks. One hondred Aas vere klled and fiany others wore wounded. Tic ialien gosses wer. sIighl. Ail ArabeS found armeS heres*tor' wiU b. shol. ital>. se" a*gJob Aitssd. Rome. Oct. 25.-PessIMltlc reports from Tripol have it that members of Arait trites front the. interlor bave Iolned the Turks and that repetitiOns of thte recent attacks are likely. A prolonged reastance cmtce part of the Turks ls ta b. expealqi and Ih le be- Iieved that te subjugatlon Of the hinterland wilIl be Sficut. Turks Lait 400 li t 4igaxi. Rome, Oct. 2.-An ômcial bulletin reportsa ta the Turks lest 400 killeS and more than 100 imntded aI Ben- guil. Itlale urtiter repOrte titat lte Turkloit rotis, ohicit retlr.d lndis- arder InIand. are trylng 10' relly- Tiey have several pieeo0f artillery. Italien Ficet ln.Archlpeago. Constantinople, Oct. 25.-Thic main body of the Italien Itetla reParted ta b. crulslng blnb.hesi.oùpolago and le saIS te bave iteen sîgitted off Mes- sina. It le rumorEd tlt 'the Italiens lost 2,200 killed and iNouaded ln thse ftghting around BenguL. Turkey WIII Establilé h Ppfre Courts. London, Oct. 25-TII. ofliciaI Ga- zette announced titat TlsIkey laS in- formedSiSr Girard ÂUqÇuI1i5 Lawtber. te Britsh ambaasd«#_~t. Colantn- opte that prise carigi ll Ttc ea tab- Ilahed at ConotantbnOplo. Beyrna and LINNELI BODY £XÈiàÙMEQ Authoritlîsu Wlih e pWjQr Investi- gque Mu'dr d ymtiry. Boston, Oct. 25. - £ex pg uasor. ders from District Âttoçn.y, Pelletier, lte baSdy o! Miss Avis LIicý0Il wua taken fram the grive la tte Oak IGrove cemtcry bit Hyanals an i brouilât te ibis clty. Tple o$tenslb.le purpose ln conveyIng 'thý 'body back te Bouton oaa for te pQrpose of cx-1 amnnng the Interior of te ciket te ascertain if thore ins, »ý . plon cout- tained luncter poclat t a bath robe whicitla beneaili te body and ohîcit te yoong women liedZ " ber th nigit obsiteck te fàas!"Ughait. But there là not iiUt 1hes cb tat there le another cffject ln bring- ing thse body 1teSdsiaip. '131la Pneu! weIl underatoad 1h41 a1àt.r anSdor complete autope>' Io te lie pertormed. The. Fift itôi AltiteVgh Il seemeqs, 41 toereâll'.c a weed wllhout whiM-Mse useful - biterém, v'itch have paene- - Iiompaiere ceusçg-fEgland un- eoinaraivey rci U#mm. Il was $c .klte year 154 d athlie very * Wt qgiriage with wIeu" attachoS a. -s*9e.This wàD Iplit fon ans! hy th , ý Ut oi4 f qucen UBIOt. Tlie 1' Sae tI1II4~0 on*eT mOs. IplieS for I 195.ambe ft.ances s.1j or Sear arte an tt ¶t 1 be belmov e csn dispense wtth visaiS T: ] 4w - "e of Port of Trw** Xialad Duhrng Gfrt1 .A'bàÉàador R. newu E39tt teSecure Puace Pact. WasblnstmOet c.2.-John Q. Wood, tAmeriecnsflul ai Tripoli, itiformbed lte strde departilien ihat lte block- ade of te port of Tripoli b"S béen London, Oct. 84.-A dispateb front Rome ta the Ucho De PILrib stated tai Turkey bad maxie overtures to ltsiy for an bamedligte cristlcs. Italy. the dispatt stâtcd. wasi inIO provided thtî%'urk.y sopped at once lte antl4tllab movemeni tulthe Ot. totaifl empie.., Berlin reports »mi-officiably ltat Baron Mareecb*1 Von Bîbentain. te German amb*oudor ai CanseanO- p@, la maklng se..wed, efforts to bning about pence. It ia belleved tat the prospect 01 a long and catIT Campatgu wlU prob ably Induce I14ly tg uniteid. CHILDREN'S COATS SPECI ALLY PjRIKU In this lot of Children Coats of red, some *rimned with eh.4&d black and white inaterial and fancy buttons, others plain wt ~g collars and buttons, are many very unusual valdes. The h!àit e~ is $5.00, whieh is about one-hait the original price. Othmrs$8.98 a.nd $2.98. Here is a chance to save on the Children's Winter echool Coais. Bring the girls in Saturday Sure. Ohidren's Black Plush Coats, the hieighit of style in Winter wear, military eollars, high neck, ahl as warm and as durable -aa; they are stylish, any size desired up to 13 year size for 410.00. Soîne larger sizes for $15.00 GIRLS 13, 15 AND 17 YEARS OLD We have got the prettiest eoats you ever saw for Fali and Winter wear. They will fit you perfectly, and the style is equal to any shown in La- dies' Coats. One pretty gray eoat is a beauty at $15.0O. It is tria- med with bine velvet, blue veivet at collai-, a band on the cuifs, and the buttons down front and as trimming on lapels and cuifs of bine velvet -it is the prettiest style imaginable. 011.................................$5 gIâerdown -Blaket Bath,Robe *for Ladiesboind ih eiisatin and button trumned, compiete with cord for ...39 Fiannelette Empire Kimonas, higli waist line, satin trimmned, bine, pink or tan, speeiai at............ Second Floor. FLANNELETTE, 72'c A YARD White Fiannielette, 10e grade, short iengths that axe juist enough for one order, a yard .................................r/2 a 10e Plaid Outing Fiannel for a yard .................... 7Mc Figiired Outing Flannel, 10e grade at a yard............. y2c $1.00 Pequot Sheets, 81 by 90 inches, special c this week only.........................................75 70e Sheets, 72 by 90, while 3 they last, each........................................3 .i 15e Pillow Cases, 45 by 36 inches, special thisc week, each only........................................ .q Australian Lamb 's Wooi Batting, one full sheet of the lightest, watina- est batting-the most saintary quilt filling, 27 in a box for ...........................................7 Simnon Pure and Crown Jewel Battînff at 35e and 29e a batt. Batting in ail grades down f o the 10e kind. *I Third I¶or. Saturday "d e tf "x Photo oopitgMt by A.merfcan Press AuSoclaton. 1911. The above picture shows the fore deck of the battleship Michigan, On* f1b prised the great tient whlch participfited Inlthe war game of attackIng andd 1050.. dld spienMi work. for whib liplr commandera pralsed thein ln eot 0 paper dispatches vlctory won claimed for botit aides. whether the attat li~bttý the det snding craft detl-oyed wilIl never be made publie, as the naval sfat.ybu . t~iitf S11 1, 1911. 3abdm 5Lake ltakee la Pila. let) lots5 nS Park) ta C. A-) feet, 1- , W. 1). B"aUbl«É. tb. WeiA- -%JvkIJLJL Xillirir£ -l M90owm

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