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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Oct 1911, p. 12

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SIIORT 0f SUPPLIES SÀYS CÀ-BLEIiRÂM There if Also Money Lack- ing wfth Whi'h te ]Pay off the Troops. Goveynnnt outlook la Dark aa Defeat Cornes in 86v- eral Ways. The Revolution 89ld te be Spreadlng and Gainlng StrengthiluMany WayiL Pakinh, Oct. 25. - It lanot inowvu whre the dleec f AdmiraI Sa Ohms piog le nov located, but It ta rumoned titat iaànyo hbe salors have 101usd SpeslmIntle view Ie taken cf the 1 4Ùtlook for te goverrnnt,tl.Ita re. porteS thst the. troops are short of pro- vistone and there tg jattie or no meney wth whlch to psy th"", Nothing defiite is kiown of te movemenis cf the reI>el forces, but ail rumors bave it thait the revotutton la spreading and gaiinlg strcnxgth. It in oalS that the 'Mohamnmedana Of Kan- jýo. wbo have been ln a claIe cf rP- bolon stuc Augut, are ltkely tu -jeu the. republicane. Cônaular dis- is&tceea ofrm the reports that the. txpértaiste offered snc serions rslsit- anc.at KKinXa"-. (leseraI Ying Chang ln stil orges. Mntu ie for et Sen Yang CIte, si dm ,not intend to attack utl te bellevs liathe ig able te vina ade- ceelv*evctary. lHe ha appealed 10 ta.. ourument for More artillery. asylat lItaIt te rebele have 400 qlite j" nsd that the ImPertaIlite muet t.r*r"lle thal arm oeth.service botos. they eu aivance. He kat mJso0 demanded mouer vith vhich ta pu' *i elders. The coveruiuent Il, reupndln as eli &s poasîble. lu -~ p-time yin Cht&"%scuota aqkoeplna tittoucb vlth the. rebels. FUNK CHARGES PLOT Moa ffdaVRIt ha1 ienning Action la Poliltcal COnplracy. blcgou Ot. 2.--la porsuace of ~4oetcd credt my tetlmcuy coîMlttee nvetigatlug the Sof William Lorimer te -tb. t7~~ ltssenste, crtain porto"a ~esiiJohn Henia te permit bhie m t bd useSau PlanIIff lu thitssuit ts' alleustic Of ils vie'e afections." iua #charge la mads la au aMdavlt OUc vith Juse Meard hY Clarec &< Yxk gmeaimanager of lth lu tigitonalHarveter cmPaaiY, lu de- spellmain uimmediate hearlng cf t. WEATHER FORECAST Inan--'air -la soutiUrsi, local pIn lu nortiier portion thua attermoou~ or toulat; elghtly varmer today; prot*bly fair and colder, except prob- tbli rËli luetrame' northieruPortion tumntrrov; moeraI. .outberly vIndS bmcemlng aortivesîerly. lIleltin luseutheru, ibcd pins u.tnorthoeruportion led»: colS- er sud fair, sacept rein la norihece portion tcmorrev; moderato .outherly vhadsa silfins10o orthvest. Wtcenslu -,Ram ted»; cloudy. prolsbly rMnor smcv sud ioden la sastera portion tamrrnov; modrte variable vindi Itecemlng northheetr- WILL DEFEAT WATERWAYS bond Issue.. voedby Dsn.sn Wilil Net Pas, It la Sid7- SprlaguilS, nit, Oct. 25.-The luet chauler lu te hltory cf Cevernor De- coe.s fight for a deep vaîervay bond ln"sbox"a. The. bouse vatervaye Ooenmltte. voteS te report vvfth ad- 1'.$cer¶cmmendati.on the fragmente et the govruor's bill tht surtved lutsrt et gsbales. Tlhhi M la quitta-differenl frons lb. 112O0,00,00meaeurc te geveruer etarted cul b get. Instead et piscine fMi pover le Issue bondsasud. spend millions ln lie bauds of a board named 1y teégoverner, It cuthorizes thae e- Dondtuure of ouI, 3100,00to aratoire val., pover altee anS dra, plans for1 thi.e aai f rom 1Lockport te Uttea But aveunlils bill vilInol pessa. t'o deteat Io conoeded. CUPPER IN IAPERVILLE S«erh ls Mai. for Man Who Slashsd Brl of Girl'$ Halr. Naperyillîs, Il. Oct. 25.-A mysteni- 011, 'Jack lie Clipper," vbo chears girls' bradS, te et large ln Napervîlle. Young en afear te go on th.e trees alo» .ta nit The men threaien te tar end lfeather thc "ciper" If he la caugt Barbaga MNally.daugbler of J. G. IgcNaliy, ag* nte b.Burlington rail. *rend, ai t aperville, vas lie vîctîns of «Wt~ mm .Though h. vas unsuccesa- fôIla attempts In set braidSaof other l$W18, bhoalsbed cff a braIS et ber I*eawtlfo blond bai,. Te girl vas *pIaklug $ixgi b.ecampus of Nort- ~oioea li po1l i ar;imIa AT MINNEAPOLIS A Belgerent minneapollB Mam la Placed ln Dur- ance Vile Now. President Before Several Audiences in the Twin' NWorthwest Citiez. Both lusurgentia sud Regu- lars Meet President Taft at Mankato. MfnneàDuile, Min., Oct. 25-Prost- dent Taft le the guct cf tic Ivin cît- les cf Minneal)olis anS et. Paul. H. isaves tcnight for nortiieru WlsoousIý. Havtug repcatedly declsrsd tial ho vould kIllPrealdeut Tattupoft the laI- tées arrivailu Minneapolis, Jullue Bergerson. fifty-vo years 015, vas placed lu lie county jail for an le- qulry tutu his mental condition. President Tat vas welcomed fo:' maliy to Mnnesota by Governor Eh.r, hart ai Shakopee, an hour before the. reached Mankato by Senatore Clapp anS Nelson, sud Congressmnen Davis, Ny. anS Miller met hlm at Mankato Senator Clapp aud Cougresman Da- vis, whc are both known au "insur. gents" and wbo are îtndertcod te op- pose Mr. Taft's renomiuaticn by the ReDublican national convention lm. 1912, traveloS lu the.presldant'a Pri- rat e car vti the "reguier" Republic- an leaders ofthte state. At Glencoe, vnere the presldent maS. bis tirt speech lu the state ont the present trip, an old man vbo stood close to tBe car iterrupted wben Mr. Taft vas near the end of a taik on faruing. "'m elghty-seven years old; nearlY elghty-elgbt," said he. "'y. been a Repulilcan ail my lfe, and 1 vaut to shako bands vihIta preident." Mir. Tat stopped speaklng, leaned over the rail of the platform anS shook bonds vith hlm hearttly. At Shakope. lte preident spoke trom a platform decorated viib aIl sort» of prcducts of the tovn. Just baci of the stand vas a htige crayon portrait ot the presdent. He talked about farmlng te 2,000 persons. Preident Tat spent an heur lu an open automobile and on a speakers tant. t Mankato white a coid rain was beati upon hlm. He gel tho> - oughly soaked sud hic overceat lied tu bo drieS out on a radiaer la the Elks' lub. Dr. Rhoades, i physcicen,. vhile ot alarmai by lie experience, ls vatchlug cicseiy for a cîS tu Se- veicp. RELATES FATHERS CRUELY Stennard'. son Sew Hlm Drunk Whdn Grandmothsr Lay Dylng. Otanagen, MîcIt., Oct. 26.-Alvah, seveuteeu-7car-old son et Mrs. LaLua Stlannard, who ta chargeS villi mur- Serlug ber humhanS, Chanle Sumner Stannard, by putttng strychnine lu hie coffee..Snuday, March 26, tesîlfici that his tatiier, about a year ago, bail kuecked hie mother Sowu anS poileS ber earrings until ber eaus vc1c bicedins. 'What vas the quarrel about?". asked Atorney W. A. Burritt for the prasecutolu. 'Motber vas scoldtng hm for hetug J*druuk at the dîne vhen my grâni- mther vas alck andi dylng tu ou, bouse," saiti the young wtneass Bolh Alvah and bis sMater Eiaina' testhed.that thelr tather teck "small tableti" as a stimulant afier be bad, beeu on a spree. BetIt eilîdren teatie SeS Ibat Stanoard threatened te, shoot Mns. Stann4rd. Thcy expresseS af- fection for their father andS asi h. treated them klndly wben be vas go- ber. BANDIT; ZAPATA DEFEATED Mexican Governmont Wlns Decive Satis le No Mexitco Cty. Mexico Cty, Oct. 25-The bandit Zapaa vas detealed by g9verument troopa lu a battle that lesteS tour hours ai Mlpa Alto, in the state of Mexico, about an hour by train from Mexico Cty. The reheis retreated tovarda lte monutains In the sdate cf Morales, but humneS tbree villages betore tbey left. Thli s lb. iret deisîve flght von by lte governosent. Itlal beiieved thal It vili serve te drive lte rebels fartbsr from TiMexco City. Many familles lu the states of Mralos and Puebla are leavhng the country. Itlah sai that business there le paralyleS. Whsu, the Wedge Came Out A very cmah man-nat ouiy «»Ili àà te stature, but lacklng alec lu Vldth cf beam-satlnl a treel car cuntl ho becanse tlghtly wedged in tram btht 1ides. Then there enlered the car a large. bsndsoine voman npiotered lu tb. minute. Shie teck tIhe strap i front ot the amall man anS vas bong- log te It tn dicomfort wben te sanl man crase. vitIt s flourah ef polt@- neaea, anS touchai ber ou the atm. "Take my séat, oadan," be salS, w itIs a hounnd amite. r "Oh. thant you verymoch." site ne- plIed Randlorned loward lhe seat, Then. senlthgegnially again. sMe I see 'Wbr. 4&d you eam au eni?' --CL Pou# fltomsth. Treat <w c «t.s otir wTo Thele hrgatn offers l Aproi Clmghau A Sepeudable quaity of Il- ige bloc apron ulnghamn b -,. fine, medium and broken checks, a grade that a neyer. solS for leas haut 7c, specil Baturday ciYer at. yard " .- - 51C Lonsil.Cambrlc A branS et cambrie vitt vIticIt every voman lg fantil- Jar and iiuovs Ils varti; 36 luches vide cuti ordlnarlly bringa 15e. 10 yard limit. ne phone erders, speclipriSe et. yarS. 101 Manchester Percml Reguiar 15e cambnie finiched percales lu llght sud Sark grounds viti attractive Pat- terne lu ftcoclora, full Qn. yard vide, very apeciai04i yard 10k2 -t29C Yoù'hl find an extrernelv large range of popular dress fahrics in this specially prieed lot, ail 36 ini- ches in w~idth and flot a material worth less th#tu 50e. Incled are' fancy mo<hairs, wool batistes, eash- meres, panamias, plaids, erepes. serges, etc., sale -printe, yard .....9 Parents Wil Reolîze a Remarkiable Savii MiBuying Their Boys' Winter Coat ilere These cold days niake it inperative thiat tlt' young manhbe vai-rnly elad. Bring hlmii to teGoeand let lis lit him in one of ouI' stiîîn nmng new winter coats that lhave just beeni piaced in stock. Manniali broad-shouidered effeets in the' att style with convertible coliar, aiso regulation Engliali Box coatawith velvet co.Iar; suiperhly tailorod of rieh velours, heavy kerseys, fancy mixtures, cassimeres and chinchillas, excep- tionai values at a prire *f~ __~ range from ...... p LnQt $1 Hgere's A Splendid Offer in Boys' 3Shoes They are made in the mccl durable -armer of an excellent quallty or sitln <'tf leath- er and wili gîve the utmost cf satisfaction, lace style, sizee i to 561/ at, pair $1.60: ies 8% to 13% at, pair ................... ........1 29 CHI4LDREN'8S OES-ln vlci-hld with patent tips and gun-metal leathers, fýoot-fo-rm act. sciIthrontghtoït. buttn sy)èBze Ito6% - $175 values at, pair ......... ........ 1.39 75 handsome new modela have just , been turned out of our workrooxn for tomor- row 's selling. Each model is a strikingly beautiful creation with a sufficient touch of individuality toý make it chic and distinctive, Moderately priced n at ....39....'à $5.00 Stauped Wa Jst ftternsA Staxnped waist patterns for em- 3 broidering, beautifuil d e s i g n s stamped 'on a splendid cpiality of black, white aud navy voile, also fine sheer fiaxon........... 50e PILL.OW TOP-Wilh banit. taMped de-, satm lu on tional patteras, also 6 skelnE of Potte... 25c f or srkng ...»,,.... .4 - .-i . -, - 4. -At 69c A handsome seleetion of ail wool dress nîsteriais in 44 ineh uovelty sîîitings, fine Fî-eîwh serges and 50) iîîehIliighly flnished broad- elothm; these inateriais are the' vei-v Iwst $1.010 values andi at the' prie offt'red wvil creat a hîîsy 'stir in this departnîeut totîîoîrtîw, yard.. pe..ta attend the dadi- «ctien of lt.e'Naval Traiing Bohool. Pur. hiltehevly ieccd&, shaker flanuer,3 Ie vd.YQu've Deig ouh tibi qeally unîiIc re cd fer titis speela bargan 62C Fleeceidiblaubts Extraheavy canton fSannel Ijianketes with a-ln10 f np extra large aemanfi fill 64 by 76 luches, buautîful coloreS border#, ,sbeil edie. $126 vaines, oly 2.tc a cit- tomer. pgir 98c Juffiors Smart.PoIo Coats on Spécial Sale To morrow An importanît offeriuîg of a doz<'n or more new arrivalsisn Junior -%%inîter eoats, mnade inu the popu- lar polo style of heavy ail wool po)lo clotli in îîavy, tan, King's bine anîd redl. The priee repre- sents a e(>lsiderabie saving À CHILOREN'a COATS - Ili polo and Deml-fittlng styles wh lrgeaior collar and Combînien 1iiaaLmdngl4 te 14, splendid values a,....987~ CHILDREN'S DRESSE$ - Smart styles tbat vilii vI n itan, f4vur Lu ,the eyes ef the Young lady; mails et &Il yod serge, ln navy, brovu and rai. nielty trhntmed wtb plain contracting material, Sea .4 6 to 4yasa .........24 WAUI~KGAN'S p~~~BNE -. 'r- -~ Women'sCoats. at$1 Valuns That Are Tralhi hmrUble Ilere.is the hest- coat bargai in ail Wauke- gah;in l fact, no iatter where you, nay go you will not find their equal for the money. Polo coats of heavy reversible coating with large saior collars and long rever es; rever- sihle coats of double faced English eoatitig in a numnber O of color conmbinations .............. OILK <PrrTICOATrS--The.euallty of silk from viilch the ehnsmptcaaare masj. iste ivelI kn<qwn Simon taffeta, vhich a notd frtsu- îUilltr' and 'excelCbut fliIsh. They are atrloty tai! oreS tyle l lacnS aelah0 29 coor,$6 vles Dr ................ -CHWLRN' IH VMMEN'8 IIMONAS- _ON-Made of hcÀ.vilY Made of fianlette jnd feed'outing flaopel ln velour Ciarnel la f Serýaiid stripe effecte, spe- Pertlan patterns, tb OMf aluies 'at ... ... 39C..gpeIiuy pripe .. 7I The- OnI7 Coïpl.ete Eey lawo *.g. ai od should visit, out, se wond 'floor *and se the rniany echarming *hair novel- gouda eat n.We caua match siiy Itade cf hair and our prtces am e lowir tItAnypi'il expect %0P. Exquisfte New NIllIery Special I'STchaie sud Sale 0f I.aatUMI Lanoue Pictures at 98c For Saturday, only, we place on sale 100 handsonxe fac-simile pictures at.a prive tlîat is astonishingly low. They were purchased at / their regular price, other- wise we could hot possibly seli them short of $2.00, for that is 'what they b;ring in al art shops. Over 20 different subjects in thelot; size 14x25 juches, iîîside measurment, fitted with 2 inch gilt frame with gray mat, tomorrow whdle they Iast L--ý- aviewerthy Pricè Reductions ot ll Dr-"- s Materials A EWe that Fi4ould cau@ý every lady to haaten to the GIbbe 1 VOL. 3 GUT Wâ TO PUE crompliahi iat eet the 1 neys on thwent -m»e agalnet Tr ed Suaday oi snd the jury rd toi sgree on tt The state re, ter 4 c'clock W precedlng caju Rese for the torney Dady fore the jury H-e avas preceda' 'wbo made s s torcemi-nt of "i,à ,, onl. statedthat I, alouId i, etha were enfored Statea Attor tbefore the jur salue lind. pr: mer case', malt fer* a convictic be bad secured .tead or Caus bard,* vorked Med neyer vas in the courte the cage a*aini Thureday m and Harnis for tempt te dise thb. wo goveri Meirlin Croyne. lied pu rchaïded lobon on Sund, eally th. only lte delence, v at leaitone o Bradi. diSd ne soo tbai he b 1000on nlune c»S that KelI uourt room o Welcb trial. Thomas M( whoee triai f Pendlng, vas hie testified th; tb. court roc Welch trial, tbat the latte Wtth thie t! imalter vent t The end of 1 thte people sgt aons cf Wi cagontInlu ai Granted a ovo retluest. 8 1 the week to f fit a belev, * aov that the: tollowing teri ltroposed b> t vorabie ibat c 1. Fine of b. pad in e. Walch and 2. Ech c tender te ta court that ed every siat.', Atto a nd tîphi. ~4Meantime, candemned bi been succeedE Meeoof the a littdays, or tM 9wet siY N 'l 5tod tbem, i i'. esat e. dr"k wbc <'bounden t il Titis, bytIl have to stop *larger con, wi :.More negot

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