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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Nov 1911, p. 10

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U~ARE flOtMT P~age TwU _____________ ___________ flOUSE COEAIi FOR TAFT AT THE WHIITE IIOUSE 0f $pecial1 Interest to Wo- mxen is the WasbiÉgton Way of Doing It. Uns. Taft Writes letters of MIûdnçtio22. from Bevely, iassahusetts. Mms. Jafray, Housekeeper, Then 'Doos the Actual Work. (Prom Wodnesdqy's SUJN.) Fros the "sommerwhilla bouse" a lleverly ParmÊ. itlssacbusetts. Mrs. Tait bas heen conductlng a corres- posdence course ln fali bouse cle5is- ing. Every f ew ds Mrs. Jafray, vin actsaus housekeeper, lu Washington for MIrs. Tatt, bas recelved a letar froos the Presidents vifs rontalntng directions for thse vork ashe ants dloue. Nothing is tue amati te rerelve tise espariai attention oft he 'Tirai Lady." Suie reaizea that everythIng eoimis ln maklng confortablie, bappy sud bealthy ber tamlly, guestsansid emiployes. Mrs. Tafti kuowa be thinga ougbi te ha doue. In an emergeucy se couif at as iseusekeeper and chef. A nomber ot extra employas ln ad- dition te the. 26 regularly on duty bave ,î beau busy aitishe executive mansion for several weeks. The kitchens have cominln for an especlally thorougi overbaiUng. The mesi vigilant rare la aecessai'y te Insure absobtely sant- t*y condiions In tus wiite oue tc* vuila the Inierlor vas rbu " during tise ItSevelt regime, the vals of tise tamous mansion are very old snd need constant looklsog aser. * lra. Tafti bas ba a large store- * rgom adJalniisg tihe regular kitrisen tu'pedeut and macel miea aubidiary h~stotrs belsgInadequate. Wienever state dinnema ver, gven mucsofethtie tood bad te ho prepared on tise outaif s by caterers. Only thlrty or tonty persona çould ha sup- *lsed freinitise wbite bouse ktrien. Iffrs. Taitihopea hai tise nev arbeme *111 make tisat unnecasssry. The oid kitrisen vas abo'ui tveuty- live feet square, anditshe eu e adfs 18 test te Its apare. Bouh kit- cisena bave heen newly tilesi se tbey may ho. kepi apotiesa. A modem ho- tel range, 15 test iu lengtb viii greai honsi and warming rarks bave been lsssaifed. lu the amalier kitchan there la a large gas range andi a great e sial et electrical equipment. The empldye' quartera bave beau thoroughly averbauled. lieds and tfur- iiture receed tresh ceats et paint Andi enainsi. New curtains bave isesu put up and cloesis uit In. A lit tfail oisna, slvpr, giassvare esisilinen ipas preisared fer the. presi- deUt', WU, by the viite bousse stew- ard an~d Mrs. Jatmay. Mrs. Taftivent over. cii caretnlly, and ubenever nsv stick vas .saqed h vas ordaref. This ia usuallY dune by othar presîdents' Vives 011Y la eesdurlng their rmat- danos la tltp executive mansion, but Mm. Tat bas seen te ht peraenslly e ach 1year. Cesently, the linen aud china Closts andi the silvar nhests are in hetier shape tisais usy er vers. Wbere an inventory. le talion only once ho feur years. many things are "tenuS l lug." Valuaisia andi istor- le articles are mysterlly spjrited avay, neyer ho bh oeard et #gan. Mrs.1 Tati een veut over the liai of coek- loig utassila, soe 200 ln aumber, aud -the. stock vas repleniahef. the very latest equloment bslng addef. Then EasatlRed, Blue and Grean mremsere freahenef up thia tali. Tise valla vers retintef and semaet tise tnglture rerovered. The living1 apariments of thse tamlly vere net nisangesi éwaterally. A thorougi clesnlng -va gttsli tiem. Arcusoulat- ad oclds aüd en" t rom Charie Tatta 'deu" vere tluyvu away. If lirMm Tait. bua ad tat lla bouse. kteeplng. At ber surmer boenl Beverly se dit! tthe entire marketing for tse bonseboMdp ping, te the stores sud aeisriing carefully'tise tond for eacis day. buylasg ust eaouih. and et *tise bet, sud 'payng cash jr easci in Wasinigton she bias a oeesoreasa. -' Wlub ber teward and bousekeeper pach day about purchases for tihe nexi. In addit ion te the fond fer tisa ea MTdMrs, Tsf t keepuama eye onl Cxs ifflialfond erderesi for ber hua- I#gàt7,#l ». Baker. tise pres3ideast'4 VUm ?at'zs srapisok la ftiled suis ~a~w.pta.Tise fn,51, ~Fasnaa i« ne from a recepe gven ber by the vite o r t e secretary of state. S h é 1. brnging back with ber from Beverly' several lsundred jars of preserves und jelly, ansong them 20 jars ot Ciarliel Taft's favorite mustard pickles. LYNCH PERS0OIALLY WAS NOT IBELLED. Suit of Lynch Based on Man- ufacturers' Language is Disinissed to Satisfaction of Ail Parties. (Prom Wednlesday's SUN.) New York, Nov. 1.--eupreine Court Justice Newburger dismlssed thse suit broueit bY James M. Lynch,. president Of thse Internsational, TypegraphiOa. union. againai lo4n Kirby, J;r., Presi- lent et thq National 4mgoerlaton et f anuf&cturersýa. 14 w$ sassociatic ons the board or dlaoceo. for ÇIOO for The suit vas isaud on a resoIuti« of thse board of directors of the Ns- tional Association of Manufact.ure" passed after the blowlng up ot the Loo Angeles Times plant la vh1i. eact was put up te the Internatlenal Type- graphIcal union, and the dIreriors said tbat tissy recoguized tisat tht. sot of destruction of liteand propertY vas ln hiue vltis the union's doctrine of "ruts or muin," andi stated tisai flo only thse *"bmais toola" vise perpe- trated the crime vers reffl"sbe% but those viso fester ti" union organisa, tion as 'weIll Prealdent Lynch saued for libsel au san lndlvldus.l, olaiming that the taise ansd defamatory vords verse neant to lis- clude bite. Justice Nevburger sus- talned thse detendants' demurrer. stat, Ing that tiser. ià nothlng in tise resolu. tien ln question whiob reterresi to hlm es an Individual, but oniy te the union. He vas flot accusId individually et tosterlng an organization for thse pur- pose of commiting crime, thse court said. TURKS' VICTORY DISCOUNTED Net So Great as at First Roportsd- information la Vague. Constaninople, Nov. 1.-Tha neya- papena raduce thestsory oet he rer-a- ture et Tripeli by the Turks te more moderate limite. h seema tbat the ffire aceounis vers baad upen tbe evènia ut lasi Thursday.visan tise itailans. as has already beeg admit, ted, vluhdrew froos a part oft illir e<1 vaucad positions. Tise nevapaasers di>' play the atonies regardlng tIsle report ibat the tausas bave bean torced te enirenci vhtiiathe tovu snd afd that thse Turks capiured large quantittes of field guns, riles andi stores. Both the war mintater and tis" grand rizmer bave tlfor'ped Inquirers tuat tisey bave recelvad the nawa of a great Italan dfeeat. adding rather vaguely ubat tbe Ottoman sucrasese vers 'calcula±ed. te bearten os aud malte us feal preud ut trueps and aiseý aid us in unr negtiationa lististhi powers." TORNADO RUINS TEXAS TOWN Storm Practlcally Destrao's Thelma- Two Persoa .Ar'. Hurt Slan Antoni, Toi., Nov. 1.-Tsé town et Tbelma, aigisteen miles aouh et flan Antonio' vas paciiraily de- airoyesi, ive persons vers hurt and datase. use amaunt .euf viicibu =(o bglm egstedtt,,.vas dona to cropa sy a tornade. acceiflug te news recaivéd Tbrllling escapeg. are reportesi nera i.. Nov, 1. - Mrs. Sarah Ftàaler et Peorl% 4asthe ffrai voman ln h5orta rauntY, o isksut a uteras ficense ibis eseu. *iL s is s goosi shot and la f? "ot aecq.ipanylug ber buahsand, upen'is tr-ipsalstar smipe and ducks. ne Paal ifn~u .Thie Fa I. BsI= gton, Ie.. Oie. .-Raregonsu &ppeqfi te bu unusua ip lntiiul lu cen- t, l fllaoh. Cha~e . Watktins t 1-U," ion, wville .ttlng, abot 'a ,olver, the sut. mal 5 ~ unds. __ ire. iiiii(~~#t6li Dieu.. Ne* Yniss.4' Mra. FRobert gurke thtfl vJt ~ue acter. knvp Q n Us1 e , 01ý.gq Op M9a1aJâeth et he'o bart trouble arna long tIlusef ThawflynfislJs:Bath DOe Duluth, Mini.. Nov. .-While tisav. Ing dynamite io ilov up stumhls a4l Mildway, ten miles nons t o e,'Câmis hSin.lomesiesidar. aud Eric BEiln, bibi hiresi man vers blown te places. Hunters Ameteti 5usdPloid. Pottatovis, ÇU., Nov. .-Determined ta break up Iba Prartire Of hunters trespassing pas is ta-, Pied fpeck bai Clenseots Pioger sud Louis Wln. gai arrcsted sud sari vas fined eS. N'imrtsls recetly killed i o vauabie cov belonglgn toeWak. Diamanti Jubiles ot Bath. 8ath, Ill., nov. L-'ltl hava. Ilci *pS laid osai iy Abrabam Lineain viien tse vas a sourvayor. aiîd ald to e haàw 0h17 tojv laid out by thi, martyred presîdent. wvilci ,as ssbsquffltlY fu. corvoratesi sud chamflrad, ceebriLtié ti. . 4.h15iia - WL Ž~ ~ IS IIOTLY ATTÀCKEI 8~ yMR. UTT14I'è President is an Auditor au Martin Littieton Oets Real Busy. President Witneases Tbril- ling and Dangerous Mine Rescue Work. CentennialI of Steam Naviga- tion on Western River Waters Observed- u d ti il ti p t c t t t Chicag, Nov. .-tae's Attornel Edmund Burke ofet augamo rounty explaiued hotore ths Lrimer Investi- gatin,g rommitteaetfthe United States sonats the circumatanoas leading te PFqmner SeusiorD. W. hlosla's con- fession tisatieh recelved $2,500) for his LorImer vota andi $700 trom thse Jack- potL Mr. Burke deniesi emphatlcally that Mr. l.lolstlav vas Influeuced te "trame up" a contssston aloug certain ilaes. asuslleged biy counzel tor Sena- tor tor4er. itsprasesaatvé Edward D. Shurileif, s»eaker efthtielieuse in tise 11109 ses- sion, vise testifiedi Monday. vas on tise stand His ieatlinony relatesi chief- ly te bis ban lu tise paossug lu 1907 oft bouse biltl No. 777, tise Chicago andi Western Indiens Itallmad measure ne- garding wviinicharge@ et corruption have heen maie. 1 g . Sism-iiq goIs avé examiu.d lu Oxh&4814T - e tae;O>n .regarding is 'knokle4ge outa ackni-POL Hie old ét 'i-lastisoni, given l bi t Sa 414W#of ra oedofcala , pat thy ad be4u tieNIpxsthe pisat, bt Lald bq lad (Tress Wednesaday's SUN.) PIttsburg, Nov. 1. - l'restdent Taft &t ai a banquet given by the Pitt- urg chamber of commerce aud lis, ned te an attack on thse Shermani iti-trust Iaw hy Represeniative Mar-1 ln littieton et New York. Mr. LIttleten came f rom New York r the express purpe-se ot making ibis ieecb. Tt vas intended that tb.e president eould be the first speakser ait the ban- let, but the Intention ot Mr. Little- on te attack tbe anti-trust iaw gel tied about and tise presideut vas taref ast on the~ prografi Tii, president spoke ai'ier Mr. Lit-ý eton, saylng that be tound himef smewhat embarrassed ai ithe moment *z te, what te say. Thon ho Iaunrbed cInt a .ersion ot bis set speech on tise rlaion uf the goverfiment te, the busi- ess oft haeeuntry.. He spoke tu them et railroafi regulation and f o the tariff, but Tt vas evidsnt that the hearts of bis listenera vere on thse anti-trust iav question. «'I am sorry," said tbe presideut "tbat ibis question bas rome up bers fr a ditterence et opinion betveell te speakers le barsh ai an occasion. f ibis klud, but lt bas been mais- ioned and 1 muet say vbaý i U4dk o t ."1 H. repeated bis ovu vords, quoted, by Mr. Littleton, declarlng "mens know when tbey areatatempting te sud.l Competition. men know when tbay are creat1Inz a monopoly and tbat la ait, ,thai Isnaeeded Ien ny criminal. atatuteý It la net plegaaut te seem te lies an- gaged ln an asBauit on business," "I would eut my hand off lietore T would barrm legitimate business, but wbat dees Littletn s ffer, uetblug, He proposes another statuts wbicb would be suhjert tu thse same interpretation as this one." The. prealdent hegan bis day bers witb an e-,btlou et mine rescue work by the rescue squads et minfe In tbe Pittshtrg ceaI district, under tbe direction et the Unoted States bu- reau et mines. Tt waa beli on tise l'orbes basebali field. the amateur crevset o reBcuers comfeting lu ras-ý eue demonstraions for prizes 'whicis vere later n'varded thera by the presi- dent. Afier the mine rescue show the ores- Ideut was taken for luncheen witb the 1blatorical society etf'western Pensyl- vanta. In onh respect at leasi the lh'ncbeon vas remarkable. Ttvas the first puis- lie miea] ot whlch Mr. Taft bas par- taken ln tise past tonty-six days st wblcbhah bas net beau callaf upen te Make a speech. ln tise attertnoon the presideni vas taken oui on Monongahela river tii celebrate the cantennial et ateami navigation on tbe 'western river&. Tise firti steambessitet ply un a western river was thse New Orleans,. mli a hua, dred years ago by Nicisolas Roesevelt jk replica ofthtie quaint old craft va but and floated on the river for th( centenulal calebratlos. Tt vas chris tçnsci by Mra. Nirbolas Longworth. g direct descendant efthtie buder eft t(s original New Orleans All the rivet Craft blcb old posshbly ha spare( ;from tiseir work weme congregatef foi .tise ceitennial. The prealdent want te bis train afts itise chamber et commerce banquet .ready tor a souud aleep. lie vialit Morgantowfl W. Va., tàday. EDMUND BURXU Io t BEFORE 1'R0ÉEU LIE ConN Pli( The tence l t rau B. Bsywdisb, lîti <7bav.. vie vas UT. M -lSi reeflly tried %aiTFort Sheridan, Ili., - sudenviesi ounciarges et duplîra- [Ç bIPMA~itI tien et psay aceunia, taise officiai IS 8'5&JV..8A5U satemeasta relative thereto and bypo- Imm iheration ef psy accoucha. Lleutsst-b FU I RMIK Y ant Bevflsb tormerly served as au esailsiesi man Iln the Gib Cavalry trous Jue 1896 te July, 1901, visen appoint-. esi seeond Ueuienazi lu tise 1thtiCar- ivicted o! Charge of Du- alry. Ha vas sruooted to be frit cating Pay âllum eutenant lu tisa7tii Cavalry, Sept. 28 y Âcouta 1909, sud vas trlausterresi to tihe 15thj and CJhecks. Cavalry Ot 24, 1910.1 ______________ hspoetor <}aneataioHlmick officiai- ed ai a ý sçqral revtew ai the iroopa (F'l-011, Wefuesday'as$UN.) .ýt 'ort lSher4#si yetersiay, Iuapectlflg ie prsidet bu vordthe su- d sdlu the panaisl.I s umeif utisa astsolodtIs sn-CRIça Adeesm, Niftis Vield ehl eto dailsallé*Pgw -,qojla MW st ~ ~ I I las Ieaa ~ Ç - i q Fort Bill, Okla. Cèlditel Adams tg -nov on tan day'a leave et absenoe durtng whlnb perlesi Colonel H. A. Buisuop et the cavs.lry ta lu cOmmansi. Le.tem a permanent commander vili ha selantef, vhlchevsr colonel lea ag signed te bead tise Tventy Sereatl Intantry staiioed ai the POsO. iii., of Nitrate of t5505. Sodium Nitrate la thse only ni rnugl tUait tisa caa be used lis seolutiod, a4 a&» tise otiser soluble sals ut âAUtr0sl ispeommAs Sds4as. soon 49 gsY çoDM- ,pwt U t vilS 1isOjael. , »evI4r, i.sJe E JMDSW8NMRT tise lApdCe play'ed ls Hampshlre by thse Mari of Kr Sirstt. quoting fram Nicisoli " rets cf.Queen lizabeth." talla U3 "star dinaser. about the 'clacý- af bis lorshIsis serrants. aU1" sethire mon, las a square gp5B o betore ber melsuty's vlndO. bang up lnos. sequarns ont t" t ut à tennis court. andi xaklUg a C lins ln the mddle. l tht. tissy. bisng stript onteu oi i i leu, playesi. Ave to a r. w bail, to the rspst li of e M "--- rv- Havé You Seen th~e New Woolt6ix Coat With the Glengarry Coll"r Blsck Mercerlzed VIsit our Hair- Petticwnts ds'esslng and %4Nwth $1eO Beauty Parlors M~S~O In charge of Between 10 and Expertsil Expertso'clock 37C WOMAL aS M Lingerie CJornet Covers, nice An imimense, slupment of Cildre»'s Bear 8kmn Coats, quality, half Plush Cpato inevi& Mu1, th quilted Unng, .19 price .......... 2c nelest styles, qullted satin $9.00 values Woei' ~ ~e' ' sale p 15.00& w)xere else can you find'sueji Ail wool serge dresses, large --Ail 'tbe late8t weaves and up-to-date fMi leugth coats, ail peari buttons, high'waist et- cltota, pMain and fancy mlx- the newest MOUeS, 99 foots, lace collar and, 5 9-8 turs, WorthL worth $20.00, for .. <C cuifs, worth $15.00 ... %Jo$.oo0, at .......... 989 Boys Strictly Haiid Mfl Shoes, sizes 22 -to 4, worth $3.00 to j~ $3.50, grcatest shot bargain yet offered choice..........i a T-;,

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