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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Nov 1911, p. 11

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'IÀD BAD D REUMS CONCESSIONS DO C ON MUR NIQliT NUl SATISFY ARMY ININDIANAPOtIS 0F REBEL C91INESE cousin of Blain Woman Phy- Many Demanda Made Pre- sioan. Tells Remarkable viously not Granted by story. Bo' Emperor. Dr. Kube May Have Been ebels HoId Railroad Pass Mlain by a Buddhist and Continue on Their ranatie. Victorious Way. Manchu Princea Rebellious Jnvstligatlng. O)ffcer Aska and Thretten the Peace of About Dead Wonian's Re-________ liglous Beliefs, ____________Washngton, Nov. 1. - Edv<ard Tr. ludilffu& ov.i.-Tbe«&MT4-Williams, cbarge d'affaires of u h. liiIflBOlt5 No. 1.'Fh ~UI àzAI*IcBII legation at Pekin,bas ad,- tise y oromer Durha.m of )Mia. "a-vîaiie tate departrnent ihat théi gusta, Xuiie0cousin 0f the mord irel urW a my la iaslfied witb th. WU* 4b lyalan. ena eKaabia-elcta Iaucd by lhe hovernent. 15ou*t out tacta regarding Ibo lhf The Shantung aini of 151,00ù mets tor of the ded !womafl . and 4.000 troopa at Pue Tng bave giv- It 4d nt however, isail te a di&a. theur ad.hrance te the demande Cil oOvU7 e1BMy titrUmmnt with wb.i4hb le troupe et Titan-Chou The de.- Dr Knab. CoonIàbave kîilOd boil »Moite netot et graoted: ln'rnediat - utICi ber muaderer migbt hava Pani!ament; that conttlutoll a rend- *09id. Whsit aked If aie anw *n monte oiginate ln parliarnent; thati lkiait f the bail gr lnt the r« à thé army, tbough aut'iect to the con-~ uiDmsca d mS d m ve tstrol ofth. ernaer, te fnt uet l 8" 4w Dfot. ,aylagtba.t If suih b4 domnto troubles except under regU- base tb. cae aie uould have 1084 litlaotons adopteil hy Parlarnent; that et ÉW MOM m ase îothe ie g ettaemt elect tie Premier; he te of saung thebe et ober 4.4asria amolnuigtietara of tate; that the UtV*. 9h. 90<4b croer ftt p.rlauimt 1pprUve thebudget and ail draloa th bel b4on Mo""s.y lit bsatile 5.ctlng the general Intereti .ne0f ie'd tuie W .ef thecounty; that the qualifications cat aoui aelt e or ova f tecters for members of parlamnft - b. indud tat the arrny ha01 Ibommte s-uvsuîbD. ~ mltd la regard te the mottera.ce h. ingoebtsda. Suau a ge rea s 'Me rabais lu Shans!. Mr. WlIllarna bangDtng over ber Sri aili ly, Meffl , bave retreated te ToiItg-Ciiitg, vedntltedlei 040n,. ut eh*ly a tencontroliiit le ralroad pasa. The vraenttil e* b"pm, l burt ah. tienPekin-Hankoow railway. however, han liaind h.1a albe UIl Dfot bueinjure&. Thetroopa at Pau MIsa 0 U.beIpMbe a$tory of ber Ting have refusd te entrain te meet cou",$a ' Z. tae u h e rebot force outil th armya de. dausiter 0keip < lah o weu .the at tds bave heiu aatiified. hao su ba1 mê separatedwie Tuan 8Mb Ka.,ub.r bas been paced the ote WMu, sa Infant "ud te t coctrol of an! defenaive operatione. bte attu'*dalqsdi*& S@ thujbt&Pa te 10h. atlistid ulit L te edicti Dr Kn» ta*# 116WO bar father là as ha bas left for the aouth. Dow, but fies 1The reporta rom Pekin Indicate Cooe 7D Bselaoesu-laitie Manehu prince.. uho ara la Prise bhi 1kM itae» If Drlignant stthle loe et their control Iluabe h.llevad B dham and aftar- over. the governuint. are tbt'eateiting vards sai ald 4ibollet mlt hava tiheace or the Capital. il la ba- Ba trang the case. Tic Uleved at the tile departrnept. itou' -IMOU ai ad the.Md ber cousin bail aver. that h. foreigners Lu Plut uil dlacusaed Budqiam.,but ahe co lt flot be In danger, as there la a aIrong say that ber eoietu vas a blever force of forelgn troopa thera A arg.ons<kalVi caiied a miro- Butinona ResumlIng ln Canton. tome le a mlaulitpOm th. dead doo. CantOn Nov. 1.-The Importilfag tors apartmeat, anrd te coroner and bais&an beau holted and huslinew detectlvee 4" trylu< 1tenlid t. 't ai ubain reume& .Pekin reportite lntrumhut vw1plésdt te Dr. Knahe by 1rmaasacre of 1.000 Manchua by te Dr. Fergueup, Me sanra it was savon rabais. Tai Yuan Pu and otiars et Wu or egt mJne« 3ag. hoiiow ground Chang ame exeling tae Mn'bu lai- antd as sharp bd'a raser It vas nlt perlai guards itere and It mai have a ln the ingtiet Case and cannot be serlous effe.et If there cornes an out- found aayvifer, break at the capital. Dir. IL M. .lngraiam of New York, aeio 111Sraig former clasainats of Dr. Knabe. la hore RbllnSilSrnig antd la as"tdS in the ttempt te Peiin, Nov. .-Il Cannet h. Mid ase la ,poblee . What tacts ahel Ihat the concessionaryedicts igned bai gven ta the offIcara ae lwli flot iyth le empaerr hrough te prince tll. Ph. qfusoe10b. lntarvlewed. ragent have effected an! lrnprovemaflt ilue shae 'tame. a enrober of pby* of te situation for the governmfelit. sLIP aebasecaled tu detecUive The rebailoni ti ll s11praadlng luntie sicaps avaer nothd the WIATIER FORECAST PLAN SUBWAYS FOR CHIICAGO ind1W, r-1* r and giniral!faiDoard -Talla Hw Sore Wll Cenneot ry 7 a~~w ; moderato n t Elevatsd ad Surface Lne. lifiwto-Tlr anid colder today; fait temorov coder u gotheu, lcal Chcego, Nov. .-Plans for Iwo aub- snows in norlhern portion; mo»rate va! Byteifla. «Ch uli t 0 roite- sortiveatto norlt vinjia. on te car fur tralle of the lavateil Wiscons5in - danudy and coder te. roe. and t. othate1 car fer trafflc dey; probably local anows thifs ~tth fle surface trolley llnee-were made cnndunItontgbt; air and cold t& public h b ChicMago. ubvai commis- rnorrow; odraie bnortiuesterti sien, vhlch aubmltled its preinlnary uirda. report te lthe Cty couacil coîintte on transportation.- ~- - The "rapld transit uubwayB" for aie- BIG CIWAB"AL MERGEft vated train# vill eh. 887 Mwlie Io"~ r______and WvIiiCent $9,812.000, te boardec- City Fuel fnd LIWýIi-hbloflFirme-ma tea. Thae ubvways for surface cars Cenollid. wlil ha 3892 liijlong Band viii coit Chicago, Nov. I.-& marger pf thti Mayor Hsref»in. uho attended the Ciy Fuai cornpany ad tbe 1.111-P41> meeting. avvrevad he plas as suit- luaon coal campany Msaq lcd."emitte&l nele Company tata te3iq'gjôn t s>te oity..Fuei Comnpainy gîFÉlnble. I lula LOS. AMGELE. -PRIMARIES capltalited for $2,00001) faerred and- $2,000.0W0 comntot stock. Soclallat Candidat* le Ahead-..Womefl Anneuocei ene flCfthe i erger et tho tua compaillas carne ranithe office te Vote In sit¶ha1 of Fred 'Uphant. prildelt of the (lt, o nee.Cl o.1JbHr Fuel compana., ~ sociallet osodIdae for mayor - - < of I,»Amlges end one of counsel for KILLED q% LEAVING TRAIN th. MNmeabrouiteas. ld ail the r- ~other canddate for the majrtl Vetea5f Coing te Viait Daughtar lu tic primary elton. Incomplèe. jietla ath i Vncennes. Jeluta ot308 pracinclte showlmr 800 votes eheail or Mayor George Vincennies, lnd.. Nov. i.-- Josepts Alexander, th. good goveriiieitt or- Part, sixtyfour yars old. Civil W*r p.nlzatia'i Candidate. . vetert-0 Bridgeport, Ill., waa killo , The final eeCt#olx nl hq heid Dec, 1 i a frelgbt train a i teé Union depot SBwitltho b. t ý.l"rn i n tÉe ptjo haro. times aiaspmo u w'omçn -$11 Ha bad lest,,tepped f rom a train on tvoie 4ItichePecernuir eleotion 54, %q uhict haec"mte vist his dugitet- rgs"i v*1tr fthe ci*pa4n vii li e ït 0 .Mrs. Mary Fulliove. and 'hlm nl" I gain thair vt*. Thare viiib. 40, Mia Chalsci eedu., vite of a bant 000 or thsse nev votea etan at. -. ' - e LAKEOOVÙTY EDEPXNDET.ý FRLTD.Y. NOVEMBER 3, 1911._ Ladiles Cowif6rt Shoes The company rnak- ing Queen (Quality Shoes foir w'otieii arc specialisis '111 \Vomen's .Footwear ---- they make shoes for wonen iii al grades, at ail prives and in the mîost ail- proved stý'les cou- forming to etunfort- e e wear. Quecui ualitv Nhoesf; it where others fait. The eost is no more th.an regular lines, and the insured sat- isfact ion besides thie skilled w o r k mnship anti per- feetly tanned Ieath- ers. $350, $400 anid $450 Wbat S tyle of Women Does Your IIusband Admire?. Now, if you want to get a m.an's idea about style, just ask the man you know bcst --husband, father, brother or sweetheart-which is the most stylishly dressed woman he knows (besides you of course). He'll always pick out the w Oman who wears strictly tailored suits. He can't tel why, but they always look just right. So If you want to pleaut these men, and, incidentally, look smarter than you ever have we suggest that you sec dt beautiful offrings that make up this sale. Suits and Coats. tailored by the best tailors in the country, who take pride In h.aving thefr work absolutely their bust. Printzess garments that give you distincion In druss arc ti greater demnand every year. The careful workmanship and perfection of fît, cornblned with the latest syetouches, brn out the individuality of the wutrer, and mlake the suit =ç ffective than any cther klnd. Corne and put thern ta the test of a try*on. Wc are ltrc you'll be ekiated wth them. AFew of the Special Models of Interest Li ght tan mixture strictly tailored suit, five buttons down the frgnt, plain collar and lapels, pockcts on side, panel skirt, a very neat and most (lesil'able miodel at Stunning Waists To Go With Your Suit The Last shipment of ncw waistB camc f rom one of the most prominent New York makers. Their beauty will wvin you at a glance. The small cost, $2.98, make-s them eas%, to obtain- lilihncck, long sleeves, withi the prcttiest trimnig, lace or embroi- dery, these cxquisite waists are w'aiting for von to corne and sce them. A very attractive model lias cmbroid- erx' vokes, white cross bars andi 1)11e dots, a special value at $3.98. 8Becond Floor. velvet collar and velvet fac- ing on cufs - the suit a strit'tly tailored model with plain panel skirt-one of the best values to be found at $22.50. with blsgek niIx#ura or black and btô*n n ixtu1iés, hek'Vy, warm, durable suits that have large "hwl collar with satin trizîîmnig, panel skirt, special $25,00 Coats for Street or Dres Wear The warm heavy matrials used in the Printzess Coata w'e are showing have proven maost satiofactory. gatisfactory to the partieular dresser who wants a stylih coat *lith afil the î)ractical features. Large sailor collars and large shawl collars give the coats a very distinctive toucli. Every woman who has been in to sec the assortmcnt bas said they were beauties. Malny are proving the worthincss of these coats every day by Wear- good practical wear. Let us how you the speciaily attrac- tive features of oui' coats. Put theni to the test of a try-on. You Il1 not be asked to buy. Junior Coats Girls-here is the very coat message that you have been looking for. Coats - made for girls of 13, 15 and 17 years have lattked the proper style to make them popular with the Girls. ~1'II fi ýfc ai Sweaters for thie FamiIy Men--You who are particular abolit the kind of sweater ',ou hav' fe will find thie ail wool sweaters wve have for you Just the thiug. ThcyN keep the ehili of these fresît îîîornings awa\, rnaking tmp for tlieir sliglît eost nîaniy tiiîies diiiriiig the wintri A s gifts to friends thev arc îniost acceptable. Oxford Swveatere~I with nnhltar> collar foiî...........................350o Brown Sweater-, extra hca\-.\, witlî large rnilitaîW collar, for............................ 50 Ladies SBweaters-Duirable kinids that are the hueiglit of Sweater style are shown for $1> (JO the long kind down to the tancy w cave popular jacket for e-.98. AI] these sweaters are ail w ool. One special miodel that is -very popular with sehool girls and wo- men who arc ont a gîcat de libas large militai x collai, is knit very heav'y, and lias ptckets thiis plain 49 Sweater f or.................................4983 The Little Follks, Bovs and (ils w'io are very apt to feed the bit- ing winds on tliese vrisp day s arei s itixgowxied w ýhen w earing onie of our ail wool Swecater s. Made for the conifot tfttte Little Folks, antI eomplete suctesses..........19 Draperies to Matoe The Home Cheery Wîth Christmnas so near, the tirne of eompany and of gifts, wc cail attention to the help we offer N'on in our Draperv Departiuent. Pillow To;ps, Bcd Sets, ini fact any drapery that will imake the honme cheery and be the most enjoyable gift, are miade ulp at very sÉlih eost. Not a bit of trouble to you. We inake thcm just as yon ivant them, help you p Ian the artieles, and use expert and skillful workrnanship to get thern out for von jus t riit - Tie tlisplay case is rniniiig over with the vcry ncw'cst in Drapery Ideas. As a apicial Inducemnent to make it profitable for yqii tg viit this Drapery Departmnent we ofler these specal- Curlain Ramnan ta, regular lSemnant Pricas very 10w. at I4ALF REMNANT PRICE. 45e Curtaln Madras, lte mati-l that le Ideai for nLvér- Beautiful rapary Crip I n pink or yeliow, uaad as Cur- drapas ai ht holda las colot-, )h tains'* ands for Complete Bed set- apeclail at, a yard ........................... 29 apetial aI, a yad................ ..............25 Thîrd AlSavings on Domnestlce o AlCaito. any color. dark or red. apectl a a a yard .. ...................................... 5 Biankets. regular 73 by 80 ineh. gray witli a pInk or blue c border, speciai ai ............. ................ 30 i9c Blankets. 10 quarter aize. white plain. white with pirk or bine border. and gray with pnk or blue border.,aiteclal at . 30C Beacon Blankets. the finest cotton biankets made, as light and as fiuffy as wooi biankets. epeciai at..... BaoCrbBlankets. Indian, 17 specl at .................................... Outing Flannel. regular lOc kind, white, gray and figured, speciai at. a yard ...................... 71c -mâtlng thot wII fade, Kolorfast tlng, 45c klnd, S dey for only 33c aul style touchésthat are shown in the cos'te Fr women. Soine are even more elabotate ind are the kinds girls can't hlp but fallin lve with. The prices are a very attrative rature. $6.50 up to $15.00. Corsets To give you a hast of 831 the special features of thie six stbndatl dMaites Ïhut we o frVy & c~ t give you n a4~.~eidea of tbeir iitg. Those Waukegan 'W&nen wh o have wotn th' perfect rnodéled côreýts are the best indorsement. They know the coifort and the grace these corsets gi$ve. Asa k a wearer. Your neighbor knows. Nemo, Royal Worces- ter, Amerisian Lady, Lyra, Bon Ton and Crsby Front tàffling Corsets. $300 to $5.00 Perfect Fit Underwear th adcesîng od weth a srenw of ant the proer knd en lieyf bhoy onng cov eathorase rehofave worneIbis eet undorwheBviii have inting eier. Tbey e hav hee wli thi es unengvar wIl- tite conifortabie, satisfled milie that Yeu cau wear. All styles and veights for tlau or short. alout or siender. Just the ize yau vaut ln correct proportion. Carne i befora Il gels too, coid. derwear in broken lots, going at haif price. Children's 35e and 25o black tockjings, special at e t-"i 1

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