e . ý" ,wTTmvrI M-sArV q ? 'T' fTD o i iiJt.!~~E 1 , lL. 1 --1 uu1 ______________LARE____________M___________________________________ teetis wit decay rasidiy, your *rber- les wii barden, yonr heai-t wili be- RTENDERS NOT TO EFINED lorelari-gis, yonr wil hava short- IL nesa of breatit, your naJis, wiIi te- coma brittla, your skin wiii teconle tiiy anti barah, cancer mai' appear, ru antI premalure oid age anti a misaer- Un able ingering wii te yor portion. SALOO CAS S; W E CII1 do not want la hrlng ail of titis N SALO N CASE ; W ELdamage, w iîhails consquent sufEer- ing 01100 you i wdniti mîlci prefer not S o poison youu.tut i's (lotis law, anti i shah atbe> if yon abuse me. AND KELLY PAYilifiIER FIN thalt! Voîr aat me 10 tel AND ELL PA H16 ER INE yo ow tto butise me? 1i wliiglati- iy do Il. Details of Round upiln Sunday ALIMENTARY CANAL Saloon Cases by Whichý IS LONG SUFFERING Saloon Men Surrender and RIENDOF HIUMANITY Plead Guilty After Taking PersonalInterview je Ob- Pledge flot to Reopen on! tained wvth that Part of Sundays, (living Word in, Open ourtCertain Foods are Harmfuli to Canal, and Should Not be Eaten. <Froni SVedneaiaîs SIN.i 5<heu 'ouiy Jutige Perc' 1,Iter- sons ret-tIns froin his worl, aIlRock- ford, t lie lues laklng lie plate ot 4udgc tL M.Reckhow, tue lrstlniailtei- *Whb t aI come itefore hlm wli be the tilspostion of the SUuday salooTn cases. saldt iat i h1-fîrst i iL, to theur __________ clents.' rct hat te lti d îcîtiv r ppati gjitý iT ud Iak8 wliaîtt-i- oin First it is Abused, It Says, is'linie'Ti thevcout meleil outn hnA usd..g Tfîce t îiehowever, taking ex an h A ue gi ampIe, iis l frttm te îaiui-e of by Cathartica and Pills te saloon vases bin'Chicago. 10 llght te Isue, but twu deisive vidtore, of fod wbich la nol weil mastlcated. Dont aeud down alcohol, spîceB, vînegar pickles and mustarti Spîces anti mustard rrtate ami stîmulate my mucous ining andth ie tannin In them puckers my pores anm~i hnders elîmi- nation. Aicuitol anti vîinegar inhitbit the digestive action or aIl my lulces. They dont teip digestion, as YOII MaY probaitiy thinlc, they fInaiiy break me down, They are an abomination. Dont senti me down flesh. Ail kinds contaîn putrefactive microbes, which make poisons anti gas ln the colon. Dont send down ham sandwiches smeared wth mustarti, they are pot- son. The ham la embaimeti bog, em- balmeti witit ciemicais, namiely sait. peter. sait anti creusois, ambalrned muv i îe the mmnles of EgYPi Dr. WVliy Baya cheiteuaît shoui ti u be Ïput Imb foods. 'ToGhi' sure, Man has for generations cateri ham anti mustard andti iey ail the lIme have been a poent fartor In causing auto- Intoxication wlth ls produa'llun of loas of resistanca, premalure olti age rTe white llag has iteen rali liv for lle state, ralier 1'vosktlite wlid liii ti"ium XVctnestiayi4 suN I anti 10w durallon orf<ire 1 c54ount the salooulaIs, andt tis erms of sur- of liu-mailIs, anti thiey.%id tietrat,' (By Or. J. N. Hurty, of IndlanaPOliI, exiraet strenglt for you from atunE retir.Noliugbu a uvodîloailie advicie of hIleir votusel anti .;ie m)wich ferments. potifies anti malles surreruter was acceîlallc Io Sali iiljiI.he ighr. i ant voir a:umiuîai>caniai.I ask poisons. Attorniet lDiy andt îose who 'acre i t olil u Jtge t'ct tiIs ;,. eniteetivolIt t lît lu nie, foi- yuu wil fdnit f you want furthet Injure nie se firat unwilling to accepît tese termis le returu 1 t h <(l ' 1.fi-lui oclfoid te uu o-ativuntage. 1 am ta falthful i eau net serve yen wcl. senti nie were titreateneti wii fui-ter pi-ose- Tltr'stliy rilglt, an a Viird:aý [lOi-il -ivti, patient anti long sufferlig. down tea anti cuffe Te tannins in cution. lng lIe rerainlng lui-Tv ziloon- 1 an)tmrtyee loTng anid yu anthem puvker my mucous surfaces anti The erru.s untier 'abîchli 40 saloon- kiepers 'aIletier th'lî dpeasut gi il have inN lenglt sîrengtît or weakness stop tite flow of juices atdîtliertirug. keepers decitiet Io1 tiItIhelr battle1 (y lu the couri- atîdipsy thelr i-ne . liivoit mal as Non wlshIf >ou abuse caffea, wlli whip up Yosr nerves anti aretUI echsaiunedîersha p1tglvirgt heir word nt lu olten agan. ple, i shah ahi- iggle bard 10 wlîhsland excite your kitineys. Ant Ifi you once a fine of $15, on one countlnlu ach lu i (lored trastic action ani set ci-cnu- abuse anti adaîît nuself te il. lowý geu your nerves on etige anti gel our dîcîmenr, andîthie lj-eîir 0mi stici a1ioîsdl î lo- etev, if ou ître'suc0 i foiiLs t.sncary kîducys mai, youIi bave lently of nothlng. late tte word as giten io t' judtge tour abuse bu lai-, them oou t. ansat îsil Those twu. itowever, wltose cases anti siates attorneiy, andtil iii expeci 1 ailIltell Itou 'ahat a-plenty 'ilI do What shail yoîî eat? That ta a slmn were heard lu the court, anti hitueti that thea saoons willli e ltscd ý1li soi If Nit ierslstlnli aboing me. pie question. Dont eat staff wilh were ond gulti', ai-e te las Oued $25 Slutimîîfor sotinefinie alit eat. t l'lit tmwoi-kitîgTben Ion wlllwhip makes polsons. Flesh, colles, tla, on air cunt main a ota fne f n t tmi atharllcs. Thtis willt secm tevinegar, spicas, piclkes anti aicohol al $5 for Timolhy Kelly anti $100 foi- yotîail right for- a 'alilie. but realli' make poisons. Fat fruits. vegetabies, EdwrdWeI'.How Thisi LivesIn Am.terdam. vondtlions 'Ili Se wîrse finlaly, for i cerestis, eggs ant inlik. iilpeciahiy EtiwardWeicitHousing condîuitnsiriAintserdslut aIinitustandîomir whlipings anti wilt igive me sour nîllk, huttermil1h, yon Tacketi onto lite fines ai-e ttie 2os among the wealty arc pevrili-r Veriqaitt on yoo agalît Aller this second callIli. Its fis for making slrangth of the suit. andi for the filing of the frequanfli' men of large business af-iqîltn Ish naeom puosatiacartaa.RcwlpciRs cases of Ihose who wiil leiati gîiiiy. lairs bave titeir rasideii-eàslit heir of-anti luit Ibetît iteyogi-blood. Tite 1sa. ive ne r-ice Clive nte gri-Ir, This 'alîl anmnt te à gooti round Ovies and warelutuse l,iîdtug%. The btolalitttîul-rci ceeyimn.mscoi-n beead, wheat eo. Nt only the ites adaittrs, upper fluors are elegantlylyittei dllof ut or body. andt hen you wiil bàedtirye bh-ati.laimeal. liolatues, but sacit saoonkeeper ls te give bIssi Itle te lower floues are occurlleti as h ave plifltes anti evîmtîloîs. bilîoîts ai- ensunions, celer', calhage pare îst i t e10th e cou nty j ittge and ti 0 îe o fice quarter , or the iw er fl ors ire statea aattorney nt te open lis s as rned for rasîdenlial îîîrîo5s ansd te lat'kB coaiet lorngue, foui rsatt, an0p. cari-uts, pples, Iears. cherries. loo agin s ongas tat'BAttrneý pper flours as wareitouses. es sv.eaty larîda coiti ilati>s kin, dry, grapes, melonns, oranges piteapumisa, bonagau a lng s Sals Alore~homes front on the vanaiîs. Hlous-Itsteciesa hatr u, iit compîlexion, dul' banana.., grapefruit. tumatues etc. Dadi' hoidstis1.11t position. itolti furnisings. inerehantils, etc. led vision,' dîtiedti aste, dutîe slet mil, There la an abondance offloutis The aurratiter ýs upon te atiîce of are hoited bu tUe ulîper storiesSb;' dulleti bearlîîg, los,, of meuuory, ]oss of witicit do nel mnlle poisons. Anti for thaîr own counsel lun te malter, bock and ta-kie. An Irîgenious mîr ýcontinîroîsts houglt anti attention, te sake of sanili', dont say mas somte Witen te lndictmients wsre rt re- ror arranogementlin hic wIndows tfti-- headache, tltelîess, dys;pepsia, bs of feliuws itate- 'd iater ilve fcwer turneti, anti the cases sel for tril, AtI ntoiles persona who lIre aboya "li IhWso tegh huntsnyaEadhv ol u hnt s tarneys Fieldi anti Hartris wcrt'chia fi-r tforave f h ttado Icidefnt tU sloolîcpea, Tul i l au>' oue lnglng te doorblil. Insotumisaandti IlliiiitaOf pains anti Ias Yoet iretîe" Il lafun lu be to dfen thesalonkeper, an iliIlai, hes. Your hiar wll faîl oui, yoor sick? il la fun lu ha lient andt listeti twit rhenîatlsi? Il la Iunn luhase Fancy Native Pot Roast .7e and Ge Fancy Native Rib Roast 9(, and 7e Round Steak.............. lic Porterhouse Steak .......... 14e Sirloin Steak ........lic Haniberger Steak .... ....... 9c Club Steak ................ 8c Hind Quarter Veal . ...lic Fore Quarter Veal.......... 8 Veal Chope ............ 121/2 c Bonelees Haines .......... 12/2 c Hlind Quarter Mutton....... .10 Mutton Stew............... 5 Spareribs................ 10e Pork Chope ............. 12/2 c Pork Shoulder .........9e Sugar Cured Ham .......13c Breakfast Bocan .......14e Smoked Cal Hams.n ......9c Boneless Rump Corn Beef ....9c Hind Quarter Lamb ........ 12 Fore Quarter Lamb ............ 8c Suimmer Sausage ........... 15e Salt Pork .............. l Calf'e iàver ................loe Kettie Rendered Lard ... ...lle Good Luek Butterine, 2 Ibe ..35e Country Roll Butterine, 2 Ibe. .25C FRESH SAUSAGE RECEIVED DAILY. Bologna ........Frankforts ..... Blood ......... cGarlic .. .......9 Veal .. ........ Pork .............. EMPTY PORK BARRELS FOR SALE. sla Io n te have bass of mcmory anti tu enter tioterlng olti age aI the, tinte witen you shouiti Us iealîhi', strong, useful anti hapipy? Go te, for You are lndeeti a sof 1 heatianti a fouil towant lu eaastaffiEwhlch itklis anti eau il fon. Yes, I am youK' Intestinal cariaI. My smile makes you glati anti my frown le terrible. 1i wlli amile If yori are wise anti 1 iil frown if yen are fouI- liri. ('ornie ot, wit your poison mak- fug footis anti like Sarnpson I wil break anti pull tiown pillai-a wiici solp- port te temple (body) of your seul, andt hen tera willi e a muin coomen- surais ,Nltyour ooiiainess. StaSe of Illinois, Couat>' of Lake. se In te Counti' Court of Lake Gounli', December Term, A. D. 1911. Iu the mtter of the estaIe of Anna Mi. Daiey, tieceaaed. Petition te ssii real eastate te pai' dets. fiatistactory affidavit taIlte de- fendant, Riuiseii C. DaleY, la nul a rerriterit of te Blate uf Illinois glviug bis resitiance, anti posioffice atitreas bavlng been filetluInte office of te cierk of sali court. Notice la Iberefore itereti' glven 10 lte saiti iussell C. Daley, titat James L. Sawyer, adminisîrator ofthlie es- tate of Anna MI. Datai', deceased itas hertofore fiieti bis petition In sai court for leave lu seli real estate de- scribîeti as follows, to-wlt: Tise eas. one-haif of te nortitwesl quarter cof thse souteast quarter of Section Twenty-flve, rownship f4rtylloup. Norths Range nitre, East of te Titird P. M.. Lake ('ount', Ilinois, teliitgng to thse sait decendant Auna M4. Daley, 10 pay dehîs andti iat a sommons tisereupun lesuiedtiouf saiti court againgt the aboya namet tiefendant, returnabie un te firat day of te term of te (ounty Court of L.akre County. Illinois, lute biteid tiIte courtisouse la Waukagau lu saiti c0001' on te irSt Mondai' In Octoiter A. D. 1911, anti wiich summons itas been relorneti ty te aierlftt utsali- cotinty mai-keti "net1fount Inlumy counti'," as te te tefentani, Russell C. Daiey anti sali cause conlînuadtel the irsI MondayIn lJ.anuary A. D. 1911, as la by law requireti and wiich suit in atili pendlns. Waukegan, Ill., Oct, 301h. 1911. LMW A. HENDEE, Cierk. CLA&IRtC. 1KDWARhDS, Attorney' for Atm.. BAI Women's union Suits MXomuiell '5 lilîfo'(unîinsos witil a îsort i'itto T fi iv in whvliie ai -ainîl o l sizs rpeguîal ...............42c WOMqEN'S VESTS AND PANTS Inlalrwol at, garnieni $1.00 WOMEN'S VESTS AND PANTS- Fine wool,'n garments in grtit ani white, ut, garaient $1.50 WOMEN'S PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR Ve!",- e nd j ii, giav t $'..:v'i 1.00 WOMEN'S VESTS AND PAS ,l hea\N oi t uiil lt- < ii . gai-ient 25c and 50.. WOMEN'S UNION SUITS titI (]ýTa n d w lie, al 5.0 WOMENS WOOL UNION SUiTS i fl 1,(d ai $1.50, $2.50, $.1,0 iTd $500 WOMENS JERSEY TIGHTS Ilt iA veijne in bliai 1, rit,! vl Lb:, $1 25 Women s Vests, Pants Ii i il uss a id pa nts forIl \\.(.'î,~vIlI tI (cud1.contîe ini tlItlll "Iv, gainen4uts) luit 411- CHIL19REN'S PANTS AND V&81*- tlbbed with a heavy fleece. gray anti criant. se 16 ai. garment 10c le rise on each siicvýeedini le I. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR- S t su,<and jtants, fne rllttteti. leavity iteeceti. bi/v ; t, 18lC :ç rise on rich 'tucepding ie. BOYS, UNOERWEAR --ShIrts ad trawürz, liei l Il) c.garindul SWC CHILDRENS WOOL UN DERW"k . -Sht$i. paitîs antd drawers, grmei 25a téot21 BO"YS AND GIR L'$ UN ION 8SU[TM-4raf and mh ill, 50c andc 75c BO YS AND GIRLS UNION SUIt~S,- .i'ne ettOl gartuenis. grax and ti <1, SO¶ aLd 1.00 Important Sale of Fali Dress GoQ& French Novelty Dres Goods Plaid Dres Goo4 "' 44 inch fauc'y basket wea%,e, a 36 iîîs'i pjlaidi dres goola-i rh firnii and all wool fabrit that co)iiniiation oolors, ser~je~i sill hold its heauty iidefinit.'ly, anîd wasbable, jîîst the inà.terfal large assortinent o allclru', foi childreîî'us Keool dregoeé, $1.Uti %alue, Fpeca 6 9 u itai prie !50c, t4)- priced to-mnron ssatyam9corrow, per yard).. Saturday I& Monday Domestic Bar"afis REMNANTS AT Sc-A large QUILTINO CALICOS -An as SHAKER FLANNU -- 500 table or remunants, compiris siirirntof flite latest pal îa"rd4a of a regular 7c 4Mtde lng oullng tiannels, Mlanuel terna ltu 24 Inîch curniorter înlleached shaker andi fan' elles. gînuglis, challs, jtvr valicos, llrm weave anti fine Ion flannel, flrm quâlity, »ev- cales, niuslînq ant i dieu fin- varnbrl finish, a regular Se isheti sui.lli g1, 11)0vIs, tati <itlll.14 yard mu'i, no tl-I er lielore offeret i ilsuéh a lengtlis, 10(, o15 l <'lilne orders. lo P'IrC Warm Bedding' at Very Special Prk Canton Flannel Blankets at 55c li re is a verY special offes' in a w'arîîî eonfîî tahh (uatton flani îîel bianket. It nwasiries 4,5 bh' 172 îxî lies, anîd tz t'onis iii gray, tan and Nwliite, w ith l co)llillatiIlt loreI(4d 5 5Cîide's CANTON FLANNEL BýANKETS-The largttai ze matie, measilies fuIl 74 b> 80 Inches, extra beavy qiiality Wllî a sft long leee, 14 COM FORTE RBSFtîli e coni WOOL FINISHED BLANKET fortera, fOued wlth gooti cotton -66 hy 80 inch heavy wool fin. bastting, plain on une ide andi Isheti blanket - as warm as figureti on the other, a $1.48 wool, gray anti tan, ragalar seller 19 ire $4,48,speclal 28 at .................... 1 1 t ar............aI,.pai Stove Pipe (3 ilîttil stose pipe ili a .11 inchlilegtlî 8 c f or ....... . . . . . . . W. Seil Stewart Stoves- Tbey Save Fuel Coal Hoda Gais anized, have re- îîîforced bottoiîi '35e s allies at 23c New styles in "l2ed Cros' Shoes for Womem WAUXEGAN'8 FASTEST QWOWING $TOR 1 These ColdChilly Days Cail for Warm Comfortable Underwear 1 «'The Globe is headquarters foi-, the mnost dependable and trust- worthy lihes of underwear for women, misses and ehildren. El Our lines represent the produets of the bcst underwear mills in the eouiitiv-garrmeiits that are sold ttri('tlv ýul)ofltheir nmerits. C VYoî van wear an.v garruent pur- ehased fî' îîî the Globe xitlîout the slight- est of di se uî nort, for t hev are pro"portionIi- ed so )as t' (IIIhlfllrti r<'tlY to t6e figure 0111- r lage of size.q in a.1grde1 't'is a t ail till'es <oiplete. Beýttet', las' in - vulîl'wiliter siuî11dvv îow toeI lle eolder sua p arrli ve, wlih, %N.(.aie tî hi, are not l'ai. off. / CHAI Late Sel p T eiti 'sai, h l-r ai- à.. A <o fl>ii M! is Chicago Marliet 133 NORTH GENESEE STREET, WAUXEGAN, ILLINOIS. BRANCH ES: Rockford, 111. Waukegan, 1111 Racine, Wis. Chicago, MI. The Cost of Iligh Living is a Problem Here Is The Solution and 1i i )oin i xi, r ro 1 - ý," Ili 'l il Ri