Sir,. and Mn' H. T. ll)Oalad Of Ubicago, vlited relal.îv,ýmt thim viinity $b@ lest of the wek. Alvin Kumbail was a CIaoijitor Mr. and ArsIK. It -KinbrlY an~d Uglitar itutI. trennd to ClîlCagO Udiyevnig after upendlug a 1-oup]e 4daya aI the lutte o! Mr. and Ar. Oban. Davli. )Ar. andN Mu. J. Ç. Ziunmem and Leu, qwpeunndayv at the hume o!fAMr. andi Airs. Henry tieary. Gien. lapie and famili moved ito %We Lmmberl bouse lait TnsdaY. KWls (race Murphy returned horne Futay aller a week's visit viti Chicago 1 ilm Madge Shendomf returned 10 lier iuhool dutWe MondaYafler ejOYiug a veek's vacation at home. lir. Addla Brown and family moved 1.1thé ýêPoile houoe lI"t Frday. ira. Rattia Fyiler andti eudren of %bicago, speut a few daye oci lait veek witb fritids andi relatives@it Our village. Ai.amdAr. Mat Stoffel and famillY arelsvlug Iis week for Waukegafl *hers they w1il make ther future home. Tvo of their danghters are it busînees la Waukeaau couducting a dresal making autabllshntent and have met wtl fine suntees and t vaa through thir aM$retasf that the family decded' to have the farm and maie a home for thdr entira farnly lu Waukegau Mr. Stoffel lian beeu \fortunate itsecuring a pwalôin ai watcbman t the engar edueri and aithongli va are sorrY tu g tent leve we visli Ibeuthe behst of sufflsàinl their nav home. Ar. "dAire.B. J. Bagemrty movati thoir howuelioldi goods h10 P. A. Inmaesn'a mreance aunMain st. qWsasywhere tiey vili tars thaut * utîltliaireturo from Iheir trip to the west ybere tbey axpect to ha gone lor Qut a anu4har olnnmcitlzasatteuded tb* de""atl eercieu aethle Naal 9>*inu iool aI Nrtb Chiaga la t Sk"riiday. Lahee ouy la cerlainly laiofel bhibb>vlpg Ibis grand Ilustltutlou beilI vithin île houdaries anti the aills.,aitvpdtheir appraiatlon hi *0 mines.crod lu attendante aI the mrt sal Hallove'en pranka vers t aieid ouce lu aur village on Tuesdfai s'esan sd on Wed»aday momulug the tove Iookad qulle upeet. Xm.Wllard Derreil van lis lorty- flanpbea.set ai logeraeilvrva"sat Ij WWM a a" letWeduesdoy vIllaa 4M 2.10. Tbe nexit tr e eaks Me pbm vili 10 810 dinenseta sud ~ ~,WeuaiiNov. 22 lie 815 lires p wà mmiaon fumuturs sMt vin b. givra. »mt t yaqmr nelgibors gel ail'-the prlses, ueyest vlnler onifitnov anti 14 0 l vi unai ee. IUs B evesparty givrai h p p oi Traumnallw'churet AietIlt#.yeveping at tis Oaklàad bal getess a grand s"es boli socllly «W guaedsll. The bail»an dinlng wceasvenupmtulIlidecorated ttet m* mm Iave. dpamptim amant&ailof a$ S afilMd at lrough tia courtesî .i bNrt Biirs Eletrit Co. lie hall tai beglWy ti Iglted iti nurneraus haeadmet lgile strung Ilrouai lie mato. RapWa t our plae orcestra Imaimlbed musie for lie accaslan sud tlie »Wsiâ»nasupper vas served by lia Mils. of the congregaian. A mrpdaospart *s tandered H. Ubdeas iktis boras on ispie Ave. b"tWodusdsy evening by f ourteen qf bis fisada, lb beiug the seveaty.flraî 'aneiveraary of hie birtL . The ev5ning wasmaotpleamatly sput aI progfrea- 49"eemelre sre o! ten gaines belng pon&d.Pro= et wlnang IraI honora »ud Dr. Hughes consolation, aller whist> rfresirnnle rsservedl. Prof. lengt la bhaif af guestu then prementeti Ar. Malman wth a fine rocklug chair s a token of esteem ald vltl i vaisefor auy rnore years 10 enjo bie boitallty. Alter wbicl I al departad dclarng they ba peut a mot enjoyable eveung. - Whlo liai the largeta su atcorn lu 1"0t or Mcfieury Counny?, At the ope"la request o several young mten la ouf cainmnity, B. FE. Maman bm luaituted a a on catest 10 seule thje ontraversy and la oferiug tirea prims aMIWOllva For the tan largffea a Ob.00 imbel bat; for the tan hat ears a $2.00 Pih bat; for the one hast itar 0f 'J top, f1.001lu ias. Tu..o Ml~oe the StuIaIareAbat saabaoitetami ,ilust enter tee eara afoi'on wblch ame ta ha lef t as donation. (Ioltet Is open to &Hl farinera la Lakte s«d cfenry. 'Counties. Contet 'wlll Close at six oclock p. mn. $aturday, Nov. 14, after *whlch Iliree campetent judgus will pas upon the entries sud award the prites to the wlnuers, Ouly one prise swarded ta a*y contestant. Maita yonr entrie Se soon Bas possibie as cnteet wlll ppaitveI.v lose at aboya date. Yi b T F s 'E Lasqt Bundat' sltern'aau a basl aI Young contrades' o! William Boutnafeld1 gave ut sa very pl'eaaul surprise at bis aome at Grssay Lake. Gantas , "d refreshrnaente vere lndelgadlin bsarwly sed a grand time vas enjoyeti by ail. Tlie avent vas lià i.nete6anlbi blrbday. For patent modltb ates.seil M~l Frank's. AiMr. and Airs. Ja)rneSnButelugeri sud su Clamante, made a trip ta North Çbl. cago lu their sutonmobile, ta ses the prasidant lait Baturtiar. F. A. FicIte lefI far Phoenl. Ami., Monday. Wnt. Prslim, Wm. Pepper. Jr., sud Eutu FrankI vame Chudaga cailere lion- lay. Air. anti Are. Chas. Thomai of Pala- tiue, vers visitore hars last Fiday. Rtoy Loomis vent ta Chilcago àMondaY, where ha vil! sek employmenî. Air. and Airs. W. T. Larney and R. Paddock were callerp la aur village Sun- day. Air. andi Ars. Hesnry Stisafer visitati witb Ihair daugliler, Als. AMary Sithî, o! Jaliet, a 1ev dais lait yack, returo- Ing hauts Aonday. Thie uembere of tie St. Peter chunrb, bers helti a epeciel meeting lait ndai ln'rsgard t0a ngaging a minister. They unuaumously agreedtia10bave 11ev. Bau- rlch ai St. Joseph, Mo.. vbo lormerlv lied charge of lie congregallan for six years, sud vha bau cousenledtita rom, ta agate lsks charge of aur thnrch. BR. Sillerman vîlI Icave bers the latter part of Novanther sud 11ev. Baiumlcb and family be bers the filet paî t o1 De- cember. Otto Frank bas sold hie barber busi- ness ta Fred Bien, vbo bas heen worký iug forhim far thelst tva years. Fred lia made-mrny friands tile bers, vbo ait vlihlhm mucli suceSu iabis buei The invitatlons frontWillim Sommer- fieldi vbith 10 sent to bit 1.110v iutienta vire acceptid n xtfinday a==bters oI tbe Alpa Delta Zigm ina 'rnity a»t the Tan Beta Mhi Brorty vMl 10 tie guet af Ar. Bommeellt OI rass Labo. Ar. sommenfieluhm bas baa unenaer o!f " A. D. L. sce 10earofle I.k UbInte ,rne,*"nlCorrespondance Bctools tb vhich tiaptertlise eret school soeitlles beloeg. Peter Lutqy. vho bhm beau section foreman on lis E. J. E. R. R. bore for lis Isal four yaars, tieti lait Buntiay af heurt MEurs.Ar. Lintgy bail been &aiugfor~ nme tInte, but vas able to 10 aroundi tlli tie lant couple of days, 50 o hisat> vas a surprise ta bis friands and uaigb- hors.Tnesday morning bis reedains vere sanal Lahi'. home usar Rajunonti, lad.,,for hurliRe leaes.a vile sud airas chiltiren te moumu is dealli. W. A. Côx anti Iamily o! Deerieti cliletionondesuishéreSuRnday. ir. Co. vas principal o! our echool bers fr lires yeare. A fialiave'ea parly vas iald et tIsA hante of 0tto Fank, given a hle Rockemeyer gsers Tuesday eveng. Most ail of the Young folie vers presaI. aIl baviitg a grand aidtilute. Railload Cire for Automobiles. iu rden lu handia automubilese»ea fly. severa rulirosds bave adoPlad s nav styleo of relgit car, halilngear tha funl width sud heita!of te car. Backache. Msadach, Nervouans0sa Anti rheumatlam, bot> lu mmn sd vautra. menIidnai troubla. Do ual sui I t prgrs.beyaudth le r~hcboa =taluebupt e p top promptly ville Foi Irilduay l. T10y regulats lie actonai110eliarY organe. 'Moule lu action, quick lu recuits. For sala by ail At-readars b-e bome-.veaa a matar of course-for thesy 0 W!'14 TEBESTUD 1IN TEDPROPUTY PROPOSITONS 1IN TMIS CITY, a»d liai LZARN tlinas abot -e *8M1 J. L. Irving spent guuday st "ishonte la Watsvorth. re. AMary Swan relu ned Tuestiey I rom a tva veake' .141 ii ber sîster lu Aiuneapolîs. Mabel Nehrlich ataudeti a Hsllowe'en lsrty et Lake Foret Tuesday evening. WiII Ray madle a bualnuatrip t Clii- ego Mndai alteruoca leavlng 8. J. crdpley t aat the1 part oi the husy mar- chant. Ar@. Oea. Brownu uWaWsnkegau, viaeti tifs weak vth ber brother, J. B. Ayauley. lorthaa Holoomhb, 'yo le attendlug scioalfivaneloa vashonme ovar SUn- day sud vs âvompàaledby lier friand, MIsa Campbell. - Ar. and Ar@. 8.J. Or ple penl Sun- day at the bômne of Chas Wilcox. Tuesday evenlng, r4 the haute ifAr. ànd Airs. F. C. Shatiuie, tbeyouuger one@ 10iti a allowe!etiprti$gere ar the usuel stuals v ere'ltI ee ll aasonte Dew one@. 0, Luella Carrle! I Widuday for Tiekil. va. III., for a vriail vlih friands. M. Carr was et one lime paitor at that Are. Anu Lathro p etertaineti Ar. andi Ar@. Arthur Jobuson and AMr. and Ar». licLInuie af Chcago, faut Sunday- AmIrs. F. ouse. vbo was removeti Satnray 10 the hosptal lu Waukegau, le rapldly iraving. Nsxt Stinday inoriug Ry. Gar ili speak on "No Compromilse" andtInl the eveiug: <"Ho w to Become a Christan." ROY Newton lait Wedueeday for Mead, Las., vhere ha villmute a short atay. Qnlte1a utimber from liera atteaded the deffication of the Naval school aI North f~7~iNDLAKE~ ,Tble R&4y Day servi"elield last Snuday hae wellaitended. Ber. Ar. Lelley gave us a splendid sermon. Ars. Robert\LUII, gr., went ta Ldda lait week ta viit lier cousin, Ars. Wet. Beveral rom boe went ta the Naval Tra4olng Btsalan lasi Saturdae 10 s" Preeldent Tat Uhîagi Saturdibyand $rtIa glimose a Our miudla ea cIaI eecutIvP.1 Thebuiness bouses !id not ecmo, lu l tie afterona as veas expected, oviog lu the malter htlnq poorly handled aud tIba utrchantts falledto ta e together on Il. Preeulnably becaupe 1 itat uovhsre lose t go. andi heae It looked 1114e home t bl'tt. a vaudeting vagralit10 up bis ahode la lie achool lions.Bawin day git apâ va' diecoverod by sOMO boya Budsypfternaon. n the &et of reuovig agÜrospthof whiskere wlItha vilked looking saleîy raror. lTe boys qnulckly buaied up à village officiai, andi the only oa os duty vas Alderpnan Watson. isho vai seated lu the drng stors maurnlug the passlng of lte Ie. creant seasan. Ou bearlng the startling ttfldnga of the deeprate characlter lu our mitiet, Dot, rose nobly to the oceslon; lie pinnei on bis pewter star, assumuet bis fusere officiai expressionandd aallaéd forth to th0e ray. With bis 1111e baud of haro vonablppsrs lu attendauce ho hravelry facedthelbterrible danger of the vickad safely rasor and comimanded the lutarloper 10 surrender lu the ,name of the people ai the commonwealth. Wnther It vas hacangeaof the ilsten- lug star oralf the 'official digui al the afoeasaid olllcer we kuow ual, but at any rate thea desperado surreudered and hagged for ut.icy._ fie vas aurnntarily escarted totahle estemu confies. of aur little liîet psud requeteti bc boat l, vblcb ha dld forth-' vith, while tie guardian of the publie oafety thrllled wli the 0cousiousneasof a noble woek vril doue,.fiA uodesîli dl.plaims auy leriostln ithIelt; but the public vlII not farget there le ane fatb- efui to dnt.y'p caîl, entier the igu of the tmortar aut pestie. IVANH Mise Flarevoe Watson @peu% the week end w;itli frienda lu Bnrllu2gton, Ws. f Frank liorfier bas moved ta the Aliart place mear Fremont Venter. Mr. and ire. Chas. Kueliker of rys. laite veited at the bomte ol Wm. Knebker Bunday. Mr, Anti ire Wm. Wheeler sud farnily, Miss Agnes Payne visited relativeî iu *peut îlfsutSuntisi yith. Airanti ire. Rockefeller lest yack. 0 Fred Taisuer. Br. iThe r.aims' Cemeler soclety vilI bolti The Ladies' Aid and'young people vîli Iheir regular meeting Thnratiay, No vent- xivea sociaba Mr. ant-lire. Oea. Ray's ber 9, at the batteof Ar%. Jensen. The tbis wuek, Friday, Nov. 8.loit t orget The rmeetng vili bofgi at tan olock the data. Evryboti comte sud enjay naAnd l11id hopadt Iere vilI ho a gond at- good tinte, tendance as Ib ere . om tlo bu dons. Herbert Chambemlu of Chcago, spent W ][tel.t to poUlry Bnuday et the home of i. brather J. L. 0! Itoret 't Poutry Chamberlîn. lanCiersTony Dorfier vas a Chicago vistor TeThird Ainnal Exbibitlori of the aturday. 'Great Aid-Weet Polry anti Pet Stck MSauàfises Sales o! Wnucouds, vis, Ascation vîli 10 101d la the Colîseun t led et the home of R. C. payue Bupday. Bldg.. Chlcg,~¶ Due. 14th ta i9hl, Charli e Kirtainger of Evausten. vsledt 1911. i. parente re-cently. Thislaina a! oflthelargest sho ws cagate Ar.daetWls nidultrcle le- Ainerica vhere ira vnluiag meansa *Ms attWlsaddogtrcle greal duel 1 tia fanciers. Eleven of on relatives bars lait vask. ÂMTuera slesdlsg judges bava beau eux- ployai! to avrd lie pries. Thea aso- A l-ousehald Medicine diallas pays $45 eush Preralursn uail Thal stops cougbs qulckly anti cures breedesud varletlea, Llu addition 4bare coltis la Foleys fioosy antiTamrtant- m ar sny cash Md s ppela prise.. $150 pouud. Are. Auna Paier, 2526 Jeffer- la ca" ou White Wyndottes. ire 1150l son St go. Omaha, Neb., lays: "-jean endki âFole's' Houey and Tam caps on . C. Whte Legiorus, a $75 c m Ctuou %isunsurs cure for conghe ansd mn Barrati lods. snd many more valu cu ýdoid. l cureimi daugbâter of a b.d *» speaiela.AUlpréiquima we ««,. coi nd -y uelght>or, lira.eaaup, entéesti sd vil bepalet u cashbeote cureti relasafand lber vbole flyallitbt Foloî's Honay anti Tar Compoati. 1h. close Of the show- lutrim luail 1de- Everyone lu our neîgliborhood speaka partîmnue close Nov. 28. Preminu liet hlglily of t.' For sale hi ail Duggisîs. novr resti,. or fliotand ather informa. _________ tion atidreis Thso. Haves, Bcrtary, F, Eggi Are Way Up 87-89 CrdoaeBuilding, Indanapolis, No letaineaprdclt.a lut, gond sggs vhila the price ia hlgb. Get -the top p leand it yonfaeti ladComh The. INDIPENBEY4T bas mors mats Pouf lry Fond ion eau Itusp yanr beesai wark aIl vînter. It's greal. Tri lit. .eios & la tle *ti la55iadveritilngBl& only by the LleusvtmLt..ELuuina Mnilma a4. inly a of- pff~#6W~~ OA~it 8AL~ BÂTURDÂY o'ivember 4th; 1 Baok Gold XedM P Jotir for $1.2, with * any other $2.00 ordèr flot.Iu.Oiuding Sugar.- Cal anxd ue our tuf l he of Bheep Loeed Coat!, Sweaterooata, P4IltE4 Overafla, Batz, Caps, Goves, Boots a shoms PULL IMM OP. WÂRM GOODB jYofflr of PricS& ENT Fxffiý, lk()ÇXWELLER, DEPARTMENIr Týr-. SWAKý CSrespondSt and Agent The Thimbîs club utt vtb Are. Davis Tueeday atlernoon. The Dorcas society bad au ail day meeting at Mr@. Tatit'a Thuratay. The Beadfing club met aI Uta home of tint>- le readlug "The Princeu" byh Mis. Adamss sud Air. Hlgley spent Bteais and Buuday lu Chicago. dis Vedder lbas gous. soull itiliber niece, Are. Christianson. t enwdtheli vînter. 'Ihey vili utake the tri.p lu 04r. Christianaon's lauch. Obituary.. Hliramt P. Wleler va. haro Aprit 7, 1846 inu11Beseelser Caunty, New York asud dket Oct. il, 1911. fie vas brought ta Barringbon. iI., vhen six veeka-ald by bis parants, John and Catbrine Wliqeler. Iu 1867 10, vîlli bis parent@, rentoveti 10 afarmmuer lsite Farent, Ill., whicb liasee is hme msince Ihat tinte. Il van at bbihomne Ibat thie Wheeler- ville Unin Bunday school was orgauleed In, about 1885 and beld île meetings until 1890 vben the Wheelervllle Union churcli vas arecteti. fie wa8 alwaysi a falîbinl worher and very devoted tw<>bis home and faïili!. Be was strictly temperate and upright mn,onue whom any ccmmunuty rigbî be proud to own a@ a citizen. Be enlobeti almoat perfect be4lt ountil obortly before bis death. fie had nos been well for a Jew deays wheu 10 was taken auddenly 1I1 Oct. 8. That eveniog hp was taken ta the Aice Borne bospital, Lakte Forest, and underwent au opera- lion fer appendicitla, whlch proved ta ha a vr, s evere andd nunanal caue. Gangree hang set' in, andi having a weskhbeart lie snccuoebed Oct. 11. Rie leave b Inouru bis deatb a vIle and four cbldren, Pearl, Lcfioy. Ralpb and Walt'.r. al of whom are a4* home. also three sisters and one brother. These are Ars. lleu Wlliami, Wanke- gan, IIL; Ars. Harilt Obee, "Ankgeles, Obl.; Are. CUsita SkIdmnore and Hçrmance Wheeer, Libertyville, 111. 1ev. Rahbeson's bonehold goode ar. rlved bers Wednesday afllait week, and they are ulcely settled ln thaîr new homes lu Palatine. Tia evenlng tard club vas royally fin- sertalnsd Satàrtiai evening atthIe Stroker bomne la Wanconda. Albert MaitidbaDk la sick tiIs week. Wrn.KLunt loft Tbnreday fo- -thea Mli. vuke SIoldiera' home 10 @pend tie vlnter., lxc*,rag for tbe new Saip huildlU Ùl belig rqbsd antia tmodiernopesbory bal isill hmeeat wvîlI 10 fiulsheti0- - Dif~ais -rteni!returnul -home sersadl'g t6.e nommer vith aforce of auriveyUotn e --goma Bayen sud bride arrivai boute Wqtiuady s'rnng Uttla JOseibiue Timmerman, Ihe litle Oagiq f Airs' TMmertas, lel Bun- doy svetug, anad broke bern iloir bouei. Arsl. &H, turdlug lespouding a ev Z dayi vli rsIýllves la Chiago. Mir, anti Ars. Brackvay anlertalneti1 frientis ant ireatives fram ihicbago, 1Des Ple, nton suid Palatine on Ws~ brthdey. A Mail Carrier'& Load BPMeut bearler Whou he bas A veak baci ntikibaitrouble. f'redDuehrea, Mail Carrier at Atobheion. Ras.Peye. em bas tbged 'i h klduey eatd M.adder trpiihl"uad bai a severe peTit otosp,lb be. Wieuevar I carrieti s lé&Vy i0ad et Mail, my ldtneyl rouhle $oçose tBa im ie eg I tartuti r hIgFoe' tnay ,Plils sudd sIn M~gM~e! 1F,«Qaten eutirsly';ri& ~of,~ fn hdMYtroubisantin4 "2 !orsasie hy&I ,wth Lloyld Maiwthe 1fore Part Ot'Ltbq veek. Sera. WatelleId o ai seaswOOd. s-pea I- sarlds stié ea wlîli hljý bruîbel.ý ln.îaw, MA ir.BunllIi. ir. -andiBirs, Jt». RIcards ire enter. talelag their cousin. irs. Hawkins, .o JanÏssvillea, W la. *14e tek. Ars. [&aiey Eoon .1.84wt b er son WIJII aud fanlly uaI ankqaaior 8111w day sud sied attendai t ie opeiulag of 1ue Naval Station ai North m"60go JAr. mud Airs M. W. Lestiler mni son Ted speul SBaidly vitlirealveis lu Cbli lias Rallie ftaucllf$eut severai days 01 lait wesk vsitlag relatys ta Obicago, sud ueo v.1.1154 vi&m lW mogmhr at the Rav.eavood hoépial, irs.Wm. £da, iormn.rly of Bagetm'on vitsd wlIt ber patàsp$a Ar, sud iu.8. E. Loomi natinlterAidre.OChas. pràgue,,'Al days of lb. peut vesI. Th@ Ladies' AId asliey ;ll meta lia home et unr. Bnti ler Tbursday moanng, Navember h. IUmwH llýbeau election of olficer. Ail member re. questeti to attend. 'Ails. dbteli"~ritàdt speut sondai' - O~iel Deerleld people ated ,the douIction i Mthe' N&rpi rolelng eatlon ai LoIts Bluff "aSI Bludayý. Mr, Sud Ar.. J. A. llelaheit enteetaîneti AIr. "~d Mrs. Mitchell of 'Chioago Batur- day. Vui Kaele Hale entsrtalned AMr. Gardi-.' uer of Bt. LouIs, over Bond&$?. Lait Wedueday otcurred the utar- rlagepl WIlIam Gfihlloway and "Kthleen Beeclsu ý 11thomne a1 lb. lattwv'ae. ,îr, 14r&, Scbiult, ln Chîcago. Tha e d. ding wtasa qu !et affaîr. auly the Immedi- at##1p,ie ofaI ohlipartIes belus pres sol., Tbwyoung couple vili malte thoir bots en the Vedder place for lte vînter. Law i a4afnglt, tfi renda of lire. DseCbau gave ber a firevell surprise. Tbeaveaggwusapeutiludancing. Dur. lug the sveulag, seealYoutng mo.ulu tovu cause dowu and gave the bride and groom, Ar. andi Ara. GaDloway a charivari, as 1eyh.batibeen nuable ta fied tbsma at bore. The groom tidthé1 righi thins "à the boy@ are ta bave au oysler aupper. l4bursday eveuig. At *e home of 4,. .B. Bty, et the grooms@ sj- Ara. Liai ban been tbe' guet of ber nçtter, Mre. Todd. for the pat week. «Air7Bleimell as ilu l>Oerfald over Saturd9y aud Butiy. Mr. aud Aira. E. a. Mason liepet eu-1 lertainliOrphoxs Mlequamlette Sla,. day nlgbt and Suntiay. FÉiF rr F ;ins the gVl I~fi td and up. mm W. 4 scorr& ROUND. LAlC TÉ@ lia bas bes put ou Road Laâe. No'more saloons open on >ida's. Fred Flary bai aold 'hie barber @biop to Mir. Dubbard wbo took poramison Mondai. 'étal lary "atle bav- woved 10 goties Bro. estI Martin Thelen "took a party oflma witli orchestra ta NorthiChicago Sâtur- dl.. to ses Taft. Ada White leit TueadWy r sveing for Prairie de Gbinl. Wln.. wbere sie will attend scboul. filma White, Due l'aimer and wile accompanrd lier. John Christian inon the bkck list. A large crowd attpnded the Halloweenm da6ta, batfurday nlicht. The ladies planning for $ho bazaar wll or able artîlis.rom anuoe intereât- Your XOW yBaok il Toui Mr d tle esaune. Not' Satlafied Wîth the Bain Feis anti vfféfrum Intioelà Nedicine WeB ecommend vers lucasea- A. M. Wite'ô boute Buudai and Mondai. We are noa poaitive thâv î>onrsutaedy Ellen Fn-il front Ulicaga. Eklns Fitz- yUll prmanently reliava ,ontipation, geraldtI roin Lake Foreet, versguet oi lio& teer boy Ibrontil ntay Le. Ibal Lul KimbaIl Buadat'. - wsçlfr t furplelh thbe meticne at our ovuenn exes s8ud t f ailta opradupo IMatai Farton af Chicago, visitat et satiofactary reSule. . li e outa i ain. LItyller Saturday Ut ta worse Iban uselesa tra allempt ta ih n udy curs C:2nsOlatlon vitli catbartîc iruga lh nt.udy Laxatives or catharlice du mucli hem carrIs VogI returne t taWauk@atao Tley eauae a r«eclon, Irritata. sud Bunday oenltag aller spendtlg na w yeakelà th ovela mid tend t sýak ab., yith fier r aterMe ilogn constIpation mtore chronle. bealdmstheir dy ie ilfota usm becameàa ahabit liaI ia dAngerous.- Constipation le cap#ed by a yweakne.s 01 tbe nrres anti uueles 'f the large.J E. Parker. 26,11 No. 101h lit. Fi. iatestivesor psscouding colon. Touer. Bmltb. Ami.. .sais Ilat lhebail talion &"U emaet reliaI yon muet thoee maciY kînda ci kidney nt@dicine, bu inSd fore. ilue Up andutilrsugtboa lissa or- ual gel Ltter natal ha took Vuley gana sud restore $ieu tota eathler iv. Klduey Pinia. No* materho w long yen vlvity. have had kîduay i tuoe, you will fiati Wb vant you b tri Ilexal Ortiarlle. qfuickatparmapenlt enafit h lie use on our rscommandatlau. They are ex-. o olyKieu.Y Pilla, litant lakang emdingli pkeaseulta taire, being eatérn themn ua. For sale y aIl Dnagglate. Dire candy, inti are kkeal fon chltiren. delleate peroans. and aid lkp. am vaîl s for the robtust. Tbey &-t dimectly on Pasmlng of 1the Lial. the nervec aud muscle. of the bava)is. j ->it cases sud tranai Of retuntl T10y apparrntlî lave a ucutra ation travelere are pastit over titis Yea* ou other associ«8 organesor glands. with naLatlveli laeaof taelUotel labels They do nov purge, cause exesaîre vicu bava long beau tae pertIular loonneso, nom croateanay inrouvanlae,%priia or touriste.-rue ressort givea batevar. They Mai ho taken aItanY la tuat te Eunapean bataspropri-' tIne, day or fflglil. Tbey ilI po@ltrely .ln r o inati t agg curs ciranle oor habituel uoreIsmalo. i osaenwaadM9tebga notlsuglcl reiey.qedtlan,île îofl"abe es a foDm aseoniate or depentistchranilImtg, lavon of pîcture carde. ith*vlain Il takeu vith eglarty ior a reanonable t.y suppli ,Ibeir guest.-Youth0 leaglOfiotmue. 12 tab)Olas10tnt; 86 Campalon. lbile, 25 tenta; 80 tablea. 5m cep..______ Bold anly ataur otor-J-The laxali stars. <Dekr &Baud. Cannon Balle of Stone and trou. --on -11-vav-rusa u.H th le la Easy To maie yaur roaf repaireii a ur Bumulle Gravei Top Booilpg. Caste les. lianeAIgies nti and&y ana tan fAY Il. Warranied for ten yedas Solu offl y h LaB'viLLic Lcx3x Ca. b-6.2 year 1514 wian theyw ere aupplauteti hy Iran. It vas ufar the close ofthei slxteeiith century before leaden bel- lots vira gen.rally adopteti. ilons [anon bala ÏM îet usa Ilaname af thcastami cauntrtia S. L Trlpp, R. F. Route, Irving E. Payne, Prosidsne. Vice Praîldent - Cather. 1 THE ClIrIZENS9 BANK ROÇKEMrLIIR, ILL.., Tiii. 5..k lasasee wt f Itates a Dapesi avn<tbrae par cent mterasî Seul Dwtfl thdisont couvsenit j4»decnoenic al asonfaie-1 ' rt y Ipma, are procurabl bues. Your Shagcansd Cheekiug s»- PARTNERS AND DIRffCTORS: L.t. Trlpp. R.. F. Rouae..Irving E. Paynea. . Il. illes. J. L. Taylor. J. S. Grldlay. CASH SALE Saturday Special November 4th. 16 lbs. E. Suiga-------------------r0 lb. Oan K. 0. or Clumat Ssltlag P'owdsr '- .2 - 3 Pactgas mqCrat 3 New York Puri easm COasse-------------7 Prîme Rib Rosat-----------------------------. 8 Pork Chopa---------------------.15 Oscar Mayer Lard------------------1 My Fali Une ef D" kCoats-Rubbersand Shom là ha rved-CahI and uee tbem, prices aré just. riglit. Li,,A. Murrie ROCKfl~L~I~ - - LUNI Win Albi Mt 1 B atit ? broui Ga. Dais buiuess 1 w bo yl te Baverai i by lbe Woc homes Sand Air. Carol 'Chilcago lkW H. B. t 8eaday àt Waddsll. The yonc Party at th Tueeday ai Frida, evel attendod. John Bre day at bon Ars. Hls dangbtre famnily néal day and 'Ti M rs. A Litai of o Hamry I uiitbing b laie. and t MJr. and dreu andIA1 day vith 1 neElèlea X Mir. aud lived onit liait two 0 new home and Airs. frip(mAirit ,,oliy to Il 'i, lani tI day.* vii waqkeical it f) jauli Air, anti Ars.a.. E. Lustlrarnsd cli- dren aceompuie4 hy AOr, and Are.J:. Rlteenhaler vllted alli Ithe Ailass tlt ienheleadiNaperville Buudal. TbsY mvatle trip hi auto. Mir. àantiArs. D. F. Ritztenthaler sud Viola, A. G. ietber, Uoyd RLtzeu- tboMlr, MatIt Aseon anti Wailae Lock- haad versamong thoas isaed the ceremoales aI Nortl h ieaga Satur. day. Air, sud AUrsJ. A. àfl.on atsrtalus tisir dmugltew rsr. Fred Tovwer. Jr., a fav de" flat vsek. PYM rof nbsch af N. W. coll.apeut ThuredAy uighl ani Fnlday villi ber @Dn,Be..Ai Ubc. 1 et j b it v ,