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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Nov 1911, p. 9

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT( WAUKEGAN - WEEKLY SUN VOL. XX.-NO. 6. PART TWO. oisAb- A". et Com- lent of the Villia1u B. Loi, bank, capitallet, fOlty-tIIre, e Most 11m. la City hl*& r. the pur- fr8 Wauke. te Illinois secret et- wen Carrie natuare de- l the prie- the formai lgUer story 1 ad trtat ai 812S.000 to do su and tru.s 19 mneut on deasd trust, sInb mnistrator i like mat- mpany ulli rural Coin e Company e seclty v Company Durst. IItb. -F'red W. rite above (Prom Wedneetiay'm SUN)t "This weman in being hounded te bar uian d pomibiy te her desîli byt tihe Chicago police officiais and the. 111110VA Pers.___ h-l evo nhaver vm f or years ns Louis. Weulfe, oft ttis city, and w* MM »tlsfiod thut se fer as the dsths et Urrington are conoerned, Chicago la w onging lier. "Fred Brindkseip. her fIret husbaed, Udsimply of aid âge. -Frank Briedksmp, her son, was dy- Ing for savoe ysars, of tuberculosiu, liswhWlih. finsfly succumbed. "i6^14the detwr mco add Inthe Ch&i believe she la 1ha1 kind of à womàn." The above represente vit Barrina- ton thînks orthlie woman whom thse Chicago police bave practicallY brand- ed as an at-ch poisoner. a second Cathb- erine de Medici. and whom lb.e Chi- cago papers are wrltiitg colunine about.. Cbarging tbat the woman ls being hountiedt 1ruln and deatb h ta be Ie more than lkely Innocent of suy of- fense sud thal see ila agooti voman as far as they know, residente of Lake county about Barrington anti lAIte Zu- rIch are aroused as tbey have not been for yeers. sO. ePapen aus ut srringtef lii, we Il would he positIvely unsafe for ère «U~mi were naturel, and molt the any Chicago reporters or even officiaIs resut of stmpted crime or crime cf 10 make Inquiries out there un tte Bey knd. deatfls aI Ijarrlngton In the Vernillys «This woman wliom tiisy are tryleg lust, as the German Amiericans have t. connec wth even or mine deutha rallled te the support of onse of te by aI.gad poisonlng. .we ail keow i5mesoon0f thse old andi re- Oely aus àhard working wamae etfscmeer iamlesoliecln ad Uaaileon wlio siiffored untald badat-e=eretaw hat they regard as luck andisfrtnune while etaIBarring- tesctlon tra oman prohably ln- ta% anmd we do mot beleve that she forent pelsed or killed any an. Even the local papers wulîl tiere- "W. do flot know, of course, uny. gard ail except thie one phase o! the 'Nng &bout thse deatli of Arthur Bison- case, Il in reporte&. .01., thc policeman, or bei. liecerne Tise deatit list at Barrington bas te de, but we liardty believe 1ha1 Mm. been checked upt and ail the deatha Vermilys piuoned 1dm. We do not are foundt 1 have beeti natural, the Auctuon is Postpsonsd' Being called to New York suddenly, I amn obliged to post- pone the auction on my Liake Vfila farrn uvdutad for Nov. 2nd. IT WILL BE ~HELD NOV. 9th w i th everything the sane au adver- tised for the 2nd. asR elaives Mere. Uzzle Woulfe. a sister anti Fred Woul!e, a brother, reside still a Bar- rIngton, anti Clhnrles Woulfe resideo st LaLke Zurich, lu Intervieus totiay theY stateti be- lle! ln Ibeir sîter anti asserled tbeyl vould figisI for ber. one stateti that Ulîlan BrledkaSp,ý listet i vth other alegeti victime, tilet kn childblrth. 5s se coulti net bave been polsoneti. Al agree tisaI Mrs. Vermilyn leaa gooti voman uho hati batia Isard enoongblime In Ille vitisoul plling on mistortunes sud 111 lnck ublit se does net deserve. Meantime the Chicago papers are carrylng tise case one as one o! the days big sensations. Under Surveillance. Mrs. Louis. Vermilya vas placet under close police surveillance laIe lszt ngbî aI ber home, 411 FlAst Twenty-Nlnth street. Chicago, as the resulI o! a tuttier Inquiry lto tise death of Policeman Arîhur Bleonette. ubo vas taken 111 Ihere a week ago anti uho leaiellevedte10have dieti froin polsonlng. This action vas taken visen It vas LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911. FLAiMAN PLEADS FOR COURTESY FROM PUBLIC l Joliet Flagman Says His Task is a Thanide8s Job, at the Very Be8t. cers, to ascerta-lu ubether arsenic had OConnor on guard over 'Ms Vermil- si caused bie death, Coroner Iloffman ya,' said Harding "az a precautionary muade t apparent hie haLl receeved an measure. 1 haà a woman watching ý Public Fails to Appreciate R Intimation of the cheriste llindinge here, and learned Mrs. Vermiiya waz the Importance of Post, ' when he madie preparatione teo go to- ii f roma nansea. 1 arranged to, have HeWrtlB day to, Barrington, frr. Vermilyad ber go to the Hahnemann hoaepital,HeW is.t former home, but wben 1 went to ber iters home Dr. Sprlnger sald the viscera, with tonight 1 found Ihat she had walkedA the exception of the lîver and Intes- over to bier own home. Then 1 piaoed Driver Would.n't Stop when tines were lu good condition, but thal the two olicers there, but 1 have nor. Odrd n aeNa the lver had a greenlsb tint. arrested bier. Odrd n a eNa Il wau rumored lie proposedl de- We have nothlng 10 Indicate thatý Being Struck. manding the exhumation of tbe bodiee lilseonelte died trom poeoning. i____________ ot several relativee wbo had died ruîye thie deathteofflber huehande and others (From Wedneadayes SUN. terlouly.ut ber family she could flot bave oh- A pice. trom a flaginan of one ofthbe "%Vbile my case leaflot conplete,1i tained more than a few thotîaand dol Jutrlraecm oieNy helleve Mrr. Vermlya bas utany aa 1tIis inorulug. It was a piea, that theA tbings to explain concernlug the'i It .as leerned that aller sending pbilictethlbi hmrecute deatbs,' Coroner Iloffman Salidtl.etcîe bbrhoe ataini and take Itîto consideration the tact List of the. Deaths. llarding telephoned to Inspector thar. his la a thankless job. Alao Il The deaths Coroner Hoilman and Wheeler: "I have pinched bier" waa a request for the commisBeoner of thse police are lnvestigating at the Organe Indicats Poison, public works 10 warn dump cart men promet lime are: to be more careful ln their actions, Bbboi¶tte. Arthur F., 26 years oId, po-. Dr. Joseph Sprlnger declared la.ut says the Joiet Newe. lloeman; died at Mercy hoalital nîght that lu bis examînatîon of, thei The ltter la frot Andrew Christ- lest Thuroday. organe found in Bleonettees body ail enson. the agman un the Ottna Smithi, Richard T., conductor on fl1h but tbe livei- anti Intestines were ini Street crossing o! the Rock Island noie Central railroad, died Starclt good condition. Tihe liver. accordîng railroad. A brie! giimpse o! a lite. 11, 1911, trom aeule gatrilisafater to the coroners phyeician. bad alti buh tb b urigpb two days' Ilnes uile boarding ut greenieli tint which migbt bave been'lic Is giien. The letter le as fol- the home of Mre. Vermuilya. Coroner'caused be sald, hy drink or poison, es lioffmnan says Smith owned an auto pecially arsenic. lows: October 28, 1911. wich cannot b. accounted for. At the TwentY-Sewnd sdtreet station' Fditur News: Brindkamp, Frank, 23 yeare old, son It wae learnedt Ial Bisonette waus tO ol iet aeyualwm ot Mr. Vermllya by bier firet bus, a drinking man. Sulticient space 10 eay a feu thîngs baud; died o! poeumonia Oct. 30, Coroner Holtman. during the day, about the city cart drivers. They are 1910, ai the home ot NMrs. Vertuil as paid a visit tO Mrs. Vert»lyls bouse too carelesses tbte ralîroad cross- sîster. andi made an examuatiOnL there. 'legs. Today as the 10:30 Rtock Islandi *rindkamis, Fred, 66 years olti, Iret AmDong other Usinas hie discovereti train wu golng tbrough here, il la hushanti of Mre. Vermilya; died al- nine bottns of medicine. These lhe the Golden State llnited. and doe, ter a bref IlIness on bis tarinetato10k 10 hie oun office. They wii ho not s10h. Patrick Layble. the driver Barringlon. Ili., eighteen years agÛ. analyzed by county chemlsts. of a city carf, drove up to the crose- lly bis deatb. MrB. Vermilya Inheri- ig I1 bld hlm 10 astol), but bie palti ted a small fortune. Believe Bisonette was Poisoned. no attention. VermIly , Chaules, second hushand, 591 yearg olti, collector for Chicago sud Northwestern ralîroati, dled trom acute gaetrltls, after a six days' III. nese at Maplevooti. Aug. 1, 1909. Ho left an ineurance policY Of $1.000. Brindkamp, Lillian, 26 years <aId, step- daugbler, died jan. 21, 1906, at 2916 Oroveland avenue O! acute gastritis. vsrmiiya, Har-y G., 35 yeare olti, etep- son; dieti Sept. 20, 1904, at 395 West Diversey parkway troin ieart faîl- ure hrought on by malartaIlfever Coroneor lloffman bal evîdeoce tisat h. bad trouble witit hie steprmuther over disposition O! property at Crystal Lake. arindksrnp, Cors, ageti 8 yearndaugis ter; died aI Barrioigton. Brlndkamp, Florence, 4'½ 3ears olti, daughter; dieti at Barriugton. Wamnan Under Guard. Mrs. Louise Vermîlya, the uidou lu uisôm te autisorltlee look for an ex- planallon of tise dealt o! Policeman Artbut- Bisonette anti eigbl cuber per- sons vIls whom site vas clceely as- soclaleti, bas been laken loto custody, Ihougb not tormnîly arreseet andi 18 nov a patient nI tbe Hahnemattn ho- pitl undet- police guarti. Police Captalu Hardilng le reeponal- hIe fqr Ihîs lateel development. H-e felt obligedti 10make ltetOove be- cause lb. voman became hysterical and 111 vîtI Soame o!rte symplomes ustial in poison.tng cases, after te se- ver. quesîionlng site receiveti aI lite Tventy-Second Street station n OMo day nigtL. In tisaIinterview se madtiefiblte counected staleinent yet gîven o! Use i eatits nmong people ulit yhom site bas been associateti, anti vien te polIceabeigf 10 checkc up on il yester- day hey camuies Co the conclusion taI Although the reeult of an sualysîs wbîcit le now belng ma. by Dr. Jos- aph W. Springer and Dr. L E._ Le Couut, toxlcologiat o! RLush medicul college, wull 001 hocompletet utiti Friday, the following statement byi Dr. Sprlnger la cuneldereti moet se1g- nîficant: "In my opinion we are on the verge of te tilcovery of one o! the greatest poieoning mýstertes lu tise blstory o! Chicago."- "Have you diseovered, evîdence of arseuic in the liver o!f te dead man?" "Our work le not compieted yet,- he repliei. "t am not preparet to eay." "Do you believe lItIBleonette died a natural tieatb?" TIse ?t bas been made kuovo that It vas une o! the physicîase ho nt tentied Bisonette up to tihe lime of hie deatb uho cnlled the attention of tise authorities lu the pecullarlties sur rocndlng id. He is Dr. IC. S. Sawyer, who vas called loto conatadM.on by by Dr. F. A. Van Aradats, vho waa lIt-et sunimoneti 1. attend Bisonnette bv Mrs. Vermilyn. Tbe Information watt tmade pub)lic by Dr. Sawyer hlm- self. PASTOR RICHEBON 10 NOW IIIDIOTED. Minister Must Go To Trial in Court for the AMleged Murder of Fiancee, Avis Linneil in Cyanide Case. ieat'teo ton, t cued .t- S-mith.,. au IIII (YtuyI4 ---oa, - -1.-ik iilemtl nota Central railroad conduclor, badt I se said coulti not be relieti tpon. ivaut. OV. t - n sudî.Clenr. tile t a ber roomlng-house some îî vas sondîscloseul tisaItise voman enve cV.nT. Rchohagnptsfthesv Cla- inonthe ago untier like puzzling cîr- at one lime vben site vas In coutmanue Baptlat citurch of <Ombritge, cumat.uoes. ahoveti sucb freakisb meulality that muroerst Mina Avis L1.1-0l1 Of HYso- FolowIng a conterence belveen In- ber ove lavyers questiuned iser verac- nîsport, on Oct. 14, by slving ber spector WiteeIer anti Captain Hat-dîn ity sud taIt be iauYer prusecutlng cysulde of potassium, vau returneti o! lte Tventy-Second streel police ber ln a civil action began criminel hy tise Suffolk county grand jury. The station, tise latter, acconspanleti iy De- prooeetlnge cbrisnt-g perjury. jury hati hei n b ssiou for tht-e full teCies 'Conoranti ReIlly vent ta Womin Guarded by Sisters. Rceo i!bcle pnwti Mrs. Vermirlya's home. Captain Harding vas armneti ull a day or tva te plead toe Utnloitt- She vas found ta he seriousiy 11. tisasfacto anti developmentte hen ho ment andi s date for tc commence-t Tise detectîves verestsalioned la tise cafledýtia ber home, test evenlog, but ment o! bis triai wiîli b. Oxed. Tiis ait. lie vas prevented fsrom qitestinuîng W"'I probobly be early kn Jauuary. Inquire Into Nîne Deallis. ber lýy thre sttrs, uho sait Mt-e. Rîclssson val to have bee a ettled Nîne deathe. lnclutlng taIl5Vrly stoIIt .lttve-lut nigit to teM isaVola EB ditso! twOhu& Vemila a to, 11 t beIntrviw-Broolrline, but aflor bis teret.tse ln- bande of Mrs. Vst-mlya, a Son, a 515> sti When they explainedthUe nature vl&t v er. recallet. sotIo daughteru, a stpdaugiter o thislUnes Capta-lu Harding forceti_______ sud two men, close frîende, nov are hIs vay lIoteUt siek cisanber andit Adlrondéck Desr Scamon Coses. iuder lnqulry by Coroner Peter lt-ôo n=ide6t ie voman te sccolupauY TJUCI N. -Y., Nor. 1. - The deer m-s andth ie police. bin kW* bugg. Re took ber 10 lite huutl u nuesloin the Adrondacke lu WhIld Dr. joseph sW. Sprtu. r, eo pUcc aùUon n sd umined a psyst- lod. Tihie se was noalte for ~~PIyICIa-ticlaaltt ~oSs..oI- utitJeadcede te vonu t y I mu a 0 Il MaUmber of lie drove acrosa rlgbt ln front ot the train and le vould bave been struck bati 001 the engineer slackened op. If he hati been struck il voulti bave been blameti on 10 the lagman, aitbough le lad warned the man 10 etop. Tise tmant dellberalely tan lotodanger. Itla leime lte comieaBioner o! tîIublc works took note o! Ibis !act uand looket inlto the malter betore s fne !lis men getlit. The fiagman "olst alwatis biamed and yet bis le the hold the people a few minutes long- er than tltey thlnk you should, yuui gel cuesed. If you permit thein too, close tii an approachlng train they wili cuse Take Hlm Place. AIl tbe tlime you are endeavoring to protect tem, If some uf the people Who are eo villlng 10 condeoin voulti take the place ofthIetilagman for a ueek tbey voulti gel anme ides of viattalhe tlagman bas tb contenti vlth. A fiagman le placeti hetueeo lte devil andthie deep ses anti he Élues n01 knov vich vay lu tut-n. 1 helieve the Neya lea atrientio!fte laborlng mn. t belleve in justice lu ail vils mallîce towat-ds noue, hence my vrltIng these feu lines 10 you. 1 have pt-o! for vit I say about titis ity driver. Otiter peoplee au l as welI as I titi. Respectfully, ANDREW CHRISTENSON. Flagmait t Ottawa sîreet for the Rock Island.i BOY IS HURT IN FALI FROM MORSE Louis Hatton. .of 738 South, Utica Street, Falls From- Morse Sunday, end ls Taken to Hospital for Trentmcnt. (From Wetineeday's SUN) Louis Hatton, 12 yeare or age, a piu- pli at the mcAlster scitool of titis city vas s.verely injureti Sunday a!- ternoon, viten ise !eIl froi tise back of! a bot-se, strlklng bIs heat on te brick pavement of McAleler avenue. The lad reeldes aI 738 Southt Utica street, anti vas ridIng lise bornes uhen in anme mtnner ite vastrown froni Use bot-se, etxlking bis iseati on the pavement. Heowuepiked up un- conaclouz, and tiwluefearedt tiat bis ekuli vas fractures. He vws remoy.d to h eli. Mttr hospital on Mouday, but in t-spotted ase Improvk g a itivii hoable to Locve tb~tlnattlamoe WILi POUR PAGES. $1.50 E YEAR IN ADVANOR COMPOSED POEM FOR DEAD FRIEND William Mod e Muray of Russell, Composes Pocm n Memory of flic Lote G. P. McNamara, aiso of Russel 19'rom Wednesday'u SUN.) The followlug song wae Wrltten and SUng by William Merle Murray, of Rlussell, 111, ln honor of the late Gleorge P. MeNamara, at the Urne of the death of his mother. It le his let tribute to his dent-est friend: As a child 1 roamed amongst the oak trees, The I)eaîflaIie' river flowed qîtite near the door, JuaLS nOw jr. seems to bring back fond memut-rs tuîfle, Father had jolned the angele, many yeari ugo. Atid nov. MY itcher hue paseed 10 the distant shore, FARMER IS KILLEIJ BY FAST TRAIN AT ANTIOCII YESTERDAY' James Maguire StruCk by Fast Soo Train et Antiocli and In st&ntly KiIud Was Drivlng Across Tracks, and VIew was Obstructed by Freight on Siding Horse Attached'te Buggy Was flot Hurt, Aithough Vmkle. was Demoilimhed (Prum Wetinesday's SUN.> James Maguire, a tanner 117kg near Antioch, wase truck by a fuat Ch&i cago train on tihe Wisconuin CStnrai Meet1 ing a welIl loved brother there ro-dat IAnitloch about 4:30 yestexday tu juin in the angel songe atternoon and lnstantly killed. Soon Il ulîl be our hum, on mingle Maguire was drlvlng acçosu the witis the tbrong. traks, andi Il appears that a trelglit Chborus- train, standing on a sidIng, obtroct. Wisconsin, my hapîpy cbildbood home, 1itt iw n tetre s o 1 cauOsee you front my kIcehen 'avare o! thse oncomlng train untll too door, a11 Iun sde. My heurt bous down in sorrow Th.e train v.as going at a higb rate For my Wlsconsln boite otrapeetiand lte enflne astmeck thse (2)- wagon in te mîidle, îsatîcrkng tite I seem tu heur the atigeis calling vehicie anti throwbng Maguire biais la Wblepering to those 1 love, and meOth~Ie air. God loves you, be wyul keep you, He as ea enpce upb Be o! gooti heart, and do no1t ear. the crew o! the freigbt train sud wu Utàes roDadIolefull o! sorrove taken 10 Lake Villsa. A pecullar tuc. But He who sent you here. titre ýof the accident uasetIhe tact that By bis good riht baud vill leati you the hre attaclseql 1.0 i.bwagM Wul Down lites pathway, year by year. no injuredInk tise leatM IMi-WIm chorus- the tracks qu u*p 4 c 1 Wieconsin, my happy chiltihooti home, anul flnaliy stopped. afi d I cao see you truin my kîtchen Thte inquest wîlI be held tomorrow My dar o wsdr, n so romorning, the verdict proaly Isclua M yo b e a r o u d s o n n l u jeo r r w-a c i e n ta l d e a t i. For y nd Wicouln fme. Maguire was a marrled man, "id leaves a vite and lwo or thyge i- dren. He bad heen s resident et An- EIHTTLESMEK' IN BOX tioerh an-d vlclnlty for sevsral yesi EIGH TAand as ellknown in that section Art Passmd In MoNumare Case Subjcct of the countY. te Premptory Challenge. THESE MAY WED. Los Ageles, Cal. Nov. I -The Btats, in the mourder trial ot J. B. Mce- Frank Rose, Chicago ........... .44 Namara, hegan to guard aguinst thse Mary McMllan, ONèl, Neh ......2 doctrine ot justification in te destruc- l ion of te lxes Angeles Tlimes building. iwlth the accompanyîng losof twen- lMichael Sammtoli. lty.. ..........4a ty-one ives. Assistant Attorney (; Elizabeth Lituer, sane ..........45 sible ssclalistic tendencies len h Nd Sorteherg, Chicago-....41 E lg t ta e ic m e n L u a l h a v e een s . ceptei. AUl aie eublect 10 peremp Ky an MillerMlwvaukee ............ challenge. Marie Esek .....................1 'i t- s 5= This $25,00 E-ZCleaner. Simple Practical Efficient Po r Sale by ChIC&4e IRft.r4Iad ScORÇ.. Waukecon, 111. Bprlng aud Madison Bts. Pisone 8751 126 Madison St. Order that Ngew Suit or Wlnter 0 verooat Now Meture. McAvoy and Durharm, wlth BUm&n £ O. TAIiioM et 126 Madison St, wiil be plised to show you morne, of the. Ias oeves and nobbiest styles ln their linoand et pime thet l am s as attractive as the high clieof their goode meit They WU welcome you ta their ciothes shop andIit cotte nothlng te«m@ sne thoir stock. Neat to Tek -Mrs. Louise Vermllya, Held in Chicago, to be Questioned About Nine Deaths in Mer Family, Leclared to be a Persecuted and .Iiounded Woman who Ail Mer Lite Mas Mad Hard Luck and Misfortune, cotUpsny. lu the ab.- the Ilinois (nit eleve atlng bac est- and di- The ca" thse linots Ottrol heu -,a,. banda Id over &t e Capitiiliz- 5.000 Muai a te de an ind $60,000 & men tbat a Company -hicis itm stto trut roposed te rogit chi- les dttef aI and vith long. wiii leave t qunarte, bably uuiti s they are anen #&b 1 deai nov, iai., ex- Lnev lecm- )ne'o Nit 0 a nultaile 1 'redW. nL asilected. e iibutract ger caibers wronil ited inttution ÂesPt.d the 9tIser fu.sj Prny guar* entit and e &Il Wel Ljolles 1 a valued1 i net have t of Judg4 lu abstract > malter 18 Iheti. kWf b. conomh. SE ci ti il ti w el G et F D n 0 p c arý d 9

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