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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Nov 1911, p. 2

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j PALKIINE v.,t-Jh>luitueLuiiaaiau riasîrli in iliila<u Iiluigiata ir'[i.tiy tFriedrichl so,.j. lin i lr.iaud 2are.hienry ileiu b'aiaaia-. iii Miss tir"tetiimiSohtalkowasy. bib-r Noaerk rflictailtiiz.Tiiebrideanaîd itiaitiiiiiieireli..tiictiier thth te ti,t a ihr.rtl a uri iofiîi r, ids 1 uer-sar a ,-iî iig, N, '. 7 th,.the Masaaiiî âaîIlge hliI'" at le, r.mie ofa large anad hapy gatiîer:iiac lPalaistii chait,-r MNslîîrii-iasd trîcli lateirl iduîîg mýesr-a rî the i,' -strriitar.Tii.- lng!raid.i.,uartot ri4 'iracrejdenai a lvio ur oirogirnbra vi ib %%asaa.nulî3 ci bY ai ii reetiat. b!ar!i-e Blaisick s iiia kiiii.iî,-t rip tilu aluîîbus, (l. Alwrt Munuak lins riýeîr-cirai lis. seier,- il iees andîis aiîiet lieu ariiid Sire. (iKeteloi A riiegiran leiglts te sencding tbe minIer wiî Miss. Lamblert. THERE IS absolutely na word. to express the ef ficacy of Scý,Ott'S Effiulsion in tbe treatnient of ý"'OLDS BRONCMITIS ý.,',ATARRti, GRIPPE AND RHEU MATISM W. pay fur ait Ltse medicine used ry al dnug tise trial, il our remsdj fall@to Ha LuoudGr llwy HaI rw ra crnplstuy reîîeve ion utfrontipatio. Hareolil.alaaltgrsg-a Ve alu, th rik-Yîsnarc oiat bla nauraily AI dyes adse of mercury gaed gt ne in any way vihatever, i ju ori lead are dangerous aud destrov the empt oui- oSer. Tiata mightvbroui> beut ssad color or the bair Let us OateMe8t. lut lie meen cvery a oral an graceily eccept [be snowy lockt ot IL. Coîtil anyting be mure fahr for yuu* age Tbey liarmosuîze seti the face A muetmecentilie, commOun 9e týti- w iblblas heen changeai b!Lime and uent w s el OtruerW8c, i5hich ar escti-u souromw Mauy faces are softeneal andl Mkkoendy. Tîjeur atice pnri leis a 0 rocju aîeitfl dscrrythat as odor- beautified ly wht'e lair 1Ttla Ionr lmn, colorliseana lties. ; vi- proracefai anal dîgnîfleal ot [o attemapi amuncea, jet gciumie sud pleiaaana e ntorojuur the ravages oft tln" action, anal particlarir agreeble in ovei-ywsay- Tlaey duan.tuL îa.iarrboea, ProductinofiMercury. malisea. fatulence, gnîuîng or any in- ouvenience mhatever. Rexauli <rderllee Thse annu»l production of merdai- ar-e Lirticuluni- gural for chadren, ageal bas rlen 10 3525 tons.Tise Unîteal »od del"ei.penons; States irodiice 1,043 loue. Spins. Il jon suffer troua chromec on habitua] wltb AlMrada. iurnixhIaicg 834 tons; *ontipatioor the ai~eo jte ni- depend- Austria. wlîb Totei. 570 otie; !tais. et chruuic aitrnentA, me orge you tua try Monts Arnita, 370 tons: Rusas, N'v- Rexall Oderîle t our imka Remember ktofita, lq tons. Mextcri 190 tons; yon eau geL them u i LilertiviIlleuir ut other coaitries. Ieu'iudlcig Japan anal Oui- tore. 12 tahuicta 1h cents-; 36 ln faciuiîer-adrabt %&blets. 25 cents, 84)1 tobleta. 5,0 centeChn.urs teemnd.abt Mold onlystuurst.ue-Tlie etaIlSîjre. 200 tons DuXEi& trsmLilertyriIlle, 11. __1__ ______________ j Girl Champion Snake Kller. Mary Houper. ageal Lwelve jeana, f In Their Seatona. Valley. Pa. la thse Champion su"#k At the sge of tWenty thle wll reignu - ibiler ot i-at section. She lia, thse at thlrty the wit. ut forty thse mal1 auina otwLenty-lilve reptiles dispatcheal mnt already thls aeson, but nofle of theax go large asathse blauekanake ah. kulled ater a baU-Élve faut neeu ches. A b-oushoid Medicinie Thatritalia enoughas ruickly ami acres' Wanted Hl@ Dsguba.. 40lda ie Faieyd Hi.'y aîd Tarcrna-jA Man viho traded lhors"a witl a Poundl. Mi-s.Auna Pelzir, 2526 J.fler- Quaker vieul to ln s tsw day later nou St., fiai Otuala, Neti - saye i1-uan anal sald: "Tou bent me luni-bat [rade 7500mmnd Flym Iotev andl Ta, "Weil, wbai dow-s Ibee warut me to oompoun an a sbure cure for enuglîs and do? bacs tbe mnt nie o trudq solde. It cuved îy daugîter ut a iiuiulbark" hInqulred flroadbrlrn 'Oh.no. .old anal îîy nleitir Mis ,,n cnt et ail i înst mont jon ln bond snreal lerseit andaber wiurfiiclîuu w ith me jour bat for -a few days. tGlui Fo'uey'a Hune7ëyand 'rar Cîîîîpîîîîîd averjone in Ournîelgiaborhîaaaîspeuk8 trade wlti suomebody sa.-a' higtly oi it: - For suie ly ail luuggsis Horft. 8. L. Tripp, R. F. Roua.-, Iraing E. Proaldsani Vice Presudenu Cal THE Ci fIZENS' BANK E.Payne. ahier. ROCKEfELLER, ILL., Ticie Banki sues Certificaies of Depoait di-ewing turee por- centI neret Besmk brats, tise most cenveuaeuî and econoniai measaof ne- mkting isy mal, are proaureble be. Yogi- Savinge andl ChecIing as- emeu"aame isyisa. W. offer assple Secusnty, Conveneeeoeaid retiaicliy. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS- Ai. L Tip1,. R. F. Rovse. Irving E. Payner. Ses t-. Milieu, J. L.. Taylor. J. S. Gnôdley. Partal A' Bepomaiablllty Approxlmately $100J,000.00. -LAKE COUNTY JNDEPENDENT, FRILDAY, NOVEMI3ER 24, 1-911. Lait Saturda y. Vernon tIc Itile son- ot Mr. and Mare. W. A. Shaw lad one ofj hie ingers caughL in a duor anal quite i badly erualealtic lad leen out piayung anal mas îomîng n anal tood un the reur porrel itI tle ajour open and aleîd Lu bi@ mîtîer ta corne anal liita hmI remuve lisi-orbtiens. tij mather n coring openeal a diuor n enother part ufth bil base anal île draft el-mmea tise'- bacha dour catehing the chIla fingerý anal ciuaiug it. A physiien wmscual j anad le et blet earealthat amputation wouolal, ejnseeseiy but frtunutely il won sot anal t us nos'doiug nkcely. E Lest Friduy olgît a crovialof leborera trun> a con*truaLlun gang et Leithtou mhu lied )utt\ircs-ived bileir monthly puy were in towu celebrting mIes, one ufte abmWho gave is namne us Erneet Lji-Il lemne ebiglty quei-uloua anal drew a hnife anal pi-oeedeal ta use it an a weapon of offensel. ttelre be conbd le ejeoteal tram the saloon le lad Inflicteal a couple of fesl mounnai on une ufth Iegangtînut tley ers uaDot 1a ni-loua cnature. Trustes Wella lappeuea Acal [lie roulai [liaituer disia. Dtir _trru ar acdtiiCjo raile 0n denuarul ic tii. 1-1i11 Wnr e coiat'h e so- t- lr flicu Aru r y- ult,- sre lils irrz h iii, o masse5.rat ecroierion ,asto ihai ecivitar. ru'Ilido' ,IL us cs, irretient. v OU mon Lilrac e ac iei cenh FRWMONT, Mrs. Aîîîrew Staîl rit Anlîngton Helgîts, spent a te asalys lest wmeh wltI Ibi- daugîter, tare. t'rank Wagner. Fi-anvia Berthe apeot une day last week ut Waukeguuî. Mi-s. Gera V. amstuy asosn anal Aun Amanna are vîsating et Mibiwaukee. Alois@tiauîip and alCrry Wagner 0a1 Long Grrivc, speet gunday with Mur. anal MMike Wagner. Bran. muidalinge, Datiey Dai-y Buffaloi gluten, grundl utnen piocesi- teed ut II tT'Y'-ILLE LosigataCo. C-9-1 CRANBERRIES SWIEET POMMEOS SNOW APPILES BANANAS ORANGIES OYSTERS PEANUTS CIGARS CANDY IFIG5 AIL GOODS STRICTLY FRESII WILL A. RAY ROCKEPELLER, - . . ILLINOIS li-I the For, Mi-ae M ut A TI @pet sera aud gih M wil .4 j îl -ri M-1 heros y uva ito, ayh aauun, r uarrtc i Dereasea tailm' ue i zis o 1a I ta, t.- tuiý Flý'y ile PI n .m- A bout the Piano Y ou B uy tutu ngth[lau -ia lrcegaiItta vfrota r 'J' nu ut al l 'y k ruv y aietnd auarua1 -aunad nus,- as ..e-ar Iuncue ibat11 To the Votera of this, the Eighth Sentorial District of the State of Illinois: YVou should kno w that it is an mnstru- ment which lias a reputation for menit. You should know that its makers have the proper faciities for producing good pianos-that they eniploy experienoed workmen--and that- they give, you a guarantee in writing. I'ou should know that the piano is made so well that it will give satisfactory service for years. Alil of these things you can be sure of it you btay an instru- ment made by The Cable Company. You can easily satihaf y yonraelf of the menit and value of thi& company's production because we eau show them to you and before you decide to purchase we want yoîî to cSIl at. Ingall's Jewelry, Store, Waukegan Ray's Furniture Store, Libertyville- T f va .-'re Abter baving receivesi request- aud Il YOU arei encouagement front demnocrala in sImoà be intereî evor- townsip in luthisdistrict, i gave th. intIeOr vsry care"i invesalgation assa bave decidosi te beconse à candidate for C uiaority repreéenlatia'e, iubject to Lhe will f Lh. votais as expressesi et th, ~, g slsmsocratic primaes os u e l.ld .on eiI April 9, 1912. Belioving tisas the experienco sud kissmilege vilicis 1 acquired duuinth ue They are logg tsi-m of fouitocs yesr-a 1 serveaias Tcrsar . momber of thse Couuty Board ofiriy r Supervisoi-a of Laits County, beiug best valuE Chairinan thia terra.. as -el] as Chaiman of thse Board 0f Res'lew. beller qualifies me tu serve anda represent tIse people of lisidistrict ije tate bgilature bleu a mtan wlno bae nos lad the benefiof suds expereece in public affaira, I fessl confidlentbof aucceàsandim if elocteai ho We a thse office Lo ashich1tasepire, I1'ciii owes1 aibegiance Le no da&s or faction wthil rented f o. tIhe Dooratic Paty, as itviiile .my vr o only dosi-e to cmove ail alika. vr o 1 ask tise votert of ibis district 1.0 st.mdy nsy record of fourteen years as a mesoiser- 0f the Board of Supervisons fron thLb.townshsip assainlisthe éounty le wisichs 1 weu 1cm ass aies peul my enlireslie, andi mpon LIaI record I soicit tise support of thse votera of Ibis district. RecttfuilY YOur§4 THOXÂS X GRÂHÂNx T. P. DU. Mu riva r 51 r - i r t-r 'luIt wted iu seeing the cmover, Cable, Kingsbury, ington and Inner.0Player Pian'os the kind of instrumentc3that stand close inspection. imade to uatisfy critical people. Thqy' are the, is you can find. Easy Terms Arranged Special Bargains in Used Pianos îlways have a uîîiniber of pianos which have been )r a tiuîe or taken in exclhangri whieh we mark at prices and sell(un 7ery liberal terms. cf'apaCmg CHICAGO URKIN, - - SpeciaI Rqeg4b.atiwe. The biazser giren 1)vtirte Ladies Aid muw a .aca.,sbuLl lnanollY ia Social]'y. Mjies Daisy i'addrvlîs ie iitiiig nla tires in Municiare et present. Mise.H. S',,(hicrdieî liad tuenî-iîitîîne Lu, fuli anri is laid o p iaoiitbb,-ffa-te PiinnArp. lad tL i.-niorrntue, ýhave hua rîgbt arn> brlarn a îrirr,t4,u ainet while hratîlng a siraîacr ain tle Ivti i.ailrusd. Spolie Prom Experiore. ]!arimer B-was Sitting in the couD. tiy dhurcb. He lied been aaorking bard In the barveat field;. banda mers acarce. auid Farmer B3- mas doztngý The loud lunes of tbe mlnister fatlad to amouse thse farmer. until ut lenglia. the trne wanling. Uic good man classai th8e hla c f the Bible sud concludeal as folluws: 'Indecal, my bearers. tle bar-iest la plenteous. buit thelaborers are tew." "Ye,'* exclainacal Fermner B-, "'ie offereal Lwo dollars a day for cradelers andl catit pet etu ut that.- CaMel.rOsl i u Iiigi- a ii.,î.Il autsMBE Legal Quallficalieaas. Ilserna, thrt a Iâ.i>e- 1asr.elbing of a car3asnter lie van file t bill. Split a hl!, chop irg!c. aiîuetaîilan a- gument. make an entry. pet up a cas. fr-ure an lndictmcnt. 'Impa.nel a jury, put them n a sbox, naît a witnes lbammer a jualge. bore s court, shave "a note, "grindau anaxe," eaiela client. assai other 11k.- tîings. J. E.Parker, 2011 N,,i. (lth St Fi Sithl. Ark ..Savs [bat lie lad taei mai15 linda of kmdney nurdicine. but dhd not geltibettrr nmIlb.- [ouI FoIe Kidrse Pilbe. No maLter bový long you bave bail kidney [rouble, von 'xii l ina quick aud permanent beu,-llt by tIc use ut Foley KiaintY Pille. Start talkiug them nos'. For suie by ail i ruuuiiet5@. LAME ZURCH Suoecriptiong for ail nen aesîsrandl magasines, taIe t Enali Frank'a John I) Fînk îmada sîueiiril tntta Obicago Monday Walter Prehi m ade a tii, tai Waiike- tan let Saturday. Gieorgeu Furman is tai.iiig a uoitbs8 layaS eat Waukegan. Mr. anal Mrs. Fred Sip made a trip iv Obicego Tueeday. 1ev.tiuîberman inoveal lis urnîture 'Pueday. He sililreuc hbie tur-eil si-mou here nett Sunda bisv. J. Hein- dcli s'il l e bere the firaît duuiiibite eSmIer. Lake Zurich peuple uarejrotestiug agaisut thir pissent mail service. TIe m"Ildomnut arrive until 2:00 o'clrik lu *@ alternoon. This ila tIc pouret seri- vice we have led in thiity yeuns or elue là* Northwestern rail-oal s'as bult. The ladies Lenda Baud Club met lest wuek Friday t thIe ob of Mr@. Fred S.ip. >Ney have riamed mý)ney enougli JlDe a weed cutter anal by unanimoussvr>Le Imstueted tliir oecreta-y tw order aine a& oece. Thanke to thae ladies who u&- alised in gtting the anb-criptiuua. A FAJE OFFER Tour Kgoney Back if You're flot Satiafied ______________ h ___________ lu Than ksgivi ng Wbat you will need and where you can find it. ----------- 0I 00111111luP 9Lbi% IVANHOE 1% f<liid on Roe.king Hors. Samne aid Maman Nature. ROC EFE LER DE ART "EN ÎI Tc flot! their uitile son banglingi F'ront te fresco paintings of wom- Ai~dýad sntangied ln the reins of bis rock en lni Crutan palaces of tbe period jC D cLortier bas beciinifilau(] huer file lng-horse, was the sad experfence 0f about 2000 B. C. It lu leurned that the doctors 'arc, but la repovrtcdtitter. Sunderland. Seotiand. parlents, a fow women of tbat time pinchAd tilttietr 'tT. F. SWAN. Corr tspondent and Agent Rev. Dae eeaîaîod li lp l.b 't R.*days ugo. The ltlde ellow.tRaymnond wltbdfone racrinpat Miîller. who ilîraclvii ut Gran itillîîdi, Watson.h usl logl id theskl. anded ehirts, wore an 1latioreite coiffure Mihgnls__tdy.___Il_ swnig rsiy*adon Itheir beads. shoes wifîî hjgll beaie - ~Micîgai, eStiSuîdot hla thtbçgi h hllbeeu paylng tr. i.lIa Carr rer,îrnc l fest Friday front to tic pasnganîl wiîth î. 1.-ii noftwo Misa Fioriev.tscîî attr'nd.-il lihecus t ricks. liedotit bis balance. and afld hata wticiî inight h r au extirncd visit wltb i-cativas and by@tauders took tbhe la rdilv driiek to teachcîv a,tliîg ut L.iterît ville Satur- bahving been unable to extricate bim- amili baertbail as vfie:o- iii, .jup triendin luthe cenîtral part of the state. the inckup for the ight iSatlîrday daV. j elf ln the absence of bis plirentt. bad Mculotte dsiiý( ewý nrajp MYrra Watsoti ot Antiocti, maie a short murilineir ie watt urralgîii ,-tir, Juistic 51Mies Luc, Anirerveotf auranda, m s au hkdt et uot Bslo e o lrcy atSnalewtiek of Labcrtyviltr-, uio ns ca~ lla.î the guest of Mis. R. D. Cook]t »ivBesceHedchNsk.se enruie fontr olàriav'fer dla uuday.ini the absence ot Magistriale Payne, an:l Miss M rtie luiliige ucia litti duugi curiut trn>îî -ist a'ih br dugite tbrtydays in thei- -oiiiitv ail t t er ut Gerry AMontan, ,are vigitiflg the A 30 Ho Esraped. ,lremts uhn e u in Waukcgan. A 30l-i uarîersyear convict In a southerci stat. *Andiiheu n idnev totilelno and cool hie tev, red bod one' aele r n r.H .badtetlpoetwuelpnkie rul.D o Per a sýoArgthe week wtjh vaa ie I or h e ho teother day for aliirw It ti, progrees beyonil the reali af eri ItsérWle sand aing Paucth.e tiret finie. Thisa may be cailed pu- medicin. but stop it ;îroinptly wltlî Dri Yioung and Sarah Caineroji attenid. Obituary. The ,Ladies Ai - Lai a praîl menetinîg theticbut thinu, abat tortures hbelisau Foi,'KidnPerPille. Thcvy regulate the eri the Wiseîa)nin-Minneota tout lbail Pvs l PWicwa s s re li'o.rntehoe i fri.lii le, at edis-mlsd y o hvne1. boitidr eis-u a!ti. ainr sgneThi.'l uat tMadison lest Saturiiay. din CNw ok<ci1er1~ iy and wllîili lanlotiier ai Mre. tores R--eene Sentinel. a-m. iî i euira. For sale 17 al daga o, e Yr n ébe11 H8Claiîberlin's tiais vbk.lruggImts. Btoy Newton rturoed last Fridu.î troîn and died ini Rockefeller, Ili. , Nov. 49, bis vt in Meade, Kansas. 1911, tieiuig eigtlîv-tiire e tare, i Eliner Bc-wii l lbas beevun nlue tu, 1 onAbih ehm o h itrnuntiis and tour dg-va nf age. attend sebiool fQr a week on ai'ioit t ofW ~ # ~ w 1 He iasebecu operatiug a dredg utlulathe year 1843 hciigzraterl aitti bi.sik-,btw r gait iin hi Madaion. V. je. but owing Lu lis rrld parents to Illinoiis, and sejtItîcain what hoefil gaining weetiier tiîei tad tri suspend oieruîiou.l li known sthe lirookinaan tarrît,, utti George Bates oft Wuuc)ndîî unava S( fII~( 1 BeWrt Terpinlng and wa îl andl daughter of this village. He was theretore one ot ruiler horesttunday. T A K I I I G P I E ro! Park Itudàzx. raaited witb rulalyts fierse ti eei-is n he rairie. n15 gur es ______ ________________________________ Sîînday. u~nd joineal the bug enid oi the rusb for *D FfL HarrvR oive av ivarcuved u the Calrni. lecoeudîl its îl *R________- -M LD I h. -aitai tlites.l. l or turtber ircmtnent aaiî1 aa eaubuMrr. ail iS . LaLliie e E u ,i lii s.-hiehuIt isîlt iiî~riviu asraidl fo fie, Sienra Novadua Siuntaitieund tm waur, llecrtitcldii itors Suita as til av aie it I iotipleted ftic llluruý,- ii, oot. lu l1554 B r oNr n iP Ik The fi rait a.nî-.aiftti,,iv.,igiv u in lie rrî u- ne-J i.%le av f te I tt1- iii us Cranberi-es -l oc Qt. hall Bi, slitIat uriii.in glît a S Iof l'anuîii. Raisins -- l le lb. uttetideda nitburoughly eti,ev.-d lu 1855 le wa"usuiî.-d inimarriage IMiesNitl l rr iilirg-ï rirent >tindaly C r~ 2 b %Waltr r l.e-n k.-r loi.r'd rural rouiite ai fiiMisPeriiB.t Il imel a il. ofni tii )ia cii- N-u 1. Tuesdae lu [h.- al,ecrcî o îîiares.hu. u-, leueail lavd îakîviiîliî0lii 0~ Sweet Pot.atoes -3c lb. CropieY aWlii atî.-uded tle % 1o xdaiiglicrter sooatler lus inaurrialce lie, Chleagri Mixed Nuts -1 Se lb. fanerai.setîlealonfilie latundircetiya arosa the Mi4s Ainaivîa Kiiaak % ir tel ini lioruticu Hocaulntt,mruinsniii rouai irons the hoiesteud where le Arlîugtiin iegitoSnttirdaa sud "vut lay. Freslh Lino of Oysters, Celery, Lettuce, ber irieud. Mises faiipllI aIof r aî,rscîded with lis tamily util about Mirs. 1' W. l'cttis spliat tile puet ae.ri Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Grapos, Grape Fruits siltnt Saturday aiid Snnituy wîth J~. tacive .joursagi, vilaoin oved Lu tbe in Cliiii. i adM uaatLws P-es BilcmIvillage of IRockefeller. wbere le r.-oiled , o. andîîîcîl Eî angi-li ai hum i te goL iPr ig bs tn ic)y hi@on il ii'. er. C. E Vi enth. aii ho- leinariem of tptnI ni.o P. K trpng ba g a 1 i dtrutlcila w5h ouhbîdn aere mets l tbe Heicave tuonîriri, their lues a wife. Melonali th, tie Mcl,rirek S.iî i n noiotr He t P ti ayksgun utinil tit ror e .aî. C. harles, lceaioftb ahng-Be ,a8sei-ing tc pustur, bit ew ey .- brtTrpule A . VMirri e lest trip thinizs came en tast that lie ias toe.îînd a siot - PublirslJ. B. Mss..'atteut.u but a hazrv oleîtionotit bt itn essce iaiag -icarl cniraiJ. Bihuldin ofrl Tu as 8,iiAîty ,fth, rý.1't,~~POE 6 delae tiat sic tbe wildest tonts îîl cun-li flýL t tiihe hnteiiIlrlie.M iPe Ward o RodgrP am ance hen ci n- e great grandrlail, ait li iureruus jTuédy Iard orsotocre arc tun3i riaiotier relaivem and rié,ndsý Mi Tiiurig f t.y. Df il R CKF ELLER.D -ILINIS made uver the bumps. iatjuan , in e THaA NtrI re Thce ating osueinobasopeneal early Vie deaire Lu thank on r any trîede s ulLYPJ~~P~.~MI this year and oaay outh[ei young oilias andl neighiiors tfîr itir induess andl hivre been ecnoio.ig flue ec ou]the 1ponds.asesistanie'iîîîîrrent ieravemcnt I i g ah il is Va ilreti iir. iie-ai On Suuday mornnng occurreal tIhealcaI We wiieocpeiaiiy Lu tliauk those wlio The t,aeicre ait il,, l P. - hi-d tîia ot RooaviliP. VW i l01 une ot the countys sang ut the servir.-atiendeal tih t.-ai-li.re ui.etîig t iia pioneere i o bas en aelilng sornetime. Mi,>, B 1P. W itiAýx mANIibLiL. Libert3 ville t'aturrlay. 1--'7 )7 Funeral services wers Ield Tuesday et___ Mr. andl Mrs. Gîrires P.tts gare a, thecCongregationalrburch andl interment aytutel'tàNgh)Ionat tokplace at Dîumond Lake-hniong lh de rit o od lte rTuesta -c.niiig thse relatives w ho carne rotu a distance th -ih Sàura ih a tu attend Lbhe obserjuies were tIc foliosw- cîther on.-e'lamacalfor the olluving M.ajlSr lrrealNaliai r ing. Prot, GV.ilcos and wîte, M. effso li-îi llra iî rts oriuiriY liîed illircrlteld vaut agusîn Wil~oxl'e.- anl Srs.tin Gidîa.apologie triJauieoq WbiltcomRil ~111v locaL. - arc. lire. MarchaI. NIre J. B. Muvurand Wbes lia.- r,r.,ti îvrre Pc unair, The aîînual liaziiar given lit tî,,l)ara. Hua ird Wiiiaîanal And the irîad-îainitire chueS isoiety ofîthtIiPre.bîverian hî- vl vson Fred and a wal il-ialaf Whn yoria ummeciria init e hl b.- i ea ueh rv î ,l lceilr to! iChicugo andl Mrs. Fosact analMre Aad raaur,,ver.rats in Sat hokh fed tth ti.1.ai 7 lMati ut Paatine. r ve oiatc 1jnl n hac Mmr. C. Stuats sutierealquile a aevere -ut vou o au-n airdathUicmone A Mail Carriers Loadr Ii accident let i a bewirIe e lippeal on Tua ti ias ucr , siatioa cira' Sa-cilîcve 'n leln the injurnd tbuidaliont ute, adlh.-rui ctherario idýd-arrouiraly Mil ar cutAtnardiîk tIc ~~ee.ol uceanmer isvia ml imtebaiyw, r ..ar _Things You Should Know Oscai ri i- na iu ir maner tire .- iati.L -i i 1

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