QÀU 6UNýTY I*E' NDE T. kY.»T)ECItMàW &,1. u ________ 1 i -- -. ___________________________________________________________________________________ miss BROCKWAY MEFS SUDDENLY AT ME 0F BROTHERi Reslded at Barringion and was Sister of Circuit Ciork, L. 0. Brookway ,Was Born and Lived ln Lake County ail Mer L'Ie, Dy- Ing ai Agi of 51 Was Taken 111 et Midnight Tuesday, Died Suddenly the Noxt Morning Miss Rutle Grace Brorkway uf Bar- rington, sîster of Circuit Clerk L. . Brockway, dled very suddeuly Wed- neéday mornlng at 8:310 orclack at the home et ber brother, Postrnaster H. Kç. Bruckway of Barringtan. She was taken 111 at mldulgitt on Tuesday ad ber deatit oacurrad a few hours WtLer. Afisflrockway was une cf the bea; kuown and mot hitghiy reapect, ed womeu lu thte couuty and the au- nouncarnent of ber deatit wili hcaa blew ta ber trlends who wera legion. . Miss Brockway wae a daughter of thse late M. A. Brockway ot Barringtun misSwau hum ln FEL, Lake rounty. No- -vember 8, 1860. Sitelilved t Ela uit tu 1888 viten the remOved wth bar *parents ta BarrIngton. Site ramieS wlit har parants up tu tthe tîme of ber fatherus death lu 1909. They titan vweut to te home ot bar brother, Mr. Ji. I Brockway, patutanter of Bar- rington, viivit wor site resîdailprar-- Lcaliy ail af the ima up to ber d*at.iS. h. alma speut several montha atýte home o! her brother, 1, 0. Brockway o! Waukegau. Misa Brockway waa a uember ot tite W. R. C, No. 85 sud also ot l.onns, bUry. Citapter of the Eastern Star, No. Site leaivas threa brothera: John, o! Long Beach, Cal., L. , o!f auIegan and M. K. of Barrinston. ItL i a b Iîeved that te funerai vilI bchaieid Ftrday afteruoon. Mir. and Nrs. L. 0 Breckway ieft ai once for iiarriugton. Another Grandson for Mrs. Harrimnar New Yark, Dec. 6.-A second sou was hem ta Mr. aud Mrs. Robtert Liv- lngutau Carry. bic. Gerry Is the eiderj son o! Mîr. sud 'lira Ftrdge T. Car-c ry and lira Carry te datîgiter or Mr. and Mms. E. fI. Harrtruat. Accordlng 10 te lateat figures ou the rensus o! the United States, titere are 94,679,000 people ln titis country. On Dacausar 1 o! tis year tera vas $3,270,582,753 lu circulation lu thii country, as agalut $816266,721 at1 tehegInlng of te year 1879. 1 Lon i. Termu ln Prson.j TuE LA WYEORS É SY Divorced People who Have Remarried in Another State Seeking Advlce. Thus Hundreds of Lawyers are Dlspenaing as Y'ast as They are Been. Consternation Among Hun- dreds who are Fearful of Term ini Prison. Lawyers are kapt buoy theae days giving Information to thoae wita have vioated ltae divorce iaw o!fitis sate by remarryîng wthln oua year after tit alsgnlng outhtie derrme. 'Te aunorancameut lu the colurnus of the uewapapers of the decislan e« tite Appellate court to tha affect that the Iaw rannut ha evadad by rarnar- ryîng In anothar tate and returnlng wto Illinos: that parties so offendlng ma nfy be sent to te peltentlary for a 1taro flot exceeding titrea yaars, and that the mariage amoatter stata 1under these conditions lua absiutely vald, created geiarai consternation amosxg titeaa vit hava so offanded. To ail vito bave appllad to local lawyers uluce th aunoulsoament for information relative to thaîr owu par- ticular cases, very ittie consolation has beau gven, tram tae fact tat tera le but van' Itttie te glve. Tite only parties vito rau escape te pan- alty of tae peuitautlary are those vitu O15 14 by Âmricu p1 , oSaO have Weu remsrriad more titan trea _____________Yeasrs, thea tatule of limitations belg _______________iu tieir favor. Art manauteturneaven rîese wtii ha required to ha re-mar- Oglesby la Acting Govarnor. ried again, as te law deciares titat Springfield, Ilii, Dec. 6-Lieutenant Lt araenaoie tt sat Govemnor John G. Ogiesy le executîveso'the mi voilnan oher quela b-y itasd oa!Ilintois for tbiisweek. "Huar o lingnadtey ifhy tenure of office hegan wheu LGovern raano linguadtr.Ifbe Deneen cruaaed tae boundary lina o!f'do no t marry again titey are hiable at Ilîlinaisou hie way Lu Washington La any lime tu ha arresed on te adul- attend te national riveaeasd harbors terY charge. cougress. Thte governur wyul be ont ot Those wito have nmarried wiitiu oua te stata practiraily ait the veak. ya fe h Inn ftedce Exposin Ftalto ornn. and witin the pasat titrea years, are Exloon FatalDe ta W-ommn . facîug te pneuîîetisry. Thte ouiy hitatoo, ii..Dec 6.Mrs J.M. way titey rau escape the danger la te lienton died, taethird sictin t ofan aretylene gnus tatnk exPIoston whîcis gel ouut Li te stte ud reuxaln out uf destroyc'd the euton reaideuce kt unnîl ttree yvars havae expired 'rhauk-giviug day. Ilienton is Lamper. fruo itedate a!fteir marriaga. Be-1 srily Insane. PbYancianas sy ît ls fore hey rau returu Lu thila tate iIL donbtful whetitar lie yul rerover hlm vilI hbctrecesssry for titem tu marry mimd- agaîn, thte previou8 marriaga haîng Hunters Shtoot Farmer. asiti od CitampalguIii , 1,De-n i . Officers are Violators of thse divorce ise there- seurciting for la utniters vit0 miot fore flud temeelves lu a prelry pic- 'Tomas West. s farmner, andl bis iirad kie. IL lias beau suggeated that in itand aitar tae vidtima had eiectad the the Oyant of a number of arre8ts ha- aimmodu off Wests farxa. li;g made and convictions foilowlug, 1fl(AO mURfT 130 N. GENESBE ST. Branches: Racine, Wis. Chicago, I. Prime Rib Roast 9u atd 7c Native Pot Roast 7v'aiffd 6c Rump Roast .........7c Round Steak........ loc Flank Steak ..... oe Club Steak ......... q Sirloin Steak ....... lic Porterhouse Steak. .121"2 c Hamburg Steak ...... Sc Bonelese Corn Beef .... 9c FANCY Milk Fed VEAI4. Hind Quarter......10e Fore Quarter ........ 7c Leg . ........ lc Loin ......... lc Veal Stew.......... 7c Fancy Southdown Lamb. Hind Qauter ........ lc Fore Quarter ........ 7c Lamb Stew .......... 5c Pork Sausage .... 9c Frankfurts ....... 9e Rockfard, III. Pork Shoulder, fresh . ..9c Spa2re Ribs, short eut. A4c Pig Feet .......5c Pig's Ears .......... 5c Pork Steak ......... le Sait Pork .......... lle 'Picrile Haine........10e Boneless Hain . . .. 121/2c Fancy Breakfast Bacon, Sper pound ........ 14c Good Luek Butterine, 2 pounds for...35e KETTLE RENDERED LARD. No. 3 pail ...... 30c No. 10 pail......... 98c Bulk.............. lc SNo. 5 pail..........50Cc 70 pound tub........ 9c1 Comnpound......... 7/2 e FANCY DRESSED CHICKENS AT W40LESALE PRICES. the governor be -tiplled tifor aîýr- les 0f whole pardons, bùt -'Iheree be few who cane to, run that rlsk. The result will' be that there Wlll heaa large extàdus from titis state durlng the neit few weeks. WHEE MONEY, WENT, Destination of Secret Fund Ex- pended by MeNamara. Much of It Olstrlbutsd ln Postal Or, ders and Reciplents Are *elng Looked Up. Indianapolis, Dec. 6. - Important clewn Ltute distribution of the tonds used by John j. MeNamara ln the dy- namitîng Consiplracy. Includlng evî- donce respecting parsons Who racalved the menay, bava baau dîmcaverad ln the racords of tha po«tofffca hore, and tay ara baing gona aven earatuîly and willl ha preuente to t te faderai grand Jury. Amorodlng to thoe adealap-i muant$, MeNamars used mrneny ordffs lu sending monay ta hIe agents lu- utead of db-ace, a.nd Ltse authoritlas bave unuarthad many cases that throw llght on tha une of dynamite and iaad ta thea deteetlon of the mais Who vers Pald for I. McNsaMa., It lu alagaed, aiso did husinae qwflita heIndianapolis office, aud vîlli the umalle undar a fictitlous name part of thte time. IL incitargad titat ha rantad a locit box at tae lu dianapolis postoflire undar.tite naine of C, J. Sanduky, and titat consider- Able ce the mail ha raeelvad wa tbéoeggb thtat hox. litis change ban baen mils by detectives.. Thse Importance of the mnaney order luveltigaUsIM % seau lasconnectlon wlit thea work witkh lu uald tu hava beau donsaflu trying toaiawertaiu how J. J.. McNamara spent the $1,000 a mentit, set nElde for orgaulzlng pur- poe*a" by order ofthtie executîve hoard. IMM46RATION TO THIS COUNTRY lIAS iREATLY DECREASED Statistica of Immigration Departinent Show Falling Off This Year. Between January i and September 30, this Year, 450,670 Came Here. Figures Show Decrease of 38 Per (et Over Saine Period of Laut Year. Hlerbert Francieseiterwood. ln dis- cussing te ebit and flow o! Immigra- Lion iu the iteview of Reviewa for De- cember, says that little attention bas eaue given to the fart that luntae course of tite yaar witicit la intL clos- iug a marked olisuge occurred ln the movement ta titis Country. 'Det-wcen Jsnuary 1 aud Seîîtannber 80, 1911," ha mai11. "450,670 perauns 'landed on our ahore tram tae third ,lia cabine o!fte trangwintatie lin- le. Whitle se ardent restrictioint _q 9 ht aaelert titat this total was large *fnougit, yet it wa as e han Lwo-ý thlrds tito uuaber who cama to us in the same cnasa luntae course, o! tihe correapýondiug pariod of test year. Tita exact faiiing off was 278,424, or 38.18 àer cent. Peritait a kuowledge of the farit hat the number of thoatieueh aie a lied eastward l inte aeerage luftisa coreof Use nina montha whii clos- ld SaPtemhber 30 M$e 300,400, or 66.55 _ar cent of thte total oft tiose vito an- ilred and an lucrease ever te nur bar w'iO wenut to Europe ]ast Ysear of 35.47 ptem cent, wll cause Our reatrîn- :onist !rleud ta go1tette leugtit of titrwing up lies bat lu hie enthual- aax." REQUESTED CREMATION :Rernlflu of a Chicago Physicien WiII Be I ninerted. Citicago, Dec. 8-Iltsdyiug request raupeeedand hIe VOW tG'the mamrna Of te Whittecbapei club kept, tisa body of Dr. Hiugit Bake Wiihlans, vali knaeu oculilt, will ha oramateil KL Ora anad cemetery. -Tite phYitsclan was protTineant lu the ,Organiaatlon o!fte remous White. e.rapai club.,utf iticitha v as taefa- Ia.Ha aXPraaed a&viais that hIs r.- %aine ha crematad atter attanàlng a ZWalrd rita heid hy thse chaplers son tae «bore ef Lak* Michigan is 1891.; Turksu and Thîrisan. BOg ti h 4ilikeo ofUte Turks mont azpungaij tram tiar voenbulsry. ME*~L~eiA¶?R FOR TOU SCIiL fH1UÉDLBYBOARD: Sohool Board Employs Dr. Brown as Examing Physie- Ian for Loomi Sciiocis Action WilI Privent Epidemics That May Threaten From Time to Time Plan Work oui Suocessfuily in *any Cies Wherb It Has Bien Tried For the flrat lime lu thte history of thte rlty the Waukegau public acitools are Lu have a medîcal examiner, tiIs action itaviug beau declded upon at the meeting 0f te zsrooi board iteld yeaar. Ha lo te armibb heifs for deý ferts in s1glit. hearlng and aisoedIs- eases of the noue and throat. ln case auy of> these defects are found lie willi report te the parente of thea chlid and give titam au opportunlty te have them reiuadled. Phiîcians have lield titat many 01 thesa slîght defeeta are the meana of ratarding the progress of a chilid aud by attandlug te thain Iu Urne Lt lu he- Ileved that many years of mlsery cao be avolded. IL lu pravldad aise that ln case a teacher fiuds anY of ber puplis te ha 111 and site bas any tlsough that Lhey may be sufferlag of a contagious eW. esse that aihe shall uotlfy the azamin- Ing physician antd ie wIii proeed to make an imniediate examinatlon. Iu tln way the clty wIli prevent any epl- demie that may threaten the scitools at aay time. Sehoolo ait uver the Country are adoptlng the arna plan and they have found that It work onta eurcessfully. IL lu beilaved titat Lt wili taka Dr. B3rown at ieast a month tet make an exarnînatian of ail the chlldren n tte achoole. He wll egin his dullesaiat once. lu te Centrai ecituol building Tues-I Superssitisus as Ester. day nlgitt. Dr. A-.EE Brown vas aîeet hlPffttio» iare asanumerous and as ed t the position at a salsry of $20 ab«.nrd Ldase during the midle a moutit. mga,. But Instead of huruntg our »er- Theborereis.fortune bwnter<, pimiists and Tiebor as uanîmonts for te crytai ga"M u v pay titem. Ilemark- plan aud are of lte opkiton titat It wl abie pnogrunl-Vleuaa Zeltuug. ha une o!fte sery beat plana ever trled bers. ttrnder thea naw plan IL tI~ ea .. la reqtnired titat tite madicai examiner Ins14TO a berrlters tee vas lm thLta. shall examine avery studeut luntte a dollar. witis folirpenca ttrwn lu tor public scitools at least once evary a 41nner. "-s Bar- gains 0 NORTH CHICAGO Mn ýC.ThiMolin, wtwb m mOl e ed on a tarin near Racine t59bre t lng care of Mrs. CharIeâ Dt4~;w~ la ln a serlous condition at bAr beodm NMr. iFrank Tonyou je 5tori~nn ber ister irans Sprz ca Paul echalz of MUIIw4k Râ*sa business visitetr ln tnxf' clty y1itèr- day. Mrs. Whitney blorford lq on the slck liât. !drs. H. Gallagiter vas 4 Chicago visiter yestarday. . - 1 Tonlght at the auditorium tht,> Brotherbood of ItrrI*n tralnaii iglve thaîr grand baill, *erythlng btà beau doua ta inako, tlbl&affair a ,'suc-, ceas and the rexnrttat fthe Rital"U giveu by the tralumnen needs no boct-t lug. Mr. Jess Hampton left y«ÈMldaY for Gary, lad. He wuas t1i5%w9Uqa-em pioyed as watchmau at théV..M station. belng let out wbe= It waa de. clded te have the remrfts do this. Mr. Sheridan apant yestearday las Chticago. Tonlght ait te Prespyterian ChUreb the LAdiaa Aid Soclety uletheir ha- . zaar and supper, aerving -aupiser fro4. 6 to 9. Tih quality o! the muppars im 91 en by Lte ladies la Urlei nowu, and titis affaîr pr-omIses toe cipe th.ai ail. At the bazaar, fancy work and sewlung of ail kluds aUltab3a for Christ- mu gîffu wllibe on sale. f' 't GREAT Begins Saturday morni ng, Thé biggst bargeiins ever uffered. Here's only a few u hm Enormous1ine of Ladies' and Misses' Coats ln ail the fashion- able rmakes ançidcltlbs, wortý> up to 22.00 . Wednesday nBargaln Suuts I Fuira AySuit 'n Our Oaao l 5,- . Handsome fur ~ stcdcthtforrnerly odden a caracuicdats m g r e y ObInèÔé that quilted satin linig,ea wolf, large iff and sold from,$12 54 0 coy worth $18.50, ail this set- $?.50, tis son 's styles, latest sale ...... e cloths, pIMn or fan- cy mixed W eA io aa h ~A nice warm fur set ~ Auto cas, heavy KI4et'dpwn-black or, Prowr1, colors,98 . r at ....... $ Lingerie Waists in neat, attract- Extra héavy, large, roorny fian ive pa.tt.erns, short or long nelette Night Gowns, ià4> sleeves, also taiJormnade Aut iù4i ot walsts, plain or with 9 r$125 d $.5 .. .. 79*t initial, worth $1.50 ... ,$.5aýds.5 ..... Cosy UndérWear Jersey ribbed or pants, fleece 60c quality for 19C Ve StB lined, LadIies' Union Suit4, ribbed and fleeed, $1.25 quality for1 4.9c Ladies' pu e.- 49 infZrcd heel audMoe, elastie top, vrerrtla $1.25,. a I. - à Pair for ... :*L '.5 .1 Il S4il Page Two ?5he Greateat Eoonomy Conter In Lake County selling Meats at 20 to 4 per cent son apeoiàea.fo aWPayeo. 9 Li- - L 1 b 1 M - . 1 1 - , -4 ý - . CI - eslotmm ý 1 . 1: . i ý m ý ý m. M., 5 MI 41 ý ý 4