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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Dec 1911, p. 12

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LA E COU=N'II' ID"MENFNWUTDÂY. Books Are Sensible Presents- If ilit jill, 1 f() i! Iî l l 5t 2(x aiai te ah. in pI ilill.oie made W ..50C l te. ii 40]( WAUKEGAN8 GREATEST CHRISTMAS STOPE. s Sale of Tailored Suits Suits have also been reduced iu price for this Deember Sale. You cau now buy regular $15.00 and $18.00 garments for $10.00. NieelY tailored garmnents, gray, brownl, tan and blue broad *' eloths, serges and cheviots, 10.00 CHILOREN'S COAT8$298-Made of kerseys, novelties aud caracule, ln sizes 2 to 14, regtIa $5.00 garments t..................... . 2.98 PRESIDENT TAFI ALL CORPORATIONS Message te Congress Advo- cutes Lice nalne et Ail Cr. porations ln Cou ntry Leave the Sherman Law 3ev. erely Alone, Suas Taft, Fur- ther In Message Ail Large Corporations Should be Organlxed IJader Feder. ai Law Sua sTait Washington, fDoc. -rsietTaft 4tands unwaverlnglY for the OSierman 15w aq iltla todiaY, but venud Direte supernent lit vitb a "voiuntary' ted- erai Incorporation &et. This plain statement of tbe admlaIsý- trsilcn's position on theb trust question tas the soie subJect of the short. Ouer -ueboage sent trom the. Wbite Hou». ,o the second seson of the SixtY-BeO- ond congres.. The "constructive oiicy' of the message may hb. mmned uP lu hieg. sentences: 1 renew the recommendation of the enacîmnent of a geuers.1 iav prevtdtig fcrt thevoluntary formation cf cor- porations to engage Iu trade and com- merce smong the states and vttb for. aigu nattons. it la eTen more manifent Miv that tihe dennunclation of conspiracta s t te- eltiduit of trade shoutti Dot and dom. not mensnthe. dental ot orgodli86to large enough to be Intrusted vitb or Interptate sud foreign trade Federol corporations ehould lie ob- Jet te rlgtd rmies -uhte ir ssnts-ý tion and procedure. inciudlng effective pliîtiity. and te te cîcegt super- vision as to the. issue et stocks. and bends by an ezecutive bureau or com- mission ln the departmsent cf com- merce sud labo, ,te vhtch ln timon of doubt tbey mtgbt veli submIt tbeir prt'pose plans for future husiness, Such n bureau shouiti b. at exécu- tlve tribunal of the dignlty and pav- er of the ecomptroiler of the currency or the tntorststa commerce commis- sIon. It must b. distinctif underotoot-that Incotporation under a federal isv could fnot exempt tecompanyt- tis formed andi Its Incorporatores ad mark- agers from prosecution under th.eani-. trust lav for wuýaequent Illegal con- duet. but the, publIilty of Its procedure sud the opportunity for frequent cou- sutlatIon vith the bureau or commits- sion ln charge of the tncorpor-ation as te the legitimate put-pose et lis transac- tions voulti offer 1h as great security agatuet succesaful Proseeutions for vio- lations of the l.sv as vould be succas.- fui or vise. The. presidet expreaely declIned le set forth these general principles Iu "tere s ad sectitciéof the staLtute." Agsinst imentiment or reel of the Sherman s-v Mr. Taft blazed forth witi au IntensittYsud passion that have net bues found In Il iibts mes- 09916 He deaouned as "gtitteriung ener- altirs" aIl recent suggestions for cbanging lte anti-trust set. He could ses nome sdvantsge. , ssd. ln "sup- plemental legiglatton wilel ilSl de- scribe andi denounce methods of comn- petitIon vbich are unfair snd are badges of untawful purpoee-- but bu baLd no patienoe vtb thons vin o ught te alter tbe Sherman law-"the ex- pression of tbe effor-t of a frerdôm- lovIng people te Prenerve equlitty of opportunity." -Mbis statuts," ho relterated, «as Consstnnsd by tb.euipomme court maust continue te be the Une of diethnetion for legitImate business." The preuident carefulît- de<ended t.e great dissolutions made under the anti-trust set. He ralseti the Nortb- et-n Becurities deciston; he sait! ubst the Standard 011 compsny imi been compellod te dissolve and te tsAmer- Ican Tobacco dec,-.. b. asse,-ted that "not ta the. history of American lavw basIa decre. more effective for- sueh a purpos e b... ntered by s court.» Au te futther pi-oecuttona for viola- tions of the Sherman lav the execu- tive hati this te gay: "Ast th. offense bucomes botter un- deratocti andtheii committttng of it par- 18k. mon. of stndieti astideliburate deflance of the lav, vs can bu confi- dent that lut-les viii convict Individu- &asandtht ai ul sentences vîli bd m- Tehessag«oe onoludeti vith an aD- pendix sbovung the number or trust Proeecfltmloaistituted it al admin- Istraticas aince.1abo. Devtn vea erediteti te Presittent Harrison, eigbt te Cleveteni, the t-e aMcKinley, fortIr- four te Roos«eet sud thirhy-sevein t Taft te date. Wtidcat H"isard Niai tUrbans. 11,bans-, fiI., Dec. 6-A vîldoat la r. ported lu the Brovufiliti lmier four miles nottheast of bers, man>' pet-sons claling ta hast- its terrIfying scresmsl nightly. Pitke ceunt>' residents aIso report àalsmilar felins. A poultry house on tise tarm cf Mr@. Della lUn- ,te,-vod vas raided b> the. animal. Followeti b> a packt cf dogs. tt wbipxîsd iem ail. Mens>' Dents. Tise eytem of paying reute ln moue>' tnstead of ln kInti vas insugurated tn Eluglant inlu1136. >1' MAY fBE WAIÊTD Elgin Police BeluOYS They Have Oaught Man with a. String of Forgéries. Ma.y be Waut.ed for loverai Forgeries Perpetratod in TlIis Ofty Kooetly. Gave Name of W. &. Eoud, but Said Re Uned lOmr- ai Other Names. Elgin police authorlties butieve that lu the arreet of a dignifiati, veli etin- c&ted and reltned appesring man of 60 yearu tbey bave a crook vsated tua many cities tbroughout the 11101W States. The. man vas arreslad StUr- dey uigbt by Police Odker r. W. MûI- ler on a charge of psssing bogtls checks on Fred Larson. naloou koef- er, at Batavia. He vas bo4n d over ýb the graund Jury under bonds of 11,000 on a charge of confidence ganse. Party AdMille Charge. Tihe prisoner gave bis name as W. S. Bond. ~ as booked aà M. (1 Muter ef Pfllsdei@4 .ptinter. As. itant Statesm Attorney Roy R. Pisil- lips foroeti hlmet bait admtit bhoh esed tiheunme of W. T. Adus et vér%- tous times. Boud-Ntilier-Adams peeset s woitii- lose check tu, Fred Larson Mt Batavia eariy tant nlgbt andti ten burt-ted to R2il. Larieu hai given >lm, $4,tut change aud discovereti the deoeptlon Boue aftet-vsits. H.etteeloSU5 ta Enan sd ChlW etaban lmmeisely sent ou the ebt police Momeea ueek lbe man vanteti. '"whprsaet- wax arreshed the lb. in loca. Aknswrs Creeki s ,rIiefl Bond-M iller-Atian» snsvre tU»e4«s sorîption of asMm n anted la 8tertn. Ili.. for fot-gery. Tb* amnie itheI!a wanted there ls Charte.Uie. ie Chartes Mezeampe.s- almG geiyle. Chief Gahan tcok uteps tody b o - tiser investlgate the prisonars Pest lit e- ProtesUing bis Innocence, lte olti mans presented a straffe picletmb.- hIndthelb.bars. H. tu veil druessed aud weil kept up. HM bande are s mark of reginsment--uuuully suait veil uhapetiansuoft. State of Illinois, County ef Lake, se: lu tise matter of the seate of Fred- erick Humn, au uncompeteut person. Cýouseri-torsa Sale of Reasi Fate. Public notice lu bereby given that by iltrtue of a decretal order of lb. couuty Court of Lake County, Stata of llni.enterediet the Deesusher T-rus cf said Court. A. D. 1911, on the aptîlic-'- on of WlIialm Huhu. roussr- vator of l-redertck Huh-n, an Incompe- tout lerson. tai Bel the whoie of the honstalad interesta of lt, si- Fred- erick Ilubr Inluthe followlug dt4clh- ed r.-%i estate, to-wtt: Ail that part of the North baif of Section 31, Township 43 North. Riange 12 Hast of the Third Prîicipal Bonld- ian. lu Lake Cotioty. Illinois, deibed as follows; towlt: Commentma e n the West Une of sait NothU West Quarter 43 rode ani 16 links South of the North West corner thert«,. thence Easat paraliel with the Northb Une of sait! Section 248 rode and 14 links, thence South 43 rode sud i4 links; tisence West 160 rodes; thençe« Southt 4 roda; tiseuce Wev totheis WesthUe of saiti North West Quar- ter; tbence North 47 rode aud 16 links t0 the plane oet ignning. A,40 the South hsalf of the North sAmt Qui- te,- ot the North Hast Quarter of dec- tion 36, Townsip 43 Norths, Range Il East of the Third Principal MerId1àa. In Lake County, Illinote.. 1 $hall on the 30th dày of December, A. D. 1911, at the East Main entrsnç. to the Court Housesof saiti 1e County lu tise City ot Waukegan. County of Laike anti Stats cf Illinois. st teheur oft1i oclocu P. M. sIlI al the isomestead intereit cf eaid IFred- erlck Huisu ln and to the. sUdt-es-i estate at public vendue to tIse highst andi beul bîider for caeh. Waukegan. ]IL. Dec. 5th, A. D. 1911. 1WILLL&M HUHN, Conservator of t'redertck Huhi, s-n lu- competent person. Martin C. Det-ker, Att>'. for petitioner. Nô7-Dec. 8-16-22. gnthusîam muleOM.Ail. IvieY good Md oomUspdtnl mot* Mmt ti te aullais ofthe voSu l a tbe briumph of ethulasm. NOtiSiatgréOt vas ever accompll.hed vit it I- »merlon. A Kesem ellaé. As AtchisCa gim »t«nea à IBe .. 01rasonà& a ta Ohm Qvegone idIg the sverque . m" as. g km VU i vus he-Ateleos 1ai", PaLc Fou * 1 mi' N«m TO ci Bu the GOina footm déiat puic at *hat mati( terly iar entb Eton lent Dow Tl year aous TI lot Dowe ~rpis ta t: Dow alog stud s-ted Eton ' vas ,Po qarti- oert belL feit &on s-bai extt tise vhl out befc dut-i ttai

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