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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Dec 1911, p. 6

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$ êoSE ON Inhe 0o'lckdregs r"I to Ingto&UWWke" 'b' 'ult t Pý'LýAN SEVEN. TIIE UBL C sebers uf the Churcli ofste iwhlcb the pakday DAY 1(ASTi Iate ConcW16ùd, Fatiser E. W. Gavin Voted On TWICOe()t U Ot liai been taying for nmare yearsta getD V M S 1acored memlff or bis congregation Ylna.ly 8old 'fer a cltY Park for Wankegan. It laC SCs$ain Cooke of Voliinteers ln no uncertain words lu connection rocalled that threes years ago next'Seven Days of Festvities ~f Télla f Husband' Te1n- 1h thelr fallure te igun te ietition The Haine* tract of landi on apring the eafi Mnen who compriaed gv ei I~idb TeUs o Eusbnds' em- ýsent te President Taft aaking that the Sheridan Rosi just north of the the Park auSaiattl tratees anw I n . aOB U P fldb porary Desertions. governient use list Influence te secure cltY i$mita, thse eile whIch the tisa l-isfea tract thse Mont beeatifal Hloupital 1Ianaieent. a billes passage flirougis the Illinois clty of Waukegan hue considered, spot for a Park that Nature lias pro- M>nst.ir Dinner for al l - Ce Âway Long Enough for sate legirlattire provfdiug for a di- for a few years as a clty park, vlded ln tise atate. Wif t Gt id ndthn oile dry zone about ai] goverrment has bee sold tu Mrs. J. T. owen The trustees were as follows: D. E. mates wil! b. Hsld Christ- Wîf toGetAi an thn rmeva 'ios. f 430Astratreet, Chicago' for ClIarke, prealdeut; R. M. lugals, sec- mas Day This Year. Rtr an of e a cor6ideratien of about $ t ui rauer rd .Bc ReunadLa. The prîcat gave vent to his feelings $5.00, ary an raue;FdW.Bc lit the inatter lit a mont empha&tic de- thse conaumnmation of the den a h At'C. Wood. Elam Clarke. Dr. N. ' Elaborat.. Menu PreparedC f Diclosure Shows NeedS Of nuriclation of saloonk'eepers anti ail, lng been accOmpliched tast week Roberts, Robert W.. DOw,, Willl J. ollowed by Munie and b 0ars in Dishing Out Ch.ir- m o haieP. r d(ca]]a tiste liquor traf, Annoluncemefit waB withihold Io: Smith.li. r. Clarke suceeeded C ,ntrt.1met fty During the Winitcr. M,. Whlil in fit 'e iast few mouths caily until the payment of a con- Wood after the latter left th, etrty. _____ ~~Faibur (taýin lias exprossed himselft siderable surgi had be made, the IpnVl ftie rSfS iea ee as0 stranetat VÇIlie t-re aie pI-st] f ace abîfo in ibis nieller. neyer rao en ht m oe ii sudation authorirad the purcliase of amusement for nie 1.800 Patients andtg fli Waukegass peolle to tir] the jîror befrire bas lie talked lu sachi plain mt ihanything madie publice lthe 93 acre tract for park purposes, ae bOeng ptathed by nSupter1ntal amgd!5nie during the col iottutb, it ternis anîd satil thuîgs wbich sasulsol untildeflinite $teps hati bain ta- ibis belng possible Ibrougi thseagen-Rlie T.plHino]n for Chrlsta enkP 16 qultet apparent thal rare mîrot be dciltîriothe l,' iI'ds of fils peopleas' ken. erosity of Mayor Fred W. Buck, wbio The week's progrem wlll commence à&om l dspesIn ad i orerto undý.Mrs. Bowen madie the purchase ofert'd te add as a loan te the $3,700 On Christmas and wil libe conciuded »s»vent onwortbt tpeople geiting belliop n Satfi ieInodr u prkfndndammyieddtesig e ius wbile the real woriv arc (bis ire =lm frît f i derîuiciallir, .if liquor f~ihaufuBtenrdra prkfdtemoenedd. wngN er. 'b-rated front getlng Il. and Ifc.irnieresîs ws s ollowedby provIde a memoriai for lier hua- the deal. Tise park trusteea hati the Christmas Dinner Important Festure.k edis a(agr fi'Kstüt bnwode et ac.H 370bu tnee 500aditional i As liai always been thse custom, tIsa to he ataf-e le ,laugeopletttilaltri5dnrrtrîaliou lunlthe strongeal possible w for earsvicepMuidch of o mk$3.700 butht he uHed $5.000Chisltmas day dinuer viii bie one of dteuilisepate nots made hlel aptVI-terni, (if members of bis 0v-n Congre- W fryavc reietc omk heda lbteHIes e- the mont Important featurge of tise itst * frotaoteets orate by ('tuglo aeethrmrie r the Mtropoliten Surety compagny ti. 1vaek. Preparations for au alaborata it cf u tedaV onersbcof A me ta g alln ioae elther NwYokmnarrheîedî;lot houh rtokswiliinee oapreatiara already under vay, ai. Pfersansnt Ihn ethlei Tirog M.Bok Wllunas th iouglit the holiday Ta three veka off. lutere«iug sidellghsnth uIe situation way engaged In the trefie. He aven an estate vaiueti at mllions. ativance that mouey, tise deal was The menu for tise dinuer liais araady' or tue peor of the City, Bowing Ihat wn ofot e- The rosi object cf her plan Io ta matie, tbiae golng toe r ok iabe ai otaimrec apo Wgukegan bai qulte the Rame coui-.tra osyta r uk h ba aeOtadnm ftepo %snle face tisat thee (hbcago chanit-Bons sbould not associata witli a per- provide a home for the puer chlid- Park money, $3,700 being loanati top vliblonm for the *'layout' are aready ablle saclaties are confronttng rîglit son wiso drinks or who la lu the trac-it e fCiao e tpbig Sr.Bc istedsic a- i mgtias uanr aithei>. tate ispi- &Iga& exeptbag ou a mittri larger fie lu vlew of the fart tisat mafly Prompted through a 4esÎire te do standing and formai sagreement tisat t&i viinoetdta muitrmta ubhiUe ate ctyof the leadiug membeasetfhlm cou- somethIng partlcularly for chiid tise purcisme vai matie for the park ThankiWvlug fbut, ecept tisat a fev <-40udwbù.a'e lle aveai t ven , i ogregation are eltisar angaget in l quar raem because her huaband lid ai- day atsoalation, ai ncorporatati body. mare aitra" vIlilia atddeti. Robt. jglb s tatabegs streaming down thaîr irade ln someimanner or marriedtu po " 7benv7fodo t. ise truatees tried vitis miglit msdfliea cfbibipln m antI I vsd ith tales of abjet pav- familles wviîciare, ties tatements et Tele cf Pani, main ta get tise peopla te vote for the daya. veo eng W i . huas tch-g grfty M t Usir tonguai andi later foundth ie prient came as a surprise anded Mr", Boweu'a Plan Re iat explalu- bonde vhlch vouiti enabie tise ouit.an wilj lie kept warklng overtice. iby hati grossly mierePraaantad ee ekttoe rfn. d l In W ovu vordi. ln a rtrmail- riglit purchai. of the tract for a park A ilat of tise auormSfl U PI 511> Of thias bc, ltatsgrna t iss su. eti Saturday te William Parkar of tiisbut Tt vai votatidovu lu]at prlug. iprovisloii5 tbat viii b.e coissai tt la m aeI Nrh hcago~, lie Reprovea th Woniin. thte obUs flrio!Jutgenasdharkstmas deyOthrs i. sayiia haboaprovidati amly for the vo- Whlle in tise Jput pallier OevluCty, oghe v'of tise bgansactionBck l64Oter l.Io krsta rognonand ber famliy aflar ltng tolti jghWDm h igtasato aks t tha huaba"d hati gene away and statametit regsjtilng liquoir, etc..,aevsmti. bBvnslte 0. Then, iseMrBuk oltha Tvrkey, 2,0 pMndo. ab mde M. owns lttr oiawIl M. uc cul h ve l 4èeibO i0fl aia. -h.» itU 0 f bLlm. The Capti. jbeau direcaifer -tise mnt part eathe lias: crleti on tha deal atone go a par-, I1ýiMpb l a.801 l 1akegsfood, tfuei, etc:> tete outesaen of bis cisurcli. lie directai them 'Ciîcago, il). nef, 9, 1911. senlle]ventura anti relarnedthei f ta tse oum Mince teat plea 300. otil tba&pied t e tu n ay.Toe jplainly t thse omen Suntiay adi en-"MY Dear Mr. Parker: money te tise truitees, lie lnformad Breat, 1.2600 gae. aemeit lie tonda the buabandtin aredti emstrongly for fallure te aign "The property I bave boughtiteto he olier trustegs tisat if tbey viiti ed Celry,500buiiCia. tbe hoissa, çartalgg f tise food, etc.. tise petons sent te Presîdent Taft. lie callêd Josphs T. ôven Countryt cnt n n assume their pro- Pnb.t e, 300 bogheis. - ,wbIb Cuais Cook lied soicitati or lie caîleti attention te tlie ftctthat club. Il la toelie a mèmorial te MY rataerisare ot bi& lnveatmeni, lie voult Swéetpotatogas, 165iushals. bousbit humalf. inqulry sisavetitise lewligt lo hmt osle pls ire bumisanti had bieen avay on a lttle trlp 15,000 persons lu the Protestant husaut. It viii lie oparateti by tish ewIn oalwte od e- Oape, 10ses. gandthie vite lasd matie lier poverty, chorches lad siguedth ie petitions sud Hull House assoclatiols, vith wvicli cause tisey lied aIl worked towarti the Squags, 10 pcas. p3aa just te make things eaaler for tise tieîskred the fact that practlcally noue i have beanu tflecteti for Reveuteeu salne eandTri the Jas-to get a park. Tomatoes, 150 gallons. beati of thse bunne, lu anotiser case of bis congregation lidsiguez! the lie- Years and of wblch 1 amn lreaairer anti ie anti some of tise others fait thal ider, 4 barrais. fCggptaln Cook hoa palti iet for a fea- ttIn trustee. Tise Idea ta to do oe bI t vas a good business iuvestmeut. 93 ('andy, 500 poîtutis. Ilis visre the hisaiatilaler torneti"P 1i e e s o 2.01ih tIec~ îm iîeint,40pîoi antd alpeare t 0e rnerelv ahlftiesa lHe aniaittha' lie wasslit the ltgist to 1 aId reiidleuce on the place su a s fr$l,00u I T h Ct lm ino mnu,450for Chrssdrnrl amd i uullng to vork. '-la,- snd riat ha woiild even eîieak lu make I rt'n trctv n ilssud thse outcoule of il wss tisaI the ou- portion of tise veek' pro-1 lCai;ssqulte amitaler bave occurre.1Inl itt niatacIeat hese men Joned i wth 'Ir. Bock puit-gram ighhbase een dlltely deciti- Wsqilteiau ase eil sud ('aplain Coo0k a Temprce hall for Protestants In Irobatly soîtietis ng vil] bie dune wltis ,t %attis Usat is tbeory lu that, wiseu order (o show lits feelings in the mat. the îpavilloin su bat it rau b tetsd1i nlg up their prorata share' of bis lit- et While usera vîlllibe souething rively asesaýe reorir thy shuldtcn%%'I' iethýlýsa dni . rn-': lam C(larke, Robert Nidofng cacb affernoon anti evenlng dur. -fît î1-eI'-ihgaiîitî aihdareandtg zitg thre we- k. Dr. lnton bas not le- pi-s i-eineitc. ulited awlt aenti roor rîi d ikiîcfýcint arh n car ve wilt inas WlimJ othicd w tifilhe fir'-" staft4Of ail at Oncre as lu likeIn, COL!) SNAP IS BENEFICIAL. 1 probably putlup cottages, one forc The Cillier trusteera dili nt rare tr Mamquerade Bali la Piannedd. le 1 uthtinec. Ithpeas thge. j neet * luls v t ishetract and,. accorduil ovn pîur-sw ll lie gise,, 10 io li cae Intheauneag r uorkng grlsw'iere Ihey vau taki-e miet e two afternorins andti Io evenîuîgs. A '1. ihîhcage, Ibese *'(Ilserioi'hisse 1Saves Mliotns of Dollars to Farmners I!iliir vacatfons; cue for perisaps moth- 'Ily those abo Pt potttheir share Of mt.snueraIîe hall fortrhietPatients andr ba-t tz f untito ha execufeti wilh 5a535 I Who Have Been Fighting i!-r., and babies, on'- for ]fitle boys andtih ie muney neressary to hiol th ie' prop- einlloo w fmii fI-1,1 ie'f tem whlch baffles thre charitable or- gnnizations, tise pleinTieing for lise i Hog Choiera. rine for itlte girls. Tise larger boys' erty i- ll no* eshare ln tise profit,; "r or i'*' biendt i sappear for a lemtai-s. are, sent acrosasthe laite eanih sommer i 'hicis accrue i'ronîifihe saie tn rs cnlng A ýJ10j ci itr'on iii tr n A tlfgin orchestra m i]gite Jilt long enougtis lueniabie bis vIfe irheretît coidmui) aminie as 5airi acamp ular 'tîruegon, Nish. Tise torc a concert ('istomas day. te appiy for anti gel nid anti g 7et o great relief rtise farmers of tisettate ,club milopen for tbree or four Park Fund to Be Helti. thea vintar lst of tise cisrity ftud; 1b r sstgWthhgcoea tts îîîe Ieaniee s otete be ei aitîuA GLUTTON FOR PUNISHMENT. UIey thetan ratin home and spend btliat lias deîîieterl tiseir herds, accord mouthe nteImnrfii n vn s oi mtetre e a ar visiter in itlanes. living off ciartliug to tise fficiais of thie state lOve ttlIlsly we' hOpe to bave une building et in tiseir sisare of tise lnueatmeîit iTtr lais 10lieObservedl in tueejpublic votil wRrm veatier arrives. stock commission.XNhile a savere iseateti anti kept open ail vinter so M r rBock siartet Inl to try to aIlsh îit iat "lu the Tentit cougression froat wlll mot eradicata tise germ. tisât chiliîreu wiso are lu neeti of fresis tract, and. as lhey foineti iim only i district, visichin t nomlnaily. repuis FOR SALE i WIIprove a gi-et aid lu puttiug lise lcn u hc aiatci ot deadl[ <useasa 10o rout. air anti nutritionis food iuav be sent tan montise ago, lhey bave matie an lcu u hcswsamî otb 150O tons Sondry Creek Fltrei.îg Valley Thb1thlie dropî lu tamparatore ex- tisaie for care. enurmoîs iprofit 0ont of tbelr lovest. Cougreasman George Etimund Posilu Coti, ut> drt. Apply witiî te-am, me elnceti lias sa-edthtie farmers of 5Mr.Boven vas uery fond of nuitd- meut. (lue l10 a qtick sale anti te thse tiselest cugressionai electlon tte ise movorn la Maa ioom for itiser work Illlnoils soverai million dollars la tise reu ant i ved te play vilth ien anti faet tisaI Iîs Brwen pasfrtsdemocrats ai-e tryiug te indur Tisos. . ait sirirVLLm Luigs CO. Plions bllai cof tise stock men anti tisestate J.payos o fkotistrae. 47. D wnuisy the olîl depot. c-121 officiais. T lafor this ressont that 1bave sect- wisoîe pleee lu cash.Ttin ligthuseenJ.Daf ntielitritethucce."Ibse ___________________________________________etifor a memorlal sometiig whirhtrbtat Ni-. Burk rouit bsve rarrieti on dao twl i sue tT L bas :o dovils ciiltiren. t arn gluing' the deal atone h bc le esires aiterdevrt iIbasueiiatToua kb ft& he Hll ouseassoiatin a endw- te prk eetio hot choe t rib agutne, fvr Itunisment.-(isicaito rucc i nur i u unfitbRbvu1 For lYinisters, Bankers, Physicians ind Others-Generous Offer and Opportunity to Secure the Benefits of NUL DORINKHABIT CURE, CURED IN THREE DAYS ()lt o eeuvfitei nntri'd reseetln I e: f ti ifs riis. f'q y r,. pi-cvnisi lilis.,,itnld 'n' i :cl ot- tau t i "rd ls rle1 , '11.1 1 ti rI ra -i n I- pui Niar pcltir er tesc tenrt rnt1r ult,, ri llifri -e -i'i i rir-a 'i tiiand l'l, ebat: 1c, ýý,, aiiil'k tr i ntire i , iaur Ili ,ti~i'r' i i ,',ie ieb r is etirlIir i- .- tEE O'-3YS TO il.u i"' fronit'iui~rr ai EFFECT à PERFECT CURE. ýt lu - a nti ' r i i, i i n i -, ,' o r brrolgiil ,tif i r r.itw i rnf ri. k ' i.n ri fi, r ;, lru n h l IiliciIre l-if i%,1 n.il l i i ', ini il rîîî.-în I 1,.thI "CHRISTMAS CIFT - a-a i if - -1r rr- rrt ,lit ut nreis r i- , '1, .- c.> andix1t-rr il.z'.fi., .i, dtîfît'l irt,-.ofilifi l ap. .1ui 1t I il 1 i l f' 'r rMfî, 'r-.titcr o,îedIl'lf1r laf le, J'rIa ilL', ! fi; ' i i-Wti rtI ie ti à mil . i'tî ni 'i r! rit.f. If .arr 'iivi -id diiftîbla OUR ,ne<'ffi- es.l1 'î - ~ i-~ OOD FAITH, -, r tlb-fiti-rl, i- . a- ~ " i 'xue ii.f t In l ira cl'It n, il At i r, ' V L-. , , r i, i r ,ui,-e Zeu l i i l- t- r . bauti . " r- r,, ,it lit ,iral tirtn fl li.' ixt ilii. dite oftutf, ii ,' catiou PIE 'SONs. c It-r.-giri.n i- " yun *LLY britiîrs r-l,î y persan subi, te,- i anti. 1. i1'l' in> î]î, iý 1t l e al I'i,-lai Cure for nal- ocii~l'li 'eleun'.n, tereby areni : C tft r itgrl,irîp ns. s8129F -Si.- ~ ~ Il pai i Ieperîin i 1iininrg Sr,'ttti'nS ctrc itSHALI. BE TH4E SOLE JUDOIS leiirl tntise uezoin tsin tii-I fu fe c-r'l ,. attif iisey are selt b 'ie f i ia r1 ^(i.t îîr ilr luiît et, - is si ',,f bi ta thtii'patienu t. itr«11e" ,lh itiîtton., aflllsrsruNsteî.d pelr'-Ilu i i'f f icI foisolloi l a the andi lai-t r iandi ,,e' l e -eS scre tf , i]tia n irtt i i me ta ( ife dci1r t.,il oith i l ic 5 ' i'i h.'"11cr Salulnit -lai, y ithl ufec-"Lfc Sarithe ,dit se lias trri t iy inîriset, -a rful nuirse iýf l,, establishise len W iiSIoni-c crdthe enti-, umrinn 'uWala iall ' . f r, e ig. clles ilui thse neîtiosb> Ie patient, togeler n ttlc United Sîsies an if 'tîada, soti everal ais railrria "efrom iits oir o ui hi, ilreaty eslali r,d in fureigo coust Ciiy adrefr'rn. The Nesi Ir'-simuent antIdotes,rireu i>ease precent ar mention Ilium .d- trali7esartd eltîinsteis the poiuisaort erlisement and peper htea you cuiti i, itL* i 'î gliarsîteeti ta b. peu ir ici-ie. meuun IcOeî,of.uIiI w ttib - u uw hi, e rettuewho u ti wurai- Wtb fcient lu psy the efpeuiens o! the hlmi, to sisare tise profits viir inigisî club Sincerely yours, accrue. 'MtRS LtXItSE IEKOVEN ftOW'EN ' Tise $3t,71mrrr friîging 1u the park Picke Local Site.frînt i wlt of ,trî;e lie turueti iak lut Irs. Homn iadmits tisat 55e select- tilet rrIstee-uWho iolli hol t inlu rust cil thre sire ut Waîîkegau only aftr frpr Irrrs.eohn i unt rravitrg %s rteti ONE lit'NDRED A D Ilnow ris tlu f iwrllie one vits this1 Sl-tXl.tTY ther ieB luIl linois nioner, brtr 'tlvIcî l wffl h inuesteti uebtt'is bit Ilt'n rite(l. Sisesaye nu tise niitristof e partis of tise fu- iliattifre ]r Isit-, rîcret iber turc. Tbet rît-tnts wbch boIt il areB tier ail a. thebiri osr- : ci rrfu tr liigb nh roaci rttiits tt a e at N',atures tindncsand It ses-td iret- fnitrre ledmditesa lwan uit~~~~~~ ~~~~ f hc]r l rcî i e iitt '.ts Isnli tri rg for 15cm tri do, but vular% aapedio erjmj)op.thre-t' nanbri"" tl Iretrueîysafe fîr Itie frire, affe r oh' ld isi i'-fit ffor the' park plans of the i ir first tie on Tlarkqgtutng Iroee The i tr (ýrisnutinated relrre- * eiit r fse 9 'lI .11t ifort'is par ertrltthe fi;. "ostrf the tîndthtiî bas firrîi,îr a i fj ree hn tfadcifr-ficms inlua long trie \vi atr-it, i'u ifr u.ndî cuir, î î, neresi îîirî n 1rîi'ti t tr. rî't-,1c k l uto loo . irl i ltn';,t - -,r , cu't uuas trhi$ jai iii f tri .d ouf ni'"for 'fait l leîftnai-î." lrrîrty !rîî lt ilc fslc uf ti corre il] rfwiueruine fii- arsitrli trimtrîate ideas,uull r-e a itlt1 ltie ili l'n-i n- trir un-i irs tr r-rrnri1 Tax Rate Raised Closes Deail Tueaday. ISfrilrefti-Iî. 111,lier 12.-Tlietisar- \nll Itiu't îti fîtrîthentiran sI tax rlir'rrcritposed of Gouer i]rire-1t nil Illein fual iaymeit i -lu ion J)l n-f, S 'i'Treasurer Mitchell io fr i,Itan rione liera tse sttanti Stala teft iric;r ritgb tday ira-i hairtir v r-eru-n td airtracîs -sain ixedthtie slate fi-ax rate at .15 cents oui itl-ni arnd r-r, nttiiîg t'ail riglit.lunf(h', îuîdtîfiridollar valuatIon. Tise lit.r , ilo r ý nu- xiritts to liavc-tise Il:ale le arît nticî,ee of 5 Oeots river rirrl faflr r rîrîîrîitor hi sb e -i asi year, rtai-rt lus tise lnluretaeil- o,'-. 'rtîbisrirî er the focal mite', ex r triratins fir thi'elate Ingisîsture. ti rînirgte tar in sceettîs rlalinci u f l Piefaot' r i iwi vas f., cents li li i-n, urre ribrun auutlrng tIraIli i91,1f5ct-rIs The rate nilltic sent i s f ire tort t tnirrloatinst Ilr re tu 1nînîtt v c, r fu triîuorrow lia euable 'trul nfi> 'tîcago il locatinlrin aoui a f.i lf0 tnXf'u rates un coîînty tax- is-arrftrtrîrtue.tire resence of bea-t-s' f1i fi iilte tc , "tti r1trk fi d!f r tri' i-tili I tEAL CUR.E A QUICK CURE 'f"I ,.h tut votiit1Il le ta'Olfe______ orf tîrrc aîiItt e vili not ise anv -Modern Methoti cf Curing Alce- loing f lie a nisance rtistem f[or ne hollsm. 'l'ailt bac, sulîle het1î al tisetirle tri The attention of ail restera la "alledi tribu'(caie rf Iti' chidren andtinue of ltoirahe tvertisernent o!flise Neal Cura filemntîwlIl e river 12 years uf age. for Drink Ilabît fount ln tis parier W.- tî ia,k ri belpof înyliod,,lie- We nomment nileualou ly 10 the ter- at, hv tatid, tefunt sons andtIlftufiairectîy tutereatati, hir 1mil rovdeasanendwlietbut t0 aIlthego epe lu thîs corn- v-tf -treSu rîîryhig aca 1ry munîl)-as %el Anu ofer 10 tel thes P.- ril is v iarîkfr'gaur tig ecsar. tient aut tise frienul vio accomrîa.ieî hopeýVaiký--a yuil rereise us ln thea hlm teclte au ta vhether a satiaftac- Is~pirIit n i trhvie corne," shte saiti tory cure lias been effecteti or not, es- Irrias pacislly viien It la agi-cati that tisa reg- NISBioven stateti tiat mile voulti uic tes may ils daposîtati lu Ille huma 1 nul lie lire mîti-s of the lima liaiself, bank ulil satlafieti nisgistoiaIspire that 'hu-rnît l vii ha atlraly lu the confience anti overcoma akapticusan hauds <of thse HaîllHoua.aascation. ragardlng Itie menis th Ue Nail vtr. Thse lad Ibhalt isaparticular site saint Waeieoilfatuyal Conf.saed Horse Thiovas Tuendmyse gan serving Thoir Sastencea of From one tn Ton Vaops in prlaon. Etivard Allen, Wareai lsChicago aftar liaving ise nuAmad'at Wauk* gan isy Ferrent Knapp anti Daviti Matwhocti as a possible «ceseory te thea morder of Frediack W enneratroin Chbicago chauffeur, vili ha queutionati by Statùes Att ounmy Davidi R. Josîpu at -1fc,'dstrtk l'ils veek iand probab)y releasýei. ti Jomiyn doanot belleVe Iliat lia kuowveanythlng of Usa crime. Nlawli9od anti Knapp falisti yeateriay to make tise nav confessions tisay l'UisiiIrttllug "tha seal truts about lthe wauuargtrenm afair", Securely manacleditogetser Mav- hooti anti KnappTisaday vere ta- ken to tise Northvastea udapot by -te" raulî frtmmo»iet.il ffor horise e g. 01-D 8TTERDIW. Mrs. valora IButer Diaei aa At An AdvencedAgEaI noer. Wordt- reecbae boe ý of the î 0untay Ismm la flb*hw*mon.i Mrli. Vajora Bluar. Al.9aff 92 7 Mi-.. Butlervu b*## ~tet one 01, ieIsooI whleclVw" 6i e1:- es 0. Streat , istv.aa -t ret i-ana vns té U~so Street. Mr-. tWtiar mrtý4 &W about ai yesrs oid. Mr u.Utbuvin &Inter of Mrs. B. J.' Mals4lJs e lette avesua. I "'s FARM FOR SALE The Wm- Bartmus Estate Splendid i.westiment for rigk t e, .oadms, iugo ol117 acres. Iis tam is s taeipd 1qï nortit of Deerfield. Lake CooaatU. lS..i1 oé west f te exmeerelGegGrenUis, .~~ Park. 25 akmII~nrt of Cbica.- to .be liu bg amter in chmauoet athie Lake CeuatU Court lieuse. Waukegan. Lake Cou«j. Ill.. on. D.. 20, 19 11, at 1 P. M. For particulars, write W. M. BARTM<JS, 1610 Brun Mawr' Chicago, Mu Phore No. 't IMPORTANT to Holiday Gxift Buyers Not many more days until Christmiaz-and yet you have mot arranged to have a. piano sent as a surprise to tbe musical one in yotir home. Th'u isuis i-cfitliii îlî yoîî uhoîîidî't iesitate or delay 'about. N qI ~ju kiîrr t tlîit l, uti 1( ld ot give an 3thilig wlich would * g * bu nore hlig liy 'a hed tir w hit'lî wotîld gi ,7u m ore , astiig e ioit.iv thro 'tm îd titîul yîtlî xaliiiîig the' fine instruments :cî's~cIngadl's Jewelry Store, Waukegan ~j~j?~Ray's Furniture Store, Libertyville Wiare Hrhctwîîîg the be~st pianios tlat The Cable Coxnpalyr THETius jtrs<titues iii its greiat fa'-tri's at Chlicago and St. Charles, and wc' have 1lireiîght them wlîere it wiIl be convenient for 011 ttins-ct'mts areît. Cono ver, Cable, Kingsbury Wellington and Inner--PJayer Piano ail wc-l kîîowîî arl]orlg mtietiano for their fille qualities of ~~c ~ tonc-riiiwl rkian'hîp. ý1ýtYou Can Buy on Easy Ternis lQIKNGpOWO(PC It i1- tîut necesdry to pay the whole CAGil'itce lown, for we stril on the easy nay mont plan. Piaîîo'r bought 110w will be held for Yon'l b d-Chrictîîîas delivery if desired. aults of Calumnet kni SIPECIÂL BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS Powter. No0 t apu oi We always have a number of pianos whioh have boom no flat hea y soggy b scutz rented for a timae or taken in exchange whlch we mark nt cake, or pas i-y. veiy lo prices and seil on very liberal terme. uniforrmly riansd mn tdel!-*~ cius.food yhn .vsrate (HICAGO T. P. DURKIN, - - Special aeRqmetatiuu. 'e TOI ¶5~ offl Nel 1#4mTho 711' the paw Msntor W» à aCol *Mlrao!o 1e 'rlalw eOlle ua Ci haC de lhat dom To tv mOntrtini (6)> Wbat 'ati we domte10 q * gaudio Thlie 1>t buure)fii <evarsin o a proos k et heal;I 3. Ti . e 'oespe. Ch! ,u>.sell. P Th crery "awatel Cw -,Pator 1 »Miea Stit dm» atise 1raperfec .*eb vitI '.ra. Mati s .'vcsat tbrti I bi à~ miat ý5 Wi-dAg UkEtber1 - ethe Jeu Os-ad lot buoftte Abms vor 't" & , re nt ý-jj

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