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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Dec 1911, p. 8

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- ' ARE~Ott~ç~T~IN»ET, R11AYDECEMBER 1& 1911. [7N ews of Waukegan -and the North Shore TO REFORM 1 HIGHWOOD TO RAVE TO BETTER - Battie for Ett BANKING1 SHOO 11E MILk The battie of a moman for ane- 1Surveyors Now Busily at tale to ho saved for ber son. started Orgniztio Pefeced ere Work on the Site Corporation Counsel Is Now in the ('ounty court of Lake county Yesterday to Work Bank-1 The ciîy of lghwood Is inuclu elat- Drafting Ordinance Con- saturday, but was coutinued 10 Feb. ing Reforms. ed tbese daYs because Il bas agafin talrilng Good Featu.res. 6, 1912, to allow an attor4ey In the benrecognized as one of the hest lit- case to find some record & -thle mai, Theodre Dutt . otedt e entirenorth shore. Provides that Every Dafry rlag« snid tolbave taken p lace lu Thedor DuatEletedt Th stgia tat nc ehraeerzedIt n ity 1WMust be Pl dd Mchigan la19. -,, Head National Citizens' bas ho-n effaceod and the Ile city with Sterlflzer. ed set ordn th i llounty court. l.e League ini this City. I ba taken a foremost place on the . atmlt n onycut ae north shOr. iake Provision Also for In- Doyle of Chticago eOIIS to net u.ad. Is Not a Political Organiza-1 This lune ILlai a military academy th vill of his brother, John J. Doyle tion or Organized for Pe- that ltto lhe located la the south part spection of 'arma aup- ot f e }'orest and In, seur. the uni.ary Profit. of the cityý At least reidents o!f1the PlYing h B[l- ' e t onMsDyetewdwad clty say that there la every IeO As soon as an ordinanoe can be tesn A banb o te NtinalCiizes'ta beleve that the academy la t0 ho drafod Il. la the Intention o! the city Accordlng to James Doyle, though A brnchof he Ntioal itizns-locted her. Te wok o suvey- tosesthat the inost stringent ruabis brother and the woman resided to- league wa.s organlzed by a number of ing the land for the location of t1 ocrig11 adigo aî r gether for over four yeurs and bave thebuinssme o tisrly t bebuildings la being carried on and ac- onforred bore. This will apply not one 80n, no wedding esremoýny was Securlty bank Wednesdal, afternoon. coi-ding tu cîtizens of the city there la ~1 h otlgo ikbt~> ever performed, nor was a maxrsage Il- Theodore Durt was elected PI'05i every rosson to believe that the worklî anithe cottinon f ndelbt t e heerserd, ftisste! deotr. BAnnithatronasr e nex- 0 otuto n iiheaate n ide îk la produced lu the country. lu affaira sbould ho proven, the vldow refry.An nviatin bs ben X f a few weeka. coller words, city Officiais, together! Pobild neot ho entIed in, any share ci t.nded to citizens generally to becoine hneLoai, 1 menhers o the organizalion and tu î stati ~ Ith Dr. J. c- Foley, clty pbyalclsn, the eslate. aigri the memherahlp ]lotsa en pro- 0 h h declaro tbat Waukegan dosflot pur- Mrs. Doyle cIsims hat she vas mai, ivas the intention o teheads of thaeik htl euadI 1 -ld1 onJ.DyeI îciadr sented. academy 10 lake the institution 10 a poe hiao mailktha l ho rue ne 4ed igJthenea 1. buteiMhig au- There are ten men out in the triste location juat south of lHighland Par~k, Cibore e hl e eevdIgte er10,bt liB ecn for the purpoef orgoppoaltae mony, ne.or 1e cunthdaeofcty he re bage f rgniin ahrnc itehe and GayElectrlc commIn the past and In fact at the p flot rememberir the dte of cty he re- the Nantioryo n al league Tevrlar nd aof umbhaer. enont turne I sconleuded ta il htthe oeremony took place. James Doyle in the promotion of a sound banlng paratory tu starting work hdbea e- eue nte(bog aktb-dista bsevsn eeoya ssesooietlîing 1h51 every citizen cl Thon for sourea hn od cause fit le soimpure tisat It viilot ail, and that tbougb bis brother lived hmyatesn a] wssforcIn.ed truhterao odstand up undor the test to vhich It la vlth the voman au iman and vife for Th1e preidont of the Nationsal lea-1s- orhen acqu thed. prt t subimtted la belng sent t Wsnkegan several years. they vers flot yod. gu aJohn V. Farrell and the vie1Th ej<o heisjtto and the fact Ihat there la no adqqaIe The cbtld la now about 3 years of £515dnt Johne hoaa 0f lPaynetitutio do- vay bore of determinlng wvhese'Or alli, and 1the mother la seeklng In of Chicago. On tbe directory are Cy- 1l.e hlti pildtest o lt mîîk la pure. Wankegan milir con. keep the estate. In ber namne for the rusH MCorlck Jon G Shdd.A., the aeademy and they at once gave np sumor8 are gottinq thse vorat of 11. son. A. Spi-ague of Hghland Park. Marvin Thhe e PP0 of lociaten tion. Ths u tusopedmt&sa00 The rontinnance was granted 10 the Hughlt nd thes o siila prmi hey honIured hoi atenton asthe cily cao draw up and pass the brother, to allow him tb earch the Hgitadotherso iia rm- hr 'sites In the vieiaW~y end fl""iY ordînance Ihat it bas l inmd. The i~rso vr onyl nin n noence. Tho president of the Illinois Highwood vas visited. He<ar a alt tur0sniete j1 lcardi e od feeycuyI nin n section la U. 8. Orendorf of Canton. wsfound that ansveie eP-ed i ohoo nsecin oeoclda isMichigant, tca," eIf there vas ever The folloving from a bocklet sent tf the academy, and filla aaidli lit in ade by city physicien Foloy and a lîcense Issued. out fromt hestdquarters give a auon- daCa ledfr h adNv ~ <bef o! Police Carl Atterbery re Teetteiviodi slmtda mary af the objecte of the league, » da iascoelfo h ad.Nwsr ently ehewed that In the majorlty of aboTe .00 ncosstatelof r l etiaeai S statd IIaànon-partisan association of voyors are ai wnrk and il vouid seoiranases Ibere lî tmuotsrootn for Improve o u et$,0atd onsak taofret ames men of al ocepaioDe,,:i residents gy, that 1the site bas prov. Ment. tt tutdI -k oet ae mon aI ocptlos"1l3atiofsclory. Doyle the brother who l Is tstn "The panîca of 1$93 anud 1901i One thing Ihat will ho insisted uponeain i The nalme of the acadeîy lias flot ylh hlecbdiyi h ity h 1e viilrosides In Chicago. He 19 showed every thougIltfual business mnan yet been gven ont but f rom.indica- il etaeahdiyute t b prstdb St' AonyRlp j tsiehigwswon ihorprovided vitb a stertlizing outfit 8 ersetdh tae tore ap tha ssnthngvaswrngvlb urtiona iî la saiol that It will ho one o! tisat the bôltles and cana can ho terT- Dady of Ibis city. The fight la a tbree moneîary systoin. The Leagno yl thbest In the country. lzd ih lvesea.Thr are but cornered one, Attorney Martin Docker vork for remedial legilation by con- aîs wilhob the second tiethtor representlng 11e North Chicago Stale greais which vili minimizo the giest Lk ont ae ente oeoe o v dainles in the city wberer Bank, vhich Instittion was named ad- LakeCouty wll ave eenthe omethis course la being followed now. The dîstrese amnong fariner,. laborers and nI a miliîary acadomy. The nrt one nwodi ac as ill proie for ministrator of the estato. Mrs. Doyle business mon occasioned by recurring vas located! at Highland Park and vas more ean Itary conditions In local dair-larpentdb iesDvena- paniles. knoov as the Hghland Park North- torney of Chicago. We nov have sound banks, but an wetr iia- ciey les. After the inspection it was stat- insound systemIn. w hicb banks arej Several months ago the academy edby Dr. oul eyand hIefAttepoil-r isolated and do flot co-operato In imneiovdb akGneaWs teextattvudhoapyclimosî- of danger. panation being given that the honda dity 10sotestueinîlonerfthedco-' "The League bas no bill of is >wn', of heIbintitution consîdered dton ha xitii om ! 1e ar It ta open to asugstions fromtoir ay inear to saloons, vbich, lit was feared, .Thornaealopvdsfrth source. But It presonts1te foltdwlng Ould pi-Ove a contaminating inlu inspectrionac fainafromvichfortheE oubae c 1 pbataied vhlcb i ho ence. That the beails o! the 150w In-milk la being ieceived bei-e.The tests C, i "1. o-opratin eu domnan stitution do flot consider Ibis to ho wtîicis yul he madle by the city Inspec- "l C-oe ain ltnksmbant- the case la seen froin the tact Ibat tni- yl heo0f the saine nature as those L centrallzaticns, of albnsb v-they have decided 10 localte ati11gb- deby Chicago Inspectors and con- lation ouI of oui- clearing house ex- wOO<j wich is 0011 neai-Or saloon toieir" swl h bckdu n h OmE m lierience. toy iin ilb hce pIthTOL S S "2. Potecton o the r~î -ilor saie maner.Farinera vho refuse toi "2,Proecionof hecreitsystera Residents o! Iiighwood fesel îhaî .comply witb the i-nIes wyul te piacod rusuitevery taste, . ti o! the country frorn the domination of! lhoy bave goosi cause to feel grallfied on the black liaI and local dairymenehn ahg y any group> of inancial or politicali n- for il ' was but a fev monthsa Mo hat wilI ho ortleied not to purchase mailk bny mao n r tereats. several înillionai-es living in Chcago 0 hin Teoinpcin rp ili qIItr île s i- r late "3.Inepndeceo!theInivdua jd -Ilded rect sommuer a home coi- ho made frequently an that hers vilI hal ksplisn or nîount.ed. baniks, national or state. and uniforinOny in the city. The work o! ei-odl,- '1e a good check on conditions. I Br iul s h ave 9 toI1 rows treatmnt in discounts and rates lu ail îng Ihese homes which vili costtla Fines vilI eprvdd o ifn ht rslsai banka. large or small. Itih e ,igbhorhod of ton or ifteen los iy h rvddfrVO5 ~ fn ht te i "4. Provisions for making liquid dhuaddlaswl oaatdIeon. piy 0Officiais say that the lres- are vei-y durable. thouanddolarswillliestatedthe nt ric ofmlk entities thecosla the Bound commercial paper of ail the Si-st thing next fipring and viii tbe oBogtu ne Iepre ad-ieveled Mirror i- .tIi hauka, ether In the foi-m O! credits Or jrushed 10 an imurediate compielion.lions ossetiblue. lohe handesEccndse banik notes redleernable un gol or law- These, togeher with the militar t psi-ye log aîkcd iiisat eh set fuili mniy.academy Ibat listoi locale there viiiH.l 8 lpaso n maenvcy i- -5. Easticity uf curroncy and cied- plare Ilighwood ontempaoeof W H. il tin 111.eas inakea ey e it In limes o! seasonai demanda and the most desîrabie cities onte IIot Deputy U. S. Marabai W. H. Wiimot ceptable gif t. stignc:e :wiîc ful protection Sh~ore as a residonce city. of North Utica strestl this city. vas Prices $1.030 to 87.00- agaist oer-epanson. operated on a the I.IAlist.r hospîtali "G leagalcatlon of acrýelîtances of RECO)VERING FROM ;Nlonday afternoon at 4 oclock, Dr. time buIls of exehange un order to cre-ST NG DIE EFedBsy o! Ccaohngn aIe a diaon îreîa oeaicbarge. Previous ta the operation Dr. MAMNCURE SETS aboa.John H. Glassofni Hghland Park 8ald Besley statesi that 1e feit hat somo- 7 The organisation of btter To Be Recoverig Prom Attack of thing else than gal stones alied Mi-. Wel offer a wide range 10 banking facilities with other rourtilea Mot Pecullar Disease en Record, Wiinsot «and, upon operating. ho found ehoose from andl ail ai-o la alid un 1e extensioîn of our-foi-- pneumonia of the Knee. an ahocess, Ihus flnding mattera varse of the best. Fia. iliîed In rade. than wero expected.î<iQwever, Mi-. with horu, ebonizatd coco -These objectsa houid le carried John i-t lass, a t'hicag- publiabers wilmot got tbrough th1e operation bola or- qu55(rtipl silvfJil outbrough somte national cooiper-ative ielesentativc, la sîîfferlng with pneu- quite ri!lsfas.cIy and seem o be0h ardeTeqaiyo agency, under governinenî suîs-rvision inonila o!f1the Joint in the right knce.j getting un quite satlilfact0ry. hnls hqaiyo vblcb would so dispose o! cash ie- Il beranie knrrwn loday that flve pby-i __________ steel usmed ineures perma- soi-vos as to mako them available alelans hldbeIcn îrvîng le save 1the pa- D ent satisfaction and the wherever needed sud also croate conat iais ]life. Bridge Coat $7400 dence in oui- batik stabilîty at borne The disease Js ustiaiiy fatal; il also Th 4-nov proposed conceote ai-ch v, ikm a nsh ip laves and abi-oad. This great publie service la rare. A similar rase. however, vas bridge ovor the ravine on Gonesse nothing to0 ho desired. thou id holersndei-ed aI iel suad not 1e reiorted Tuesdivy at Emporia, Kan. sîreet la lau cnet the city $74,084.88. Eau-h @et in a daintily a source o! profiltf0 1the batiks, Mr. Glass la slowly recovering fiom'This Is the amoxînt o!f the eseimate lincd case "Th pssae rt egi.saîionircor' the diseas, St bis homneIb Sheridan rumade by Wesîcott and Etenneberg. porating the abovu' Ohj{-ýs worrlîl di- road, Highland l'arkTire disease ai consuting enginsons. The resolution $1.25 to $5.00. retiy affect the proIrrirt r-rtail sc firat iuîslji(ili e p.îhsirlars. When providing for the construction 15f the lions and classes of r inr-Ie iur tl'y diagnosei Il as Pneiinonia Of tbe bridge costing Ibis aninunt o!frnoney countr-y. For thia reasort clire berp.- oint 111v fared toi- tbe pa- was î,assed by a unanimous vote of the duty of overy CitiZeL 'r) ardt lii.-tîi lite 7 ý l, cuIrer liasa leen in hIthBoard ci Locali mprovoments Choicoat Candies Loague hy donîributlotr nd ,lfi i i ulrr Iutii-r---.rou iaa, ilshonme. MNonday evenlng. once among bis neighbore Yrr. f- igitlrîu,,I -an îrr sus.Il, and__________ of the leadiiîg manu- become a roomiier o! tt gii.-1.gîeipii rur aIrru- ýrarrrr tifIlg raIns After WonnH l pfacturera, ehooolates or PaYment o! one tdollar. Tire pro-r i) lrr 131i--19r-rn i:d lrr.rîed 1the Sf NI-a fIer. vho renfideson the e Iciiallassortment8 putl o! Ihur memtrervhî1î fr--e 5!1rw ir de-r II iloii-iir"'[Il r sihit South i-ide vas 1the viotlm no! a hoid i au-sae>i oe ed scusi n tia i-i rt t urîg l ir .r ri rdi f ii ir iillir bpira.. 'iatcbed On Saturlay nlght ai arrariged especially for expoens,s softtIrarl-w P '~ .Ir L. NtIrrrhl. ii-Ir u0 rln. Ias iah.-- vas returlngt The annoau-emeanrrcft Ile iumillg ilrnuli-îrr:ltd-n.h,-r hor- ýaller havIng dn os ild y ofrns wedn f Meivruin p~rii instoflet tri rr jrurh sho~ping rIowa lown. The' robliory c- large sariuty of sizes and weddig sj - h I r s ru incaa ',!ecîrrid ri;r the coi-ni-r of Cai-oline - box e,iuns 10 choouu Ukedg 10 iss Mr rîrlc Lrrkec. of Ien7 iiîSitr- dns lkrarrl Giorge avenu. The po- il fruîn. Iual Ic l ing L*k. duîgîero!C -it ak~ c r be-ti r rrril ii li -,-nr-otiieri nd îvo o=fiersI 0 nalbe "Ier" Christ- Sioux Cty-, la., 10 o eh, Il r-n '-l rs I-v iais,, r-'I e l 0uithueaaiediliLih-l10b ne btC.Ils day. Dec 4. vas made jr - î- ay was a r' - . - uti ruaruas godbi e 84.0 ID n ssannOancernint fi-cm r-fat ber r-rnis halliui 14-,,, ii iiIrîrbrlca lad misu. gomu1bisîiescape Of thse Y0un119 oman. The ., founrre- î18Sud brria iii-o-e brli-ai-rval.- ______Prices 5 Io$0 0 Msent does foi corne as aarrtirrise 10 ire rsîr-ni sri af . jII i_ I,-,r- Cutvss rmnljldtaya US FRIEND Of, JANE ADAMS Mra. Bowen Baya 8h. Hua Endowed Hull Hous wlth Pund to Execute PIaiiý WiUl Have No "or Than 30 Chllden at the Summer Camp at One Time ARCHDEÂCON TOLL TO BE BISHOP Lait Formality Pormttilng Hlm 10 AssumneOffice Woe Takavi This week. Tise SUN learos Ihat the consentis o! a majcity cf the Standing cons- iîttees o! tbe vaions diocese o! the Ishlcopal church have been received foi- tie consecration cf Aicbdeacon William E. Toi] as Auffragan Bishop. The donsecratlon vîli probahly laite Plian ualh for Work Alonlg r. Toit, formery retor of Christ' BoCause many persoa have vog.- dered what the statua o! lb. cli -Aia- Same Laine ua that Done cburch, Waukegan, vas electer $uffra- aîsder Clarke rallroad projeot »4 t0 at Ga&a HME Camp. gan Bimhop o! lb. Chicago dloces. lake shore las, the atathmegt» o0< & . sovéral veeks, ago, but vbiie itlai ne- main who clama 10 kndw morne e<t tOW Many pensons axe vondorlng just cessai-y for the cîergy and Inymen o! Insandoto eodacaid muan. s . who m. . T Boen f Cago th th dice 1 toformally elect hlm, ho teresting just novwWheou mn o ac je who m. J T. owe o! hicao, lse fle locee hing boardl o! mraoad pvueects. nev purchaser o! the nId clty park couid not quaIify as a blshop untîl the vTise n in Questions maya Usa site ln Ibis clty really Io. 811e ia a action above refenred to vas taken. bhen' the scheme o! huildas«,Uu wôtna of uch ealthand as b 711Te elep nov moans that nothlng along .the lake ahone betveea ,- much Interestesi ln doing nvork for the stands ln the vay of Mr. TOUl hortly ÎF nd luile a lb. Cblod,, il4 U. ponr, especlally th1e chiidrsn. assumlng th1e duties o!f111e nov office. vnukee Eiectri l liW. va bsoIlâ Mi-. Mowen la a persona] frlend o! iirOinoters aithougis h. neves' Miss Jane Adams of Hul House, ChI- WANT8 ÂLL THAT'S DUE t oaite d uhooî t lb. Il j r cago, and she bua adeul Hull House a ___Alexiander <lai-ke and other, vbf~ gi-est deal. In hon plana for ber club Mao Bidinger wlibl smanul Tisat lwed hlm vorked - The proepgs fo hidenl Wuegn M.Bown atofr uoLcec eaDet IIY acqulned a 100 foot igàt L for cbreen ndowa en Mrns. uef- r !At Lc eFe u 0belveen Kenosha and Wasakegaa,. bascratd n ndoinntfud f- The City. Snally. bhrough Frout& aoium s, t.., ficlentIy lange to bave ils earnnngs en- th1e plana vero droppod andl tise slab tlrely look after thse Institution vhlcb Mayon Bidinger wilI ln the noar fu- o! vay abihl remaIns ln taile of she la promoting. t une alks demsnd upan ths-ate ofi.mon' vbo took l and ssothiiag bus b»& Itl ttdta r n r.Bwndoue vlil. rt Il a satei tatMr.andMns Moencoala for the part o!f1the automobile Ho futher tated that the pla em r bad noebhlîdren o!fIbei- ovn bnt tisaI lcense vhlch thbe 1&w pi-ocri-b. ed for the building o!fth. raSies." bath have alvays bean very fond Of should ho paid to- the clty. The nsayar down the lake shore ant4&cs aWee- childi-en hence their deetre to do ome- etated that he vouid laite the l- kegan l n cb a vsy as ta oosees thlng nice for the poor o! Chicago. tiatiVe ln lh. matter andl If ho had w ith lne runnnlg fros 1,&"Bbuq to R.ockefeller, viser. il vs ta ce»- Wh.t Plarîs Are.1the backing o! the councîl ho vonid lied vbththeIbmWlsconsln Otra l"ii Mrs. Moyen bas stated thal her go lhe limit la seur. that part cf the and run t a point user Chics., wess plans ai-e mucb along lt.elines carried money whîch beianga to the clty. lt vas lu join vith a beloit .ooet out t Ga'a ill.souh ofNorh Ch- 1ingiJnto 1the city, tb. vhole abjectlic. ouIaI aul HII, out o!Norh Ci- Mayor Bidinger said that ho under- ing ta uîtimately gel the freigbt lige cago. Sho yiî nover have moi-e than stod the meanlng of thse lav 10 ho connections Into Waukegau, IConcobe. thlrty cblîdren aI tb. summer home thal the clty or township in vhîch Racine and Milwaukee. Il t rn 4 ehe bas purchased lin Waukegan and bbe automole aîao bal eclevarions Ihings couhîneil 10 thvay~ thechidre, lke t Gd'abil, wli e I taed houd rce I lans of consuîmatlng tlak sz r 111e childi-en. lîk aI Gad e i.wione-haif o!f1the licenco fee vhich vas irond, among theni hlng t7e deatcadt stayther tv voes wen anovpald 10 the sîate, and thal If thal eho 1e Orîginatora. Volney Fonter a"i crowd wili ho sont Ihere for recro- ru. the city wouîd have a noat ! Alxander Clarke, the later falluret0 ialion. in the treasury each year as1athie Fi-ovee nerpnlses and th1e %us- placed r awillngness of others vho Jiaulbecaua The cottage Isn10 o lited up for reui ntei-ested la advance furtber moe.y., vintei.-and la 10 ho uaed for the chu-_rlb a.4sinted that the prouaters cit dren o! bhe luins who are neaily slit Wlie plat ing hucketbaii ln bthe tise rondl have about $200.000 lied up and wbo need attention o! the sort gymuasurnof lthe collego ho attends Ini 1he enterpriso aud, l la not resn the canotgetln hicgo nde tbirin t LuisLous Drki, Bn o %,rsahi'le osuppose ht uscb an anoamt they~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ confgli hcaoudrtorinS misoeislrikn o e Iae îunev vîilho ailoweul 10 reniaI- adverse cenditions. Hi-s. Itawen ho- Mriy luri-uuof thi« ciîy and %eou 1db aaîy longe.r than ta necoasaay. Ileves tIsaIbise aid lbey villi rotelve knewn liere. rurel dii au accide.nt in therefore thue futîure iikeiy viii de- aI tbe Waukogan camrp viiiheOcf collidIng wiîh a feleus- îîayen and bis solo1, soînething in the vay a! devel- gi-estbehnefit to thons. igvstuke aaarteb akeoptnnto! Ibis raiinoaui vhicbbas 1I e a rknjs h nW laid dormant no long. lIISTORY Of T OLD RAILROA-'zý Man Who Claimg teo v Tells Inhide Pacte of Old - Clarke Project. gaya A..C. Frost ',grunWsc- Pirat Bunch of Money for the ]Right of 'Wuay ýïiiIas Specialties-j OUR flue of Holiday Goodis this year im largir îiaritve and offers a much wîder range for iniliviitîal chîhie. Wr Ihave made iarefnl selections 80 that every article miîght miilntàm uî îr bigbi standard Of eXi'ellen]Cy and wu t.bink vou will like the result THESE are but a 1.2w of the choice values we are off, ring and if yi.u do net seo, liere, wliit yu waîit ealla-]d Jet us Fshow voit our entire Uine. Yon will ind the prices consitelit % ti the qîîality of the goods. WATSON & DRUCE ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS BOOKS W.- have ail of the a orjus leading autlsors aîl a large select-uîaof puputinr cojyliglit4 i reduced ri nces. %%"e algo have ant eajocial inofll line' rrf loy's luoosk in- ihuding the "Motor Boy (,ul),,the "'I'om Swift Si-rie,," andl theoNoorr Ranger i'eries."* 50C te $1.25. KODAK8 "'If ut isn't an Essl- man it isn't a Kodak"- ihaîsa the business slogan of the manîufacturer of th1e best photograsphie goodm in the vorld. W'e offer you a cooce of a auiner o! different modela and aises and on every one tise Eastman trade-mark mnnes yonr sqati8facîtion. Prices $2 10 $12. Fine CigarB MadIe of thie choicest olear I lavana or domestie lobs uo sud in any shape on streugthu desired. Eîen the Ieast expon- Five ai-e ,strictly hand maIe loîg filer and the lette- grades are exerp- t1ji1111 values. Sieîaîl or large mize. Irruxes eolilailing any nainî r desiied: Pri os 25e to $11.00 a 1- r WEDS "~I yeti Si mae$that ssÎ$v"dbot *ou@4 th c rw imalud thse allu, ilu ile ad tol T» prs Mawln LmI dauIgMer of fuaet sU skux City, àt141 1" u th vu to ba meThur Put In" 1 utila thi bi s wi "I bave vhjeffered isavfn ai ailmesal dwseaw PM leI at tse !N rat*= oi y- mist bal XÉ .Pli pito vgabut 1 - - -

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