-w~uwu.nwwu~mmj ~ mat dqiatmentwiIIwite à fée id SIMWI hê* Um i Iài. 0 tei(mddumdou n mwaJIy ver ace a dàà>'pae wusAtb.s a i ~flJcle" kao* by evâVv n" Ù*i * d 4voi , dlii h Cakgamauedm algo, a0,d Wb uwtvI"Mbeiê,d" mmlhvdli HwlbmO, Lý u fata ilns ae îsst iib iýib uf is4 .iew uda.oumgj otate hevw "tih b. Iwa W"fil ww Wcùvôd tnso the . nwspeffoffices 11, ho 1o M Poggmesihtoswlkhéê1h e od m* t.~agao~uhsa Lpsung lmtt.of gemeare- ~.tucI. U *éL~f~u1Fee é.âteuwkwMlib. nod ici u~uit~Us~wae éàa*eehdlmpo.--" ltIdom éri $ hadavi *t I Ii lu h 1ig b octl âsn0sé Wb Mimîkt OF woiwS 116 frâàI.s 6"ls b -Ja*e EOwwdi4 Wh&M s4 iPL lmwo 6g"- meduomisoopstforu~tpb~ Y77 the ZZ.0fees'cII en ï *ou iing.ilàeue Le CIO"nsî& rdi Wb" huI 0uSto diieWum tothab dwiId-ie i*du t u:.cae %thome L M 'âioýu îtlw. 00y. 'if 1de 4..md wos wh hae cos ~¶l domotIIe dL 12' GodM4and '2 2lý5lBté eake»W, mauar>' 7. lum¶y aiteane tMes are be ine cut jm4 YeMI, the pimtice IvU! f.0011 m the destruction cf evetiý pin' tre ln ithli geotion. and umiecs Zrntaa4 dole a.there vii fot lie a tie I4ft ae. "The Pne..ý" northc. the clty' The aMina true ml over 4 de <ectroyei eac cae tbi I mtead 'Ouldilcio a aaVlngcft tousnds or làtb l>'e cou l, b -p e7wm&IC thax the m~lj mi >tc wigdltla. cPernen tiAn pob"inebb o tii e mmde' wh4 . lt>, Izti foie.A 4sea0q m.u~a 4PIO bref, 6auld 1ge ud'iàiaf pýàriU DoK vhioemqdi 0 iapqj~mcA h icao cvebac auc cc Wfdeaed teret ith p l< 4 éuiè hic. nedw iBiei f~I CWfi1caukuJ.afh5 Jf«pehn te,, in no.taey ciii The bird9. WkUsmU ng£briger ece Tboe veaint arkcote dne ael OAnce Baby Came. . la yy am ThevoA wearjoyfu-homeite hvie. And nrerght baswia bifhinca lac lAnce Baby Came. r've bélen cçog.$ope rattied that 1 ta think; tif , W 2rt 1t!will cocu rW suifie un>'l1cr ise,. Tomn ow i tee! My b bemcrlnk everX. îii~tbb blaiedfiaé-tii r triés, A hoût ef jby t5 Upiithwi*omt tho -Prt »ér bç su mdipaa av* 1 * cnfor' t.cil a bitblâck! ILdok for UtoriaIc now, ail writ lui baby ffl - Cme Otoerva eqr br& U AnoBlthe Ibm od X«Son mpe E ebssta, ie«t Pemuo the llae r~êt4 tabe mu o?£hbeo j. - Waukfgca, heu c. I 'on Y- -&' H. TR vér~ n~t, a epeci~t LU -r- -AW Juast what you need for thie cold 'weather. Priced, pair 50, 43Me& C- tv. tidSbats t$1 T are ihflke on the New Smart MoÔdels of high grade materials with French Seat Co?#n-beIted- backg, *ineý a-nd iihtertined - you cannot appreciate this wOîhderfpl Value Until You see hemn. Cone eariy if you intend to share in these tig Bargaino. A Gêst M# Ot V"1 St $90-76i~dIAr COut Vales At *ftl76 -Kittn Bar Md Youll csay that toc wh.n you see themn. Uaey ame made of hish gcdf Kety Cl«' t made of fluéet matertaa iin the wanted thbués. other fine ipatertla in etyle.that you 'Wntt lk rlnd ih eve ndBail.b1ednndl.w They are lnbed and interIiled. This la ladéed W=$jp b mu . ued i or cUtidg. tbeY ame. Usel woiderful value at th* geice inMrked- *0 V uSitMie4md mdl' reprecentel one 0( the big- tem n ncil the wateécime. . gW vMa er. 'a Offin oui cii>'. Tm&TEGOlAR kVL AES AT $0.75 llesi*art Ifdle"I'éry of i thenmdêe*fiùçIùjr yBolivia, Duveteens, Vel- Our de LàýnW n ud 8)hettone&-tdimo»d wth'collars of French Sea'I and Nutria, lified w tfiitÈé lke.and intdMil' 1'hee are great big valdies. T GrkWôo E~r~sos Ru~n1ar .rlo Vàà~. styles of bMeliquality WOI achoci wer. Thé» 4I4 r Thi a ea vceMU *O*aOW hnm at the prilce makê. 20. per c tarfrrPfceof * .~LLt ~ I Thé ià the surprise of the season nd one that you Will appreciaté. Ait the very tirne y0" can get the bêst set'virc of a Fui Coat, we are offerinýg thons at biig reductions. IL 9 k I bAurtilt, .valie n $6.00. Tait. lour mia c.to b -Wom t-. r g, With Squîrrèl Coliar and Cuffi, fancy s l nilngs ........ YFreuch Ss Wîth -bèautîfuI fdnèy uilk lining .Spe..........- Wth beauiu ~g oms f fancy hnmg i ... ... .- .-.. wokWerk1*l toeefmwla Ygee ': .t 1~ Away $MW.00 ur Triei Speciail>' pricd i $U.50 Fur Trime, A beautY nt onlY $67,5c Fur Trimi, s marked at only .9100 Fur Trlnllc Goes in thia cl. or street vea 9 Beautitul new b many st-yles. eeu DExquimlte iIew b np tua$I C76. 0& ItandioMe dieuà ail wool fabrics Pretty lutie d gs a6 tg_ 14 Y, terne 6 te 14 1 N IPAVY wo. oyvul -t- hie ôL Smi~rt Coat~ ---l , , . J6.à. a ýýow 16 1, ý t r -