f ir., îtt rc ln peu. Owaer, lling on UÏW Ifylng *roP.rtY lld vertiement. y g eorgotte VSi a Libertyvtl ii$d nd cali lÀbertrYtOoa 834t -Lancaster '1%rnn eford steer. If af u.E 0F REAL 'otirt of sald l'a" e, January terni. the appllcatio 6U m guardian of Mur- 4îigaret L Kffigh nigii, mr-nors, for ~.ti.Gen. Ne. hîlrr.by given that tî cii sale enterai t1,4 cauqe by, il tutty 0f 1 n.i.Byron -g ci l MyrU, IU, . !nîKbt and 1311l. ilmm, ull on thé kry. A- D). 1ll", aet' 7k' la the aftaaUuhi M.tfront de" et 1 tl;e Cilty of W#.- iint'. of lAke, metIý oi ie ilighest suld nq< ail the rlght., estale of , ail 61argaret L. Kalghi igt. minora. of, lit f the following de- an-'. to-wit: let. S. Iartrett's Addi. ibilietiion. the tuai Y led ii the' Record. 'UUfly 0f Kani We. in Book 4. of miiixated ln tbc the' state of lii' o%%nlng an sudl- 4) intereat in ulJ St in cominon. t. 1920. ýt S. KNIGHT, an a., Aforeaili îrney. and1 KAN, ;,ndies ILES ,- ODWORUg- roducts rorfag LTHY,3S Store 1 OHM: Fordson, LIB.ýE RTYVILLE 'INDENETT ______ LAUCOUtYINDEpENDENT-LakeCouniy- pg Week WUKCANWEKY SUN. VO.XVI.-o .-PiLWI TWO ¶dBiRTYV ILLE LNDF[EENIJKNf JANUARY 15,1i920 sa PAGEs s.>o PSUd YEAR IN ADVA.NCR flçra Mlaà%nallie'F.. IPl à.d IPLAN TO KEp ON Mcinney Again iw President ~ u ' ofi the Waukegan Y. M. C. A.UJ[t I! I11 WITII "EDUCATIONAL CAM4PAJ4N" IN 14ILLSQui li Fitzpatrick and Faster and IOthers Tel Steel Jorkerm "Wark, But Wait." - I<ewtt h la isprlated for tbea'ftirs, tiethe -Officiltélegram tfroin the r, lader ofthe tel strike wblch caleiloffthestrikle. this message be- ing sen toufrottePittsburghi Janu- i.Baltimore, MGc, Jan. 13.-For four active assistance ef the >Prose, the pd~i i idFr State1s Attorrîey ai MoHenry ~2,o Chicago, and Vet:ctive Charles l:ndmany public Officiels, have de ue i lagN R eort- , i Vhale have hunted for Leonard Cl- Ali Along NorthSi Shore-a o -County Natif éd asta Status nad Cl4 iDeatee in Chicago..rit Thbut ee without succelas. rîght ta organibe snd bat thisab- .0 O.fNý - -- M~r'. Calvin la a French.Amercan trery and-lthlss mIeus. o power- B UT THEY CAN'T MOVE IT. IWgirl hsert nelaet.5Southrma* h c omp.ld té*naitional tm.-lîkitjreecono fcrsattEPR DHR - n rage six months ago shte usa a Miel;mittee for orgenzn tron and etéslilight nadi ait the' oificerB were re The North Shore again la In the Greenbush.,She onyx ber French iane wrk1.t.v -2 o'dt o dtN Daaa.of the PuaE4ing statul. orltB vr btta h' alyAe-strige iphase of the &tst eampeign l lce.a olw:W0 eis bOso fn pdmcwi mersil tbf'ing heldai Zion à o lvrbut fiatte fal y e ri.o "oat a anmd. A vi"roa ampaige niy, iresident; E. B. Yager. viue ibreatens te rivai tha.'t of 1918. but lty. ma Predenflng ithe mogt ten ig canizaa1eil usineucatin sad yorganzatlonwill president; Joseph IHansen. se7e fortuuately the Use Re"iierii matie situation ta n. onuit h lold detpecives thai as fur as bofem 0f inta> eutd fd ibo a-y; Charlet itan'cnuhî -gtwa*adlgSviadWYe.raue. atttli, a r e msd iitbo avrhait, this telewîam froin Wood hi l twu .Md se*tl indutr a.e justica in the 'rie annîlire artq e ed n ««lOklaolaeaiaîîn cea" ls'ecopardo). Mrs. Calv.iii osailtgas, înî ndsr ah'0d t .iîr uili rnacee disesia. Se fur there hava been deqs ihat ounera ot the beer wax rnuirried teolber huaband i tWauke setsrkraaeiwa lar> d -fourtaen ileatha la the Chicago dit> et ls -white elephani." (nvsiaonhwsttflecue for the neatébig orgeattazion c, e NGreat Lkea naval triSning statiolà I-.1 eemr in luthe LutteCountY mn.(lo m on iiaya. ic IO5P rlu ing banglel down b>' Ati-court bouson June l4tb. 1918. The mEnt. (StUnad%92nmenithavtrik n j raçc"r ' bM'aaCaerai Brundsige, States At- t- remony wusa performed byJustice 0' J. DavisEdward >J. Evans, W il- OLiaN UI ' h boi" u inte last forty-eiht, 1011*>' V. Sl. Linley ot Mrlienry R Pearsait. The records show tbatliam Hasnnon, Wiliam Z. Fauter.'~ iOquor hal] in the court louge ai Great i.skes. 23 years aid and that the unPresideni Keller 01 tb. Waikegan baya" -li ech reglmant.s bautiquie- Vioodstoek back tuoilsaowntii-. - CIO..T.~ps~ j~ ~ *. bie ~ ~ ~ at 9>asuion sa> s ibat tiera are flhlfy 'men 37 tMfe trs. The canon are being Watcha4 -- "Butits gaisi Uc l'.~<b ia,,. talou u (~~ A.,.:itueate~ ~~ ~ ~ ho have returned te work luibnptNheLK cioaely oves thousi Lie>' spssrsutil PortItihe stuff The owîînritar- thon e aryu the ant-Brillsh *ag cf Islam through tée - ire'nîîl n1Vauigà 'uo a29Mar mad l f01 Sfraid te baut it away fur tear of Bellow: Néoegatiared sud flaented the I"g of Ilm. Âau Sg&S 51 AKEÂ Mwisls te remaluin, erbers of the -Thefsinl no doubt tha milady la balag arrsîcti Sta. bai les UufUulOdou. uhas bisEsuONvA <aka..union; tisaithe steel officiais baveulena.a rigto Dr. R. T. _________________________________ ssmeiSamuel GaId, Waukegan Pha-'fum'aooda ,»Ilorift Huy' Stew.art connut de ________________________________iOAN O UYnet as ume ai -the>' uWl net tir- Uranadaîl. lncharge ofithee statlo Am t o tbO<Uraef sa-uPreide courtOui of the aa u orty.gI, petitt mmesofnon-. Iowork iu th@t' 4'..---adLoe osia, u heItnat t h'is 3 'Wetbn ia ,'doc. UICIIUI >LEAISjuror', juat drawn, andi wbu wili cone yilîs. that tbeX_ imerci>' have, atU uiîpeWn a e îopla. b dtetis ini> he d ia - 'qôgehig ut )p(ore. ,, E U4E ÀT R IIS DE E6 TI JN !n x ionaJanuar>' 19. tuent>'- Liscy will not recognize Lie union tif in a Dauble Suit. terai days. étie.tOulrt ogmao;iiei en - rihiLV~..- ve are f rom Waukegan. This la re-steel workerg. le says lhe beliëeea -- Thers are no nu Cases ln Watika- clfleve Our he u hrtes iij m v AIm. iuEM garded aas an 'unusuaily large percen- the Waukegan union ulîl continueCH AG so, elrdtecybuaiphi- q OM S O.j îe. r r ubro onsischre ldamlfatlsmn-clan toda>'. There are asun uisl flue7 neeit (e rsonua, tic>' ay. 14 i~ l lANYI -ITYLnim îiE CO.rea umeroftuiE tai ther wh avemnt sono ack ome,-TRIL 1IL N CHCG a.'dclri i.1i' elipyi «*A. a rent, Attorney' îamîey L, I n the count> wiich are flot represept- herahiP uîlal nludnaitvui isnir et colia. sad' halltalla saqklng permission frotutaifie owSéjn 1CV C L ECJTE DM D"M Te nthe panei. tems hWae o on al .GlaWuea oms-PPltintlgýtétd r loil te Voer fite beur in.liesétiregat. Iti- I ULl A E III 1JI L T j IfIiL'3 IVL This condition, I iotlai.la Dot dix- the Milite0work. WleS 0.aWuea one-pplatIonMostor thafetai. »r. Voau liuoogeâ go turu heibi ciL>'botiles _____ iplanning to tbe fermiers in the rural, Hia étaiement tnat fthe union wulli cialpholographer diidolnet i iàkxLemael oa cf»lbors C ed th M casaes back te tLiim. jai Fa!esdistricts. Tisent ae s< u> evr o vET eas inCi'l oae i as a fine uhen fie continue lafurtisenborne oui b>' the 820,000 damage suit agaInat the Zion Houever, *veryone is uarned te 'W -BT . becipItasf lan dry i oano.ýSamuel Bradbury naCharge o State Fre Ratify Code oai farinergia ntObleL ta cimnvînla t u temen~Dt'*-tmm C(ity printing cma>.sete ey -precuttou-toPr guM t»e Beabo township and B..e..a but those uere urnes uben the>' couhit show tisat iie boad officîis art- ebeurdt a h nom&.edu nlezib s&U U)gos eurouneihka-dry 'teritory and S Cmpant.1 atn ine a man te do ihein uonk for thirty panineareewl t her n aoonncd saIli large nuinbere- la hou led at ytrn gneral bac ovii Sme Cmlit.Organizatian; - dollars a montb. At the present Uine plans sud even Intimate Ihat theI ll, ;eQulfr wd tha P> uecbar 4ai 0fhomm ensxp.ci68".lu tbu- h atrey iea hb he>' have te psy $4 a day tu their aready are taklng stops for anoîher againsi hlm. The unusuai case v aal leboadoie oi d. agAýt ruleit that the been abuuld bu iurr, hred me antsd bave difflcult>' even mave aiong tLi eisafine as th&( ne- settled In circuit court, lu ChîcagOon nuftea st advie tiddga.h citer tethel.owners Ihcy are 1lacet -GLADLY CREC RORS:WAU fliBUSINSS MTHD Ithn.ceuti>' taken vison tisa>'calleti theis dayfl la a tstfo drywa ndw n tg a WAILTpsiinCrne eig1 te reason uby nien froni the. big strlkre ubici flzsied oui.. pad .took a nuniben of picturea -protlatit Youralg aainat chill aI& abieeniter file. law tefate the boer a sepcsidh e.eaita lrv to niRE.ti'sn counîr>' are not keen for jury' service - &eng Zioxsa;epraFd y eprltliil> F oi ndR.F ikonb j1 tela ehghcost uf iving. They drnw DATES FOR TEAOWEIRS' of the war exposition bellit aGrant aeill out of!inCiy errons, omissions and inaccuracies Gît net-y.\V. F. Waiklns ot J t-)rt>'- $3 a day on thse jury but thelr meale MEETINGS ARE FIXED Park, Chicago, early ]lait summer. Hie Get p»h.îy of aleop. good subtan-ý NoewZMon City duos t oi rrmitil(- whîis erFpi mia tic 191<> census in'viii.t-clint>'a griculîrai ad'.lsur. jtCcost hem aven $1.60 a de>'. If tic>'lfal n ar u heItra driiÊiuig of been within 'lis border.- Waukegan. degarivingtis cii> of tOp- sand William (Diloandi Robert Roue -a-r Oblgeai ta sleep bere ibere in a On Januar> 22, 23 and 24 tise gave tic iZon pnlnting conacru ti~e orga sdcasnoe.e nera ait eveiz lbough file owners mialsi1 ulation totais te wbich Il.waa entiiied. 'ocf Ares. are delegacatromf'niLake degieit at the end of each day. touiera of tise cotugt>'will gatîî..conîracita prini a poalcard bioilet fan Gireat Lates wu&lplacei under bave ta desrlrate invite ail ihoir mss-lie- repealeit in thse 1920 cuisuis iCunt'.- iciTho, Iliitts Agriculturai FoiiowIng isa aiotof the v . h nul yOD-tn;ashm hntejb a ofaltlstitqaatn uédy i evé fnlaliitsfrrom ever>' part uf teInitei ong ake t fl reettime. Ses- -"o-aîi.which a oliga rcOPireene n o - uithe mtn ont hdycn meentIn Mr.as lm. Wise file Jobfurs oiet e-isrc qaatn Tiia' All Bttes teo slit Zion and hlthonea av ut e #mo int ndhldng renwho uil corin Mn sa iemeIg uli îtrntM.Ghirfs4i a'fri ea se vrs caucelat. No visitors permit- dIsos a Li blptie ealfainiles hv mlie htvention ai'Peoris ait Lis week dy einG .Eio.1 as wili ise hellu Indffereni ordianca ILuoud uder he !onCelus enuneýrsions fbe Dat visiteti Ratification of the constitit)on of E.Mill,. Robent W Wblteshde; Antiocis.1 scboois; on Thurada> In the beauti- lie clime tibut Lient' uer. e t n ai.Evn W ekegau ns tbh brime twudle Inmposaible ta tisein homes bere. anti upon inveFtiga- the Americin FParaîtBureau todenaHwr alck r oe ake W -,!itoiium or the Gorion 'hcoi.error linbe vork. The prnning con- eeprohihîteti Ironstneln aeZ ven though Lie>' are willlng tiebtey hv.been inofrmed îhsî the ti asuanmuFvadkte ythe d- Lakel- is '-aioaragelealusî te ave >' ayte their triends.. censius iaking has been compleiti Inin l Vll, en Lvo;AvnBaryEcerntioiîtayIWthr-iga oassoclatitinChcaoio $.0) nodtta e-ih huternebbrmo.ngilioii' grcmtetir ss irtion a wards. Tony Seiser; Waukegan, F. W. school building ai lHighland Park. damages. nav-ital teg austa. lu. PeutuAl oui>- solution possible even taou, Saie tbieke omiissions bas-e belen fiinil.t tron thrcc nesrv,t-o'is aeie. Brs ar>'BCampoeBrotso.DIou' T edlPètrsil 1u wluke K. viLua on . ol tbl etfrt pe al- nasterobut -ti edilnsto mpIcat tile attorney' general lias belli ibat tht- reportidtu Samuel tBradbury uhogalb iatthe Chicago meeting providing; j A>to. Buns.JhGa y Cm, Robe. rfou, Tisepei; ors'Alma e PAlgentH. vie o. Mn (be d teb wt nde tIa bre- m o a" oluee>'isal hseiê owuars nMa>'cina, tire Leer,letg'oi'careoftecensus for AtnDuii Jh rs' . .GaO-M Cok c ia oite iai ei ia h i t ea lnatl hmîmeaeprcsl> isatt tbey tisemsels-ea ta pour file beeentri- sud héle lsending..thse allaieratori txI.nevtsection of ttie Middlewa cf .GeneiJmsMngl.'t---ai rFakf.Bao ie cetastca;, cevs i duc it oago t3ck terle t lalayt haire to11. ta ibis sewer or give -tise Zion au- 'bsck te cbeck up tise deAcienciei. Un- thtt1 ertr- îaMtde Win. Moîrman, Geo. Mltimore, Frank ittoralnge Parik Sciool., Daytno, 10. *'îîcago uhere ha vu asitvdvsaschatrbltololieu11. thorties permission ta do ga. How doubtedtilhiere are anmbraicse an.sd the cln' d-ntiats coiiitteo .AusewJ TP rer, GeneR>, ' . Rusb: a, coaon usean iglaro plendid plD-ab ou l aads n cdaai eslist rsetts p-a f e-er. ithe owners of the beer certaýin- whiclhbave uot been calli ei tbs ai- ..eat oiy.tieêgates f rom bons f ld ie . J. T. w Pne, e a. 1 1 About>theThea-fnien bri.- isgi-nepttUért- smmeia."eèn te Prant the $piasrendao- j teuton. ilenetomeîhng Zion offeaiciaisl forO i Win. Rogerson. Peter Rasa, Mati forni spetiers. Ths; mus'é.icviihe lied a suit fan $20,000 aag alsiiiuteeanocitett iy'okofpuii outuhed Dotd _tayZ ion. Uit W soe "i oeBaefJ ara rgnain. 1Sans, Artiur E.* Sîrîpe, E. Tr;epsuln. charge'of W. A. Poflet tif 'te Watt-,tiseZMon City concers. shOving fiat Otricer Ruts. Zogbïamtod4éy. 'l'ef iii onk0f ourig ut isebee anabout téati e r WTasangan may fat! ýWjtitîIllinoislterie are nine ase t mVoe;SirsaPtrBkrtegnaiol.WlleubAt; g-.ih saioiisi odr o vr 0's- cfietts> at rva h gism OfficiaIs do Dt care Lo do il 1 short 1,000 on t,000 of Ulisei popuis- v:st base ratififi le thconstiltution. TmEswotAbn ei 0 i swl apeina rare- qPPOr- 000 of the'souvenir bilaIs areti sp fdat tic aï Tre ste tov uithotiL"Y. lilon figures. Witis tise tilt>' omptting Tôlen'Idan.Nwltnpbri~Gs, -ax KoAertB.Gobei. .asen wtul'la ofe réet iii tolat4ess olt a i rfts e ausa ouit doq. y .ooms on .T atsi 60tltui' hile tise attare>' gen- jfor aulsnerac>' la an ntlus>'V~ermont. Keratticky. loai, Georgia. -LGesyviii e. . . ler Cba Wn.on; uia aWss'.sred Le acer. Q!delîe pr itt afl eléCoui s oeîa 010 n-m w ~fss ulngmaesIlposîleUsi bI man cnadeaba.-New-york. Caiffone aanit West VI.- Washo: Vernou, Wmn. J. Buaacils: Wlthil e opcu-!un&Lyte vaiot loue Tise triai of Lia cas.etfixa a i e fit litioe las 1ois. hi suthomiiiecan -tixnn lie beer Inlutact if tisere are an>' familles ginia. Tan are needed.fedi.P.tetW . Noton, H te bha fthol ftb CODh sur Cnn- - -an tatmnybengl tote uer.thala a ae uhose homes thse. enurnersior bas NaiDeerfili .FPreei .-oglo e S 05oeC.' ektels etmn'i is'pte- Influenza te-bainsgreportai lu11M ws l hene' Lie aunera vî. li not mîased. and ti laî euy 'enougistetaecl - ! CRUiaz'5MA T Lrsn.ln tes metng tsa. is atélior- ns umto h because ,cne tkey ubethen arneDt the enumerator isas J. R. Howard, preaudent Arnericn na, gati deasof wvisaisl cbu<teI suit Tes~. Tié Jdiedîsissti is heion iaecoen at.ryma F T luinthiai Possessian o,- heen iD a certain neigbborliood. thelt Faim Bureau fedleration, lit tht' nlglatbuiildings abouti te. tas_____________elnel Jla tliit-formai custoti>, t Cé>' sa-peofpie lu liesne ieti homes ewe îu ciession 5Alit the- fîrst-.Droblc0flit-te Qutok Change Artint.The puý idyear--meetlug It% oqketi-lgdvlmna li' îr*e taiet sayati' Cannet dispose of 'as s paticioic duîy. to Caili UPMr.n.iiatianl nginzalo toeltletiiCARSIese!anCnRpASHn mn aeutar tabrehetechnaason o TRE IJUEDWIENOkahmaani anau sata u Is It lu an>' mannler es-en te thse Point Ot lratibur>' andt reporu the -naittr la i " fttiiizert - ose uho- eau pin. up li baby's outit tise feulures of the AcÎMIaalrandna - uthe, atamer o! ilduCasas iua-IOg ;Î fins' t avay.lti. Ha cointed out tht' nt'td of u ted- as qulck as ho caint-bange lires ou bas proiladver>' POPusar. Threpersan. vieu tuurean sd one Lie last fav as. Seth______fheatoreyso-c rel oritanîzation aS a mens or aalV- hie motur ca.-DalitLa Neys. Autrcu Purin. eGne Bay', T. H. Ruse. o im iooua uoal'svi r ot u fLeotcf c-- 1oUeruigo!ieaLat>'g g the mnarket problerns beiveen tiseoftosa htrai poay aeWrhonofhecfitSOM' # et .ratier' ansbliguoutas; inishort la EastandMiddeWest<_i%_lire_____________________________________thmédical_______ maana DOilYing tanfuybody antilcape- HOLD FARMERS' INOYITUTE 7-statMtl eibslti> um~va 1- u-a e~dvl s aia eiur ilai> nt <>tie vuis A AEATOAV "ian iIn fiverroot nitiar>' train- -trais OOD" ou 8011111 e-> tufsoéa, tateti to4ay tisat. tha eltuistlom- ,Wl no tetueownrii ATARE TOAYStreet. Wavbegau.jalat uorito!fie W woU Ia bannd t at liaéris lao j - l~~~~~~~~ng lan scboola andt colleges, sai Mnr. ido bu i 'ickWdeta ak o iri The Lake Count>' liarmarai natitute Howard. *"i ar n ilaver of re-eatb m lI e '~l8eveuimg. Ilhn-h ainlsat n h o l c c u oeedrZuam ste i'~ula b isn Leld topica tod acsonbuhnicames toeomptslsThé.fuiu Bsdma, oîrbss. o teblolwvtngtarder iihrefOrtOsie A1.JEUA~ ~lion of officers la to fitke lase toit>'. adet'tiiae tra4ning' of <tur offlceeni: - sas- lansei ay umpting. wRes he ipreventioct or!tlia-apre*dil of The Ladies AId Socity aerved tise titis--militar>' training aofniai- tarn boy InViau uHighlandt Park.- Iprainedtrigit leg,.i nai Great -Laies: liiVl nr. Sessions vers belti bath morning tisai are needed svo bîliy on Lb. tarit% ~~ L. C. Lewis, 820 Poplar strient. Wsske- 'Ouilg-.l a MIdeîeul f . % W li ; 1,? sud afternoon. ID tht' tace of a tieciining foot pro- gan, passangen, knee snd up InJIUre. flueàsa blr$aW% ou on the alaila Tômorrow tie In titute w ib a held ductlon. 1 i an oipposedteb tat."' aroi t ~ datSpol-e. 204 Sirti Av., W au- ail 'ac uîVM e liai ., neoesallàla th*, BE <iAIP ANIS he a grain show. Tie îapic for gin- Wanls Business Mthod. U Ukegan. i ut iy fling glss. b ýhiig0vaeiivol. ca hssethé cf eni icusonviihe"oo t-d"--'The tiitiirt'work pof Lviovs*sok1 !x&M-ie -er ndt-oadaviiceee Tc ese ora dicusio wil e "on S fames mstliealôi he antilat!erna.et lb, No-tbbousi train, ln In q-asitlue and no 0 aullte - - Srnoliasl lI.taisèr-s adesfresmuilesanwIhioso lici ua altîug fer a soqthloui ilé ie isesI berty satti fut-r or Thae vonîda largest sait or cou- In tic sflersn. neouliae e~ci- uie esiculi sage- ~"car te pais, He vas qut-ate badlyburl. tiers. --R :UGAMW *irai aiilb is, beon ma&dai an adiress b>' M. P. Mdyers, *edîtor o! J. Scunce. Iliflsgculiirias- I' -mat a babo uho accosted hlm nti dde- Aponer cught, Lawnulsuea hýfII .î tCoàhside. U. S. -N. DxffctkIlîvG - - ial oatica iW ut e01 tbe-Anierlcais Co-oerative Journal. Iu e'atiin presient. suti ai tise annual Police Think Peter veonia May imaudeilmon.>' anti1111se11. îtiout vaît- fie tlie Car. Boli >'ôsng mev vlire offtit... pee. hiago f vs -anou teeevenîng. begnnfing at 7:30 o'clock meeting -issierds>' of St0 farne eBe n Sht1inSame jus, baot hbin uth.eabdiomen, 100k is glgbu ru hi o -a Ie Wqaia"lbroie ont IR Via--- ~'etrdy.- otn unra sd or>' tar v cih eool prottram, niovirig dlgiei - ascaînmoue>' ep ra scaut, tlsrlb is h elie. Chicago Hardware Follhdy - keg*ib Iýstyear lit loilovai galba pîclurea, antiur undrbd fedtures.-'(t la ni>' belle thatea socitin Scrape in-Chicago. Aaat. jfTrel esnlyCOl bth rzkal e 43 - Ms-n shPV itaben 01 b' ie On Wedneatiay an insîllute was hellimuat ieha epantmentlzed. -Tho ti?,ra,-., -- -Aa -Csif yeUtranaly w in.Bank an. moot-aa hot i.clép~idé tie bein u - ilo - pitvlci -a *-Palant st Wsîsike- at Grayalake. -- greattieparînienîs tîsi muet lh. crisia. - -CoIusetil oIsale-ny satrasI of t O thea' rain, iu a souto10ug utof te -Mt thaîeiat b . naval late s O - - gui,.'to'B. U Boi n of Tla tenino heaocaiSti rsailant. 1Ne vaibeti41ilthe usytO, trais h. appiiedti ie'brakas.- - ers thligidaita biasa thse Msltai C*li., for $2,600,00. Tise orier lu- PRAIRIE VIEW NOTES sunlnQ sasoIto i 'm- - , 1Beacl i lb. héstrange Parti ý:"P - ýTise train vas put etsa undèd- It fort- hsa pt-ad pithé db~sesse U lnd s20pae f(aOll niare blivue stock, grain and protoce The Mliaukegatpolice at-iincliled ocient vas tiaitno place sloutrge kepi * ig oon eàmiat. Rq*i!gb blIan a thé,lie d lipeau* mie mi a oi Lre avIllghc agi arketing." ise salti. ai -. ---*of -*ioût hé -*y i - 1'Itypes. tiree-seated -TP landnesoftii ma- r-s-vie ii much dtouht tiseyar's bold ,routa titi ic encounitu econ-lslot oitas t pt-e-nt ts aas sda prays-aet tih sh be «i bies 'snd flylugtbonts, andi247 tons at Grayselaie. -ganization ia indicsied in Lie annual b> Mile Vechil. Chicago man, Wbd; tfucks ita. -s te O.. oou wisei.Q u nte rkaat umei wtl uî.saan.tittuso !~~N-Ute, Use traiuning pane type. Id. A.surprise psu-t>' as bl in bottrriepor t or -Howard Leonani. secre- staggenedinto the tiepot aitBeacis trv ac esu éli a bovu hic vas haefore tise- collisIon <oiplace. ;ise brOketesi heu-e tu apIte c9 tb.Ilivi~l r b ia l wvalscit lby.- . f Loti » hqrsy, vitenchea lu depti ioî tiar.e ntr ndwrfie-saom've Sain ýIaa-. l owed thse fnanclialstand' Tuesda ta>aienoon 'anti asnupced Chat Do tak'mahn rmtehrhwsxtM os-ea roen<.' îeennte, IBandualshaai beau standing vs WaukU5YiPhysicilUsdo e n locel ofm anafe, inCItILR rottaelos.Àgoodl>' number vere jing ( ifte association ie:qia otrka-n- . uot presaiut sutdmii uepotet a fine lime. 1Totuti cash neciati;,, $137, anda a filanan nbsei0f$0 > ~ t e re vs uo sîga cIa sitriggie. Janimeti aInat l tM nalie vali. lNe tIll sa oitSk f"i" a te itiipé duintthéIasyerr, hebreIdo,.Chef Tyrnolnotiai ushe Cicago pu-.'bu a charge eft-chie.>'. Tlla *5mise e Fortugatei>' tiser vea n paien- dlt-ry Prasutions b tRIM& te liupisduin Us iat>'àr-. h in e ùéw-. ?iïwford-woude- - litset othie occurnel s-ni~etef iinit aebra htI> ole ers on.tfia p6iattanuTisearti eet retiIn oU . va& ent jSa aporation ID tise' McAii.-tetr - Illaic Crsed. - t ceck up undtse. ife sDty Ie l ng iman uwhie makteg hie *étape. bati picket up a large portiou et tue 11 ut*DYcase.ofemo -, ---lii Sng) hihespi dnnn nd iHosptal sous, lime 'ego, fi getiing t Tise iwInn Creed eMbfl caboitéefta SOught aise ie rult of paticlipatla In Lt tise lne McAltptdr ioplti 1194Mate-e h fl ~ eu: la 1W. Prairie a105( usi>'l. -lise propihelRanSd a ~lleAtis. Nosl. 9an>' a01iOtg Ecrape. - ubere Vaitif vas' taiesutIl vas re- M rheca-5hich Empmnss vas opepat- uIld à Il.thit 44 IX» " pa .ro pf'lfdy. .Jaisuaty 23. Afa Sel urpr-ise peWartvsg ng V n ti.Msr asaetMlim eio aih ae nuClamMetilo I. eva atn 1 brausiag !1'-liOrti.> t-a 1l -¶~ ~ '0 uk6f te somsad Ur.mn d U-a. Cropipy oai Iita>' lut.,mii îutaleMolds costinIftte W*ukessfl aid tis etartai te1 ai sl>. It >la Impossible -is- yet 1tek - The ipiaUfcet !thie ré,uea sOS(t, t Wla braoiW oË- U, Çrbterracti otlyidbls-faru ibaiet ls toe xle tare ta Beach, to sels a friefl.' 1He tooi i ai eaeffecîs o! tbc luJut->'la île. vait #*crVaOIRoqît Mdy am huind heIl Mtexceleteça mr"d to4 rsois.Aboli tvo ahia oiges*111,lue.Thé luilet te s14ald 0& mmt of thé gluans Qim 1 wim of W"ku« ~lie Ï, t - e sblas-e bëof elue «t.. 11 fM MW