LIBERTYVILLE. î\IU\,>Y 22. 1920. ZION AÂ6OfiOVERt PH 37rVQP. c t' A 'i 'i 1 f- I &mo NO MORE LEMQN EX- 1 TRACT JA4iS; KICK TO BE TAKEN OUT Fifty Men in Force Are to Ban- iish Booze From the St&te, Of Illinois. The, Highest Prices lEver Known,1 Thal's Wat. You'Il Get from '1SHUBE1kT" ws wAn4T -EMn LoW-AriD WILL lPAIT MM SEICMTO.-GETW ulCoioa'18.0ISOo 14.001 LL9tite lIO.m ~9.0u tâ 7.501 .00 to 6.Ofj 7YXOIo 3.50 SKUN>CFik hort 10.00 ta 8, P0 îl nhO,~ ~ tj50 SOf 25 Narrow 8.o tg .V1 , l"' 5.t ,,'j4..l~ 0 "t~o. Thesc extrerr.ely ',h i f, f' ! I.. ti iL-te 's l'ur are btsed or% thre weil-icnown "SU-UEI r<T" îi îgi:>ing.ûnd - .l.. e,jd or 1m. niediate shipient.- r. .3, No 4 ni ' ol'itr intetre. ' ýkirrs at >igh- est mark et v'alute. SI-il)voer i o' i - %%l te w.nt 'emn. YouUI get *'more rmo.i.y" anit t 't *(i.-: o. USHUBERT" RE"IURNS W. VVL4i,. AKE YOU HAPPY SHJ.P TD Y I'- k RNI CO-MING %ST l'or ni,.n w4 lîo ,,î tu n il- I 'ýz ]jo A n(ffot('itg th itC ftttiii, pie) bihi- - are the'finest cIaýý tif r n n Ver 4'fle 1'. . t r'Ting ~go% ijrirlit Jr t %'rice Ir ny SLe t ' - Nsvîtk, iii clare toîl intChief Co.u- ilisirer i . l' rt ttuî,u a li:1 h lirIt. i lcs'itt i rs cir '. op / wich littribeeit conduced irCtlcego trittiil..tId, i~ ~forite force o ai a pli iion In- A cainllasi ii t tt1e.,Thre state ofIltlinois wil bave about i*te tiii ii fifty in ira permtane nt force. en' ce~.zîî' ', i.fiti tliP tt..Beware of "Lemnori Extract'l bakrîld. 1; î5t n. i. ~tr ~ i'Washingtorn ie tssued soute pointedl btkd .îis soey iî \ .: 1aidvice (o Manufacturera 0f terrien ex- onething inor thel ,ihit tiiI' t Itactand ti ter gonds of sirilar kind, ofletlîrg ne rit ott t t'- ' t:wlicih, lho declated. stere rtow the chief lut5iii'litit ~ * ~ t saircof intoxicant,; for thre drînkers 'A tlîing ilit IJis j*Lé,eu ooe dop.'Julir i. i 'i,, "~ There are two fibl of aclivîlles * 11-tii',iiiCi it'ii tl ti iit.ttflt - c O~1fttk.<JL 17.fl. jfor our new ioderai agents" said Mt. Thre Etigisi tlanguti >' i,, îi, ia ýtiSIGa id "n'itesupesoo go rt rtnt l b it'vr 1- D flie iNova Sc'otIa .9 j ituister sea- 1moyorshi n.. !Swhhe wil trestintt dne-J .lil't'son ha» been vervs s4tisfactory. Té rirepz wi. il uedîe u 'Wiii t ou kniîek a i iti tv'il iittotal catchis jLgiveri as 6,82o,096 be torte eastly donc now than under ttre' ýouih a t 'stt 'l'ho .pr~d.atell$.±jî ut ie the nIdlcensje laws.ofîh "Iluope isgatubtît' 'p , t ; raerto w 10>a..--- 91jPon&.vludai$": Tho-second is the conirolofIe àw maà,ery catth ia'itinlthtttitia!.. ihI..ta whoti tî( sý "; ae gIM2 -o!ýIo1918. wben thre ruartity was6,285.- 1 pteof trîcohol in inaniactuied pro- âee-1.lîî,î'r t Biiin i ,d.a' '82" ponla. but a much Iligiter valus. t ,uît.The new law.nmalng If Ittegal nositi. Wtt. tion is pet on lTe h.41 "tcth fhe 'te0 nantnfactur-e anyrhing witt ale-_ "Iirl'Il ,y i*."t îa.r'r'alti Canada pouus g ercent4 a m ai Im. uui tmai.apwl now value uf the 1218 catch war $799.397. iollc content for beî'erage purposes. dope," ii! u e lcbter au'pp&y I t . b rld h . b M c r"etirote GoLf of SM. Lawrence. [n 1919 5there were I.142t4.84 poundu uc fItîlitroductsa rs leutin xtate-wsill * -lit "'g. W ltstrtg 's aditionte h fi~n" r1 2wbIaid of Ariouti. and rom thre anti 4.831.232 pounds of livt lobsteru îînua u xprs r ttkn huntan riatetial i tit t.liaiit5 tire îrtîîeabout Nova Scoti.9. ere exported. lu Nova Scotiathre wilithtie nîanufacttrrers te accrmpIs "luth' is 4 ~>are brthe . Ul NuaSoi nsfmu for ro- rince fur live, lbtera waq 10 certi a tîis endl. be undr tîr u'iont. tttintie ixi)ii- c rustaceans natitve to te mm .oetIk Iance. apples. charries, and. lait but Pounrd, but inuch iîtgher 'pinces were 1 tin t4'tbyti'di..eittirt tti eriad colder waters co~ f §ad utlo es+. lobeters. Thre Rovernent perd in Bloston, where canneti Nova' J"Ma)e rioa Gnger Under Banii true duIIî4 'H tI l BuitittiýtiIiit, Ctii nd, rndeed. Cýanadian femal. bbstre ias every intention tiret tuhaohàp. Scotia lobster broukht 67.8 cent. a "Netlrîîntd ealctilitth? cag. , eiecte'Jfor l'se in : o rr ..Of affairaeaIral cour nue andi pouni. 'tstIln :t.i ri. ' tti îîîlao t o r igrntediat r iuit "1>,Ie oisn.Yo dow htchris u iprvetS a amntansItteen hatcheries in thre The 1919 acason ls ry oa b i dlolito d(Istct tite dttnklnrc qitti man. Vo give tuii iie"- iiit. Miot The L'aratior corat has the gewtest province. The lobters are allai March 1 to May 31. inateati cf frosu ity of 1<' on extract. Jarrtalci ginger Do Vouttîirtk tIreAus'.ta ti; ilion àmown suppl ,but la tue distant toe guardpd ount o! aeasooa by strict pro- Decembeo 15 to Oder 92 as. ina prvi- i's anntîter trouîbleMilker, as are t, la belpi Ilanc liy rhe-.e sîtuti lt-.? . be availakle OL cgdueWfJjnAnyoeu tect'ela&oeerâ,rl idoflptnl oir. lurps you liave a betrer one. Let us The manufastirergs souhd, unîlîr- know il yîîu hae. 'i ' stand ilatly tiraIltbuen<fi t t j-,, a1, 1920 poyeti by tire Nelson Ctî n \d (ffl -nPiy i ho IltulrrTe new law. tin T . aF . uYr, o 1a, B1920 j te y L B i L i . K R S 7tting A gen üý. c li ai go _ itX te V P A S C m L T Df b i th ir Innocence , T htis giv '. Association. 13 actes N. of Laket St., 'li "Il nttot'ieTiueu lteinou ee.fcnr]oo W. o -MlwakeeA%(., ibetyNll fIiýeditha sold ltIt'IYp M ossbleviolaters, and ti o lnk rnosr WD$3740. -40. -',. e LLLLARI< TO lBE -lit r eti r5 in r î ruasuî ' F R NA. 1IJliIA a turent xiii corne to urtîitlir' Master tn Ctttncery rou1M. G. rGan- tesi tittn tie rnî' a leint ed. ger. lots 3 te 10, block 12, Lake Bluff, Ai n iiili 'g' 'rite' iet.n c.3 ' - .'m , ' liei î'.:î'.îN -AT Ç 'tIr. Dautympie saidti iat about .!I Wed $.85Jbsnadx u i e, i. .'nI..otigiitt iit,'îa 1T ~ ierP 'cent of the new proibitiun e(- W. , Jhnsn ad ifeýioighitforceltrent agents were nid rev'seut Cook, tract nf [and E. of Shîerian Rd., teti 7,i ir. casit'itis l rot'ent's \e'--non. about 10)fpet cent rMon rmrilrell andi Laezo:Soi. North Ch'licago, o pense fur settlng ut,). lie eXplid rI t front piolice andi sintltr orgau'z;kt tire, W 1) $10. 1.SSaanteiueof-uray, at Sonda>. Tib une tee srn lst. iII3,00Perm t by 200 antiabout 40 pr cent ytug noun te- Chicago TitIe & Trust Co. to W. M. Wili Sart After t udy uuda rbn ,o ac sIencl- Wi' emi Ba Drills contly out of. military service. Thînse Ernst and i vie, part NW ,r., section itnat.îîng earîter. lite exittaineild a.r wh ad nîilitary police service or ex- 13, Grant Twp., deeti $2.500. "'"' *"'IJe'. ho't'nia tiejarmntwa.4 liinrtedToi tAt MI im res. perlence with the înilltatyite1iet- L. P4. Yena and vite [o S. M. Selden- ho tieaniounit of sare ilîr ioulti buLitti - work were thre rost desired, but ail feid andi vife. lota 20 andi 21, block 5, 'ltblockers andtirbsements are ti. loxed 1tetsell antithon 7>etti MIT aDrADaI~rvii> ~ e of distinctly higir grade. Lenox soit.. NonthirClcago, W 1)1$». lr'Woodruan'the fada about te aita 'O IDSEL ANE FI~ LYIiii w Marlus otibro nti vie to r.J. t by agents for wvil, inl eaatr oiy Marus2-3,. lo wfte and N -23 I stores allter Saturday, i . V. lieroidti-Ill te Tribune rrglittnuit ji-Plttns and spécifications for tire bar- Woods andi wife S3. ltt ndN2- îgrymple. prollbition cortn.msson'.r. Irutleal"Ia-esa lot 3; Wainvrigbt'a Southt West Suir.. nondyseda.T' anoc-is tiitt'(-tttlt.tntl$ ofbot developmuentlit tire Naval Train- Waukegan. ,W1)>3'5.t aien folloet eruling tie a snuc- and flot jer'iiirittg trnvstore titt"ing Station haie . beeu sent ci t january 901201 tol commîsaonewruiprtedte lire teyonîl a certain nurrîber el' inciie"; iWashington aud vilI bc ativerliseti J. V. Garrity atnd wife te Theresa local office by vire. he tlId hlm tirat tire Tribune was shortly witi tire expectatran of award- Sireairený lot 13, Sec. 16, Der'fteld Txs'p. Tirere are thoîrantis tif gallons of "et""criiitrrînating irtîi. tior' iicil clts' i ing cantracîs by theti'oititle cf Match Q C r) $11>0 iuri bî rsrt kt. o itiifed ilsin orien to save Baoe. He and ýtairijng tire constr'ucton wonk ni Benthrtt tlg su'urnte o cub.ivt was seriefth . ie t"Ufi' îtitr eete 'te nov iarbot asiButnnas lire water Btrcler sud 'aile. Iliu. T rrteget's Sui. 1Tieraotie froin Waslbriton thas Cotr rin apet le atatrtniug trnd pttî'ttîî on ILake -Micign-uwii perrot. Tire ln Sec. 26, W'e. t Anriocit T't .. Q C ial stretia taie ti wh, tfe e i rt .ti i lit i l tit fltt t iti 's.a se-, proje et Content ib.t aiesa îrofected basin t 4175. vili ble trerove if bt-fore Salt i'> iiitriSii i uitittt itntnntr> ia .> > ile , -.loni H. C. Grtffis anti vile ta John Gr tt- day. titiittiay be' ltunecs %vtc iioIlel'Ii ft rhei' n tit ii i*trserî aii li Iror t lie V IF 11h. lots E tutnd 54. l,(,>e Terr oct'. Lulle' Liquoi in irit'itt he s i's l ott t.tgo I .1it't'5 55Ii t ()titi'ttf ii it'111 0 I tttt, i~i t bittitt lii fitte soîrtiern 1o~ l i't'tl't$29- ib>'motusti u stire federal agents 1, t' f tou,,- b ro t IS i> I t 1ji!]t)ii ,ultIîitt t cIte hi -ittIatnd t x tendiig T. .3. Jýn nin c" and " icl'lZay'I tin1tt ii I i t. i iee I rî s ein g .î id The- lîolile-nut "I ..iii futor'fut . i il t h te shtire 2tii4 iî t i. i Pregnit r. ]tIt at't 5, Llittnt b'. i n of rîal n g vilit tire pris iîeiv i i'netil "\\'e hav e on To uit % sl ixt114- bits i 't wil!l be ;.it ii cteii b3 treakwa B3luff Latke,.W B $10. iqo ue bittslio ni 'cutt-ipSpc'r sii ltly. Lýt f i.îI Ifit' l h.i t> ers anduth fl, i ti) riritii w iii beo t January 8. 1920 nration In Wasirington for sevîralît snxxv ifltook Os îtghte tan.' 10 J I iiitire 'ounheast cornter. l'itin itie ltir- A. C. P'îuty t Elb. l'utii dy and ii'. montraq, il vas asserteti. Ia stlrietof pîaiîr. ifft ' iîttber thus fttrnretl.-wîb ielacbail a rier N 50t1, Il-,)iit} i ii17, Blîcku 29, Roper Makes Decialon ilitrpppBn igtin Itis vinter atitittu alutroxtinnttety i804)il et long by' 5u teel Highland Park, W 1) $10. 1 tiko ad wwIi, iie.Blhaswl obiteiri L ast M Bxxe tîn lte Itria Gletitnburg. lot Wiretier a club coulti ie called a turItinsto101 hîrti'te wui thvi e ukreaawi re.buill iprtal 'place cf, business or a place for pub- vlerIrit'. Io ru ispendl isicttr tbltatr iorle imide tie brbrh nt 45. Biavs Suir., Long Lake, W Dl $10. lic gaflierîng vas tire main issue. Vos-. PrIot a liatto consisting or ai silice; tire ares bebluti the-nfilîleti, forming a Win. . Lyon anti vite, te Kazimrer lertiay C(immsioner Dtaniel C. Ropen or two. People caunol undettitant> lescIllace for sitops and ti ler vork Sztazas4. et a. lot 4, Lyons Southr West insîructedth ie raîdîng aquanis t go 'i prina palier situtiîon. connecieti viti tht. cane of ahipa antih, rn Soir. Waàkegan, W 1) $10. tutu any club virere Il. vas auspectei Our foreigu andi local ativettiiani' tiretrainng of uren. Tire barbor vilI AugratMais sd 'ife10 osplilîqor as torti.' etIions are reitrieted as ta' tht-ire of ample aile to affturd rirntg uary 24. Tra Wlemnutb, 60 acres lu N'W %, section Tire ruling alêo dealt 'uip" liquor anicun, cf apace tiley eaune- acî pace aithlie dock and ancirorrige irn 11, Cuire Tvp.. W DB 111,f0. a bard ilowbiy statlng il voulti ireas day anti no ouane o vir altirefu-_lire barbrifor- Most of tire sprps oper'- necting with 1 Frank Moine andti vie ru T. S. Çlom. unlawin untier tirefederal mtatîte lto ue liring lortI." Inaiugn tire 911i, lotiranti 111h Naval eut ant ille. E 45 IL., W 80 ft. lot 4, fo a man ta carry vhlskey lu' a but- Tbus If lire newa ptinl situation'is Distrtclts. Tbese abips vîllIn tu-[lu-.l- p mn., bringinl Stentons Suil on Stanton Point. Fox îlle as Iit la te carry a revolver under as -rite Tribune man pr eseuts it-anti, lune lave tiroir base- at 1ue Naval Lakne, W D. $2,500. sate lava. Agents vi use thre saure bis sataementa are borne oint b3' the Training Station anti uperate i nom' station, adjoir .Fannie P. MeVeily andi Iusantut procedure ln searciring a mans pock- ftîct lirat 013er palperlitave madie bote as tire main base. It vili mean C. H. Shunte ant i vie. 120 acres In els for liquor as state autboritîes formal aunouncment along tire sne tiat Groat Lakes andi vicinîry vîll aee attached. Re section 33. MWaucontia Ttip., anti NE 40 vould inl searcbing 'for a 'concdLleti inp-the public mWiir as well begin mucir moteocf actual, Naval conditions rs'te . acres, section 4, Cuba T'ip.. W D $10. weapori. ' O get reatiy for amrallen newoapPr4th iap bas been possible beretofore. Men gesSrtt G. W. Pritcirird ant i vte tu Brt ' Muet Be Sure of Guilt anti realiye tiraI it la 001 tbe fault of can ire lraineil at ail limes except in Tomspkmus andti vfe. lot 10, ilockr 2. Only lu case tire agents are, certain the publlshetnl but because itlal prac- tire vinter season linsinahl boat drill Glentale Suir. Waukegan, W D) $10. tirat a man iras a botte bI is poclcet trcally impîosible tu get newaprint ou insteati of tie reill belng greatly i:n- Bert Tompklns antivileé tu G. W. vilI tbey' ie permîlteti to gearch ir r,. viicir 10 prlnt tire palers. Maei by tire condition of tire laIne, Pritchard, lot 8, block 2, Glendale Sur. If tirey faet a mistake anti cause a liyng vitir sea-planes vili ire pos-1 R Waukegan, W D) $10. man tireirumliation of seerIL bIl rssubIe et ptactically-ail times viren tire ire bas no lîquon tire agent voultiieà Mt il i abrlantcvrt vt c.S» lle te a civil anti criminel suit.W plies vici bave ireretofote been. leaving Libertyi 'CITIES WANT IN- "Tire law prulectlng résidences TR U L I B. . brougt by rail can lu somne cases ire dosa o mniouubs" litMj OI)I B e receiveti by valet ai: a consieérable express trainsc Dl>lrympDII -11 a lu nter'preted. as- saving tirte Goverunent. CESDDNFIl)ý meaning Unit ne hquortan ire storetid r ~n lIUThi.s nev tievelopment lo eue of tire CREA ED B NE :::0.e n t:îirS cossun- JFF13<~ij~ ~ 1IR most inruortant staps diier matie in tire in cubseevr forpivate cnim- B Ef R O À K-o te. ven an exclusive club la con- evelopillent atlie Naval.Station. .> ,Ure sapulepae i h gnsWithaut a harbrnheStation liscurable I I U~ I raOf ireoze t eln ýrstiey Will ocmltwt heterTang Blomigtù Ii. Jn. 7.Le inves,ýïftigt a' tpreirably wvi-' h le o efrsnPr ie-ttti 'IrC ear-T ftàe-c laolawîh iincrese tire baalgoot bmornbg~smortiflg." btein cmch set ac vd as aitadtiilnclt isadvantage. Aller' avgLbet th n em dtutgof sirtis ad grel-gations vill not ire pusheti ce talutean easy tefeat'lu tire vinners' given e at keprac' tically ail trns 1 th dhents telie oe dîstby réeal-caes were tl ?agents learu positive, gym Satuntiay evening. Tire score tIre training :iioat as welI as :slrore tan o te specI rat i ava, vîisisr npom.,It vîlI taire six year tu maire tire Tire ail arounti playlu of "SPeedy" -thý,,attive abips of lire fleet. 'lire - :BmITeti b lie t tetsessions f ua."lon ionestly dry, H. M. Gaylonti, Tiffany, forvanti on théS Waueoqda j Tran Sainat tr ioemt- "Foi lilineaMicimkpal league., January 29 assistant prohibliion commasalouer, aggregation. was tire feture ofr e tdle veat la tcire congratulaledti iai anI 30 at Spingfielti. asserteti. le varneti-Unitedi States cainleat., Tiffany cageti four goals. Cougresas bas autirorlze this Iremen- TItt'reariei-i1 ufirtbl neagents Ualt t inflame public sentirment Lfneup.' doua lmprovemèùdt andt Iat il lla tire r«iensýf llnoi ctii;Eie cm-bytbïracta anti counseleti liard pros- Wlauceutia. u,(feronPark. un-CHIaCnAGOsoNn 'elentý av hth entieost ar e r- 1ution of enly [lie big tiquer viola-frvr elel't vire enalie caiof tiensadofm. hnn.RtgitfrwaHrGdN parlement vbh epUt tirir dolIon nicfmosi igE. Stonker .................. Larsen whInle the fermer resiing upen tire extension of the saine pavemient è UW15 ~Loit bona.,r'd ce q. tirroving ire eaI on tr th e. rPAtLK .'uUKIAUL Tiffaîny-............. obînser' It ilangueilti ttiietnnellg siroulti Stotp h. done iry tire state as a irole te 'a A. SIçoer-------Y'n', etm eIpo mnsw thin SO BAD,.THAT PA- Rig«t i garti t aitle -tiait urairesfientsare riv-Hughes .......................-I, ilr hr httpra as PERS REFUSE ADS Yocunig. gad - A . ;f co ceps o Pqn, 1-l.nnruiu' for V -Iolo d eodiýtoas tiweea the cîîles Md Anyirodlý, wt4 ieb ieAb' l irt " e ""la:- TifAt 89 ruM - diatrietç. 'i'I-a"tn 'r-Iz ir r1"5ey bot- 1 '- xel., tk PI la hiLajas Coust>. t.Th* INDE. oa'uW '- --tn-Cf r 0' - ~ ~ u PE#ElNT.- ~t5 Wsî" 'e- ' 6 ji ,~ I "i '4 (eek of Grand Opera 1Opera season ends Saturday, Jan- tins leaving Libe.rtyville at 6:02 p. m. con- Limnited train leaving Lake Bluff at 6:24 g you direct ta the CongreuaSftreet "L" ning the Auditorium Theatre. Dining car .turning patrons can board trains at Con. UINS TO CHICAGO, yville connect aI Lake Bluff with Iimited and direct té the heart of the city. IS .-TO MIL WAUK-EE tvîile, connect at Lake Bluff with liîmîîed cent5r of, Milwaukee's business activites. )r furthnrr information appl.v hothe )RTH SHORE& MIL WAUKEE R. RL Liberlyville Ticket Office Phone: iiblértyv le 74 ARU CER THtE COU wanty-one of Sfor Trial; Cases ta -- Tiventy-one ire govig out oi tir CltiotofirhÔusantiu( d er tire Illinoist i law, are Inctudeti *tatea Âttorney .1 IrcM Une.circuit ( ,eourt for trial. Tii' Juzy termes ii ocoli 'dicîruruo »Parti't l r :6reltion of Fl'ut i - tire iu .i . î 1 XI - d l Pu,îii -! n 1 i - ldethklnt If y a re gi no ciai Thîz caci age. hie- Wu Tho the Inqu Public Servie I voult i lke 1 at4on about'i " anti Une i ,'-' iyit P~qiu 1'wo. 1A L; ndepeodent Classified Ads Pau. Ask angj user of them