dels- ts to $60 50 La! 49.50 -t 59.50 rice l :olettes i dreta ai beauMIfu aet:asOevefr mlyleai ara pictund e 39j39 L'I&ERTVLE LAKE COUNTYINENET VOUME XXVilI-O INDEPENDENT Lake Counztv' Big Weekly TWLV AGSLIBERTYVILLE. AECU lm INI. HRDYJAUR 9 920. ter part of tkm xontb or the lot ai Webruary, but as a igeneral rl h RRS R.F. WRiinT enumaeratlon WiII be cooepleted tbru- s~smwmamsua out the entire country by the lot ai DIl u '1tJMNAFtobrury. riwlU b. oetmhw districts where It bas been postpouell on account of cUmfatic conditions. "W. KtGw araorg-plnI a tomioe f a lerke. wbo Wili be -equlpped te exam le the achedulea las rapfldiy as lby A shadow was ,Icast Over the COlO are recelved tram tbe supervisors. mli4nity last lonrka lien the news jThese clerks wiii -make a Preulmftnal hecae knwn ilia Mrs llo F.count of the population. This prelin- Wrei a d 'ra.,sed at i . tuer.honr ary caunt wili bat made public as on Prk late inLîbeivîile rapily as the total, for the cities and eilarkUllaclao the ga 1:1;p r.the miner ciil divisions are obtained. fina sumon co.igai 2:3( p.m. TIhe popnjatlon of the cilles wlli For ten days Vr iglîl had been' be snnouncedr first. We hurle ihat thr. suffeî-îîîg wîith pneîrîurîîîrr and on ai- toti l populationl or the country will b', j COunt of a 1,r. ioUbilînesi hi î ad i -ina n r. Seiriember or Octt.ber o Weakned'lierhreiit Ire nri 1! y>e-rr, andtihIe Ppîulat ion of il- witî;liîîd îieriragé,,, tiat uarr . ~idalb nrivdb a iste waâ teliýii 't NIl-.' 2Ns eieLrv , nn,'. and ' -at-johîAstor.n( nr~r'rawF O A U T B S9 days or ag.* ar s. ila oïit, heaten"]ilý: > , IlFALL IN NO. SHIORE 4V' Julinsiav. n ien' e: air,%4 v. a un'-a Normal . t- i i ,l,, ELECTRIC CAR She mîai!l'e, i , iayF.Wi cashber oi tie- ,, ,1,.. t ounif National brinf Bank, on t>- ober 27 Ifili. To thais l-.cale" ! hii--i, b'nr unonv.ashrno n-- raugirr-î, elen r. i i-î,rr r-î.r _Esiieàt.noni in,- * ,l, oid. whru. v.irili bir. .. Pu rt -lîalt ,ae N ,iriunne of 1CI, r her liaient- r, r r- r- ,v. I înirleitis of1,f l p ll1la cd n A n - 1 Jaî{î ~ Al b., thé olw i-i,. Cllrti )1tîitri, St a lnsI hîrrr-r Nrr-- . rMana- r 1-.ta'liiLî,: r, StIT1 . il i r r iii,îr. \\r . Wili;ar-r ':1.M , uInér h.t . 1,-r at airl ii ~M~. iorrr.xv. -,r~',î '.1,in-. ~ I Urt r 'A r-r. rirrrrrn,!14 Çenter, W'-'; -3 "!'Mi'n Souil., M-.,,N1 .1 IP rlr'rke of r r.rr ,~ .Joiîrr--wn r1 'rt N\r ï- Mi l, . il 1 Kilitîi, %"s'arr1î:rrr xx"_ ' Rîr i Lîr aw . r j i. r, s,- r ed, r. rence, Jan.' -, ý , and sMa Brr-îfei lrr atr 1-r rf-r- rnjuid ta whinney. M Wllacsome, Bri uvl as ire, Irtben tttr ,cIr When a voung vti-IMra \Vrrrht pthe hiv slce.i- irmut'rtr-ir' fessed lier faith in thre Redeenrer anditr.irre.le ~cIe a inember ai thré Vnirî-r Prîr- n shte ca'ne r Liberti ville in 1911 M S ~nM IT a etran-r,'ei red b.r rneînbersIilp 1 teh Preibyterlan church here, and fin-e IE FI-UE I that time hrrd Iheen an Inspirartion fr DED OIL E good ln lit a' rcrrtrr.iri lnr-wiîu avhJ thse members of thré iar tir rlar r îtir WEEN LSUAY INIUII r entenarian Ob- serves Anniversary: DECLINED THE -PAST YEAR Mrs. Deliah King Stili Able to Walk Around and Visit vith m-Ic. i nhs - '- v. flin' ni fI r t ii- ît _ j_&________ - , - .--- ail -m-uni v. iruf - t i rt' r ir r M i trn Ii rta , v ui-! a'!r respectIve e!tt-dof- i' ta 1 5:15,i-a , intereirîcîlin a' r'n-' - frit f01, vlfziIr'î- 1(j(v4, ,î 1.-r r' r-r îî ' " nrl -Il, ant i t -fr t 1w if - ,iruittuiy. sr... ai' r1,; r- ri r uiin fi% r'gr i n - r Tisa forferail r -ei s ver .s, -: e IreI l Bon rmr ..firi-i i i rr - I lii.r s',r - r -- , W - Vi',dn' rdar aftr ooîui t lin" lresb> - i.i, daa r.u ntý il j n ' .aid Nf.,n it n ,n-eni,' - Iî tenian chilrh. cîrntuclcd b>- tle pasiar. ' i anî i n oanti ma s Ltri n ruî t I' a nS i ,Ii .,l :nf .- itn tise ies'. E. C. Morgan.itluic nent mas Jaîuing trn i. r . '.leasIrited 'ith ir ltu matle ai Lakesitie cemeter-- in Llbe i usbanti in 1893. Sire marii-nuneact i.n ifh, - ai 1,1. ,rr. inguî t r-.. ,I>uitt-'tii v im, 1, h - t hai %%ttrrt tyvilie. 11#16, to Levis Eanl Ritta, andt t Iis- c-loy-hi-- îîrng' Irt'rî- wo laîg'- union vas bora on,. taugisten Jean-oefiaaredy1Pn tn n tI ninwthe l.Ms lnie ad lier adbe- n tenn lni- -PUBLC TOKNOW eRutta m-as s memnber ai the lvaalioea t3Olî-ss. If was oniy a nratter ai days4 Congreggtianal cdurcisad r ti f a ue wnrrld be c'tiact. itetnirre POPIJLATJONS 0F b usiant and little dauighi sire toulti touai ire nnafrie Ita yvie J~ tamouinber loas four brotimena RaY. IEBeit, Herbecrt Anthony anti Chailes Ed- ward Chanmberlain. Tbe funerai m-bu ire Ibelli Satunliay afteinoon ati1 o'cluck D oW n Total Resuits of National Ceni- aetIre 'homei,, ii rluailub tise Ivan- 1. sus Expected in Septen- htroc etriiy. I - FROZEf4, NOT DROWNED? un W ER S L GÂL rth , said at 3 a'clock that Mr-*. Washington.«Antouncenient coi thre atni flpoaiiyfoe poultln f prUE5-A at ile oT O ,De o z death in1he. vfoot welI inatead 0 tot alntry by May n oteire unantrylIME fle S O KLCOV j'drowning as previoIJBly t-ueored. FI.l tin ppltieo o ier niculs ti- AE' 'States that the weiliwas being sunk tir uptnîbe orOctoseriii l~ xand wa.s1.1f1:uncoveredi. The weii -pectation ai tise tireclar ai the ceo- wspYr sus, Sam. L. Rogers.. . ERING ZDON B R scyed with enow and Usi. Pax- , of theIon probabiy feIli mb the m-cil white Populalon Statistîca ai gnte 0o ai île eiho ora-pl eties prabàbly m-ffl be completet by MS e eon haeuwa t a thers ton as Mardis or earlher. Washington s ,e_ Thinks There astBeSoe ouplenof, ursware atte bodyî a pectedto be tise bit as itmas In- the Solution to , the Present acopefhurbeoeerodws tiirtentis canons in 19 10. la that .year , her husband. il mas talien April 16, andi announceli Roma.t mel had another 23.-ins tle June 21. Rhsode tlan'is population tIr Att L. V. -Ovs mho repri- tils noon when Mrs. Richard Paxton, 191 massnoanedfr1 f nie-atasenta a i15 inCiYdlaged about 55, feilIheadiong loto s on JuIy 21. New- York city's popul- runne-s lit etîteavouing ta m-aik ont îTs.e.,o01 Weil, ted by a sprîng, and, t ion mas annouatret Sept. 2,. 005 otrae legal scbeme m-ieueby big cii-1 before telp anriveli, hacd drowned. St.14 anti CIca go's S e»unts. can i-cmos-e 'tie confiscated ister Dlscavery ofi len lifeleslady -mas Thie center ai popuan, 1Bia rn t i-imZion (ity. He does flot kao amnte by ber irusmnnd m-Sabatlre- -ington. Ini.. mas cd uly17, Ittiw lie -11l go aboutI 'but lie tSinet home fain, tire .Fostcr store. and tise cuntry's a Dopulation fluit> Ibhere muet- be nome mAY OutI n.,îlndiîg hlir -ont ai the hanse, vAS tnadepd leD' Of lcDc itise tifficul. iloikeli tom-aid tue nearmy velu on tise ,000 T&Altn pognee s Thé alumbling lilackles In tise tact r Soueuer place.' thinking perunapasree -- - h enunei-ation la-lulirre aIa under tire lam- nov In effect fit bai gone there fer watrtu. lie dinect- h tis te entire n011 sid " . s lallegal ta transport any 'alcoffoic e4j bis teps tisera and,. seeiog iresis itgesI~d5."Av te i-r l. lp.ieverage vîtitoProhibition tti l- .tracksIta sne- m-lh led Ioth ie ervleors indieat'- t t daring tlb.tirat On tire allier biand tlie courts have m-al but wiiaidli not shrow an>' ne- wook o the *rir ltat 70,000 euI- heM tisItisheur beloffgs taelise men unayfrtihelod oote mea orsvre dfrnwoiwo ar. and tieseua- ouliening andte10bis anazement be sam- -We "Vu d tisat some districts Il thorithes at Zion have isee» Oordi 'bism-ite's body tgi tire mel. ishe is wl» b. necessai-? ta posîpOre tise not t <lstra,'M iL ndpiunged lieadt6ng m lb. heopening eumeiaion becau f wrealher &'n- . xi la a cineer situation al an ni Mi-. Paxton, Immedistel,' sioutU s«0m. Tisere bas b n no Opposi- for tise autisaritis ai Zion ai-e onat fi- lhelp andi hinîselft vent dom-n laN la tefarishlng, lb. formation re- 1een about kuuping lhe boer as Il tise meula rescue big -vifé, whm le Àobmeby tiesoumis toi-s. lai necessar,' for- îiem t a mantain dît not realize mas tien deali.'tire -n1e suPervisors i-Cit tise con-t-ireat so Ibat it viii not frefe eandi pail wvicl se liai tari-led ta the velu I) eletlof aithe enuluei-tiofl la many tire,'aisa. uaI keep vatcien 10 a dhtfcti. sd as i-IdlY as tise enunt- leep It ftram belng.stolen. Nov tisat «UtWe turia Is teur Portfolios tliey tise courts liave Saidt!isaI lliey me in ~ ' ad n are0 being examnineliilathe office Of 001 îesîray Ilise,' ydo not knam- viral eLLy urrîceran E- - ,,â-nrv1sor andi are belng pt it o do m-thILl.Tise ettuhtion la auy- - listed Men Get a Raise tcaineta Washington.-e. Tise thing hutan enviable one for Iim Washinagton, Jg: 24.-Tisahanse- b~.tar ave blinn Istructed A10 AAilagree tiat tisera mnsI ha snime passea-I abIIIgranrting-psy Increasas of 'es4 ie cuidels s rpituiSI OI1 ma,' ouI. of the presestution but _jrgm 30 ta 50 par cent- ta pat,' off i 'glBs 0.15 e mtie -fi- - no ana bas been aleaSas yul 1in rk cers and,- enlisted mort -..ofthse navy. TMWeaier~oren~tuallyOp ont thelb.solution. Wisetlieror Dot ' Tise-bilIwill aliliabout $100W.000 1< <~. Ouit0f isem-rk é imah tseMr-. Orvlis Mb. able ta figure ont tise navy'pay rail ftse eremainden e tc tgon4rig h na ome asheme romaine tu bu ueen.-- ,aoftise pi-sent scat yeuu. CIIILDREN ARE TO OiET PRIZES FOR ESSAYS ON ARRY Free Trip te Washington and Modal Reward for, Best Ar- ticle on Armny Benefit. 'Wbat are the benebits of an enliai- meit ln the United States army?". This IR the subject of an inleresling essay contest open 10 tIre boys anti girls of ail sehoais; in Ajierica, except crîlleges andi unit ersitiet. încluding prtbic and pris aie scboor, 'ectarian and ilnrtecirlrrair to lbeerraducr-r undi r the r'au, irt-sof t he War orltti - not ntr. MUy 5 rire v'nnrs. wira wiiilit' :hi r boys or rr ,rf-p lrereerrnng tbc -ro' ofri Irle' itrîd Star s- sii a-.i b"rr - vi-rtarv tof M\Vrl .rr'r riri'trn anrd b",pre-enred bly i i. rr - tierirri: ir iraving wrrtton ru' tfreî- ber-rt -<n - rrn on- wstrbject. Tun-rt' r'î nulia t-e rcIl FI.. Trrp ta Washingtonr Tit irev nr-rr r-rrctiprnrii b Iri- rt rr rrrtir -wiill iar r rire-r rrir rad tlares randi exI-lis-, pain t.î Nr iitrrr rri-t hlm. aci v. mcc il lt4 Itrk rr. ar r-iver cupl -rt-s-0'e, 1i"' rrrmlki. r as a t,, izL.tot -tir r"i prrriu vmg Itie succ, r-fnl es - ra i-,t Th- , h i lr;- wîli bhair golà nielliai. 0- -r'ni a -il-,et nridelaiird l t f ii .lîr biny,-nierial. The, jridgl-s ai n. ,rî or-z rilt ha anrd caîiiro-cnl r D-rr, ialler. G,11.i . l'î ri C. nd .rn. ir ji. J-rImn J. lt-i -irrtr Rules of thre Contest Yhit-r uT12 ar-- ',ireruli'. aofrIr'- ,t 7r deerd i; r-a ro h,- rutr n I rh. rr WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ONE TO- EIGHT. $1.50 PEn YEAR IN ADVANtH THEI REDDEST 0F VISITS LiBeRTYYILLI3 TRIDS - FOR FIRT TIPIEJN ITIIIRTY*SiXME 1 Alter an absence or 36 years, Cfia J. Dole of Cleveland, Ohio, drO»*ed IA- to town Tuesday evenlng for a look around. Mr [kîle's ratlier, the Rev. S. R. Dole, was pastor of tile Preshytetlas churci. here lnr ire laie 70'9 and early s8 Charles Doale, fanflllariy knowa s hn i, oflwfi asiir of iGrace Cfongregational churcli la Cleveland. 4 Las, 'Il ho v.arr ited tu join the r irg thrire ritîîi Miiiîorti lFund of :r- 'r l 'I i-irrn Fathiers rit hlars r r'trsîpt"king in tIre cI f r 11,ý-oitrIII,1 l, .r'A s ttr ioîn and.' rwtrar hIi-i îr'd 'ire. rliougbt rie lprtn-t li ir z<rr rre1renew 1cquitir tr rr c i'-.v. r lrr c ri :irnds. 0f those v.iflir v.lrrrnî.as aboy, be was ire5r iacqurrinted. onis- afew îemlaln. Nits.Fred Setln andi Mr-a. W. N. '7 , peckîaan. now living ln Ohio, Wells - inonrz lii.scfuotrinraî,-rin the early 1pen age. Warren lentIr, nrrw tri'Mon- lnr nritiew.- laiktuust alrrp attend- Tire -elf-Iirrclaimed "Reddest ofi ,.chx, irl I iiilriîîin tire oid building. iW,-' ýN iliai rrrA Lr-.iloydi, .irrr( r;Bt1 rrtrit accu-..-ri4oRtlaîiica rriv -- irau ml wir-r i l ,il ir le bc ATUI-' f POST i l~'inti fzir ri r o ld i iakt i- arrn Irrr tilt' <t--rritn v-Irih lice rrtlias reen liv-i ing àl 1111' Ài luA ~ FAMLU AWAY :o- -' ttt b, mor"-"--,.. u ' wr-t- Ais 'ti ai ail. irir hrgth , i LIIIliejiran ir ti i.thIie home of i, th ini,. on, \ 1uner 4,-n andtinkro nl$r150i0 i rLîAIE"' U c4 irait ;o rrc îSan Fr'nrnci -,I an i but c.a hi- nr' iiiorth iar rvl Icibou is sn. lirnrrr.i,r .i . IfAileman, on Mlit King r- f nIrie v. rndieriirl be v.itien on. S A E ~ 'i rrr, rr-lerinioîning at th .IYS A EItN ircNt ieua aibe irirsrir iraI' ii i Iri Ilira Es"a>rr yuli b.-juniged tri cil an a cek Almahllbe iisrry 't i Iaillerrr-Io Oakland te baris of (1) arigrîrairi- -)12 .iîceî it). -- iI ASrft i El :0ri1flreetingr- and-Nîr',. Krng toid briu, xpesinliE"WA UýL ef~ i e-,hîriirr iretiiesalbu ýrii ter rible .tondition. Dt Eacbh oo1 i lu be tbéeinflige of t'rii irs A INA U D-o .îr- a ri> uac eea has l' rI il. ir r rtfailhliii oyan iroduci TIreîprincipaîloaicracîrduîr ain. naîtin aIniro rI1 t sc i : r r ' - - irMnI Nist.chool wil appoint fa board aifi brfen'National Wer Work Council Fi 4 Alii irr itir%%s hi îî i irl ier- ýé-4 it'. l it i, lr r . ii..-(ail rieuber.N, te a ss ntr io t e erays r iri A -'a,'7 t i i1'-' vs t- - ii tht t'uin lîr,.sclrr,ti. The boaîrd wil st - sJiSIns Money and Namnes tiîd e;elIr.11aganrloerricte titis i r: i r ' - 'fi r ic r,-et îne ab ir, io.b st r d r u ward il Local Officers.or u iS it r irt~ a-e t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o i ir - r -i-i i irilaiet han n 'h. 227. 1ý2(lr. fatit-(. l ie ie1%î î'rg-iin the - ~arnrl r,'vruriunrr -arrtn rezrr-rt bis m irtitarirrr rrr, ,< viev,-.'.Mrs. Alleuian - n - r r.rg i in îbos N 1v-i i'~' fi i-n r ied : i i1913. Tire> bal r r r II rrî tr' ioi Board to Make Selection - uiriî thep ' --'ironr ifirs -' rt. ii. iir r Th-e'î' iri-r-r rc- îcrunrrg aitict-r (!h'ire '. , tîh-% n Iri ii Nrra.4 - î, .1~~~~ L t rccrtirirnirst-rt it'- ai rhe tUnited Srtates trr -(tvirflcii-a ri-(; rîrrf t1i------ ..'rr wo anus' is drii d ino t i fx reîir- i-ni viAs-'cciatir 'ion T l In i 1111,t iav.- a 1l 1, p . v< r yc;. t riL,5 h- Iir' riura'l districts) wilItrlpoinr a board ir, bý utrtrrihnieii - ir Ili o d Iir tIl.'iii ri ie tira,41 ut . i --iIr ,and sii'îof ibîeree rnebeirt lapava alîcn tIre 'c> ulatio antidralorir -r h.! rgear r0r fie Si. Paulrila ibertyvile r ttou -omile- -Sre can Stit výSSaysvsubnîitted by tIre seboolis ai lis committees. rsui itt w eirîiued in asflikecapacity w:,Ik rr'iuii hecer,-atilo eposeti district. F'-m ~these the bojard wiIi Tire irion., v.rasptoviîl-A'I hiotlip rat TrIcclaa, Wash.! Samuel of Cuame,. lor i uivP putrlt-.iriai fil,' Iroîci so iliat -select one as tbe district ani-y ana tIre United %Vrar 'roilt canipaign foi, Wis. Peter tD., of Clinton. low-a; John hlr te ,îuî ns' îiiilrt g foto nci. will iorward It Ioi Wasbington. elctoa aiiisfo h odes fMlake;JcbI. fLbry tmorte. She bas biren a cÇiristian sînce Announcement oi th isersla ta dacarionalfheclitse ofortle soirs siewa)aou enya> matie April 19, tise annlversary of - tI îOvil'taeau. tire rncney for yile: andi Mn,.Aima Rogers of M5.di- Overseer Vol?9iv. alw:i-t-entai-tains tIre batîle of Lexington. îir.rîpilote ant Irut îsnow Ieing de- BOa. Wis.; ancd M-s. Pied Leiser. of Mr.,. King on ber birifidrir and it lI_________ etpecûted tiraiIre wiil cia r-a today bv .arerî ta e eodoratiion ai tIre de- Orangevilie. Ili. its itiig lier ta dînner. % RÂIb'<AU il f- mobîlizeci nen. For Waukegala ana Tlieiemains were taken ta Monroe, NhILS. S Ai iIA ake City I,50 fias been Pi-c- M'la.,this (Thtîrsday) moruing. hr L'IT'PiIIfl' UEtLTfA iealari s utiirr b M. C binesor thre fumet-aiservices m-hI be Ireld Sat- SUCUB<L PIONDÀY; ~cailege S. correspondance scircilsq. urday aiternoon aIt the German EvLn- short terua agricultural or mechanî- gelical Lutheran cisurcis. of vhich Bir. in. c,,ln courses. and fiiiaity other cota-t'es Aleman was a inemben. sitar wblch in Spring t, 'rer lrandnr I AN AGED RESIDENTor accroieil iustitfIU:nin les., lIa',eitr. ieer&s.Aimnl AN AfED R SIDEN i ca Intermient wîll lie madie in the Mouroei lier lilfeen;s hbotiv v.atr up andi colti, Waukegan. Jan. 27. -ira currinan antiE. R. Goli-echt'ser- burid. "Irowr tlîat slv -iehall drrvned soiuir- Mrs. Sarah 'aaJ9 Wshn-Irelu-Y -bIas.iseen apriinteli for the iire beinre. In I lce sucraed as904ghtathe acluîiiinisîraîioirof ais fuvitnt ion Wau- I T Friends Rush ta Hîsla^id. McýAlister hospital 'afte'r a short filk- inanii.îrf t iliaton onL N WN and~~~~~~ ~ ~ iv.inilngIliriic utas b2t a week ago follorring an ciper- -rc.wovi5tttr d-iems n sistet Iin lifting th ir. l b'dfody lu.0f tat[n. 1Alýl tutohnis or t'IniS hfuntitp EM AN 1V À IRS itauîan ra l-me aifrc<'.Mrs. OHara was bai-n 1In reiand ii "i inw civ i ts for tie andthii O ANDIS iSime wac. taken himaîr nd wble e!- 1846. Slie movred viti ler parents te v.II t oralc-edatio an layn A T V&>1I fOrtp Weie uait a 'îcrrlier it y-uv United States mlien but lisree years itea i aplctinlInsWî s PNEUTRONIA VICTER seen at once taltucirp ai as efi et age. She liaslilved In Gurnei andi nanr"taY n. o b reciu r . heVaukea a1s.',a.. away. 1 Waultegan for a number ai years, antid a c " i iettaM.Hna or.Pxo -sritîand aligllt l al knowa Inbobth communilles. ' citai-craofn.ros Ae. andti ihueefo0 i îl lut uir,mati rei-c Sisleaves aîght cisildi-en, nameiy: Inl addtion ta iliase general -tutu- Mnrr H. Sîtailt i Mdyaeve.. sistance mlien litcsly siiiped andtiel-lîMrs. Patrick McGi-ain. Wýaukegan' ai-slips. a nunîlic- cilschOiarsiis n pselaa I 7:15 MofdàY evefla beallngthrug%4 lttl, oxwhih rs M J.Dunlg, auegn; m;ý arge-r amaunîts will h(- providet foi- afier a shoritlies ofpemtA futeadng luiopglk.4ie util oxwhici Ma M .Dunng akea; r. iîiers. salions our marines lji deffer- and heart trouble. Seom-as, an O014 1 sîie i o ~i~malwlhGeorge sfraiam. Waukegan; Mrs. eieto aecutbigt realîy wa etflt aI W1uafler ail bat William Ryan, Wadsm-rtî; "Patrick -cnit parts oi the Ramie. wblch. vIii n- aeen odaheonMr. belng Uek merely ait encloset vuriing, flot valiet 0'Hai-a, William-atis; James OHara rable tire recipient i1. attend any a tottpagie-0 i fdMt in but wiih tusi il i'ex on top of IL. Wadswortis; Ml-s. Etivard Clark. Gui-- pr'trsed coliege. teclinical solio or i John l3ronsilon, Mns. Bronson iseinS The sprlng ta- en the place adjacent riee; Mrs. Arthmur Nelson, Keflasha i itnuseiity- AD21bcataion5j for colle- lier suant.,m-ho lveli and died .lu tise ta tise Paxtoni Place nui it la m-bei-e Sise aloleaves twa sisters, Mu-s. M.clair' seliolarahîpa mua lie nîNew taorn aiaWarren lots oi tise viagers gel ideir drink Carney, and Mrs. ruak Rogan, bethi of thi-ou9htfilie gentlemen ntht ao e iery 1.efro'r aYks ale hoi t lg water. Autiocis.- As tise annoutaitf mnney avaulaiste tisa ea50..bih. m-asweithenOm- TIre elie b~ imitt19 1o114 baisn Of luke for b avnL aloeli tiseMo Teblelats taIMns. Paxton, FaneRI m-I l d tram the home. l itd applicatio hob otictuo i usefrmay- ers needing matan for tire table at nooin of Mrs. Dunning9 Thursday mornlag. nimatie ut oncle. misé i#ed tin Mai-. 4.. sti vo.nld bave vent la the spriig wilb ber bucicet. Ititerment at Miii. Creek cemetery. beau 71. i taoopedtet let t' tosyî In tise open- Sbe also l.eaves .19 granlichiltiren. AMERtiVAN,4 IN CL.ASH4Sfie le survivai by tva sons ýMerk - ,ls erblnüa seaipdON BUCHAN AAILROAI) D. andlInuis EL m-ha rellide Onu a In lime 80w and took'tbe fatal plonge. Wes sie.n..e.t-ii b 'A.: Stranke fil m-s that oo< saw ber Expresà rakigeS uUst Weataide. ral t M ., lie RIM t go lIera anli 001 rend-n ~~~~~ ~ Vladivostok,. Sbterla. Jan. 13-Fac- olniPrat t2p . .n g bre a dnli for ierbuhand 10 malte Be Wrapped Care uIly"'ibonal flghtlng lias broken out day, .Jan. 28. Informent at: Chuyufll.6 reised fvomr iber upn o mietUn h a 0thnouAisaut Siberba. ' nited Stated, W70.-1- t thngresm borneyuPnrtu neffortto, rdom-nthtnumb r pCps are mitisdi-a;iig fronalang fo Thoe Paian belblr owntom-n. oaidaims fangondis iamaget in silp- rtise Suchan mine rallm-ay andi are re- Washsington, D. C_. Jan. 26.-R$pTe- m-e ai-i o t s ave-iived et Wads- ,ent tise American RaiIm-ay Express Ft-ed ta have been ungage IIIa sentative Saliatis. Dem~ocrat, IlIMOtI. lot o on ime and tise famliy cnpeylaaotdmrs-ignt akirnlshl ith m-bi lerlan partisns, lias intraciuced a resatoll1. declariug cla vena isr.They have no packing rulas m-ierel the a A dei hment0f 1Col.,Morrom's ¶jr -i-fl it'y la neetietias a2'iUe tr eriîld-en- wrappjng porper for packages vej'i1 j- egment L jMhiCh 'mas preparing toa .nflueuira whicla s alam4»zlat f- i ng more Ihan tmeaiy-five pounda la" nove out fram lthe Ilaikal district, creastng" ad praposing. sÙPfiOBU Dr. ,C. 'St. Clair Drake, state direc- olNie s'm-ua h s itise mas foi-ced ta Intervene. sceau-ding for uînety da5'. ar praviali -stise toi- of pblc salth. vas aken ud-rdinary paper boxes m-irn lise ve*igt e.a report from *"a Ceecbo-Slorak cutianai prohibiltionl i-' teqltllj deu~yflatbisho t Srn sued- aiflise contente 19 oser tIraI tî stfsperial permits aud reports tffli IThursday tram nflee.fx~»-~ For beavier pacikager tise regula- ýTise only Amneiicatka nom- nemaining druWlasus doctoraaliohrn5 0ts I bas lan m-oklag~srenuotio hou lîltethon,. In freight service. in tise ldanger ,pae lere 4 diondr¶ s ilqo a mdcniiIrOU batse l epn oridWtum li lm requuîre wooli, fibre board or -carru- are pi-availent are tisase iselOuipig to - 'lh,. resolutln declaroetiois iiPo. e batgateeli straimsboand ai -s. 'apucifieti Col. Morrov's regiment 'T9bejr aie -s'1tiste endti bat wb"~ey mrb Firt m' Lke ou~y -Tis INE. trangtb tests. Alr'eady reporte sow-rival bure depends utitraSralîroali COn- ,rasrlbed ad elueifr'e PENET. YLkeCut - liINE.te whsdom ai 1kese pmot'lons. 1il la dttions, -lhir daily are gromiag limai p posée vitliot tUfh&a w Uo"r claimui. -Worne. ' lIdac nid s