- . - -. - J "'.1~*~ Ad seUl. *S21,BSI: -s.on - Wlit ~iurry.. nhrl1e F6r TheseSwagger Sùits an 1d-'O'coats THE morec von knoNw about style and quality the more ,..' 'ot'll appreîate these values. It's just1-ike discov- ering gold. -THIX 0FP SM T NEW OVECROOÂT8 Worth uptO$46-0at Thelm ln, the olsoa iustylmes.i-ofabrlos, ic tallorn, Me lookaare the best te be found snyw*e h eé éI. Ovircote Include tho big beltod tyles.. populai- lghtmno. They're ln bruonMbue and gray --alo Mlack with largo Astaoian collar& Whils le iof th*i mom Wat. ed silflor*are r.theyll golna7shoaey â5 be prompt. Ilt will pay you ta iecgre an 0v- ercoat for future needa at tuas sale. These are those big varmn models and Include the wanted belted styles. -They are aIl dressy. serviceable and èzcep- tloaially atnart et ..$97 your cholce. $ 9.5 Good Ovorroate 'Missanada amiuominds ad short lots of veU Maie Ova- Coats. Tiieyre lu mtaative mia. tiares and you'U Sud mit a&l ohme in the lot. If Yau fMui yur ase ySntl gsi a $ 47 bargaai t- - 1.5 Look at These Stylïsh Suits la tht most wauted styles for meu and yaaug men. Ilucludeai arethos. Itapular vaietlins effectsahad bth ai. ai&d double breaiteai modela The fabrie s and talorlng-are absa- d l1utely dependable. Two great lots& for thiesale at3 - - A Wonderful Lot of Men'é- Suits at- These are isuits yau veil, dressai moenviiidolit O vWear. Th" manluaithevaniei boit ana walst-llue effets as - el as conarvatlve modela. The tarle, th. ianortng m pa tetteru ar the beat to u bai. Values range uP 50 860 ad avay thuy go 'at 4 -I Men's Furnishings. S At Cut Prices, MenÏ's Shirts, BeautLuIly mads vlt b itir- oe or sttifc«it. attached. They'ro lauatm14. 16%. 17,, 174. 19, 18%, 19 and 19% Speelulat .s -MeisWhte" Shirts' witla pleslc fronta iu sizes 14,17 a"d17% n -t saab . .. .Ls, MERNS FOUR IN HAND oteW t o 1klua armai r- My et paterm.s. pisii vuluoiat C000 AL.L-WDOL SWEATERS la theic Il-r style. 'ami varbu seotor combtmtbua --tu 8.45I MEWS FLANNELSi-TE EWMEWIAVY WARMu ME*NT SHiRtTS BATH #oufeS OeoE "ht vlm eCOU IWI uia"*-an&la a varie. MI*0AUvI~ WO UtS IN b6iox box itUN anl gts apair m ~ o.l* IFit.Out the Boy Saturday,. splendfid Suits and Overeoats -at $17,50 The suits IThe 0'COate "mffe lhave 2paire ot ponts. Tley ase mal ,madeis etylleli u jarfo boys 10 te le yrs oh. aretla taie bis poip tlar bltei mod. els. uel <h.e styles a boy de- lîglts t. Wear. AIl sra. 4 . sommamame valuesfor boys 9 te 18 yesas. BOY'S BumT JutRI itat f tamiOn b aai" aov »mà pauton. S1s&,17I Mdi l5ai aci eb 7.95 f The ft m ow nm vu Si mo amsvaa sbosTi toua lto..lu l 25 I~<SsssuUPlest~ Heres INeéwsFro,» the, r-- 1------- a a a Sce Row w~Ç.4 Ynr Sfro.~U~f You-'1Fid 1Tne Dry G-ioios.Just Read'. pladsOll~ L14 la'DU rstyaq~'rtgsaauat, lauge varlety of pautrfl& S~c vlueâ echamuaeveGa. .- ti 3fle ?bem excellentSc 49C Is-r. aes Itei lor tlue e ?t 4là 15 Aii fls a li. fr.L.oqU5Bl tomiY Md af r - mbroid@y St O 1 lu4» d eatn4ylwfr Ule ÀA. U lot cf patte#u wite, bo m i vile. & S*~T" h.l Oa'h ap te Ue aB 7ttî Pet ( mZdwupllw -Cule re a " 'Weil rfe ni UIIISaa. 5 itmpflv a se - lu I 0ub-s"* . Besîul#à &",ge iii. feu Ms" gag 7½cZ-. a pu Bewitching New Rats Are RiodY for You SMtrday Au Iovew'm U *1579 New Tttmu is Rata a s.'umn Ir mmer M'U* ama M ,,*Mr rhamdun -Eaim., s s asd $7.50S85 $1 %t S tw et Md «FUT A, a Mi£eynksOif h b e« guid oâk Vevet, They_~It hâte MU "dit -m adL r vp ng te 45.6.. eotm« @t..f G oraSvi-esn ln lu liMadpatent lesthea vlth iehit* clota Sos.Btjub ba t oeogPar ire* a.aim. iise07.54 ohm la 911 eh" tu j poattu r .4 hlj9RuUtL £ g a. elmr primaE£4 st Iho tu ina rm t rsfi i WOM ENS SATIN N3 lu Pub. Blue a"d Canay.. Uam SF to 7. m75vlua. Musclai 5 (Main Fou) YourLast:Opp0rtunity- to Séect One of These Stwining Coats at ffr Oid &mcMfoS thik79mS r -f yoU'»É» mt ouOe.at BTI.NOW. DoCrt miniisu» . 2B@U-l±'e umlY atjmmmj. Ws ds't duplk cet aontottbsm ai vilumb apenham Wa r tm Dow me'Yams. Tbey me de htuy. tallooset f.anil-usiun m haN' Iau4au uie l ttraed omne hava uClets.Vle Exquisite New Dresses timo, e Un Me M» Md mmi eone ateesa t hbs bRvws1l ùm *m vIdva., mnm es 7« bats., "WTi te u smam »& vtu *- mU.m. o%%es .à& t Coat~& Drssesfor tàe Gfrl - on e ôW Um tub le rm S -Feri tbeita 4 b a*la74 y" vw «* " le - aie gmt li 19 VNILDS ~8 £4 qOndil lus b ~ Nom qsss rases bon.l~I~ 705*8 - mn ghlo.* mmi OULUS~q ~W £4 ssii lit prottg 35W53s, a vira boidoht. aiLe mm ler Cie psag 1*8- gIrls. Specimi Bt ......... OhAIdren' Digues 4 A ~tb4.~'aiwm~m.a~. 515 o ~im4q.wu N~- IM~e 10 Pleur w PMWr" ~Sv1ngs For the iti T>s Un 1 1- VOLME XXVIII- idup ON MilES' -NE( DELAY ID 'Phone Message lI Concrete Vault - Two Funera, Iaud fr Wauk,.an .hhought tae heek Il ta1'nize:netit.4niado ior lir». Eiizab'-th AI,.,<.k onf Sundily il f1,i, voul btfe taki, il 1, Ce1n(, fry-an a r. . ai tolephan-,ni (-,a'v v-r ian wherein coni!u o 'n iF-M m.that ,r 2Il ered i<,f(r(, r iii!l te be Ir vock o Wj-,ri burir.' uri Wauk. 'ýan. 1 HIa ', ioîo 'Ton dV jj.2 ilar ori W j! vauit ;,, Ofelnr r the la! John Mî; .Wauk. ,an. A',!. mji tt. lte AI.olii. n S fle r sil t . Thp r->' ne ýtý, 1i. Inl 50tli hi-: "Why. 31r.--- Icegan w it t h.. vinr. ter lie bad been gon"e atolephone message ea lsa ai vs vere tmli vas DuOnt l hdbeen uad 0wcre te be pilae the i.Inter Accol ehwtl 'Mr.- hlm to fulai,.rouaî. .0meý fil- loi -j>and way back.- A Deporable A. Mr. liollanti (Jif ure thing and1 ',iw that î béppetl il in oOO' n culd not 40ale a!t fait Ingty b- ifl 2"r! d i the Aicock taiily. . n mu-up lnsorienar in,. Nid the lecision was ultli the funeral am¶ e h*ld as qchpdu ah body was left at th Mud wa.9 nterred thîs the Libertyvlle man hi iugn out anld brougli Mle View, Ho t Happi SjAter mn the day it i v the mIE-up Occurr gthe day suuiayfi decisi fneotinbury il Merant Kt titis tinte ly White and Tobin tel. ssite vauît makcer fiMeeîy sali: "Teli ,Wbrim teconcre lmtsaage elaU I haebum a.ie." ionise Wite ani liai amotier Vau] i red Mdi the Message a mleboletg duavaretft epuateithe ivo t mianadi oeodbal4 taehomMons.te t lusteai ofinthe we Mrt th"t wau boythe mxi -ILLINOISS . Sprlntel]d. I.FN. Iàg season üJoied ln Ill Lt la now unlawfulto s ~y wld grame or bîrdm ftw-bearin.g anImaIs'.j. ta Marfh 1. -Huniers agrpe flint t eatded mas one, ai thù Yenrs. jt l; estlia1E ~100,000 hontting license rurlng"1919. . 'The rabbit crap bas ,ieavy due te the lact enst coufltips per mît t ~ldthre rab-b s' la, SIl f gured k led. Mairy the, Peshlii .d ta the ~Skets andi became