avi 4ad-a th llain ha~atiOeiough whlppimg bu the felti of destb andi gore, we nmty uee the t*errins akip)in<bak to us&- fui ta*k and choie. 'HA*ng m çowad lb.' oti'- tiona,i havng s cra he b.Wgeodr«mawl myget down tb iaew ioâiu1,ad iùi trMeh'4 b. urme hl batikto old tlifm quamolmgo ôetlw @or! rwhr. lOOmWi wbleu an %ndisJhrus ason"of an,ý arehy M doomi. If wre do >nt-tquit our Yippne a ing'. -Mioke and fur aîtcend, -6cinariy, tt got, the whfp- p wwleowur m end. For ah's heating.up-ber boitera and she!, ipeed4jg up the moIlis) anti ber hrawny, husky -toilera ge to wi4 'WUt loyal wille. Whle we fant ar ound and elamor mr <tsT lgIlte andiof ur wronp Ger- man.y takes up the'* àÎ&, nt sounds forth the work tinie gongs. Wateb h 3> ea n see themn germ.ing, in -their olti efficient way,kiI we 're squeaking, squabbling, eqmuing for a big- ativaue-' n py. WVALT MAgON. ___________ - -iby Ïhb &uar14 o aT lroyà- Tb ediasce .411 coe*"v fer m«e- =oe d adngaitheI next Meet Ing or tà* City COMWa.M ad vini n ail rf- WOi POiRSINibillty le pameei. The MClWl WOR P N R SSN6 titan adv.rtbe fer 114h ani thui 01N SINRINfI OF 2ND in fiLat bld, teboadofloca îmroveaPaaîa a.'sured the pro .erty uisonemthaltithef vould bh otfe WLLL IN N .C 6 pastlinte date o~ flee ting tb ici ________t: ôOooMtra 10cf. o lt if tltoy are fBot Aldrnin Pillps.ccjirian i jt, a(laediWilh the blde tey can in- l5ir an voer lrîmt ep era f Orm te onuncîl Of the, tact and the 1ir a oe omlt.rPO ort Otnej will act on the proposition lt te eecond tept wet a? the iwter , ,, emajeriîý, of the, property own-' wxork. s i00w doavrta dcpth ofrltIe, s deaIre.ý teet. Theic dIv counci, jet lte ,f The board osf local lmprovyemenaS tract for te inking Of lte Mr, aeaored the proçerqt>y fltI M lette test Weillte J.A. [jase atout tWoJ plllr hearinx gt2a±t fie oont.ractor iweekg ogo. He e0omneed woikthe. Whvio la awarded the Job viii thave to llter part of last w.eek- .leaè a8bld Mth Pvem la for bis oiig- calfeti tor $7 a foot. uii la 1,conld-1 tuai bld andt iat thuB thlere viUl e ùrtil a nîadcrte Price b>'thée Northt no t) iPPImental aascsîuent on t, Chcaueoncî.ImProvemueut, aýtere a vo-onte A ibtiweill%%,&, recentl>' doltI'Central improvement projet'. ple edeuil the rea.ultetof te lest __________ 'I regýLrd t the qnantity Of watep. decaoid to @ END0F THIEFL flra.î tst vwell vaseto at a deptb of 210 feet A flow ot 193 galions E IE U D .OfWiter etnnqte tW accired PID MJC iijEiEiIN Al-au ;t1wW ritorta al"t a .SHIHT, is RLF îiatpýcof te 'Vter ront t irst tent W. 1lIvas lenl1tao %wigfleld id a týon-isiner 'adaY 90 taI the iConstantly Docreasing Number quittv of the. valtr 'oulil lie babil ne .*r 'a, ï tag. ao sideriin a r of New Cases Causes Hope hut V. f voler lookeil vet*y'eler andlte Be Raised. lrstv. ii e aaollet tai,- Thafthlea'end of iliii' lu andl Pnu- 1'r :~:î' esteçnd tc e-t wélî unnîa epideanle inWaukegan ta in 1u. e 1s9aqLtj ea k sci cindirateil by the eonrtantly of th, t- coî'cf of North decreag#ug number of nev cases. -The dlaica9g3 teýIal asurî tsi iti VIIIcon- iw cases àdiv becoming quite rare Uia"_, f or o0wi e~ .il, %dii bc'awarula-d and, te physiciànsa are auccesstuli> asth ic dlv?,tMerm delre te19 UPPIP battling ftie Pneumonie cases. Wite the n(il, Mi wit ptie vat astédeatit toit bas heen conAderable 809n znir tt voiti prever. 4Iltas iteen inucit Ii, titan durlng sra'n u poibt. te viitation of thé., pidémiec lest REPO TS 0F CITY icauk amra= aré h& OFFICERS 4}F ~ ~ ranc mutiYlder fr thar n ttformerly. Tite OFFI RS F.UM RIIiifart tat Il va, cotnbalîed lrenoualy fromliie lirai and thte Urt ber tact se ythat peopla vWho became fi i d n l C~EICMO CCPTED telle the chacetey didlast limet sijiniOneil a PiYtlian laq belleved to 'therls 0ý f te ly ottîers ble Onle e ief reasons wvit he v efrtad ai th£ couneil meeting i einie ha, been combatteil g0 sue- Mo¶day 'even1ng. The reportastMiAov- cessfully.- * t'ty Trasrer J. I.. Przytorkie Wile Ilit peareil oarly luntte et'?- reoparl,,huirwng the amate of tite tr(,as- demile tatit migitt be nrcessary te, MM or, Jar.uarv 'il statedthlat tere1 quatiilne te eut ire rllyahutlng VSa alvtee 0aI$2457, on han4. l' c tieatres andi ail alter publie places eepor; saccepleil and Olderedi tiIs iece@Bity bas been averteil andl Plasea on file. l vîit lte ed of strict quarantime 'the R 6-1o'(,iîy C(olimcor Rgtpli diseuse fbas heen checkeil. Tiiere nlleck clatfi ll ta' se bailcolle-tel 1aPPears 'ttie reaeon Io belleve titat 1416.!' since blé;Lt aîl ual raor i tere wîli be a fie-h cutireak of the and turre Jsaneé nIer t~ote ils ýdIa-aSe tbiis ear. tri-s>urel, The rport vseaccepaid lun naay instances vitere hOuai -anti Oà-teed i'c-aeton file. l'have been quarantînea te piysclan, Rteport or Juztiec of tp eïaeao tn have bers or the Opinion that the NelsOn rWethi i iat ne bail collectesî tatienta vere fl o f te old tahioqeil $16 on finessnepeiie lust report &ail] o4p and have Boo tatld 1tlelr tPa- * AI tht Mone-lnd bien turnod ove- 1105*. but lu order tat ail preçau- *10 the cit,' îrOar(rr. itatport'was ac- tltaemit ti aen they have re- celteti suil-ordf-retipaced où Mie. poRtld lte races " lAu suspect cases Report otfCl>ly -lbrarm blasiom n d the hOuai', bave béeesquaran- Nelson vas accepîrd twd ordeR'd littei. Very oftcu Il devolopeil vitin plareil on fIle. I a ftw 44ys thfat te patiffte dld fBot Albil ll,- w, e aîw:andI oruer bave te Pl-u andl teýsgns voe r n ji-avnouc.(te troisau-flor pa:ymtn Tite sircet.n' l aty commi(te, re i OUale8 of-Precioti. &tan& - . prted tha lasrc l1 be matn>' OpitIa are III' certain, respeat!t alu floedsu InNoitVc Cbirivto dîîinirte atther .,ecullar uttm.ag gpm tones. latvest 4i lîereusa, etiter geins. sucit as tbe ruity, ______________ tMe emerali, aînd tAhe aapphilm4 ove lie,, cloras -naia6e7enab visItAi the crstais arm alalnc<l, tI hutiattipIs Ot the, opn 1 are due't eJ RU Ii LlU . -£ um l" 1'rt"Ire:êvtr go i m in~ute IL W TO PASS ABI1 tfgl'frorn ;hittige'j *A Éeàr PAVINi ORDINA'NCE ýf)t1uf9frini 5 te 13 perit )uodnpere9t;aîi ii pav.u vesterlv Iltiot of nuonvalbAve. UCutir 0a.îrl i.i e 0c4Siterlda'n $Md F Vlotfi1ctorlt P1:Eacî hi-- ýtvedi4-TeoU. and Ltittl.usruul M th e~s#- eetng Mna t sus ~dv~ efred-M, . tre Jevele 'ot .;ie WIgM. flnyoi 11w tlittlite anent pal-no omers uc<re sery irnuit lutareiledin l iewctry? Tlidey sel tiat n rqiy ne &Oniitetd h ti pîlîet Mars; a sîàp;.ilre Jupiter; a disunonti, Sturi; utnime: ciii, Vencq- tunu untlyst. Mercury. <bIA representei te sun and] pearl .Peppy" cae, l)-. F 'Tb Mid l W&t. Three Ieeu of or 0pPY-COor"afe en. ewed toa foundation of th* muS lUt. <ho top Sonnceai' remilud carefully around the,) MmomMer Une. Thon a large col- bar' flasi vtt! thotasetala adjat- ta s. toat It Italla vropwt7ý 2"f abeulder Inoe. A Urte Z eov*eod batton, vitb ewrd a loms tamuea of the ailit, boa t» Vital stop. «I bave crumied te rublcsmd.* mul:: mured the vozasu who bail Jutt quoi,. red with ber res-fared cook.-Brook. yn magie-~ The dimm;àu ué«% *1 s. - I - 7-~ Nie. 51e ~fl bieIAY AND GRAIN 3-m'I)ih vue Wagon maou. au" About wse tmis Ta=e Hay. àosBUav a Ptm nen Arer .Wb ebave ber Umm auw un*wIfe lr. mRer niote bu .g a mrWieBodSomdi 40 .XnM viib gve n eC AMk*4" otas wic«t Imer [t ira" l.tpo1ie im 1.d m Au". ove ng ywhs'ntat u" tlS aidniéç. âh enai $Ue i. tb t' va, iabtous ndt*atl n.".hfad wme troblu retn I . tlaSTLiethe eil6lerIndpefu.Nodenteb vdtt fo " omptiedfr bert ter wet rMe' iat , ,0 troc lare eam for riab.'ÇonyNe sRthteAseh;reroie a wasrigteus nd#naio.. . . PER E, r 'rit. mbàonikr nff. Pierce Stores WINTERý COATSJ -v I -I 'M Unchaue Te Mié T. AI New Organdi# Blouses forIment Just arrived frees the maker.- They're in ne .end of pretty e 9 m b Inatton a'd style e«. .ects >ant ara r.iced St 369 Daima' ne0W stashable Bat Fl Carm SOICS i n Fiesi, ahade - uncoMmon. y ýood value fit Sta.n Sprini Arn' Sati Spe OnMfa I)RESW Et , bric wciis rrg Sjîscîarfo r Sati:rala,, t.a r -SHI] ra -tt fite Nia it îrc aof 1) priccd at 'ý ar 'GINI Ile h si A' iz UNDE Iiir andi] xtra, and long s1e- urday apecua! 44 éadof Lve Sok4 ai O LCh@~ t ~ tMW*s, weigh1400-. ____ wykNUnrwl8rk, Upd.-,Mv.FL1 214 North Genesee Street Final Clearance of- S&ale ,Starts-lWednesday, Feb. i1 lth Our £ntfre O' StOcèLDivided Into Four- Lots Ltt1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4- This Sale In.iýclue-iteyWliter' Coat ln-Stoc~-rgnISi Prics Wee Frm $1,50to $75, ibrïce* Ma&de W*Ithot C016=deràt en -of Cest t ... au - -lorice- ami - il 7-- 7 - 7,77- iý , 1, 17