returued a V"eit la tavr t te -ds WJII (I1U I3S fedaaL The motioli for a zwtrial ~' eu~un'~ii'uftUi' va. Wester Union Toe. Emh Ca. as a ard- tAI> M1W TRALS ftout a, atmok b>' doo IVII IIwUbuildins heme Th* motion for a nevr tra vasrootlnnd sq th*o ciiteint Some Mation8 av eei ocb.PacW wvs u od on a okrte *ConftinOW-d tntiI Later. tain taro fixturea. The verdict ot tjue wuva bis fayot. The nmo- THE JUDGE lASBO Y and apeuiai as Meruîe judge'Edwards pused a v9r17. b. 5, SIE! V, ho vued as CAlI ir JE~IAiC IE ~b to pass on sevefil m oti o trial. The Of t>'o eemoaa Df vers denled. lai sorneIne , - R iT R pel eetai:. BSore Motions iiiI D F11 for nev Iflals that vere tekian up b>' ARI S the court:I Stversteitva. Rybickl asd DudUl I Tha2 jury bad ,eturned à verdict etI Ig2O _damages. The Motonfor, a new 1ChUB't~e xcp iS vas e nterC,- s Jh Anothor, le Halrry E. EtAklq a.e on A. ievislv Fita 1at loto the ring Eckles bad 'ated a ti;fm e y1à UomeiCni Ioda>' lewis vho clafiped'to ho the r$btlui tba.tý' -4'dbglioprations hos stlrcess te Dr. Dovie c! Zion "lty. t.i hé ;s~I Eckles 'ieid LevIs did flot pa'h . iniemuvi m~b~5S r thau the Wauke- for- his servifts..The verdict ai the O Xeâg vh'w OPOrated '10 jury vas in fevor of LAwis. Thena ene"~86ii anera&go un- ,.o [or a new trial vas overuld dot thu sgt of, L.C. T.v.a. Ecles bb a appeal. Mr..-T*taheïl dvwu Tanre., *i11 Carl E. lymh vs. Charles Meck"7en-" àÏà4tidt 5b5a âg'of the nov enter- bèrg. liTis as a case growag out"plis . -iere. TtwfIrnviib. iocated of an alleg.Žd [aise erreat et Atoub. et tbélt format place of business on The Jury led f[mmd in tavor or Mci- 8Piirg dIîreet. .jew TIW t#P1q)ca iz~~ IU' stt eeently ani- 45as vr'id'A ep'fvsth pleonti cutiag and -bousing 60,000 joseph Oltusky vs. North Shore tons of tee at Paddock's Lako Wl.. .talroad. Oltnpiy huid asked IlOiO90I Amotber fâne vhi l1-novID inthaï ~iraaqesbut tb. verdict of the jury[oal Jdad Mchwvlfl buge, op- waî In faVor of te defendalit. Ti-k.-oiaàthe g ame Ui lathe mot"rh was continued to the. Mârcb4-W"iksgan-Purs 'Fiter tee Compas>'. 4ee'% eUL.Siilraction Wae5j-zys afirn ta uit comfpletingthco- taltcn viih.regard Iothie 810.00 dam- ttuction of ane o! the largeet and ige 'uilt brought aagnst James Mer-t moult modem te. manufacturiag 10v for t he deatb Of Mise Mabel plants la the state. it viliipaye a Woir bo dled as' the reeult of a capacit>'.,Df do toms a day to beïlii i!l f rnT a thîrd story porcb. I vith eandoa double that at an>' finis dLptbal and Ca. vs. Samuet Uoid. the .volumo of bui ines ame adail. lieu,-jory vhieh beard thé, cae -ê *il--%M Tls-commay -vill rua fut cape-- tdv aonq.y vblchfit vas aleged badil cty froni th@o r n aroaiy for op- flt been paid for pennaiita and moi* station. Thar. la a talags mou that' gillova. rturaod a verdict la fyot of [viiibote 39w0 ton. anu mil le sur- "lad.-1Themotion fût a pnuv trial vas plus le u miufaetuffod dr th[le Ovrruled. An appeai va. takiai. frot cou»gimnthe wviibe aonedfor J. L. McDonald v. Leader Store Of tedurtag the gommer. Mon. This va. an cage vberoin ouit The on!>' compsa> la operatlonta vas brough égalant the Msore ho- Waukegen lastyear vau theKennedy cause it vas aleied the store aid Il onay.vic1ii otnea ordered, tva phonographs and thon usel akloc ibre.s enipa»niesla retuaed ta pa>'. for tho:n. Thé lui>'the e lit. a---- TOAYIDPn ý AYMEORJ ___ -f -iER,'UIO ÀL buigby at t-c fis t ? s iugo* nt . - 'r lgeno . . o c f ite loa f ebr- Up $ô 10. -)at 01- W. ýa Dock, alia utla b.ft.o!or ta arefusai to (&y ' it- Uoi ie g ouad "~t It vas flot #à n reaa. Diokbrouimt sui -amd J«4i W.H nfter bewrini tbee vkloto. a a nIl court ?eI% mv. -1afiorsob . vardeo damasalimé à&' .63Ite E m, bu>' bay al, bé toa lid thm:"Ë~ 1B va-- -7A I QU.I n 15 S a wiUtod --to té, 04-rapmeentied. No saldho coeedIt to b. balie Aid thon, ebi eod fuÇblcqo. portiomis. or lho ghlpment, lheoers, vere,re>eto4 beasuse lit-misni t.> e or. nd ou fiet qualit>'.1 The. evicejcq,, ohms' ttrat' Rond tOnde a 0Iireugb esomiMatlor theii beay, pulinsg h apart -id tranptlng over it eforie ho mie tWe Pis chas.. XI vais AhovnCiao tai ho. v"w on hatnd vtien ùt vaeb1@i Md bad ever>' opportuslty t*0 [md it1m It vad* net liraik oiailty If mut vsuthe mie. > ock nid Iboro vU -0no mnana of f elinBg-e -»0 lie ,stod bav*b"d tiom purcbasd o! hfibmuus Rock IMd rumciaae- b@« Tu court fat that IHO&* ~bulnfor [h. ha>' ad enterod lud&mmonto tat, affect. - Fou . SLP-Tht. ferm -la Lake (Jouat>',20 &toto. vithout I4prove- montaeoept fone;.;7s &cre. Witt -$hos hot -ter hiat-4ooê*amn.t won feAced. Lake f roate.; $ a«-. laa.bmisa b e. Wil 10050 SMc. neCuaImoMCUIIOCII &Do- bar, 112 W. Aiam#i trait Ohîcag I WITUfl-Gfrior womasfSorpmera al trtu«,vôrL 414N. vbe y iRd S 'ene trom the graeli play' ever ahc'wnl i WaUkegasi, Experieice." eat Nw Mjpstic, Miiday. 1'eh. 16. NEW MAJESTIC.-,Mon.-, Feb. IS à.Jl The Greatest Show of thé Seasonï. 82,-Peop1e-.821 la practlsallfr ait co~oru ~~ii5iE'. - 'é.3.98 Bar* apecla au" *-0 su oeoffos-d & lis nd MmsannW> orMemlddy New Socks to.$4 Na.>' attractIv e 2.98 f srb hobavoeluit aeriedla a vle WOU, feol0rn andma iterials Vh ~ÀLA ~a~ea ana Child~wn ite le, &tu,1 vaine I LA IVOLUIMF'Y VIII- FRENCH 60YO 6OLDIA RI Act iniConjunctiori can Legion tw ûî to Motr In aGreat Pebruary SeIIing aS- te!gn ae':ii4ikiii 1 i Ouming ii.etîîîg 0to Auditorliu nxt Suîid atniv.rsary oftheb..1 *Washington. ' On Ibis uoccas.ioni l'os? of t he- Anîrici ininn n flUfctli Wl gui L-iii ii- i. * VI tiresi i'-ilch .: lesu wh..l, tllg 'bî tilt îîwîii-ian irgî Il '>. uLtrng Gi 'Le Niaitiui ZorumF.k' G.. ElII..Williams. (jodl, M rs. CathLef ine iorai~ j.Jami Surenuien, Lak Mim .F "as..>.Lii W..ilîîalilIîl l'oie. Wui<t 'Ni. K (; E .lulîae.. AU;!it'u l '...tiiîîir, .ALI Nii L 1'P IîîI.i.1 11-n Bit.u (rays al Enarna Il. itai on.. jr J W. ,Main, Anléoc.l M r.i Arina StLahi. W;î -N Nr.s. leiSiiixuiiih - rm I'I. - il 1 Liii oI i"* 4alfi BaduiLl li.i nI'itioîlt . \lil Fan oeIl R\Volt e, Xiý Arthîur l>alcy Wauci WiliIam li7knZon 1Mrt Il F Noton. 1 flarr- 1).Nolan, Gur Fî.',l L Kirby, Waul. Charles. Lerlewicz, Nc W. A Etchehl. Wauk. Adamn MicieiJevlch. 1 Ed MeNamara, Waukî Mr. Scbotanuis. WauI (1, A.fDemorest. Wau Moir, of soidîer., [ uprpe, l"iariicp e iti ai "so- io'Inor firoiit ". trgtini?.i'ioîî ofthie iHon. Th'F.- legîimn iIli vc'rv ing a large' , atiendani- îîîeînbers aieî1thie g-ne à . hi,nor w IlI b, 'îîh'î Ah . It., N; Corps and, i! 1l'iii i ., 'i l'ý 1 1 .v1. i ijurCiîuilrLi ROAD BUll STATE TO w t-'. ~XPU~ifN4~. OIPICE - I 50c1o12 o ÇUP<4# ý Mo to £049.3 >, foab £079t $ Tiïw.id1y- app;eciatod eveni is being p*troniýzed by crowda c.f c buyers wh.o i*re excellent iutîtlçx ofr~I vului. -The coats areciktht e Wiser nmodcs ithe aichcast narteet, matutervieaghle £abrea an4jtclr mil i. :oîu kîle.,i WI îît11 i i g'rain tLii. ',ui 0 îuhmtttim bîds. rýn à ithin tI.h î'stiniate t. 'e. Failler bld.. N hWWne(daY iandut wili be made. ueisu1 2A11 .0,22±,342 A n o w h n @ r tcsfe r M dto l n . o l a n , : T ~ a , u a h 4 . - ~ e k o . N FYeot stumb BWck. aetr tSilk andl Wiol Dresse X>1<ai*7 rqt. ng elvstylos lU a let>' f $9.7 omSio Mdi vidtb.Altd deaioi ret o> e e e f"~.i il 1~ f4L et u- -iý Iri r