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Libertyville Independent, 19 Feb 1920, p. 2

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Fran k L.Gayle anu wife Itnohn ti D. Rohan, New lonldon, Wis distributi6n costs. Facts propjerly in. ty in, order to meet his sch.ool ex. In the Circuit Court of Lake Countoy. A. Mason bY deed recorded October2, R seslt 3,Gre- ayadiin reeA.Mtr, Mniowe29, epee hud fl oapae 'epne.March Term A. Li. 1920. 1899, as do cument 76022 In Book 1'22 of Li in to uk and Nire to illie • i epnsv. îëróiWatca tilcWarr n lî erick -Des;pg 89 Soott, .ots 17nd 18S, :lock 1.1 Mar Edward \alsh. Chicago. 24; Marie "M.A--bas bought and paÏ or v.Asoataneofadinheor- vin's .subdivision. Fox bakle. Wa Morley,Chca. 23. - A few observations mighit not co'ne his 130.acre farm duririg the past tennkonhisatlwordv see ast corner of the southeastri quarter of ranty deed, $10. bte Ltne8Mwue83 ns. Uears; uses rockghosphate and lime-section 8, township 43 north, range I11 J.J iceradwf o tFrihr Buri, M ilwwae,Thsucflarermust ot onYeas s c hsphtadâen oLU FCOY f*S*ilas Stephens, decealsed' , Frank.G. east of the 3rà Principal Meridian, well, ita tof land west of Desplaine s Fdward . Schwartzburg Jr., Jack b o d bu ie s m n b t as Ie es th ih s ve a e c o icell, Mary M i el, H oat E l s t sc rb e as folowmstr: Bgi nnai ng atOrt, river in se.ctions 27 and 2x.Warren sonv Ille 111., 22: clara R., Deters. Win- odlive stoc xnroducer and graain Pri atin thst ownship. elsl e rmorry g n ai gg g eHone .inndto*n M oanB olt, Elithoe l rnoteasItcnter n of sadqather townshil .Quitclainiled $IGadkechester', 21 fre swel h us aete abehr of coisge nlla fromChicago. Would Give >rsHltan"Ukonwesofecothce et541etton and wife, • lot invillage of Airea. fl.rI. aore ilwauke,4. ability:to nMarket all kinds0!orf famo-and effottellis tty whaoainnusLaef15bSqure Mles.wsns uaerOfsectin , o-heoiron s;takeno teater lin fh Warranty deed, $10. Piik.J ,FOtSeia,3,duce to the best adivantage. Farming trhaighway;r thenceoftbl. Th pplain ndameselveu-southeasterage11lyto te r tereie in alongigwa 9je Edwliard Conrad and wife to P. C' Pa rk ,2orjS.rn,31isbig business 'and shoutitlie treated frPuiesrrisanypoiac. h ouaio n sese au-sipa3 nor, ang es1 etsofoe3dtei etrln-o adhgha 9fe Stahl and wife, lot on east side Sheri as such by. the eneraltublic Not r. A- is also an officer of the lion of Lake County will be douibledPrniaMedadscbdasf- to the intersection of the center fine dan road in nort.heasto ne-quarter. Adolph G.' Polenz. Harvard, . gl.- local school and church, and has dis- If tII proposed Plan ofr consolidatiglw:Bgrnn tten-tws o- adhgwyadtees ieo section 21, Waukegan. ' Annabelle Moody. Chicago 23. many i business men, have both ,the cussed fanný questions so oftlefi with Cook County and Chicago la acted ner ofhadqrtrscinheectr said quarter section: thence easti -AueaRbigan bnd tme ors And Aneni . Chiag,(7io, 224nn ds s oand t fa ranpman thteri-iis son tatis 12-yearcold boy lis as cUon fvetonre it is tobcpnsuin 265Wfet to an tron stake in the cen- along the east fine ofsld qüarter sec. 1.-bk-a 23t,wrig4 ial Waukean. Frd hicTngerson. FnDLa 3slven utheur a oind aeth amou- ntterested in'the farm and has a- bet- for approval. The plan Is one whieb tro eto frsi;-tec in5. ett h lc'fbgni Warranty deedt $10. M %arte Alwfieer. Font Pu Lac. 18. .r rftonteaon ter working knowledge of farm opera- would give that part of Colk Coun-r uhaogthatlneo h ot situated In thit Town of Vernon in the Nellie Conrad et a t,)lauis BRiz 1lenryF. Voght. Palatine, 26; Iof farmi investmrent involved. Experst- tons than many farmn operators. ty not included in Ch40ago to adlla. west quarter of said! section 9, 26(13.81 County of Lake and State of lilinoi4" jak, tot 16. block l \aueanHig i ln.husen. Biarrington, 18. ec antb cie ih hr cent countIs feet to a itron srtake in the center fine InC&eyGnriN.125 lands, North chicago. WVarrantyj Osenr Harris, Waukegan. 35; MNarYimel Relative to this programt Oscar F_ of the highway 30.7 feet north of the Ti Caery, Geral dai VN 245 deed, 11. Hokn.Wuea,2-Tebsns ame uthv h OU Will no doubt boe surprised Hewitt, writing to aChcg news h eusi fiái aigbe Leonard Maenhiout to Frank iaen - Fordyc B. Rice, NWaukegan. 23: oeigtt uyteneddfes tawen 1 tell you t4at 1 regard Mr., John papler fromt Springfield says:sutetconro h sutwtfldinhefieofheCrkfte hotlos ad18, block 1. Orv WRose AlMaho, Wakega 22t- ---yas-thebestfarm iifall erriory utsie of the Pre-quar*ter of section 9; thence north 59 said Court, notice im therefore hereby boubdivison.uea.WarmnaydHarry aves ie avyn.. time mwhen market conditions are best, of the e county aJohn lerin our, part ent city timoits were attáched to ot.her degrees 26 minutes west along the iven to the above fnamed! defendants deedi, $175. Anna Fergurson, Hiazel Crest, 18. He inmst know how to handle his soiflrthre coun.Joh las only an avern counities, Lake County, on thec north,. center fine of saidl highway 7374 feet to and unknown owners atforesaid, that ---- - ---- - - - - ertility problem in orde t aanut.mnhsol nae-wol e aeie heig ot-an Iron stua; thence north 42degrees-i the aove namied complainant lhereto production. He lontust recogniize that age farm of 165 acres thlai is clear of fwield, New Trier (inluding the vil" 48 minutes west along the center fine opfj bsIi fCotfan 'An Unprecedented Demand d° dy°tient, K nsored ledr aforat a m Initiative and resources. Hie must keep ar ed osadwetfralv towns comibined have an area, of 152 I ulûts west along Ilhe center of said mojnsthereýupon issueoýI ut of -said records and accounts and be able to1 inz. He has a fine famfily, of twelve âquare miles, a 1910 population Of Ihighiway 1412 feet to an tironr court against the.above named dfend Fo o danalyze his farmu business ait the end , hildiren and ts givingevr one a 5010 and property valued for taxe stake; thence north 42 degr-eps 48 min ants re.turnab)le on tefrtdyo of each year. He mnust keep posted good education. Jqhn liad only his uinproeII 911 f2,7,0, tesl wetst along the center fine of salod the er of the -i:rcuiit Cour OfL: on the market conditions and cooper onls neg n oo omnpopýulation and assessed vluation o'f highway 60M.4 feet to an Iron stake; Coujtnty. iobe held atI the Court Hoq.'. View the industrial conditions of the a ndi] tledi; extra lood and comiplete aie %with his fellow neighbors In the' sense when hie startedl to work for Lake. County. tec north 13 degreeps 9 mtinuj(ms in Wau;Itkegan In said Lake County. on world as we may, we are coný 1 r. : 1 moe &mdhhns f.In addliton to takingclare of Kane County's Share. west alony the center line of sai tefrtMna f acI.I 90 at every angle by Ithe high 1. il, u1 men i;. :ock, iollow correct, logical nmethods in con- his farma and family, lhe hadltimre dur. TI',,Kano County ighzt !he attach h-i bwai88.2 feet to0thinersenas Is by law required anoitwhich suit ing. fit is one of thfirels(t though!ts to feed and imidements if desired, Tits ducting is business, watch detail sing fthe war to act as lood administra- te(wsI Brigo ndHnvr f the ýcent II'urieo- f sid i hayand stlpedn enter the maind of rthe average individ- feam will rent for $2000 per year. It is and follow a plan in thre production of torý lgivehs time for every war activ- af4. )Ath.wst line of said s-ct ,n 9j thienceLF SO RCKA nal in the miorming. He retire ; think- now% occupied by the owner. crops and livestock or in building a ity cang>paign, and keep up>is imterest 4. " and an assdvalutation hlas nombl along Ilh, west lineý of sid s >- clie, ing-about-it. somte Europeamn nations 93 ACRES homte or educatilig his family. . in othier problems of thre vcommunt ity yr oni.' 00 a n19mla(jtil-ni'9 12 feetoth ie plaÀceof bI Waukeizan. Illinois. January 2q 1920' are ready to surrender their V(aalth, Good, black level land; all tiled and Alldths oftent seemns simple to tife andtcounty."io ta 9.0 eronsoi, anai inntYFLHMRR. their instituionstheir ll, f they can cultiatd except 4 acres of easture; man in towin, who knows nothing alo n atyaro ethan.- Also beginming atai ;,int nii Complainant;s Solicitor but be guaranteed that their*people 2 miles fromi town; 40 Miles frottn the all about the.iroducit-ion of farmi>pro- "W\ell, 1 guess the mlost successful'TO I uPage Coumy w'ouhIt probably west line of thre soullrA4t quarter of 5 Jan. 29 feb 5 1'2 19 will be pr-ovided with food until they Loop, Chicago; fair buildings; $200 ducts, the farmt labor question, the fainer is Dit]l -,since lielhas just are able to produce it for them'loselves. pier acre; $2600u cashi, balance $500 per many annual risks taken. the wori.y1 bought another farml whichl he has Her m merca e hve eenso earThi isa brgan ver the' gutcopie of operations, the paid for by is good manatgemIis (I gefferously provided for (luring thle 76 ACR ES planmning required for a single season's the old fartlu homestead., Bill has 0Nver Pasit twenty years that i it i difficultinlasouth part of- Lake county, 2, work,"the hiandling of equipinent; the1 $5,060 loaned out at interest, as hie be- for us to conemet or a sausation, ,o mliiks from11 Cook counity fine; 2 miles market fluctuations of farm products,1 lieves in hiaving his dollars working grave. N%*, hai,, becomie too accus fromi town; 1 6 miles from Deerfield; 8 the Isenseless boycott of fundamiental al] the toume. Bill's boy is only 13 years tOmued to hiai ing whilatevýer our fancies mie fromt Highland Park; on gravel farm products by uninformed women's old, yet he does a mnan'swork in thre crave,,so long als lwe are able to ,0ay road; level land; deep black soil, all clubs or the brain and ability requiredi field and hels fte care of their herd the bill, but we are now approaching ithioroughily tiled and cultivated; comn- to mrake the farm give the operator a Of 30 cowNs. Bill attends to busine.ss, the period where, in somte localities, plete set of buildings, ren)aired, paint- living, educate his children, or return but his Austrian parentage caused him MOne will nlot buy even the most comr- ed and in good condition; young or- himi a fair profit on the investmrent in- to say too much during the war, so Mon necessities. chard and good vineyard; $260 per volvei. after being advised by the 1)epartmient Something of' the vastness of thisjacre. This. farmis rented for $1000 of Justice, hie shokwed his patriotismn by situation may ibe reaised by a mo. Per year cash rent. Better thtan 51>er To the city dweller, the successful giving $5.00 to the Red Cross and by ment's reflection upon a recent report cent on the cost. Possession March type of farmner leisuually the farner buying a $50 Liberty bond." Of the estimatied needs of five emall,1 91. whose name is oftent mentionei n the inerior nations in central Europe. 145 ACRES daly or weekly press because of his This in given as a,647,000 tonï à Of n Mlakeaene 5mlsfrom large farrm investment or his special- If we look actt qet1io netmea cereala-whea.t, aSorn, barley, rye Chicago, 6fmites fromt Highland Park; ization in sopte phase of farmi ng that commuae fnit1 stadnt hen I do-not and rice, to say nothing of fruit, vaee best of black levei soif; Wr' res Ofi has brought him fame or returned oeon- hr est athtrmer Hl aa r -- a tables and meat products, that Ilthe ine timbeff; balance mtild u CI 1siderable tsumsaòf money. . There are our bestfarer.on he sonlyfartr, pesople should have, but by no means vated; fine alfalla land; good 10 room n ot many farmers of this..exceptional bu hs lvdonhte am ar fr 0 R ef of A ctiVity can they hope to have. This amffount thoroughly modern house; beauttuk type, just aB there are but few men of .yeadurs.Har attnd arm meet sins which is only necessary. to susrtain lawn; *2 targe barns; numerous out- s&ifih eXceptional ability in the general resfaraertn s ad plie éraAs.omet Re lases greati that in speaking of i, 1 buildings; a beautiful country heme; business world. 1 ett r resuits, his fadlrd Alihesgth North Shloretelectric trainis bring you direct to the center of Chai-. tetn is used au a Unit of masgure. '$265 per acre; very easy terme; pos- ' The problem of feeding the world etHMlanofirofheFr The peopte Of thes-e counftries are not session March 1. depends ujon the farmerwho operatesretHay snofcrofheFr cagots tlietre, hotel, business and sopping district. lntereted in the oost of shrogesgr of 4 ACRES a farm or the average slize, whose crop Bureau, a booster bof everything that smpring bats. It is a matter of actual On good gravei road, 1% miles fromt yields are not outstanding, whse live- improves living conditions in thefcom- efriftence with thlema. town with streset car connecticons to stock returnà are nothing exceptionil. fmuiy, nd hstevntey mmbr of hise Somes one may say, Americat can Chicago; best qualt blalklevel Land; The successfaul farmer handles his tfam i inerested i g n the im1 e takre care of herself! and her peopl.; Used as a garden farm; good buildin-%l, farm carefully and well, conservsis hdswicbeisaplingnh et ie atine e likewise A mort 45 0;Possession March LH1.ybin uadbtaw rHarry a1 -year old son has HCG1ERIEMlAUE EVC of a normal man. The heart of the One mile froi large popular sum- proposition that tendu to make his nmaH bank accountfcetystre great Amtericantpeoplle will neverbea mer resort, 2 miles from good town; coramunity a better place in which to as aneuainfd. Trains leaving Libertyvýille con- Trains 1eavig Libertyvile con .Complacepntly while It is possible to on gravel road; gooid black soi, all tilt-1 live. nect at Lake Bluff with limited nect with limaitid trains leaving oSlay human suffering wherever iltonay able; 7 room bungalow; large barn; Thie big farmer or exceptional farm.- "It is questionable if there is a funure and express trains for the lOOp. Lake Bluff hourly fron 6:53 a. exist. We may bie calledl upon to cur- fine opoortunity for poultry or gardo.n er shouldt not 4e discreditedl. They do successftul farmner in Our neighborhood til our living expenises to the very Industries, 'as, these products would thei at than Jack -. He owns ,three In. (o 1 :23 a. m. liiWe should at lastr give somte have the best. of mgerkets at 'the door; Thavergea r e hul o efaurmis 100 head of livestock, la a good conalderaitions to thesete conditions.. We $3500; extremely easy terms. ignored or 'treated with contempt by dairyrman, a director In the local banki. lihouldi exert ourselves to produc e-e 220ACRES the consumer or even o)ther-big'tity He recently patid $500 for a pure bred ery poundi of food possible. The weL.-d In soutliern par-t of Lgke .county. 21 interests 'Whenf the average farmer I&ull.-- Jack's wife aent daughters still aetneadMny yprhtn 0Rd la in greater needs Of war gardens to-I miles froma town, 25 mlles from Chi- operates his business on prenent day carry water from th 1old well, while eSave timvie and Cheypuca ing a'g-o. day than ever before- The maenace of ceago; on good gravel roadt; good black nion hour-sli the consuming puhliec the 18 and '20 year old sons a re kept so tickets IeWelieryil ndCiao the red flag thrives on hungry human Prairie soif; alinost level; 25 acres a will then be resady to consult wi.th the busyýon thie big farm, becat¯se Of the bemngs. fine timber along the public highway:farmer upon production andditib.sarcity of helpi thatbt aemse Tb Ilheimind-oi , iwP: of these serviceable buIldihgat $135 pot acr-e; 1tion costs. .talt that was best in childhood and gTet wstne h aaroffoo po: as temsof ayent fne pprtu-iave be-omne IIId men þeforetheirFor further informat ,apply.to the duefion.is -of prime mtne to the'it for a farmner wihth b;ý own help.'ess ol ntfrgrtattv time. Both boys are badly roundshoul- Amierican peeple. Mueh mioreI mighty 100 ACRES Croiooner(sI udf foodn re t that iee derecl, and have that brokenr spirit Of be writteni on ilhissujc but the re- One of the best, one-mnan laII arms in podc rti offoonut theyveae the constantly overworked." c ake c tm ; 1 mile from 4n>di town; -linmn os N eus rI ,I ltems n 00T00nno!bst.arinCHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILW AUKEE R. R. by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~g 1ucai n pitn oe> ou ose cnl eoèe rt hr ieipIasked a Dnumrber [fis scton s hisnililk salesflor rthe the Lake ("oimlyfannis ihat 1:a hoil wlymodlern ant; das new;ofpro in famersi whii omrmun erae lot it smcha n Lbryle: Tce Ofc oifferink for sale. beautïliulairmostrgtsilee1 ulmePi teincmmn-ofl.enr;;bes.Duinlte as7ya 120 ACR ES an p rcmi tes-and whty ithey considered them s o e "solioer $1,fi orhoIik hneIieryile7 Loudi r g ra_,n: banr rn u tt buir ldigs" ine óraiAs a Ille ereplies were inierest. Hans Ikýos four, hired men on, the diurn son-! ry,1, odur ; I!ed and earjust com11ing into fl'lbearing; tdpsinon ae n r ely fi t enltei o k He ocultivate-1; ne-w hoi : ý la-e barn; abhundance of ,uait fr'lit; an ideal osn tpi ufce ta e u n t all; dep ell fuly-quiial'fo contr hoa: 300yr cre haf *r. A --s the miost prominent- crop production, but'paystro mc dairyinz: . pssession Inn ltar this ý(ash; stock, fee(d and jimphaui..îr 3of farmner in thlis whole community, be-anul oreamril u iea year'se croy)s: $1r7 fer w: to1ck first clasa quai ty'if deýýred; immedl- cause of thle fact- that hie owns two ing a loaýd both, ways bals be4 e AND feed and lmph -ments, if dýr poss esion good farms which -ho keeps in a higih habit. momne grown foods are the 24 ACRES lotate of fertility; he la a director In bIs of -,conomical milk production. LocaRtedl two miler, igy : ow . our local bank; our Sunday School In Bspite of large recelipts amd , .sali 24 !:ý,: ro!.miaoth1r: AgWenonall, F. M. H A R D 1 NG 1-,eerin'tendent; he has always lbeeitfaily; -Hap.sv ill not pay ta riinoe gtoud sui aluraost level; Walivlenced Phone 184J AREA, ILL one of the guidingspirits in handling fait on is excess Pro fits,;auring 0 040 00 000 00 00 00 00 00 000 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 REALESTATE TRANSFERS o0o0, MARRIAGE LUCENSES 0 ooo o 0o b u O O Oo o 0 OOO Q0O90 0 0 0 0 0 0 e b Eruay ,191. LL , rinnfis MIlwaukýee. f: h b Grat. ilau D. 1 aKnmjuk, North Ch o. n a d ra. NoIl 0 Di'l\a iilih p Park. il) Alnlil R. F'. W\\ ýt u Hu n rn Vt W Inhovhe 0 T i Hyrne iol .I tract of land in se 2on ;. Ierlehi a i Ho er ion, 24: sther townsIIýIp \Warrant l , $ - .0 ensen, Zion, 12. February 7, 1920. h M.K ndy Wakg ,,1 La n d i elot 01 ru C R H en A. IBuschl, bbn .24) den subdiviion 'in s-et ion 24. Av-on ne anca 1 Ba township Warranty dieed. $350 .r - An expert auditor would find him a ýbe attached the towns of Schamberg section 9 aforesaid which point is. Is H e a B usiness M an? - -ti er i .'Frs. aiPr-,nro ai re ecto;tenco Sy Wý E. WATKINS, Lake County Farmn Adviser. Mr - a enpoann n a wo id k o ai nrt 4 dgres45 minutes easit 1331 all agricultural affairs of this commun- .of Norwo ak ri o owo feet to an lron stake in ihe center linep Ity for several year-s.lHe is always Park village unien a itady has neeni of the nublic road; thence north t2 18SFIE A Bl SINEW ; N thfie milk Irodu,4ýrs' problemns." (One ready tu give lar-mers advice regùrdý 1 abi-bed by hv (icago. Thle.-engedlegrees 18 ininuit s west along thle cesà Luder present cond(itio, w cav i1ýoffthe ab)ove laiuLS was iwheritedl) i11 Ia ..1 n nypaeofter al ang-we ny out ofrtDu-1ter*lino of Ithe public road 6"Ef . .t couuer no jstggp pyotfnL d nee-e atw ege"s née lHvety an - &n 0 auIrus=as;theneý_AWiliil314d aui mý prJ- o m fn r areaddas a highyguments at ail farmuleetinga, Oiuring tilune å I grees 54 minut, et111fe of being nilprofiie. Almios, eyefry successfutl -far-mer in this section, be- >the wa'y he inlsisied rIlit hís cost 0:- t vyar %wa., l-00 tIl (wfýt ln fsi traein comoM. poticd n imfan o eus h hs neofth hghs- prO& jmilk protàt1tionfi gures were by fatrb bt la towns ilwa thence South on the west line Of Said bles iniing ale omtw itue the diemg herds or Holsteinis Iinthe counli epatcl hnIf esn'ssy W l Couinty, t ot h SUI, woutinl ure ecin32f iotepd .producer imakes thele le until Ithe pro- lt.- His ra ry returns havebe r ttm Svn erg « .u pte oa r etw f anig eclisihrfo h dut eahe te onumr' tbl, bot y sm prebrd irs.stdy'lis job Of cloinlgsalesman and ruove.l OUwn.ft4IAI. 'ind -it of way of the Minn 'apolis, SL. Erenfulally Ithe Constmulng publie andt otg Lis tew , esting recordLIS, usIng out onto a mortgaged farm, and so in BloLX TIh*e had a L11)po>uilaion Pu; and Sault ste. Marie' luill-.y thle producer ofr farm .rodlets will fime grown feed. Mr. J- regards ea däighs"oe seos of 6i28ff, and WijU County 84,30U. Comiany conveyed to lthe Chicafo;,iad meet around thle counid table and the l'arming as a business and keeps both neighbors how .tu maniage their bu-.i ' heserws a 91 a:vautmWisconsin Railroadt Company by deed conclusion reached will be beneficial eyes and ears open for- farmn leaks." nss. His sand alway s got into the $ 3,2,00 adal0 l onýrcre coer1.1.,a ou tbolh. Tþeconsunier wvill eventually Mr. J- thi4ks .an education isa.nec- gears of the Milk P roducers' Associa ment 32683 In IBook 871 of Deeds pa :e quit groping in the dark for the H. C.esra n fhbby-swr ington and of the Mariketing Company.65 of L. remedies, but will turn the search his way through college and anoter as STATE OF ILLINOIS, Also excep)t a st rip of land one rod lightsof facts upon both producéfion and working on anothler far-m in the coun' lgiitw ýiRMvi COUNTY OF LAKE; SS. wide heretofore conveyed to Judson ESTATESOF KNOWN DE FILED FOR E. P. DeWolf Fit Case of. Wif( Benuests Ar dIents of Witlk,- n1 ln ur i !s w rl 100 for br il r of two o u. m ba;nd andi! r Aa Is providi j thaàt ve firoperty ai; lofig as th tutrn It nover 1to certahl na"nen, one of whom lnILa cdicile Mrs. 1) $260bemiAverrio)A] diatAly rather than later. is.,wifA's-41a1 Io be "Ikr C o u nl ty , $ 1 54 P and real emtato lin N ..Winirop DeI 1l-Wol th-e will as r-Eécuor butW Mr. 1Wol;ha d. The husbIand as;ks t h: F. BAIR. MANUFACTU Niarble and Monum C.emetery Worl Descrip1 Correspondenci 11l6 Gene DR. 1. L. T/ Office in First Nationm Dî. O. F. BUTl ELHANAN W LYELL HL A ATTonii:YAT Libertyville - Luce Build PAUL MAC( ATTroRNEY A Libertyvlle posma The, m throu notes Reconsi expar in th< Foreign for tha doma The coi keen quest intert The rat pan)y. · deme panyC w N LIB JK LAKE COUNTY, HMilS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1920

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