ÀAIRPLktff LANDS- 110. -CA4D RJinIN IEAJRTS- 'L.DwightMot'row, Wth E. W. To Voliva'sToWn., THEY TAKE CT FOR A BIDE The.ftiht fron i te Vurtios.ylylng jfild,.-Walliikega&ii, Moidiy alernent% Morrow. an oex-arnly, Pilet, and lidga Creift. Zion newspapAir mant. proved 10té' io&avîry liierestit ces.Tb Ipur.)se of the flitiht W"a te lanid en eune of!fle main. strOeU OfZioti. and t lien taxi down Sheridani Rond. Rhortly atter i O'lclk P. Eni. te Ifliers tef i waukt'gafl and crcled ae 1Zionilte or tour Iiines. Leo DaleY. -mianager Lf i0e uries omSpny at Waîtte-t , went te ZiOnan auto --- oul a ru waa lkept clear for £A 4OF.47LO s lan lîtîti.antd about 4 j. n. 8the slnoie 8p j vEr Illte taîofrt tand Thei sariof Athlone. a brotber isnlevvied off as l tl.y gt near the 0f Quéen Mary. le llkely 10 6. th@ Noît.o-tetltracks. The t0legrafflîtoi goyernor-general or Canda. wIre. iîu;r te îtc,îut were c,ýeared HMe appontment. to succeed the iind tii piano lelit . quaroIy On te TDutsof Devonshire, la expeuted boîl-Naid. ,.arly lu the prngt. Laitit tfore lýite ,3llanded a big Cruisd gîtile red L11Ct ie cîidewalks walriîllîg tlterith~i, l 8 Ol' i'COd Cooki county wilt cPonbeglu con- oi ,, W l , 1 .Ilv' ks OOn astiti ' ruction or about ffty miles or gond landiiig wae malle dc illI.redtigatlîel«ed roalinunder ipecifications ccflplled clo:;-t. i),l)have a lokatIl.t for':by the tate highway comisseion andi wa tuî.efirt lin,. u,aîîy Zion rosi- 1dellverod, vesterday. lnstead 0f tise denjs hiii ee-on a i14ig ebim$52.000 a lnile aeked ln cornerecent o.r ue p. ltr r@ vraldbldd. Indications are the work will, Iltle iitisw- oeraloile done for $10.000 or $12.000 eI. th~e pi 1 u il 1Up itebulevftrd anld '>. E. Gray, who wae lboraso !ntny ine l front of oie admiisltrtio~n years ago Ill e n't telling hie age, la bili. l . as a trange cîMig t tecelabrattaigis brthday anutversary sol, an airil.latt rfltgatlng l 3 today. He arrived ln tiia "crool' mati steet Of 1lie citY. Over8reet' worîd on one of lite coldeut days ln Voivea und his Wif~ e wEW ont asYera. snd fils faiior ýirove front w.as ai o Nayur Clendineti. Mayor cf i.Lke Villa te Milibutru to ntotlfy te £ion., Chef of 'Police Btecker kepI- slork, drivtng over fieldsansd fonces,. thoe rovidtaC-k Troin t'ho machie, illie îaow bigng so deep and h.dIv, andth iere -W&O.but a smnal margln i drlfted there woe.-nc0 signe cf roadé, the luad for autos to paso., auyvtore. Â-fUr the crowds tead tiloro4bltl Accordlng te Commisloner'Bllbarz, lnspected the machine, P1t MorrOw tthe raliroada have alyeady improveil laxied icsek ont.othe boulevard Mon<1 their service -silice the companles anceend al wua îeady for aile re wOft back te private ownerahip on tuta flght. Monday. The traîns bave beau rua- it lie44n il'i iai tte ire dellarttont I.ng omowhere .isoar schedule Urne bas a eat for a Mascot and Mr. Croft 1 ad thse embargo on eeveral eaatern dýclded te lake te aluîîîîat uP he .mrails, whlch have been ciosed te slip- plaine. Thte cat bas tiîulîê-.& hîstOry, menti for months, bas -tisn ltfted. for it hau ls four tiet and is tit Charles E. Schuiz. la charge of a bUuted, il t.avi Ilg bein1 rescued front caravan of automnobiles, u-rA of whtcli a flire ) nle of ile VOn ircoen. !gured ina acolisloià en Souh Sher- Well, the Cet as a tken on board 1i lian road, Monday, dectares hie wa; and lie didt .tiis enu tke the roat ;!ttt driviag the car that was struck of the ilotors. lie griiobied 11w iOW-1 by thaI of Anton Mesuls, as stated ln pater inantts coat ilia lits claws andth îe Sun. He claIes the car was bie- ddnt t hi 0 .ir) guîd for a white. tng driven by another, and lie waR -I w, ,;lyiuritni on th-Owîbro iii I nereIy ia charge of a crew of chauf- ûrert..-.îdîtif h,, golt ugty ani mean feui. in il(,tai alntA .u d iteiscratch" Miss trene Loehr, Mr. Win. Ehnert &eïid Mr -iit. iiititie was Inot1,and Mr. David Linderlîntot, Wiiuke- nfe-C-*Aà y., 1, ' t . h gitattitude gan vocal tudlent- ' - lr' Il. &oelietd 10 1 1,1 ,.t 11-:iIltuost Ouut fStu-m studios ofiWategan and Chl- bu - i uy l it,;. we onitli" capoîi vtl i n g soosnaad dîtetsai tlte neavt_- ui tl ttnîtslai, -o quietitatit. Auditoriunm Iecitai lIait in Chicago se,.med as If rit- huie tanimtat was abat t8aiurday eve, Marrh 611. Many abolit to(lie.'flic ,t udîe ev.deuiti Watikegan frienidcio! the singera viii ~îtLecte -tîuui , tad qiUte lit attend the recitia. Tiiese-and otit-r tiuje î,).gi h n .sbreaituand imalleIc k.itgVaukegan singera will gît-e n recital gtu-p* t ;stifht. elii v..a liear. tutIlait fie Pari lattiule ln the near fu- ite vas a ".ile uîe vifur Le fouglt.tut-. tiirîi4 it ed ,îî ()Loiail rigitt. The J. fBush jroperty. 723 il-tI- -Aller î latiulg il' ýX :-mt'oga.ate catotz avenlue lias beAn aold bIooscar *as - jr . ilt ztolo. gven a rosit Makela. T. J. Stabi and Co.,, ero the beLtty t--ilutule 1estaurant and brokers taken bt.umlot,) u ,,p.t department. George Meade, Dion City. dled ai t - t,.- le piine tainded ii, 9 o'lock titis nîoraing aIt te MeAlîs- ~Vaukeiati 'tîtANîu turiiade ivo [fer h ,Itajl a afer an extended itîness a'~'i -îtili, weiti aliic3t per- yuihliheatt disease. H-e vas 77 years peniteulat.Y lttu ie air--like Jup-of ae ing teta iîg .î aîd ton ise JohnPiliant, Jakauna, Wlscoui- nuse u1t lie n ZLttine * cas eaded for sin, dled Saturday at the North Chf- tihe fild and a perfeci landlng waî cae hospital, Chicago. The re- Malle,. 1mains vore preparod for hrai a itîci reft IR la,' - eu*boDaitPy. the White and Tobin undertaklng manager ot i.o Cuttisi cojapay, for roine and were shlpped te Wlscon- lW u' uitili iir-,jCing te vibtle mnfor uril. Mr. Paa avery ri F,i l îîtîite liteltte vieil known la Waultogan. tri-its Miii. Elizabeth Gallaban. 2244 Kris- childion ii, zion i ..tt-ruîear hvien avenue. North Chicago, Pul- gr-il cV vnt whI.-n tj ti los iellera or 'tîî -.ves he air- ut ttted te a serions operatton et the of t IrAltir boîitteithis moraing. itiît,i in thir boule City. îurkîn firos., new oviners of tIe ______________ Dutert & trneeker tcctory. bav-e Pur- WAUKEGAN LOCAL~S Ch-ece&jo deivery truckis. - -1, -'nJ of Mns. Miehets wul lie ýt e- I 1,e <emiteqir en itetd Th%;d4ay afiernoon ai 2 o'cbock Ici- u îil-l ii il. iGrand Avenue frontheI no of lier niece. 212 Me- agi i ia rte, l iv tîl-nmng ai 7:31) Kinley avenueo. Internient at Oak- t'lok Friieraiof Stanîley Jinzuz, 1ugdale 1;, i ,- t'il ieetîe ad, vas h,îd Ibis afiernoon front i 0. ii- t.antut tke hko thîe Pelmo--iilus undertatilng roome. lIt--titi, t .c jiyl0111viii rtiahie Ilurlal ai ÇO:tkwood,,.Cenetê.ry. roop m'it~v.il r,turn in tinte IEtirI Huil. aIe sînce fle death of fr fqt - --r c ri rjjgin th îe aller- hie fthicr. J. P.-IHit, aine ypars ago vies ln charge of I-lotis hardware l~thi~ î ît-tuî.î ril lie read in clore.,vlîicl recenty vas colvi-te litirke & Wrght, has talion a position IlieLîdî.Cf î îhiîst rl.irchitomoro vlwth taI firus, begtnnlng work tiIs titi,itiig t : .,tc -. - .îiîiî p,îî sit deu 73. 10110 died John D. Pcpes rheumnatlsait.1. act- et wi- (Àr tf htis e. mm M. Iing up gan bjr,ýuý .(,jMlon sitreet Moiiday A case of dptheria ln the Cnada lgi.alter a iong lînee. * '-He halli home on 221 North Couaiy sireet wai bei-n blind for six lnontiti. The j rorortei«te thie Citîy ealîl physlian funeisaA .erviCcs5 -,iîl be bord at-theltody Way t î oi il ai 10 îî'cionte. ilura Anna Carson purchaced te lier. deyinrn.ga lon'lok.Bui& lýan Cmeeat edit property on 118 Mot avenue viiti ll.e t in -aeiiai 1aneer today. 1'. J. Stahi a&rd -o., brokoràýgé Thouep isti undiy @Ch" haid flrrn. transacts.d th dot). teir pdeii1titiof of icierslelit nighti Frel GitWui. or ae .~0oyod 4WleyWilliame and Viola Rovons Fre GalowY, or Car OMI 1ý ero wuilted la imarriage lant aveu- et the a t e vorlie, lias reàgned te lug. Ths. uovly veids left afler te iaàî-' a pîýitîI0n, .îî'î.jother comntliY ceromotly for Jersey Çlty. wber. 1hey vlîh vililci Mr. Daehi. fori-erlir chiert li make tholr borné. -cerk bie, li nov éniiiîoyed. A number ef friande of Miné Mahal Illinoic Baitîistîs iii lt asiîod toe, Leary. y717 North County Street, » *edgé $7,800,40b0l-.for th,-. new Wvertu...avel mscclianeoua ebowor ln ber ujnovenent. for w ichel the Notiernl houer lait sVning et ber, home. iotlet convention le s inp&lgiilt«toMMiiOLary ta a yeoimanette at rajpa $IU0.I,00l.i0. Anticuitemieut Great Lakes sud ,hU -x large ae- iras malle Yesterday hy Sfio Rev. A. M. usiatance la Wauakegais. lb.la a1t ibotion Illinoise amIeîi.ectir of W1a ho nt&r.red vîthin the naît few gsueraI board of oroittuil In, eeks. Clyde Stabe. la years intd. wee ar- Word hall beên rlceivéd fron -Tan rmed 112 tenosha Tuesday On 0011- Pa, FIa.. ibat Mns. F. J. Kublck la t o te nta ai el otîrats at Great serlotSly tîL Mns. -Kuhtlkretenti, 1 It j1 e aloed that Stalle fii.t> efi for thea coulli for the benefit o! nonld front tue nans. Stabe WAS îuhbealflie! hii 11e son Frank. CORSETS $1059 A really grent cale -Corsets that vers made to contain $2 worth of! value, ail dz,. lu vOltI. ed etyles at $1.59. Corsets to $5 -at 3.69 A remarkabiy goovi asiort. ment of diacontiuued- nusahers la Frolaset -front laceti cordOts. $1 IBrassieres -at 89c Many pretty stylai ln wvite andi fle6h ln -tIialzes, very a».- cially prîceti at 89c. 1.50 Brassieries -at 1.25 lias-ueres of-excellent quait? Trecoý Macsh fs e vetas o! 811k *ff.i It« il 9A L 0 Stili Other Dresses~ Are Priced at19-7.5 Values to$2 In 27.50 '- 39.50 ad47. 50 ?i'I ulin -Dresses* to 16.5O -G<iwns - 'at127%5 '-ChemIse 2er. la a lot o! oui, ad uds -Corets qverla Ssrgeo*Panasansd SliXPo>. -Coet3Cqvr3lins. prîoed for QUlOk .rOiiOO Of unttsualiy odquality -sud tory &t ibIs very 10v price. prettily-styled and rlmmmd, aliplalaet House-Dress »Ap'roIns -- Mlely madm bouse' dresa %rins itt mediim ad dark coloS. & 14i watd styles. f New. Beits &.n4 tov ýtbQ>*e nov boîta, for fls Î7u oa dree suok.'"te.~ Up to,10.50 at $7e98 à,ih gflW ~ sCtlCla but00031aSSor P7 $1.25 Cotton J.rsey Blodtners 89c IWOne cotton je" lilomm en i laùal szes la fleah "d bluk st SIc. 2.60 MercoeriwedJersey Bloomer in, pIla at$19 Bloomer Dresses 2e98 '& 4@98 New bloomer dre»s ,eOf ijan wlth datgchabloe kIrts ln al l MOa,84> t? 't 4 Women 's and Misses. Winter Soats li ice values to $850 at À sapeclai urcisse bligs a.great as& so7rtaient cf bdsome Geergette Crois. vralosa n a varlety o! pretty at7Iles Maur et wbhicb are elaborafly erabroiderod and beaded. r LA Spifg- Hats Âttractivoly Priced 9.75 to $15 Wonaen chooidg their $priu3 liaIs viii seo inlatheBe the very latent Ml- linery' creationb---the novslnbad ns.r- 10w brimned sallors off-tbe-face abps-rofllug brim amail tur- bans. Thoro are bats ssnartly frilievi mmd ribbon-trtined; others have em- belliahrnenti et pratt- flowera and those oddly charmins motifs of ojraw and smbruldWry as wi as of lb. »aw Railla sud Celophone braidi. "aChic"O Hats For the Buamie. Woman "575 to $8.75 $W e...arb at. espueà fall y ytbl Wtoi »tfly etyed awn eu o evrYd tmear. prt l siynd s becsaame- tir' e irefbots ado tylsando jjýj@adtifs. Tber are bats !et u Gergie sutea thelr ar bae OU*ss Maxzy Woulwa Am So)ecting rhewr Spring Suits Now, ai T1hese Very R.acrnab)e Pricea 29.759 $35, $45 5.50,$65 gprlune ee@M creetions la milta are fast makingtheIr apisarance and rea no vs have a rmally surpris- Dg CflecIon of the conaarvatîvo as voil as thé ultra fashionable modalt la Wool Sergms, Poplîns sud Gabar- dines ai 129.75. and thon ai thaevuY.% lotis other prIcea there are plain and ohecked Velours. Triçotias, lUe Wool Jerseys, sic. The Nw- Sports .C.Coats For- Spripng thadeom nev ecato for Slprllig lu tb Olvra f styles.lathi e Yrv b.oinil "irte leuglh a" eshova wltt ~rlsfel.fine-tucksd sud plesteit e"MOk5,thO 1w narrov baita o! sel r- Inaterlal or leather ln s vIde range, :f BuIacoicrînga a SOIl.Wlag -.Polo Clotho -cotch TWeeds *Wool 'eIurs -Kérae9 VBr6àdcloths sýic"i-et K - «WQdjt b- * - VOLUJME \X\III- Josepi 1In -W' TAKEN ON $2 EinDEZZLEMiil TRAILED FOM Sheriff Elmer Grei Raitroad Deteci Fugitive, SW WAS TRAPPED B' After belag trtiley en t stem. ieUgiuihy detecilve ntahîe couni and e-»-apiing lIii-(titi Elmer J. Grî-eu. of V î a4uirtîy lie- htby antt Meru-dit. formorat gt vagi,, iijwauk.,-,- and r,,ui ruîtpst iLt day ias b rouglit 10 eouMipany. i.!-bhi liéi .ale t i l'y lthe Lalu.- ou te at-love naievi i bt. i-fl. - 1-t i~- i~ Mil ,.îut--.,h, - ni-tri i t il tit oul t-t UbaN u. fl Jeai i ur-- Ql.aî lt iadta itau fn F, r a nks 0.fi 1 as-re lu. a 'îtk ni-, r- f-r t ui'1,ui ;! i - l'id i .-II h pi d - t t o le i Xu ;II i .r " Itt l le' ,.i t i x5- lmet o i - uIltu- Me - i th %%:i . tR ý ja. r-lit %a-ai I-lit thi 'n i- t tmît e u t d tut.-d I%-- Ipl.a lso lu st orr Lii a i-ttaert ru- hutan(s ut,,- ilut î t tî ap -r t-dî Vii -n tis ,aitetii Meretdiith'&ler ac .,1i-lilî . flinvas i i-- et- L ie t ve D -ld ,.!,i. ttl,, s wh- norioni i , l t, tý tii iutme ai c-i i - h il i--g to l -zuliirpositi- ilkindt teto tif a witW being a t ! vi- t. aMy n nîsi-vev u14irMutt ife s on k .- 141=5-.19- 2 2-Sweaters. do%. la - dm -mAp% a Stylish New $8- Skirts. SpeciaUy Pric.d Panams o nw o2r geand wq)ol Paam i pretty styles anid moat aU sizea. Wool Plaid Skirts For Spring to $12.50 nov plaide la lita lateet modela la aiu Other Sklrts $145C. 118 1~2 2= At thie" prîces you wil I fnd a bevil. doring array o! cbarming akirta o! sot% Scotch voolens ln amy plaide, esal obecks and plaIn colora la--box or ac. cordion ploatod effocls. And Now the "NE W"- Spring Dresses In Silk and Wodol Attractively Plced at 1650-m22975-3.0 ruie o f beautifui modela are bers galà red liea groat ensemble la _11h 1 o viifinti Wool Serges, Woo Jrayc, Tricotlnes. Taffetas, Sati», Georgette Crop«se.11nd varroit captivating coiînatlona. Many vilS- the nev hip drapes.,flelero and Eton affects, elaftoratm beadiu, accordion Psaed akirts, embroldered tuite vrlt nov bets and sabhes. This lu aU prObahillty la the mcmlImprtant o! ailConS Baales hed tii WlntOf, W-bave amed a&niasber O! ORIleuna'sandi ShovW-icm MsIAmp an sd tege'togthe? vtth aur ovn Cmomaake a greataisortznent. AIl toèea Coa$a as=ig --Z TAGS" on wilI ha sold aI "IIALF PRUCE." Maay o! the Coats are fka rluit d eII t very tiue mateçlala.