LIBFRTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TI-IIJRSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920. Twti., W 1> $1<î. Wraianiy decil. $10 iod a il ligills ,,, lied' iq î FebruaN%'o1)1920. Ow n 'Y ourlIoffi e TAXES COMING IN FEBRUARY 29 VERY ISAIIORS CALLED i uhie Piil, bisar e 'ledii W. M- Rogers and waif, tu Alice I, *Jalylobnhrgîî$10. lJ Dmy on Monthlv InstaiImenti. Reni FROM THE 4 COR= POPULAR WITli TUE BACK TO NAVY TO lhlSnl :s L-! '(l M FTacket an ilIe 1 l, jdi 1hK0> d e d (E.Sl, afi. co eIaHome. t. o..nia Yourdonbjj ;. NERS 0f COUNT Y -LADIES; E N VIED ~ N SiE LS MENT -- u la 1wiedele ,loEîîbllg.,. sut, Nîi t11; LSil, i reut o te l.IliaiiýiiiIl-y1 1 1 6 19, bloiiek 2, IIiî~îlssub_ -l mtEutS ýB.e0f l ADt Ow1er IAl Pmople -ai esfia np ayPersom in 11this Çom- fEEX-Gob -o MsiPrt Mi t re n 'ic l»h, îl.W"lia' 1îysae, $0 IntrtsedCitze.eetyTCitizen.tPay munit' ho.Hae Whto.y ReprtforTw .Wek ths dnfreeReport. *i lIfor , Tw.l,6 iî ler Nurii Fle Mhle ii h t.hhr-thi Homes in Libertyville and Area it by March 15. OnIy*,Every. Four Years. i Summer; Notices Out. cl tlîieagu, \oo lois F, and! 6, block 3, 'lîue's aîlý tu, Oo O Ooo oo b oFebrurjy 24,1920 Làe lufWl>$Iîî. Sold on This Plan. 1,iv 'l'reauieri Roy Bracher Charlesu Kttrldge, wbo bas lived In' A lot of fellowi who wîot Intel the in hMARRIAGE LICENSES ,o ', %i~ eGaY tu Ji.îl. ,Tîn.îe9 ,îJ!ielu, ,îeî ig ltin tîni î, ilelivng aukganex ear, u w gion fly navy are Just beginning 4o d0nd Out O 00o 00o00 o. o 10oo .o blocîk 211 andI lois 3m.1. 7 anîl 'arijGaera4l8..îdluFA Mo1 inthaforestle s o e çut. Wu, . 6iyar, ut00 ales. 100> acres in section., 9 andI 16, Fôd ofAmy CGauSafe andMotn foroiîîr fte ult 17 years.oId, probably has hall the that the war Jouit over yet. blk21iWaîur akNrl ThsSoue uconte foin Floîlda, uthers cal- mes, unique exjîerienccslok21inof anyPak per-El Tp, 1 75. th 0h a allh of.tem ae theY m ul Noe pde rr heian 3:Crt , $.Emil Kapella to AjlisKapella, llis ___ T -.-Earth is the Source of -ertn as far noth as Main. 'The efaci lla;t lie was bora on te2 hgý.:Li arguerite Ott, Chicago, 11) . 0 t mndwit Io0Il. 1P. anid 14, 15 and 1,bok1 îdnua AU F.od Idiers arcfronpeople wîho are -de- of Fe brÜiry-anldla ablrth M Prrfratvedt ei omr.Te a Greb ky lartland. uis., 8, caitrc fhn aselosadigeadQC$0 A F o d Plrode cta-CUIt Vate 1 sîrou,. of payng ta for 9roPertY four years. Thus he tom arrow cae- M u ei put ln *at tast-, tw o weeks inà 33(ardb,4,lElaland, WWs.,$4200. P.d 34, EaadTwp., 'to J4200. eEadRt-Ina Other Words, tlîey owîa In Lake CouflY. hIt 1 In brates Ila.isltrai blrthday in four years Mne ea,(hog,2;Crss .A ecmJ. eMgleJn tcresting 1. see laow scatiered local adhels alfussed un tt lieha bp traili, beglnnlng JU aue egi Cîag,211Ur .a C.A pwams. .iltg12 and E /8lt 1aJbleck - and . ail ~ ~ 0tIlnkbeillRobb, ÇIaZoJ. t agh21. ltu2sez i~ o 1,bl Faim. - . ers eal the !bazace. Wlaen they enllated theY Wefl tuI- t> 2.uewskl. lots 3 and 4, block 120, I59. North Chicago, Q C $1. Folhwln ar nintlnedsom fainae ThastSatrday allcnd aagesnumuber Mr. Kittrldge was borniIn 1852. andte t the naval reservo as they figurati Everett W. Hopkins, <Great Lakeu-,North Chicago, I)eed $100. ~ ~ aMr offéreti lot sale at reasanarie prices jpald thetr taxes on the flrst dey. ht8ahrhmle o haaeaoiis would t e o-a ga s , A.Eieiohle lf,21 .A and aisad Vte taMartIn block 1, Osborneas 2ad sub.. Llbertyi- 4sn aaeas temaot aymnt.Thae Thais was true fnt only of Waukagan persan ta ligure out just boW 5flhte Var was aver. They Iid nOý Clyde R. %nos, ZIon. 21, Mariy E. Tiehen, lots 8 and 9, block' 1; Rolling .vl;W*9f. üfaims ara nowhere near the tolrnotChta!oh er ai o id- tuaés --file a urh-. Notices to pesonal property awn- o omhcatet by tbe tactttillain t t-d-fisër#e aii huô U HdlI *<> Iro.s~.Rud le W)D10. EiaehM enohadbaar la price. The person buying and op- ers* were semt oui by thea couaty 1896. whcla would bave billn a birth- war perioti .'Fraunk W. Klooke, li. IoulaMO., Mary Hertel te J. S. Deinlein, W 8 El0zW.thW . Iren orth art lot "C' *ratlflg &Dy oefl !Ieze farmilasur auurerhat Friday. Wben theso dayday anivrsary, balng &a fourth Paragrapb two of tbe notices beli s50; Gertrudle G. DeBaetler, Kalama- roda of E 60 roda.of S6 ils lote W. bWoc GreeWnthpHarb o, W'1) eft tw jo tfita-alie tram the natural 1netites are received there w iil be aul year, the ýcalendar man didn't bave reidmaemoMch,9.$00.I huss l to aîootth lnd teeven greater rush for the notices enough days te go arouiad. so Mr. sectionad: oO MCh169., net -rwk., w 100.$175. laceul a hevale f heladthe - iepad hy March 151h. In ea@.Kttridge, as Wei as ail others whoae *'MemIbers of tho naval resorvo i4auiV Kotz. Applo, Wlà.. 35; H. H. Aibrecht and wlfe te A. F. etlaer ftram the praduct.s of the sot. .amie that the nersonal taxc, mugit blrthday contes on Feb. 29th mîsseti force on Inactive duty, unil tbe ex- Mul' Van Ilouva], Racâne, 37. flewît an vit,2l, 1920.c ,ll-I ao opm it aEî sf 120 Ac>*@ abere people wbo have a personah out causîng thein ta go e traact o II~~> ~ , ~ ~ ~< >Df anin sec.20, Ela020.. tax la added ta the realty tai but efors bing able t e brt hIr r y1 90 oDfley hcg.2.V ecgoadwfeJh a Locateti 4 mles fromnahava; me-prosecuthon fac@ îhse avîng a per- natal day. tceeatthîrequired begnning JuîyI 92, 0 lgofyChcao.2. * 2ad2;l 1 Dhn $ 3.Ea w. 1)iforme Bailwo eeeVectve awenclG.eddorsudchirandWiteN 5tat.E ond o 1bhoasdoos Dd it1000.erg du sot eyproductive; tldadsnlproperty txonly adwh o This la the va>' persasho have 'roma 0aitayc Ctv rnce G. Wealo, 20.aoto2. 22,cck 18,wie, N 25 fi. aRR o cultilvtedl; new bouse; large barn; Infot psy by the flfieenth. 7'lo- 2,r Thunnas Lnasnsadnaialta Georg de4t eU ul> euppdfo olce ll un e ifl uIbquadronnial birthday filgure thelr duty' fr taînmog n aNavl veseaGlaesC.00N1eEBaao82.E1 14 silo. th~otes aelflg et basIaeetxasutnesae utaifanii pesIya mî ec'Miie Pomite.Onaa, Neib., 27-,An- 18,Mcaygad.Wake SWedor) 2 are, E% Eie d.lrying; Possession b in efor this asposial r la intg ade--tbey à 120thai ot the one inu iIcIL t lia-' That's onîy the seconfd prgah eln y nk.Mlwaukee, X D. 0. BellovsadWtet aam'sectin 3. on teWJoh. W be$1 lo yeac's crapa; $165 Par acre; stock, expected to visit tie office Of the vere bora; then If born prier te the Bultae min> of the- ex9obs, ihatso Floyd K. Smith, Elgin, 27; RItzta Copîansky, tract o! land In section 3. 1 lk1Cmna Ç0;-9t 9.04. andi Implements if desîred.' enîcolecterad psy. luit tout yeare o! .Ihe. Jast century. In ablock 1 C.uIllnilnon ail4MiloOY, E"ut19 subtraci -four yesrs., This, divided*by emiugb. ac. lsamotiomc tIhoEga 9IWilnthrop Harbor. W D 1sIde add, Waulaegaa. r> W $1. 240 Acres R four. gives thie persan's age. Persoasfrmn'o hm Chad. Lltchfield and wIle 1t H. M. Ru obU>an ubadt Locted Ivo miles !rom fone îw;C II O T E ubora salace ft0 I of ' n tsuh- Bc 0Srubn 0 0 OO OO O O O O OOHyde. lot, 28 and 29, block 52, Northîli ehhs ad viaehuit 30 te ed u 2% mles fronanotaer; excepionaîîy jLIII OTR Âtract four years bol merehy dîvlded BcFox I..ig o oo0 ehsande,, t)40 wessb. goad sai; almost îevê-î; seîîl enced the -esuît of the sobiraction of the Wit.ness the ex-deck swabber. now 0 REAL ESATE TRNFERS oChilcago, W D, $3151.!o ae )$50. andtied etr gou ad onîulteIJLTI'IC Â~ S date of the present year from thai of comfortahiy enscoiaced an an office, *oooooo0~oooooooooý Febfuary 19. 1920. Eiza T. Lohdelh and huaband fi) buIdIgs;$10 pr cr; Vr!cas V1~IKE L IJLI thie one during which the>' were bora. ihunk' of scruhbing aand long sînce NaevJ awson in W W Situ Louas Schramni and vife, lot 29, buildigs;c$60 VICEcre;veÇDITA' ýMr. Kttridge necently has a" n-anlshed ftmunder now pnk and Wm. Joern and wlfe to F. il. NIc- 1îmain. loi il. hlou'l , , Fox fl%, jTWeedssiFxLk u$0 and injaaetsif deared . tock amaIIUJI5M tîoaIe frericeon ha jury la te- ai nlstclgaps fgOySCuîachi, tract of land in section 35. sp',ig, su daiision, , ls ion f l 4 I TJoh Lis ,Foxh adkIe ta J.)A$500 and iEpAntioc i d TWp.. TWiB $16.500. CO.,iHSPITALWpcrrantaçlt, il, $1 a aie of od elJon litf7h and w oe t ofJ h.>Ka4 will cent for $2,'o0( lier year.il18tgcrcuit court. He vas te serve on aiscrob vater aiong the eu' ail. Thea .M ýt(,.Wrae ed 1-e n ie o .I ut flt5 D1OW occuied hy the owner. Tii- ro'ming Dr. Taylor of' the case in vihicli bce asaxiaus 1e he sait water laps vengefuli>' hetweefl R.M.Cilkliu and vite in Loira J. p' C tistin and it ilil) h%.iiii!Lî' ake Fore'uI. W hi $10. 146 Acres Sî,iîe Board et Ilealth apipuared hbe- excused. As thé age for jurors are!teted e t hatginerl ael.tbe , h0 rai i setion11,('<uilniàn3. loi .4 W an? bruaFbuy2, 90 On Mhwaukee avenue, 25 umiales bctlspr oaadugdhe b gshten2 n 5 r it-dek. Anon it puslies ;,îayfulhyul rn v. ~O$20 liurr u arrant% d'id,(. ~ .OMsnt .CM-n u inlotnu c u or o oerating, tridge was outside the limit,.ither i-yuA.0MaoinN li trm hisg; nila îomli-tI i'lwiili the sIate hoard n the istsbîiaa- vay Ilus age could be ilgoceal, and lie! to the' boitomee fth(ohdJ .W BrnysdvtetaGL. <KI., i]iîi-îîh . iti Park; best ut back le elsoit; aes îionî'if a eii e in Waukegan for the vas therefore excused. blues, and sinks contenieiîlv mbt a 1 Weîtnel. loi 6, bhock 1, Fiîllîflatn liii and w5fp- lot iiil. 1 ýii eiS uif u, .bio1 iici blnetldadcliMie leeawnhPark, PrairIe Vlaw, W D 1 ai. ItL.fluTJKlia nlal bJh 's fine titu;b alner:u- nu ouliiatilienti % vsnereal ihatieies and MsiGracu- Smith, teachar of bis-! new cut onthie ankle aJ.tîcie an vinch Jhn oý vae;fn naf ad o( 0ictiti>,-îeîo- fouai the Coliai>'Hos- 1tory la the Waukegan igli sehool, 'rolia bas scraped aose asre- 1). J. Donne tuCathoîhe tit(,i,'i . slai] andI Il .iIlg eiue i.r îaîEîiSpethNo 4 dNi ted; fIne lfaf ln; oili a ta la tie leaîîît'e of work alîich bas I resiatea aI 518 Hickory street, who maero o1 lms.Iand part of lot 3, block 1 3, o' ii ilan iih w îl, Irtaî ,1.1 I tîgh iîe ii12tnEi< 5 ,pà th(loi43andcNt'I i tbrogby îuii' hîus; esîflbeen foi'ced ']Pr t whlch h.-s causedj also wiis born Fehi. 29. always cale- 610.Q W hav: a; 2, lin;r iiiuiiiiirouIs %,el mîîch rissaiisfavi 1 i nong those 1,bries lier birtbda9 aaniversary1 ' Tait cf Mieunderstanding Ai-,AeQC$0. V .i a lee l ji0- $4 buildings; aî heajoalaît honirv bli < -wic, Iilau- ti,j i, Ineto keelu the ' 1"eb. 2X. Bydorag ibis ashe me'er Ism - - ' V .Fabruar> 23, 1920. 1 and vî~ ml .ait . , ii >~ A ,h-î-.on ml a , 11V i 'i Soutieii;,ofee I tle hiii-C li ronte un- ,% $265 peac er a - ieh) 's> e U ;t1 , u .î,îsb in e 1, 1i. hlie ternis cf ilue ii suoraci aie %V ARosiag andt wile et ,altii FuVi- 1ie a!1f-. ii e iill- eiluiYJr, loit.5, Gorhan, il, ini session M8ih1D.1To1crlliîni ia întueIllI eu icg 1 hol and college . fl- ow gttîng the alter enNecisofaI aest (lIen Cres2ueryCi)., lot 5, bUi- i :. lîlo k 7. wi i'iirt - iitj-nIn >131,hliiî . ih24'iui ati~s','ah 6 Acrs îii î~w an auîuroîrieioa c $9iî for Oller Waokegan andt Lake Cooaty ,ni-unaerýIanding ai tîlne ofe t~lo-în rs uiIontlk.5 1iîI5 îiiiI'~ ,"64 on gonut aisai'! inîl. hI, ies , .w Couiiy ais lros ileul vhich wili t heons ahiu urie born on ibis date va1e<îuîhet51) .$T r F ;i l lil 5 1.1 ltîk al- I'I.5'i lua frgib town withsi ,i (iiai t eancîîiiiius bJ i(, a ihl-'lii i u- i liiing main- ire: itn t Ilw sepa edb an x-,l iox I, taClicgî. e~ iuili baak Ietain a clinir bit adluîtihalil cou b harldi) In tlae fllowang woîds. 1!liles iîei~,ilu e,-('il l 'i'- .' 1 ,j- .I I'9.block 6, J{,ik anld wou la> lanCic; e as alardealanu; el auniduto% er onty on iu ai o 7 a as 1. liedahh lion figures bi s --Wten ve Vent 1intiucre -mibucu- jne9 15 acres in N E uIi. 2 1. îî,'i'hh-, u i, .lan; ued s agardn trot gotilthebaM of$7 a . W lrlindal %iteoM.a divsosTeewa h eua A n>, whi. l$1 inntu to be paît toesanie physîiin sTws16llei aSn tMc.nd Deud$ilii bildinags:a. 5b lussu'sshoui Maî'ch 1 ;i ah,, mas hasisting thbc rtunt r.G idh.diiin.eewsthergua a ' 4 i.e .Hamn I .S.Ia,, . Norzunît 55 îfre h11N , the local ' - Joseph Gurasie. 1347, bora in 1908. for vbich a fellow signea t)hlor four Lbi smodl)J ii l tC'r "71!;î,,, lli hý art loi 4. tbiockil, ilgitanul 4aamilcfres l, l<IhH )Tiician incy innherelocalta available Nels Olsea. North Fourtla Street, >ears active service. 1961T acres in N \V I ,section 1, Cuba huuîînd ,î l t ii ,11i i, W i,îk ~l1) - - er esi ini.- tioiiui uuiîouh:inîî.i n isu dnza cltnic is establishpd br ei 2 9a otgva)Tlenthiee as the 'rugulai . for M l'iTaOlîiir lx1,ained lat iîu osî iof Mir.Tîîottuy Shea. Lake V sithedntooftear'Tasî, ' on gravel initad: odblack soit, ilh iiiw.' (sps an ie hinded i .9clînirvas boro 1eh. 29, 1868. edr o ftewr'Ta' h Uillabhe ; r. ii e gIeuu h a ~ i i i il'iii r u:n il aicortîîn i lcPiI ah I i--ia S o oo sie er o rn i ila m0 f Ihe- ,It -fine oîîîuîî iiiî i 1rliu.tlie orgaiileu andît lal ili hitial Is lac brteciff f Pan Short 711 Messina avenue. lwanted îu getinoand ihougbtthie>' industries î . - îiiiu iiia>sailln"ilt,, lî ' i iiyrc theni treaicd yul ilîielNorîua Sebiers, Lake Villa,! iad tgot lot, but after the>' gutIn have the lî'it i),i .t. i t tir in il.,ronfi'e. borni sai.ilear. the>' found ouitbat the>' acre in tbe $3.5o; e~ienîv s ali> theDpr. T1ý lis i iggevicd tiai the Fubruar>- 29 shaulti be moat potin- nvlrsre.l lasrae $3,500; etreni,11 ternis. iethin! lollowAi'unsould fie te appoint Ian birtlidaya aanog tha ladies. Thoseavlr.eesIntisricafl 220 Acres a iîara in charge. presumnabl>' s'li ae lucky unogb ta ha bora on - lw li eldi for tour years, and can ha ha soîîlîiil i i L lalue (U'ouhuu ili,u' iii," jlissirialiand bave an as- iiiis diu av ie according to figures Caîhati for dut>' ian>' haie before the - mlles fol, i uw o' 25 miles fronta , >vIt Iihm as sa-cl ai a nurseto di-covereat the fountilao! eternal expiration ot the four yaars.' Thats cago: on gondul ChýI l oaiî.guîîiitbl,îrk )iIuLu uler ttc suork. yi.utîi saici. the Spanish explorer, 'boy theyra able te gel us nov." lic Broya, rouai>' physician. ex- J'once de Leon. bast bis Ilita tr>ing t Places te Report Given Later ,rerie eil;u. ahina les-eh; 25 acres mlaned that the prasent time a spa- fiad.i fine tîmber auoag the public tigtavay, cial nurse vas rnatntaîaad for thesa There ara saveral cîtizans ia Wau- Saine goba vho gut their cali ta servîceable buildings; $115 Par acre- 'venereal cases i the Couni>' baspi- kegan anti Lake Cousty -hisbrere repart et tbe Great Lakas Naval eas t.riim, f ii> iune 'Hpo i ad siîgecsted that a duoPla Of bora on that doit andtihobao are Trainn station on November, 11, iatrnis 1, f 5 mime iti rvahap oo nus b- e etageil dova tlown vhceeman>' cor Who envy them. or 98 rItc att o a tulùty foi atainiecltnlc couhatp.haehcldad ail yent.course va are net esylng that the>'191chAe tise a servi e tord t a 100 Acres 1es!a patient-i volld assemble ta bear live an>' longer iban the lautartan-eeserieaod cOnLtflt 1 mle f romt good îavîî: sperli nurse couti be transfecradti ta)tatihe>' dia mucia yaunger than any fore the armistice vas signait but very bes'itt of dep lcprairie the lurah chutlnic rand capihit tthe other tigesa o!people. 'lhis le probte- vere not çaîlei until the day' the qtaht> dep blck vr t rom ilitre. He explainati that hi>' due, hovever, tai the tmct thatthIe>' fightins ended. The>' nov gtai sai:t, -nugblY tileti and oulUvatei; Dr. Taylor corrobO'at«e that the have go fev birtays. o h c g 7 ruain bouse recentl>' cemodeled and satate fucishes aillth ia etarc -Pi4>' the poor YOIMter Wh vo la baiia csançe to seeshsip service. thorughl modrn ad god asnew;the cititottmianti the collai>'merae- an the Ztia o! Febtr>'. Ho dos't '"h voult nat mmnd Soins ack tac toogly bademta psy for the. supervision of!e itdYP»te« er toweg'btteelftste -bemuttul lavni; large rombination l,, aoi'knt ter Ihan the $75 a ioriltb gaut asbt atfor lpisetu ollnye.acva eekus bute tlacelalogte>' s ovnet ep dbe ietNrhShr ris odl bara; fuhty .oiruieêd for dalry;iag; ali Dr. Taylor explained IS aie a ~ t Tase ltthewoc luep Tsar Enginame. a'ougel s omonpîme.anti asreru s ovnet eedbedrc ot hr ris odly lb. necassar>' ooibulldlngs; fine or- clinica are ainailaein la tI§ Who Tase the aft lhflà 24 Y tc scoplao mnib-"aoouae chard Just roîîiuag nio full i baîn Louis. Rock.tord. Decatur. anti IDn tii -ol vho st te Iunathif 5 24 one1s5Z5 si oay agn. fc abundance of stuailiInuit; an ideal ýor big places la the sute andi addd e'ad taobi l for I ho b h sah o r amtd tada>'. -t-e schangin of car coliry hmc $00ae cc; aI haik ,iI ayms ae >ea t isag fr ve> brida hdOie elhn he mloe he at $0 nrar;hl1 adcthi M phase of!Ile because o!f ut igb ti>' to tebt or . l bc 0rpr Iib etoiIir eash; stocik fut 'tffi iiiilanieuts of, theIji îixinilI aIfCGreat Lakes and the haTiit tadisaeVototh.ny1 ASET %EYTRIG7 tI5tc1iu <1il"1~'i et;luniedi rompulson> olgslasplacet! illon Tantealsarcàl>t. tepuei.inthc eiîléniv y thie national anFMaleD OUT SENTIMENTbeig ornbu t0 A". ea sësr-o February 29. ' Peclampe a grsat man>'DOTSNIET R I S T H C G '60 Aces lAdiui î,w JIl orked out wth ce!- a! thena vho vera nat bora on Ibai District CIrcular Ltter No. 3 , (En- aýslaigLb yviecnctaLkeNfwhlmtdad tgi the nîrihiiipu i i îî Iu . oin ruumeurnueetu eutiail patIents supporthag data vîli change iheir bîrtbtia>' fl istcd Enrolled men1 anî') relative tae rn evn EetvPeuneta aeBu"îl mtdm t>'; ah! go iii - ,iî' - lad, uearly Iii,' <unir regulari>' Dr. Taylor sait in la aret a ke ativantage o! te thbbcPerformance o! tva veekttrain- epestast h ai lutivated; 1e , ean; acier eai-I that the state lav pmovdlae that minu>'ppartunities vhich it o0#ers. nwscrlaze byteC -ex " ristoheltl. lit; wli wpl lst! ,. g ond thetre,.stoIt be strict punisbmeai for Jusi tblak, the>' vouldiat gvan bavemnantva irclartzet ab>'xtession- 1-00whou u-ch! îhî'îuî ithe sav nf quarrantine, Ibat tof" bu hermeaL> ore!inan iiIro el aexpo treo ro x, !,iilýi.tiiio lîsa; 1-i- i 1 lih-d te keep ln toucb h!oiinIa>mmeao l e alaoad i ..1iiiiliiig,in iti w h t , i iiii, 'fuirfrar the>' ould be Iserve force as te boy the>' voult R I STdI W U E tir5t-clasà uiiuuîî n.t 'a il huil;.tîlaciul'lirurantlnc if tba>' Iailedto jprefer daIng traiaing and Implies no T A N O - I WU E 1150J a -Ip uu'ler pseso,(lue sion îhîndiitl etii obligation on the part o! the Rescrv- Trains fcom Libertyville connect with limited trains leavring Lake ltotl cat b o unt>' vol tt heutlot evan it! ha edoas ansvcr tbe latter. i5- -ce eri>'urlasr t tll ee o t fol bcs planTha training le enbln'ely voluntar>', Bluff .hourly. Nonth i. u - - ;t of Laki- a-i sugi.-eýtteat hy Dr. Taylor and saidt - although the law tacs réquira a car- coora>" s ' ii o usuisgris et '%>ti rul ti use fronil>-hîiuusmital ataamot frtigho anan roat: (lu ' 'î ,Il beatuiuî 5rydistressing feai' of ihiir dly<tnitI>'f'rlnn t aiti lal.a-i,.. tf- îî--aue5sheattendants as a effîclear>' la aider, ta reiceive retainer il iî-'i;lti.aung patiet.,i o miIiat - pa>'. 'k t mer î 1.iiî' in ;'tbIl-l ir ii t tuani) Il) Iî ei jot 1s 1h' iiuinied yoaa 1 -Ride '1 aCSbetween' soi.-' il ;îluii -,ni tiib ecu-,asn il, r îu-love yciir e- ,,:try;' and araeani t i t -, lu' atnd Chicago hii,lelti of tart. lthelu-foc ie--ýnmmIIItîa. Na ;iaîr . are cons ctilent and save tng -- ~ . ual l ii,I-10<il, rtuvileji~ibu-ms cf tIi-e-c eforce willh 'ubeaadîony rit ui l-,ý,uIue.i -o 1w pecial croiaIitli'e - 4ctleie'iandt 'scpI ila I,.ov Iu tl, ninued b>' Ibe chairnian -m.4altutdi, ihbi 1,, ~u.. - reporet hte-lç Ioth le board.,consent sot lui,i" The Atnigltty Dolar.i- v .; . j.,I1 R $370 -.*t afWla" im-'. , îu,ssîlal of Conmmandant.i ca-s - t ' î :iîî.~mus -'îisc Il,.b'--'na J.. ilurîl e'T'icket Office FIVE si l-nterestinig Fa Short est ' Mo Most, Sunday da ii l w 1;,l i ; Iu-SU 'i lh4 -à, - li i . I - - tiCi', i I ujI a ii reil (0lî u Ilui r- ii t! u I i - ;. j uîIl .1,1 F. BAIH M*AN U ACTý 4iarble arn Cemetery Wot Descriç Corresp6nderîc I 6Genti wptî kf. DR. 1. L. T ifmein. Fir.t Natios ls 'n Itiir lj DR, 0. F. BUT VETEUltlY 49@90TANT #TATE V ELHANAN 1 AitOrney-a tr- ~ asi tm , î,î L iB R TYV VlLLE. LYELL Hl LîTutciîiue - PAUL MACi ATTORNIEY .A hi hart> ' l leë MARTIN C. 1 Ar'roTci, '-A 3047 Wa.h!t.gbi Rs l'hta c The equi Europe disinteu 'There we standari As a resu] impaire- reqtirec Ini bhe me Amerîca fUa, gcc waoL and viii ind the The Te muesau eiCh7 e more thm am i d" Tbe succ* cordial c repect I CHICA , PAflFÉ 'wo LIBERTYVRLF, LAKE COUNTY, IWNOIS, THURSDAY. MARCH 4, 1920. ,j