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Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1920, p. 12

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À WOMAN FROM FAR- Now Cornes ,a -Great Speciai Selling of Women's & Childrens EASTERApaé AWVAY LOUISIANA IS Our ANNUAL SPRING OPENING SALE STARS Thursday, March 18, Continues 3 Days FOR OUR IiOSÇPITÂL' Ch' NI,,4 a. Mniher Whose Boy Used Wau-' kegçjanas His '*PIayground,ti pringr STROK'G PRAISE FOR CITY (Doats 1 1 ,' oneiof te speakers ai Are Ready at ti- ett-îiri trcetin . r-e-d a 1(i! n iiia wIrtoiraliin i.oujsianit.$1 whi_. i. tte. he ,slie 'ieof! t lirst 5 9 e7 5 9$ 1 touIi.i r,.. rid ton i of ->le Pritatargil- m,-r'.. iee. ii., l; lia anbeen The lttie lots are not forgotten ibers, lt- ýi- u ri rrve. so ve make mention of an elaborate Tlii,- t..farar iloar. ite soutil- diriplay of beautiful and practical coats ern p lc1i tf cilcîîuiiry. huar r.ed teifor Sbring in serges, vool poplîns.ailik a udt r î-iitiic Sun in whih moires. silk poptins and faille ilîks in M r.,ic t ecit tlik ai a Chamr- ail sizes. becr o1 L '-liîi c et r .-.Lrc-g witt.>print- ed i l r i. i-d i IlI -tîgit aitlit tii îch illi r1-tifili let i jIt -jiîd the llerr - r ic r,. a -i"%"]o b-i. -rt t"l i ch M c - The u-,- À ief0 lrîie )itercho;I- IV omen's 1.25 lirje_'tintr- olCU I.-r witilthy. a ic s îni(-]îiiIaIcirrcl,it ti nd I- cnl.uit UO -tri tatu-, n Su k Corset krar. î>- c-ci-ie,'giauî,d for thfe Leý " tilsIlCovers ui 'She Polll.i cot c 1>w lsel boysr -. r> t.de thie l iîr-rtc ac. nl,-8 9 C r. , .. ti%l r IL ji-ana sit, i-rt bigaine.Corset coserri cf Ili é.i., iLciriw, blucg wortlly 0 flesh colorcd sdlk niceivtrjuted i e'r~t 'u sr inyby ievo> lun 911izes. ,t> Ml, l1 iki Yrtu strl i:e Sut- IL titi lR-citts trullitme. Ibut i i tr o-ft> . îu U r l îtls 1in lb tf .f tIi Meilîttrutlui lier crarLti aWauke- gailjltt>1 a . 1ourUlini) recail fi) son. Wilitanl aiit Iot a e ritrue reaf L"kcoâ r't >s.t rfi -- darig tihi-Redi Croirss ~ ~ < d1itû a !:tle uit a >Cir go. le £~~. %,As .ar i i ,taton t ril ofU th(le <fittt ial:ui-z iaftack lri ijîrre ianed - tii ai t-i ' he hrtcclty uof(rr tu Sr.Juîes c iuttrtelsof bud(lie& - wirc ,,ti -r.i .îiiy frc3ri titet tu thei loi're lotn, e..te tri L i l r e. re tatis un ,c >ind t baelliv cauIle the W, L 3 t ii tye flitc aiBIanded -- - ar, U - w ' - Sailors - - Very Special at - -r - - ~ dl î..-l i:o -, - tnd> r ý d- ntittir- Oin istfl a-ndi ap reate ipi t. î lC f215- iri CoîL:t-stravri. Outitî ott sr itt ltc..rand re utra - - î-~~ri-rr i roa; -t- A Varied Display of-- s, 'uil t 4i u« iàn h 1i Pe.iIa-- M ilin ery Mvodes Intl Ilri. Lu- iro ftn 'il- lintsokýUrYU n .l el"gdur- for Spring at jr-Àý i t - cre, aitd t citt ertaint lira! ir i c Are icro ne sttulti add l'boýituLy i)cI iink.7.50 ,to $ 18 Y.r u - r ,tc-erety. IAL trE IA GROIX t -roveas a veait h of charming hat To Pari> Alit. -i~styles for Spring vihthfle newest shapes -Lare As itirrîraitU l.d Croira. Chi- becominglX bedecked with featiers, gay cago, 111. fiowers and riblions. Many are band- _______________ made wtlh teaufiful raffja wark and new mf1iPPer sfraw as weli as the favered STARIS TIIOUSAND rren eh sailors witl flower trimming. IIIlR DRIVE FO1R DEN VER SNNITAR'M 1. H. Schuîltz Making His An- nual Vsit in Waukegan for National Society. HAVE MADE IMPROVEMENTS .,IlhU1otzi Ftld Ser. of lhe Jeu, IA CAn-tîiptIve Relief Scr1lyt ble-- flmititubriter miakig hie; at nu vrti its V*.sîri'-grn for fte purpose rf -tIritîtrg uppiorttfor te ln tîttt- ir, a itîrith,- i-.ualli. Atir tiJan. irs ti,>y-ar sca.sdelayed lbroug ik, g in fitiri Ici t1ii-teu s hiCcr- rît r i tifs-1;,1 rylirts uusaly teei ai-rîit S - ir y.-ni Irrt tiis yar tht> - rra P 't ,n 'ai. i a tri sabou t \tr. -ut e-l-tli't fine ait Cit-y dirriiin thc'pit- y-rrr laq a-qu'r- cd mtrd a I I lii- t isriiditig t hllit cot aie-tif211,1i0-risand up 1. tle ptctItrr'c ýliii rr.,tr-4X<6 patictn1 In theti tîtlltirrît 1 oi tem heIn-g itotiIllîtrns utilit . hi- prcsrnt tiii Wa ukegRnand nnci 1.ie 4<osnly fiat-- nouetlt In thle lb- nititution. Wbile In WtukcgrrnîMr. Shiitlt.4 l> lIlbntg fllm ti' r Sciarîz. anui etirm of tt P- sir t - tuln Ikr. i-'-it te il' Watluegan l-IcîIt finit h4-tmai li> t, c - , ît ku.ira mrri- ti tlty iiiîg ,Md tt -liitt ltt fc ail amkew. usti elly isre - ii- r- r t"ml ltlitild rit orîchuiti -s c r iing and lob 1WIJcioo Pli-- thitn. Thiis p- peWUt-,> r..t y- , rcrnii In fitrme doo t.9----------gr il r.tflltg Norther lhziois reatest Store-/or Women 00Chiurern -A Great Speclal Sale of Women's New SILK -Corset G'overs - Chemise -Bloomer Iiainty,-ilkîn undergarments for the - I SîrrIng aardrobe are liera, avallablé at adecide,l an.55 ncegllar values range froint $41 t$599 Values to -$2 li MUSLIN - Gowns - Chemises -Petticoatsç *1.'69 An intttresting collection of Ij styles ln gowua. chemise and petti are offered for tomorrow at the prIce of el169. Women's 2.50 Hou se Dress Aprons 10-69 N'i,,ly rnad liii.,, (rera ron9 ti mih.' in n dr ooigi at r tas NeW Beits And nctw tttos.e new belts for general wear on coat. dress. smock, sweater. etc., ln tire ni-w narrow sty les in a variety of coiorsa aad wldths. Springs' Newest Cre- ations are Seen, li These Ultra Stylish Coats 0f Which There are Literally Hundreds AcoatsSelling at- 10výw 22.509,27.50, $35 42.50, 49.50 A captr'.aing choice of swagger sportil .nodels ln coats in the soft ricb camel'a hasir velours. polo clolls, Scotch tweeds. wool Jerseysi, etc.. ln short and t b rce- quarter it-ngths- belted or loose swing- Ing introducing novel arrangemients ire. pockrts, coliars, alteves rend cufs. 75c Silk liose 56c Womens .41]k boot hoae ln a va- ricty of colora and most aiU sizes., 2.50 SiIk liose 1.79 Womens silk hose of an excel- lent quality in a liied number of ,,pair.s, black only at 11.79. Hundreds of Womnen Will Attend this Sale 1,200 Dresses Jerseys, Silks, Tricolettes, Serges Speciàlly Priced at $12.50 $19.75 $24.75 $29.50 $35.00 IfrIaricty aione vas an Indication or com- - niendadton of desirabieness and auperborty tien our assorments woulti stand unap- proachablebittis coimunlly. Touil fluti dresses vitit llgured georgette blouses rend an- cordian pli-ateti skirts. bolero aend eton jacket effpectsIn satins, taffetas and f ricotines and liandsozne new atyles In tricolettes, accordinIy to price. - Corsets Up fo $2, at- A collection of good styles In dtscontinued numiters but in niost ail sizes viii ite found in this lot. Corsets to $5 Special at Here are both front andi -back lace modela In thse nev pring styles at a vortit- - vitile saving. Other Corsets $5-and 7.50 Front and back laced styles for tise voman vho vants a realiy fine corset -are boe. lu plaîn or irocad- ed mtérial Inuwvilte and feeinafl perfect-fitting cern- fort-giving modela. . 1.98 Knit Petti- Çoats $1 A b o Ui4 balUpVrlce vhlb -F r Stylish New $8- Skirts Specially Priced $5.98 Shirts of new wcol Serges and vool Panamas in pretty styles andi nIe-t al Wool Plaid Skîrts For Spring to $12-50 --- at $9.98 And tht-ï price la for ftose striking new plaids in thte lateat modela ln al aîzea. Other Skirts 114O- $1 82-2220 Af thes prires. You vîlI f intia bewîl- dering aaray of charmIng sklrts of sort Scotch wooies luInnew plaide. emali checks tend plain colora ln liai or ao cordion pieated effecta. lI the Children's Shop -----N rChildren'a ainigham DRES SES Up to$2.50.2t at $1.98 Msost Of tisse pretty dresses are fer tof. of 2 f0 f6 but there are some num- bers for girls up f0, 12. 3.50 Dresses $2.48 Pretty colcred glugitama ln plin or 1plaId and cbecked affects il aU ises irp fa and lacludiitg 16. S 5.98 Serge Dresses $3.98 Littleserge dresefor fots ai 8.3. S.4 ad 6 y. uis l ce.iooklngmodem aBS a' vry 10w. pin. An Inviting Event ls This Waists, Up to 2.59 c -at 1;98 Ilere la nos large table of pretl7 styles in vai>st-a of J4p lui. French Voiles tend irrandiei§ luail stzes ut $1.98. Values to $850 -at 4.89 Avery fortunafe pur"cha. la respon- igjble for lte-tetnui-uai values in silitý gi-'orge lie cr.lr0 wuitst, with their, pret- ty emtroidery and wide variety ut te- Conrîng style$. Waists to 12.50 9e75 An opportunily for fhrfy vwomen and misses to indulge thelr propensity for econornry viile -safiafying thair desire for lte ultr4 lâbh in Sturinc hlousc3 la bere prset Blouses of Tricolettes Satin Rajahs, Etc. 12.50, $15, 18.50, $25 13pring's ioveliest creations maire Up tbis unusual and temptIng assortiment whicb includes varlous ètrbklng coloringa ln sncb wonderfulhy gorgeoua fabrîca as satin rajahs, frbcoiettes and the fine-rt of georgettea as vel se tite 0ev figured 1.7 5 Sllk Gloves A value of UihbI L iportase ln tl hiedal 9Ef bh sprices.. - sîk - g o te s la eil l lu n a d colo . o s day$SL. ~ n. VOLUME'XX DIOP 5ERd ROAD PRO4 COSIS TI Lake -Countst Stat Work IncIuided A Which Wont l, ki a kt t: lie-d thi. ..-sr and 1 lin the imud for aai from Sprngflid L,,ni th-ryotthout Lake Cou! htdl rreelvad fi yecar ment of public worki fir)tte -mproviiiift b. lf ejeted,' with titi tihi. SMcton north of te federal ald sy-stei lion* connectîna lhe and tihe Nationl 0 Thfe eset ionsi total ti ln length. Abandontment of building prograi wa" Iiltely loday fulicaîn hetween Frank 1. Ri cf te publie surkli bighwaya: Thorua.. m~i ant direclor. S- E. teýnden t of hIgbvr tys 01>1eýr, chief highw ay No roads wili h.. lit tii.' soe of Loy fMate tir-- plan of huUldiltK r-oad titis year unir tr bond lsue plan havir onr-d.The fhrrZ' -i coui-tru'td jIl bIf- aid pi ;flZh fai frýi Irî In a -Mtaternent. fti, tt r irite tlice failirr. z1 arn it'. lii.- high i bd- .n fh,- rrrr->irrlai ,- gardlri.,'prit-- "The bld> open,ê-i b ailxty ninlici..the hit r 25. avpraged In cv--ef mile for orure thitr iti thie bids opced or.NI Pd $44,004) a trille f ill -e> Oti niat-Y of 1-f.-t d coîir Ti.-.Il Sth>aî rl.tilt u regulale the prîcee In order t10tltant oif rntracti' It mlAi said rnd h. a lt, t. cid pn c., ! forecdi 1,111,rf r- CONTRACJOI BROkE; mm¶ ROAD AT 1 rtii inroaala the low Plac4,son ftie firoke -amias hr tract. Tir tnifrisa plit ed of 'vork. One of the reasoor -ern a s- rn;rhtr-ti c, r>i, idt-.lirasc-- manni.r ln whlch the One of the expenRi% paratrîsrtiIl vas a lar a rnd serat1 trotor fru Titi principal contr sured itrpt. IRuse-ll _will l- rofîmpleted.i fise nior rr tritcks for :1 flwira raize rail] dilir-rr t ir fi, ilaýhis vii le S-ct lh s--i v. , lia l 111unî ait criIll i wrrrk To Resunse Rt rd . 'forty per ri rîcre- rr d i tît lr i ieen prit in hy Pasci r i Z tïr ri l - tfParv.i n M %irrk %%ilii e restitue itcRil r>tiii pertmit, Ilur-cil The roand 1 '. ir flic rond thal ti bran-r uiscd. When wîli h.- a -treich g front %fiIwautkvceroad OLYMPIC EN TO TRÀII -~Was lngton, riPfn Our, En tire Stock of Women's Misses, Childrens' Winte r-- Coats Has Been Sensationally Reduced for Ani Immediate Disposai Womenils Coats 9.75, 14.75 19.75, 27.50 34.75, 49.50 Children' s Coats 3.989, '6.98 9.75, 12.50

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