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Libertyville Independent, 18 Mar 1920, p. 9

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1~TrNt'r ~iiuîSii e o' s, infgur-tel 'l Ails 1,1,1 Il, n (tVlk I 4-sa yIr lr i Le s h I r 't-w 'lt.F .tuti ntr IIle 2rl foti. i lfrëni rs ex- Io is. I.. A. litlî,I tilio es,. NI t tig lin 1, tilte ittt't(t.î Dot t luî th un , inubto tU5, r,) the diii, laaed i lîtrien Detereces le wo1dà arg liBtrer tins% hUe a(iing hon,, luths ludoarr uato. i t Hialc viaated, %-.'iinoi Soty. Cii 1 P* exprinc floti- dnces se ida thr. atgr er.iksh.000 $11-i mnti, .I;Lrllltionkov bOiie li si! grocer "elga lub îi în '.. L 7.2I W illîno. Siw. Ianr illI il' i r' itri,.It..f t h l12 h' IG & uit iri. it'.îî t-lt siîîti anceîtît, lt tie , . . , rii irt .Mor i r, - t> ATION NOTICE III: r. 'rs giirtu r-i AdwIiriirria t.; r, rs I ir' deqeuaied. r t'10 îti irf of u Lake Ili tiiereut ta be huldOn .,u-e iii Ww.ilccgan, un s I.-, 1!ir. Monuday otr wl (iru rh1 a h'r t' ai claunuit, i,tjinisaid et 1 and reqUegted to lire- rt saigii ('1unir tii adju- Il1,EN MEADE. Adrîsînistranhi. iMarri 1. 1920. iarch 4 Il lbý le, etc. ada. in the IN. reach over 15,000 read- ------------S i sizabie propos- n a nystematic ail the conven- reping of your ',egu1ar Deposita kof AieaI ore&, Mliois 18888998889689» 12. LIDLI~ I I V ILLL I J Fd IL~AECVT NE~DNake Counts Big WeeklWAUKEGIAN WEEKLY SUN __ VOL. XVII-No.PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE lD~e!) A, R~CI1 8, 1920. FOUR L>.; ' $üESPE Y- N A>À4L IIOUSJJ> RUINf *eAmerficat America!!" the Millions Cry. ON $llgOW CITY In Sad Armenia, Land, of Sotalking Deaflh TAX INJUNCTION MevleCae.orefm Juilge Wesh Heart Arument ,NasutTliHrown WHER.E CHILDREN DIE IN T11E STREETS And Takes T% Case Un- StoryO of Hunm Miscry der Advisenint. Thte-Dntlc. and Straw' Ni NGES bN* ONE POINT oFode" - Iî~~~ROUCHING bytirs! a - Juidge R. Ki. Webab bersrd argu- J'I corner, a littie scven-year- ~ zwants pro anid cou n bcruit court Old girl was crackin omtngle-a"i thus mocnaing on the foui t toreaitrain tee'iqoalns aameilleb --~.-cole*4efo1s44O0-00wortb 'cftztr tai e"~Lae±nd et s etate taxes la waukl, an, Siaiking Deatit," idi the National 13,ten. took tise case under ad- Geograpii Magazine, describint ='îe1et, anouncing tbat ho wouid conditions in Armnenia. "I looke d ">' V';-< tender bie declalon Prigay nring ar closer and found the child wa&. dat - ,ae-'--2y itseociock. I Thé nauli Ibn£h y ilim~ the frs roawisfronstabone." IL an rouht ierWiliam Wheredid ahe get it?"..Laoked /f Wright on lihenfif %t laxirs.îUc of thse interpreter %who faccompanîfed thse clty et Waîskegan.. He la cep- ne restait by Attorney Ralph J. Dadsir Ytrio. iegae ad'h a and Coolie, l'ope and Pope. Thse suit repied, aiter questiunsing the girl. , la directedl againaot Cousnty Treasurer Tt~cîd codn aM.e- ~ .e. 4 >a , P.oy Bracher. aklng'i h .ce hTr. ss ubilaistadng tsu M.e'M strained frons ealeting in acauis ae.wssbssitsl nI o! lit par cent o! tic rest eeî.te tax- $mail dole of rire iunished al tas pWAukegen. tise point beltsq bv the Nesc East Relief cepresent- tbat the additional 18 Per cent l[saitives ib her ealis Cty', Igdir, -" ' lîleai.la bsedThere vas nut sufficient food in ite. 'Thiès a bae un bhe contention aown t., event gise une meu! a day t- ' ibai the 30 par cent-incresso in îax-1 bu ail o! the chidren snd shortly sas as fiîîd iy tLe Lake Couniy Board sfter te> Lad ceceivcd tiqbiLare fRevlew vas vold <on' the . i i Îtnce of food al vere searching hat tbie board paliaed a ceolt a toc any bit ort vicit they might - O .Oecîrg g upon thse Inerease tise chew te appease their hunger. They 'U a daye itforo notices wera sent out ta pîckéd up beeties. straws, anrd one Property ownec infocnsbng tâtens of a pi hiaborse's huai, aya Mc2Ya ' ibat fiey couid col ai a certain tîns Cateî , and file obJeciionobif tbey m' deuiced. Root and Oriis Duet. '- Mr. [lady .ead iaaverai mauprama court cî¶îoaa gi r orbet.jî fascinions In iniliar cases wiciha el!.hobebs ton .91~the muibeyond ble. epelv iotiededvrvedtu ih <ii ! hieily oit routa and grass, but Oc4-' bourd here vas bîtegal. c Corporation Cenie[ Arthur BuIk caignaily thse diet ila vacied by tie4cyWà eY,viso viiih ates Attornsey Jamsil kiiitg <of s dag or a cai. Wockers ~é 0. Welcis4 ta cepremenubng tic couniy sent out by Near East Relie!,te à,s.b-d- 4n. treanurer, cralse-d the poiint tiati th fariner Committe. foc Arunenian a95ai'f &7 the.-99-"f..c'd. - Papaing o! a resiion three dasise and S riait Relief, wha are furniah- fore ntictes were sent ouit w at' n 'eal seac ago ipî~on reachint our car w. fouffd l tical mnotter ai best and io arguaI People. iald Mc. Chater fiat il vas blocked iy aÎ hast o! hunsanity, [Lai voul bo s:ocking an njusi - impossible lu cemose at once thew0'hvn ëre mrias On the vacioa tto" bodles, t.. L iodles cf tome vito ad died iosvreiaLmiwLd une 180 on tise ify, ta brlîîg Up the sui tarvation. and viten atery ere tram etory village ta plead iheir ai nucb a late daine vien tise prop taken orit for burial. an aSe.r eciY oviiers Lad recoin-se a%,a .! leg ai the body had been caicn by Prayer of ithe Dyhag. V tise noticers ver. sent Out to appe r the tamiahed aurvivara."Isalnvroge htflI "' lod.precen t thefr ca-es, visicit if oer Mr. Chater tells ut a visit taeltse lowed. TiteMi arose a c cming t-".' p cotan h inous ofold a k rer he Ir.a- urying grourd hen graves were tram thouuands o! starvellip, nt eaigti acio u nakbg ieir-' tornsopen and bodies rxhumesd by a cheer, trot a wetcome, net a God- A.t&~tealt,. d.10 croase WlLsuo mc ne the famished inhaiitants. "We lsad speed, but tIse lasi prayer ot a dy- h.d ltJ'aZt Z~ Jy ux es m a-ed sevel queri. aken s short rut." he Saay, "ta- ng 'people. Ih was addressed tones, yuL tva babaies ai ber ort tst nth cam an "ke sepialýuet.ý WaTd whrre our car wait ed and iy îhrouagh us tri hatîfar-off land af aide and a sirramrng ten-year-oli Ion ipnded fte estrshisih the situation! chazrcce acwre skiriing the ceins.- generousi htrus; anrd tnder thc ai hec ailier, lies a stack, starrnî. ciearby In Lm is Iînd. lie took doyra tery. iOur grid"ý poiti.d tiither twilîght. citis Ararat glearning eyed camiail dead amu.rg th101 al, isotatbon o! the versoir@ court de- and sali overhead, it rang eniessis' au remnants ot the bIcusehold ahi.. tisions In ordf.c that Le n.ay cbe.k " 'Il israi a pltasant sigitt. Yeu îtrrough tic death-sm.i'ien town; îLe trasr bu presret In time .up on ail of tL,'îîîbfttrc renderîiif inTust ir." rstand Thar îhe Tu:rksa Americal Anieris" America!!!' " thse girl cviii lrck op une chiii Mlis derl iran. leit thins ranîry so Lare that there Arnieniari refrigers, seliîng the lead tire aer, and go forth int - LZiLh' prayer of the apêtîfionm t' vere trot vs en spades. Graves must ast soavcnrrs oft rir btlovrd riead the streets ta beiz.Ticir hes pos gratibed Irf cili meai a rduct'iontt bc dug wrlh an>' avaitairle biing, ai a bazaar in Erivan are vividly sible future is tat te), may i '1t per ment ot the etym revenueA e n w:ir human i tries. If thte desrriletd. lonrd and pased thFough tarv. vel a l pe cii ti tseaitosri dead Las a relative strong enosagh '"ilehitsd tLe marlict stands te tiun'a clearixiî bouse bu sorte on alowed t e htýIri bard and oth.rj 1n carry a weigit-irg strýnes are srccrid laï.aar," says Mr. Chaber. pianage." taxing bocdies. ('iby of firla i iC iisr on thre grave: bir' if net-,' "Penetrate tire iaiter"rl thrangtirai Mr. Ci-ater spent several davsfil mouen it inlrre.ited Its the' outrome or Le 'lrrrgged sgnifirantly. revoîses nnccasrngly in ia qîtest the rit>'viewii'g tise cork brinfi lhe e.,"! ask,i'l.irardly itur' how bu of purr Iaers and voti rrognize donc b>' Near East Relief for thr hoIn s im me nts to tise coUrt Mfr. tramp wy question, . Far l>' viii- the husiand sellrîrghirs ci!e's Lcad- thousands ut retugees, whose airole Dady îaid lie uhougi that btps C c xacîl>' -whuns do you mciii?' dress, the vile scllrnig Ler Lua- Lape ut existence lies an tLe lien laIlru g lm In favrr of tepetIt louer t1hat ilr uld lie madie te aP Men >lDg. band's coat, the son his sistcr's car- eruaity ot the American people ai ~îi a ver' tspyerIn aukgaî - men.'Leansere, 'herings. Thus lariers witi memen- expresd through this organite. iyoem txae nWueii ' en'h nwrd tu tes a! bruken homes and o! the fien, whicitin deaperate nreildel f.prêvent a tuulliplil'ty of cuita. parlai dogs b>' day and undor dear dead ores, tIres. emariated tteds tu continue te worIr rover ut igh-cell, conte and sec0creatur es pisaby, -:nias tuneral ihrougît its reasurer, Cleveland H *for yourselves.' mutes. pouun soicibaum, tor Dodge. 1 Madison Avenue, l'Je ac"I will neyer torget that terrible tirougit siarvation nsay bringr a Yack City, ih now maktrrg an aî; Allies a k s rtcof carth-the low-iaulder- man te dispose of Iis witc's burial peal for cont'nued supprît îb>' t . a pe>ed meurtids, and those otiers, clothea, ho vîli not 'ry titem for Amerîcan peuple. 'tc unprubecbed graves, nov re- sale. "Wie apent sariee tw-days in fe Constantinoples vealed Ps mtso to-off gar- viîHatheuvne'loti fbac r>' ead wLe su wenn t*A ec f o mmGeria whase brinka acre stèewn about purchase yander scar!, togeiher tee's work slrtrps, w-ht' e men a!t wt epi>', oaped-au o l a "aith aheoaf ' olabry eerl viii qunuug lothArna omi <'onsiausinopile. Turkey bTuesday) menîs, amuong witicit la>' blackeused displeýy nu emution as Le parts c'oui." pays5 the air'ror, "or builc elar<js h6i TiuoliSof Uie aïlleà Lave seusillances of itunanit>'. Ar ve citi lie last loved scuvenir. Ont flic orna for tuns p'rpose. Mers wibaied (hi:e; 4' tu,ýie p 3h.9a$rai turned away te a partion Ofai miutesta, il îeems, eren that o0rec ciidren out fcrrren are secn r gunm outhIe liritiatu drcadnssugh' great. yellow parUtdugr. paving ina>' have bears bu weep." thelr appreitiersuhrps o! cloth-cut Benbow and orter giant etnteb amang tie graves, drew tramn us at sso-nki.9 rzeya v olley ai siones. TLcn as Le alunkr Chld'en Wall ith Dead. tn.so-aig rzeym warahipe nsoor10ed t ctçosanit r a kbcîi -ike tian sprsng op OtiserLarrocving stories u i i Nhey wcre butb reftRîges, tiser od la uioGoldeni[trtsthee ali (under rover riîv. îLe capital of the new Arme- serious-eved w urinrs. whose tami bit saides outhîe liosioruS. hr.sry of waiiî e had been talking Lis niaitreptiblic, are told b>'bbe art- liet harl tcr irîâsmacred, wvis Bii. iid cleared foc acilous. prey) and, braining te3beast vilhifîLot' in. is accoui of ri visit te homes hart bren hiuned. and s Cicad SOre Reen.1 ciii. disappeared, iarrying iatis desolated negion. "Up gars a emrred tram srrcir horrars as havg l'h. armuaI arrivai a! tite ailla' Lcaas witit him. childish wail,"'sys Mr. Chuter, nuoîlrcer nationr in tile car;y for'ces causpd lbitte ala.'îis nor verts "Our tarcuella and tanks ta tise "which leals ils tu une of thase Lero bues' werr, aireary i>' t t! l itote tarirignas ut panhi', except tri lAmerican Camnittee's mianager dark rellars, tie scene ot an hourI>' tasksa wi i s sr'il reliabiVtate tbs Staifiboul. eenscd an endless proccerdîng and comman tragedy hIere an te Arivenisn'n rrrin oftboraorrow. C ,§;hoikeepcer ier Ille awr office - hers cluaird 'Loir plures o! busInemss hen Ir vas hear'd îLe alles vere ~T ont bts th. manageaient of aircrft.I atlons as irtibrg crin ho ni caîning, but thre rooPsinspired! con YVlVE T T ie muest poses heart, luisge, kldneu portant In builinrtg rap ftic A idencé and the stores ver. auon i-c- aJ'1 Va.nd norvouz; 51-tii ipailc of aitl'Ira l'un : tir r' i-t. tefaise of opened. . standing tihe ifects ut altitude ah-tj ph> icaI standing. inte Bifon in Comnssnd. DR E Nfluilliaiso the fferts ut Proiunged flighb.~ Intemoveussent, being undor orders U 'JUF T Muai possems a degre. aof visuel neu froua the British côontiuaner la cher! U7 IUT~ if>'.Muscle balansce muet bc gAYSG ÂC I cldod11 de a n otatibnMusltfh ave a good ffido iso r clued etahm'ntaibaIngMooem, WEA 1W Nfi NOW oaci oye iand nmust pomiesnormai - coluisi'dntrtin ee-ade Teaeoansst muet pases a de- EI NTtS l hi> British varchips., Strict Physical Examblations grec ut audiocy acuit>'. Beriillsun, er d yM;a.5ch hn..îîr orFllasNoMuai pommeas treotentasal r-' hoiti l Bficallin oun d ty, 17.ncllar fo lir Nwa Part of ecuber ide and net sufiser troinsser LI1NVvUE TINI1TA Kapp at 1 d'cO"k ibis aitanoon de- the Aviation 'Plan. touts aruta or citrontr aftections of ne eseign. -the uppor sessrator'r tract iddCCIDENTS DE 11) aLIERS - Alihou.ghi pe rnâtlprapert. hlamurg Oenany Mach 1.-AnALLES ODERTHE HANE Theî:Irm>' Air Serice lias directes! were due .and payable on or encouflier ast ovenalr n btheoBacs staustzwlu~ adelg se su ae 5 Ç,ii fra berk quarter'bt se parlaciosaand !iying eau - ulg oirsele, Bracher saflaunceln bitat c iruopa rsle n"Ltealer anIlighter than-tair" service,1 otttce lias isoon se u bsibb i cesutéithn~e dealis.médical requicoesonafoc Air Navi aisalbuc'ubject bu physia o-zn-b>' tairpavers thtIamé ni nlgh Radicale lI i1 Soviet Move gation vece-agreed upoîs at bth In aation in Januar>' and JuyOb>'atheb ad dîfficulby in V01119tig ith L.ondon, Englanid. Match 17.-Thé fernattflusl Air Nivigatofn utr11 yeac. Fing officers chu arc, ce- preacr'ibed lime nnd Ibat ho1 independent socialata and the, coins- Ailed and Asselated poser. EverT quired ta take apeci axainnation' cidéit to gise an exteiriiontOta osuninso i Getin.an>' have Commenced candidiate betore obtuinin lcenee1 il ho éxcuseil tram thse aiaflaI s- latoisecame ut peupLýe vlto c a violent agitation ha ravor of a sovieit as a aic Pilot, navigataorenne lent iaiexantinatiosa requlred uf allter cepublie and at 1 alliance Viit Ruaiit, uofaircraf t engaged in public firair- offlers. . estat. thsé tr,ýessurer l-iioDti accordhng bai a Barlin diapateh tei thé port ta raquiret ta undeguexan.? The. Surgeon Gcnéu-a1s se,,nt an- ticular heessîse TLhe ierasral Rixchange Telegraph couapan>'. . ation btirnse4bcal mon ([blght f uc5 nual report gontains -aa ttetaent of acdditu tLe rosît>' laxi it f___ ons) acting upan tisa aubborlt>' e'fthe Brifiabi ta the éffect that durIng plld"Iy the prescrilied time.' ties tate' Maodlcul superisionLotti thebtirai year uf var iii>'per cent The coutil>'troastiirer sers W' lqrection und mintensance o0'f&Il &ahi rcaaualitlers vere duetoi tIhe, polie>'adaisted last efir of Br efilney talitIho baed upon certti ipbyaicai tststtness of fliera nd flot ittinht eitrYone paYs bis I MR RO LIN6il lta.., sstolluvi: second- year tbi vas reduced tb uhIr-, cala lse.no resont hy e rGondrembs ut merntal an pI8'a- tyP eta au a' ins orhe str e. riet sa iI tliowp. he tsi y STROKE VICTI14 w aicula"trouys typleer cent. dTeTiirrdution1 antulroctaa.nuir ts rerh etablihty. Absence of any m6ssbal.1 telsOtion of bhc candidates, a syseimla, e and pcoperly levied on - isorl o juys. --ete -- ii- tl'- . tesfcali. I ise mental castaxe-- --rOuf-- -- on-p---- WOAKFER çOÇ ARST » MWI $IO~R WIISKY ILaI41Ii4IS CIIAREED WITI PRECRITIO Slt&Atl. ~S~O ~0~h STEALIN4i A TRUIJC Do eacandidate for re-election t0 the office which he bas held for the Tells Dootor She Has Pain In pag 214 gears. "a miade t.is an- i. W. EIledge 0f Waukegan la Side But M. D. Can't Dia. nounoernent in a casual way at the Arrested In Chîcago, Tuok gnose Her Aiffléil. Drive when là pra.laing the women fer Wa Tae Las Fait. SHE HA STOCING. A MKday i :chisl rer no curry flaor ENDSA LONG 3SEARCH~ comeIntothor rilitfor he smpl J. ,VýElledae. a.ged 3 rWue Wit taes f te ativtie ofd otha 1 o nt tý, an.waspiaced under ar4ret ln Chii- tos ndO"er% fir hikp pe-bea anidt oran, ffceTuesday afternoon and broughl soures ut Wakegn dcto tele elc wa aspd litthe hoactall lokedùp n the City' jail. Hi@ ais one hat ctualy tok Pace. moant what Le Baad or whether ha rest. foliowa a aearch that han beau A el des d wrna cae ito isvad Just trying to Le 'nice 1.0 the condîîctod mince last November. Efl- oMead tywsnroladjes." ledge ln charzed vith havlng a00iei when tbe doctor asked what he could Ho came back very ernphatlcally a motor truck belonging te Wuiten do. Sbe hesitated about telling what and stated 'Ilamnfot goilng to be a jack. He vas arraigpned bofori ah.ovw ted and the doctor toid her candidate for re-election or for any Police ýlgitat ayo'0i mn biot to e b c&Wat as msen of Lia Office." aisted L T alorath$1.000. rofefflion are u.9ed 'o unusual cou- "la it true that you are Planning 10 case was ted lhincbai or tan1.00. Th 'lersati rtrtoCinos.egaeyu onruetuuW Chcg l nag or Aocordlng 10 the charge placAbd Pinially. the voman told him abe buiea there?' aas asked the At. againat liedge Le drove away Wit vas ln need of vbiskey, stating she torney. JacA'. machine on ,ý(orernber 28, led a pain ln ber aide. The doctor He replied negatively stating that 19M9 The coae vas reported lu the tuid her1 relut ah. waz a tianger andiILhe inlpndedd b romain in Waukegan. I Chicago police at 00e urne and thej Le didn't Ihik ah. npoded aWhIakey Mr. lûh-w" Mlsted 8t1tea AIIY. bl- e", epn a ntt= . -hr pre1cnipion andcoui flt grnt er r Iaiph J. [lady, wLo Lad served car over sînce. roquestri.. They eailed ul) "the Waukegan- Po "I'mfron Knsw Ciy. OIIlice Tueiday and assnounred that M1 ieens tharid tnaas ity. out à jr.j ledge Lad been pl&eod under arreolt n edîthoafs.d o rie ut& reMYST~ER I I¶ and tihe car liaa been recovered. Il acription for n,"e 'îewoman aaid. ablhdl hcg .iJi Rh. t'hcn ceached.A mb ber 'ILiale isbighi n(hcg odL 'National bank" and drow forth a T j4~' disposition of Use charge agaisat Et 1$10. But m'en 'Li a-îaregreen pov- W #À ' DI3ATII bdge. erly reinovor did not cause tLe de- Mytpry saurrounds thse ldentity of îîDFELII)Ws;ATTEN'T10.% tor t obulge. and tLe voman flnslly a voman vho dod Tuesday in.(Chica- îa:County 04M ,'isAFPI, ltoit ithout the preacription. go eat tLe Fort Dearborn Hoapital. The and P, beknha go là Kenothat SatilO 'coroners office la investlgating. HIOR day nlght. March 20 . Take sîcil _______- pital recordq sLow the veinas 88 c at Pearces% corner, Waukega.. Fuel lni Seandlnavit. bcougbt there atter bcbng taken tram 7;16 P. M. TIn seandigîmyba woaiâ a thie nouai a Chicago & North*eatern Rallcoad Fred A. Gaiger. Presidefli fuel. wlîlle the. towns and ilge ra in. Hec flans. as given aa Mcm. *t-1t.wkiy Il *lectlcaiy iilst vil aesô- .Florence Smabley ot Lake Bluff. 5h. Noecay bai nu coal, boterwednbaidied white ziving birth to a babY, p U"II--Pair of nose glasses. @boutl quit. aey iso red'btisai anhi an vhtch did net aurvive. Il vals aaid one mile norti uofliruce's ]LA». 01 Jod uplie eys lrdtbtab ait nlgbtthle voman vas flot Mca. Stabe road. F. L. Wright, Oraylk.- A New Living Ro Suite for Laster A special showing at prices for lower than ypu ca elsewhere, quality considered. Furniture for bedr< dining room atvery low prices. -Tomorrow wve offer a solid walnut bed, dresserî fonicr, complete set, for only $169.50 lin. of Baby carniages anmd Pm-- =j Oed ySrçomtaste to ypur frleids- tel $20.00 9x12 Wool and Fibre Rugs at s: The largest.rug display in the County awaits your inspect What Can Give You More Enjoyment fc Money Than a Columbia Grafonola A full size Cabinet Columbia with.six selections of your ow n choice in Golden and Fu med Oak, also in Majiogany and Walnut for only $P122.55 Heari Nev Apri Recoi Tomor' AL JOLS, NORA DA k BERT IVILI VAN & SCH -Cv' ýom n secure oom and and chif- Largoest Blook Sf Trunks Lake 14.95 lion. or Less the rds .row ÏON .YESý LIAMS [ENGK9 $L.OI Sauce Pun m ~1 , fw - lie

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