kjtyeep in ,the gond grtes of!atise Por' TO TELIS TJIINOS ~ter gr tiorter" inMoton aWI megB f P P O 9.311y. lie know$ everyîhlrsg. or at 1eat ARIiNirbEN(,LANs yoiA toi,1'. .c.. RELEASE EVEN ONE CL SyPVE uailiiaow.i i t e lsessona l il i aà OF TWO P. C. PAPER smat! e d" hotel, who in mOst Canes alsi arfà L- Lissad waiter anlitbooke- i- Wilbur Blows, at tMinner for peii r Lu hedîîsîîî room. --Yu International Paper Company's Barwetl Factory Folks, De- tlhU\Jly ey'er flm ajte O is Appeal toth Sun and Scribe ConU,îons. baù attcsed. TIsere al-e, howej-er, 'ti So oacIs floor. y Dutch cisambermald EFFECTS 0F WAR ARE SEEN would ca'.1 me eac'h morning 10 wisat SMWALLER PAPERS HARD HIT 1lcaltait my progressive bath, Ras dur- lng lthe wraic 1 stayed aithlie Pays Bas tCoptlnued l"rosn L'aga ONE.) -hoto li Amsterdams 1 neyer halMY Tilst thse Public generalry dosflot bath lwb mOriIngs luisuccesGsonu Ieilie 'uhat a aearety of neus print la bonor John W. llarwall snd1th saul. bathroomn and .1 tAugbt ber tiser. la, tu the lad la plainly appar- Wllbr ibow. o tie BltcbordCulto ol une, two or three fingers ent on ait aides, Only thse newipaper * es! Company, a deligisîfîl 'wel- as tihe case tmight hie, 10 in4icate bow publisher realîzes It. Belov the SUN tomne home" a! fair was lbeldi aItthe' msuy <brs down or up. 50 i oOIII(prints a marines ofJettera sbowing hou -y bawber of Commerce moorne lena'drme accordingly. the bigguaî Paper manufacturer la'1h. evenihii. arrangead y hy e Forum of You juat Hove te Tip. ctountr.the International Paper com- parrnent headà, The office force Thie hotel dariera are teilcs, mt Lta divert a very emati tifle or an tei fsmlls er gesfor e- - y!cF,,eaara a ite : ucare ther contract paper to amaller ub sa fom ClifoniaThursday wams o jour bill or you are Informed O o! busdtrinss.the andteromare self-ex unabe t'boposntbeig inispsedthedefciecy. n srti hoelaIL abnerss.d Te eied Inre ot, as aitheugis flt Raait. added 10 your btl wihiy uillyu-der <Intorybaind or deassaintrýa - --r. Ousus us!retunaf rNUI ilt ital G 5D'tite.ative value for everybody tu road la enalitanded trip to Europe asud 9ng- A Cartese. 114 smoking route ad- detaîl: l»arn fd histalk telling of ubat h. jois lthe dlnlug roosaad bath ladies Stoinsm mer snd board proved deltgbtfully ln-gSud gtleWsu edjourn for cafres.iutonl a tietn.lîquos'. cgare or cigarettea. Chicago, Marcis 26, 1920. Pllowing a fine upper. a short 1 attended one Dutali thiean..sd THEI DAILY SUN:- musical porn a ie n oc a1sbned on uohr Inl;dpex idalte ae Mr'. Slows UxPemisncees. carried 0un during th. PeTIfliflCO. ProIat Mr. C. W. Lyman. uhitb ex- 'Mr Blu',& tory, of uhat hb. l ta nts Rsya Word S'bout Iiioffl a isit smdheard *hile sbroad'viii Pro#e of 7orschetrss.Everir hotel, of 00cone- Thoe situation for many salait pub.. ,keenlutteseet ail Waukegsa ffoik$ quence ahd the. meunet show, bas Ilihers, flot havlag tbe &dvantage of .synopss0o it folio s: ils orrdl.stra «? teat munlciansa"sn contracta vitIs reliabi, paper menu- As noon as vs reklized tihat the war I lok hack ou the helautîful m'aie 1 facturors., l very bad-t lasboad for vus over, we began to try hy coTI'f haieIlistened to Mtarly a loney o*va- the publshlng induatry mas avhole; lit ipondence ta pirk up thse abatleres in~ug la forehMn batela ais o th*tis u-bail for the pai nmautcturlng ends of our forelgu business, feu' t'e! gUi'oati pIUIUi'51Ien* nasra hl;sd lcnb irom ss h f Our connections ve O '-"a-improved by-eooperation. Morived simaet doleful reporta-.. Oses tea maiiuss . Allov me ta as you tu give ibis Jamo oingly bganto elietSaI if 1next. vistad Belgiunsj ncîuding raquant your «enet eotaideratlon ,emorinlybeacet l tz th IrAntwerp, Brueaelasud 'Louvaîn. At and vitte mq at Chicago vhfft you * some one muettaknte 1h.bulditise .nt ptsr efuindications ulîl do. I1ans confident that you vili bornas, ugitmae atehuotnar Ine o 1.Gru bombardaient and oc- be vllllug to-doFour sbire. bel>ed pesidfitcupaiion. The docks- iisoma0< 8re- Awa!ttnt your reply, 1 ams s uati.na..n lvlng actl-rity. Tise Red Star lUne Yours sincerely, Oeurinina Uic o.idunticred as O* sud noms, of thse Ielgan Congo at> INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. gfl, li pIt o myprtesa f tsebave ra5ulfed »sillage. Tbe. 014 cita- J. L, ý rl Western Sales cela condition or M7 fon.et the u~dei Museum on the. barbo' ron.11.Agent. International Papier thoglt 0 îavng ofI~'.~.thse itiJs Art Museums ut Amterdams, Compasny. ,4 jhugt r sjvig -orMewa uaen.or lise feu old uorld uonders - hoe ora itar 'in- i oouldn't hurry by. In thi se uns thrugahiyunde a'.coltou is. buldUng. vhicà anthse oriinal hAst- THE APPEAL vas. ho uver outva nditudiospt-1uS'pfortrese sud dates bai la over New York. Match 20. > ing, h, isevi vtube, eailtaompt-1.0S0 Fais. are- mazsyreliesaof tiheDear Si: - lagth na. blbau e à m p t occupation, siena tna ro de- We have been appealed la by tbe iplanrs. -'ythngou. ovru- atsd1tarecordsa M th. recent wSJ. Americau Neusàpaper Publishers A$-, ent- cossulir reports Couldatffes inceludlng thse lait Germen isfied 0 ocs o the &ndale lso rect Fame'- asen ades mymeif a general fil, oye'.Antuerp. The balet-dIdouo!b.sarpbîhe,10u- nisianfce sitig thse foreign oou u ag .lat Wblch tise Germans @hot pIF týem wlth enougis paper to pro- latex ýa Chicigo. I encontoed downigian , et atizefla accild o! es vent (beir suspension. son». pompont dtfitfl~e g. - poifge and a list of narne11and Pho- As ou'. product la ail sold for Use yatngtis pssiienecsstyof! h. -tograpbs Meth.aieetizent so executed. entîre year, lie cado aotblng with- * ng ta peus lvlce.Ubrwugh Hoiiand 1 And yet f rom a buaneds mintaoIiscopaino!uiuaol9. * applied for a two moutha vise. on MY Autuerp and agaln front a student at 1Altisaugh fully alive ltis th act, fhaI liusport for tisat Country, uhicis Louvain uuiveraitY. 1 beard thse higis- f.imost every one or Iheui la aiready sesmed t, siager thse Dutch consu..qat praiae and stouteat defense for hamlpered by flot isaving adequate Mfr. Vannelle, sud gave me mY firattheUse lrmanes ad th. opnion ex-tsspily o! paper, ve fosi tisat a large lnkling of Use difficuties 1 had blis, urcsaed tisatBelglum tmîght bave majorlîF vii readfilY ses that a 11111e foreme.I fisll obtine aliepr-do. rnuoh vorse tissu bo ntinue îempoyary self-sacutfce la tb. inter- fom oer. Usrugls o u'. Ath r- nder Geriuaule. t asor fellow-pablisbers ln diatres mit,1 agwer.t uorAtS.Tw anuge Pea. ay in lise end prove la hbe ttfor den agnts l itsNuoYrk Na- Twre are u distinct.agua e b.future internat ot the publisblng tional Ciy bs.nk lattsr of crsilt s- la Beigbum, Flernls is. hs renom- businessbyevngiut'arei8 -travelera' checks ublcb I cànnai"*a- i len Dutch very closely. ad Frneb. hy Governaent intrfrence or ralgi- omsnd ton blislY. 1 lefI New York AU aotiea. asverthienas en us ili. e h fre etajta1 %ao Noveaiber 8. siter a lin dy@s dels r presff. etc.. are pnlnted Lu toyou visether you vii l ieIo owl scrosmt ofthtie dock strike, OB tise Iwo different languages. aide b>' Bide. 2% o! th. qùota due you durlng S. S-Lspland of the. White Star Ilia.»'. enh as ulei b>'thse 9 a v ai pAl S' a un n e ouicn &fier isîvlag traastierréd fMrm VwO alasoat exclumîvely. Germsa, laqt, tract wlth us. tisaI vs Ma divet auCh other diferont steamers la order te geueraly uisderstond by Lisseias I tonnage. aithUe saome priceasn pald by gel off. bnit of business, but Englus la a you. 10 lise arnalier neuspapera uWh Arrivlflg n Engiiud I ma. thse rae.bird, are Most urgeaty il a na.dof IL. nee-eaaary readjus§tmOut nts10MY jP&»- Ne Poverty lni selgium. Kindly IeI us kaou as promptly as port lil London anud a 15w dy !M« inn apret oery uBel- possible visetiser >ou cau se. YOul' got pasa5ge on a amati Noth Boag«uts. people a aruSe Ware --w.. ay des'. 0 o mply ith this sugges- steamer for Holaad. _Ai mines are &aem"d utUe alsPeemed -vk a tlo r eytuy Ul stili adrlft b ise -North s 1at notco cked . isotel food vas verY orvrytl, a joubje Inokout uasa oustantlF g<s<>dALtisough, I cant gay unacis for CHESTER W. LYMAN. poàted irnâe Beigiau dîenllaegg as casipareui vith Vice Preaident,PaeC. Landing lit }'lushing 1mdea Hýaj olnthu.Ie arcitectural featur'es OfInternational aeCo Journey l mtedm vi ise l' ue 'am..very fine. Among Ilaue Bot d laairn.The land- tise ruita of Louvain. new buildini;s TESU LS "SHORT" scape sas veryone Who basVisiatSamre ling eisutîfuliin architectur-al re27120 Rolland vil lapres, la unllke su>'- design. international Paper CornpanY, tblng seen elaewbero. Neat Litl At Antwerp 1 recelved a visit ut 11 West Washington Street. br. ick bouses s-ust colored ti. roofs. my hotel fcela a Begian businegss 1Cicago, iloa Tise ri-ltgi-een meadqws surrounded mnb preylous alipolnittunent. 1 liai? Gentlemen:- -wlti canais sud boe.esd tier. tise warned 'hirn tiat 1 Could speak Attention: Mr. Fearng. eolu i)utch wiBdrnills vils uaving nellis 'r li'rench yiPeii e vere verZ gjAd 10 gel Yotsr let --------a'm~< pînpîsg ns arer r P- h owevor, brougist tis son-to1-la, ti !21hueei Rn ttd i uard to these&mc. ton mont Of 1-Holald Àutort lawy'er wvio bai learoed a >'ou are goîng ta load our nexj car I&bilow sea lerel, s'lYe on. tise lin- Bitle Eggliis, also tise oid lgentleman Juat as he&vîl>' as you -oLa and Fou pression of an exaggeîsied totianil. iad acquircd a little Gerosaus, t real -_______________ Hottanci ia Fine Shape. 1y abouid have llkad tb have ball tiat -- Tise 'inUts lare fully Up 10tg neir interview recorded vîflhs a Phono- Srelsulation for orderllnasa, cleanlînesa gruph apns a rnovlug peture camera. and ;jwu teady diligence. Amate'.- 1 but we made each other -underotand da 1 am aura ig th oriiearning sudlail kept gond natured. tç s - waisno! l.ak uish iornem And tisat in realiy tise key note of ta te saebig o th scrb bu5h s uccesa in nsaklug onea us>' about à auonisi dordtepeansd thse beatittg o! fonign country by onceel!. Keep / 'l dont, mats,. n ccut ! alling. 1I vue corseln oist'y- My ditriculties o corto h lanrug elaunau". I have uutchis g situations, but ty keeplusg cool maceaors hck onrn 'am antsr ie~ d kaeptng nsy eyea oison and uninA - ab i eatr se hlkodMyuaI haideithe bluff 5and nerve tisat mont of us . ~ ~ I buti e 0re bondiuâthae d-raisi ! ySies are reputcd and e&pected tb fsmiîy tree as i nes-er got mursh.-e exhibAt aud by awearing only ielow yond yea sund no n DuWh durlng my MYbreals. arn ploe lto SsaY 1n- O 1X1 mtay a oieIsepte10 isetioelscouiesed na difttcukies lthai -1 sa.eli'tpull throîîglî Everyone of Supt 1 ba na ud letger BrntheWIsa pae s.elpi visen.Fou asik witb sapmile. but fir EnlIs sund hy uns of a litl nobody loups a groucis. And in addi elcrn'atini- Germsan sud a lot of or eirqai Igina signLangage mnagquai.A Weil. Arn surf, ioweyer, I ivalked NO Ç 6 e P LC asctn - ~ msuy useless les as a nesult o!fE àALI. -. Wy gaod-natuî-ed Dijt uim efforts oaR taL h eegtiipis direct me and iuy inaahlilît 1 un- Fso ~~' ~ .tenws1npîa tlscsttsd. Auyonc conternplating a E sn basianesstrsp 1inlRollandi extending 'I IEhT J W turler tisanlisc larger ecibfle.siould .I5E 1iiss.-i Afwmiue pn ebe able ta speak lit louaI ame Dutcbje en o So -or oenunan, ulsichis taunderatood tain> wl ea owSo Weil. Tise Norths Chicago police force.I A short de scription o! Iioiland badly erippWeStilla ueek, duto 10 tlis Mnay' mli isai you cisnot give os a'vsi-y toc largo a 9ar. * A I L 'IL I'I lu. repI>'té "un lutter of iMarris 26tb, seuilngup tise lette'. vrilteu by YoUr er.Lyman: w i a iss il fl ONE MAN CARS IS mrn0tb501Aprfl, MaanJn-f-s e Our RECORDÀT1 AR -grejt and we arc cure iltant enaugis ta carry usathrougîs ma ve do -Dot Tise folowing urtlele roua tise Cary. llsisk an ysunaill ten cent tisat ve couid ho able tu rûlcase vould b. a bd.. Trlisune<' wil bc reiid lu Wauke- bottant ta your. , gan vIthlS itrost becaùse t duais Tis. faot la, t-ou know. before r' 1 - iltiste openation of lise Safely cars ceiving tise laI car we horrawed sud isougist saune pilotfrain otson sources vici bave bren inatalIýd ibere : ta curry us tisrougb and *ticb v. iTise populanity o!flise '0e-in figured on being short of any surplus. Street car, apparentit- la spreadlng lta lPhe tact .la aur quota for thé entire every city a<i hponianc«. lunUte Uni- year, ve are, afnaLid la golng la fuI toi! States. Oni>' Ibis veais a aumber short of osaineeds alttuougb ue anejoa! l'affic odlcias ofa!tUe Chicago Sur- t'.ylng ràittit yab'.d ta Save printed anStce 16-esied Gary la laveestigte are running as sill a. pape'. as largeofthe p'acticailllly of tratier cire, and a part of tise lime as la-posaibie.- aise ta learn semetising about tis go, thia piper tisai w.e mgit o n1 one-man c ars. Whiel. t lnaslmasetl tise outalde ve bave filured on takiug certain tisat Chicago viii adopt tise Cire O! s litme Shortage visicis v.luse of on. thouiand tralier cars, nov mssgisi net b. abIle a gelfrosa rou.1 that the, consintte. bas reportad fay- --Nowevvrue wuttla de vIls ùou' rsiiy foleiuatishe visit. la Gary, Il piper exaxctly as you vouid advlae la a que'.>'aset10visetiser one-mýan and If a '.011 or tua ont of oui' allaIt-, cars uill be useS imm.diately.. ment for tises" tiroe monthe. vl dol Tbe repart on lbe successfsil oper- yen an>'-good yau u ay.b hmuredlation of one-man cars la Gary, as 'f OR US perior Quality ditiot( to the su- ity you cia al- a n findïng here styles of the ses- at Ibis store.pow ccomfort fdoryou & IYTC M,'r. m o SltiUI.Xqre 4 h y t 1 oýperatOr, coUffluty be la mure, The flatton\,wlde inove of Safety a4lert.: Then al"is thie u dlividte( se- Flrit la mateulally asaletèd bY tlit I eousblllty Cai fur tewer diiputes Operation 'o! onü-mnan cr C CrIS, andargumnents. to the report of thîulocal Comnpany. 1Collisions* i th vt1Ilc-]Pel ai Pbruht l'or-iflatance, collisions with autlqîno-1 b a liiilmups y t. po;ae u ý. nd -btie arenut or suchsris Reno9; n>ture,. p1ceewlth whic4 the Onu uaiscu l l The ligisî butfd of thse One-Win caryoperatell. BU-ythe High Quality Made il>.Waukegan Ice Cream'CQneý Madeof Pureat Products- Sweet sndý,Delicious -P irN i 0- M-- pl i üV--eyr--0oa AUl Orden Wholeul. m»d Retail Waukegan Ice Creani Cone C& I PL...U4 ladnlia" ,.h W INNES DRY GOODS CO. WAUKEGAN The ost or heLeait Bu Awas to CashJ 4"'- ' t' k' E' io i 1I UhS 0 lll tRI 800W. . 4Wtffl f UStfJKe Ul7i Pl, 'ad trust you ciiimoite it up ln sos.eou roquaetsovs UsaI the. number of laie'. silpm.nt. accidentasresuîtlng trus their -ep- Tours ver>' truiF. eratien bits beesireduced .la aàmsai-t - Delly Sua. munt, and shows up meet favorably. agaînit result ram'tuo-uan cars. M eS LEII ÀTE At praeeat there are etity lve' UUI 'SC lmEclleATU g ne-na cars. totsflta AaTaYvavue 1.0».SecideS t ni esne-man cire eU EASTER NYLID alvei>'. '4The.Gar7 street EstIvai campais>' bs tssud tise oeun car 10 'posse5 A RY THI WE K - j, dvatiges ubicis tue-mais care ÀRdoTiIISWbave. lntreased mlleege,.fw - Mr. andS Mrs. Andre purIn are sol- qulokes service. are oui>' a.feuoethUe. ebrttlag.kh. tiret Mnter.Sale ueSadvautael. la tir nmodrn, large store ai Ml.,- Tise report ofthesecouapmshaows .ntb streci anS Slheridan raod. 'ris. that -is, totaLl mîleageoe! am-s Pucin sotrsli filled ulth miute'. mer-, cmr fer Use year end.d iFeb. 8, '19; chandins for mois. vomen anmuild u- vas488172111'1110, wvisagmhesse for ron. isse-ng obtilned a complot@ oui- Itise twe-mau cm ars 1,047,913. Wbile fltteres stocks for tbe sp'.listuai.. 114 misomcellse accldimals reaule Slice M'.. ad Mr. Puçin have tram OP«Maiuof e!one-mnucaus. Ibis butit ibsir acu store tise patronaget report thonvu Uai 310 accidentà wve bas eteadIly tncreised untîl they axe 1connecteS ulth two-man cars. todaF enjoying a thrtving buainea. 0 Ccident occurred te evrF Th~e wvo i lueSielve.aisdeciotb- 35,604 peseeneers banied ln ose-min lag dIspIa>' giva tise patrons of tise cars. vihci carruloS 34 ,peru cent o! Pucîn store an opportu!5ltF te make!total paséeengus. Tue-ma, cars are mstlatactory setectlonà orPT'.pIODSina te'.edlted vlh nes acident ta even>' varieS tillte, colora. style.sLand pria«s. d7,844 passeagera baumeS, wvile car- STAT"~ENT 011 THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION. ETC. REQUIRED 5V T HE ACT OF CONGRES 0F AUOUST 24, 1912. Libertyville Independent, puhiiEbed veeki>' at Lihertyvîlle. Illinois. for State of Illinois. .Arl1 90 CounîF et Lake. as. BeOtre Me, a Notir>' Public lu anS for tise StalV anS caunty afortusaid, Peonily appeans F. G. Smaiths, visa, iavlug heen dul>' suor accordtng ta law, depeees and tasys tistaI bnIstise business manager af thse lbertyville Indepeudant andS tisat htifooung la, tis e boat of lits kzouiedge and belle! a' tru, atatemeul of the ovne'.sbip, managemnent (and If a diliy paper. tise circulation),.etc., o! tise aforosaid publication for the date sisoumnlu the ahove baptiop. requirail b>' tie Art of August 24, 1912, embodueS n secton 448, Pas-' tai Laira and Regulatians, prlateil ou tIsareverse o!fUstrin, to-vit: 1. ThoaItishe nomessmand addresses of tise publisher, edtor, managlng e&' lIa'. and business Mansger are: Publiser-Lake County Publlshis« ad Prlntlng Ce.. Wantcegao, Ili., EfftOr-W. J. Sumith,. Waukegan, ii/ Msnaging Editor-w. J. Smith. Waukegqp, 111. Business Manager-FP. G.,Smitis, Waukegsn, 111. 2. Tisat the ownerg are: (Gîve noms&e and addreseg o!fuaividuai Oua- ors. or. If a corporation, give liaeunome anSdlise uame ansd addresaes a! 51061.l boiSers ouning or holing 1 per. cent or mors O! tise total amoual of stock>, Lake Casait> Pubilsblng and P'.Inting CO., Waukagan, U1. W. J. Smith. Wiukegau. I1h. F. G. 8-m111, Waukegan, II1.- 3l. Tisaotishe knau. n odioIders mortgaees, an& other scnt odr ovuing or holding 1 per cent or more o! total -amount o! bonsortgaglers, aor otiser sec urlllesaÉare: (If there arc non., go mîte.) dmrges Tiser. a&m none. 4. 'Thot tise tua- Paragraphes next above, giving tisa nainesof lte ovni erg, sîocishoîders, £asd securit>' boiSera, If ais>, contaîn ual onîy tse lamt of atorkbolders and secu'.lty haîders as tisey appear upan lise books of tise coin- psiny bsut also, lit cases viser. lise stockhoider or sscurlby isolder aPpeana upon, Use bsooks of tise comn>'n as truste, O'. lu anY other fiducla'.> relation, tise narne o!flise persan or corporation fa'. vbou suris trustee ls acting, la given; aso tsaI lthe sald tuo Paragraphe cOntstu itatementa embracIng affintla ful kOwiedge anS beiiet as ta tise clrcumustancas sud conditions under visicis stocishoiders and seenrit>' baiSers wviso Sa ualappear upion tise booka aftie' consPany ns trustebN- bald stock and ascurit>' ln a capacît>'- oliser tisais tiat o! a bons liSe owner; and titis afflant'bhasna reason ta iselieve tisat an>' other piersan, asaa0cAation. or corporation bas alsY Interest direct or. Indirect in tiso muid stocks§, bonds, or athe'. secuirities thoan as 80 stated Vy bhi,. 0.-OSMITJ Bnsmacs, Man-goit Svorn anS suibs cîb.d befose sie -tislslsda>' o! Aprili1920. WAYNE T. STUPEY.' (SEAL) (MY tommslasian expireassept, 16. 1921. 3(6 incrh fancy colored ci-cis $9C 1.49 Hosiery for Ladies and Children Ladiies' black isa, spc-cial 1-adics' black nîercerizejl liste aI----------------------- - ---...........--..... ....... . .... .. -Ladica' silk hose aI $1.75 ad $r.98 Misses' liste Itose, black hnîawn, or Whie- 35c, 40c, 45c, 50C Misscs' incrcernzcd liste, black ansd whte caI- 59c, 65c, 69c, 75C 49e 59C Do You. Know THAT 'rHE U. S. GOVERNMENT DURING THE GREAT WAR USED EXIDES FOR EVERY, BATTERY PURPOSE? "Exide" Batteries maid <Exide" service is for Uhse who dc'.nnd tihe beat yei who prize ecôaomy. Make your reservation today for your "Exide" wliile ou'. stock is éliet-t*bî y aot-be enougis 10 go a'.ound liter. HOWARD SHEA, Proprietor, "Eide" àtey S(aton.-- 106 Couty Street, Telephm o44 m AUTHORIZEI> EXIDI SALES AND SERVlCE STATION CITY INTERE#ç IN AURORA'S î1 ,k' g; n people -anc inl îtt ?lie g as hul Iîthi ViliiîGi;.a anîd issil - ahi-h suppliesi an! sltiv-thi-eotiser iu'lcig lsmin t45 ic tbuad cepisol * 35 <-entaîVer lisouimaLs 1 .i bc- foi]î iWho are 1 gam, crmi'any are raisi t-s t hey fé th l As unuarnauted. Tise c itsr réuciiî for peirualP these i-s'onthie Iner pi-i-tua inu. Tticy ptin raws t,îtî'rlaia and t ànof- ýthais e50t isfoit. IVfauki-gaso l(4îî-'s are te-reste c' icau,'.u iL,- l Las îiln a arglè e inlu faet c""- ]oratml ns'i<uîlfoi- anI <craeP ravi- ln <'hiî" in,î aIn a t' k tifîc<ioî Il. KERN DEPI DISAPPEARA TIMBER IN j, ir -' t\if ."u' 3 u 5l l t, i. îL o ,r t] i-tIpifo b,lue iîsid lh 'iî-' lix i-a-' n irtei b lufjiji l a 't l t , j t * t t 1-i in . ;iiin o r . a It -n i i b in c-st t.,' il l av-b;efr t 'n". in) * fl'.'jfdî th- jeart uta - ca-pf 1. o Irgfboys h eIl i -, lil I, rai l e foo ar.d Tie Ardn Rils a] thîtnIIe(norvaiy VrtsiAd ca pf yi- îîu lriu g il i--yisctc]iatc fuundi aily hj-Lr'îî Il par Su ilji-utidi, and c 'i l . ] arr y piahie il il W Soa iiningiof taîîi-ipslinJulie. MNIN SERVI Éhat -a w mit h.- h. èhmý , imikv i id urp -Summer Voiles, 40 inrh fancy colored voailes 4o inch fanry colored voiles at------. 40 inch faiîî- colored voiles 4