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Libertyville Independent, 8 Apr 1920, p. 2

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.1 __ PAGNfl w .L ~I.~5Pi -I. VS - - >MORAIZED MAIL -SERYKE PRI3FERRED S.TO LIVINi<IWAtE. Wità i54 "r cet of sonie of the potofflo. um4plOye ot srius offices lualt.elied having quit thelr jobs to taie ethers that are more renluner alUve. it is no etoïder thâf the niai servlce le getting 50 Lad tbat tin- touvenenoe. tue public greatly. hem- pers busJiees and otherwlae causes one ho feel thai the mail service isnt what il ueed te, be.» The mail service i.s demoralized be- CLIce living wageo are àeuied- Congrese le not concernied because the publie and business Wcbrld .siîos Doa concero azainst tiis groas tact, cf attention to tbeir vial interpsla BeoSuse Congresa ,, t1csi4eîî psy Io postal empio>e ., an inadequaîte force canni dispatch yu.ir mail in Advancîng FrOm 60e la 'tic Per Heur Gae upon tu- îrbi tkeaitvanc-, wbi&.1 ni. an,-. redu(ii on in p.ai n cns cf promotion. Oubstitutes or iegin-. r 'ioit Experienced clerks .. .. 41v- hoi c..erks..............ý...i ii u A Clerik or <arIr n-r 11.1v vin oi servire teit es i-uv-. o eu, adIM- repv e - a t1<itban .lîr;n g ii, t-'ý year l ic)ntiti <1wil h i,- a living' sag.- Xiai »,%--i -kilt I. - - ee,-se-ý hîs îiaýi- u-. ait n-t, 1<J of livin(Lhtfs îi'dvtiie4*4T4 p,-r -i -Inre I -l.thile a hliat t- iluy i -1505cr of a po-lal eiîituIo, -iia\tiiii ii p'av i. bn !$ý>-%. j»r v-ar Do ,Not Be Misead. ('ongF<u, I i d.:e ha'. noi t<.un, 1)ti uiiîfutuyesan i.- i..en 1.1 LOBffYMILLE NEMENITIIJRSAY. APRIL 8, 1920._ Asêerh yauieelf and Ineht upon a mail service fiai serqes your inter- est-.. Poar pay, Lt preseni. resuIts la poor s-omI and poor aci'vIce. If the. mailt ers-la. rentama ail poor as il îin today, ina are resppnielle for il. This means; the publie and buiness Inter- es as Weil. URNECONERESS TO INCREASE PAY Of POSTAL EM4PLOYES The board of directors of, the. Waukegan anîd North Chicago' Cbanippbr of Commerce bave taken lbe malter of low salaries paid to ern- ployes 0! lieé postal depertment and have passed a resolutIan whlch they bave sent ta Washungtou urgIng .-nngres l lose no tinte ln enact4ng legielation wvhici willI resui in the i iipioyee of thisdepartîîîeîîîheng iiven a living Nage. rnvost~tilo. -natoniy -loy tire ICth;inber uofnomerce lier-. Liit else- Nbers-, lia.. showîî ihaf the enîî.iyes 1 of the potal d(pgrimen? 1are under- l iai(lîand the efficiecy ofthte depart- tmenît lo fbrealenpd unnesoesteps are i akeîi lu riedy th,. conditon. Pd by the local organizailun and sent 10 Congres: \i.berca- - Ther.- sinîuch agitation jiii iiiged in ai t is lie os-erthie quîestionî of adeqîîate pay for po;stal eîvpiny.-es and Wheî e-as the pre- sotîlu:- uopinionî1, baltUhesalariesi now-paid i empioy.-es ofthIe Postal n eçý ted.ei- That the iBoard o! Dir- ,-ctiàrs of the Chantier of Commercel f Wauk,-t,-n and North Chit-agodo i oi,- ur -enators and r-pi*eset- atives ta use th 1r Influence laward an equitahie aMdj ust permanent .g.- scalp for tbese u-îîplovees- ba-ePd Ii-aiitanad _ îîai n htie.pi eselît ,;CI ÂCDC HfiçiCDAiD'c WITII -DEATIIIY hor tii.-cominii'tc Ps el,'- i a iu .1 'Onu.. ~ ~ iJ LJFI~ inadequate Smage.i'. w1<ioneAJir ' n-., . - 10Fr the ensîîtng year. Wanf. fer sale, etc. ada.in the IN- (BU'TIlDEUR Pubiei bu-in-.5 - u-- iot DEPENDENT reach over 15,000 read- PC U ,T R SO mnTeO-a I 1-d erseac,, wee.k. - rETfL i dwarcîlT. P enki<ul aed 7, -- iIAS, ENDS lER LIFE: oSouh laven M i pa fseoi wa Monday aflernioon ai îwo ocioclc ait1 _____the homne of hi. daughier. Mca. Mca- I Tragedy Folîows Husband's un. f 518 Madil o i Wet. a Departure Without Telling - toele mii tho-r spening th <wlth j His Plans. daughter. <u 0leîohg-u th' - li-un hi, : 1t:i. d c-l< -i îtays ug. il--, and ii l cn ie -yea' i ui t!- e ast wee-k Nr. lPIenkowskY olddagherplaying about the roo-i, had bei-n unconwüiou- adleatb was adjacent tobthe batliroom, a Norti, flot unllaoked for. Chicago Iroother "ended t al'*M, In tact lutsun, Artbhur l'IenKos-K> iday afternoon She cOse de. InU:L>s-ho boîds a position wîth the treat-ur:, a asa mns of br.1,gin- a a <udd- department at Was.hington, h1)tC.. a endingt tawhat appeared ta hec 10 Le notarted atofnc a tcukegilnand i a forebouog future Letause se Sp- tatdatoc or-Vuea.H -parently lot her husbands affections, rieda Our ct k od: t i and because she fet there was -an. - 0000.,lt two hour aftt.-- hi-s ilo- Show other womnao' nnthe cpst. ssa. bailpa.-sed away. 'th nist ,agc dzih t--, ýjs 1a; ] eside- is widow, son ed die.uu platen othgChidagoi ti. as la. ,ter Mcf. PIenkowu-ky lissesa ,3ister, t ler nNrCjaonea.oMrm G . B.Cunnr- utof .utý urne.He s-as a brother oh the lite Nrs. \ X if doecafl require much irraginqt for. . pHHley. Funerzil -r il noi 01, tolepelture the Coman siltinglg n 1iiWednesaýi. iei. Ubtîle- i-r oPte t- 'bathrcomi near the gaS jet. kissing the lng. Interment at Union Gri-v.. photo 0f hem husbafld and shcidim,_____ jears on if; listenlIng attentively toi Miss Josu-taine Nk,-.uîi da.ihi, A W O R L D thie:aughing chA don the otlersaide of NMi. afrd ls Wt iî: IF Bof I 1'the puc-ndtere dazhing l ien G oSch lobe 0fal -ns n w r rA- adturnhng flie gas jet, ail the irbetCofr- nEU L isrg tep tr ýdgzn ,married Monday noon ali ne hbioe ut li ovingiy as slie hegan that las, b.h 1 tte\î lowaiil iE.: <an- lo slep. .lr rh iit-n . Tue youiig î-itt Bythe Golden Rule It dosntmquire nsuch 0f an i-wl ui, loý1huei Vkgn <xiii iiun t seh nr tttmgkelocsin. flot by t/hemiule of Gold thie inthtub w tîng 0.etat ter hat eddn" oselerf her flaId '1'HLTY dnamietiou ofthe Curciare nîtîg inhe lve n",ioe hte hch d0-I a -tîmiltaneaous caenpagn in the week of ADil 2-5th- te note sUc tet pl ar a gay 2rid. iK n.,throbb - fît w :e.erb. T ai, sr -îrang bcîrethe I. ,t -bcofore il.-- (t y- h tl , - ,-j,- ou i -l tFanv one édî-n,ntut.,i(î.t z tica.0 -th-b i. o. or nof c-lort; neo waste. Il.7 t . :a at dewr ite3- .. ~ , utilIý t î. - -at.îut cf . t 1hahnt lhr.r c.î.a le-nou ýa ftîn oi.- - u i-r a:., :U.- , tt0tciat -t,îoal un ilii teachuýngs of J-u Christ and Hîs Golden Rule. The-y ha- - - rd 1h.e courage ta survey the whole task, and te i,-,i for a budget large enough ta sustain (1) the wark abruad, (2?jthe work at hamin înuding the- church's part in .fle huge tesk of Americanizafion, (3) the colleges and (4) bospitals eupported by tie Churches, (5) the reli- giaus training of the young, and ta provide (6) a living wage for the Churchs ministers. Tie budZet je large in the aggregaf e; yet if each pereon who laves America waald ncrease hie contribution by only a few dolaruthe whole amnunt would be - eaaily eubecribed. W. face tie tasicof rebuilding the world. 4I Let lie corneratone tic a trong and vital cburch ini every Amnerican community; and the measuring rod by wiich tihe buiders ha ld muet be fie Golden Rule. u h ttd Finar'ria :u %e&INTERCIIURC1I World Movemeut of9 43rth. dmerica Thep t r>i.ol aI i f,4wrur u'rn n Y,-îde posible 4y the ~t----w ~ - \ 's r4- M 9' Liaaraîîs.îl. Ilu i.,îoillîad a< liantyis- -riiiii.,î'.-n a i -tiuil,- ie il cNru, y tsIhat ilii, < iian -îad l aicen. gau snd bal been dead for u-nably an hotur. WVbcn tound by Drc. Joliey, s- iad s pictule 0f -er huaband in ber band, cluiehiiné; i, igntly ai; if if wu-.-- the tact tblng she badl ttiught et as Shulders, èihe enieced that last sleep. And, an -ak n a chair ns-ar bier body s-as tound a note addressed ta ber Luslaand-whichCa iat alho iîLasn onne-of bec lasi acis- andi uinh tld of. îne welght ibat Nhen CALUMET a-as pressihng hec heart and gavetbe cornes in, ail b1k,,c causie ef ber derielon f0 *end t al" tobles take quc The note aplieurs in fulli n lte aild evetYroou ~ itning colunin. laed ad mu go n* h Neighbors andl relattives cair iatî era ad for aK Mrs. Davis bail als-sys bs-en .very de(- mtras o iWo vote tahecisband bat that of .es-a5yhh5gwithout fear laie Le lîad net sbaa o much intere.t 0f tlncrt any â uu.tma in her. hInlus-i. l tffhome Stîn, yujg*iite day nîncýtîiit-, informirig -lis wke tha. C A LU M E lie a-t golng ta tak.- a trip le Chf- w . -ao BAKINO POWDER RllivisstibM Lht e dldn't fell inuhbe .n bea--ait ii. wife whil Uc was poing ho visit In cetna ulla. Ifbats 5h. -Chicago or slien bu wouid .reuta. fIC flîit mte e bi This is lehonghi la hav bs-i-otheje- t nile1l' a e aiyecaivth thyl n-eumniting suicide. are 80fInarefi.dlOitbaha SeigluboirsI -ae ibti t rýs. Deivis i.f setyourmontane ybk. fr laie iasaiiutailýrnmarais iwhléh b ubed clieneafs shavebcSa orvsd cl.-arly iha, -t-feared thai be-r Lus- - effciallhv by te 1V. F band 5-a s i-juilntorist inber en- Authoriii. tirely andîl îuîul. litasesgi)ing araundTemaew'e b18 auil-i woueIUti.' ma b é t Every etoît sas Yiaade ta lacaeHIGI-EST the huéatnd Monday, but -iitliut suc- QUALITY cees. AI laisi, thia mornlng, lie re- Ii1in'-uhlîtînjei,- îuet Co blggest. abock HGES otf ils ite-,wb-n lie lîcard that bleiW RD ahibail snded lierIlite. fGeorge IHagen. North Chîcagu. fat-ci of tht- 'lu-ail-acinan. vent lc bei- humne tu siitlilu-r Monday nouai, i I ALL CiIURCIIES IN wetaa hnig htbsduhe 1I4i WL, ont visiting. .Later - in the day Taâit ber. The star dld flot have asey CT Ireble In eutering thç. home. Sbe u n LRL ftUgS e tteathast WhIle sihewas aLthtei homnelber sater. Lcte1j queeril. seena- Baptist Church Scene in Onte in .Dair-l ber ulster that ber Churoh World Movement, hlzband loft bomne Sunday morniâg- Conference. nt v iraysaiqadne ô _____ When lhe wotld returji. Iowever. aile The LLke Coalnty cofference of stated that gbe fulIy expected that the lnter-cburch Worl M ovement, ho woiid return the saine niiht Lnd la to, be Iteld la the Baittet churcià. â eemed trief triclian booaua h. Waukegan. Tbursday. APril Sth, be- had flot returned. ginning t 10 X. M. About 2 ociock. i 18 eLld that Mrs. This conference la qpen to the Vitih Davis ipfornied ber z-iter troat unei lic and every persan that la Inter- had vislted ber long elough and estedat! llII n the great foi-ward that It WL, time for ber togo home, denoninational miovement sbouid be thuse ulstser left for home. Thus present. au a trong- team of sDeakers if is apaprent that she Lad contein- will b., furnlebed by the st'ate orgall phited suicide before the arrivai ai iration. who wlll discuss the purPOseeher sister. and methods tn be used In raising 1Mrs. Dav is was 26 years afi age. the rnoney each d&nomination je toîShe leaves tw.o daughtere. Roue. give. The evening session beginning and-7, Md,-Mùzuie aged 5. She, l- ui iiw ibe Very Intreetng *LF i obîvve vler rather, husband lt ilIl conist of talks and lanterniandserai sisteî-s anti brothere. sld.-s of the conditions and Deuisoediqetw'lb eda h the world. No one .hould Imiss i nnql .iie hel sat h Petrosbius undertaking prasa Ever 'y Pe-o-peaing rhurch In the toibs Arvenlng. -ýew. Counity las upposed te be tepresented HaadArie,1ar Nw. by is pastor and ati- east two lay- John Davis. husband or the dead mer- preferable a man and wornan ;nnian. rehurned home Tuesday a. M. who lofficiaily rtpresent fiai churcb.ilie had ery 1111ta sa -Y regarding anid the i n coninuiles where the rel is moin1101<e in orniitting sul- ai-e tivu or more churches these churicdele laid Chie, tteiiuiiiieiest cbes are ..uppored to have apPointed sehi he~î..î . aepso a onîmuoiiity director of the cam se% eral occasions. paigii in the local field. He wenlii thie Pet io-.iius mîî,ue- At 4:3(0,p. IM. a.conference for M ue5d.ay and viewedj bis wife's_ t~e-yont-e he-'0 f -hil hrchsei nÏifTn.- o4fer iookîng aIt odw riefs-iTll cMtl-nis th rougir t he -foi-a -lit futrt- e fý'iisi- 41-is eî euhîg. fifwili al-o have Iantern Io be cai rled frin th-lie 1101gue. suand fine(, peakrs. Ail the yoting peopl,, of the city are urged toaten.Itwil lieled SON tOSES RAC tItctrh.basement. ONL S SR C . Distibutors for Lakne County G. C. WENBAN & SON Roorns, 125 Washington St., Waukegan; Phone 728. Lake Fore-st, Phone 22 Visit Chicago The Electrie Way Coovenient Schedul C'unnect at Lake Bluff TRAINS LEAVE swith Express Trains LIBER JYVIIE I10 CHICACO 8:2 a. in. 9-0 2 a. in. 9:32 a. mn. is. )4i . i 9i: 2,4 a.m 9:54 a. ~ Then. every hour u nt il: 3:32 p. m. 3154 p. m. 4:02 p. m. 4:24 p. M. 4:32 p. m. 5:02 p. m 5:32 p. m 6:02 p. m 6;32 p. m 7:02 p. m 732p. m 5:24 p. m 5:54 p. . 6:24 p. M. 16:54 p. m 7:24 p. . 7,54 p. m TRAINS ARRIN'E IN (lCG 10:4-ta: i. 10':4 a.ni. Il:-14 a. ni 5:1 4 .:i 5:44 a.n- 6:14p. 6:44 p. m. .7:14 p. m. 6:44 p. m. 8:14p. m. 8:44 p. m. 9.14 p. m., .. - .... a , . ....- . .1 .. Then every hour until 12:32 a. m.-, Iast train leaves at 1:27 a. m. for further information apply ta the CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE R. R. Libertyville Ticket Office Phone: Libertyville 74 e w Th th£ dri tin Th it( dri hun Th ami sar Sm ch.i -Oit Ba: Ch PA SOLDIERS Si PUZZLED OVI COMPENSATI Ntew Bulletin Expl2 vice Men Problem - pensation Inst la ordc-r tai ansWer Ii r îis:îlVlistu IlsUr,uý l01 ion nuallotîieni s t fi un.iii, i u t . Chae.- a-tai,-e-ii WE'llaci., bas ls eued a l 70 :jli, pa iexl- e as, bull. lini Nu 6,anid fri l a'i -nas yanIlul ,îng <I elcal lu-i an -cln. Thl î,arili - . r'-e ai 4liai g. sýt«i , bu a. .1 aîl ia.- r i . f (I tNational u.I- ln thi- bookic ti-ive an. b i i uui *-lltiîi,- hua îîcesî-nt insurace iml , the- six diffu-ren' f. nian e uf policies noir pi lauîs-d pollches are reins, The more difficuit sui Puii.tion il; deecribed eues ruament allawance pi ,%le men and women fç dh-ajbillfy in 1liue of dut, tirely separate tram etc war rist inaurance. Thý àu sba boy te, spphc fi -M 1 tbrug-th ýùied lic Health, Service or , 'Legion Po.L. The differt crompensation for tempor mnnetdisabillty ig i length' aund so-called pa tient disabllity, a. w.11. Cansaidemble ruisua .,eWJJSyehta oexilif am -'r r-men on thi- cub hi.-flatlofl when voc afioni *Unuiertaken. Compenshtia 1.iit under vocational noau eau e a RUSini 1 ro j) the hon-mni ni be andin sorni- caei-h,- LE a- I le mi pr on1 W IHEN y.ou purchase a ' Buick Meodl K 49, you Aind th.a-t no seeven passenger car can possibly give greater va-hu-e-better satisfaeticn, higlier- efficienrcy or-more e - finemnent of detail. With bea.utiful body inc:s-with lierge, cot-nforta«çt2 !s-,tLý and totineaus, assem- blud on a eflassis ex1uipptcd with<L ie farnous F3ick Val- --J> adMs--r thisrrr-e it 5V .--equir2 'ment dernanded in a dp~d.î tuuriiig car for use u!-.der A t-dî'n.

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