>e1llng straton of t h e Suction sw..po day on Oiurmi flone,. 1 Wraps t7wings ,ent to a public Lents -are of a ,-sented by this ers has made it" easonable for criais used. No one s the careful exact 9.75- 1s S iS. favored fahrics ach model rep- workmanship. stili have their rly carried out in a touch of embroidery tion, new in appbca- inents of thte season poplin, with [al Prices fode 1 it possible to offer ýding part is the fact~~ ed to. Bea<Iec and iome are tailored, t- while others are SU*mE ECOURT MALTS PRoUL. (armec1al t tii un.) Springfield, Mi., April 22-Tii. Illinlois aupreme court hm@ harided down an opinion rev.rsing t" * an- garmon county circuit court Wtthe Walter E. Çreefilfed Injunction case against Auditor of Public -Açotnt. Ruisatfi and Stat. treaturet Sterling ta restrain them f rorm paying the ir. C penses d f the. Zeon City legielative in- vestigation comnlýtte, *n rernanded th* case with direction taOgrant the injufictibn aeked for b'! Oreenfieid. The supreme court holde that te ap. pOintment of theii. iflgattion com. mittte. was aàudiclal funcr.,n and dldi net lie in1, i powr Of th;. generai asmembiy, ansi t rev»rseo ite opinion hunded dowss at the DecemWetoeIm when It affirined the. Senganion cir. ctu4t ceurtý This la à victory for Wil. bur Olon VOIIVa The Illinois Ruprema cort yoitter*ý day held the . luîry by the. Legta-: laturs tnt0 the affaira of ZMon City and, mot, partlc"lrly, lha LMurai overcegr, Wlber Glenn Volilas. vas -The. court'a opinion wasa aubntt.d * to Ipproprlate 310.000for the. lnqulry inte, the. ace-inaking cty's coadet. Th Ti.court holdoa ucli an investigatIo hla udiciai and oaSot proporli b. conducted by a eommtee of the. gem- erai aasenbly. Just before the ruling Overaeer Vo lly declared hlm 1tention of car- ryîng the, war Into «"ti.eemys country." lie, mgdethe flat derlaration that no cernent road woôld b.' cnatructed thrcougb Zion Clty aa long m the les- fiiIture feela it "an aiipropNéate alat, mnoneys to inventtate that city. In view of the coui-t'a ruli!;in t la s-@&Ueru var- telnefel. aeer wil l have pity on the 1'notorlau WIIO creer> along the bftd t e Gnl a 18 thwe (apaClty for mah-Inq ,treth ot ion lty rad a n l ru- ninelpody el.se take infinite pilltn.- Par IL. N'ew York Evenlng Sun. The Starting and Lightng Battery That Goes Into Your Car to Work TH ER E is no "perhaps" about the "EX IDE" Tbirty4-wo years of battery-building experience guarantees the enduing rightness of its every detail. It is buit to performi-smnooth- ]y, powerfully, dependabIy. "EXIDE" Service is equally practical. -The next time you require battery service, visit 0111 "E-XIDE" Service Station-or, better still, cail for a Free Bat- tery Test regularly. a l--m-iffle whfle .-you will eeme -te-iqpprcitie that "EXIDE" Service is reaily an important step toward more efficient and economical operation of!-the battery ln YOUR car. EXIDE BA1TERY STATION I. SHE.A, Prop. 1043S& County St Phone 224 4 :Someting More Than * Profits M OST men are in business for t he purpose of making money; yôu understand that; the profits are the objective. AUl right. The next question is - how can we make our business pay the best profits ? And in the answer to that question -lies, the big difference between business. We figure that a small margin on a large sales is more profitable than a large profit on each sale. We figure that if we serve our community by haviiig the riglit goods; and selling them at a - fair price; and giving each purchas er our assurance' that he shall have satisfaction or- money back, our profits take care of themselv es. Service, is more than profits; it's really the source of profit. DZPZN ALe et, -The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes Headquarters for Boy Scout Qutfits Visit Our. Shoe Department Largest Stock of Spring Footwear ini Waukegan THIS IS THE SALE WE AS KED YOU TO WATCH FOR % , iLOBrNiENT ALL WOOL PLAID SKIRTS -in the most wanted ncw. modols. Just the. ukirts to> wear with Sport $10, Coats ........ The Backward Season Lowers'the Price -of Women 's Coat-ssuits-Dresses Right When You Ned Them-Most- Cool Weather Has- Forced the Manufacturers of Women's Apparel to. LtGo"-Read the Great News, Our buyer was ln the-NewYorlr Market when the mian- ufacturers cut the prices in order to reduce their stocks and he bought.large ,as s or tm e nts of the choicest garments offered this year. The" iaikers Iost money to bc sure but thrwomnen of> Waukegan will, reap a harvest of savings for this W oriderful pur- chase goes'on sale Saturdayat actually less than regular whole- sale cost. Thin.f of the Classiest Coats to 'Be Found Anywhere atle T These are the popular Sport Côats-the kind every wo- man wants. The materials arc Polo, Cloth, Goldtones, Silver-ï tones, Tinseltones, Velours and mixtures. The colors are brown, tan, Pekin, Copen, rlavy and black. Some have Ieath- er belts and sonie have -beits ôf self materia. Don't confuse thern with coats you sec marked at 19.75 in rnany stores for these are thefeéverest new models to bc found anïd this ~ price does eèt cover the usu.al wholesale cost. Suits You Little Dreamed of * Seeing at I3 i 250 of the finest quality tailored suits- indeed they're far and- away the best val- ues we have eVer shown. The materials are ail wool Tricotines, Silvertoncs? Vel- ours, Checks, Poiret Twils and. Serges.t Everyone is Isilk ined and beautfully tail- ored. In the showing art exceptional values for *women With full figures- These suits can flot be bought in the regular way to, seil at less than $65-they speak for themnselves, corne and sec. Dresses That WMI Set You AI Talking At 7lffreW@ 01 Re an4 ne des1ra1b1e effec.t Qr colon is ornitted. 1~yre cýses of strik!ng îp-i 4s1da1 pd vfr>e %yornan wil want one at this le-s than wholesale pri.: sho*'winq feIgm b.u#d ffetae, teorgette ('ombillations, Satins, Foulards, Serges and Fffcotines: 1ý i b.<o. these-no doubt about that.. Don't mnisas eelng thcmn.- I LIBERTVILLE NflEPIflPwrThi T' 22, tg=-T no Piniird ibI. i- i______ LIBEÉ TYVMtE iXDjýiE» RNM THURSDAY. APRIL c* irvyn .19 75