LPERTYVRUL INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, APRIL 22,1920.PAEEEN 000000000000@0000 0 00000000000000000 ostent Tuesdayi n Nli.i- l3ý uzzer- apîseared i î-ienti, phîrh R 0 Mrs. hIL A. Johntion rft-urncîi horwt by lthe hîgh school -tudpnts. HAPPENNG8ÂAT Io NGLESIDE 0e0 R S SEL L- 'Saturday afternon. aft.-r slt-nliînýz si flîgh achool we its AsedFinliays(n .100000 000009.090 o0000000090 oo0 0 00 0 -er aldays with frlendsind i.-tariest-in-îcoun of.leicbers' meetinz. %I- /a + '~ ra. James Hye ntrailmdfur he MouRtRést cemetery societ,,Michigan. adhtt rîî ~ I trir. Richrdson f B uiii te( lt Jernw>n. Carde were playedr.and a dain- day and was weIi attended. Mrs. Dix vil pnSaudywrTh. Tefea oJhnMCv a, P. E. M11LOERBANDT. Cor. ty supper served:MIra. Goll was award on bas the- nexi meeting. in May. entvtiMr.pand Satrday. ithýl. l "rr behid ai the- churchWeied Ordes lkenf*i ob ork f trsothonore, while Mrs. Klin took Mrs. PFrank Newell entertained the Ms ap os .tîîte-iv Mrs Carnie Green tisitîcti rs. HtlI Advertieinc Rate. oen Application ine consolation token. Oakdale cemetery society, ast Thurs- jalernoon wîlh ber moi hi, rIti.t en McClure the- latter hart of fast ____________________ W. K. Kimbaili a fani motored day. There waa' a large attendance. Roose. week. t0 Lake Fore-st Ilun day to tisil Mois. tý,an Neweil bas returned front Mis CoraGosswillicr 1 1, niTek The Senior Ciass of lte high t-briol Tuesday night a grelottcelebration Kinbalihe narents, wbo bave just re Volaadj !ih oeo i o, 1eni at the home of ht-t si-t. t (i il! gise a itiay nexi Friqiaý nîiot was gien In bonnir o! the nfl.w min - nturned front Florida. Frank.M Bonniwell. Mt, Sltrnenberg and ti iml% relurnei biers ofthie raYKeIi't' i ulate boa,( Mrs. B. Norton entertainistiMre. Mro. .5'.Browe bas re u * 't4e Ms hrsM eitt t :~ front Texas Friday niglit. Large ctowdë gathere i on 1 i,'tic1-'e1, Martin of Chicago 'Saturday and Sun- re ole isCaaM el;l , irii:réétnadahv -t ieTL a.home Ina Wadsworth. htti sister, Alie, te i tt ii t rtan Mrs. Lewis. mother of %I. L.i tluî àatn an h.- bi tr st dY iti tai in (*hqicago Mordit. -ii.-î . nho îlie<ilac i Tititi ti>:aas liited The elettofl r ;L:; î tr t The- dance giten bý 1h.- Teunt-Mun Mi. ani Mors. tRoy AI.'otk calleti a, r niMs r~ij-. . ult i arntttî-tttSna lîtis tié,rk AI. I. <loti' t 1-til, t ii-irAssociat ion was lthe gi etc ut-ces ii- ihome of H F. Siver, Suntia> M 1r î and Jiti.'lta O rVa I e.1;l t- - ii-i arernao W rrnon.! truste-e Lten.lI Richîardsontt, G.Tl of the- swason. The Fox hLake- or-bes NI. andt sIt. Oriie Koine anti fami I'iTh- cé ne,-i tr-iSu- tts wi llWetnesi Thoni,aandi Geol g.-I rnl.t-tet ilt' tra furn isfiedthie nuiît, ant li e cd IN antd Eai iP-ley > st(l-t. Sunda> - - da,. md itte Lt t-.A ilT litr.tla>s luIt.t -n ran Heck. Wt-thliei'alae 'tht- bt-stt-"wIli -Mr..orris anti fantit> Tl- 3 1 00000000000 L oo o~ tFt-nltn antiTfIl. 3. ixon Mii oltiti boii>undtIhititi u. il tlié- Tiih et-chotu elecitin sas belli fast t itk Euae-ne hone sith tt-int he lad 0O0O0O0 calleti for jurysertie t inIli-lecict ii tt-mt ai. .- , SaIeld~ay. Mrsa Wili j îiiSt railtiti as has tnt.sien t a taon thiit îî ji toiili t->.j-o * G 0R N EEO t 0 iWaek-t nN it rht- utî, t.t-itie 2tt, iitf i i i Teéiai m t'<ýtoit Laura it oiits-lent a tari i lat5i0000000000000 'ooo o -tettn ;r, the it-tt*.itiýI;t- tntk t .-niii. t-.it lii tThé-,t iî-- - i - t Mrs i Ia>t-k sa a (ltta e tt l -T-ci in i'ctnîtislit n iiIi i .t îî- nti - ý n ii h t I lle ii, Cltnd tlil ttit attil.ndiNi, tValitiin , îetî s Sairi assisting litii- n stina -- iiln htii Tl'iie-niaq,1ons hase tliti l>! iît k "n patling. ai ~h.-t ~ - M - l 4Mi -îîi aai a t r n i- ioi..- ttfnadaiion -fur $1. t -i îr hail -.-- Ituc - il 'i. ill ri ENtilý i t-ht . 1- 15untiat wilh tIlle ,iliel's in-iaNr, E A Ett'. Ttl tI- Ti j start'store.I E S i h sip n e' t-nitt.-i- Il l e ii. diti li-ni StSanion oi'SNtrth Chicagot Oiveîr, of\au'î-tf atietdtili he IThe' irs! numbeiro If Er.--lsinWtt t nrie-. tIe t- ml u-u itt m î itt ii .î i ,ttint Sutit;is htr-t. niet'itna tt l i -t lti i t -ttli ili - ; -i- MI,(l ý.t ý Ni ant i s.ie 11,n Sîli-Is -andi chu i r'r,. iettît-, P iii Titttit î. h t!iI . unflai yt A nuîibii-r o t'f îi'fré iî t tu-ai Il Lh \ - . - i.ýi:I l iinadian titi 'î--N!îtis-ti \h ,hidt t-tcî1h,- futraitif Nrs u telit fox.hvetae hi andit i liati é.'1 Lakt- W etttha-vTeî tttatt nttî I2~1JT.- 000-0'.000000000oooo 0o the agency for r.î it 000000000000000000 1-tIt ;I-- i k ItIilititli NrItim i L - lUi t iti tiit t' tr tIiM ,--nîl - - tt lit-lt l-t .,it r-iî!.itt-- .tii tri li ttit ittttttîtiNI V k <, i-- adii i nt - ttI tiI -ti iamiuttlitIl- a iid lti i , lillo tii- , - - - - - - - - -- iI- - - - - . t I-rit-- S tý,g p, pa a ; !Z, i N iiritr. tte 'Ir- Gt;I il 1i. 1,ilt, ut' it r-Ig battery trouble.,vie wvi ýna -le gtad -- - - - -I, i. t-, .t;11 -,iln ,a-e ,',,u zil tie-tndttelttus-i t Xl o . - - t--- u-e- - - e, - -~-~'t - 1.i NTOWING AND WRECKING SEJeVîCE NOTES JRCI.' HILDEBRANDTS pli'- -iI - -- ýi.11In]AGENCY- .P uO G STORE. NI 'j--'. tr - - - t, iIMU Oldsmobile Touring Cars and Trucks U. G , t . - loodyear Tires U'. S. Tires N\,.- li .. Triple Action Springs * THE !\OEPE.DE.*iLIBEtRTY VILLE ilii moit wdeiy read nevspaper iriioin t. i-t - GARAGE x Lake c-, xi -it.i. --- --"J . ENR.Po TooX6lt o o o XO Oo s3al, Z) X o -lii-J. N.-BtE'NA-D, - Xl i- '- t tva it- Phone 202 LiherîyvîlIe, 111. -- - 7 _ _1__1________ ____ ___0____ ____ y Dr. T. E. Butler I ~ - i)NTIST 4lf1 The Security Bank and over lhe Atlamtic and'Paclfc Tea Stores WAUICEGAN w"iéhe is havng reuodeled and WB eis ethe cu of à&practice nMay. ThIOO nterestî, particularly q tho,. whe advertsed Dr. Butter r lad g4i practice and- the town g for foo. i P. E. HILDEBRANDT i DRLIGGIST REXALL GOODS AND L40UGH MEDICINES St&andad Books Fancy Stationevy CouIecdi..ey Toilet Artice. Pefu.sy Don$ and Toya r PHYS1CANs' PRESCR IPTIONS CareIuIly Compoundedj THE REXALI STORE GRAYSLAKE, ILLIN61S R. WENDLAND GROCERY AND MARKET DEAUII( IN G<encrai Merchandise STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES DRY GOODS, NOTION! BOOTS AND SIIOES MATS AND CAPS IIOSIERI Country Produce Bought and SoId Phone 107-J - LLNOIS1 M ILBoUR W,1 t' lt- iiii'r-- ;- - i i lT-., A h n rIt-i t' -tit i- l rt t ' ; tIitji-t I L- i- r r - -l - a- r i ori.- ftin - tuIoo ti Titi No i 4 -. 1 NutE. A Nititin antison, Rit-hard peiiî Saturda> andi Suntia> s lth t- Adtams fanuiis ai Chic-ago I.asn The Dhennians cttlled on Mr. ant iMrs. Edmi nDennuan. al iItbcniîtýille. Sun Mrs. Etina Stewart-I'eniher. site of li,r n h'embehr andi daughtter of A. H. lt-s-art, or Ntiihiburn. tiieti AIru 11, ai t-r htonte n Aithurs.tîlOhto. Thefu t-rai was heid ht-rt-at i te cburcb on 'ednesdav. Aîtrih 14. wîîh buri a Millburn ceaîetery. She leaves t0 aourn ber dealli; ber itusbanti and fathen; a si-tIen. Ml-s reneTaylor, of eiy Lake, 111 ; iwo broters, Rosa and Ls-buî-n Stewart. of ('htiago. and many -t-lativies andti t ientis in tliiaiçinil y '5Mrs- Kale Lewsa an olt rt-aident of ittut %i iînit ' - (lîidon Thureday evening of last mie-k antisas hîîricti. Sunday. frtîîîîlit-r homîte. t liet- tnrienthelng in ;ýtirr t -nienit'tf,-tîTut-- peuople tif iris ti il s ext end so>mçiatyii ii.- t e b rat d ftt tiiy> t onstîlidattil dst-lt utitirit-t No.24 lii aîn ci i tn i i tteainliie-M a- tsn i t-talI,-Sai uiditt t' -nînga A tri i 17. i %vas ont-orithi li litlet-ate-et tions et-ti teit t alihtn 107 vt oes s-cnt-cast. tut 4 weri- deteclite, lt-a'ina but lOti tI) eturvi Tut-i-ttt tre tiîree olfit-ers to 'het, a tirî-siitnt andti l'odit-piiors. iiFo, stI'!i ('la t-tnie onnt-n î-ec,-jv- -il 57 voies tandîi W i. ,n Hitut46; fot diîîcors, . F. DI ittnnrt-ct-il eti71: E.N. C'annoin. ti;,:S 1. LeVut>. .7-itW. -I. P'ope. T. îtndiFraîtk llàusct -. ý 000000000000000000 Thie tilixi aid sotwlts 1111.1 ai t li1- :iiursh îtn 't'ttIiîu-Imix ai t,,t nu(it Tit'ee sili he a sot-iIl iniitlit- lit-ti fu 'rue tîeii'nî ystici lhi ii tiî,i itontl meeting on riîursdîlafwrti - ttîtn ai lthe clîu c-h Mrttnsl Mrs. 0. L. iltel-:-k tatt Pol iiI~Ilt-nn eeiithopping lit .'tu- si-i. .înSitituitiittîcmro ingi. MitssFrtances Scweil t"i RuaaVlIIet-n flie wtek t-ndil tîiii.- boute ut bel, ganiiiuther M rt. cGtul e. Mr anti Mirs. 1). Tlîoîîîîtan sîtent Sutut ia t (ie-bornteof C(heo.Tîtoîtpson. Fiazier HoIhenbeck, wiîî, latatend- ing school mn Kenoslia, crient tht- wet-k ent d itb bis Itarents ire ut-Cuorners. M fr. and Mrt. Frank St-tiidltîîitai ily calit-tiai the McGuli-Poniu Suntiay afternoon. '.Ir. anti Mrsn e.ltrt Rd s tiiil-andltain- îly citent Suinday in Wautku-ran. Hernuan Pauheen oi Kenoslîn n trt' In ibis j.elnhty Sunday vielling i-tla -tivseanti friends. Johin Shocut, s-hic lias ht-en oîn litS LA.KE VILLA VICTIMS RESCUED Kzdney, liver, bladcler and uric acid troubles are nIost darigerGus be- cause of their insidious attacits. H.-ed the first waring thcy -gve that they need attention by takimg Tb@ wottd'a sndard rernedy for theua diorders. will clen ward GOi these dia auie and ettengtheri the body aaiùns futibar attCk& Three silan, ail druggislu. j.é f.e "6. .GaiaM." i- .-MYbhm Obed lent? Ampu? lectrical Applianee bopmos buaseii, înîmedi- ately when ynu coaflect i îI te any Iami, "effet andi tutu on îlie current. Economical? You won't consider the cw jpence the- u-e of any tiC (1!ofht tii vsilI adtit > ou r itioxthlly I ight bill*. muuille-ss to pay for the sjfae-oin it- afforde;. We Sel ýAi Electrical, *Appliances Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Irons, Percolators. Toasters, Cooking Utensils, Fans. Portable Lamps MN>TIILY PAYMENTS Public. Service Co. of Nortiiem Mfios ENDORSED BY A VAST ARMY., 0F SATISFIED USERS -titmit('harki-,. Maquoketa, Iowa, ciî>s:.*The h4s'i)tTo the-women -toks alone us Worth lb.- Irice ot Delco. Lizlt - Auto. -Eiectirie lights in the týain ai ei- finesi lhing in die worid itp hn ti istock aI nigh." Wrtte for- Cataiog - - -- - NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC CO. 232 N., County st. 124 N. WeOUt Phone 607. Phonoe1O5mm WAUKEGAN. ILL. The- Farmer and Mis Banker The- faîmiei's banker 'ttelcomes him as a fiend and cus- tomer, grants hirn the loan desired. or extends the loan already ma.-le, so asi te permit of the purcîtase of still more land or stock or mîchinery. The co-partnership between- the farmer and the- banker is mutually pleasant and profit- able. Farmer and banker are dependent upon each other; tit,- farmer for the loans made f rom lime to time; the banker for ihe farm at-posits which make bis bank sound and stable. -Thisi a a Farmer's Bank The Citizens' State Bank of Aiea Phone 243 Area, Illinoig e.. .............*See*e*OgeSBSO*BmemBBaU..SSSS0@*OOS0~ i. Philip Jaeger General Commission Mer-chant Established 1958 S l;'LiIAI .,atîttnion gisen-- <o île- s;le tfi I)it-sed Ioga, t t ) ' I-t i i t -r anti Eggs. d tii-i of cf onsignmett- t ip-i - 1, tii t itiî-hed on a.. t tîtîl r. ýohlý-iora9e P'TEE. Stails 1 and 3, Fulton Street Wholegase Market, CHiCAGO, ILL. a OUR HOMEITOWN BOOSTE RS SThese Merchants Will Serve You Quickly and Serve You Weil W. F. FRAN, JR. Latiier - Ceai - Feed e What You Pa-y For- Teleplione 50 Lbertyvll,M3. SCKANCK HARDWARE CO. Hardware and. Fana Implements, Plumbing and Steam Heating Tin and Sheet lion Work Ph one 39 Libertyv*fle, M. RAY N. SMITH Shoes of Style and Durabiity For Men, Woinen and Chuldren North Mlwaukee Avenue. J. B. Morse & COMPANY Gents' Furnisbings and Shoes "Everything for Men" THE BEST 0F EVERY- THING TO EAT KTRIGGS& JOHNSON Loyalty to Oui Community If we purchase oreui eesite and lazuries fri.. mail order bouses, we are mot loyal te oui associates in.the couuuaiy, because we dmi. show nap appreci- a&don of théendeavonslt. upply the. siqeibers of the. tikri.nty withef ii.9.t. W. are not helping oui amocWaes te maintain thé estAblishmnents, which cau be smccessfully operated euly with oui z-cr and. suppott. If w. send oui dolars t. the mail order bouses~ we cati only expeci that the tinie wil quickly couse wÉem we must send to the mail eider houses for ev- erything we require, because it is only natuimi that oui local business bouses wiIl become discouraged if we do not patromize tUic. and buy oui mierchandise frons thern, and go out of business. Wlien we pay our dollars to our associ'ates in the commiity, the store-keepers, let us do it cheerfully and wvth a feeling that we are providing for our fu- ture welfare. Let us forget the attract Ive and often msleading deýcriptons in the catalogues of the mail orer bouses, and remember the kindly. friendly spirit of our local dealers w~ho strin e earnestfy 'te, mnrt Our trade and who, when everyîhing lias been carefully analyzed, give us mucli better service and more satis- faction in the end than ive can expect f £om the mail order houses. TRADEAT__MOME Support the Town that Supports You * ____________________________ M M a a a F. C. NORMAI 'roeiies, Fruits, Cuïs Tobacco and ctipis REE MOTORCOMPANY HUPMOBILES Telephene 8 H. W. RORBINS WOODWORICIN COMPANY Wood MMi Produ cta Exterior and luterior Fiais I ANGWORTHY'S Variety -Store WILSON & OHM~ "Fords" and Fordson Tractors Yor a 'ýigger, &etter ~briiI a u e.. w a-il de & ny DES Z?1,S SHADES in the bnines Winnetka, IM. nsurance ciation rRACTORS ~lask Accepted. e ~ i--fulhuwing- n ta Need and entative tTYVILLE, ML. I ATIVE'TO YOU. Gia. Ge-eth ema ms the colt. PAGE SMýEN-' -.1 1 .... sick list, is nearly well again.