CAUSE 0f WHIJTE PLMiUE -CASES National Association Sees lung Menace Until 'F lu" is Wiped Out. SiLous-Medical swience must devolop sorte nethod for exterminait- lng or coittolling influenza, if 4the fitglit againat tulierculosista je be gecessftisl accodling to speakers at the annual conv.ention of thTe National Taberculois as.socia Ion ber today. tt stetts show tUat influenz.a bas been th, greatest mingle predisposing factor in actt'.ating clinlical cases of the dicspse durtng te last year. t S'aq derlared, approx:nsately 28 per cent of 7ý,714 patients adruilteil ta syle $ anatoa for loing trouble having litd Inflenza. kExanitnationl f pont in fluenza cases, it was asseriel. ide- Velnp tha t (5 per ccent were iîfectud- wilh te tubercle bacillus.- In ant addres, àssrted that every rase or Influenza, unit fOliOwed bhy rotupletere.,toratton 10 healh vi a- a ta re.bortablv sht tlime, stioul"d ',suspecied oi ha> tng active tuber- culokîs. itleso it can be 1>oven aiier- Gt b.î eadwn v eould 11e mode in C11.0- king 4e ste cad 14 tuberculosis. if thée etlilpil .o flarge forces would t lc, he %:111,of lia' ing t bell eni- plloye3 ittdet go -xanilnalion., accord- inu o lr. John S.itllings. (lrector or th,' New ork TFbrcuoost a.socia- ti,,s. 'tatty -n .,tae, ina t tWaY. deoctel , b1ho .ircPient s.-é.lie declared, and pr1esr attention effects a 'o,1iiIPlte cuis. Th,-.alue 0 of tîîs infor tuber- ru¾î,ss as àdîronsrated, tu the anny. %Maï. Ralptt C. tiatson of thse arnîy medical corps .a id in un a&- dreas., tie dracase leing practicalAy elimlinated froni osen exainined . 0f 00 . ni en who wPr0 etanlted on th eir entran(1e tnto service, lie sa530 but nine were infertel at the time of dischflrge. whle of 5000 mien flot exzmined on cntrance, forty-fAve ca5SCit were found at the tinte. of ds- charge. _________ Lake Bluff Bargain LM IN A.SUoURD FOR SALE - 8-roorn modem bungalow. $, terms; 6 mont new home, $3000. terms; 7 roont modern home. $7,00:>, FOR RENT - 6 room mrodem home on lake front : 8 room m.,dern home; 9 room modern home; 9 roona surnmer home 5ur- n,1-ed. B. W. BURRIS LAKE BLUFF PHON-i' 816 1mmediate occupancy for ati of the above. $ 5.00 Nesco Suction :wt-epcr only 2,e95 ~EMITCHELLS ARE 'STEPPING ALONG '1/ Thie Mitceettboys nI Milwaukee--Plnksy. tchie sud Bllly-- are stepplng iight along.. fichie knocked out 5.4w ZdWardu. Ans- traîls.. champ, wblplsed .Yahnny Shepperd. CEnglIslA champ. and shaded-Willie Jaeks6n. He wants to meet Bennle Lealiard. Pinke? looks 50 good a Cldcago'malager, wasste&te bueyl servIces for .$10.000. Plnkey Mtan ,ds close ta IR feet andi wetzba 135. Brother 13Ily As manager oif ichA. andti Pnkei. DIVORP-JE J'IM3RASING IN U.SCT LEADS COUNTR Y PERCENTAGE OF DIVORCED PEOPLE IN COUJNTRY AND CITY' V.L«&s Wesl4 sumlis 4la .Number ci Uahopsiymursais That Ameica bas à larger per- census. 18960 were fromn u1ban centage of divorceti pmrsns titan any centers anad 151,623 frimts e rural other coutry in the world, wth the sections ai the country. Dfvorced passible -cxception i japais. is the persans madie up onie half of ose statement mnade in a report issued by par cent oi the entire population. thie Interclsurcit Wôrld Movctnent o! That may aaund a reasanableai-. North America. whida bas been loseance but it is a gaod deal mare; nsaking a, stàdY of faniily life in titan atiser countries aUlow thean-' chties. selves, and far more titan thisi The divorce question was atudied country permitteeti tielf years ago.- as part ai the survey canducted by Sketching the 'sing popularity ai' the lnterchtirch World Movegnent th divorce camurt4the Intercimurcis on wich ià based tihe-budget, repart points out tAat ini 1U8 there M aut n 5te eggregate of -cre only 27,919 divorces granteti $36777.52 of thriy co-operating in the Unitedi States. In 1906 thse denaminations. The churches con- number had jumpedti t 7Z062, an cerned are endeavoring ta cise this increase of 61 per cent, wherss thie &mm t0 bc applied ta their mission- ncrease in population during theý ary. benevolent and educational en- same period was onfy 30 per cent. terprises, in an intensive financial WVhen Uic figures af the present caknpign the week of April 25 ta renssa ppar thseems. probable May Z that thterat e nrmsse idivorce: Th repart shows that city people will be found ta be even'iger. are sigitly more addicted bo marital In autlining causes oL tise sncrease troubles than cauntry fo"Lk The the Interchurcis report points out are an the lead In the procession that 'Uic 4am-"r, the veut baseicn- thraugh te divorce court b>' a ma- sttution oiftuvlîzation..s facing an: jority t0f thirty-eight thousand. 0f entirely new situation ii the modemý Uic 341230 divorced persans in the city, where home lufe is excecdingly United States at Uic time o!f11e last di9lcýî uli mainwan. L~ - .I' $5.00 Alurninum Tea Kettle --orly 3945 $900 Lnk Spring Veavy frame. Special only-$5.95 Spt.cial Displày of frosted and Brown F ibre Reed Furniture, $1 4.00 Feit Mattress Combination centre. Al sîzes - only ...... -.$795 Our Trunk, Stîitcase and Hand bag display, is by far the largest in the city. $35.00 Dreasers, large Mirror-Golden Fnih- only ............- .28.95 A Duplex Alcazar will aolà,esta"r Kitchen wor- ries, Sec ià denstrated. Exclusive Agerti for Duplex Alcazar, Jewel Stoyts, Sellers Cabinets, Glôba-Wesik* BIookcases, Simmois Beds, Stearus-Foater Mathi esses,- Way-Saglesa Springs, Lloyd's Leoni, Products- and Cook's Linoleums. 'e mo..:.d Ils NorthernIlnoi-dratestý Store For Wom<m-and-Childeen The Cape Fo0r rolàoomw, Woukogan'a Grat est 2475Sale Cý,oats .Pr Capes in Waukegan'.s (reat est Ready-to- Wear Department Coats to $2 5.00 Qats to $40.00 95~ - Çoatsl o $60 at. The Ineffale charm o! these styllsls cots la daily attmtctn large nuifl bers of women afld Misges desirable of comblnlng low price wlth hlgh quai- lty and i umolIt style. Here you will flnd itundreds of bandsonie modela li-. Polo Cloth Tricolette ýsilvertone- Camel'a Hair. Popin Goldtone Wool Velour Mixtures Wool.Jorsey 400 Suits Marked for Clearance I In a Great Sale' Suits up to $40 at Suit. tg $65 I Suit$ to 85 Admirable,.new styles lu serges, tricotînes, wtxti poplins rhecked velours. wool Jerseys ip paneled, braided, pleae m embroAdered Jackets wlth new Mens n PocTets and beted ef- fects. Because of concessions granted us by mnanufacturer, ln consîderatlon for the late arrivai of thes suits we are able ta quote these lnterestlng reductions. -1,200 Dress>es In A Sale*!!ýI Dresses to 27.50, Wool Jerseys,' Serges, t Tatifetas, Satins, Crepes 118*75 i i Dresses to 22.50 Woot Serges, Panamas Sil1k Poplins, Taffetas 14.*5O W r I)resses to 40.00 Tricotines, Serge, Crepeà Satins, Tricolettes L LA VOLUME X\[L WELCII OBTA] Staie's Attorney P Momnicide Case* His Term of ( l',e ins tb-liig iL. tVeleh sald he woutd u dat.- for r.-el.ct ion, 111, 'here hee ben foui 1 ake County, whiîeh1 1.ti!d and in ,every ras vas secured. this i lî, wtlir.h he can point wtt The flrs( tnurd'sr Sites &uof'neyWeIci ullen tu prosecute va Jm ni »SmaaAa. charge derP??eUY SuaPouse 7s, , . gbbAng t] case vas trled in 1917 belnir impomed-jiarcb 2 wh a Sertvaaîs pleade testUony had bei Louis Smith was mid der No> enster 30, 1911- ail panagokîs. touai 1 ..Iat5gh'"r anid Seatenc lu) foit.-teen years in thi keonard D_ a Su A>-.2.1917. 'Ar ho 1 ait oIt.~liyrown, . a151' 1, Thomas aM thp Ssrtir âhogting, waý 4,4115k en'IA' Chall , ! tI l; iii 1 .John t4 ::ýn.g.wai , c br22 4of th-- r, r 011 ~ ', î ol 4 LýiC t 4'4] AIliiany onu r *,h,- Iot vy-ai l. Amer eia ICI .4tIn M L- 41 ree0 .1 A, . . p'rt l0î, l i fi, W ,' t , lC, lt: IC gei ) i w.-.-.Ilo'ae tra .r to-tI ', Il uor* >-î. .1 .. cî. reat li s î lrIi r u or uh ua oa oarOa tie q i' -rlie lans il Illie hetter for ilses rIIeoa Ite sent tO kee AleUIiI-e, e.koan îia . whleeîr they o ,un7, i s leetr 011 r ha, tripe. icîreadini pocialisiii and th1e lilt t;lni IiieSs %ho ari i ii ntitutions0 for w lîtrli, t is g0felrr cd nd foir wliîch il Fi'tteSiho cot knî_,wîne -ncthifg of r-su:s atileasily f, ehi,-andi bolshevist t und&rworld, andi ther ,rîw., slîould guard 7-,iit)i>C îeans. STh,- forei-bori e- r camarinfg for knew not of. ncuIa eti andi homesick ina, poison viruis that s l'h-y tamn then frosi of the.' Ione-seeker. 1 !.,,)bitter bitters Io tkaf offer thesi 86 ýhsbp'r uinds are 'Pol barks turtied to thai of inestimable valu neyer azaîn Cee the tliet would gladlY 111 "so~hof despond " rte se ums of out tepminx wlth t4110DM tunaie people. Who ignorance. f yau *111 ruptian of evîl and 1 ta lire autalde the pu learnkIng nothing of i neaple of the Unit tbev came ta malte Thse large cteesi Our Spring Homso-Clesning Suis WiIl end next-Saturday and o ur s uggestion to you is to make' your selection now for your future, needs. oos:Siorsi Fres anidoBelirel -At Amy TU.. m L aini e st S t t, r